View Full Version : Why not Sioux in 2007?

06-22-2006, 08:06 PM
Don't shoot me for asking this, but here are some reasons for considering doing this:

1. *Dale Lennon is not Roger Thomas. *He seems like a stand up guy who did not go out of his way to
make life miserable for us during the transition. That was his AD.

2. The game would not affect us for postseason, as we will not be eligible in '07 anyway.

3. If/ when we beat them in the game, that one loss will not help them in their last year of D2 playoff
eligibility. (This one is to appease all those with total hatred towards UND)

4. A packed Fargodome lines our pockets, not their's. A standard guarantee is all we should have to
offer them for the game, which they will be hard pressed to find.

5. It will show, despite previous actions of RT, that Mr. Taylor and Mr. Buning can show everyone that
the new era of this rivalry can be brought back without all the hatred.

6. Signing a one year contract will not bind us to anything more than that. In no way would I endorse
playing UND in 2008, as it would hinder our chances of playoffs that year. From 2009 and on, well,
that's just too far off to worry about right now.

OK, I'm ready to get blasted, so go ahead.

P.S.: I don't like them, either, but I believe this could be something that is good for NDSU, which is all
that I really care about anyway.

06-22-2006, 08:34 PM
NDSU already has nine games scheduled for 2007....

06-22-2006, 08:36 PM
I believe that that's a GREAT suggestion *:P

If Sioux will have us, I'd like to see SDSU do the same in '07, skip '08 (same reasons) and they're in GWFC with us in '09.

Looking back over our last years in the NCC, the three teams where could count on crowds over 10K for the Bunnies were NDSU/UND/USD.

Looking forward to always getting 10K to Jacks games.

06-22-2006, 08:42 PM
Don't shoot me for asking this, but here are some reasons for considering doing this:

1. *Dale Lennon is not Roger Thomas. *He seems like a stand up guy who did not go out of his way to
* * make life miserable for us during the transition. *That was his AD.

2. *The game would not affect us for postseason, as we will not be eligible in '07 anyway.

3. *If/ when we beat them in the game, that one loss will not help them in their last year of D2 playoff
* * eligibility. *(This one is to appease all those with total hatred towards UND)

4. *A packed Fargodome lines our pockets, not their's. *A standard guarantee is all we should have to
* *offer them for the game, which they will be hard pressed to find.

5. *It will show, despite previous actions of RT, that Mr. Taylor and Mr. Buning can show everyone that
* *the new era of this rivalry can be brought back without all the hatred.

6. *Signing a one year contract will not bind us to anything more than that. *In no way would I endorse
* * playing UND in 2008, as it would hinder our chances of playoffs that year. *From 2009 and on, well,
* * that's just too far off to worry about right now.

OK, I'm ready to get blasted, so go ahead.

P.S.: *I don't like them, either, but I believe this could be something that is good for NDSU, which is all
* that I really care about anyway.

Agreed, and we wouldn't owe them a guarantee - they owe us a game from before

06-22-2006, 08:53 PM
Don't we need some home games for 08? Playing UND in 07 will do nothing to help solve that problem.

06-22-2006, 08:54 PM
I feel my lunch coming back up after reading that, I have to go to the head and send it to grand forks ;D

06-22-2006, 09:37 PM
why do you insist on opening up your arms to ANYTHING or ANY GAME for arrogant, ignorant UND?!?!?

NO UND GAMES UNTIL 2012!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *


This is exactly what UND wants.. for NDSU to cave in.. and play them..

JUST SAY NO!!!!!!!!!!!!! * my god!!!!

06-22-2006, 09:52 PM
Get real will you. Why do them a favor? There is absolutely no benefit to the Bison, what good are you talking about. We won't be playing that school until 2009.

06-22-2006, 10:10 PM
Don't we need some home games for 08? Playing UND in 07 will do nothing to help solve that problem.

And it also does not hurt us.

I love the idea.

UND in 2007 sounds fine.

06-22-2006, 10:29 PM
Don't we need some home games for 08? Playing UND in 07 will do nothing to help solve that problem.

And it also does not hurt us.

I love the idea.

UND in 2007 sounds fine.

If you guys do this and schedule a 2007 game, may I make a suggestion? *Send out an advanced ticket request to all of your alumni and make the student section available to hold at least 4500 students. *Make a policy that tickets for the Bison-Sioux are not available to the general public until three days prior to the game. *Require that you either be an alumni or a booster to get earlier ticket sales. *Fill the stands with at least 17,500 Bison fans. *

Then, sell the remaining tickets to UND fans, and when they get to the dome, tell them that they don't have seats. *Then, have a big screen set up in the BSA so they can watch the game and sell them over-priced hot dogs, pop and nochoes. 8-)

06-23-2006, 01:07 AM
We should schedule the Sioux because our players deserve the opportunity to play in a Bison - Sioux game. Beating the Sioux is about as good as it gets in Bison athletics. No one should be denied this because of petty bickering.

06-23-2006, 01:41 AM
I think our players are more concerned with the opportunity to play a Big Ten school, like UofM.

06-23-2006, 01:52 AM
We should schedule the Sioux because our players deserve the opportunity to play in a Bison - Sioux game. Beating the Sioux is about as good as it gets in Bison athletics. No one should be denied this because of petty bickering.

I don't know about you, but the win against Wisconsin, no matter how many months it's been now, outdid anything we competed against UND in. The national recognition wasn't to bad either. I would bet that the only national exposure we'd get from the NDSU-UND game is the score ticker at the bottom of the screen on ESPN. Other than that, outside of the two schools, who cares about an old rivalry? Really??? Outside of UND's and NDSU's supporters, who have you heard say : "the rivalry is starting up again? ALRIGHT!". No one. Why is there the constant suggestion of lining them up for another game? So for 1 day, everyone in North Dakota can be happy with themselves?

It sickens me that you guys are constantly trying to extend a helpful hand to them. I almost think you'd rather see them play us over NDSU obtaining a national championship once we get into the MidCon (please oh please oh please...).

If I had to choose over the Nickel or bregging rights to the Wisconsin win, I'll take the later....

Ok, finished blasting. On this thread at least....

06-23-2006, 02:14 AM
Don't shoot me for asking this, but here are some reasons for considering doing this:

1. Dale Lennon is not Roger Thomas. He seems like a stand up guy who did not go out of his way to
make life miserable for us during the transition. That was his AD.

2. The game would not affect us for postseason, as we will not be eligible in '07 anyway.

3. If/ when we beat them in the game, that one loss will not help them in their last year of D2 playoff
eligibility. (This one is to appease all those with total hatred towards UND)

4. A packed Fargodome lines our pockets, not their's. A standard guarantee is all we should have to
offer them for the game, which they will be hard pressed to find.

5. It will show, despite previous actions of RT, that Mr. Taylor and Mr. Buning can show everyone that
the new era of this rivalry can be brought back without all the hatred.

6. Signing a one year contract will not bind us to anything more than that. In no way would I endorse
playing UND in 2008, as it would hinder our chances of playoffs that year. From 2009 and on, well,
that's just too far off to worry about right now.

OK, I'm ready to get blasted, so go ahead.

P.S.: I don't like them, either, but I believe this could be something that is good for NDSU, which is all
that I really care about anyway.

1. Dale Lennon is not Roger Thomas but he was just as anit playing NDSU as Thomas was.

The only issue I see is that NDSU will look like the bad guy for not playing them after they made the D1 announcement.

I agree with someone who said give UND 1000 seats, and then make them sit in the BSA.

06-23-2006, 02:22 AM
Don't we need some home games for 08? Playing UND in 07 will do nothing to help solve that problem.

And it also does not hurt us.

I love the idea.

UND in 2007 sounds fine.

Our goal is to make the playoffs in 2008 and we better get our schedule in line to do so and that means we will need some home games. We already play Minnesota in 07 so there will be no return game and the other games for 07 are all return games from prior home and homes. We need to schedule some road games vs IAA teams so we have 6 home games in 08. I could care less about the nickel, the extra money, or what the people of ND want. We should be planning and building up for 2008 so we have the best shot at making the playoffs as possible. If we don't have 6 home games for 2008 I will be one angry Bison fan.

06-23-2006, 02:25 AM
To Nano Bison: Good point. I and others like me need to broaden our horizions. I would prefer Wisconsin also. But, then we better get our football program up to DI. By the way, you are the first person to accuse me of being soft on the Sioux.

06-23-2006, 02:36 AM
Sorry I had to call you on it. But I agree with you on this last post. We really need to make sure our football is the top of the crop ...
(I wouldn't mind seeing us jump up to DI-A, but I'll see how we do in DI-AA with Conference Affiliation and Nationals)


06-23-2006, 02:51 AM
Only if the Bison Kick their A$$, and Kick their A$$ in the Fargodome.
No game in Grand Forks until UND is in the same conference or at 63 scholarships. >:( :o 8-) :-? :-* :)

06-23-2006, 03:09 AM
I'm in the middle on this one I can see where we wouldn't be hurt playing them in 07. But on the other hand I don't want NDSU making it easy on them either. What will hurt NDSU is if the GWFC takes them in in 08. And we all know that the GWFC will take them as soon as they are a counter torward an auto-bid.

06-23-2006, 04:22 AM
NDSU should only play them when they are a counter. UND should not be eligible for anything in the Great West Conference until they are playoff eligible. They should be treated just like any other division II school in transition by any other conference. Ask UC-Davis how they were treated as far as conference titles, awards and records are concerned by the Big West. And remember the Big West asked UC-Davis to move up to division I.

Everyone from NDSU, SDSU, SUU, Cal Poly and UC-Davis needs to email Douple and tell him to establish criteria for schools entering the conference. They also need to establish a criteria for schools that are not eligible for the playoffs because of transition. No free rides because the conference doesn't know how to deal with transitioning schools.

06-23-2006, 04:23 AM
The first game between NDSU and UND in the FargoDome the tickets should cost about $75-$100 for UND fans like that crap they pulled on NDSU in the last game.

06-23-2006, 07:33 AM
Don't we need some home games for 08? Playing UND in 07 will do nothing to help solve that problem.

And it also does not hurt us.

I love the idea.

UND in 2007 sounds fine.

Our goal is to make the playoffs in 2008 and we better get our schedule in line to do so and that means we will need some home games. We already play Minnesota in 07 so there will be no return game and the other games for 07 are all return games from prior home and homes. We need to schedule some road games vs IAA teams so we have 6 home games in 08. I could care less about the nickel, the extra money, or what the people of ND want. We should be planning and building up for 2008 so we have the best shot at making the playoffs as possible. If we don't have 6 home games for 2008 I will be one angry Bison fan.

+++++++ my gosh, I couldn't have said it better

06-23-2006, 12:22 PM
Here is Gene's take on the Rivalry for now.

Gene Taylor on Rivalry (http://www.in-forum.com/articles/index.cfm?id=130871&section=Sports)

North Dakota State athletic director Gene Taylor said Thursday that it will be at least two or three years until the rival schools square off in any sport.

06-23-2006, 01:37 PM
I'm in the middle on this one I can see where we wouldn't be hurt playing them in 07. But on the other hand I don't want NDSU making it easy on them either. What will hurt NDSU is if the GWFC takes them in in 08. And we all know that the GWFC will take them as soon as they are a counter torward an auto-bid.

They are D-I counting games starting in '09. *However, until they are COMPLETELY THRU TRANSITION, they don't count for getting auto-bid.

However, if the remaining 5 could talk ONE EXISTING FOOTBALL PROGRAM to join us starting in '08 then we'd be AUTO-BID ELIGIBLE by '10!!!! :o :o

See Ralph & my discussions about this at this AGS thread


06-23-2006, 02:06 PM
We should schedule UND for a number of reasons, but the biggest reason is a guarenteed sellout. How many games did we sellout last year? How many game will we sellout this year? My guess is a big fat zero and the answer is the same for 2007 unless we schedule UND. I hate UND as much as the next guy, but come on a sellout is a sellout.

06-23-2006, 02:19 PM
We should schedule UND for a number of reasons, but the biggest reason is a guarenteed sellout. How many games did we sellout last year? *How many game will we sellout this year? *My guess is a big fat zero and the answer is the same for 2007 unless we schedule UND. *I hate UND as much as the next guy, but come on a sellout is a sellout.

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. If you are such a proponent of a sellout, then tell me how much of that $$$ goes into your pocket? We will play the s--ux again, but on OUR TERMS. Have you a short memory during our transition? When the s--ux refused to schedule us because it hurt their playoff criteria? Guess what? Now the shoe's on the other foot and I'll be goddamned if I or my school does them a favor out of sheer sentimentality. I don't mean to attack you personally but you need a serious history lesson. The Bison are making great strides in building a competitive I-AA FB program and to play a non-counter team makes Z E R O sense right now. I can wait until '09 at least, preferably 2012-2013 when they count and have paid their independent/transitional dues JUST LIKE WE AND SDSU DID!

06-23-2006, 02:20 PM
The '08 schedule s/b the first priority. Have to have 6 home games in '08 for the playoff run.

Once this is accomplished if there is still room on the '07 schedule, I don't see a down side.

Charge a premium, offer tickets to Alumin first. Maximize revenue, minimize Sioux interlopers... a sea of Green and Gold!

06-23-2006, 02:21 PM
Only when they are a DI counter.......as a newer DI program, we have to be focused on getting a playoff slot in year 1 of elgibility!!

06-23-2006, 02:28 PM
Only when they are a DI counter.......as a newer DI program, we have to be focused on getting a playoff slot in year 1 of elgibility!!

2008. Correct?

06-23-2006, 02:31 PM
Only when they are a DI counter.......as a newer DI program, we have to be focused on getting a playoff slot in year 1 of elgibility!!

2008. Correct?

Yes.....but even in the seasons before that we need to be playing the smartest schedule possible to stay in the national view.......we want the selection committee to be used to thinking that the BISON are a national power.......

06-23-2006, 02:31 PM
Here is Gene's take on the Rivalry for now.

Gene Taylor on Rivalry (http://www.in-forum.com/articles/index.cfm?id=130871&section=Sports)

North Dakota State athletic director Gene Taylor said Thursday that it will be at least two or three years until the rival schools square off in any sport.

This discussion is a waste of time, the AD and Coach Bohl have given a scheduling direction and it won't include und for probably at least 3 years.

Move on, NDSU has more important issues to focus on starting with the Mid-Con meeting on June 27th.

06-23-2006, 02:39 PM
A UND sellout is approx $60,000 at the gate for 4000 extra tickets based on average attendance.
How much goes to UND for expenses? Right now I drive 480 miles for home games. Cal-Poly, UCD, Northeastern etc are more desirable games for me at the present time. The spiteful UND fans that have come on this messageboard the last three years have really turned me off towards the rivalry. Wish they could have been like Bincity, DakotaDan and the other good Sioux fans.

The Bison will play the Sioux again, but I am not willing to attend such game.

06-23-2006, 02:51 PM
A UND sellout is approx $60,000 at the gate for 4000 extra tickets based on average attendance.
How much goes to UND for expenses? *Right now I drive 480 miles for home games. *Cal-Poly, UCD, Northeastern etc are more desirable games for me at the present time. *The spiteful UND fans that have come on this messageboard the last three years have really turned me off towards the rivalry. *Wish they could have been like Bincity, DakotaDan and the other good Sioux fans.

The Bison will play the Sioux again, but I am not willing to attend such game.

That makes one less voice cheering on the Bison, thanks for doing your part. *
Do you need a plastic surgeon for that nose you just cut of? *
Just trying to make a point here. *You are only hurting yourself with your bitterness.

And, I guess if you don't go, the Sioux posters will have done their job; getting a guy with over 2800 posts on this board to miss a Bison football game out of spite.

06-23-2006, 02:52 PM

Sorry, you feel that way. Don't know what we'd have to pay UND, but why would we charge only $15 a seat for this game? Why not $20 or more?

I don't believe that many people will stay away because they hate UND, I believe that more will come because they hate UND. I'd come the 1,500 miles between me and Fargo to see the Nickel rivalry renewed.

At $20 a head your looking at $150,000 in additional ticket revenue for a sell out.

06-23-2006, 03:00 PM

Sorry, you feel that way. *Don't know what we'd have to pay UND, but why would we charge only $15 a seat for this game? *Why not $20 or more?

I don't believe that many people will stay away because the hate UND, I believe that more will come because they hate UND. *I'd come the 1,500 miles between me and Fargo to see the Nickle rivalry renewed.

At $20 a head your looking at $150,000 in additional ticket revenue for a sell out.

$20 x 4000 extra tickets is $80,000, I was estimating $15 per ticket to get $60,000.

06-23-2006, 03:04 PM
NDSUBISON: I couldnt agree with you more about the 2008 season, playing UND would hurt our playoff chances and there is absolutely no reason to play them, but I would like to see you find another team that is willing to play NDSU at home in 2007 that will draw more fans than UND. Maybe in your mind it is better better to play Concordie-St.Paul, but I cannot see how it would hurt NDSU to play UND in 2007. If Gene Taylor is able to find a good I-AA team to play at home in 2007, maybe I will change my tune. Who do you think would draw better a bottom feeder I-AA or UND?

06-23-2006, 03:06 PM
That makes one less voice cheering on the Bison, thanks for doing your part. *
Do you need a plastic surgeon for that nose you just cut of? *
Just trying to make a point here. *You are only hurting yourself with your bitterness.

And, I guess if you don't go, the Sioux posters will have done their job; getting a guy with over 2800 posts on this board to miss a Bison football game out of spite.

That's the way I feel today, might be different in 3 years when they play. I don't hate the Sioux, just don't care for some of their fans. The rivalry has turned into a spite thing for many people, and I really don't care for that. I can give my tickets to that game to another Bison fan if I chose to. People on Crack have done their job too, I don't care to hang with those types either.

06-23-2006, 03:09 PM
We'd charge the $20 for all 18,000.

So your $60,000 plus $5 X 18,000 will get you to my $150k.

06-23-2006, 03:12 PM
We'd charge the $20 for all 18,000.

So your $60,000 plus $5 X 18,000 will get you to my $150k.

Well in that case, you could bump the endzone tickets $5.00 and the sideline tickets $10.00 each to get more. Of course season ticket holders usually get a break.

06-23-2006, 03:16 PM

Premium prices for premium games is becoming more and more wide spread. We did it toward the end of the UND rivalry, they did it too. The Twins charge a premium for the Yankees, Cubs, and Red Sox. The local teams where I'm at (Nationals and Orioles) do so as well.

I'd rather contribute the extra money to NDSU through higher ticket prices than to some reseller charging a premium on second hand tickets for a sold out game.

06-23-2006, 03:44 PM
NDSUBISON: I couldnt agree with you more about the 2008 season, playing UND would hurt our playoff chances and there is absolutely no reason to play them, but I would like to see you find another team that is willing to play NDSU at home in 2007 that will draw more fans than UND. *Maybe in your mind it is better better to play Concordie-St.Paul, but I cannot see how it would hurt NDSU to play UND in 2007. If *Gene Taylor is able to find a good I-AA team to play at home in 2007, maybe I will change my tune. *Who do you think would draw better a bottom feeder I-AA or UND?

Georgia Southern. *Home & home. *Already scheduled. *Hope to see you there. 8-) *

06-23-2006, 04:04 PM
What are Stephen F. Austin and Montana State chopped liver?

06-23-2006, 04:08 PM
The game vs. Georgia Southern in Fargo may be in 2008 or 2007. This hasn't been finalized yet.

NDSU should try to get 7 home games for 2008, because 12 games will be allowed even if the 12-game proposal fails (an extra Saturday in the calendar that year).

06-23-2006, 04:23 PM
We'd charge the $20 for all 18,000.

So your $60,000 plus $5 X 18,000 will get you to my $150k.

I'd charge $30, minimum, making the total about $400,000

Bump season tickets up to $120 (don't forget there would be a lot more folks buying these); Team Makers would benefit as well.

With inflation in general and the rising cost of travel $30 is a relative deal. You'll have thousands of folks from across the upper Great Plains spending hundreds on travel and lodging, and you only want to charge them $20 to get in!?!

06-23-2006, 04:50 PM
If your talking about a premium for the Und game you had better figure out your price elasticity first. *RT lost his a$$ with lots of empty $15 seats when he tried to raise the price to $27.50. *No way did he sell enough expensive tickets to make up for the empty seats. The old premium was about $2. *

We dont need them to make money. *The only attractive thing is the travel but who cares? *We wont be the ones traveling to Grand Forks. *The only thing that would make them attractive would be their price. *They are a bus ride from Fargo. *We pay bus teams less than fly-ins.

06-23-2006, 05:22 PM
Fine then.

For prices up to $30, I believe that the own-price elasticity of demand for a Bison-Sioux football game held at the FargoDome in 2007 is approximately 0.

06-23-2006, 05:54 PM

I am new to this board, but I need to add some reality to those who think it is dumb to start playing UND.

Reasons we should play UND as soon as reasonable for both schools:

1. The UND-NDSU rivalry is special. There is simply nothing like going to one of those games regardless of what campus it was held on. Those are perhaps some of the best memories of my life. (I nearly got thrown out of Memorial Stadium at Grand Forks for throwing snow balls at the UND cheer leaders!)

2. North Dakota needs this. Let's face it; there ain't much to do in the small towns where I grew up, but one thing everyone did was watch this game.

3. The students need to understand the rivalry. I was at the SDSU game last year and sat in the student section. They seem confused about who all hatred as a Bison fan is to be directed at. The SDSU thing was a good idea, but it will never be like UND (just way too much bad blood....) We need to get this rectified by playing again. When we (other so called fans) led them in singing "On the Plains," I could see a light in their eyes as they finally started understanding the TRUTH about the true Bison rivalry. I think they saw as as wise grandparents who were much wiser than all other direction they have received by the liberal, ignore UND, wing of Bison fans.

4. I fully supported Dr. Chapman in moving up, but I don't want NDSU to stoop to UND's level to "get them back."

5. I will be at the first re-meeting of the teams and I want to again be "a so called fan."


06-24-2006, 02:06 AM

I am new to this board, but I need to add some reality to those who think it is dumb to start playing UND. *

Reasons we should play UND as soon as reasonable for both schools:

1. *The UND-NDSU rivalry is special. *There is simply nothing like going to one of those games regardless of what campus it was held on. *Those are perhaps some of the best memories of my life. *(I nearly got thrown out of Memorial Stadium at Grand Forks for throwing snow balls at the UND cheer leaders!)

2. *North Dakota needs this. *Let's face it; there ain't much to do in the small towns where I grew up, but one thing everyone did was watch this game.

3. *The students need to understand the rivalry. *I was at the SDSU game last year and sat in the student section. *They seem confused about who all hatred as a Bison fan is to be directed at. *The SDSU thing was a good idea, but it will never be like UND (just way too much bad blood....) *We need to get this rectified by playing again. *When we (other so called fans) led them in singing "On the Plains," I could see a light in their eyes as they finally started understanding the TRUTH about the true Bison rivalry. *I think they saw as as wise grandparents who were much wiser than all other direction they have received by the liberal, ignore UND, wing of Bison fans.

4. *I fully supported Dr. Chapman in moving up, but I don't want NDSU to stoop to UND's level to "get them back."

5. *I will be at the first re-meeting of the teams and I want to again be "a so called fan."

Intrastate rivalries are a terrible waste of resources. Interstate rivalries are what college athletics is really all about. I'm for saying the Civil War is over and finding ways to pool our resources in the most efficient manner possible!!!!!!

06-24-2006, 02:16 AM

06-24-2006, 02:32 AM
[quote author=THEsocalledfan link=1151006787/45#46 date=1151085276]
Intrastate rivalries are a terrible waste of resources. Interstate rivalries are what college athletics is really all about.


Rivalries are ALL about INTERSTATE pride, not to see who's the best in the state. Why do you think Michigan fans get more excited about games against Ohio State than against Michigan State?? Iowa and Minnesota, not Iowa State?? Washington and Oregon, not Washington State?? Texas and Oklahoma, not Texas A&M?? Florida and Georgia, not Florida State?? I could go on and on...

06-24-2006, 03:40 AM
Here is all you need to know, directly from the head coach himself.

Bison football coach Craig Bohl is less enthusiastic.

“We currently have a rivalry game with South Dakota State that exceeded my expectations,” he said. “We’re really pleased with where we are at. I think it’s a little premature to talk about scheduling.”

This is from this article.


06-24-2006, 03:45 AM
And the fact that und has not officially declared for DI reclassification. Why play a DII team? Talk about scheduling when in fact they are DII.

06-24-2006, 04:27 AM
I look at it this way :

NDSU/UND Rivalry : 630,000 possible fans.... (which is the best school in the state)

NDSU/SDSU Rivalry : 1,400,000 possible fans.... (which state is the best)


06-24-2006, 04:44 AM
I look at it this way :

NDSU/UND Rivalry : 630,000 possible fans.... (which is the best school in the state)

NDSU/SDSU Rivalry : 1,400,000 possible fans.... (which state is the best)

Good thinking Nano!!!!

06-24-2006, 04:45 AM

I am new to this board, but I need to add some reality to those who think it is dumb to start playing UND. *

Reasons we should play UND as soon as reasonable for both schools:

1. *The UND-NDSU rivalry is special. *There is simply nothing like going to one of those games regardless of what campus it was held on. *Those are perhaps some of the best memories of my life. *(I nearly got thrown out of Memorial Stadium at Grand Forks for throwing snow balls at the UND cheer leaders!)

2. *North Dakota needs this. *Let's face it; there ain't much to do in the small towns where I grew up, but one thing everyone did was watch this game.

3. *The students need to understand the rivalry. *I was at the SDSU game last year and sat in the student section. *They seem confused about who all hatred as a Bison fan is to be directed at. *The SDSU thing was a good idea, but it will never be like UND (just way too much bad blood....) *We need to get this rectified by playing again. *When we (other so called fans) led them in singing "On the Plains," I could see a light in their eyes as they finally started understanding the TRUTH about the true Bison rivalry. *I think they saw as as wise grandparents who were much wiser than all other direction they have received by the liberal, ignore UND, wing of Bison fans.

4. *I fully supported Dr. Chapman in moving up, but I don't want NDSU to stoop to UND's level to "get them back."

5. *I will be at the first re-meeting of the teams and I want to again be "a so called fan."

Intrastate rivalries are a terrible waste of resources. Interstate rivalries are what college athletics is really all about. I'm for saying the Civil War is over and finding ways to pool our resources in the most efficient manner possible!!!!!! Damn man are you senile and can't remember your username and password to access any of your other accounts on here. ::)

Swagger: The nicest thing I can say about you is that you are no gentleman!!!!! :( :( :( :( :( :(

06-24-2006, 04:55 AM
Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose

This may be a free country but my guess is you are weariing out your welcome here.

06-24-2006, 06:43 AM

06-24-2006, 01:11 PM

06-24-2006, 02:12 PM
If we are going to have a great in state rival lets play UMary in Bismarck. *The Marauders are a classic David and Goliath match up from the States 2 largest cities. Sell out for sure.

Thank you Coach Bohl, for recognizing that the nostalgic value of a game against Und has little to offer. *It sounds like mens BB will probably be the first major sport to play.

Why should NDSU stay away from this football game?

The University has, over the years, utterly failed in its ability to establish and maintain functional relationships with NDSU. Their actions have ranged from unethitical to un-neighborly. *Most recently they have been publicly chastised by Dr Potts for lack of ethics.

There is no money in the game. *We have all the opportunity we need. *We have the largest football stadium in the state. *We are averaging about 14,500 and growing fast. *Any visiting team can only sell 4,000 tickets for us. *We are going to start seeing more sellouts as our presence in DI-AA matures without adding a North Dakota team.

Why compete for the same market? *NDSU is a football icon. *Why make the fans of North Dakota pick? *Right now it doesnt matter what they do in football, its always second page to NDSU. *Lets preserve that for ourselves.

If we are going to have a great in state rival lets play UMary in Bismarck. *The Marauders are a classic David and Goliath match up from the States 2 largest cities. Sell out for sure.

06-24-2006, 02:21 PM
If we are going to have a great in state rival lets play UMary in Bismarck. *The Marauders are a classic David and Goliath match up from the States 2 largest cities. Sell out for sure.

Thank you Coach Bohl, for recognizing that the nostalgic value of a game against Und has little to offer. *It sounds like mens BB will probably be the first major sport to play.

Why should NDSU stay away from this football game?

The University has, over the years, utterly failed in its ability to establish and maintain functional relationships with NDSU. Their actions have ranged from unethitical to un-neighborly. *Most recently they have been publicly chastised by Dr Potts for lack of ethics.

There is no money in the game. *We have all the opportunity we need. *We have the largest football stadium in the state. *We are averaging about 14,500 and growing fast. *Any visiting team can only sell 4,000 tickets for us. *We are going to start seeing more sellouts as our presence in DI-AA matures without adding a North Dakota team.

Why compete for the same market? *NDSU is a football icon. *Why make the fans of North Dakota pick? *Right now it doesnt matter what they do in football, its always second page to NDSU. *Lets preserve that for ourselves.

If we are going to have a great in state rival lets play UMary in Bismarck. *The Marauders are a classic David and Goliath match up from the States 2 largest cities. Sell out for sure.

Now that is just plain SILLY.......

06-24-2006, 02:28 PM
If we are going to have a great in state rival lets play UMary in Bismarck. *The Marauders are a classic David and Goliath match up from the States 2 largest cities. Sell out for sure.


06-24-2006, 02:34 PM
;D Good One! But I dont think it would be that bad!

Whether its the Marauders or not is tactical. *The strategic pts about scheduling are solid. *

06-24-2006, 03:00 PM
;D Good One! *But I dont think it would be that bad!

Whether its the Marauders or not is tactical. *The strategic pts about scheduling are solid. *

It would be incredibly foolish to schedule Mary just as it would be foolish to schedule UND right now. When UND is a counter, we get a good game, a huge gate and something that counts as a D1 win. With Mary it would be a game that would never count as anything.......

06-24-2006, 03:20 PM
Your right of course, we are only talking about the few non counter games left when the Marauders and D2 come up. *But hold onto your hat and try not to become overwhelmed by the past. *

Coach Bohl is right. *Forget about the nostelgic past. *This school wants on our marquee, wants into our marketing network, wants the exposure they can only get in Fargo and want us to pay them for it. *Lets build new, productive relationships. *The path we are on is the right one. *

They cant draw flys without us, unless they are impressed with the 10,000 or less a D2 playoff pulls in. *Dont be in a hurry to start giving things away because your excited about a football game that ignites old memories. *

See where we are in 3 yrs and then, if they actually do make the move, see if they can be worked into the schedule. *When and if that time comes we should extract each and every concession we can because they need to play us and they are moving their entire athletic department to DI in order to do that. *Thats worth something to us.*

I guess we should leave the Marauders to them! * ;)

06-24-2006, 03:22 PM
Your right of course, we are only talking about the few non counter games left when the Marauders and D2 come up. *But hold onto your hat and try not to become overwhelmed by the past. *

Coach Bohl is right. *Forget about the nostelgic past. *This school wants on our marquee, wants into our marketing network, wants the exposure they can only get in Fargo and want us to pay them for it. *Lets build new, productive relationships. *The path we are on is the right one. *

They cant draw flys without us, unless they are impressed with the 10,000 or less a D2 playoff pulls in. *Dont be in a hurry to start giving things away because your excited about a football game that ignites old memories. *

See where we are in 3 yrs and then, if they actually do make the move, see if they can be worked into the schedule. *When and if that time comes we should extract each and every concession we can because they need to play us and they are moving their entire athletic department to DI in order to do that. *Thats worth something to us.*

I guess we should leave the Marauders to them! * ;)
I believe BB said it best "THE CIVIL WAR IS OVER"

06-24-2006, 03:41 PM
Johnnyboy.....or whom ever the heck you are......knock of the garbage that is not relevant to the thread. If you want to rip someone do it on a PM so we don't have to read it.....I deleted some of the irrelevant posts.

06-24-2006, 03:44 PM
I apologize for my posts it was just to easy to take shots at "Enter your favorite username for BBjr here".

06-24-2006, 04:51 PM
I apologize for my posts it was just to easy to take shots at "Enter your favorite username for BBjr here".

You don't know that for a fact!!!!!!

06-24-2006, 04:52 PM
Johnnyboy.....or whom ever the heck you are......knock of the garbage that is not relevant to the thread. *If you want to rip someone do it on a PM so we don't have to read it.....I deleted some of the irrelevant posts.

06-29-2006, 10:35 PM
Don't shoot me for asking this, but here are some reasons for considering doing this:

1. *Dale Lennon is not Roger Thomas. *He seems like a stand up guy who did not go out of his way to
* * make life miserable for us during the transition. *That was his AD.

2. *The game would not affect us for postseason, as we will not be eligible in '07 anyway.

3. *If/ when we beat them in the game, that one loss will not help them in their last year of D2 playoff
* * eligibility. *(This one is to appease all those with total hatred towards UND)

4. *A packed Fargodome lines our pockets, not their's. *A standard guarantee is all we should have to
* *offer them for the game, which they will be hard pressed to find.

5. *It will show, despite previous actions of RT, that Mr. Taylor and Mr. Buning can show everyone that
* *the new era of this rivalry can be brought back without all the hatred.

6. *Signing a one year contract will not bind us to anything more than that. *In no way would I endorse
* * playing UND in 2008, as it would hinder our chances of playoffs that year. *From 2009 and on, well,
* * that's just too far off to worry about right now.

OK, I'm ready to get blasted, so go ahead.

P.S.: *I don't like them, either, but I believe this could be something that is good for NDSU, which is all
* that I really care about anyway.

I believe that the rivalry has crossed the line and that SU needs to establish itself in a conference, gain more confidence in its new status, and take its time with UND. *There is nothing to gain and everything to lose at this point in time. *When UND has had a few years to recruit as a DI institution...then it should be looked at. *UND cut the cord. *Now they have to re-establish themselves as an opponent that respresents more than an ugly rivalry....because what we could possibly see is a lot of ugliness. *An athletic confrontation will be welcome. *At the present time the rivalry does not represent that. *It needs a few more years.