View Full Version : FIRST DOWN

09-30-2003, 01:09 AM
I'm not sure how many of the Bison fans are catching on to the Fargodome announcer prompting the fans to yell out "FIRST DOWN". He has done this the past two home games. This could become another Bison tradition like our standing for the kickoffs.

For those of you who were not at the Montana game, their stadium announcer would say, "thats another first down..." and the 23,000 fans would yell in unison, "MONTANA!". It was awesome to hear that yelled out every time they had one.

Its an easy way to involve the crowd in the game and get more noise in our dome ! Hopefully it will start to catch on, so the announcer doesnt have to finish it.

09-30-2003, 01:18 AM
I'm not sure how many of the Bison fans catch on to anything participation-related.

For crying out loud, how many times does the announcer have to say "How about that Bison defense?" before people will (:o) spontaneously applaud good effort? :-/

And I renew my objection to the cheesy bread going to anyone but the student section. If you think section 17 was anywhere near loud (louder than the students???) you're fooling yourself.

09-30-2003, 01:21 AM
Sad but true Tatanka.

Hey, I got some of that cheesy bread! (section 17)

09-30-2003, 01:27 AM
Actually, I misspoke. I renew my objection to the cheesy bread, period. It's too, well, cheesy.

09-30-2003, 02:01 AM
The loudest section thing is all a hoax...they pick out which section is going to get it before the game even starts...just like they pick out the T-shirt section before the game starts. *

09-30-2003, 02:06 AM
Maybe all of the fans were waiting for something like

FIRST DOWN.....brought to you by First National Bank, the official First Down bank of the Herd.

And then they could applaud after the obligatory commercial.


09-30-2003, 03:05 AM
I did notice there were far fewer commercials last weekend than in previous games. Someone must be listening.

09-30-2003, 03:06 AM
Speaking of commercials...I didn't notice as many this game. As far as the announcer's "first down" business...I think it's a great tradition. He needs to improve the timing though. He needs to give us time to chime in on "First Down". By the end of the night everyone in our section was yelling it.

10-01-2003, 11:43 PM
I agree too, I like the 'First Down!' cheer. In the student section there were plenty of 'Move those chains!' as well. It was really cool to see so many arms gesturing downfield.

10-02-2003, 01:07 PM
I hope the commercials come back every one of them means money for the Herd. In the meantime "Move The Chains". Our section and the sections to the North were starting to stand and give the standing Os to the defense and the offense.

10-02-2003, 02:27 PM
Sure the commercials mean $$$, the complaints on this were the timing of the commercials, when there was alot of hoopla going on, here comes the official sport drink of the Bison etc. that killed the crowd noise. I did notice less commercials last game and I applaud that. They have the ability to flash sponsor ads under the scoreboards all game long and thats where they should be. The band playing and cheers from the crowd is what makes the home field atmosphere what it is, dont kill the atmosphere with commercials, and surely not before a Bison defensive 3rd down.

10-02-2003, 09:51 PM
Granted SDSU can learn a lot from NDSU about marketing at a sporting event. However, I hope we never see a PA announcer at Coughlin screaming at the top of his lungs "first down" and bring out those blue towels. Give the fans a little room for their own originality. I thought the FARGODOME was a first class facililty. I prefer it over the MetroDome where I'm a Vikings season ticketholder. I still prefer football outside regardless of weather conditions and less manufactured noise.

10-03-2003, 12:52 AM
No way. Indoor football is where football should be going to.

Look at basketball...the fastest growing sport worldwide. Why? Because all you need is a gym w/ 2 hoops and you're good to practice. ANY weather condition, any time of the year will all be the same around the world because it is an indoor sport.

The only thing that has held football back from being moved indoors (in some cases) is that people prefer grass to astroturf.

Well now, we've done mother nature one better, fieldturf, sprinturf, astroplay...same thing. Basically long blades of plastic with rubber peice in between. Creates a soft, grass-like field that is faster than grass and requires a small fraction of the maintenance (almost no maintanence if it's indoor).

Lastly, domes are much louder creating true home-field advantage and the fans also don't have to worry about the weather.

In short, i hope all major college and pro teams convert to indoors.

10-03-2003, 11:21 AM
I agree. Theres no reason for a cross wind to decide a football game. Its about atheletes, coaching and training not weather. With grass being replaced both inside and out any reason for keeping the game inside is becoming moot, except for the cost of course. If you like it outside have a picnic or take a hike before or after the game. Bird watching should be played outside though.

10-03-2003, 11:43 AM
As a friend of the fowl I'd have to disagree about being indoors on a Saturday.

Last I checked if a duck has a crosswind, well then so does a goose. If it's 40 degrees for the bison it would be 40 for the bears????Right?

But it's a moot point. We got the big ol'barn and that's where the football is played.