View Full Version : "Is ESPN doomed" thread

09-14-2017, 01:00 PM
I didn't read through it completely, but saw enough to shitcan the whole thing.

AGS has a Politics Board (for now) if you want to mix sports and politics: http://www.anygivensaturday.com/forumdisplay.php?57-Political-Board

Why doesn't Bisonville have a politics board? Because the people who can't let their partisan politics alone long enough to visit a sports board do not and never will respect requests to keep their partisan BS off the main board.

BTW, we've always talked a bit of politics on Bisonville, especially policy stuff that affects NDSU and the area, but I've chosen to draw the line at partisan politics.

09-14-2017, 01:34 PM
Crazy thing was I started that thread on the very legit discussion of can ESPN survive the cord cutting revolution. I never dreamed that would happen. I'll try to resurrect the interesting part of that discussion if ESPN does another big purge in the future or loses a major contract.

09-14-2017, 03:26 PM
I didn't read through it completely, but saw enough to shitcan the whole thing.

AGS has a Politics Board (for now) if you want to mix sports and politics: http://www.anygivensaturday.com/forumdisplay.php?57-Political-Board

Why doesn't Bisonville have a politics board? Because the people who can't let their partisan politics alone long enough to visit a sports board do not and never will respect requests to keep their partisan BS off the main board.

BTW, we've always talked a bit of politics on Bisonville, especially policy stuff that affects NDSU and the area, but I've chosen to draw the line at partisan politics.

Hey, Tony, can you please define what is politics verses culture. Also, why does national "politics" seem to be no go, but local politics are fine? Just curious why we can have thread after thread about the politics of higher ed, local initiatives to work on Sundays et.el., but not others. I should point out that often these topics become partisan in the root of the discussion if not outright obvious.

Perhaps you could define the rule then consistently enforce it so there is no guessing as to what can and cannot be discussed.

I am not trying to put you on the spot, but
It's a bit disappointing when you shut things down especially when there is no real consistency of what stays and what goes.

Btw...I understand partisan, but as a tutorial could give a few examples. Whe never get to see what or where the line is.

09-14-2017, 04:00 PM
It's a bit disappointing when you shut things down especially when there is no real consistency of what stays and what goes..

Well it's his board so....

09-14-2017, 04:03 PM
Well it's his board so....I do see the consistency...he gives people the chance to stop and leave well enough alone...and then he steps in if the conversation does not right itself. That, or he isn't online to babysit until after it has gone too far.

Bison Loaf
09-14-2017, 04:10 PM
I'm going to protest by selling my screen name and BV account, for a large profit, to unsuspecting posters that want to flame away on here politically. That will both fix the problem and stick it to BV!

Bison 4 Life
09-14-2017, 04:12 PM
Yeah, I called that shit today. That wasn't a pop culture discussion AT ALL. That was "we love Trump, we hate Trump".

09-14-2017, 04:40 PM
It is Tony's board. I think he is very fair. I do miss Angry Elf though.....

09-14-2017, 04:44 PM
I do see the consistency...he gives people the chance to stop and leave well enough alone...and then he steps in if the conversation does not right itself. That, or he isn't online to babysit until after it has gone too far.

I agree. I'm just saying his house...his rules. Don't like it? Go somewhere else.

09-14-2017, 04:48 PM
Well it's his board so....

Correct which putd it on him to set the rules and ensure consistency.

I did not get a chance to see what in there postings as of this am, but as of last night it was not all that partisan.

Look I am not bashing Tony. I am asking for guidance. It seems this has been a bit of an issue with him shutting the site down and or threatening to shut it down a few times now.

09-14-2017, 04:53 PM
Hey, Tony, can you please define what is politics verses culture. Also, why does national "politics" seem to be no go, but local politics are fine? Just curious why we can have thread after thread about the politics of higher ed, local initiatives to work on Sundays et.el., but not others. I should point out that often these topics become partisan in the root of the discussion if not outright obvious.

Anyway, I'm not sure what you are asking - politics vs culture?

Rule of thumb: The more local, the less partisan the political discussion, the more likely it is to be acceptable. It would seem pretty odd to not talk about higher ed policy on an NDSU board directly affected by such policy, for example.

Not having anything remotely political wouldn't work because there are people for whom EVERYTHING is political so they will be crying no matter what the discussion is about.

On the other extreme, allowing all political talk won't work either because people who see partisanship in every aspect of life are never going to be happy until they turn Bisonville into an echo chamber for their incessant screeching.

09-14-2017, 04:55 PM
I do see the consistency...he gives people the chance to stop and leave well enough alone...and then he steps in if the conversation does not right itself. That, or he isn't online to babysit until after it has gone too far.
Oh then how do explain an entire thread to discuss state legislation. Are you really gunna try and say that was not a partisan big pile of shit. Or how about Mormon bashing that has shown up several times, if memory serves a mod lead thst discussion. Look , i have cut my BV time way back as 99% is rehashed discussion from 5 years ago. At the same time it still sometimes serves its purpose. Its not asking too much for a bit of consistently.

09-14-2017, 06:02 PM
Personally I appreciate the job Tony does with keeping politics and other crap out of here. Sure it's not perfect and lines are still crossed at times but I don't think it's that hard to understand what he's trying to do. Bisonville is a better place for it.

09-14-2017, 06:54 PM
On the other extreme, allowing all political talk won't work either because people who see partisanship in every aspect of life are never going to be happy until they turn Bisonville into an echo chamber for their incessant screeching.

Bisonville politics are so DII, you libtard neo-Nazi.

09-14-2017, 06:55 PM
Local politics can be more tame and civil discussion. Once it branches out to national politics it usually turns into finger pointing or name calling.

09-14-2017, 07:24 PM
Personally I appreciate the job Tony does with keeping politics and other crap out of here. Sure it's not perfect and lines are still crossed at times but I don't think it's that hard to understand what he's trying to do. Bisonville is a better place for it.


Bisonville politics are so DII, you libtard neo-Nazi.

Your forgot JV old timey.

09-15-2017, 12:25 AM
Hey, Tony, can you please define what is politics verses culture. Also, why does national "politics" seem to be no go, but local politics are fine? Just curious why we can have thread after thread about the politics of higher ed, local initiatives to work on Sundays et.el., but not others. I should point out that often these topics become partisan in the root of the discussion if not outright obvious.

Perhaps you could define the rule then consistently enforce it so there is no guessing as to what can and cannot be discussed.

I am not trying to put you on the spot, but
It's a bit disappointing when you shut things down especially when there is no real consistency of what stays and what goes.

Btw...I understand partisan, but as a tutorial could give a few examples. Whe never get to see what or where the line is.

It really hast been that confusing to me and most that I can tell . Plus I think hes been pretty consistent.

Bison 4 Life
09-15-2017, 12:35 AM
That thread was obviously going tits up pretty quickly.

09-15-2017, 01:31 AM
Anyway, I'm not sure what you are asking - politics vs culture?

Rule of thumb: The more local, the less partisan the political discussion, the more likely it is to be acceptable. It would seem pretty odd to not talk about higher ed policy on an NDSU board directly affected by such policy, for example.

Not having anything remotely political wouldn't work because there are people for whom EVERYTHING is political so they will be crying no matter what the discussion is about.

On the other extreme, allowing all political talk won't work either because people who see partisanship in every aspect of life are never going to be happy until they turn Bisonville into an echo chamber for their incessant screeching.

I guess I did not see what folks wrote, but it sounds like it turned into pro versus anti trump...I get not wanting that. The next thing you know ANTIFA will be doxing everyone they disagree with. Like I said, up until 10 pm the last time I checked in last night there was really nothing on the thread remotely like that. Also, I still dont know what was said to kick everyone off last year.

Christopher Moen
09-15-2017, 01:50 AM
I guess I did not see what folks wrote, but it sounds like it turned into pro versus anti trump...I get not wanting that. The next thing you know ANTIFA will be doxing everyone they disagree with. Like I said, up until 10 pm the last time I checked in last night there was really nothing on the thread remotely like that. Also, I still dont know what was said to kick everyone off last year.

Sure would hate for them to figure out my identity.

Bison 4 Life
09-15-2017, 02:10 AM
I guess I did not see what folks wrote, but it sounds like it turned into pro versus anti trump...I get not wanting that. The next thing you know ANTIFA will be doxing everyone they disagree with. Like I said, up until 10 pm the last time I checked in last night there was really nothing on the thread remotely like that. Also, I still dont know what was said to kick everyone off last year.

The use of that word puts you squarely on one side.

I know why you're mad the discussion stopped.

Mr Meaty
09-15-2017, 12:27 PM
Personally I appreciate the job Tony does with keeping politics and other crap out of here. Sure it's not perfect and lines are still crossed at times but I don't think it's that hard to understand what he's trying to do. Bisonville is a better place for it.

Agreed 110%.

09-16-2017, 01:36 PM
Correct which putd it on him to set the rules and ensure consistency.

I did not get a chance to see what in there postings as of this am, but as of last night it was not all that partisan.

Look I am not bashing Tony. I am asking for guidance. It seems this has been a bit of an issue with him shutting the site down and or threatening to shut it down a few times now.
Quit acting like you pay for some service on bisonville you consistently are in the mix of the political talk that gets censored... I'd say you know what is ok and what's not move on

09-16-2017, 01:41 PM
ESPN's #1 problem is THEIR politics. How about they cover SPORTS without all the fluff that leans ONE way. They are just like 9 of 10 so called news networks out there that do the same thing. Interesting how they are all failing with low ratings too. Maybe they should be more like Tony and keep the politics out of their media.

09-16-2017, 02:09 PM
I haven't watched ESPN in almost a year. Stopped during the election. They weren't talking sports. The end.

09-17-2017, 12:35 PM
I don't watch much ESPN anymore, mostly just live events and Gameday at this point. But this last week kind of highlights the fall of ESPN to me. Cleveland made history with their streak, just like the A's back in 2002. I remember SportsCenter back when Oakland did it, and they led SportsCenter with it and even *gasp* showed highlights. I'm sure this week they opened with Stephen A Smith taking about LeBron James or how he thought something was racist.

Sent from my VS995 using Tapatalk

09-17-2017, 10:06 PM
I don't watch it anymore except for college fb games and gameday if I happen to be home. I used to watch it all the time.

05-25-2018, 01:22 PM
No intention to get Angry Elf mad, but this is a solid WSJ story on the troubles at ESPN: http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2018/05/25/how-weakened-espn-became-consumed-by-politics.html I did go to WSJ to finish the story, but most of it is found on this link for free. I only dare post this that while it does cover the political controversy, it also shows ESPN's horrible management decisions regarding cord cutters which was my point in starting the thread in the first place. (Rarely in my lifetime have I seen businessmen be so dumb; like generals who don't know what it is like in the trenches.) I still wonder if they survive all this as I am still not convinced they get it.

05-25-2018, 01:34 PM
Sounds like Disney has to share some of the blame for not believing how quickly cordcutting and streaming would grow.

Sent from my Pixel 2 using Tapatalk

05-25-2018, 01:43 PM
Sounds like Disney has to share some of the blame for not believing how quickly cordcutting and streaming would grow.

Sent from my Pixel 2 using Tapatalk

I kind of lump ESPN/Disney together in my "dumb" comment above.

Bison Loaf
05-25-2018, 02:15 PM
No intention to get Angry Elf mad, but this is a solid WSJ story on the troubles at ESPN: http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2018/05/25/how-weakened-espn-became-consumed-by-politics.html I did go to WSJ to finish the story, but most of it is found on this link for free. I only dare post this that while it does cover the political controversy, it also shows ESPN's horrible management decisions regarding cord cutters which was my point in starting the thread in the first place. (Rarely in my lifetime have I seen businessmen be so dumb; like generals who don't know what it is like in the trenches.) I still wonder if they survive all this as I am still not convinced they get it.

Kind of like the people who didn’t see the Bison Championship Football Tradition re-establishing, and didn’t get their season tickets or tailgating spots when they were both readily available?

05-25-2018, 02:16 PM
Kind of like the people who didn’t see the Bison Championship Football Tradition re-establishing, and didn’t get their season tickets or tailgating spots when they were both readily available?Whoa...coming out swinging for the fences! Poor TSCF didn't even see it coming!

05-25-2018, 02:32 PM
Kind of like the people who didn’t see the Bison Championship Football Tradition re-establishing, and didn’t get their season tickets or tailgating spots when they were both readily available?

I hear there is a book titled "How To Win Friends And Influence People."


05-25-2018, 02:47 PM
Kind of like the people who didn’t see the Bison Championship Football Tradition re-establishing, and didn’t get their season tickets or tailgating spots when they were both readily available?

I repped the Loaf, but I have learned from past mistakes and do have a tailgate spots that are quite profitable :) .

Bison Loaf
05-25-2018, 02:50 PM
Whoa...coming out swinging for the fences! Poor TSCF didn't even see it coming!

Awe shucks, I didn’t really mean to come off so harsh (if that’s how it reads)! I only meant to make the point that hindsight is always 20/20 and we ALL do dumb things in retrospect sometimes, from hot-shot multinational corporations to long-time Bison fans.

Just wanted to bring that idea closer to home with a Bison analogy ....... and, of course, pick on TSCF a little bit too (but not too much!) :)

Bison Loaf
05-25-2018, 03:20 PM
I hear there is a book titled "How To Win Friends And Influence People."


You are getting precariously close to losing all your spinach dip privileges, Mister!

05-25-2018, 03:44 PM
Kind of like the people who didn’t see the Bison Championship Football Tradition re-establishing, and didn’t get their season tickets or tailgating spots when they were both readily available?

Whoa...coming out swinging for the fences! Poor TSCF didn't even see it coming!

This is not ok! You guys are being mean. Can we just put a hold on this ripping on TSCF PLEASE?......

At least till August 1.

Or until the Goo Goo Dolls come back to town.

Bison Loaf
05-25-2018, 04:08 PM
This is not ok! You guys are being mean. Can we just put a hold on this ripping on TSCF PLEASE?......

At least till August 1.

Or until the Goo Goo Dolls come back to town.

If I were you, I wouldn’t be worrying about TSCF ......... I’d be worrying about keeping that hot little former cheerleading number, who is worth at least 100 priority points, happy and satisfied . ;)

05-25-2018, 04:13 PM
If I were you, I wouldn’t be worrying about TSCF ......... I’d be worrying about keeping that hot little former cheerleading number, who is worth at least 100 priority points, happy and satisfied . ;)

As usual, you have learned nothing. Read the book.

05-25-2018, 04:34 PM
If I were you, I wouldn’t be worrying about TSCF ......... I’d be worrying about keeping that hot little former cheerleading number, who is worth at least 100 priority points, happy and satisfied . ;)

For some reason she seems happy when I go hang out with tscf!

Christopher Moen
05-25-2018, 08:09 PM
ESPN better hope the ESPN+ is successful. Paying UFC $1.5 Billion is no chump change: http://www.chicagotribune.com/sports/breaking/ct-spt-espn-ufc-rights-20180523-story.html (Warning - article has a nasty pic of former Jamestown, ND, resident getting knocked-out)

Bison Loaf
05-25-2018, 08:26 PM
You are getting precariously close to losing all your spinach dip privileges, Mister!

As usual, you have learned nothing. Read the book.

There it is. Just lost the spinach dip, smart guy.

Want to try for the brownies next, or are you going to jump directly to the Jagermeister?

06-01-2018, 09:50 PM
Wish I had the link, but it gave me great pleasure to find out "Get Up" was not doing well. WTF anyone would kill a golden goose is beyond me. Mike and Mike was the best of the best of ESPN talk, and now they have probably burned any bridges with Golic if they ever come to their senses. I just don't get how anyone can be that dumb.

06-02-2018, 01:59 PM
They are really dumb. It's fun to watch Clay Travis make fun of them on Twitter.

06-02-2018, 02:17 PM
I have always liked Golic, the other Mike, meh.

Mr Meaty
06-02-2018, 08:19 PM
I have always liked Golic, the other Mike, meh.

Greenie is as annoying as Wingo. Golic is radio gold.

06-02-2018, 09:15 PM
ESPN better hope the ESPN+ is successful. Paying UFC $1.5 Billion is no chump change: http://www.chicagotribune.com/sports/breaking/ct-spt-espn-ufc-rights-20180523-story.html (Warning - article has a nasty pic of former Jamestown, ND, resident getting knocked-out)

That's a good deal for the UFC, they should be able to widen their audience at ESPNs expense

06-02-2018, 10:45 PM
That's a good deal for the UFC, they should be able to widen their audience at ESPNs expense

UFC is slowly dying, it wont help ESPN much.

Christopher Moen
06-03-2018, 12:05 AM
UFC is slowly dying, it wont help ESPN much.

Can’t cheat as much now that UFC participants are tested by USADA.

Using my iPhone to Tapatalk-a-tap-dance on the F’Hawking graves of dead feelings from those who worship Nazi-sympathizers.

06-04-2018, 12:11 AM
Greenie is as annoying as Wingo. Golic is radio gold.

Correct. But Greenie and Golic had a bond/link that the great partners do. His city boy, idiot attitude worked so well playing off Golic's "man's man" persona. Can anyone else think of an entertainment medium where the bosses, not the talent, decided to end a winning formula that topped the charts? It is nuts!

06-04-2018, 12:23 AM
Correct. But Greenie and Golic had a bond/link that the great partners do. His city boy, idiot attitude worked so well playing off Golic's "man's man" persona. Can anyone else think of an entertainment medium where the bosses, not the talent, decided to end a winning formula that topped the charts? It is nuts!

Warner Brothers pulled the creative team off The West Wing after 4 emmys for best drama and 13 acting emmys in its first 4 season’s.

06-04-2018, 05:19 AM
UFC is slowly dying, it wont help ESPN much.

I dont think the UFC is dying at all. Its closing the gap with boxing who is also having issues due to the lack of big names. Every show on TV is seeing declines. But like i said in my original post, they will widen their audience at ESPNs expense

07-31-2020, 06:26 PM
Correct. But Greenie and Golic had a bond/link that the great partners do. His city boy, idiot attitude worked so well playing off Golic's "man's man" persona. Can anyone else think of an entertainment medium where the bosses, not the talent, decided to end a winning formula that topped the charts? It is nuts!

Well, now Golic is done. Just how dumb is ESPN for ending Mike and Mike?