View Full Version : Thoughs about NDSU Fans from up North

11-16-2003, 10:55 PM
NDSU Poor Losers thread:


11-16-2003, 11:25 PM
What are you trying to say?

If it is that UND fans don't care for NDSU fans, that's common knowledge.

11-16-2003, 11:41 PM
I'm trying to say that the St. Cloud Refs thread left a bad impression of NDSU fans.

11-16-2003, 11:57 PM
I think it is a case of one person going to UND's board and trying to kiss some ass

11-17-2003, 12:07 AM
I would listen to what Jim Dahl has to say, long before star2city. star2city is one of the biggest Bison bashers on the UND messageboard. It is better to ignore him and the Husky dude.

11-17-2003, 01:01 AM
You can thank yourself Bisonfan then If you are concerned about what "they" think up north, you were the one that kept the thread going on that subject because you were second guessing everything everyone had to say. The point remains, that crew stunk, I hate to admit it, but I dont think the SUE even deserve that crew at their playoff game.

11-17-2003, 01:37 AM
I wasn't second guessing what everyone else had to say. *I was stating a fact and you know what fact that was. *The truth remains that a minority of Bison Fans are giving the rest a bad name with the way they act at games, after losses and on chat boards; and, when they get called on it they won't admit it. Oh, every team that plays deserves a good crew! *

11-17-2003, 02:35 AM
The dead horse rides again!

Let it go. Just let it go, and move on.

11-17-2003, 03:27 AM
Every team that plays deserves a good crew - nice comment, that will end it there as far as im concerned. Dont believe everything you read on the sue board.

11-17-2003, 03:47 AM
Your actions are finally catching up with you boys. Mind your P's & Q's and things like that will not be said.

11-17-2003, 04:07 AM
Your actions are finally catching up with you boys. Mind your P's & Q's and things like that will not be said.

Better tell your Sioux brethern to do the same. It seems like they have a pendence to whine about officials- http://siouxsports.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=1415



Wow, three threads about bad officials and the hok-kee season has barely started. :o ::) :o

11-17-2003, 04:16 AM
Better tell your Sioux brethern to do the same. It seems like they have a pendence to whine about officials- http://siouxsports.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=1415



Wow, three threads about bad officials and the hok-kee season has barely started. *:o ::) :o

That isn't what the SCSU Fan was talking about. Swearing in front of the kids? Come on...

11-17-2003, 04:22 AM
And there's never been a bulls$#t chant in REA with kids present? Come on......... ::)

11-17-2003, 04:23 AM
I allways like the "Who's he, he sucks $h.t"

But I guess its ok if the kids join in.

11-17-2003, 04:25 AM
I allways like the "Who's he, he sucks $h.t"

But I guess its ok if the kids join in.

Family values. ::)

11-17-2003, 12:06 PM
I dont really think their attitude is of any interest or concern to me at least. Ive never heard of und so what do I care?

Im not sure about the rules in DIAA but now that we are out of the NCC our coaches are free to talk about the refs too. Theres no rule against it.

11-17-2003, 04:09 PM
That isn't what the SCSU Fan was talking about. Swearing in front of the kids? Come on...

Get a babysitter! Where ever you go, it doesn't matter if it is the grocery store, someone could swear in front of your kid. Educate your kid! That's what I do. We don't know if it was only one word used, if it was an idiot swearing up a storm, or if the kid was on the other sideline in St. Cloud. This whole bs was probably just made up anyhow. I am not encouraging swearing in front of kids, just don't label Bison fans on something idiotic like this. Society is full of hypocrits. The same kid probably sat at home that evening watching , the man show and south park, there I can speculate, too.

ps... I am not against the man show and south park, I watch them, just making a point.

11-17-2003, 06:46 PM
It is not "hear-say", I have seen this behavior first hand....... i.e. the very first Sioux-Bison game in the FargoDome. I was a young kid back then and I was heckled by a drunken NDSU fan simply because I had a UND flag. Pretty classy.

11-17-2003, 07:07 PM
Sioux_Fan, which of your last ten posts was worth reading? Why shouldn't I ban you?

1. It is not "hear-say", I have seen this behavior first hand....... i.e. the very first Sioux-Bison game in the FargoDome. I was a young kid back then and I was heckled by a drunken NDSU fan simply because I had a UND flag. Pretty classy.
2. That isn't what the SCSU Fan was talking about. Swearing in front of the kids? Come on...
3. Your actions are finally catching up with you boys. Mind your P's & Q's and things like that will not be said.
4. Jealousy knows no bounds
5. Again clyde, you need to make sense when you write.
6. Again clyde, we should talk about you make sense when you write.
7. What media scrutiny?
8. you do that
9. How's that?
10. Its pretty sad when you have to make fun of people for trying to raise money for charities and non-profit organizations. I for one think it says a lot about these people that they are willing to put up with a little embarassment to help out others. It speaks volumes for the people that are doing it.

Edit: Actually, I read through your last 50 posts. Nothing clever. Nothing topical. Nothing. You write like you've been drinking a pint of wood alcohol with breakfast every morning. If your next post is not interesting and topical, I'll ban you. I'm sick of half-witted whiners cluttering up this board. It stops today.

11-17-2003, 08:29 PM
Great post Tony!!

11-17-2003, 08:42 PM
I think sioux_fan got lost trying to find the smack board and ended up here

11-18-2003, 12:39 AM
Let's stop talking about what poor losers we're not,

and start talking about what poor winners the Sioux are.

11-18-2003, 06:48 AM
How about we DON'T and move onward without the Sioux. I personally think the officials at the SCSU game is a dead horse subject and feel that the whole swearing thing goes on in both universities. Come on fans, lets be better than those who post on SiouxSports.com complaining about us and ignore their cries of hypocracy. I for one am done with UND as a foe, and am looking forward to a new foe in football.

But this is just my opinion... :)

11-18-2003, 12:33 PM
I second that! und? They are in D2 right? Who do they play again?

11-18-2003, 01:44 PM
It is not "hear-say", I have seen this behavior first hand....... i.e. the very first Sioux-Bison game in the FargoDome. I was a young kid back then and I was heckled by a drunken NDSU fan simply because I had a UND flag. Pretty classy.

You are ignorant if you do not think that this happens at UND. It has every year we have played you. This year my best friend (Sioux Grad and Fan) was sitting with her daughter in the UND section. She said the language even made her blush. She tried to get her seat back after half time and she was told to _ _ _ _ off. I walked out of the Alerus and was told we (NDSU) were a bunch of f_ _ _ _ _g losers. Get in the real world SiouxFan, UND fans are no angels. And my God, have you ever been to a hockey game. The language at those game is like a group of drunken sailors!! Face it Siouxfan, you have fans that are equally crude. You talk about personalities of universities. Well then UND has their personality and it is that they never think they do anything wrong. Pretty typical for a bunch of lawyers!! I'm glad to be done playing UND. Then we do not have to listen to this anymore. What am I thinking...UND will always have their nose in NDSU's business and they will continue to whining!