View Full Version : Ed Schulz dead at 64

07-05-2018, 05:25 PM
Ed Schultz dead at 64.*

Best line: "When the locusts come, they eat everything." National Championship Game 1990
Worst line: (tie) Anything he said about NDSU once he started working for UND.

Really good play-by-play guy.

*Yep, I know that this was posted in an existing thread but thought Ed deserves his own thread.

07-05-2018, 05:30 PM
That's terrible. I didn't always agree with him but that sucks. I remember he did a bit on the Bison on his national tv show after the 2011 season.

07-05-2018, 05:41 PM
Ed Schultz dead at 64.*

Best line: "When the locusts come, they eat everything." National Championship Game 1990
Worst line: (tie) Anything he said about NDSU once he started working for UND.

Really good play-by-play guy.

*Yep, I know that this was posted in an existing thread but thought Ed deserves his own thread.

My memory and I think I still have the tape was Eddy being hoisted by a couple of NDSU players into the Pool in Mcallen after a DII championship game

07-05-2018, 05:44 PM
As a sports guy, he was okay IMO, his second career not so much. My favorite line? Supposedly when he was a quarterback at MSUM he was yelling at the ref for not signalling the two-minute warning at the half. The ref, as the story goes, pointed out that there is no such thing in College football. Ed purportedly retorted, "Well, there should be." True or not it sounds like something he would have said.

07-05-2018, 05:46 PM
Love him or hate him, he is and will always be a Fargo/Moorhead legend. How many stories can we compile about big Eddie?

1. He is 1 or the 2 people any of us would think of when we think "Voice of the Bison." Yes, Scottie passed him, but many of us grew up loving Bison football through listening to Eddie.
2. He had rumors of beating his wife.
3. He jumped out of a press box once to go after someone who threw a bottle at him.
4. He shot a dog. And he did have a very good outdoors show.
5. He was top dog in the TV sports market, when we jumped ship to work with a new media company owned by Ottertail Power is memory serves; becomes the voice of the "knuckleheads." (Yes, Rocky quote, but love it too much.)
6. Was an extremely successful conservative local commentator until he realized that market was flooded nationally, so he becomes a liberal commentator. He was an early master increasing himself through the politics of division in media.
7. Succeeds nationally with syndicated radio show, and MSNBC show.
8. Features the Bison on his national show after the first title. (I actually thought that was pretty classy.)
9. Gets in trouble with MSNBC after a major league meltdown, and always seemed to be on a short leash after that.
10. Gets let go by MSNBC.
11. Goes to work for Putin, who most would agree is a Trump fan. (Can't make this stuff up.....)

What a crazy, crazy life. I hope he found what he was looking for, but he made some serious coin in the day. I'll choose to remember Eddie as I do Scottie Miller, as my window to Bison football. RIP Eddie.

07-05-2018, 05:55 PM
Love him or hate him, he is and will always be a Fargo/Moorhead legend. How many stories can we compile about big Eddie?

1. He is 1 or the 2 people any of us would think of when we think "Voice of the Bison." Yes, Scottie passed him, but many of us grew up loving Bison football through listening to Eddie.
2. He had rumors of beating his wife.
3. He jumped out of a press box once to go after someone who threw a bottle at him.
4. He shot a dog. And he did have a very good outdoors show.
5. He was top dog in the TV sports market, when we jumped ship to work with a new media company owned by Ottertail Power is memory serves; becomes the voice of the "knuckleheads." (Yes, Rocky quote, but love it too much.)
6. Was an extremely successful conservative local commentator until he realized that market was flooded nationally, so he becomes a liberal commentator. He was an early master increasing himself through the politics of division in media.
7. Succeeds nationally with syndicated radio show, and MSNBC show.
8. Features the Bison on his national show after the first title. (I actually thought that was pretty classy.)
9. Gets in trouble with MSNBC after a major league meltdown, and always seemed to be on a short leash after that.
10. Gets let go by MSNBC.
11. Goes to work for Putin, who most would agree is a Trump fan. (Can't make this stuff up.....)

What a crazy, crazy life. I hope he found what he was looking for, but he made some serious coin in the day. I'll choose to remember Eddie as I do Scottie Miller, as my window to Bison football. RIP Eddie.

When Ed dropped an F bomb on live TV during a Bison broadcast and said he was going to kick someones ass. If that happened in the modern day with social media, he would have been the most infamous person on the planet. :rofl:

If someone has that highlight, please please post it.


07-05-2018, 06:26 PM
As a sports guy, he was okay IMO, his second career not so much. My favorite line? Supposedly when he was a quarterback at MSUM he was yelling at the ref for not signalling the two-minute warning at the half. The ref, as the story goes, pointed out that there is no such thing in College football. Ed purportedly retorted, "Well, there should be." True or not it sounds like something he would have said.

That is a true story or seemed true as Eddie was the one who was telling the story, I recall him says the ref said "Wrong game son"

07-05-2018, 07:29 PM
His news and views show was so much more entertaining than Joel's.

"Caller you're on news and views this morning, hello"

I wouldn't enjoy a single second around the guy but man news and views was great when hed get the pitchfork crew riled up

07-05-2018, 07:43 PM
Forgot one for my list.

He was nearly named the play-by-play announcer for the Vikings at one point...

07-05-2018, 07:50 PM
When Ed dropped an F bomb on live TV during a Bison broadcast and said he was going to kick someones ass. If that happened in the modern day with social media, he would have been the most infamous person on the planet. :rofl:

If someone has that highlight, please please post it.


that episode was very costly to the local off sale liquor stores, but we switched to pushing 375ml and 200ml to minatures, but it never
came close to making up the loss in $$$ Oh well, you could never blame Eddie, it was the person who
threw it that caused it...
and yes we knew our store sold the bottle by the price tag attached to it in the photo in the paper.

RIP Eddie

Bison 4 Life
07-05-2018, 08:34 PM
To see all the people who loved him tweeting about him, I wish I'd would have met that version years ago.

Mr Meaty
07-05-2018, 08:54 PM
To see all the people who loved him tweeting about him, I wish I'd would have met that version years ago.

Just about everybody speaks well of the dead. Heck people will probably say nice things about you when you are dead. :rofl:

07-05-2018, 09:00 PM

07-06-2018, 01:50 AM
This dates me me big time, but when Ed essentially took over Jim Adelson for NDSU and other Fargo sports it was great fun at football games when the chants started along the lines of "Ed Shultz su.ks, You're Right!", then he inadvertently shot his dog and it only got better (or worse depending on your point of view!). As a sports broadcaster he was decent as I recall. As a political broadcaster he showed his true calling by parroting whomever was paying him and that takes talent. The real thing that bothers me is that he was only 5 years older than me when he passed. That is too young...may he rest in peace and my condolences to his family.

07-06-2018, 02:02 AM

Great highlight film! This was back when I lost touch with NDSU football (no internet, no national coverage, nothing). The option offense was fun to watch at the D2 level. The game sure looked faster than more contemporary D2 championship games I have attempted to watch. Those uniforms are nothing to be proud of, though.
The play by play is excellent as far as I am concerned.

07-06-2018, 02:09 AM
Love him or hate him, he is and will always be a Fargo/Moorhead legend. How many stories can we compile about big Eddie?

1. He is 1 or the 2 people any of us would think of when we think "Voice of the Bison." Yes, Scottie passed him, but many of us grew up loving Bison football through listening to Eddie.
2. He had rumors of beating his wife.
3. He jumped out of a press box once to go after someone who threw a bottle at him.
4. He shot a dog. And he did have a very good outdoors show.
5. He was top dog in the TV sports market, when we jumped ship to work with a new media company owned by Ottertail Power is memory serves; becomes the voice of the "knuckleheads." (Yes, Rocky quote, but love it too much.)
6. Was an extremely successful conservative local commentator until he realized that market was flooded nationally, so he becomes a liberal commentator. He was an early master increasing himself through the politics of division in media.
7. Succeeds nationally with syndicated radio show, and MSNBC show.
8. Features the Bison on his national show after the first title. (I actually thought that was pretty classy.)
9. Gets in trouble with MSNBC after a major league meltdown, and always seemed to be on a short leash after that.
10. Gets let go by MSNBC.
11. Goes to work for Putin, who most would agree is a Trump fan. (Can't make this stuff up.....)

What a crazy, crazy life. I hope he found what he was looking for, but he made some serious coin in the day. I'll choose to remember Eddie as I do Scottie Miller, as my window to Bison football. RIP Eddie.

The bottle was not thrown at Ed, it was intended to be flipped over the press box, but was short armed through the press box window, barely missing Dana. Ed flipped out and ran into the crowd, grabbing a few people by the collar along the way.

07-06-2018, 03:11 AM
Grew up listening to every Bison away game football and basketball on AM radio. Eddie's voice was a staple in our house on Saturday afternoons like many in the FM area. Two things above all else stand out to me. One not necessarily Eddie related, one of the championship games when I was young we were at my grandparents in SD and I remember my dad making the entire extended family listen to the game. The other(so many memories that go along with most other people's so I'm sharing a unique one here), I once saw Eddie standing on the baseline of a basketball game circa 1986ish ... he was looking over a piece of office paper ... He puts it down, looks into the camera and rambles off a few solid minutes of scores and sports stories for 10 o'clock news or some live cut in or something. Remember being super impressed whatever it was for.

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Mr Meaty
07-06-2018, 04:38 AM
Great highlight film! This was back when I lost touch with NDSU football (no internet, no national coverage, nothing). The option offense was fun to watch at the D2 level. The game sure looked faster than more contemporary D2 championship games I have attempted to watch. Those uniforms are nothing to be proud of, though.
The play by play is excellent as far as I am concerned.

Was Road at this game? Lol

07-06-2018, 01:08 PM

McFeely nailed it. My question is are there people really that gullible that they don't know people like Eddie, O'Reilly, Hanity, Limbaugh, Jeff Tobin, etc., etc. don't believe half the crap they spew, but are doing it for the coin? I find that very, very scary......even McFeely, while likely always left leaning, know playing that up is good for ratings......

God help us if people really take these people seriously.....

07-06-2018, 01:51 PM

McFeely nailed it. My question is are there people really that gullible that they don't know people like Eddie, O'Reilly, Hanity, Limbaugh, Jeff Tobin, etc., etc. don't believe half the crap they spew, but are doing it for the coin? I find that very, very scary......even McFeely, while likely always left leaning, know playing that up is good for ratings......

God help us if people really take these people seriously.....

I always suspect that people who are successful in that medium take a genuine part of their personality and crank it up to 11.

Anyways, love him or hate him, there is certainly a place for him in Bison lore. He was an asset to NDSU's program and certainly help promote the product.

07-06-2018, 02:08 PM
I always suspect that people who are successful in that medium take a genuine part of their personality and crank it up to 11.

I think that is true to some degree, but it is like taking it from 1 to 11. They honestly may not care that much, but know what "moves the needle."

07-06-2018, 02:41 PM
On another note, McFeely talked about him going into a crowd at high school game when someone said "Ed Schultz sucks." Just how much did he despise use when, as students, we regularly chanted at him "Ed shot his dog" and "Ed beats his wife?" Man, he much of just seethed at us......(of course, I was like 19 yo and didn't even know why we were saying it!)

(For you young kids, we would literally do this right in front of him when he was on the field before the game. In hindsight, the kind of youthful foolishness that make college great and horrible at the same time.)

07-06-2018, 04:20 PM
Only saw Ed in person a couple times. One was at NDSU he was walking into the BSA like he owned the place. The other time he got owned in a bar in DL haha.

My condolences to his family and friends.

07-06-2018, 06:24 PM
Only saw Ed in person a couple times. One was at NDSU he was walking into the BSA like he owned the place. The other time he got owned in a bar in DL haha.

My condolences to his family and friends.
Shorewood Pub incident?

Some great memories of Ed calling Bison games, but my favorites were from when he called MN district and sectional basketball games from the Cobber Fieldhouse when I was a kid. He was incredible calling those games, which are some of the best sports memories I have. RIP Ed.

07-06-2018, 07:29 PM
Onto another angle, I'd sure like to know more about his death. He was working for Putin and there are lots of deaths that happen with folks who had worked for Putin...... #conspiracy

07-07-2018, 02:57 AM
Onto another angle, I'd sure like to know more about his death. He was working for Putin and there are lots of deaths that happen with folks who had worked for Putin...... #conspiracy

I heard he was in a care facility. So something went off kilter real quick like

07-07-2018, 05:20 PM
The bottle was not thrown at Ed, it was intended to be flipped over the press box, but was short armed through the press box window, barely missing Dana. Ed flipped out and ran into the crowd, grabbing a few people by the collar along the way.

Probably better that it went into the press box, really. Had one sail over my head once when I was on the back row at Dacotah. Turned around to see it hit the ground and it came about three feet from hitting a guy who was walking around down there.

07-08-2018, 04:00 AM
Probably better that it went into the press box, really. Had one sail over my head once when I was on the back row at Dacotah. Turned around to see it hit the ground and it came about three feet from hitting a guy who was walking around down there.

Pretty customary in those days to throw a schnapps bottle over the press box onto the ground below. Bad idea to be walking around down there.

07-08-2018, 01:40 PM
Probably better that it went into the press box, really. Had one sail over my head once when I was on the back row at Dacotah. Turned around to see it hit the ground and it came about three feet from hitting a guy who was walking around down there.

It’s the big sky, small target theory we used to use when dropping unguided ordnance through the cloud deck back in the day when I was new to the military.

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07-08-2018, 01:55 PM
It’s the big sky, small target theory we used to use when dropping unguided ordnance through the cloud deck back in the day when I was new to the military.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I was asked once if I was ever anxious about the possibility that a bullet would have my name on it. The only thing that really worried me was mortar and rocket fire addressed "To Whom It May Concern."

07-09-2018, 01:48 AM
Ed was hosting his show from some hotel bar up in Grand Forks. Me and a bunch of guys were there for some reason, Electrical Engineering student group trip I think? We started into the Hail the Bison song, full volume. Good times.

07-09-2018, 03:37 AM
I was asked once if I was ever anxious about the possibility that a bullet would have my name on it. The only thing that really worried me was mortar and rocket fire addressed "To Whom It May Concern."

Lucky for me, I didn’t receive a rocket addressed “to whom it may concern” - others weren’t so lucky. I brought in the first C-RAM batteries to Afghanistan however. Can’t believe they weren’t there years before I got there.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

07-11-2018, 07:18 PM
I heard he was in a care facility. So something went off kilter real quick like

He wasn't in a care facility. Actually was given a clean bill of health a week earlier.

Bison Dan
07-11-2018, 10:13 PM
he wasn't in a care facility. Actually was given a clean bill of health a week earlier.

kiss of death

07-12-2018, 02:19 PM
kiss of death

probably a und doctor from the 134th ranked med school there.

07-12-2018, 08:01 PM
He wasn't in a care facility. Actually was given a clean bill of health a week earlier.

Correct. He was at home and was going to be returning to work. Never woke up.

07-14-2018, 03:56 AM
Great highlight film! This was back when I lost touch with NDSU football (no internet, no national coverage, nothing). The option offense was fun to watch at the D2 level. The game sure looked faster than more contemporary D2 championship games I have attempted to watch. Those uniforms are nothing to be proud of, though.
The play by play is excellent as far as I am concerned.

I disagree. NDSU had dope threads way back when. I don't care for the current ones, Snorty is an iconic logo they should have stuck with. The pants are fine. Better than as someone pointed out in a different thread, the Bronco pants, and the shirt is clean, almost Bama-esque. The stripes wouldn't likely be there nowadays anyway with how tight they are these days.

Also...Tony Satter....lmao what a dirty man. That's bananas.

07-15-2018, 02:00 AM
I disagree. NDSU had dope threads way back when. I don't care for the current ones, Snorty is an iconic logo they should have stuck with. The pants are fine. Better than as someone pointed out in a different thread, the Bronco pants, and the shirt is clean, almost Bama-esque. The stripes wouldn't likely be there nowadays anyway with how tight they are these days.

Also...Tony Satter....lmao what a dirty man. That's bananas.

Most teams had the same jersey style back then so it was pretty typical. Hardly unique. I was never a fan of snorty on the helmet (like it on hats and shirts though) and I prefer the current one which is iconic to me. But I have to admit I like the look of the large numbers on the back of the old helmet. Wouldn't mind seeing that now.

07-15-2018, 04:54 AM
Most teams had the same jersey style back then so it was pretty typical. Hardly unique. I was never a fan of snorty on the helmet (like it on hats and shirts though) and I prefer the current one which is iconic to me. But I have to admit I like the look of the large numbers on the back of the old helmet. Wouldn't mind seeing that now.

lmao wut? That's a dope classic look. You might be a bad person.

07-15-2018, 07:36 AM
lmao wut? That's a dope classic look. You might be a bad person.

A preference cant be wrong. There is a reason they changed it. It wasnt a great look and I agree with DakotaOkie. Our current helmet is iconic and the logo has been on our helmet longer than snorty. We've won more National Championships with that helmet than any other logo too and had some epic FBS wins with it. It's so good looking that Scott Van Pelt puts it on his set back in 2010 simply because it looks awesome.

The jersey I wouldn't mind changing up to something classic but the helmet is my all time favorite helmet.