View Full Version : A new attack dog on Bresciani

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03-03-2016, 03:08 PM
It looks like a Minot legislator is planning on introducing a bill that will really cripple how the Foundation assists the President of any University in North Dakota. While I am no fan of Prez B, this bill is another attempt at over reach by a Western ND legislator.


StL Bison Fan
03-03-2016, 03:16 PM
It looks like a Minot legislator is planning on introducing a bill that will really cripple how the Foundation assists the President of any University in North Dakota. While I am no fan of Prez B, this bill is another attempt at over reach by a Western ND legislator.

I found the part about the suite catering interesting. Wonder what they order for the suite?

We are cutting state budgets and we worry about this stuff. Red herring

03-03-2016, 03:17 PM
It looks like a Minot legislator is planning on introducing a bill that will really cripple how the Foundation assists the President of any University in North Dakota. While I am no fan of Prez B, this bill is another attempt at over reach by a Western ND legislator.

The ONLY positive thing I read in the article is that the Bill is NOT being introduced until the legislature is in session.
Hopefully his counterparts will realize that its not very good and will never get introduced.

03-03-2016, 04:08 PM
The target here should be the State Board of Higher Education and their dumb policy concerning travel accommodations and the like befitting the Chief Executive of an operation the size of a State University.

The insanity of not allowing upgrades unless a 3rd party pays for them (a less charitable phrasing would be 'legally sanctioned bribe') is only exceeded by the hypocrisy of someone in this state legislature complaining about it while doing nothing to fix their own campaign finance rules. Not that there's anything going on but this guy could have deposited campaign contributions into a personal bank account and used the money to buy himself a retirement home in Phoenix and there's no way anyone could find out about it. But somehow the President of NDSU being able to take a nap and get some work done on an international business trip is a serious problem that must be addressed?

03-03-2016, 07:33 PM
Totally stupid legislation.

Nothing wrong with what Pres B did.

Get your own budget in order and quit worrying about how a Pres of #1 research institution in the state flies.....

03-03-2016, 08:27 PM
The target here should be the State Board of Higher Education and their dumb policy concerning travel accommodations and the like befitting the Chief Executive of an operation the size of a State University.

The insanity of not allowing upgrades unless a 3rd party pays for them (a less charitable phrasing would be 'legally sanctioned bribe') is only exceeded by the hypocrisy of someone in this state legislature complaining about it while doing nothing to fix their own campaign finance rules. Not that there's anything going on but this guy could have deposited campaign contributions into a personal bank account and used the money to buy himself a retirement home in Phoenix and there's no way anyone could find out about it. But somehow the President of NDSU being able to take a nap and get some work done on an international business trip is a serious problem that must be addressed?

There was a bill introduced last session to change the practice of letting legislators dump campaign contributions into their personal accounts---of course it failed. I am sure our good friend from Minot voted to ban the practice.

03-03-2016, 08:36 PM
There was a bill introduced last session to change the practice of letting legislators dump campaign contributions into their personal accounts---of course it failed. I am sure our good friend from Minot voted to ban the practice.


03-03-2016, 09:25 PM
You can't fix stupid. From his webpage....

Core Beliefs

Foundation for Good Government

Limited Government
Government should provide only the functions that cannot be done by individuals or private businesses. The best form of government is one that governs the least.


I guess it's only limited government when it fits your agenda. Otherwise pile on the legislation. What a moron.

06-07-2016, 11:51 PM
I have no idea where to post this, but I haven't seen it anywhere on here..


06-08-2016, 02:26 AM
I have no idea where to post this, but I haven't seen it anywhere on here..

I agree with McFeely again.

Wtf. That's not supposed to happen.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

06-08-2016, 01:46 PM
I have no idea where to post this, but I haven't seen it anywhere on here..


It appears Schafer has anointed himself the savior of Higher Education in ND--:rofl:. Maybe he can have a new career travelling from campus to campus cutting baseball and golf. It is especially laughable that he thinks NDSU is playing a shell game with the budget. No way any F'Hawk would ever consider doing that.

06-08-2016, 01:53 PM
Schafer seems to have pissed off a lot or R's with his gubernatorial endorsement. If he really wants what McFeeley thinks he wants I'm not sure how he's going to get it if no one in Bismarck and no one in Fargo wants him.

Bison bison
06-08-2016, 03:47 PM
Schafer has been a good fit for UND as they needed quick, big cuts.

I think he and everyone else who question NDSU's reporting should call for an audit or can it.

06-08-2016, 06:01 PM
Schafer has been a good fit for UND as they needed quick, big cuts.

I think he and everyone else who question NDSU's reporting should call for an audit or can it.

That's the key difference between UND's and NDSU's situation. UND had to make permanent decisions quickly, NDSU has the time to make permanent decisions slowly. I don't understand what's so hard for Schafer, the GFH, or other UND supporters to figure out. UND had just made about $5M in one-time cuts before Schafer got there. When Schafer was handed another $10M-14M in cuts, he had no choice but to make permanent cuts. If UND was able to make $5M in one-time cuts, was it really that hard for him to understand that NDSU could make $6.4M in one-time cuts while beginning plans to make permanent cuts later? Or does he just want the job bad enough that he's lying/distorting the truth?

And the Dunbar Hall kerfuffle is humorous and frustrating. NDSU went to the legislature last biennium to get it replaced and the leg. said okay if tax returns had come in higher than expected. Obviously that didn't happen. So what's really the problem with keeping it on the minds of the Board and legislature. I'm pretty sure NDSU doesn't expect to get it this time, but they're setting things up for next time or the time after that. Besides, the Dunbar replacement couldn't happen until the STEM building was finished anyway; that's why NDSU didn't start asking for it until last time.

I also suspect the Dunbar proposal might be an attempt to get the Sudro Hall expansion to look more palatable. NDSU got no state money for buildings in the last biennium. If NDSU can show how bad Dunbar is, the Board/governor/legislature might allow the lessor project(Sudro) to go forward as a compromise. And, honestly, I think the Sudro project might be more important to the university than the Dunbar project.

06-08-2016, 06:17 PM
That's the key difference between UND's and NDSU's situation. UND had to make permanent decisions quickly, NDSU has the time to make permanent decisions slowly. I don't understand what's so hard for Schafer, the GFH, or other UND supporters to figure out. UND had just made about $5M in one-time cuts before Schafer got there. When Schafer was handed another $10M-14M in cuts, he had no choice but to make permanent cuts. If UND was able to make $5M in one-time cuts, was it really that hard for him to understand that NDSU could make $6.4M in one-time cuts while beginning plans to make permanent cuts later? Or does he just want the job bad enough that he's lying/distorting the truth?

And the Dunbar Hall kerfuffle is humorous and frustrating. NDSU went to the legislature last biennium to get it replaced and the leg. said okay if tax returns had come in higher than expected. Obviously that didn't happen. So what's really the problem with keeping it on the minds of the Board and legislature. I'm pretty sure NDSU doesn't expect to get it this time, but they're setting things up for next time or the time after that. Besides, the Dunbar replacement couldn't happen until the STEM building was finished anyway; that's why NDSU didn't start asking for it until last time.

I also suspect the Dunbar proposal might be an attempt to get the Sudro Hall expansion to look more palatable. NDSU got no state money for buildings in the last biennium. If NDSU can show how bad Dunbar is, the Board/governor/legislature might allow the lessor project(Sudro) to go forward as a compromise. And, honestly, I think the Sudro project might be more important to the university than the Dunbar project.

They aren't tying to figure it out. They already know what the answer is. It rests squarely in the center of the intersection of two ideologies: UND good, NDSU bad and spending cuts good, taxes bad.

06-09-2016, 02:26 AM
Shafer is the consultant who gets paid to lay off people while collecting a big fee like those guys in the Office Space movie. He doesn't have to worry about what people think when he leaves.


I have no idea where to post this, but I haven't seen it anywhere on here..


06-24-2016, 04:33 PM
And the drum beat continues...


06-24-2016, 06:15 PM
And the drum beat continues...

Just tell us what the heavy one is babbling so we don't enhance his site with hits

06-24-2016, 06:27 PM
Just tell us what the heavy one is babbling so we don't enhance his site with hits

There's a SBHE meeting coming up and one of the things being discussed is contract extensions for about half the presidents(some are new(UND), interim, or just had extensions recently). Most extensions will be rubber stamped, but Port claims to be hearing that there will be debate about DB. He thinks that a recent letter to the editor of several papers in support of DB by a group of Fargo business leaders and others is actually a proactive attempt to influence this debate. He thinks there's a real chance the SBHE will choose to not extend DB's contract beyond the current 2017, which is basically the same as firing him. After that, he goes on his typical attacks on DB for the rest of the post. Personally, I think people are feeding him things he wants to hear(or he's making it all up as he has done before), but we'll see soon enough. The meeting is scheduled for Wednesday.


Also, the link to Port's blog doesn't work, but you can still get there easily enough from inForum.

Mr Meaty
06-24-2016, 06:30 PM
DB is great for NDSU and his contract should be extended.

06-24-2016, 06:42 PM
There's a SBHE meeting coming up and one of the things being discussed is contract extensions for about half the presidents(some are new(UND), interim, or just had extensions recently). Most extensions will be rubber stamped, but Port claims to be hearing that there will be debate about DB. He thinks that a recent letter to the editor of several papers in support of DB by a group of Fargo business leaders and others is actually a proactive attempt to influence this debate. He thinks there's a real chance the SBHE will choose to not extend DB's contract beyond the current 2017, which is basically the same as firing him. After that, he goes on his typical attacks on DB for the rest of the post. Personally, I think people are feeding him things he wants to hear(or he's making it all up as he has done before), but we'll see soon enough. The meeting is scheduled for Wednesday.


Also, the link to Port's blog doesn't work, but you can still get there easily enough from inForum.

Thanks, Hammersmith. I guess we're th believe that most sbohe members report to port:facepalm:

StL Bison Fan
06-24-2016, 06:46 PM
I dont think they have the guts to do it.
And the portly one is a blowhard.

06-24-2016, 07:30 PM
There's a SBHE meeting coming up and one of the things being discussed is contract extensions for about half the presidents(some are new(UND), interim, or just had extensions recently). Most extensions will be rubber stamped, but Port claims to be hearing that there will be debate about DB. He thinks that a recent letter to the editor of several papers in support of DB by a group of Fargo business leaders and others is actually a proactive attempt to influence this debate. He thinks there's a real chance the SBHE will choose to not extend DB's contract beyond the current 2017, which is basically the same as firing him. After that, he goes on his typical attacks on DB for the rest of the post. Personally, I think people are feeding him things he wants to hear(or he's making it all up as he has done before), but we'll see soon enough. The meeting is scheduled for Wednesday.


Also, the link to Port's blog doesn't work, but you can still get there easily enough from inForum.

Fixed the linky (sorry).

My opinion is that there is a group in North Dakota, who does wield some power, that most certainly doesn't like DB. I suspect that group includes Shaffer... I am guessing this group is giving Port information. Kinda reminds me of the Yellow Journalism days. Lets get Port to write a story to get the public thinking DB is in trouble then if we let him go it just seems like a natural progression of things.

06-24-2016, 07:34 PM
DB is great for NDSU and his contract should be extended.

And that is exactly why some people don't like him.

06-24-2016, 08:22 PM
Letter in today's Herald...I bet Mike Jacobs shit when he read it in his old paper...


06-24-2016, 11:23 PM
Letter in today's Herald...I bet Mike Jacobs shit when he read it in his old paper...


I read the letter for the first time now and it drives me nuts about the Portly Rob type folks. He will be the first to highlight poor reporting and will portray himself as a great alternative media source. Then you get this....

The letter sings Bresciani’s praises, though I had to laugh when the first thing they praise the guy for his is ability to…hire good football coaches. Good grief.

When the letter says this....

In his six years as president, Bresciani has provided exceptionally strong leadership across all aspects of the university with his passion for academics and research that has generated results and awards. He enjoys support from the campus community of students, administration and faculty leadership across all spectrums of the university because he is highly visible, cares deeply and is engaged on a daily basis.

He has hired a very strong team of coaches, led by the hiring of a strong athletic director.

He has provided much-needed support for the growth of the arts at NDSU, and he is well respected by alumni from across the nation and business leaders in the Fargo-Moorhead community, simply because of the strong and visual leadership he brings to the university.....

Leave it to Rob to emphasize one sentence out of a very long letter. But hey, if you have a political point to try to score, all is fair I guess.

06-25-2016, 12:10 AM
I read the letter for the first time now and it drives me nuts about the Portly Rob type folks. He will be the first to highlight poor reporting and will portray himself as a great alternative media source. Then you get this....
When the letter says this....
Leave it to Rob to emphasize one sentence out of a very long letter. But hey, if you have a political point to try to score, all is fair I guess.

Well, let's see, a number of respected civic leaders as opposed to a hack who couldn't cut it at NDSU. We have to give Rob some slack since he undoubtedly reads and comprehends on a second-grade level. That assessment is probably an insult to second graders.

StL Bison Fan
06-25-2016, 12:49 AM
I read the letter for the first time now and it drives me nuts about the Portly Rob type folks. He will be the first to highlight poor reporting and will portray himself as a great alternative media source. Then you get this....

When the letter says this....

Leave it to Rob to emphasize one sentence out of a very long letter. But hey, if you have a political point to try to score, all is fair I guess.

Actually, he thought it read farts, not arts.

Tony Almeida
06-25-2016, 12:49 AM
Well, let's see, a number of respected civic leaders as opposed to a hack who couldn't cut it at NDSU. We have to give Rob some slack since he undoubtedly reads and comprehends on a second-grade level. That assessment is probably an insult to second graders.

I agree. What a tool.

He also brings up Chapman again...why the hate on him is beyond me. What Chapman has done for NDSU is unprecedented from land grant and research perspectives to athletics.

06-25-2016, 01:46 AM
Rob is easy to own

06-25-2016, 02:17 AM
I also don't understand the infatuation with the 4 year degree thing. NDSU is an engineering school, most have gone into that understanding we will likely be there for 5 years, plus we probably need an internship. If you want to get done quicker, it is within your ability to take more classes....

Christopher Moen
06-25-2016, 10:15 AM
Fixed the linky (sorry).

My opinion is that there is a group in North Dakota, who does wield some power, that most certainly doesn't like DB. I suspect that group includes Shaffer... I am guessing this group is giving Port information. Kinda reminds me of the Yellow Journalism days. Lets get Port to write a story to get the public thinking DB is in trouble then if we let him go it just seems like a natural progression of things.

That Ed Schafer guy reminds me of the old "Billionaire Ted" skits:


06-25-2016, 11:06 AM
That Ed Schafer guy reminds me of the old "Billionaire Ted" skits:

Snidely Whiplash.

06-25-2016, 11:55 AM
Ed Schaefer having anything to do with ndsu is a major conflict of interest. Holy hell should be raised before this would ever happen. Ed wouldn't do anything in ndsu's best interest.

06-25-2016, 12:56 PM
Ed wouldn't do anything in ndsu's best interest.

Sure he would... he's already picked that ridiculous logo for UND. :biggrin:

Bison bison
06-25-2016, 03:34 PM
Ed Schaefer having anything to do with ndsu is a major conflict of interest. Holy hell should be raised before this would ever happen. Ed wouldn't do anything in ndsu's best interest.

Ed has been an adjunct faculty in the NDSU AgEcon Department for the past three years or so...

Bison bison
06-25-2016, 06:25 PM
My thoughts.

There are many in this state that have 'issues' with fargo, ndsu, imperial cass. There are many in this state with no background in higher education who want to manage the university system or members of it - including Ed Schafer.

The situation is worse now than ever as:

NDSU is separating itself from UND. Contrary to policy, NDSU is not to be part of a unified system it is to play second string to UND and be successful in agriculture and agriculture only as UND doesn't have it.

Schafer is completing an arguably successful term as interim UND President. He made large, swift cuts that needed to be made. He and others think that NDSU need the same cuts. They don't. NDSU addressed the allotment and are preparing for a 10-15% reduction in the next biennium as well as a an additional allotment. This has been done as part of a more measured, thoughtful, acceptable way than at UND because NDSU is in a stronger position financially.

Doug Burgum's election is an up yours to North Dakota's political establishment (just like Trump and Brexit). The establishment wants to make a statement about who runs the show. They'll pretend it's about the system and the Chancellor, and Bresciani being a rogue agent. When really it's about insecurity, jealousy, and vengeance.

There is zero doubt in my mind that there are state legislators and others who are working the SBoHE to get Bresciani removed and Ed Schafer installed as an interim. And that Ed will want to come in with an eye for making large, quick cuts. They'd prefer that Bresciani be terminated this week rather have his contract go unrenewed.

I think Bresciani's contract will be renewed as they don't have real grounds not to. But the fact that he and the NDSU have to deal with this is ridiculous yet expected.

06-25-2016, 06:53 PM
It is absolute nonsense that the discussion concerning the renewal of contracts is going to take place behind closed doors.

06-25-2016, 07:39 PM

Appears McFeely is ahead of this

Bison bison
06-25-2016, 07:47 PM
Thank God.

06-25-2016, 07:54 PM

Appears McFeely is ahead of this

but, but, but... Looks like Port's puppet master isn't going to get what he wants.

06-25-2016, 07:57 PM

Appears McFeely is ahead of this

Rob will have a s*** fit, the evaluation makes a positive comment about football. :rofl:

06-25-2016, 09:49 PM
McFeely. The AntiPort.

(I never thought I would see Mike as the visible NDSU proponent. - Apologies and Thanks to you Mike. )

StL Bison Fan
06-25-2016, 10:04 PM
McFeely. The AntiPort.

(I never thought I would see Mike as the visible NDSU proponent. - Apologies and Thanks to you Mike. )
came from the dark side, he did

06-25-2016, 10:09 PM
McFeely. The AntiPort.

(I never thought I would see Mike as the visible NDSU proponent. - Apologies and Thanks to you Mike. )

He can be a practical contrarian when it serves him. It's hard to tell when to take him seriously

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-26-2016, 03:20 AM
McFeely's articles/posts this week were prologue to this. The first part of a two-part interview with DB. Port and his ilk will automatically dismiss it, but it seems to confirm what a few of us suspected. The NDSU financial crisis of several years back is a reason we were in a much better position this time around, and that the Dunbar Hall project request is as much about keeping it front and center in the capital funding discussion as it is about actually getting the funding.


06-26-2016, 11:25 PM
I also don't understand the infatuation with the 4 year degree thing. NDSU is an engineering school, most have gone into that understanding we will likely be there for 5 years, plus we probably need an internship. If you want to get done quicker, it is within your ability to take more classes.... You can add in Pharmacy and Accounting that need 5 years at a minimum. You know that going in..

06-26-2016, 11:47 PM
You can add in Pharmacy and Accounting that need 5 years at a minimum. You know that going in..

actually Pharmacy is 7 years. Also 5 for Architecture as well.

06-27-2016, 12:50 AM
saw this in the comments section... I didn't think it jived with Hammer's assessment.

John Andrist > MAKB • a day ago

The budget for the UND Medical School alone is much higher than the total budget of our five smallest colleges. Most of our colleges -- particularly in the west -- have a lower cost per student than UND and NDSU. Sure, in today's world we probably wouldn't have created as many. But closing them now would create enormous mothballing costs, badly cripple their communities, and require still more buildings and classrooms at the home of the big ones. And those who would have to transfer would represent a larger per student cost to the taxpayer.

Bison bison
06-27-2016, 01:54 AM
It doesn't jive with reality.

Tuition is less because of massive state support. The total cost per student is substantially higher.

06-27-2016, 04:08 AM
saw this in the comments section... I didn't think it jived with Hammer's assessment.

Me Hammer(smith) or Dan Hammer?

Anyway, here's the second half of the McFeely/Bresciani interview. As is typical for the Forum editors, they take the most minor portion of the interview and turn that into the headline.


I think there's a typo in the middle. This doesn't make sense as written:

"We're a state that has no demographic needs to fill the job vacancies in the state and those are supposed to triple by 2020."

I think it's supposed to be:

"We're a state that has no demographic means to fill the job vacancies in the state and those are supposed to triple by 2020."

06-27-2016, 12:09 PM
I also don't understand the infatuation with the 4 year degree thing. NDSU is an engineering school, most have gone into that understanding we will likely be there for 5 years, plus we probably need an internship. If you want to get done quicker, it is within your ability to take more classes....

In addition to programs that require more time to complete, a major reason a number of students don't get their degree in four years is that they change majors once or twice. That's not exactly the institutions fault.

06-27-2016, 01:17 PM
Me Hammer(smith) or Dan Hammer?

Anyway, here's the second half of the McFeely/Bresciani interview. As is typical for the Forum editors, they take the most minor portion of the interview and turn that into the headline.


I think there's a typo in the middle. This doesn't make sense as written:

"We're a state that has no demographic needs to fill the job vacancies in the state and those are supposed to triple by 2020."

I think it's supposed to be:

"We're a state that has no demographic means to fill the job vacancies in the state and those are supposed to triple by 2020."

Silly headline and typo aside, at least they are letting Dr. B express himself without editing. A positive article IMHO.

06-27-2016, 04:02 PM
Me Hammer(smith) or Dan Hammer?

Anyway, here's the second half of the McFeely/Bresciani interview. As is typical for the Forum editors, they take the most minor portion of the interview and turn that into the headline.


I think there's a typo in the middle. This doesn't make sense as written:

"We're a state that has no demographic needs to fill the job vacancies in the state and those are supposed to triple by 2020."

I think it's supposed to be:

"We're a state that has no demographic means to fill the job vacancies in the state and those are supposed to triple by 2020."

I thought it was you who had posted the information way back when. My apologies if incorrect...

06-27-2016, 05:33 PM
This is from 2011

At that time the cost per FTE (does not include capital expenses)


Christopher Moen
06-27-2016, 06:13 PM
This is from 2011

At that time the cost per FTE (does not include capital expenses)


Is there a reason for having UND and the UND School of Medicine Sciences listed separately?

06-27-2016, 06:18 PM
Is there a reason for having UND and the UND School of Medicine Sciences listed separately?

They get their own appropriation, and Med Students cost a lot more.

06-27-2016, 06:21 PM
It doesn't jive with reality.

Tuition is less because of massive state support. The total cost per student is substantially higher.

Andrist is, and always has been, full of crap. "Most schools out west have a lower cost per student than UND or NDSU." I wonder how he made that fact up? I'm guessing he's doing that Stupid Legislature Trick #3 where the legislator divides the school's budget by the number of enrolled students or something equally misleading. Yeah, if you take the school's appropriation, which includes tuition, and then divide by the number of students, including those who take 3 or 4 credits per year, yeah, the schools with a huge number of non-degree-seeking students are going to look poorly funded.


06-27-2016, 06:41 PM
John Andrist > MAKB • a day ago

The budget for the UND Medical School alone is much higher than the total budget of our five smallest colleges. Most of our colleges -- particularly in the west -- have a lower cost per student than UND and NDSU. Sure, in today's world we probably wouldn't have created as many. But closing them now would create enormous mothballing costs, badly cripple their communities, and require still more buildings and classrooms at the home of the big ones. And those who would have to transfer would represent a larger per student cost to the taxpayer.

WTF does he mean by mothballing costs? He's outright advocating for the state to keep those institutions open as a type of "welfare" for those communities? Doesn't that go against everything he is supposed to stand for? Wouldn't those additional buildings and transfers be one time expenses rather then the yearly expenses associated with the upkeep and administrative costs associated with keeping all of the current institutions open? You can't honestly tell me that the current NDUS is more efficient now then it would be with fewer institutions!

StL Bison Fan
06-27-2016, 09:27 PM
WTF does he mean by mothballing costs? He's outright advocating for the state to keep those institutions open as a type of "welfare" for those communities? Doesn't that go against everything he is supposed to stand for? Wouldn't those additional buildings and transfers be one time expenses rather then the yearly expenses associated with the upkeep and administrative costs associated with keeping all of the current institutions open? You can't honestly tell me that the current NDUS is more efficient now then it would be with fewer institutions!
Bottineau is an excellant example. School of Forestry offers no forestry. You have to take online classes from another institution.
Back in 2005 my son was recruited by Mayville (wasnt going to happen) so we went to look. One and two students in some classes.

06-27-2016, 09:51 PM
WTF does he mean by mothballing costs? He's outright advocating for the state to keep those institutions open as a type of "welfare" for those communities? Doesn't that go against everything he is supposed to stand for? Wouldn't those additional buildings and transfers be one time expenses rather then the yearly expenses associated with the upkeep and administrative costs associated with keeping all of the current institutions open? You can't honestly tell me that the current NDUS is more efficient now then it would be with fewer institutions!

Well, his last sentence is complete BS so I'm not confident that anything he says is accurate. "And those who would have to transfer would represent a larger per student cost to the taxpayer." Unless I'm missing something, Andrist is saying that when the state pays $150 per credit to a school that is less expensive than $70 per credit. NDSU is the cheapest per credit school in the entire system... and the gap is much wider if you add in capital improvements.

06-27-2016, 10:08 PM
This is what I have for a first pass:

I took the 2015-17 appropriation(before the 4.05% cut from earlier in the year), divided it by 2(so it was yearly instead of a biennium), and divided it by the fall 2015 FTE from each school. I don't have a separate FTE breakdown for UND and the med school, so I had to combine those numbers. If I decide to dig any deeper, it will be to separate the med school out, as well as averaging the fall 2015 and spring 2016 FTE figures together.

VCSU 12,352 4
DSU 12,250 4
MaSU 10,515 4
NDSCS 9,703 2
MiSU 9,486 4
DCB 9,481 2
UND+SM 9,017 R
LRSC 7,639 2
WSC 6,943 2
BSC 6,281 2
NDSU 6,133 R


06-27-2016, 10:13 PM
Well, his last sentence is complete BS so I'm not confident that anything he says is accurate. "And those who would have to transfer would represent a larger per student cost to the taxpayer." Unless I'm missing something, Andrist is saying that when the state pays $150 per credit to a school that is less expensive than $70 per credit. NDSU is the cheapest per credit school in the entire system... and the gap is much wider if you add in capital improvements.

Yep. This last biennium widened the gap even further when you factor in capital projects.

VCSU, which was already #1, jumps up to $19,282 per FTE per year, while NDSU stays at $6,133.

06-27-2016, 10:30 PM
Andrist is, and always has been, full of crap. "Most schools out west have a lower cost per student than UND or NDSU." I wonder how he made that fact up? I'm guessing he's doing that Stupid Legislature Trick #3 where the legislator divides the school's budget by the number of enrolled students or something equally misleading. Yeah, if you take the school's appropriation, which includes tuition, and then divide by the number of students, including those who take 3 or 4 credits per year, yeah, the schools with a huge number of non-degree-seeking students are going to look poorly funded.

Yep, that has to be what he's doing. If you divide by headcount instead of FTE, BSC and WSC drop below NDSU. It only happens because those two schools have huge proportions of part-time students. WSC's headcount is 41% above their FTE, while BSC's headcount is 40%. In contrast, NDSU headcount is 13%.

DSU 9,953 4
NDSCS 9,703 2
VCSU 8,956 4
LRSC 7,814 2
MaSU 7,540 4
UND+SM 7,511 R
MiSU 7,282 4
DCB 6,289 2
NDSU 5,423 R
WSC 4,937 2
BSC 4,485 2

StL Bison Fan
06-28-2016, 12:28 AM
Yep, Ed did great job at UND. They just love, love ,love that logo he chose! Ed was a good Governor, but this, not so much.


06-28-2016, 06:20 PM
Great facebook post by NDSU professor Tom Isern:


Mr Meaty
06-28-2016, 06:37 PM
Great facebook post by NDSU professor Tom Isern:


There is a lot of truth in his post. DB should get an extension and continue to lead NDSU even higher.

06-28-2016, 06:39 PM
Great facebook post by NDSU professor Tom Isern:


He was my favorite Professor when I was @ NDSU. Just an awesome guy.

06-28-2016, 06:59 PM
He was my favorite Professor when I was @ NDSU. Just an awesome guy.

Heck, Tim Flakoll's response in there was poetic. Nice to see Senator Mathern reply too. Too bad that the power in Bismarck is held by mendacious twats, idiots, and lickspittles.

The Legislature's #1 priority over the last decade has been accumulating and extending their own power. It's past time to rein them in.

Christopher Moen
06-28-2016, 07:38 PM
Heck, Tim Flakoll's response in there was poetic. Nice to see Senator Mathern reply too. Too bad that the power in Bismarck is held by mendacious twats, idiots, and lickspittles.

The Legislature's #1 priority over the last decade has been accumulating and extending their own power. It's past time to rein them in.

What would their feelings towards Bresciani be, if Bresciani had been hired by UND years ago instead and had brought them the same success that NDSU currently has? I know, it's a rhetorical question, but as an outsider looking in, that's my take on the whole conflict - the people with the most influence on ND's SBoHE are UND people.

UND and its leaders lack the initiative to be successful, much like the way they dragged their feet on the DI move.

Herd Mentality
06-28-2016, 08:25 PM
Great facebook post by NDSU professor Tom Isern:


If you saw his lawn, you'd be like me and wonder why his choice of flower is what it was for the analogy...and not dandelions.

06-28-2016, 08:26 PM
What would their feelings towards Bresciani be, if Bresciani had been hired by UND years ago instead and had brought them the same success that NDSU currently has? I know, it's a rhetorical question, but as an outsider looking in, that's my take on the whole conflict - the people with the most influence on ND's SBoHE are UND people.

UND and its leaders lack the initiative to be successful, much like the way they dragged their feet on the DI move.

They would much rather drag others down with them than take the initiative to get better. Those that get better make the others look bad.

06-28-2016, 09:18 PM
If you saw his lawn, you'd be like me and wonder why his choice of flower is what it was for the analogy...and not dandelions.

The dude is busy writing, can't be bothering himself with dandelions!

06-28-2016, 09:44 PM
The dude is busy writing, can't be bothering himself with dandelions!

Tom has been a friend of mine for 25 years and really is a prolific scholar as well as a great teacher. I'll be sure and speak to him about his yard when I see him on Thursday.

Christopher Moen
06-28-2016, 10:07 PM
Tom has been a friend of mine for 25 years and really is a prolific scholar as well as a great teacher. I'll be sure and speak to him about his yard when I see him on Thursday.

Is this his yard?

Maybe he's just showing school pride with the colors of the prairie.

06-28-2016, 10:11 PM
Tom has been a friend of mine for 25 years and really is a prolific scholar as well as a great teacher. I'll be sure and speak to him about his yard when I see him on Thursday.

Well Rob has issues with him...


To summarize...

1) Bresciani is a cancer...
2) NDSU is a failure because 4 and 6 year graduation rates are low. (Apparently we should just be handing out degrees like little league participation ribbons).
3) The football boosters and Fargo media are on full defensive. (The media is bad, bad bad.
4) The push is so great that they obviously influenced the chancellor to give a positive review, it is the only possible reason! Don't believe me......

The NDSU boosters may win this fight. They have a lot of clout. One need look no further than Chancellor Hagerott’s tepid criticism of Bresciani in his most recent evaluation to see that. Hagerott is no doubt wary of what happened to his predecessors like Shirvani and Robert Potts when they were too sharp in their criticism of the NDSU president

5) Oh yeah, Bresciani is a cancer...
6) Oh yeah, private plane used to fly to Bismarck...

I am still fascinated with the graduation rate. "It's the universities fault no one is graduating!" Are they supposed to make it easier? I am an engineer, part of the deal with Calc. 1-4 was to weed people out. It makes my degree more valuable. Plus doesn't just an itty bitty little bit of responsibility belong to the students?

06-28-2016, 10:34 PM
Plus doesn't just an itty bitty little bit of responsibility belong to the students?

Plus maybe many students also work while taking classes which limits their credit load resulting in extra semesters to graduate.

06-28-2016, 10:37 PM
Plus maybe many students also work while taking classes which limits their credit load resulting in extra semesters to graduate.

So, what you are saying is that the problem would be solved if they got free tuition? Hey isn't that a Bernie Sanders position? So Rob Port is endorsing Sanders?

06-28-2016, 10:44 PM
As for me dropping out of NDSU, that was my decision. I had no business being in college. I needed to get a job at that point in my life.

DQ tab must have been out of control.

Christopher Moen
06-28-2016, 11:16 PM
DQ tab must have been out of control.

Did he drop-out, or did he fail? Although both lead to the same result, they are totally different.

Also, he is way too visceral for college athletics. He's going to have to get over it as they (athletics) are an important part of every major institution in the United States, and for many, is the biggest center of attention in regards to public awareness.

There's a lot of truth from Coach Winters' statement in "The Program" movie:

.....when was the last time 80,000 people showed up to watch a kid do a damn chemistry experiment? Why don't you stick the bow-tie up your ass?

06-28-2016, 11:17 PM
Tom has been a friend of mine for 25 years and really is a prolific scholar as well as a great teacher. I'll be sure and speak to him about his yard when I see him on Thursday.

If he keeps writing like that, he can have as many dandelions in his yard as he wants. :)

06-29-2016, 01:24 AM
First, Rob has no appreciation for or understanding of higher education. Second, if NDSU's 53.1% (6yrs) and 25.6% (4 yrs) graduation rates are grounds for claiming a President is not doing their job, then every president in the system is a failure. UND, 53.3 and 24.1; Valley, 46.2 and 22.8; DSU, 37.9 and 15.3; Minot, 37.3 and 14.4; and Mayville, 36 and 20.9.

I think most will agree he is intellectually dishonest, and this is just another example.


06-29-2016, 01:30 AM
I wish people would stop the links to fat robs site

06-29-2016, 02:01 AM
First, Rob has no appreciation for or understanding of higher education. Second, if NDSU's 53.1% (6yrs) and 25.6% (4 yrs) graduation rates are grounds for claiming a President is not doing their job, then every president in the system is a failure. UND, 53.3 and 24.1; Valley, 46.2 and 22.8; DSU, 37.9 and 15.3; Minot, 37.3 and 14.4; and Mayville, 36 and 20.9.

I think most will agree he is intellectually dishonest, and this is just another example.


If you look at this... NDSU looks fairly good.


06-29-2016, 02:51 AM
. NDSU looks fairly good.

That is precisely why fat rob and those who are controlling him have such a jealous hate on for NDSU and why they will eventually invent a smear campaign against the president there no matter who it is

Herd Mentality
06-29-2016, 03:09 AM
If he keeps writing like that, he can have as many dandelions in his yard as he wants. :)

I retract my statement, it would appear that he may have sprayed this year.

06-29-2016, 03:24 AM
I retract my statement, it would appear that he may have sprayed this year.

Maybe Bresciani crop dusted it with the University's private jet?

Alert Porterhouse!

06-29-2016, 11:05 AM
I don't know why, but Porterhouse makes me think of Grima Wormtongue from Lord of the Rings. His words are poison.

06-29-2016, 01:10 PM
i don't know why, but porterhouse makes me think of grima wormtongue from lord of the rings. His words are poison. dont ever give him that much credit ever.

06-29-2016, 01:31 PM
Well. Today we know.

Either the attacks will continue since he's still the President - or we enter a dark time in North Dakota.

06-29-2016, 01:51 PM
The dude is busy writing, can't be bothering himself with dandelions!

Maybe he makes dandelion wine.

06-29-2016, 03:46 PM
Will Bresciani step down?

06-29-2016, 04:06 PM
This all reminds me of the Dan Jones situation at Ole Miss last year.


06-29-2016, 04:19 PM
Will Bresciani step down?

According to the article he says he gets inquiries all the time.
To me it would be for his benefit to keep thing in line, make sure its in order, and then
decide if he wants to change or not. I hope they bastards in Bismark do not force him

06-29-2016, 04:27 PM
Will Bresciani step down?

If he does, they better pay the man a couple million...

06-29-2016, 06:29 PM
This all reminds me of the Dan Jones situation at Ole Miss last year.


Not to get too far off track here, but from that article, the problem with today's students in a nutshell:

The rally was peaceful, and had a positive tone. That didn't sit well with Matthew Fernandez, a senior who said he wanted more anger and questions directed at the IHL board.

"It was a student-led effort and a lot of people came together in a very short time frame and put this together, but I do feel like some of the anger and some of the radical potential didn't come together for me," Fernandez said.

06-29-2016, 06:36 PM
Not to get too far off track here, but from that article, the problem with today's students in a nutshell:

Yes, the problem with people today is that they're not nearly compliant enough when they see bullshit happening.

06-29-2016, 08:21 PM
Yes, the problem with people today is that they're not nearly compliant enough when they see bullshit happening.

Don't put words in my mouth.

06-29-2016, 09:21 PM
So it's 4:20. Are we cool?

06-29-2016, 09:37 PM
SBHE votes to table discussions on Bresciani's extension until November. Better than deciding not to extend, but still not good.

StL Bison Fan
06-29-2016, 09:37 PM
Per McFeely tweet
N.D. Board of Higher Ed votes to table contract extension of Dean Bresciani at NDSU to Nov. meeting. Teamwork, communication issues cited.

Vote to extend 2 yr presidents and minot mayville and dickenson

06-29-2016, 09:39 PM
Per McFeely tweet
N.D. Board of Higher Ed votes to table contract extension of Dean Bresciani at NDSU to Nov. meeting. Teamwork, communication issues cited.

Vote to extend 2 yr presidents and minot mayville and dickenson

You've gotta be kidding me.

StL Bison Fan
06-29-2016, 09:43 PM
You've gotta be kidding me.

Until they can find a president who can drive ndsu into the ground, they wont be happy
I have never seen a state that hates success more.

Perhaps the voting booth is the place to fix this.

06-29-2016, 09:45 PM
Per McFeely tweet
N.D. Board of Higher Ed votes to table contract extension of Dean Bresciani at NDSU to Nov. meeting. Teamwork, communication issues cited.

Vote to extend 2 yr presidents and minot mayville and dickenson

Incredibly sad that they can't see how good he is for the university. I imagine that he will take another position now that it is obvious that the SBHE doesn't value what he brings to the state.

06-29-2016, 09:46 PM
So stupid. What a f'hawking JOKE!

Crazy how much the rest of the State hates to see success.

Christopher Moen
06-29-2016, 09:55 PM
Incredibly sad that they can't see how good he is for the university. I imagine that he will take another position now that it is obvious that the SBHE doesn't value what he brings to the state.

They "see" how good he is for the university, and that in itself is their problem. If he was doing the same at UND, they would have had a gold statue of Bresciani on campus by now. Yes, incredibly sad.

06-29-2016, 10:05 PM
Bresciani would be Jesus if he was at UND

06-29-2016, 10:06 PM
Burgum, I'm looking your way. You're the effective governor-elect, time to whisper(yell) in a few ears.

06-29-2016, 10:07 PM
what a fucking joke......its so sad that this is all this operation has to talk about

06-29-2016, 10:16 PM

06-29-2016, 10:25 PM
Way to go SBHE, a non-firing firing. WDAY at five played a taped interview with Schafer before the Board decision and he was openly touting his qualifications and campaigns for the job, like he knew what was coming. What an ass. If he comes to NDSU he will burn the campus to the ground.

06-29-2016, 10:30 PM
The complaints are "communication and teamwork"? So they can't point to any plausible concerns with the results of his job performance, so their complaint is with his "communication and teamwork". What a joke.

06-29-2016, 10:51 PM
I am furious about this, F'ing livid. The board is out of control and it would be huge for Burgum to step up and take leadership on this now. We are the most backwards state in the union. Suffer in mediocrity...automatic contract extension. Start pulling your university ahead of the pack...Fire him! This is so Nodak.

06-29-2016, 10:57 PM
I wish people would stop the links to fat robs site

Please keep this in mind. Im completely done with that DB

Bison bison
06-29-2016, 11:01 PM
Will Bresciani step down?

He should announce his resignation effective June 30, 2017.

06-29-2016, 11:03 PM
You fire Bresciani, good luck finding anyone worth a single damn. The Andrist's of the state will get the North Dakota good ol' boy they've always wanted at NDSU so they can finally run the most successful school in the state into the ground. They will never be satisfied until this happens.

Can't wait until Burgum is elected and starts kicking some ass, at least I have that glimmer of hope.

06-29-2016, 11:07 PM
Time to vote assholes like Carlson out of office...

06-29-2016, 11:10 PM
I am about as Republican as they come these bastards are going to force me to vote democrat. I do trust Doug to get this right. Hopefully Dean just keeps working and advancing NDSU and is extended come November.

06-29-2016, 11:17 PM
I am about as Republican as they come these bastards are going to force me to vote democrat. I do trust Doug to get this right. Hopefully Dean just keeps working and advancing NDSU and is extended come November.

Unless Doug gets this fixed quick, Dean will bail and rightfully so. He has a hell of resume now after what he has done here and could likely land a more prestigious job. We are now in limbo, as Dean is smart enough to wait for the right gig to come along first. Instead of continuing to lead, we (the state) have now turned him into the captain of an aimless ship.

StL Bison Fan
06-29-2016, 11:21 PM
I would suggest you contact your elected officals and voice your concerns.
I e mailed mine. I explained that of all the concerns i have, education is the top of my list. Votes are the only thing that matters to these people as a means to keep their power and perks.
Isnt Don Morton on that board?

06-29-2016, 11:34 PM
I would suggest you contact your elected officals and voice your concerns.
I e mailed mine. I explained that of all the concerns i have, education is the top of my list. Votes are the only thing that matters to these people as a means to keep their power and perks.
Isnt Don Morton on that board?

He is on the board and he voted with the majority...Only one guy, Brett Johnson (who is a senior at UND), voted against tabling the discussion.

What a f'n joke!

Christopher Moen
06-29-2016, 11:39 PM
I am about as Republican as they come these bastards are going to force me to vote democrat. I do trust Doug to get this right. Hopefully Dean just keeps working and advancing NDSU and is extended come November.

As an Independent Conservative, I don't see this problem as a Republican vs. Democrat issue, but rather a NDSU vs. UND issue. Those claiming to be conservative and are against Bresciani, aren't following conservative ideals. For example, why would one limit the growth of school that has a pretty good ROI in regards to the state of ND and each individual graduating from the school. That's bad business. Also, Schafer (and his adorers) boasts his budget work at UND by cutting programs and funds. That is just plain lazy business. Doesn't take a good businessman to eliminate business cost, but it takes one to create revenue.

The last thing the people of UND want to see is for NDSU to keep being successful and growing. That will eventually change their favorable imbalance in the state's legislature.

Christopher Moen
06-29-2016, 11:41 PM
I would suggest you contact your elected officals and voice your concerns.
I e mailed mine. I explained that of all the concerns i have, education is the top of my list. Votes are the only thing that matters to these people as a means to keep their power and perks.
Isnt Don Morton on that board?

Here's the list of the individuals on the ND SBOHE: https://www.ndus.edu/board/sbhe-members/

StL Bison Fan
06-29-2016, 11:49 PM
Here's the list of the individuals on the ND SBOHE: https://www.ndus.edu/board/sbhe-members/

I will tell you from experience they are a rather useless group of do nothings.

Christopher Moen
06-29-2016, 11:50 PM
I will tell you from experience they are a rather useless group of do nothings.

You just described the majority of every politician (regardless of party) that I have met.

06-30-2016, 12:02 AM
The thing that pisses me off if you are going to do it don't hide in executive session. Do it out in the open the way Government should be done. If you can only vote and discuss it quietly with the door closed, your a spineless board member owned by the legislator that is in your ear some would call it a lapdog.

Bison bison
06-30-2016, 12:25 AM
Here's a question.

How could Rob Port be clued in to the SBoHE possibly not renewing Bresciani's contract?

ND laws are very strict on discussing business outside of meetings. Hagerott's letter on its face was very positive.

Makes you think that lots of people were talking 'independently'...

06-30-2016, 01:20 AM
This states legislature is as crooked as an old cottonwood tree. It's a GOBC and it's way past time to take out the trash. I almost get the sense that it'll never happen. There is no way that board can honestly say that President Bresciani isn't doing exactly what he is supposed to do which is look out for what's best for NDSU. He isn't supposed to be a fucking yes man for the board or the legislature he is supposed to lead 1 of the top research institutions in the entire nation and he has done it outstandingly and what does he get from his bosses for it? A fricking kick in the nuts. I'm guessing he will be gone by November, hope I'm wrong.:mad:

06-30-2016, 01:55 AM
Well they messed up a bit be delaying this to when school is in session. It will be interesting to see if the students come out for Dean like they did Joe.

Yes get rid of all the incumbents

06-30-2016, 01:57 AM
Here's a question.

How could Rob Port be clued in to the SBoHE possibly not renewing Bresciani's contract?

ND laws are very strict on discussing business outside of meetings. Hagerott's letter on its face was very positive.

Makes you think that lots of people were talking 'independently'...

Was thinking the same thing someone needs to write a letter to the Forum asking this very question.

rob came right out and side he had inside knowledge. If anything I wonder if DB does not have a case for a hostile work place...dont really know but this feels hostile

StL Bison Fan
06-30-2016, 02:01 AM
Was thinking the same thing someone needs to write a letter to the Forum asking this very question.

rob came right out and side he had inside knowledge. If anything I wonder if DB does not have a case for a hostile work place...dont really know but this feels hostile
As in, why go to executive session if you have a guy reporting on it before hand.

06-30-2016, 02:01 AM
He is on the board and he voted with the majority...Only one guy, Brett Johnson (who is a senior at UND), voted against tabling the discussion.

What a f'n joke!

I would like to know what Brett Johnson was planning to do with his vote. He simply voted against tabling this because he wanted his say before his term expires tomorrow.

06-30-2016, 02:07 AM

Mike Gets it!

06-30-2016, 02:09 AM
Mcfeelys been killing it ever since moving back to the Forum.

StL Bison Fan
06-30-2016, 02:11 AM
[QUOTE=MNLonghorn10;1129700]Mcfeelys been killing it ever since moving back to the Forum.[/QUOTE

Radio should be good tomorrow

06-30-2016, 02:16 AM
I would like to know what Brett Johnson was planning to do with his vote. He simply voted against tabling this because he wanted his say before his term expires tomorrow.

who is the next student rep?

06-30-2016, 02:18 AM
Surprisingly there is basically nothing on twitter except for way too many different portly handles retweeting his story.

06-30-2016, 02:22 AM
SBOHE members look as foolish as the Moorhead city council who got rid of a successful city manager because he didn't do exactly what they wanted. (Why even have a professional city manager then?)

06-30-2016, 02:22 AM
who is the next student rep?

Nick Evans from NDSU.

Christopher Moen
06-30-2016, 02:23 AM
Nick Evans from NDSU.

Perhaps that's the reason for the delay?

06-30-2016, 03:06 AM
Perhaps that's the reason for the delay?


06-30-2016, 03:08 AM
Here's the list of the individuals on the ND SBOHE: https://www.ndus.edu/board/sbhe-members/

The site CM provided includes links to email the members of the SBOHE. Don't have to stop at just emailing the legislature.

06-30-2016, 03:23 AM
Perhaps that's the reason for the delay?

Is the student member voting or non-voting for things like this? I thought the student got to vote on procedural things but not the important stuff. Could easily be wrong though.

06-30-2016, 03:27 AM

Mike Gets it!

And tomorrow Port will have a blog entry about how the home town newspaper is biased and will support the NDSU Prez no matter what. Same B.S. crap we have to deal with every issue...

Bison bison
06-30-2016, 03:28 AM
I'm glad the student rep voted the way he did. There was business to be done and the board punted.

My thought is that Bresciani has really pissed off a few folks in Bismarck and they want him gone, but can't do it.

They took a shot not because they want to run him off, they want him to quit the field.

the only thing missing right now is one of hagerott's poorly executed military euphemisms.

06-30-2016, 03:28 AM
I can find a podcast link for McFeely's show from today, but he was hitting on all cylinders regarding DB and the SBHE. Basically said that there were people that were upset that NDSU was leaving UND in the dust and they were fools to stymie NDSU's growth. I'm not one to write letters to legislators, but this one got my blood boiling.

Christopher Moen
06-30-2016, 03:34 AM
Is the student member voting or non-voting for things like this? I thought the student got to vote on procedural things but not the important stuff. Could easily be wrong though.

Honestly, I don't have a clue. If I had to guess, I would say yes due to how the student member from UND was voting.

06-30-2016, 03:45 AM
I can find a podcast link for McFeely's show from today, but he was hitting on all cylinders regarding DB and the SBHE. Basically said that there were people that were upset that NDSU was leaving UND in the dust and they were fools to stymie NDSU's growth. I'm not one to write letters to legislators, but this one got my blood boiling.

Write that letter

06-30-2016, 03:48 AM
And tomorrow Port will have a blog entry about how the home town newspaper is biased and will support the NDSU Prez no matter what. Same B.S. crap we have to deal with every issue...

Serious, Rob needs to get taken to task on who leaked him info. He essentially admitted so mine did. There needs to be sone sort of ethics investigation.

06-30-2016, 03:56 AM
Serious, Rob needs to get taken to task on who leaked him info. He essentially admitted so mine did. There needs to be sone sort of ethics investigation.

You forget, there is no ethics commission in North Dakota...we don't need one, there has never been a problem before and there will never be a problem in the future.

Bison bison
06-30-2016, 03:56 AM

Just pull a port and issue an open records request on hagerott, his staff, and all members of the Board, 'suspects'. Emails, phone messages, etc.

06-30-2016, 04:10 AM
I don't post on Facebook often and when I do it is rarely regarding North Dakotan politics, but this situation really irks me. Dean Bresciani was chosen as President in 2010 to lead North Dakota State University and has done a downright outstanding job. North Dakota State University is currently experiencing a golden age of academic achievement, doctorate-level research, student involvement and yes, national athletic recognition (all four of which are currently at levels never before seen in the state of North Dakota). All of this while being antagonized and handcuffed by the North Dakota State Board of Higher Education and the State Legislature throughout his term. For various reasons, this upsets those who would like to see NDSU remain as a small regional university and not continue its push for nationally recognized excellence. It is no wonder the State of North Dakota is often characterized as a "good ol' boys network" and this is an example of the cronyism at its worst. Mr. Bresciani's job title is not to be a "yes man" for the Board of Higher Education or the State Legislature. His job is to lead NDSU to the best of his abilities, and what his abilities have helped to produce is a university of which myself and tens of thousands of other alumni and current students are incredibly proud. NDSU, and as a result, North Dakota as a state have been improved by his continuous hard work and for that I am thankful.

Rant over. Go Bison.

B.S., Civil Engineering

North Dakota State University, 2014

^^Posted to FB tonight with a link to the McFeely article, will be reformatted and submitted to editor of Forum and emailed to SBOHE board members seeking answers as to why his contract discussion was punted.

Let me know if I spelled anything wrong ;)

06-30-2016, 04:12 AM
I'm glad the student rep voted the way he did. There was business to be done and the board punted.

My thought is that Bresciani has really pissed off a few folks in Bismarck and they want him gone, but can't do it.

They took a shot not because they want to run him off, they want him to quit the field.

the only thing missing right now is one of hagerott's poorly executed military euphemisms.

I heard that the SBHE Chair Neset is in bed with Skarphol and a few other anti NDSU legislators.

Bison bison
06-30-2016, 04:14 AM
And there is your request...

except legislators are exempt...

or maybe not...

06-30-2016, 04:16 AM
I heard that the SBHE Chair Neset is in bed with Skarphol and a few other anti NDSU legislators.

Gross. #10char

Bison bison
06-30-2016, 05:09 AM
Now would be a really good time for a political cartoon in the Forum.

Christopher Moen
06-30-2016, 06:09 AM
Now would be a really good time for a political cartoon in the Forum.

Between the UND politicians and their overgrown lap-dog, I think ND might be becoming nothing but a cartoon that lacks humor.

StL Bison Fan
06-30-2016, 07:52 AM
And the puppet master weighs in:
Scott Hennen
"Sympathetic media type" @MikeMcFeelyWDAY channels DB response to BHE action today. Not helpful for @DeanBresciani

Your open records request would be for the board members. E mails or phone calls from legislators would show up.
A slew of open records requests from many different indivduals That Are Not Media, would put the heat on.

06-30-2016, 10:13 AM
Here's a question.

How could Rob Port be clued in to the SBoHE possibly not renewing Bresciani's contract?

ND laws are very strict on discussing business outside of meetings. Hagerott's letter on its face was very positive.

Makes you think that lots of people were talking 'independently'...

The SBHE in the past has been reprimanded by the AG's office several times because they can't get it through their thick heads what an open meetings law means.

06-30-2016, 11:01 AM
This attack on the Prez is a crock of shit. I am not a huge fan of Bresciani, but this smells of a witch hunt!

Mr Meaty
06-30-2016, 11:18 AM
Per McFeely tweet
N.D. Board of Higher Ed votes to table contract extension of Dean Bresciani at NDSU to Nov. meeting. Teamwork, communication issues cited.

Vote to extend 2 yr presidents and minot mayville and dickenson

Some one needs to review the egos and job performance of the SBoHE. Dr. B is great for NDSU. Sign him to a five year extension.

06-30-2016, 11:55 AM
I am furious about this, F'ing livid. The board is out of control and it would be huge for Burgum to step up and take leadership on this now. We are the most backwards state in the union. Suffer in mediocrity...automatic contract extension. Start pulling your university ahead of the pack...Fire him! This is.so Nodak

This is so true and it amazes me for a state that purportedly values individualism and achievement can have the mentality that no one can get ahead of the pack. While Tom Isern's notion of cutting down the tallest tulips is appropriate, the maxim has been around for years. When I first came here 35 years ago I was told the story of the buckets of crabs. All of them had lids on them except one. When an observer asked why the reply was "Oh, those are North Dakota Crabs. When one tries to climb and get ahead the others pull him back." Obviously, nothing has changed.

06-30-2016, 12:06 PM
Sad and pathetic. So he's a little arrogant and doesn't always play down to the crowd? I've worked with some of the best engineers, doctors, and scientists in the country and you know what? Virtually all of them had a good streak of arrogance and independence. Some of them could turn into downright SOBs. You don't make progress by sitting around moping and being wishy-washy.

06-30-2016, 12:08 PM

This includes setting metrics for the university president in areas of communication, teamwork and collaboration

Wonder what Bresciani will need to do in order to get a "team player point"?

Can't point to any quantifiable measure of performance in which NDSU is underperforming any of the other state institutions??? Come up with an arbitrary point system for the President's "teaminess" apparently.

06-30-2016, 12:24 PM

Wonder what Bresciani will need to do in order to get a "team player point"?

Can't point to any quantifiable measure of performance in which NDSU is underperforming any of the other state institutions??? Come up with an arbitrary point system for the President's "teaminess" apparently.

He has to play "Mother May I." Evidently the Chancellor and Board have put him on double secret probation.

06-30-2016, 12:29 PM
Sad and pathetic. So he's a little arrogant and doesn't always play down to the crowd? I've worked with some of the best engineers, doctors, and scientists in the country and you know what? Virtually all of them had a good streak of arrogance and independence. Some of them could turn into downright SOBs. You don't make progress by sitting around moping and being wishy-washy.

Whoa, wait...what? I think we should form a committee to take a poll on that.


06-30-2016, 12:32 PM
Hey Hammersmith you are always on top of the numbers, might be time some of these factual numbers on how ndsu is doing more with less to get out and be put in the Facebook and lettera to the editor and maybe a email or two to our current and next Governor.

06-30-2016, 12:34 PM
Morning thought: Could this be a reaction to Burgum's victory? Party leaders are very upset that an outsider has knocked off their candidate again. Could they be trying to reassert their authority versus a successful Fargo businessman/politician by attacking a successful Fargo higher ed employee? It's just as petty as reason as anything else we've seen from them.

06-30-2016, 12:39 PM
Cratter on SS posted that the hang up with the President's contract "was UND's fault." I don't blame UND, just their sycophants.

06-30-2016, 12:41 PM
Hey Hammersmith you are always on top of the numbers, might be time some of these factual numbers on how ndsu is doing more with less to get out and be put in the Facebook and lettera to the editor and maybe a email or two to our current and next Governor.

I agree, somebody qualified should really point those out publicly.

06-30-2016, 12:49 PM
Check out @scotthennen's Tweet: https://twitter.com/scotthennen/status/748306235200512001?s=09

If Dean Bresciani were President of NDSU, a PRIVATE stand alone University, he would have received a nice raise...

Pretty good way of saying this is exactly a bucket of crabs problem.

That's what the political cartoon should be. Bresciani climbing out of a bucket with NDSU on his back with the board pulling him back in with their crab claws with the rest of the states institutions.

06-30-2016, 12:57 PM
Pathetic. They're hoping Dean Bresciani resigns because they're weak and cowardly.

Time for new leadership - especially in the Legislature. Maybe a new governor can kick the their ass into a new direction.

Otherwise, yeah, we better get our pens and pencils out and starting making a case because there doesn't appear to by anybody in the Legislature willing to stand up to Al Carlson, Ray Holmberg, Bob Skarphol et al.

06-30-2016, 01:06 PM
NDB2 nailed it:

They are hoping that Bresciani leaves on his own. They probably know there would be a MAJOR backlash if they voted to NOT renew his contract, but they could not irk their bed fellows.

Now, I've thought about this all night, but the funny part is if Bresciani has the ego they think he is, he may very well look at this as a stare down. If they get to November, and nothing has changed, they will have to take definitive action and I don't think they have the guts to let him go. They already proved they are gutless and spineless.

06-30-2016, 01:11 PM
NDB2 nailed it:

They are hoping that Bresciani leaves on his own. They probably know there would be a MAJOR backlash if they voted to NOT renew his contract, but they could not irk their bed fellows.

Now, I've thought about this all night, but the funny part is if Bresciani has the ego they think he is, he may very well look at this as a stare down. If they get to November, and nothing has changed, they will have to take definitive action and I don't think they have the guts to let him go. They already proved they are gutless and spineless.

I agree. If he does leave for another position though it would be nice we were able to get a new president lined up before he's gone as a big 'f' you to Schafer

StL Bison Fan
06-30-2016, 01:15 PM
I agree. If he does leave for another position though it would be nice we were able to get a new president lined up before he's gone as a big 'f' you to Schafer

I cant imagine a research university being permanately lead by a guy with only a BA.

06-30-2016, 01:19 PM
I cant imagine a research university being permanately lead by a guy with only a BA.

I'm saying not needing an interim President because that is obviously what he is shooting for.

Mr Meaty
06-30-2016, 01:26 PM
I have a friend on the SBHE and I will have to call him and find out what really is the problem some of them have with DB. I believe he is a supporter of DB and I hope he fights hard to keep him on at NDSU. I think the chancellor and chair have issues with DB and their egos will not let them look past the great job he has done in his time at NDSU.

06-30-2016, 01:34 PM
I'm seen a number of, 'maybe Governor Burgum can fix it', type of comments and maybe he can, but I think we need to keep in mind a few things on that front. 1) Institutionally; constitutionally, the Governorship of North Dakota is weak, 2) Republican party leadership doesn't like him and they don't have to play ball (see point 1) 3) Solving the conundrum created by points 1 and 2 requires a politician's skill set, not a CEO's skill set.

StL Bison Fan
06-30-2016, 01:39 PM
Do I think he has an ego? Yes. Leaders usually have confidence. Bet hes had it for a very long time.
Do I think he would indeed get a raise if he were up north? Yes.
Playing devils advocate he has not helped himself with a few things.
First, the plane thing. He was right but sometimes in the political arena you just play the game. And you do not send an e mail out telling staff that donors are footing the bill, instead of making up the difference yourself.. None of those people have 'donors'.
Dont announce you want to grow the school when you are told not to. Work with the chancellor to get him convinced first.
Dont announce you want new buildings when you (and the whole state) is told no new buildings. Wait until session and mention the needs.
I get what hes doing. I really do. But ND really is a bucket of crabs.

06-30-2016, 01:48 PM
Subtweet from Greg Stemen @GregStemen, who is on the board?

"When you have great people, you're obligated to hold them to high standards."


06-30-2016, 02:05 PM
Do I think he has an ego? Yes. Leaders usually have confidence. Bet hes had it for a very long time.
Do I think he would indeed get a raise if he were up north? Yes.
Playing devils advocate he has not helped himself with a few things.
First, the plane thing. He was right but sometimes in the political arena you just play the game. And you do not send an e mail out telling staff that donors are footing the bill, instead of making up the difference yourself.. None of those people have 'donors'.
Dont announce you want to grow the school when you are told not to. Work with the chancellor to get him convinced first.
Dont announce you want new buildings when you (and the whole state) is told no new buildings. Wait until session and mention the needs.
I get what hes doing. I really do. But ND really is a bucket of crabs.

If you are the President of NDSU know your place in the system, "cooperate" and be a "team player." That means don't try to outshine the "Flagship" (which isn't hard to do).

06-30-2016, 02:12 PM
Subtweet from Greg Stemen @GregStemen, who is on the board?

"When you have great people, you're obligated to hold them to high standards."


Holding them to high standards, and holding their job hostage are two completely different things.

06-30-2016, 02:17 PM
It's been 14 years since they were addressed, I think somebody needs to remind the SBHE of their own supposed beliefs and values.

SBHE Policies

100s: Introduction
November 21, 2002

100.5 Beliefs and Core Values of the State Board of Higher Education


We believe the most valuable asset of any state is its human capital: well-educated and highly skilled citizens, employees, business owners, community leaders, and contributing members of society.
We believe a brighter future for North Dakota is directly linked to and dependent upon its University System. Likewise, a brighter future for the University System is linked to the economy of North Dakota.
We believe the University System, in conjunction with the elected and private sector leadership in North Dakota, can and should take positive steps to enhance the economy of North Dakota.
We believe depopulation is a major threat to the overall viability of North Dakota and if not addressed, with urgency, the infrastructure, quality of life, and services available to the citizens of the state will diminish.
We believe the faculty are the foundation of the North Dakota University System.
We believe performance of the University System will be enhanced in an environment which is conducive to innovation, creativity, and flexibility - coupled with appropriate accountability.
We believe in the implementation of education programs and curriculums to meet the needs of a culturally diverse student population and to prepare students to interact in an increasing pluralistic society.
We believe the citizens and the legislature created and expect the University System to function as a system; i.e., to collaborate, whenever appropriate and feasible, in offering programs, serving students and citizens, and in providing administrative services.
We believe the benefits of the University System can and should be available to all of North Dakota, geographically and demographically.
We believe it is important for all the key stakeholders of the University System to adopt and apply the same set of expectations and accountability measures which were identified and agreed to by the 1999 Roundtable on Higher Education.
We believe it is possible to create a University System for the 21st century, as envisioned by the 1999 Roundtable on Higher Education and further believe making it a reality will require all entities to do their part as described in the Report of the Roundtable.

Core Values - To be reflected in how the Board and all personnel of the University System carry out responsibilities on a daily basis:

High integrity
Open, honest, forthright and mutually respectful in discussion and actions
Cooperative valued partner with other state agencies and entities
Responsible stewards of state investment in the University System
Scholarship and the pursuit of excellence in the discovery, sharing, and application of knowledge
Support and embrace diversity

New Policy. SBHE Minutes, March 30, 2001.
Amendment SBHE Minutes, November 21, 2002.


06-30-2016, 02:24 PM
Here's the list of the individuals on the ND SBOHE: https://www.ndus.edu/board/sbhe-members/

These are the individuals that should be emailed with our opinions.

Chancellor's email: mark.hagerott@ndus.edu

06-30-2016, 02:39 PM
So am I getting crabs next time I cross the red river probably sometime later today?

StL Bison Fan
06-30-2016, 02:42 PM
So am I getting crabs next time I cross the red river probably sometime later today?

Or lobsters...
It works with lobsters too

06-30-2016, 02:52 PM
SBOHE members look as foolish as the Moorhead city council who got rid of a successful city manager because he didn't do exactly what they wanted. (Why even have a professional city manager then?)

Ok ok, I get it. Most of you don't live here and only see what was said in the media. Moorhead has a GOBC as well, and this needed to happen. There was some underhanded stuff happening, but the media is only reporting one side of it. You probably don't care enough to look further into the issue, but being basically a lifelong Moorhead resident, I had to. While I'm not a huge fan of the council, I am on their side here. We need a shake up. Moorhead has been growing again recently DESPITE the best efforts of the leaders.

I don't post on Facebook often and when I do it is rarely regarding North Dakotan politics, but this situation really irks me. Dean Bresciani was chosen as President in 2010 to lead North Dakota State University and has done a downright outstanding job. North Dakota State University is currently experiencing a golden age of academic achievement, doctorate-level research, student involvement and yes, national athletic recognition (all four of which are currently at levels never before seen in the state of North Dakota). All of this while being antagonized and handcuffed by the North Dakota State Board of Higher Education and the State Legislature throughout his term. For various reasons, this upsets those who would like to see NDSU remain as a small regional university and not continue its push for nationally recognized excellence. It is no wonder the State of North Dakota is often characterized as a "good ol' boys network" and this is an example of the cronyism at its worst. Mr. Bresciani's job title is not to be a "yes man" for the Board of Higher Education or the State Legislature. His job is to lead NDSU to the best of his abilities, and what his abilities have helped to produce is a university of which myself and tens of thousands of other alumni and current students are incredibly proud. NDSU, and as a result, North Dakota as a state have been improved by his continuous hard work and for that I am thankful.

Rant over. Go Bison.

B.S., Civil Engineering

North Dakota State University, 2014

^^Posted to FB tonight with a link to the McFeely article, will be reformatted and submitted to editor of Forum and emailed to SBOHE board members seeking answers as to why his contract discussion was punted.

Let me know if I spelled anything wrong ;)

Might want to refer to him as Dr. Bresciani.

This attack on the Prez is a crock of shit. I am not a huge fan of Bresciani, but this smells of a witch hunt!

I was waiting for you to weigh in!

I've said it before and I'll say it again: I love living in Minnesota. North Dakota is just so damn backwards. Fargo is it's one saving grace...until something like this happens.

06-30-2016, 03:16 PM
Ok ok, I get it. Most of you don't live here and only see what was said in the media. Moorhead has a GOBC as well, and this needed to happen. There was some underhanded stuff happening, but the media is only reporting one side of it. You probably don't care enough to look further into the issue, but being basically a lifelong Moorhead resident, I had to. While I'm not a huge fan of the council, I am on their side here. We need a shake up. Moorhead has been growing again recently DESPITE the best efforts of the leaders.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: I love living in Minnesota. North Dakota is just so damn backwards. Fargo is it's one saving grace...until something like this happens.

I wish I knew what the other side of it was, because I too love living in Minnesota, but this little "controversy" is not a good look for Moorhead.

06-30-2016, 03:17 PM
So am I getting crabs next time I cross the red river probably sometime later today?

You're mostly safe if you stay away from the Legislature and SBHE.

06-30-2016, 03:20 PM
You're mostly safe if you stay away from the Legislature and SBHE.
Good thing I try not to venture that far west into the state.

06-30-2016, 03:32 PM
Ok ok, I get it. Most of you don't live here and only see what was said in the media. Moorhead has a GOBC as well, and this needed to happen. There was some underhanded stuff happening, but the media is only reporting one side of it. You probably don't care enough to look further into the issue, but being basically a lifelong Moorhead resident, I had to. While I'm not a huge fan of the council, I am on their side here. We need a shake up. Moorhead has been growing again recently DESPITE the best efforts of the leaders.

Might want to refer to him as Dr. Bresciani.

I was waiting for you to weigh in!

I've said it before and I'll say it again: I love living in Minnesota. North Dakota is just so damn backwards. Fargo is it's one saving grace...until something like this happens.

I live in Moorhead and what the Moorhead City Council did was a Joke. A bunch of idiots led by an idiot. Moorhead's growth is despite the council just the same as NDSU's growth is despite the SBOHE and therein lies the problems.

06-30-2016, 03:34 PM
I wish I knew what the other side of it was, because I too love living in Minnesota, but this little "controversy" is not a good look for Moorhead.

It's definitely not. Like I told the council members I've had contact with...perception is reality and right now Moorhead doesn't have a good perception. The two that voted against the firing, were the two that attacked me saying that Moorhead was a great place for business blah blah blah...typical head up your ass thinking. Clearly, they have no idea on the actual pulse of it. People that live and have businesses in Moorhead do so because they WANT to be here. While I'm not a business owner myself, I have friends that are and they are not happy for various reasons. Moorhead has a chance to be progressive and a little more "hipster", if you will, but they are pissing it down their leg. Anyway, that got longer than I intended. Bottom line was that there was some under the table stuff with the managers.

I live in Moorhead and what the Moorhead City Council did was a Joke. A bunch of idiots led by an idiot. Moorhead's growth is despite the council just the same as NDSU's growth is despite the SBOHE and therein lies the problems.

There needed to be change. I am no friend to council so I think that needs change as well.

06-30-2016, 03:37 PM
Bottom line was that there was some under the table stuff with the managers.

Then why all the back room dealings?

06-30-2016, 03:39 PM
I'm seen a number of, 'maybe Governor Burgum can fix it', type of comments and maybe he can, but I think we need to keep in mind a few things on that front. 1) Institutionally; constitutionally, the Governorship of North Dakota is weak, 2) Republican party leadership doesn't like him and they don't have to play ball (see point 1) 3) Solving the conundrum created by points 1 and 2 requires a politician's skill set, not a CEO's skill set.

Not saying you're wrong(because you're not), but Burgum has a little more power than most ND governors because of his money and the anti-establishment feeling in the state right now. If the party leadership decides to get into a pissing war with Burgum, the next round of elections in two years could get ugly. Burgum could use his money and appeal to back outside-the-party challengers by waging a campaign of "I'm trying to fix things, but they won't let me." ND voters are willing to believe that.

Now, I don't think the ND GOP leaders are aware enough to realize how unhappy the voters are. And how corrupt they feel the current crop of legislators is. The GOP has been in power for so long that they've got a sense of invincibility. And if their opponents were the Dems like usual, they'd be right. But they're facing something far more dangerous to them: a new faction of their own party. It's only a seed of one right now, but they should be scared as hell that it will start growing. Could even form a self-fulfilling prophecy. They get so scared and aggressive(like right now?) that they create the bad feelings that causes the seed to flourish.

Personally, I'm hoping for a leadership revolution in the ND GOP. I doubt it will happen this year, but maybe in two years if the GOP leadership is as arrogant and blind as I think they are. I doubt Burgum will accomplish much in the next two years(because the GOP leaders won't let him), but I hope he tries and publicizes the hell out of every attempt that is shot down. The GOP will place the noose around their own neck and tighten it without even realizing it's happening. I'm probably naïve in my hope, but it's the best I've got.

(Again, this is not an attack on the GOP itself, just it's current leadership faction. Maybe a dozen people or so plus hangers-on like Port.)

06-30-2016, 04:01 PM
It's time to BURY KFGO. I'm sorry but having an anti NDSU anti Fargo GM & mouthpiece like gap tooth should NEVER succeed if NDSU & FARGO stood up to them, stop listening & buying ads.

Can you imagine Madison Wisc or Lincoln Neb putting up with this crap? NO!!!

Doug Burgum it's time for leadership & for you to speak up!!! I am calling you out we need you!!!

06-30-2016, 04:06 PM
Not saying you're wrong(because you're not), but Burgum has a little more power than most ND governors because of his money and the anti-establishment feeling in the state right now. If the party leadership decides to get into a pissing war with Burgum, the next round of elections in two years could get ugly. Burgum could use his money and appeal to back outside-the-party challengers by waging a campaign of "I'm trying to fix things, but they won't let me." ND voters are willing to believe that.

Now, I don't think the ND GOP leaders are aware enough to realize how unhappy the voters are. And how corrupt they feel the current crop of legislators is. The GOP has been in power for so long that they've got a sense of invincibility. And if their opponents were the Dems like usual, they'd be right. But they're facing something far more dangerous to them: a new faction of their own party. It's only a seed of one right now, but they should be scared as hell that it will start growing. Could even form a self-fulfilling prophecy. They get so scared and aggressive(like right now?) that they create the bad feelings that causes the seed to flourish.

Personally, I'm hoping for a leadership revolution in the ND GOP. I doubt it will happen this year, but maybe in two years if the GOP leadership is as arrogant and blind as I think they are. I doubt Burgum will accomplish much in the next two years(because the GOP leaders won't let him), but I hope he tries and publicizes the hell out of every attempt that is shot down. The GOP will place the noose around their own neck and tighten it without even realizing it's happening. I'm probably naïve in my hope, but it's the best I've got.

(Again, this is not an attack on the GOP itself, just it's current leadership faction. Maybe a dozen people or so plus hangers-on like Port.)

I agree. If he leans into it in the right way and can recruit like minded challengers for legislative seats.

I'm still not sure how much we really know about Burgum's ideology, though. For example, I don't think that he's such a Kochian libertiarian that he'll passively allow the legislature to burn NDSU to the ground in pursuit of the larger goal but I don't know that.

06-30-2016, 04:08 PM
I agree. If he leans into it in the right way and can recruit like minded challengers for legislative seats.

I'm still not sure how much we really know about Burgum's ideology, though. For example, I don't think that he's such a Kochian libertiarian that he'll passively allow the legislature to burn NDSU to the ground in pursuit of the larger goal but I don't know that.What do you perceive is the larger goal of the legislature? Is it the body as a whole or the handful of power-mongers?

06-30-2016, 04:26 PM
Not saying you're wrong(because you're not), but Burgum has a little more power than most ND governors because of his money and the anti-establishment feeling in the state right now. If the party leadership decides to get into a pissing war with Burgum, the next round of elections in two years could get ugly. Burgum could use his money and appeal to back outside-the-party challengers by waging a campaign of "I'm trying to fix things, but they won't let me." ND voters are willing to believe that.

Now, I don't think the ND GOP leaders are aware enough to realize how unhappy the voters are. And how corrupt they feel the current crop of legislators is. The GOP has been in power for so long that they've got a sense of invincibility. And if their opponents were the Dems like usual, they'd be right. But they're facing something far more dangerous to them: a new faction of their own party. It's only a seed of one right now, but they should be scared as hell that it will start growing. Could even form a self-fulfilling prophecy. They get so scared and aggressive(like right now?) that they create the bad feelings that causes the seed to flourish.

Personally, I'm hoping for a leadership revolution in the ND GOP. I doubt it will happen this year, but maybe in two years if the GOP leadership is as arrogant and blind as I think they are. I doubt Burgum will accomplish much in the next two years(because the GOP leaders won't let him), but I hope he tries and publicizes the hell out of every attempt that is shot down. The GOP will place the noose around their own neck and tighten it without even realizing it's happening. I'm probably naïve in my hope, but it's the best I've got.

(Again, this is not an attack on the GOP itself, just it's current leadership faction. Maybe a dozen people or so plus hangers-on like Port.)

Your perception in my opinion is quite accurate. There are many of us Republicans that are very unhappy with the current state of things with republican leadership. The democratic party in ND is not a threat but the option to primary some of these guys and gals is real. I am by no means a big money donor, I was one of the first to write Doug a check though and will gladly write checks to certain people that I agree with and like that are looking to primary some of those in leadership. The thing is there are many like me in the state of ND. When you put them all together you get outcomes like we saw in the Governors race.

Bison bison
06-30-2016, 04:27 PM
So Neset's concerns are

1. The President didn't tell of her NDSU's change in Carnegie Classification.
2. NDSU's decision to delay the start of the Grand Challenge Initiatives.
3. NDSU lack of research collaboration with UND.
4. NDSU's hesitance to move some of its IT to the University System.

This is all bs.

1. Not knowing immediately of NDSU's change in classification impacted the University System how? It didn't. It doesn't really affect anything except for the prestige of NDSU.
2. This is was the easy obvious, cut. NDSU was able to delay starting a new initiative. Requiring that this $3.2 million be spent, would have meant $3.2 million in cuts elsewhere - that would have meant the loss of permanent jobs. Only in Bismarck is this a smart thing to do.
3. UND has people complain about NDSU not collaborating with them? Tough shit. You can't make people do things they don't want do, especially faculty. You can't micromanage collaboration. There are many reasons why a specific potential collaborative effort might fail. It's a hell of a lot better that it fails during design than operation.
4. Apparently the University System's platform is defunct and NDSU is hesitant to move. And this is a bad thing how? Because it makes the NDUS IT department sad? Here's one - don't suck at your job and then be pissed that others don't want to work with you.

If these are the standards of performance Bresciani/NDSU is doomed.

The SBoHE needs to figure out it's role. It's not to micromanage each university. There is and never will be a policy saying how quickly certain types of information should be submitted to the board. There is not and never will be SBoHE guidance on university cuts - trust me they don't want to go there. There is not and never will be a SBoHE guidance that specific outlines how universities and faculty must collaborate on research.

06-30-2016, 04:27 PM
What do you perceive is the larger goal of the legislature? Is it the body as a whole or the handful of power-mongers?

Its a handful and I have heard some pretty rotten stories when people try and upset the apple cart that the handful is pulling.

StL Bison Fan
06-30-2016, 04:35 PM
What do you perceive is the larger goal of the legislature? Is it the body as a whole or the handful of power-mongers?

Friends that have to go before the legislature to get funding have told me the last two sessions have been hostile and down right rude to the presenters.
Big Al barely won his last election. So perhaps it is changing.
Al threw the gauntlet down with his comments about who runs Bismarck and Burgum having a lot to learn. Perhaps Carson needs to rethink what the voters message was- and learn.

06-30-2016, 04:41 PM
So Neset's concerns are

1. The President didn't tell of her NDSU's change in Carnegie Classification.
2. NDSU's decision to delay the start of the Grand Challenge Initiatives.
3. NDSU lack of research collaboration with UND.
4. NDSU's hesitance to move some of its IT to the University System.

This is all bs.

1. Not knowing immediately of NDSU's change in classification impacted the University System how? It didn't. It doesn't really affect anything except for the prestige of NDSU.
2. This is was the easy obvious, cut. NDSU was able to delay starting a new initiative. Requiring that this $3.2 million be spent, would have meant $3.2 million in cuts elsewhere - that would have meant the loss of permanent jobs. Only in Bismarck is this a smart thing to do.
3. UND has people complain about NDSU not collaborating with them? Tough shit. You can't make people do things they don't want do, especially faculty. You can't micromanage collaboration. There are many reasons why a specific potential collaborative effort might fail. It's a hell of a lot better that it fails during design than operation.
4. Apparently the University System's platform is defunct and NDSU is hesitant to move. And this is a bad thing how? Because it makes the NDUS IT department sad? Here's one - don't suck at your job and then be pissed that others don't want to work with you.

If these are the standards of performance Bresciani/NDSU is doomed.

The SBoHE needs to figure out it's role. It's not to micromanage each university. There is and never will be a policy saying how quickly certain types of information should be submitted to the board. There is not and never will be SBoHE guidance on university cuts - trust me they don't want to go there. There is not and never will be a SBoHE guidance that specific outlines how universities and faculty must collaborate on research.

This is a purely a power struggle, pure and simple. Not sure if Dr. Dean will do it, but staring them down would be in NDSU's best interests. It would break their will as they don't have the guts to get rid of him or they would have definitively turned down an extension and told him to start packing.

To me, I am convinced this all goes back to his State of the University address when he set very, very high goals. Goals that would make NDSU more like the U of M than UN_. They basically said, "Well, we took out one NDSU president who was too big for his britches, lets do it again." The problem is Dr. Dean has not given the rope to do it with where Chapman did. Now, they are scrambling.....

06-30-2016, 04:56 PM
What do you perceive is the larger goal of the legislature? Is it the body as a whole or the handful of power-mongers?

Sorry, my sentence structure may have left something to be desired. I wasn't talking about a larger goal of the legislature or its leaders.

06-30-2016, 04:59 PM
Not saying you're wrong(because you're not), but Burgum has a little more power than most ND governors because of his money and the anti-establishment feeling in the state right now. If the party leadership decides to get into a pissing war with Burgum, the next round of elections in two years could get ugly. Burgum could use his money and appeal to back outside-the-party challengers by waging a campaign of "I'm trying to fix things, but they won't let me." ND voters are willing to believe that.

Now, I don't think the ND GOP leaders are aware enough to realize how unhappy the voters are. And how corrupt they feel the current crop of legislators is. The GOP has been in power for so long that they've got a sense of invincibility. And if their opponents were the Dems like usual, they'd be right. But they're facing something far more dangerous to them: a new faction of their own party. It's only a seed of one right now, but they should be scared as hell that it will start growing. Could even form a self-fulfilling prophecy. They get so scared and aggressive(like right now?) that they create the bad feelings that causes the seed to flourish.

Personally, I'm hoping for a leadership revolution in the ND GOP. I doubt it will happen this year, but maybe in two years if the GOP leadership is as arrogant and blind as I think they are. I doubt Burgum will accomplish much in the next two years(because the GOP leaders won't let him), but I hope he tries and publicizes the hell out of every attempt that is shot down. The GOP will place the noose around their own neck and tighten it without even realizing it's happening. I'm probably naïve in my hope, but it's the best I've got.

(Again, this is not an attack on the GOP itself, just it's current leadership faction. Maybe a dozen people or so plus hangers-on like Port.)

I think Rick Becker is one of those anti establishment GOPers. He got pretty popular after running before the convention

06-30-2016, 05:02 PM
This is a purely a power struggle, pure and simple. Not sure if Dr. Dean will do it, but staring them down would be in NDSU's best interests. It would break their will as they don't have the guts to get rid of him or they would have definitively turned down an extension and told him to start packing.

To me, I am convinced this all goes back to his State of the University address when he set very, very high goals. Goals that would make NDSU more like the U of M than UN_. They basically said, "Well, we took out one NDSU president who was too big for his britches, lets do it again." The problem is Dr. Dean has not given the rope to do it with where Chapman did. Now, they are scrambling.....

I agree with this. They have a vision for NDSU which is very much lower than the vision Bresciani has laid out. That's what is at the bottom of this.

Bison bison
06-30-2016, 05:07 PM
This is a purely a power struggle, pure and simple. Not sure if Dr. Dean will do it, but staring them down would be in NDSU's best interests.

Stare down? More like Eye of the Tiger!

06-30-2016, 06:07 PM
I agree with this. They have a vision for NDSU which is very much lower than the vision Bresciani has laid out. That's what is at the bottom of this.

Part of why I so want Bresciani to gut this out is the next president would be very hobbled if he leaves. Further, they would never attract a Joe or Dean again. (at least in the near future)

Plus, if the Prez won this stare down, they will not want to expend that political capital again, at least for a while.

06-30-2016, 06:21 PM
Sadly, I don't see him staying. I hope I'm wrong, but I doubt he will want to deal with this.

06-30-2016, 06:39 PM
Sadly, I don't see him staying. I hope I'm wrong, but I doubt he will want to deal with this.

All depends on the ego; I am hoping they read him right; if they do, they are slitting their own throats. If they have the wrong read, then yes, he is gone......

Only reason I am thinking this is I think he likes being at NDSU; he sure comes off that way. I have an ego (not one of my good qualities), and I can tell you and would relish going toe to toe in this situation and winning.

06-30-2016, 06:45 PM
So Neset's concerns are

1. The President didn't tell of her NDSU's change in Carnegie Classification.
2. NDSU's decision to delay the start of the Grand Challenge Initiatives.
3. NDSU lack of research collaboration with UND.
4. NDSU's hesitance to move some of its IT to the University System.

This is all bs.

1. Not knowing immediately of NDSU's change in classification impacted the University System how? It didn't. It doesn't really affect anything except for the prestige of NDSU.
2. This is was the easy obvious, cut. NDSU was able to delay starting a new initiative. Requiring that this $3.2 million be spent, would have meant $3.2 million in cuts elsewhere - that would have meant the loss of permanent jobs. Only in Bismarck is this a smart thing to do.
3. UND has people complain about NDSU not collaborating with them? Tough shit. You can't make people do things they don't want do, especially faculty. You can't micromanage collaboration. There are many reasons why a specific potential collaborative effort might fail. It's a hell of a lot better that it fails during design than operation.
4. Apparently the University System's platform is defunct and NDSU is hesitant to move. And this is a bad thing how? Because it makes the NDUS IT department sad? Here's one - don't suck at your job and then be pissed that others don't want to work with you.

If these are the standards of performance Bresciani/NDSU is doomed.

The SBoHE needs to figure out it's role. It's not to micromanage each university. There is and never will be a policy saying how quickly certain types of information should be submitted to the board. There is not and never will be SBoHE guidance on university cuts - trust me they don't want to go there. There is not and never will be a SBoHE guidance that specific outlines how universities and faculty must collaborate on research.

There was a $500,000 grant from NHTSA during the 80's and 90's that I had to work with UND on due to political circumstances. They totally pissed away their portion of the budget one-half of the way through and pounded on the table for our money. We had a meeting that included the VP's from both schools and was told to fork over part of our budget because it was all one project. My colleagues and I were told we had no choice. We never gave them a penny. I guess the Board today would think we should have "cooperated." They were arrogant losers then and they still are.

06-30-2016, 06:59 PM
All depends on the ego; I am hoping they read him right; if they do, they are slitting their own throats. If they have the wrong read, then yes, he is gone......

Only reason I am thinking this is I think he likes being at NDSU; he sure comes off that way. I have an ego (not one of my good qualities), and I can tell you and would relish going toe to toe in this situation and winning.He is also older and wiser...sometimes the payoff just isn't worth the effort...especially if other good opportunities are available.

StL Bison Fan
06-30-2016, 07:02 PM
My theory in life is 'give 'em what they want, they'll get what they deserve'
Pres. B should communicate more. Like call them everytime he does something.
Maybe he should start laying people off. And put the research back in.
My job is not being refilled and my phone constantly is ringing with communities/ people wanting help.
My consulting fee is $75 an hour or they can call the gov. And complain about no help.

06-30-2016, 07:06 PM
My theory in life is 'give 'em what they want, they'll get what they deserve'
Pres. B should communicate more. Like call them everytime he does something.
Maybe he should start laying people off. And put the research back in.
My job is not being refilled and my phone constantly is ringing with communities/ people wanting help.
My consulting fee is $75 an hour or they can call the gov. And complain about no help.

You are undervaluing your contribution and capabilities... Even at a buck an hour.

06-30-2016, 07:27 PM
He is also older and wiser...sometimes the payoff just isn't worth the effort...especially if other good opportunities are available.

When you are older, however, you notice more of how no job is perfect and he may like most of his job a lot.

With all this said, I agree with you. I admit it is more likely he leaves.

06-30-2016, 07:33 PM
When you are older, however, you notice more of how no job is perfect and he may like most of his job a lot.

With all this said, I agree with you. I admit it is more likely he leaves.Sucks that he may be gone, and a twatwaffle like Port will gloat.

06-30-2016, 07:54 PM
Sadly, I don't see him staying. I hope I'm wrong, but I doubt he will want to deal with this.

I hope not. Right now we're ahead in the series 2-1. If they force DB out, it will even up the record.


History lesson for the youngins: This is the 4th major clash between an NDSU president and the SBHE/legislature in the last decade or so. Round 1 was Robert Potts vs. Joe Chapman. Chapman won and NDSU took a 1-0 lead. However Chapman got complacent which allowed the legislature to knock him out in round 2 to tie the series at one apiece. Later Shirvani got into a power struggle with several presidents in round 3, which supposedly Bresciani was part of. Shirvani came up short and NDSU retook the series lead 2-1.

(while there are a couple grains of truth here, I hope people realize I'm joking with the keeping score thing)

06-30-2016, 08:44 PM
Sadly, I don't see him staying. I hope I'm wrong, but I doubt he will want to deal with this.

I dunno I heard his COS is looking for a new house.

StL Bison Fan
06-30-2016, 08:58 PM
The Board didnt pull the trigger because they didnt want to.
Table it until after the election and they are off the hook

06-30-2016, 09:05 PM
Greg Stemen responds:


06-30-2016, 09:07 PM
Got an email back from one of the members of the board...

Because Chairwoman Neset is the Board's spokesperson, my hands are a little tied. I do know Ms. Neset spoke to the media after the meeting, though I haven't seen any quotes in the media from her. It's a little hard when the media picks up bits and pieces only...it seems often there is more to the story (or in some cases, less, as I think happened in the past two weeks) than the media prints. Because the press reported the motion only, I think I understand where your question is coming from and I feel responsible to respond. (I believe you sent a note prior to our meeting, and I appreciate that. It is clear President Brescani has many supporters who are very proud of NDSU and the work he has done there.)

I believe I'm okay if I just share with you a couple of comments made during the open meeting yesterday that weren't picked up by the press, but then I feel I must leave it at that. After the motion was made, three or four board members (myself included) went out of our way to recognize and compliment President Brescani's outstanding work at NDSU. My other comment on the motion - and please recognize it was my comment only - was to explain that it is my understanding that the SBHE is required to consider a somewhat different perspective than campus stakeholders. Per statute and per our duties as trustees, the Board is responsible to ensure full participation of all institutions in the larger systemwide picture, and our motion asked the chancellor and President Brescani to develop goals to ensure that the Board fulfills that end of its responsibility as well.

The Board has talked a lot recently at meetings about the potential synergies of the system, particularly in light of tightening budgets, and we need to do a better job of bringing the campuses together to capitalize on that potential. I think it would be fair to say the motion yesterday is part of that push, and a recognition that we need President Brescani's leadership in our system as well as at the NDSU campus. For my part, the vote to table renewal of his contract was in no way intended to detract from President Brescani's great work at NDSU, but rather to acknowledge the Board's responsibilities to the system and our need for goals to advance the unified system. Both are critically important, and the Board recognizes a compelling urgency to focus more attention on the latter.

I hope that by sharing these comments, I have provided some answer to your question. My opinion, for what it's worth, is that board members really are working to do the right thing. Over the past couple of weeks in particular (though it has been the case throughout my time on the board), I have been really disappointed by the extent of the effort that I believe inadvertently postures a president against the chancellor, an institution against the system, east against west, and even board member against board member. The idea of a divide starts with speculation in the media, which unfortunately gives it the cloak of legitimacy, and it seems to take off. From what I know of our board and our chancellor, none of us thinks that way. We are all on the same side (if there are "sides" at all, and I'm not sure why there should be), trying to play our part on the team, and it's unfortunate the board's actions tend to be interpreted otherwise. It seems to be part of life in higher ed, but it also seems to creates a lot of unneeded angst for a lot of people. Again, for what it's worth...


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-30-2016, 09:19 PM
Got an email back from one of the members of the board...

Because Chairwoman Neset is the Board's spokesperson, my hands are a little tied. I do know Ms. Neset spoke to the media after the meeting, though I haven't seen any quotes in the media from her. It's a little hard when the media picks up bits and pieces only...it seems often there is more to the story (or in some cases, less, as I think happened in the past two weeks) than the media prints. Because the press reported the motion only, I think I understand where your question is coming from and I feel responsible to respond. (I believe you sent a note prior to our meeting, and I appreciate that. It is clear President Brescani has many supporters who are very proud of NDSU and the work he has done there.)

I believe I'm okay if I just share with you a couple of comments made during the open meeting yesterday that weren't picked up by the press, but then I feel I must leave it at that. After the motion was made, three or four board members (myself included) went out of our way to recognize and compliment President Brescani's outstanding work at NDSU. My other comment on the motion - and please recognize it was my comment only - was to explain that it is my understanding that the SBHE is required to consider a somewhat different perspective than campus stakeholders. Per statute and per our duties as trustees, the Board is responsible to ensure full participation of all institutions in the larger systemwide picture, and our motion asked the chancellor and President Brescani to develop goals to ensure that the Board fulfills that end of its responsibility as well.

The Board has talked a lot recently at meetings about the potential synergies of the system, particularly in light of tightening budgets, and we need to do a better job of bringing the campuses together to capitalize on that potential. I think it would be fair to say the motion yesterday is part of that push, and a recognition that we need President Brescani's leadership in our system as well as at the NDSU campus. For my part, the vote to table renewal of his contract was in no way intended to detract from President Brescani's great work at NDSU, but rather to acknowledge the Board's responsibilities to the system and our need for goals to advance the unified system. Both are critically important, and the Board recognizes a compelling urgency to focus more attention on the latter.

I hope that by sharing these comments, I have provided some answer to your question. My opinion, for what it's worth, is that board members really are working to do the right thing. Over the past couple of weeks in particular (though it has been the case throughout my time on the board), I have been really disappointed by the extent of the effort that I believe inadvertently postures a president against the chancellor, an institution against the system, east against west, and even board member against board member. The idea of a divide starts with speculation in the media, which unfortunately gives it the cloak of legitimacy, and it seems to take off. From what I know of our board and our chancellor, none of us thinks that way. We are all on the same side (if there are "sides" at all, and I'm not sure why there should be), trying to play our part on the team, and it's unfortunate the board's actions tend to be interpreted otherwise. It seems to be part of life in higher ed, but it also seems to creates a lot of unneeded angst for a lot of people. Again, for what it's worth...


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Perhaps instead of blaming the media for apparent misperceptions the board should work at actively correcting them?

06-30-2016, 09:22 PM
Greg Stemen responds:


I appreciate his response to this whole kerfuffle, and will take Mr. Stemen at his word and believe that he means well, I have to completely disagree with the following paragraph:

"If this board didn’t hold NDSU and President Dean Bresciani in high regard and have high expectations for the institution and the office, we would have taken no action and let the current contract expire. This board voted instead to put attainable and clearly defined expectations on a competent and capable leader. A strong campus leader who has the ability to strengthen our university system which is in the process of becoming more efficient, more effective, and most importantly doing its best to respond to the ever-changing needs of our students."

The thing is, even if the expectations are attainable (I don't believe they are because I think there are a couple of people involved who have an axe to grind with DB and NDSU), they are far from clearly defined. The expectations are extremely subjective. It is extremely disappointing that the SBoHE is so political that the status quo is not only accepted and tolerated but is encouraged. Those who have the gall to aspire for something more are targeted. Disgusting.

06-30-2016, 09:23 PM
Perhaps instead of blaming the media for apparent misperceptions the board should work at actively correcting them?

Or not hide in Executive session.

StL Bison Fan
06-30-2016, 09:26 PM
Perhaps instead of blaming the media for apparent misperceptions the board should work at actively correcting them?

Maybe just not discuss personell issues with bloggers. And then have him giggle that he knows 'stuff'.
Do that and no explaination will be believed.

06-30-2016, 09:27 PM
Greg Stemen responds:


That was a remarkable letter and I am sure he convinced himself of his noble intentions. So, you have one of your most respected leaders doing probably the best job in the system. Yes, you've had some disagreements, but at the same time if you are both doing your job, that is the way it should be. So, instead of just having a heart to heart and telling them exactly what you want them to do differently privately, you threaten to end their employment by "tabling" a motion to extend his contract? What exact message does that send if you truly love the guy?

In my experience, you get better results with honey, than vinegar. I seriously doubt the president would blatantly ignore any legit, candid criticism which would also go in his public formal evaluation. But to threaten his job? Who F are these people?

06-30-2016, 09:28 PM
Perhaps instead of blaming the media for apparent misperceptions the board should work at actively correcting them?

Perhaps the members of this board should have the "balls" to have these discussions during open meetings rather than behind closed doors. The media would still pick and choose what they quote, but the entire quote would be on record.

06-30-2016, 09:33 PM
Because Chairwoman Neset is the Board's spokesperson, my hands are a little tied.

Uhh... what now?

Greg Stemen responds:

Mr Meaty
06-30-2016, 09:43 PM
I was glad to see Greg respond to the public with a statement. I do agree with holding DB to higher standards however, when you table his extension of employment that sends a poor signal. Extend his contract and put forth the areas they feel need improvement. What will really change next 120 days????????

My hope is that NDSU will still have DB after all this crap is over. He has done a great job and I am glad he is at NDSU.

06-30-2016, 09:44 PM
Got an email back from one of the members of the board...

Because Chairwoman Neset is the Board's spokesperson, my hands are a little tied. I do know Ms. Neset spoke to the media after the meeting, though I haven't seen any quotes in the media from her. It's a little hard when the media picks up bits and pieces only...it seems often there is more to the story (or in some cases, less, as I think happened in the past two weeks) than the media prints. Because the press reported the motion only, I think I understand where your question is coming from and I feel responsible to respond. (I believe you sent a note prior to our meeting, and I appreciate that. It is clear President Brescani has many supporters who are very proud of NDSU and the work he has done there.)

I believe I'm okay if I just share with you a couple of comments made during the open meeting yesterday that weren't picked up by the press, but then I feel I must leave it at that. After the motion was made, three or four board members (myself included) went out of our way to recognize and compliment President Brescani's outstanding work at NDSU. My other comment on the motion - and please recognize it was my comment only - was to explain that it is my understanding that the SBHE is required to consider a somewhat different perspective than campus stakeholders. Per statute and per our duties as trustees, the Board is responsible to ensure full participation of all institutions in the larger systemwide picture, and our motion asked the chancellor and President Brescani to develop goals to ensure that the Board fulfills that end of its responsibility as well.

The Board has talked a lot recently at meetings about the potential synergies of the system, particularly in light of tightening budgets, and we need to do a better job of bringing the campuses together to capitalize on that potential. I think it would be fair to say the motion yesterday is part of that push, and a recognition that we need President Brescani's leadership in our system as well as at the NDSU campus. For my part, the vote to table renewal of his contract was in no way intended to detract from President Brescani's great work at NDSU, but rather to acknowledge the Board's responsibilities to the system and our need for goals to advance the unified system. Both are critically important, and the Board recognizes a compelling urgency to focus more attention on the latter.

I hope that by sharing these comments, I have provided some answer to your question. My opinion, for what it's worth, is that board members really are working to do the right thing. Over the past couple of weeks in particular (though it has been the case throughout my time on the board), I have been really disappointed by the extent of the effort that I believe inadvertently postures a president against the chancellor, an institution against the system, east against west, and even board member against board member. The idea of a divide starts with speculation in the media, which unfortunately gives it the cloak of legitimacy, and it seems to take off. From what I know of our board and our chancellor, none of us thinks that way. We are all on the same side (if there are "sides" at all, and I'm not sure why there should be), trying to play our part on the team, and it's unfortunate the board's actions tend to be interpreted otherwise. It seems to be part of life in higher ed, but it also seems to creates a lot of unneeded angst for a lot of people. Again, for what it's worth...


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I have to point this out. Why the hell is it Brescani's job to "Per statute and per our duties as trustees, the Board is responsible to ensure full participation of all institutions in the larger systemwide picture, and our motion asked the chancellor and President Brescani to develop goals to ensure that the Board fulfills that end of its responsibility as well." Isn't that Haggerot's job? WTF is he paid for? What a joke.

06-30-2016, 09:47 PM
Are the other university presidents who had their contracts extended already having their efforts in regards to communication, teamwork and collaboration quantified? Exactly what have they been doing at their institutions to better promote the "university system"? Why is Bresciani being more closely scrutinized in this area than the other presidents? Is it because he has promoted a vision of growth at NDSU that is grander than what others want to see?


06-30-2016, 10:02 PM
We may have an answer tonight

Bison bison
06-30-2016, 10:22 PM
total bullsh#t.

just be honest.
ndsu needs to be in its place.
it is doing too well when the rest of the system is struggling.
we dont know how to let leaders lead so we will disrupt those who do.

lets step back. right now ndsu is a third of the system. it can easily grow to be to half or more. the small people need to stop this.

06-30-2016, 11:07 PM
This 'situation' is extremely aggravating. Stamens talked in circles and failed to effectively communicate, though God knows he tried. His (the boards) notion that they are challenging DB to be even more effective is crap as although a board can expect and apply higher standards, they damn well better be consistent across peers. Another fail. And in all of this discussion there is no acknowledgement of political influences although people can see right through that BS.

The one approach which I believe can help is for a small number of Bisonville members to step into the arena and run for office. There are house members who have been identified who are ineffective or good ole boys that need some strong competition and a boot. Take on the outsider theme and hammer the message home. One can even lead to the inequities between the Universities and point to the cost of having too many colleges in the state.

My apologies to the BV community as I am not able to throw my hat in the ring as I live in the wrong state. But, I can and will support those who do.


06-30-2016, 11:42 PM
Steve Start cartoon:


07-01-2016, 01:06 AM
Sorry if this has been covered, but how does the vote have to go for Dr. Bresciani to get his contract extended? Must it be unanimous? Majority?

07-01-2016, 01:09 AM
Forum has a poll up asking if Bresciani's contract should of been renewed?

07-01-2016, 01:27 AM
I hope not. Right now we're ahead in the series 2-1. If they force DB out, it will even up the record.


History lesson for the youngins: This is the 4th major clash between an NDSU president and the SBHE/legislature in the last decade or so. Round 1 was Robert Potts vs. Joe Chapman. Chapman won and NDSU took a 1-0 lead. However Chapman got complacent which allowed the legislature to knock him out in round 2 to tie the series at one apiece. Later Shirvani got into a power struggle with several presidents in round 3, which supposedly Bresciani was part of. Shirvani came up short and NDSU retook the series lead 2-1.

(while there are a couple grains of truth here, I hope people realize I'm joking with the keeping score thing)


Reminds me of the George Carlin quote: (me paraphrasing, going off memory)

"I lead Richard Pryor in heart attacks 2-1. That's right, I'm ahead. But Richard leads me 1-0 in 'burning yourself up (http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/la-et-mg-celebrity-meltdowns-pictures-006-photo.html)'. First Richard had a heart attack, then I had a heart attack. Then Richard burned himself up, then I said, 'F**k that, I'm going to have another heart attack."


Answer Guy
07-01-2016, 01:52 AM
My apologies to the BV community as I am not able to throw my hat in the ring as I live in the wrong state.


They are also in the wrong state - Tennessee.

07-01-2016, 03:11 AM
#brexit the university system!

Excuse me. Fire University System, save Dr. B!

07-01-2016, 03:17 AM
Does the SBOHE really expect people to believe the BS they are spewing? WTF is the President of NDSU supposed to do make sure the other schools are up to par? Isn't that the boards job?? NDSU is in the best situation of all in the state and they want to blame the President of that school because the other President's aren't doing there jobs as good as he is? Makes sense if your a UND grad I suppose.

These board members better work on their communication skills and teamwork first IMO.

07-01-2016, 03:34 AM
IOW they are delaying his contract to see if they can whip him in to playing nice nice (kiss ass) to be a supposed team player even though they only thing this team is interested in is mediocrity. To exceed mediocrity is not being a team player.

Did I have that right?

07-01-2016, 03:36 AM
Forum has a poll up asking if Bresciani's contract should of been renewed?

Come on Bisonville. You can do this. Contract ext. for Pres B is up by less than 100 votes.


07-01-2016, 03:50 AM
Greg Stemen responds:

http://mcfeely.areavoices.com/2016/06/30/n-d-higher-ed-board-member-we-are-duty-bound-to-put-the-students-and-the-system-first-period/Greg Stemen really didn't say anything of merit in all those paragraphs. He declared how excellent the people he serves with are and basically said that they put forth some higher expectations on the university president within their system who is already outperforming all the others. The rest get renewed without having higher expectations demanded of them.
Hard to know if it's Stemen but what are everyone here's thoughts on which sbhe member is emailing port the inside info?

07-01-2016, 03:58 AM
IOW they are delaying his contract to see if they can whip him in to playing nice nice (kiss ass) to be a supposed team player even though they only thing this team is interested in is mediocrity. To exceed mediocrity is not being a team player.

Did I have that right?

Exactly. IMO Their ruse is that they hope to the uninformed person, Bresciani looks like a renegade. To the semi-informed person, they play this hand as if this is just a bluff to get Bresciani to play nice. In all reality, the board knows there are greener pastures, and they are trying to make it just difficult enough for him to move on. The really sad part about it all is that Bresciani is a great asset to this state.

Bison bison
07-01-2016, 04:39 AM
Greg Stemen really didn't say anything of merit in all those paragraphs. He declared how excellent the people he serves with are and basically said that they put forth some higher expectations on the university president within their system who is already outperforming all the others. The rest get renewed without having higher expectations demanded of them.
Hard to know if it's Stemen but what are everyone here's thoughts on which sbhe member is emailing port the inside info?

Neset by phone.

07-01-2016, 04:48 AM
I keep hearing about all these deficits in performance relating to Bresciani from clowns like Rob Port, such as graduation rates or student costs. But then you see that NDSU is leading the entire state in all these metrics. While there might be room from improvement at NDSU, all or most of the other campuses on every measure are performing even more poorly. Meanwhile, you go to the SBHE website. The most recent minutes of meetings posted is dated February 3, 2016. In fact, they still have highlighted in the margin a lone special tab labeled "Retreat Materials July 2014", as if it is something still worth looking at. The staff can't even keep its website current, but Bresciani is supposed to put NDSU's fate in their hands. Sigh.

07-01-2016, 05:03 AM
Neset by phone.

This. After listening to the radio interview she did with Scott Hennin it's pretty obvious she has a bit of contempt for Bresciani bubbling under the surface.

07-01-2016, 11:51 AM
Come on Bisonville. You can do this. Contract ext. for Pres B is up by less than 100 votes.


Not surprising as most of the idiots that read that rag are UND peeps.

07-01-2016, 01:32 PM
McFeely is having Neset on this morning. I believe it is going to be in the 8:30 half hour.

07-01-2016, 01:37 PM
McFeely is having Neset on this morning. I believe it is going to be in the 8:30 half hour.

I hope he presses her on these goals laid out for Dr. Bresciani, are they objective goals or are they subjective goals that the board gets to interpret how they want.

From what I am hearing there is some puckered up politicians with what has happened in the governor race and then how this has blown up in the media with lots of donors seeing through the charade.