View Full Version : This may be the greatest letter to the Forum ever.

09-16-2019, 01:38 PM
Anyone here have a psych background? Legitimately curious what kind of projection this is: https://www.inforum.com/opinion/letters/4663364-Letter-A-few-questions-for-bison-fanatics

My favorite part:

Why is so much of your identity tethered to this boring football team? Where were you several years ago when they were not such tyrants? Is this a power fantasy? Has your inability to get your son to cut his hair and your kissless marriage really led to this being your only source of delight?

This rag will really print anything.

09-16-2019, 01:43 PM
Well, really, most papers print all letters to editor within reason because they serve the community, including the crazy ones.

14 questions posed, but what about the unasked, unanswered one: "Why does the idea of people enjoying Bison football annoy you so much?"

09-16-2019, 01:45 PM
My goodness, that was a good one. My favorite line:

Would you be here, screaming bloody murder, if victory wasn’t almost certain? You weren’t when I was in college.

Translation, jealous F'hawker fan.

09-16-2019, 01:45 PM

Holy cow, Can you imagine being such a bitter person that the mere idea of fans enjoying their football team gets you so triggered that you have to write nonsensical screeds to the local newspaper?
A close loved one should check on Carmen asap to see if she is okay

09-16-2019, 01:47 PM
She seems like a delightful person.

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09-16-2019, 01:47 PM
Anyone here have a psych background? Legitimately curious what kind of projection this is: https://www.inforum.com/opinion/letters/4663364-Letter-A-few-questions-for-bison-fanatics

My favorite part:

Why is so much of your identity tethered to this boring football team? Where were you several years ago when they were not such tyrants? Is this a power fantasy? Has your inability to get your son to cut his hair and your kissless marriage really led to this being your only source of delight?

This rag will really print anything.

My speculations:

1. The butt-hurt is strong with this one

2. Likely has more than one "Sioux Hockey" shirt in the closet

3. I highly doubt that "Carmen Riviera" is his/her real name

09-16-2019, 01:48 PM
14 questions posed, but what about the unasked, unanswered one: "why does the idea of people enjoying bison football annoy you so much?"


09-16-2019, 01:51 PM
carmen mcfeely-schemf would of given it away

09-16-2019, 02:07 PM
My speculations:

3. I highly doubt that "Carmen Riviera" is his/her real name

Exactly, If you are going to be so jealous of other people having a good time and so clearly of a superior quality to Bison fans go ahead and use a real name.

It is people like this that are always crabbing in all aspects of their life about Joe Blah blah blah has this and I don't, Mary Blah Blah did this and I have never done that oh and I would never want to it is just stupid, Mike Blah lives in a house that has so much space that he doesn't need.

In all aspects of life there will always be someone who has more, be it more fun, more money whatever there will also be people that have less. Enjoy your own life and don't worry so much about others.

Oh and by the way "Carmen" here is your participation ribbon.

09-16-2019, 02:18 PM
She didn't bring up the Fake Field Goal

09-16-2019, 02:21 PM
this is a FAKE Name and was put out by any of the Fargo Forum und grads. embarassing

09-16-2019, 02:25 PM
Well, really, most papers print all letters to editor within reason because they serve the community, including the crazy ones.

14 questions posed, but what about the unasked, unanswered one: "Why does the idea of people enjoying Bison football annoy you so much?"

Do they always prominently display such craziness at the top of their homepage?

Serious question, I never read this. I just happened to need something for work from their archives. It was literally the first thing I saw.

09-16-2019, 02:26 PM
this is a FAKE Name and was put out by any of the Fargo Forum und grads. embarassing

Definitely a fake name.

McFeely's alter ego?

09-16-2019, 02:27 PM
I hope she feels better.

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09-16-2019, 02:27 PM
She didn't bring up the Fake Field Goal

The guy who chucked his beer into the NDSU bench during the game is my dark-horse suspect.

09-16-2019, 02:28 PM
Probably a disgruntled NDSU freshman drop out that struck out on game tickets for the 4th yr in a row.

Or just a troll with a made up name.

09-16-2019, 02:31 PM
It’s gotta be the masked villain in the albino cardinal mascot.

On a more serious note, would I need permissions to use this as learning material for the students in my Brain and Behavior course? Or just do it and remove the names?

StL Bison Fan
09-16-2019, 02:31 PM
Was this letter mailed from a location near a Dairy Queen
Did it have dilly bar stains
Was it written on the back of a dui ticket?

09-16-2019, 02:34 PM
Pretty sure the Foolum puts shit like this out on their own just to get clicks. Probably have some intern working on another one as we speak.

09-16-2019, 02:38 PM
Pretty sure the Foolum puts shit like this out on their own just to get clicks. Probably have some intern working on another one as we speak.

And it’s working. This thread is getting so many replies in a short time.

Best thing to do in these situations is pretend it never happened. Don’t give it any attention and it goes away.

09-16-2019, 02:41 PM
It's the crazy dude from Montana.

09-16-2019, 02:42 PM

StL Bison Fan
09-16-2019, 02:43 PM
It's the crazy dude from Montana.

What happened to him?
Did someone on here meet up with him and now he’s in witness protection while the ncaa investigates ndsu?

09-16-2019, 02:44 PM
someone just cut and paste it here.. like that twitter page "Saved you a Click" (sorry tony, this won't be considered plaguerizing)

09-16-2019, 02:46 PM
It's the crazy dude from Montana.

Can't be...…...he's dead if you're referring to old griz1952

09-16-2019, 02:48 PM
Pretty sure the Foolum puts shit like this out on their own just to get clicks. Probably have some intern working on another one as we speak.

While papers usually print letters to the editor, I think that they do make an effort to verify that the person's name on the letter is correct.

09-16-2019, 02:48 PM
I guess the letter didn't make the cut for PayWall content.

09-16-2019, 03:03 PM
Can't be...…...he's dead if you're referring to old griz1952

How do you know hes dead?

09-16-2019, 03:06 PM
I would indeed cheer if my wife had a fourth glass of wine at dinner. That would mean I'm looking more and more attractive and good things are going to happen after dinner.

09-16-2019, 03:18 PM
How do you know hes dead?

A couple of years back on Egriz, a poster made a reference to him; gave him the RIP.

09-16-2019, 03:31 PM
All questions, reminded me of an "I Miss Chubs" post in the Global Warming Thread. :)

09-16-2019, 03:35 PM
It's the crazy dude from Montana.

Highly likely... lots of pointed remarks there, close to evisceration...

09-16-2019, 04:05 PM
Highly likely... lots of pointed remarks there, close to evisceration...

Tooooooo close.

09-16-2019, 06:40 PM
It's the crazy dude from Montana.

I resemble that remark PL.....:p

09-16-2019, 07:25 PM
Highly likely... lots of pointed remarks there, close to evisceration...

The reason I say it couldn't have been old griz1952 (aside from being among the dearly departed) is the sentence structure and grammaticality. That letter had to come from a relatively educated person. That fact alone disqualified '52.

Christopher Moen
09-16-2019, 07:53 PM
Carmen Sandiego is a more fun fictional person than this Carmen Riviera.

09-16-2019, 08:08 PM
I only care about beating und. It's good for all of north dakota. It's just a bonus that we always beat sdsu too.

09-16-2019, 08:12 PM
And have you seen our quarterback?

09-16-2019, 10:34 PM
Probably the lady that told me to sit down last week... I told her no. This is a football game not a knitting party. She wasn’t happy with me. Went back to talking about paint colors.

09-16-2019, 11:00 PM
Probably the lady that told me to sit down last week... I told her no. This is a football game not a knitting party. She wasn’t happy with me. Went back to talking about paint colors.

Are you the same idiot that was chanting “ Sioux sux chit” after every Bison first down, in front of my young daughters at the Butler game?

I don’t get the whole standing up thing, unless you have ADHD???

09-16-2019, 11:01 PM
Are you the same idiot that was chanting “ Sioux sux chit” after every Bison first down, in front of my young daughters at the Butler game?

I don’t get the whole standing up thing, unless you have ADHD???

Stand on Kickoffs, Defense, and first downs. If you bitch about people who do this, YOU are the problem.

09-16-2019, 11:10 PM
The name is a clue. Carmen means poem, Riviera means river bank. Does McFooly live under the main avenue bridge? Bet the culprit is there.

Professor Chaos
09-17-2019, 12:15 AM
Are you the same idiot that was chanting “ Sioux sux chit” after every Bison first down, in front of my young daughters at the Butler game?

I don’t get the whole standing up thing, unless you have ADHD???
FWIW I've already taught my 2.5 year old the "Sioux suck shit" chant.

09-17-2019, 12:53 AM
Are you the same idiot that was chanting “ Sioux sux chit” after every Bison first down, in front of my young daughters at the Butler game?

I don’t get the whole standing up thing, unless you have ADHD???

Nope. Not me. Sorry you must be part of the knitting party milk drinker club.

09-17-2019, 12:54 AM
stand on kickoffs, defense, and first downs. If you bitch about people who do this, you are the problem.

thank you!!!

09-17-2019, 01:02 AM
Sounded like a Rob Port to me. Lot of whining.

09-17-2019, 01:09 AM
Show me on the doll where the mean Bison touched you badly.

09-17-2019, 01:55 AM
Nope. Not me. Sorry you must be part of the knitting party milk drinker club.

Maybe they are “knitting” because they can’t see the game??

09-17-2019, 02:03 AM
Maybe they are “knitting” because they can’t see the game??

Wow! More like milk bottle drinker for you! Have some fun and cheer your team on at a football game!

09-17-2019, 02:05 AM
Haven't read the letter but from the excerpts not sure how we can conclude this person is relatively well educated.

College football is not a movie theatre or even a baseball game. It's a participation sport. If you can't cope with people standing in front of you, that's a you problem.

That said, let's leave the racial abuse to the school up north.

09-17-2019, 02:08 AM
Maybe they are “knitting” because they can’t see the game??

Or they could stand up. Plenty of time on offense to have a seat.

09-17-2019, 02:09 AM
Wow! More like milk bottle drinker for you! Have some fun and cheer your team on at a football game!

Again....are you talking cheering or standing?

09-17-2019, 02:15 AM
Again....are you talking cheering or standing?

On kickoffs, I stand and hold my hands up wiggling my fingers and yell ohhhhhhhhhhhh OH!

On first downs I stand and point my finger and move my arm in a circle waiting for the announcer to say BISON, then I yell, FIRST DOWN, OHHHH MOVE THOSE CHAINS.

On defense, I stand and yell as loud as I can until they punt. Once we are up 4 scores I only stand on 3rd downs.

09-17-2019, 02:18 AM
First downs?????????

Specifically immediately after first downs.

Greta Van Herd
09-17-2019, 03:19 AM
On kickoffs, I stand and hold my hands up wiggling my fingers and yell ohhhhhhhhhhhh OH!

On first downs I stand and point my finger and move my arm in a circle waiting for the announcer to say BISON, then I yell, FIRST DOWN, OHHHH MOVE THOSE CHAINS.

On defense, I stand and yell as loud as I can until they punt. Once we are up 4 scores I only stand on 3rd downs.

Wow! You are the greatest fan ever! Actually wiggling your fingers? That must wear you out. Props.

09-17-2019, 03:33 AM
On kickoffs, I stand and hold my hands up wiggling my fingers and yell ohhhhhhhhhhhh OH!

On first downs I stand and point my finger and move my arm in a circle waiting for the announcer to say BISON, then I yell, FIRST DOWN, OHHHH MOVE THOSE CHAINS.

On defense, I stand and yell as loud as I can until they punt. Once we are up 4 scores I only stand on 3rd downs.

This is the recipe for total Bison victory! Our group does the same thing.

StL Bison Fan
09-17-2019, 04:46 AM
So, apparently, Cookie has a sister

09-17-2019, 06:09 AM
Wow! You are the greatest fan ever! Actually wiggling your fingers? That must wear you out. Props.

Well I wiggle them really hard so...

09-17-2019, 11:49 AM
Wow! You are the greatest fan ever! Actually wiggling your fingers? That must wear you out. Props.

I have a question. When I wiggle my fingers on kickoffs, I do "The Wave" with my pinkie fingers going down first, working my way to my index fingers. If that the correct way, or should I start with my index and then work my way out? I don't want to piss off Karma! :)

09-17-2019, 12:33 PM
Wow! You are the greatest fan ever! Actually wiggling your fingers? That must wear you out. Props.

What's your opinion on shaking car keys on kickoffs for extra noise? What about yelling with your hands cupped over your mouth as a megaphone vs. yelling and clapping at the same time? I want to make sure you think I am doing it right.

Professor Chaos
09-17-2019, 01:13 PM
You can yell longer and louder when standing compared to seated. It's science!

Actually, it really is: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0003999305014723

Main Outcome Measures
For LC-EF, forced vital capacity, maximum forced expiratory flow, forced expiratory volume in 1 second, and peak expiratory flow; and lumbar lordosis.

All LC-EF measures in standing were significantly superior to those in slumped and normal sitting, and 4 measures were significantly higher than in WO-BPS. In slumped sitting, LC-EF significantly decreased from that in normal sitting. WO-BPS sitting significantly increased 4 of the LC-EF measures from those in the normal sitting. Lumbar lordosis was the highest in standing and progressively decreased in WO-BPS, normal, and slumped sitting.

Slumped sitting significantly decreased LC-EF and lumbar lordosis. Because it increases the lumbar lordosis and promotes LC-EF, the WO-BPS posture may be a better seating option for people sitting for a prolonged time.

Greta Van Herd
09-17-2019, 01:20 PM
What's your opinion on shaking car keys on kickoffs for extra noise? What about yelling with your hands cupped over your mouth as a megaphone vs. yelling and clapping at the same time? I want to make sure you think I am doing it right.

In general, if you are doing everything or more than the good fans are doing, you are an even better fan.

If you are doing less than these great fans are doing during games, then you are a terrible fan. Pretty simple really.

And no, it has nothing to do with virtue signaling. Just do like they say and don’t be a terrible fan.

09-17-2019, 01:25 PM
Are you the same idiot that was chanting “ Sioux sux chit” after every Bison first down, in front of my young daughters at the Butler game?

I don’t get the whole standing up thing, unless you have ADHD???

lol...... wut? I thought we banned gopher fans from BV?

Greta Van Herd
09-17-2019, 01:27 PM
You can yell longer and louder when standing compared to seated. It's science!

Actually, it really is: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0003999305014723

This is all true, but even though I WANT to be a good fan, I’m also concerned about the carbon footprint I may be leaving with all this exhaling.

Throw in a little flatulence after a long morning of tailgating, and then multiply that by 18k people, and you’ve got the makings of a full on climatological disaster inside that Fargo Dome.

Mr Meaty
09-17-2019, 01:29 PM
This is all true, but even though I WANT to be a good fan, I’m also concerned about the carbon footprint I may be leaving with all this exhaling.

Throw in a little flatulence after a long morning of tailgating, and then multiply that by 18k people, and you’ve got the makings of a full on climatological disaster inside that Fargo Dome.

Change your name to AOC......This is right out of her wheelhouse. lol

09-17-2019, 01:33 PM
On kickoffs, I stand and hold my hands up wiggling my fingers and yell ohhhhhhhhhhhh OH!

On first downs I stand and point my finger and move my arm in a circle waiting for the announcer to say BISON, then I yell, FIRST DOWN, OHHHH MOVE THOSE CHAINS.

On defense, I stand and yell as loud as I can until they punt. Once we are up 4 scores I only stand on 3rd downs.

This is the correct take.

Life hack- learn to whistle so damn loud that it causes you physical pain. It takes 1/4 the effort of screaming and is 10X more piercing. I measure my life as a Bison fan in 2 parts: before and after learning to whistle like f*cking maniac.

If you watch the Jabril Cox pick 6 against delaware, you can audibly hear me whistling on the tv broadcast. I dont wanna take credit for the pick 6 or anything buuuuuut. facts are facts :bow:

Greta Van Herd
09-17-2019, 01:34 PM
Change your name to AOC......This is right out of her wheelhouse. lol

If this AOC doesn’t stand and yell during Bison games, or wiggle her fingers vigorously enough during kickoffs, then maybe SHE is the problem!

09-17-2019, 01:50 PM
In general, if you are doing everything or more than the good fans are doing, you are an even better fan.

If you are doing less than these great fans are doing during games, then you are a terrible fan. Pretty simple really.

And no, it has nothing to do with virtue signaling. Just do like they say and don’t be a terrible fan.

Hey Greta. Never said someone wasn't a "good fan" for not doing these things. Just said they are whiny little bitches if they complain about others that do at a football game. Try and keep up.

09-17-2019, 01:57 PM

Holy cow, Can you imagine being such a bitter person that the mere idea of fans enjoying their football team gets you so triggered that you have to write nonsensical screeds to the local newspaper?
A close loved one should check on Carmen asap to see if she is okay

This may be the worst letter to the editor ever. I actually feel sorry for the writer.

Greta Van Herd
09-17-2019, 02:00 PM
Hey Greta. Never said someone wasn't a "good fan" for not doing these things. Just said they are whiny little bitches if they complain about others that do at a football game. Try and keep up.

Jeez man, take the hostility down a couple of notches.

09-17-2019, 02:00 PM
lol...... wut? I thought we banned gopher fans from BV?

Right? Those guys down on that field are putting a ton of effort into repping the university to say nothing of all the effort they put in that we as fans do not see. The least we can do is throw a little energy back their way when they achieve success or especially if they need a little encouragement.

When I’m in the dome I will be standing most of the time. You could just as well remove the damn seat because it is mostly in my way.

Same thing happens when I go to a blues festival and some virtuoso steps on stage and starts shredding that guitar (thinking about you Bonamassa), I stand because I can’t do otherwise. And I was invented long before ADHD was a thing, so no, ain’t got that.

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Greta Van Herd
09-17-2019, 02:09 PM
Right? Those guys down on that field are putting a ton of effort into repping the university to say nothing of all the effort they put in that we as fans do not see. The least we can do is throw a little energy back their way when they achieve success or especially if they need a little encouragement.

When I’m in the dome I will be standing most of the time. You could just as well remove the damn seat because it is mostly in my way.

Same thing happens when I go to a blues festival and some virtuoso steps on stage and starts shredding that guitar (thinking about you Bonamassa), I stand because I can’t do otherwise. And I was invented long before ADHD was a thing, so no, ain’t got that.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Your virtue is undeniable. Thanks for sharing.

Professor Chaos
09-17-2019, 02:11 PM
Right? Those guys down on that field are putting a ton of effort into repping the university to say nothing of all the effort they put in that we as fans do not see. The least we can do is throw a little energy back their way when they achieve success or especially if they need a little encouragement.

When I’m in the dome I will be standing most of the time. You could just as well remove the damn seat because it is mostly in my way.

Same thing happens when I go to a blues festival and some virtuoso steps on stage and starts shredding that guitar (thinking about you Bonamassa), I stand because I can’t do otherwise. And I was invented long before ADHD was a thing, so no, ain’t got that.

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Agree on the bolded part and the players do notice it and appreciate it. Listen to Cole Jirik's and Nate Tanguay's comments on the effect of the crowd starting at the 45:20 mark of this week's Locker Room.


Exact words from Cole Jirik about a minute and a half into that: "I don't think the fans realize how big of an impact [the crowd noise] has when you can't hear anything out there... for the most part it gives us a major advantage in the game... let's get on our feet for the entire football game."

09-17-2019, 02:14 PM
Your virtue is undeniable. Thanks for sharing.

He actually sounds like a lot of fun to be seated by and watch a game at the dome with.

Greta Van Herd
09-17-2019, 02:17 PM
He actually sounds like a lot of fun to be seated by and watch a game at the dome with.

I know right? As I just proclaimed.

So did you have your Snickers bar yet?

09-17-2019, 02:20 PM
I know right? As I just proclaimed.

So did you have your Snickers bar yet?

Nah just oatmeal today so far. How's your reading comprehension going?

09-17-2019, 03:58 PM
What's your opinion on shaking car keys on kickoffs for extra noise? What about yelling with your hands cupped over your mouth as a megaphone vs. yelling and clapping at the same time? I want to make sure you think I am doing it right.Any fan base that shakes keys on kickoffs can't be taken seriously. Case in point: the Goophers do it (and spell, A LOT).

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Bison 4 Life
09-17-2019, 04:00 PM
I wave fingers,
I yell constantly through the presnap through cupped hands
I hold 4 fingers up until the clock starts in the 4th quarter.

The only time I ever caught any shit for it was at Montana when I made a poor ticket choice and was surrounded by assholes.

Greta Van Herd
09-17-2019, 04:12 PM
I wave fingers,
I yell constantly through the presnap through cupped hands
I hold 4 fingers up until the clock starts in the 4th quarter.

The only time I ever caught any shit for it was at Montana when I made a poor ticket choice and was surrounded by assholes.

Ah, don’t sweat it, man. They were just being whiny little bitches.

09-17-2019, 04:38 PM
It's still awkward when I make eye contact with the old lady behind me. She asked me to sit when the bison were on defense and I was fully sauced that day. We'll just leave it at that. Water under the bridge.

09-17-2019, 04:40 PM
I wave fingers,
I yell constantly through the presnap through cupped hands
I hold 4 fingers up until the clock starts in the 4th quarter.

The only time I ever caught any shit for it was at Montana when I made a poor ticket choice and was surrounded by assholes.

You mean, like, a bunch of BV'ers?

09-17-2019, 04:48 PM
Ah, don’t sweat it, man. They were just being whiny little bitches.

See now you're getting it. Your reading comprehension is definitely showing improvement.

Christopher Moen
09-17-2019, 05:35 PM
I wave fingers,
I yell constantly through the presnap through cupped hands
I hold 4 fingers up until the clock starts in the 4th quarter.

The only time I ever caught any shit for it was at Montana when I made a poor ticket choice and was surrounded by assholes.

I had the same issue at Montana as I had a seat in the front row of their South endzone. All game, anytime I stood up and/or made noise, the old people around me would complain. Not sure if this was their first game at Wash-Griz, but I paid good money for my seat, and therefore, my choice to use it.

Bison 4 Life
09-17-2019, 05:37 PM
You mean, like, a bunch of BV'ers?

I was surrounded by BV'ers all weekend in Delaware, it's like a warm cozy blanket.

Professor Chaos
09-17-2019, 08:54 PM

09-17-2019, 10:56 PM
Where is Carmen Riviera?

09-18-2019, 12:49 AM
this is a FAKE Name and was put out by any of the Fargo Forum und grads. embarassing

They probably cant get any subscribers so this is their click bait

09-18-2019, 01:08 AM
They probably cant get any subscribers so this is their click bait

And playing BV like a salmon.

09-18-2019, 03:41 AM
That said, let's leave the racial abuse to the school up north.

Agreed. I still can't believe that "You suck hawks" hasn't caught on though. Like that chant pretty much wrote itself. I mean, you suck hawks..sounds just like you suck cocks when you say it fast enough

Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

09-18-2019, 12:46 PM
Agreed. I still can't believe that "You suck hawks" hasn't caught on though. Like that chant pretty much wrote itself. I mean, you suck hawks..sounds just like you suck cocks when you say it fast enough

Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using TapatalkCan this be said while standing?

Bison 4 Life
09-18-2019, 01:13 PM
Agreed. I still can't believe that "You suck hawks" hasn't caught on though. Like that chant pretty much wrote itself. I mean, you suck hawks..sounds just like you suck cocks when you say it fast enough

Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

I suggested that 4 years ago. It seemed so natural.

09-18-2019, 01:29 PM
Can this be said while standing?

Is Greta argumentative?

09-18-2019, 01:39 PM
Can this be said while standing?

Only while sitting with 1 hand in the air giving the Texas "hook'em horns" while the other hands claps against the armrest. This has to happen on 1st downs when we have the ball and you must be at a 0.11 BAC.

It is also strongly encouraged to do it within earshot of Dome security and 4 year old kids. Or McFeely.

09-18-2019, 01:43 PM
Only while sitting with 1 hand in the air giving the Texas "hook'em horns" while the other hands claps against the armrest. This has to happen on 1st downs when we have the ball and you must be at a 0.11 BAC.

It is also strongly encouraged to do it within earshot of Dome security and 4 year old kids. Or McFeely.It has to be at 0.11 BAC? So it has to be the 2nd half then...when it comes down? Weird.

09-18-2019, 01:48 PM
That said, let's leave the racial abuse to the school up north.

Every time it is chanted it gives them relevance and makes our fans look bad at the same time. It's past time to let it die.

09-18-2019, 02:54 PM
Every time it is chanted it gives them relevance and makes our fans look bad at the same time. It's past time to let it die.

This is why I'm all in favor of the YSH chant replacing the SSS chant as they enter the MVFC.

#1 They hate their new name (as they should because it's lame)
#2 It remain factually accurate (they suck as hard as ever)
#3 Faux profanity can not be accused of being racially abusive (unlike all the hockey jerseys they still wear)

09-18-2019, 04:11 PM
Is Greta argumentative?

This is why I'm all in favor of the YSH chant replacing the SSS chant as they enter the MVFC.

#1 They hate their new name (as they should because it's lame)
#2 It remain factually accurate (they suck as hard as ever)
#3 Faux profanity can not be accused of being racially abusive (unlike all the hockey jerseys they still wear)
I'm in. Where do I sign?

Greta Van Herd
09-18-2019, 04:30 PM
Only while sitting with 1 hand in the air giving the Texas "hook'em horns" while the other hands claps against the armrest. This has to happen on 1st downs when we have the ball and you must be at a 0.11 BAC.

It is also strongly encouraged to do it within earshot of Dome security and 4 year old kids. Or McFeely.

I don’t know. Maybe we should run it by EC8CH. I’d hate for him to give up his beloved wiggly fingers and all.

Plus you are starting to sound like a whiny little bitch who doesn’t like the protocol that’s been laid out by our World’s Greatest Fan. :biggrin:

Greta Van Herd
09-18-2019, 04:35 PM
Also, in order to make Heffray happy, we need to make sure that we are requiring everyone to cheer for the opposing players to get hurt. Now that’s REAL, top-level fandom!

09-18-2019, 05:07 PM
You suck hawks. You suck hawks.

Even tshirt worthy.

09-18-2019, 05:18 PM
You suck hawks. You suck hawks.

Even tshirt worthy.

Hope UND names their Hawk mascot Mike. Mike Hawk sounds about right for a und mascot.

Greta Van Herd
09-18-2019, 05:24 PM
Hope UND names their Hawk mascot Mike. Mike Hawk sounds about right for a und mascot.

Knowing them, they’ll name him Moe.

09-18-2019, 05:58 PM
I don’t know. Maybe we should run it by EC8CH. I’d hate for him to give up his beloved wiggly fingers and all.

Plus you are starting to sound like a whiny little bitch who doesn’t like the protocol that’s been laid out by our World’s Greatest Fan. :biggrin:

You were doing so good. Never said people need to do what I do or that it makes me a better fan. Just claimed no one else has license to complain if I or anyone else does those things at a football game. If you think it does, then I'm sorry but you are a whiny little bitch.

Mr Meaty
09-18-2019, 05:59 PM
Hope UND names their Hawk mascot Mike. Mike Hawk sounds about right for a und mascot.

Some at UND refer to him as "Salty Mike" ... I will just leave it at that.

09-18-2019, 06:03 PM
Knowing them, they’ll name him Moe.

Hawk E. Puck

Greta Van Herd
09-18-2019, 06:24 PM
You were doing so good. Never said people need to do what I do or that it makes me a better fan. Just claimed no one else has license to complain if I or anyone else does those things at a football game. If you think it does, then I'm sorry but you are a whiny little bitch.

Snickers didn’t help the anger issues, I see.

09-18-2019, 06:44 PM
Snickers didn’t help the anger issues, I see.

Actually if I'm mad about anything it was your Moe Hawk joke. It's stupid because UND fans have mullets and everyone knows that.

09-18-2019, 08:43 PM
Also, in order to make Heffray happy, we need to make sure that we are requiring everyone to cheer for the opposing players to get hurt. Now that’s REAL, top-level fandom!

I'm starting to wonder if your a bigger fan of arguing on the internet than you are of the sports team we apparently both love. Can we just agree that UND sucks, NDSU is great, the forum is better toilet paper than reading material, and shaking keys at a game automatically disqualifies you from any fanbase?

What'dya say? Shake on it?

Greta Van Herd
09-18-2019, 09:12 PM
I'm starting to wonder if your a bigger fan of arguing on the internet than you are of the sports team we apparently both love. Can we just agree that UND sucks, NDSU is great, the forum is better toilet paper than reading material, and shaking keys at a game automatically disqualifies you from any fanbase?

What'dya say? Shake on it?

Honestly, what’s to shake on? Does loving the Bison mean that I’m not allowed to call out other Bison fans like you for the stupid shit they spew and don’t retract?

I dislike UND, but if cheering for my favorite college football team means also wishing and cheering for my least favorite college football team to have injuries, then you and I will remain at odds over this issue that YOU originally brought up and were/are so double-down proud of.

09-18-2019, 10:26 PM
Honestly, what’s to shake on? Does loving the Bison mean that I’m not allowed to call out other Bison fans like you for the stupid shit they spew and don’t retract?

I dislike UND, but if cheering for my favorite college football team means also wishing and cheering for my least favorite college football team to have injuries, then you and I will remain at odds over this issue that YOU originally brought up and were/are so double-down proud of.

Thanks for sharing your perspective.

For the record, I did say that I sometimes cheer for the Packers players to get injuries. I hate that team a lot. I'm not hoping for life-threatening shit. Its just my messed up Viking fandom manifesting in an fucked up way, but whatever... I'm honest about it. I understand if that bothers you.

What I did not say is that in order for you to be a "true fan" of my team, you must stand on all defensive downs, wiggle your fingers, etc, cheer for opposing teams injuries, and agree with me on all points. No one here is saying that. In fact, I said the thing about the Packers and you kept bringing it up, on multiple different threads since then, even after I tried to play the kindness card and bury the hatchet. But again, I understand your position. Its hard to let shit go on the internet, especially with anonymity.

I'll try this one more time: Send me a private message and lets grab a beer sometime. The internet brings out the worst in people, and I'm no exception, but there's really no need to keep doing what you're doing.

...Or, you can reply to this for all to see with the last word. Choice is yours.

Greta Van Herd
09-18-2019, 11:56 PM
Thanks for sharing your perspective.

For the record, I did say that I sometimes cheer for the Packers players to get injuries. I hate that team a lot. I'm not hoping for life-threatening shit. Its just my messed up Viking fandom manifesting in an fucked up way, but whatever... I'm honest about it. I understand if that bothers you.

What I did not say is that in order for you to be a "true fan" of my team, you must stand on all defensive downs, wiggle your fingers, etc, cheer for opposing teams injuries, and agree with me on all points. No one here is saying that. In fact, I said the thing about the Packers and you kept bringing it up, on multiple different threads since then, even after I tried to play the kindness card and bury the hatchet. But again, I understand your position. Its hard to let shit go on the internet, especially with anonymity.

I'll try this one more time: Send me a private message and lets grab a beer sometime. The internet brings out the worst in people, and I'm no exception, but there's really no need to keep doing what you're doing.

...Or, you can reply to this for all to see with the last word. Choice is yours.

I’ll take a hard pass.

But I will compliment you on the wonderful attempt at redirection from a unpopular position, one that obviously even bothers you to some small degree for simply having it. You don’t see that very often.

For my part, my point has been amply made (just in your responses alone) and I’ll promise not to bring it up again, IF you promise never to bring this injury crap up again on BV. The choice is yours.

09-19-2019, 12:26 AM
Picture in my head. Lol. Such bitterness. 8987

Edit: realize this may not have come through as a gif. Here is the link - http://mrwgifs.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Vegeta-Slaps-A-Young-Gohans-Hand-Away-From-a-Hand-Shake-On-Dragon-Ball-Z.gif

Sent from my Pixel 2 using Tapatalk

09-19-2019, 12:27 AM
I’ll take a hard pass.

But I will compliment you on the wonderful attempt at redirection from a unpopular position, one that obviously even bothers you to some small degree for simply having it. You don’t see that very often.

For my part, my point has been amply made (just in your responses alone) and I’ll promise not to bring it up again, IF you promise never to bring this injury crap up again on BV. The choice is yours.

You know what? I’ll meet both you guys for drink or two and I’ll buy and mediate. Scruffy Duffies, Plano, Texas, Jan 10, 2020. Be there.

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09-19-2019, 12:49 AM
facts are facts :bow:

I approve this message

09-19-2019, 12:58 AM
I approve this message

you would.

09-19-2019, 01:43 AM
You know what? I’ll meet both you guys for drink or two and I’ll buy and mediate. Scruffy Duffies, Plano, Texas, Jan 10, 2020. Be there.

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Free drinks... hey I am mad at both of these guys I just forgot to say it. The one guys says stuff without thinking and the other guy says stuff with over thinking and vice versa. I am so mad I am getting thirsty!

09-19-2019, 02:55 AM
Free drinks... hey I am mad at both of these guys I just forgot to say it. The one guys says stuff without thinking and the other guy says stuff with over thinking and vice versa. I am so mad I am getting thirsty!

I know it! You can taste that Shiner right now can’t you?

2019 Bison FB gotta do their thing. Then we’ll meet at Scruffies and settle our agreements.

09-19-2019, 02:59 AM
You know what? I’ll meet both you guys for drink or two and I’ll buy and mediate. Scruffy Duffies, Plano, Texas, Jan 10, 2020. Be there.

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I’d rather get the heart attack platter at pecan lodge again

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09-19-2019, 03:04 AM
I’d rather get the heart attack platter at pecan lodge again

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Can do both. See you for lunch that same day. I’ll bring the Lipitor drip.

09-19-2019, 03:42 AM
I’d rather get the heart attack platter at pecan lodge again

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09-19-2019, 04:08 AM
Only while sitting with 1 hand in the air giving the Texas "hook'em horns" while the other hands claps against the armrest. This has to happen on 1st downs when we have the ball and you must be at a 0.11 BAC.

It is also strongly encouraged to do it within earshot of Dome security and 4 year old kids. Or McFeely.Quit spying on me. That what you just said right thar is my patented hootin' an' hollerin' method! Getcher own idears!

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