View Full Version : Just a Suggestion

06-30-2006, 02:11 AM
I propose...as a relatively new member of this board...that we give any newcomers just a little bit of slack. *

I'm not a frequent flyer on this board...at least of late. *There's no way that I can keep up with everything that is written here. *And even though I'm an obcessive Bison football fan...I can't get to many games...and I don't have a photographic memory. *I have posted two or three discussions with relatively few problems...but I was slightly offended when a few old-timers wrote "we've been through this a dozen times." *And I have seen discussions lately that border on being downright disrespectful....for no reason at all.

Well...here's some news for those folks...and a strong suggestion. *If the topic is old...don't go there. *Leave us newbies alone, let us ask stupid questions, and let us repeat ideas and opinions. *

I thought that this type of board was supposed to be imformative, recreational, supportive....and ah....let's see....fun?

Those of us who remember the Mudra/Erhardt days need to allow younger fans the opportunity to sign on here and not feel like they're from Mars. *They need respect.

Opinions should flow freely here. *Pie-in-the-sky opinions......in my book.....should be welcomed. *No one should be in the put-down business here.

And I'd suggest that there aren't many of us that really know all of the inside stories about the successes and failures of Bison Football. *Even in the golden years...there had to be mega-problems that we rarely heard about. *

Let's think of this site as a way to educate people so that the fan base grows. *In-yir-face criticism and a know-it-all attitude won't accomplish that. *We have some people here that hardly remember the Simdorn/Satter teams. *Give them a break....for God's sake. *Those people haven't really felt the experience of real Bison Football yet. *Why should they be obcessive Bison fans? *Let them question anything that they want.

Bison football has entered new territory. *There are no guarantees folks. *We are fortunate to have strong leaders with a vision at SU right now. *The DI-AA experience is going to be "very" interesting. *There are some heavy hitters in this division. *I see a lot of parity.....and a ton of athleticism. *Personally....I wish that the veer....or some hybrid of it....were still around. *But I'm not a DI caliber coach. *I don't know s... about this new era of football. *

But what I do know is that support for Bison football didn't come magically. *It was earned many times over. *My suggestion is that we all lighten up and treat people with respect.....no matter what their opinion is. *As long as people write at a certain level of conduct....they should be left alone.

And finally.....I repeat.....if you're bored with the topic.....stay away from it and give us idiots a chance.

06-30-2006, 02:13 AM
I propose...as a relatively new member of this board...that we give any newcomers just a little bit of slack. *

I'm not a frequent flyer on this board...at least of late. *There's no way that I can keep up with everything that is written here. *And even though I'm an obcessive Bison football fan...I can't get to many games...and I don't have a photographic memory. *I have posted two or three discussions with relatively few problems...but I was slightly offended when a few old-timers wrote "we've been through this a dozen times." *And I have seen discussions lately that border on being downright disrespectful....for no reason at all.

Well...here's some news for those folks...and a strong suggestion. *If the topic is old...don't go there. *Leave us newbies alone, let us ask stupid questions, and let us repeat ideas and opinions. *

I thought that this type of board was supposed to be imformative, recreational, supportive....and ah....let's see....fun?

Those of us who remember the Mudra/Erhardt days need to allow younger fans the opportunity to sign on here and not feel like they're from Mars. *They need respect.

Opinions should flow freely here. *Pie-in-the-sky opinions......in my book.....should be welcomed. *No one should be in the put-down business here.

And I'd suggest that there aren't many of us that really know all of the inside stories about the successes and failures of Bison Football. *Even in the golden years...there had to be mega-problems that we rarely heard about. *

Let's think of this site as a way to educate people so that the fan base grows. *In-yir-face criticism and a know-it-all attitude won't accomplish that. *We have some people here that hardly remember the Simdorn/Satter teams. *Give them a break....for God's sake. *Those people haven't really felt the experience of real Bison Football yet. *Why should they be obcessive Bison fans? *Let them question anything that they want.

Bison football has entered new territory. *There are no guarantees folks. *We are fortunate to have strong leaders with a vision at SU right now. *The DI-AA experience is going to be "very" interesting. *There are some heavy hitters in this division. *I see a lot of parity.....and a ton of athleticism. *Personally....I wish that the veer....or some hybrid of it....were still around. *But I'm not a DI caliber coach. *I don't know s... about this new era of football. *

But what I do know is that support for Bison football didn't come magically. *It was earned many times over. *My suggestion is that we all lighten up and treat people with respect.....no matter what their opinion is. *As long as people write at a certain level of conduct....they should be left alone.

And finally.....I repeat.....if you're bored with the topic.....stay away from it and give us idiots a chance.

And ah....I'm Gordy Hanson....originally from Mayville....and I live in Hemet, California. And I dearly love Bison football.

06-30-2006, 02:24 AM
I propose...as a relatively new member of this board...that we give any newcomers just a little bit of slack. *

I'm not a frequent flyer on this board...at least of late. *There's no way that I can keep up with everything that is written here. *And even though I'm an obcessive Bison football fan...I can't get to many games...and I don't have a photographic memory. *I have posted two or three discussions with relatively few problems...but I was slightly offended when a few old-timers wrote "we've been through this a dozen times." *And I have seen discussions lately that border on being downright disrespectful....for no reason at all.

Well...here's some news for those folks...and a strong suggestion. *If the topic is old...don't go there. *Leave us newbies alone, let us ask stupid questions, and let us repeat ideas and opinions. *

I thought that this type of board was supposed to be imformative, recreational, supportive....and ah....let's see....fun?

Those of us who remember the Mudra/Erhardt days need to allow younger fans the opportunity to sign on here and not feel like they're from Mars. *They need respect.

Opinions should flow freely here. *Pie-in-the-sky opinions......in my book.....should be welcomed. *No one should be in the put-down business here.

And I'd suggest that there aren't many of us that really know all of the inside stories about the successes and failures of Bison Football. *Even in the golden years...there had to be mega-problems that we rarely heard about. *

Let's think of this site as a way to educate people so that the fan base grows. *In-yir-face criticism and a know-it-all attitude won't accomplish that. *We have some people here that hardly remember the Simdorn/Satter teams. *Give them a break....for God's sake. *Those people haven't really felt the experience of real Bison Football yet. *Why should they be obcessive Bison fans? *Let them question anything that they want.

Bison football has entered new territory. *There are no guarantees folks. *We are fortunate to have strong leaders with a vision at SU right now. *The DI-AA experience is going to be "very" interesting. *There are some heavy hitters in this division. *I see a lot of parity.....and a ton of athleticism. *Personally....I wish that the veer....or some hybrid of it....were still around. *But I'm not a DI caliber coach. *I don't know s... about this new era of football. *

But what I do know is that support for Bison football didn't come magically. *It was earned many times over. *My suggestion is that we all lighten up and treat people with respect.....no matter what their opinion is. *As long as people write at a certain level of conduct....they should be left alone.

And finally.....I repeat.....if you're bored with the topic.....stay away from it and give us idiots a chance.

And I offer as proof. I have accidently responded to my own posting. Whoops.

06-30-2006, 02:34 AM
Maybe the Gestapo Tactics of some will cease with free expression and open exchange of ideas becoming the norm!!

06-30-2006, 04:48 AM
Well said, CaBisonFan.

I've felt an uncomfortable tone of negativity creeping in lately, too.

07-03-2006, 05:43 PM
i would completely agree. I spend some time on illiniboard.com, and refuse to get a login name because there are some first-class jerks over there. Overall, this board has been really good (not that I post alot). Hopefully it stays that way.

07-03-2006, 08:15 PM
Agree with you Ca Bison.

THe board lately (especially in the offseason) seems to get hijacked by one of six to eight persons with the same old arguments. *I thoroughly enjoy the board for its information and discussion, but wish that the in your face, argue for no good reason attitudes would stop.

Everyone has opinions and are entitled to them. *If you don't agree, say so and move on-don't debate with someone as if they just called your mother a whore. *Discussion boards are for just that-discussion.

There has to be a mix here-remembering the "good old days" and the future of Bison Athletics in D-I, i.e. the new "good old days". *The new generation of fans will look back on these days and discuss them much as older fans discuss the 80s.

Just my $0.02

07-03-2006, 08:51 PM
Very good Ca Bison, I quess im an old timer on here, I know I have said in the past also this board should be a form of entertainment and there is no room for personal attacks. I appreciate all the good information I read off here and I would hate for a select few to ruin it for everyone and drive people away that have been on here for long time. Hopefully those people will be dealt with swiftly. It is too bad there has to be watchdogs in place to monitor a few bad apples, but I quess that happens everywhere. Stick around, things are getting good, the excitement is building for Bison Athletics. * GO BISON !!!

07-04-2006, 03:57 AM
Very good Ca Bison, I quess im an old timer on here, I know I have said in the past also this board should be a form of entertainment and there is no room for personal attacks. I appreciate all the good information I read off here and I would hate for a select few to ruin it for everyone and drive people away that have been on here for long time. Hopefully those people will be dealt with swiftly. It is too bad there has to be watchdogs in place to monitor a few bad apples, but I quess that happens everywhere. Stick around, things are getting good, the excitement is building for Bison Athletics. * GO BISON !!!
Thanks. *