View Full Version : UND commerical

08-17-2003, 03:34 PM
I caught a glimpse of the und football commerical this weekend. Anybody else seen it? If you have what is your opinoin on the commerical?

08-17-2003, 03:49 PM
Where and when did you see it? I have not seen any UND football promotion yet in the Fargo area. Absolutely none. No billboards, no radio ads, no TV ads, no in-store promotion (The big Scheel's in Fargo has a display with NDSU schedules and nice glossy tailgating/ticket info/ordering brochures).

08-17-2003, 05:17 PM
I haven't seen it yet but I bet it's not half as cool as the new Bison commercial. The F-M area is already too saturated with siouxage coverage/promotion since a lot of Ralph U grads end up moving to Fargo to find work. The Scheels in Fargo carries almost as much siouxage memorabilia as they do Bison but you won't see that at the GF Scheels. They're ralphadites 100% and rarely will you see a Bison promotion of any sort there or anywhere else in Grand Suck. Just another example of the class we've come to expect from the susans.

08-17-2003, 11:40 PM
I saw it on WDAZ when I was visiting my inlaws near Crookston. The theme is "Back on Track". It has Lennon with four players behind him. (a copy of the Bison) It also had six short clips of big plays. About four of those are againist the herd, oh well, this is the year :). The NDSU version is much more convincing then UND's attempt at a commerical.

08-18-2003, 12:07 AM

Did you see the commercial just once, or was it on fairly often. I swear I've seen UND commercials on Fargo stations before, but not this year. Same with billboards. I thought REA, Inc. was responsible for the promotion of the UND football team. Maybe they gave up on the Fargo market.

08-18-2003, 02:25 AM

I only saw the commerical once but I also was out most of the day saturday attending a b-day party. The commerical aired, if I remember right, within the hour before the Vikings game. I am not sure why we haven't seen the billboards or ads yet this year but that is fine with me.


08-18-2003, 02:43 AM
I love how UND's advertising is always copying NDSU's. Last year's "Green screams louder" was real original ::) ::). Maybe their motto this year should have been "Our face has more fear". ;D

08-25-2003, 03:12 AM
I just saw it on TV. What a joke!!!!!!

It looks like they tried to ripoff the Bison Ad, but the Grand Forks Central High A/V club couldn't pull it off!!! ;D ;D ;D

It's basically a bunch of straight up highlights, then they show "Back on Track", shot of Lennon standing in front of four players, and then end up with the REA logo.