View Full Version : JMU Should Let NDSU Win. A lesson from CAS in football economics.

12-15-2021, 10:51 PM
It was a cold, dreary December day when I stopped into a dusky bar on the outskirts of Hoople. I entered the dimly lit shithole to meet a legend.

I was there to drink copious amounts of whiskey and talk football with CAS.

As promised he was sitting in a back corner table, the light above the table was burned out or maybe he unscrewed it? Either way it definitely added a certain something to the Hooply ambiance.

I pulled out a chair and sat down. It was hard to see the Bison legend through the darkness of our little Hooplian corner and the thick smog of smoke that was coming from the ashtray on the table. But as he drew another stiff pull from his virigina slim menthol 120 I knew for a fact that was who I'd come to see. The natty champy rings were reflecting what little light was allowed in our presence.

"Bro?" I said. "Is that you?"

"Who else would it be? Lakes? I'm not sitting in a fucking booster seat am I?"

We laughed. It was a good ice breaker. I'd come all this way in search of guidance. There was not time to bullshit.

"CAS, bro. JMU is coming to Fargo on Friday-"

"No shit." CAS said, interrupting me.

"....and it kinda feels like a big deal bro. They famously beat us once I think it was like in 2006 or something."

"Really? Don't remember it." CAS said, lighting a second virgina slim and sticking it in the other corner of his mouth.

"I don't either but they won't shut up about it. Anyway, it's almost like we didn't beat the tar out of them like thirty times including in the National Championship four time." I replied, impressing the titan of a bro with my knowledge.

"I remember the last on well," CAS said "I was there bro. I saw that... QB they had. What was his name?"

"Ben DiDouchey?" I replied, again flexing my much younger more agile brain.

"Yeah... that's him. Real cowboy that one. Completed the most important pass in recent Bison history that day."

"Yeah, to Jimmy Football!" we laughed again, harder this time. Until we realized that it was only because we haven't been able to successfully complete a down field pass since.

"Anyway bro," I said. "JMU is coming to town, they're leaving for the FBS and a lot of bros are worried that they're going to leave on a high no-"

My phone buzzed, filling with text messages.

"Real professional bro." CAS said. "That lakes begging for help getting unbanned again?"

I looked, it was actually Scottie. "Help me bro the feds are here for real this time I think."

"Nah CAS. It's just Scottie getting high on his own supply again. This happens sometimes."

CAS nodded. In his illustrious legal career he knew two things: meth heads and drunk drivers. And methed up drunk drivers. A category which Scottie created single handedly.

Then he continued: "Bro, JMU should just let NDSU win. It's the best thing they could do. Because when they get to FBS they aren't going to find a promised land full of milk titties and honey snatch."

I had no idea what that meant but I wasn't going to ask.

"Instead they're going to be bottom feeders. Appy gonna take their lunch and eat it in front of them. Then their fans are gonna be like 'hey bros we should have stayed in FCS where we could sometimes throw our dumb shit streamers like dumb shits.'".

This was a valid point. My phone blew up again. "Bro. SERIOUSLY I CAN SEE THE VANS." Great, now he's hallucinating. I was going to have to wrap this up before he blows up the barn. Again.

"So what you're saying CAS... is that by beating us they're going to have another memory of not being bottom feeders to cling to whereas if they just lay down and take it-"

"Like a whore." CAS interrupted again, smoking frantically.

"Uh... yeah... like that, you're saying that the expectations of being our bitch will be the same as being Appy's bitch so it's all good?"

"Precisely bro. Low expectations like Tab's wife has on the day she said I do. She's been disappointed a whole bunch but it was never a deal breaker because she never expected much in the first place. Same with JMU in FBS. But unlike TAB's wife they won't have the stud boyfriend in college to look back on so there won't be no regret because they were never winners in the first place bro."

"But isn't that kind of defeatist CAS? Can a program continue without hope?"

"You wouldn't understand kid. You never touched that field!" CAS was suddenly angry, I'd been warned about this.

It was also wrong. I'd once done the macarena on the fargodome field thus helping set a guiness book world record for the largest macarena dance in the world in like 96. Sure CAS had national championships but did we have a world championship? And wait a minute didn't CAS graduate like half a decade before the building opened? Technically he never stepped foot on that field either.

But I wasn't going to argue. There was no time for that. My phone buzzed again, this time it was a VNL news break. Top story: "Father of 17 dies from COVID, dies begging for vaccines, plural." second story "Joint DEA-ATF raid lands 500 pounds of methamphetamine in dilapidated ND barn."

"Oh shit.... That's bad." I said.

"Is it going to make me mad bro? Don't tell me if it's going to make me mad bro. I'm already mad bro!" CAS said, as people got up and quickly left for the cold streets of Hoople like peasants fleeing from a high noon quickdraw contest.

"That depends bro. Did you invest in the barn or in Bro Seed?"

"Bro Seed" CAS said, now turning red in the face.

"Nah we're good then." I replied.

And just like that CAS returned to normal. Back to smoking menthols and telling stories of the glory days. Did you know he used to tackle people? I didn't either.

We shut down the bar that night and then I drove us drunkenly to find Scottie and get him to Canada. But that's another story.

From this wild Tuesday in Hoople I came to understand Bison athletics a bit clearer. JMU should let us win. Because beating us would just prepare them for future disappointment. Just like last time in 06.

So just lay down Dukes and take it.

Like a whore.

12-15-2021, 11:23 PM
It was a cold, dreary December day when I stopped into a dusky bar on the outskirts of Hoople. I entered the dimly lit shithole to meet a legend.

I was there to drink copious amounts of whiskey and talk football with CAS.

As promised he was sitting in a back corner table, the light above the table was burned out or maybe he unscrewed it? Either way it definitely added a certain something to the Hooply ambiance.

I pulled out a chair and sat down. It was hard to see the Bison legend through the darkness of our little Hooplian corner and the thick smog of smoke that was coming from the ashtray on the table. But as he drew another stiff pull from his virigina slim menthol 120 I knew for a fact that was who I'd come to see. The natty champy rings were reflecting what little light was allowed in our presence.

"Bro?" I said. "Is that you?"

"Who else would it be? Lakes? I'm not sitting in a fucking booster seat am I?"

We laughed. It was a good ice breaker. I'd come all this way in search of guidance. There was not time to bullshit.

"CAS, bro. JMU is coming to Fargo on Friday-"

"No shit." CAS said, interrupting me.

"....and it kinda feels like a big deal bro. They famously beat us once I think it was like in 2006 or something."

"Really? Don't remember it." CAS said, lighting a second virgina slim and sticking it in the other corner of his mouth.

"I don't either but they won't shut up about it. Anyway, it's almost like we didn't beat the tar out of them like thirty times including in the National Championship four time." I replied, impressing the titan of a bro with my knowledge.

"I remember the last on well," CAS said "I was there bro. I saw that... QB they had. What was his name?"

"Ben DiDouchey?" I replied, again flexing my much younger more agile brain.

"Yeah... that's him. Real cowboy that one. Completed the most important pass in recent Bison history that day."

"Yeah, to Jimmy Football!" we laughed again, harder this time. Until we realized that it was only because we haven't been able to successfully complete a down field pass since.

"Anyway bro," I said. "JMU is coming to town, they're leaving for the FBS and a lot of bros are worried that they're going to leave on a high no-"

My phone buzzed, filling with text messages.

"Real professional bro." CAS said. "That lakes begging for help getting unbanned again?"

I looked, it was actually Scottie. "Help me bro the feds are here for real this time I think."

"Nah CAS. It's just Scottie getting high on his own supply again. This happens sometimes."

CAS nodded. In his illustrious legal career he knew two things: meth heads and drunk drivers. And methed up drunk drivers. A category which Scottie created single handedly.

Then he continued: "Bro, JMU should just let NDSU win. It's the best thing they could do. Because when they get to FBS they aren't going to find a promised land full of milk titties and honey snatch."

I had no idea what that meant but I wasn't going to ask.

"Instead they're going to be bottom feeders. Appy gonna take their lunch and eat it in front of them. Then their fans are gonna be like 'hey bros we should have stayed in FCS where we could sometimes throw our dumb shit streamers like dumb shits.'".

This was a valid point. My phone blew up again. "Bro. SERIOUSLY I CAN SEE THE VANS." Great, now he's hallucinating. I was going to have to wrap this up before he blows up the barn. Again.

"So what you're saying CAS... is that by beating us they're going to have another memory of not being bottom feeders to cling to whereas if they just lay down and take it-"

"Like a whore." CAS interrupted again, smoking frantically.

"Uh... yeah... like that, you're saying that the expectations of being our bitch will be the same as being Appy's bitch so it's all good?"

"Precisely bro. Low expectations like Tab's wife has on the day she said I do. She's been disappointed a whole bunch but it was never a deal breaker because she never expected much in the first place. Same with JMU in FBS. But unlike TAB's wife they won't have the stud boyfriend in college to look back on so there won't be no regret because they were never winners in the first place bro."

"But isn't that kind of defeatist CAS? Can a program continue without hope?"

"You wouldn't understand kid. You never touched that field!" CAS was suddenly angry, I'd been warned about this.

It was also wrong. I'd once done the macarena on the fargodome field thus helping set a guiness book world record for the largest macarena dance in the world in like 96. Sure CAS had national championships but did we have a world championship? And wait a minute didn't CAS graduate like half a decade before the building opened? Technically he never stepped foot on that field either.

But I wasn't going to argue. There was no time for that. My phone buzzed again, this time it was a VNL news break. Top story: "Father of 17 dies from COVID, dies begging for vaccines, plural." second story "Joint DEA-ATF raid lands 500 pounds of methamphetamine in dilapidated ND barn."

"Oh shit.... That's bad." I said.

"Is it going to make me mad bro? Don't tell me if it's going to make me mad bro. I'm already mad bro!" CAS said, as people got up and quickly left for the cold streets of Hoople like peasants fleeing from a high noon quickdraw contest.

"That depends bro. Did you invest in the barn or in Bro Seed?"

"Bro Seed" CAS said, now turning red in the face.

"Nah we're good then." I replied.

And just like that CAS returned to normal. Back to smoking menthols and telling stories of the glory days. Did you know he used to tackle people? I didn't either.

We shut down the bar that night and then I drove us drunkenly to find Scottie and get him to Canada. But that's another story.

From this wild Tuesday in Hoople I came to understand Bison athletics a bit clearer. JMU should let us win. Because beating us would just prepare them for future disappointment. Just like last time in 06.

So just lay down Dukes and take it.

Like a whore.

I don’t smoke menthols, Bro. Quick not guilty verdict there.

12-15-2021, 11:28 PM
I don’t smoke menthols, Bro. Quick not guilty verdict there.

It was dark bro it was hard to tell.

12-15-2021, 11:28 PM
The last time I did that much reading I was still attending NDSU.

Is there gonna be a quiz on this shit?

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12-15-2021, 11:29 PM
The last time I did that much reading I was still attending NDSU.

Is there gonna be a quiz on this shit?

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I cut it in half by not posting cas’ rant on the difference between uni and jmu.

12-15-2021, 11:31 PM
I cut it in half by not posting cas’ rant on the difference between uni and jmu.

Cliff Notes version on why?

12-15-2021, 11:32 PM
Cliff Notes version on why?

Both wear purple both are pussies one has southern speed.

12-15-2021, 11:48 PM
The last time I did that much reading I was still attending NDSU.

Is there gonna be a quiz on this shit?

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Lots of hyperbole in that story, so just focus on facts. I’m a man (genetically) of few words. Most of my night was spent listening and observing, which resulted in a sore neck from shacking my head in somewhat disbelief, or maybe dismay, from the confirmation of how pathetic the human race has become. The night confirmed a lot of what I already kinda knew, but didn’t necessarily want confirmed. I made it home safely to pet my mutt and have at least one intelligent convo (for the night) with her—although Kev’s incessant, nonsensical chatter had worn me out some.

Reminded me off the last few hours of tailgating actually, when all the great football minds have enough liquid courage to discuss A-gap power, at least the way they understand it .... hoping my neck is better before Friday night so I can use it again to shake my head.

Also hoping no one invited Kev to our tailgate.

12-15-2021, 11:50 PM
Lots of hyperbole in that story, so just focus on facts. I’m a man (genetically) of few words. Most of my night was spent listening and observing, which resulted in a sore neck from shacking my head in somewhat disbelief, or maybe dismay, from the confirmation of how pathetic the human race has become. The night confirmed a lot of what I already kinda knew, but didn’t necessarily want confirmed. I made it home safely to pet my mutt and have at least one intelligent convo (for the night) with her—although Kev’s incessant, nonsensical chatter had worn me out some.

Reminded me off the last few hours of tailgating actually, when all the great football minds have enough liquid courage to discuss A-gap power, at least the way they understand it .... hoping my neck is better before Friday night so I can use it again to shake my head.

Also hoping no one invited Kev to our tailgate.

Nah bro the restraining orders complicate things.

12-15-2021, 11:52 PM
Lots of hyperbole in that story, so just focus on facts. I’m a man (genetically) of few words. Most of my night was spent listening and observing, which resulted in a sore neck from shacking my head in somewhat disbelief, or maybe dismay, from the confirmation of how pathetic the human race has become. The night confirmed a lot of what I already kinda knew, but didn’t necessarily want confirmed. I made it home safely to pet my mutt and have at least one intelligent convo (for the night) with her—although Kev’s incessant, nonsensical chatter had worn me out some.

Reminded me off the last few hours of tailgating actually, when all the great football minds have enough liquid courage to discuss A-gap power, at least the way they understand it .... hoping my neck is better before Friday night so I can use it again to shake my head.

Also hoping no one invited Kev to our tailgate.

Are you just going to be looping that Ave Maria clip at your tailgate?

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12-16-2021, 12:04 AM
Are you just going to be looping that Ave Maria clip at your tailgate?

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That would be appropriate. Also appropriate would be a continued loop of eye-rolling on a video at same time.

And, crazy as this may sound, my 14-week old mutt just reminded me of Kev. To wit: I put a dog-door insert in my patio door, but opened the patio door wide to let her outside .... and she still went through the dog door to get out. (Roll eyes emoji). In a nutshell, that’s the Kev I observed in Hoople that fateful night. Wtf?

12-16-2021, 12:06 AM
Time out for this public service message:

Montana vs JMU is replaying on ESPNU at this moment. Just about to 4th quarter.

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12-16-2021, 12:08 AM
That would be appropriate. Also appropriate would be a continued loop of eye-rolling on a video at same time.

And, crazy as this may sound, my 14-week old mutt just reminded me of Kev. To wit: I put a dog-door insert in my patio door, but opened the patio door wide to let her outside .... and she still went through the dog door to get out. (Roll eyes emoji). In a nutshell, that’s the Kev I observed in Hoople that fateful night. Wtf?

It’s the a gap of the door bro.

No point getting cute. Stick to what works.

12-16-2021, 12:08 AM
An article with this title: JMU Should Let North Dakota State Win – JMU Sports News (https://jmusportsnews.com/2021/12/14/jmu-should-let-north-dakota-state-win/)

Pretty funny, if you ask me, but you didn't so screw you guys, I'm going home.

12-16-2021, 12:16 AM
Time out for this public service message:

Montana vs JMU is replaying on ESPNU at this moment. Just about to 4th quarter.

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So, it’s the Griz Friday night and not the Dukes? Score change?

12-16-2021, 12:18 AM
An article with this title: JMU Should Let North Dakota State Win – JMU Sports News (https://jmusportsnews.com/2021/12/14/jmu-should-let-north-dakota-state-win/)

Pretty funny, if you ask me, but you didn't so screw you guys, I'm going home.

Ive read that in a previous post and was Lol.

I hope you didn’t credit Kev with an original thought/concept here, cuz that is not happening ... ever.

12-16-2021, 12:23 AM
Ive read that in a previous post and was Lol.

I hope you didn’t credit Kev with an original thought/concept here, cuz that is not happening ... ever.

It’s 2020 bro all original thoughts have been thought. U think u invented the tackle? Nope. You improved it by using your head against smaller individuals.

Same concept here. Nothings new. Just better.

12-16-2021, 12:25 AM
So, it’s the Griz Friday night and not the Dukes? Score change?

So far it still looks like we play Dukes…

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12-16-2021, 12:28 AM
So far it still looks like we play Dukes…

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The pillow merchant assured me the recount will be done by tomorrow and the ncaa will have to reinstate Montana.

12-16-2021, 12:30 AM
The pillow merchant assured me the recount will be done by tomorrow and the ncaa will have to reinstate Montana.

Recounting Targeting calls?

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12-16-2021, 12:31 AM
So far it still looks like we play Dukes…

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Dang it!

A couple of things about this game (probably obvious): Griz lost starting (and only decent) QB and their best wr early. Also, the Griz D had a week earlier experienced a 100 or so and 80, yes 80, passing plays against EWU, and they don’t rotate for crap on D. Resultantly, they were flat on D, and chunk plays for Dukes resulted. Not saying Griz would have won, but that’s a lot to overcome.

12-16-2021, 12:37 AM
Dang it!

A couple of things about this game (probably obvious): Griz lost starting (and only decent) QB and their best wr early. Also, the Griz D had a week earlier experienced a 100 or so and 80, yes 80, passing plays against EWU, and they don’t rotate for crap on D. Resultantly, they were flat on D, and chunk plays for Dukes resulted. Not saying Griz would have won, but that’s a lot to overcome.

Goes without saying but I will; going to be useful to cause Cole Johnson some discomfort in the pocket.

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12-16-2021, 01:09 AM
Remember when TAB used to be cool and do things like this on bisonville?

12-16-2021, 01:12 AM
Remember when TAB used to be cool and do things like this on bisonville?


Sent from my iPhone using Brotalk.

12-16-2021, 01:35 AM
Remember when TAB used to be cool and do things like this on bisonville?


Sent from my iPhone using Brotalk.

Who's TAB? Does she still post here?

12-16-2021, 11:42 AM
TLDR version of this meeting:


Only thing Kev left out was the meatloaf reference. :)

12-16-2021, 01:01 PM

TLDR summary

12-16-2021, 01:40 PM
Really dont know what I just read, or why it was written....

but I am better for it.

12-16-2021, 01:57 PM
What ever happened to Karen?

12-16-2021, 02:15 PM
This thread delivers! CAS lighting a second menthol at the same time FTW! Well done...

And then the last part of CAS's night:

CAS: Opens door.
Dog: Goes through doggy door in the door.
CAS: Gets down on all fours and follows the dog through the doggy door in the door.
Dog: Goes back through the door and closes it and goes to bed.
CAS: Gets stuck going back through the doggy door.
Answer Guy: Feels a disturbance in the force...and gets in his car...it is going to be a good night.

12-16-2021, 02:32 PM
I'm going to need a lawyer bro.

12-16-2021, 02:47 PM
I'm going to need a lawyer bro.

I only know shitty ones but I’m working on it bro stay strong.

And don’t worry el barn es reopeno alreadyo.

12-16-2021, 03:46 PM
I only know shitty ones but I’m working on it bro stay strong.

And don’t worry el barn es reopeno alreadyo.

That’s a terrible rendition of the piglatin lesson I gave you in Hoople, but I’m not at all surprised.

12-16-2021, 03:52 PM
That’s a terrible rendition of the piglatin lesson I gave you in Hoople, but I’m not at all surprised.

Then technically it is Hooplelatin? Does it come with an accent as well?

12-16-2021, 04:05 PM
Then technically it is Hooplelatin? Does it come with an accent as well?

Yes, that makes sense.

As for accent, you need to understand that Kev is (to put it nicely/politically correct if you will) not very bright and often has a difficult time putting one-word sentences together. You have to learn how to understand his many different grunt sounds, cuz they all have a different meaning. This is likely why he and Tab get along and have “intelligent” grunt conversations (like how pigs communicate via grunting, only with less intelligence) and also why throwing an accent in with the grunts would make communicating with either of them that much more difficult.

12-16-2021, 04:38 PM
Yes, that makes sense.

As for accent, you need to understand that Kev is (to put it nicely/politically correct if you will) not very bright and often has a difficult time putting one-word sentences together. You have to learn how to understand his many different grunt sounds, cuz they all have a different meaning. This is likely why he and Tab get along and have “intelligent” grunt conversations (like how pigs communicate via grunting, only with less intelligence) and also why throwing an accent in with the grunts would make communicating with either of them that much more difficult.

Your honor I object. Douchebaggery!