View Full Version : Bison Fan Day

08-22-2003, 02:56 AM
Was anybody else there?

It looks like the "Code Green" towels are flying off the shelves.

Any takers on which player had the largest signature by far? :o

08-22-2003, 03:10 AM
I was there! My longest signature was by #4 though I can't read it. I thought the code green towels were a hit too but I wonder how many people will really use those throughout the season. I loved the intesity that I saw in the players, when asked they said that they can't wait for the season to start. A few of the transfers were suprised by the fan support, guess we just take that for granted!! :)

08-22-2003, 03:38 AM

Are you sure that was a #4? That would be Willie Byrd, the corner with the 24 karat smile. The player that had the largest signature on my poster was signing right under the word "FACE" on the poster. His signature was the largest on those in front and behind me in line.

By the time I was going to get a couple of "Code Green" towels, I couldn't find anyone selling them anymore. Guess I'll have to wait until next saturday. I think people might be more apt to use them if they have to pay for them. Everybody would throw away all the promo stuff (thundersticks) after the game in previous years. If they end up not selling well, at least their presence will be consistant throughout the season.

08-22-2003, 01:50 PM
A coach will also be signalling the crowd to use the towels at certain times. Watch for Coach Mac on the sidelines!