View Full Version : Scout starting a NDSU Page

06-02-2015, 08:57 AM
Just saw Ryan Burns is starting a Minnesota/NDSU page on Scout. Not sure it that is a bigger slight to NDSU or the Goophs

*Edit sounds like they will each have their own page, Ryan will be covering both teams. Interesting concept and I had the same thought when Scout approached me except I was going to focus on the Dakota schools or at least the 3 in the MVFC. I am really interested to see how this will work for him. He is Gopher dude first and foremost but any coverage NDSU can get on a national level is good for the school and program. Let's be honest, Scout has been the worst of the 3 for NDSU news the last 8 if not longer years. But looks like they wanna go from worst to first with NDSU, so I am excited to see how he does. It also gives me a little kick in the ass and some competition. One also has to wonder if Rivals or 247 wanna follow suit? Interesting times on the NDSU recruiting front

06-02-2015, 12:15 PM
Interesting. You've set the bar extremely high.

All I know about Rivals is that the Gopherhole site has more NDSU recruiting information than the Minnesotapreps site does.

06-02-2015, 01:26 PM
Ryan Burns has done a tremendous job on Gopher recruiting during his tenure at Minnesota.rivals.com. I expect his new Minnesota Scout site will have good coverage. I will wait and see on his new NDSU site. He has strong, established competition from BisoNation and Bison fans aren't used to paying for their information. I think our fan base can an will support both models if the sites put in the work and offer great information. We know that John Neis is doing that.

06-02-2015, 02:42 PM
Hey John... you should put a donation button on your site. You would probably make more than a few bucks.

Mr. Burgundy
06-02-2015, 02:59 PM
He has done a fantastic job with Gopher athletics. Very talented and connected. Takes it very serious and wants to branch out and make NDSU a big market for them on Scout, which has never had a NDSU presence. I think this is absolutely great for NDSU and a fanbase who loves to follow 12 months a year. Best of luck to him.

06-02-2015, 03:03 PM
Cool news is cool

06-02-2015, 09:54 PM
Interesting. You've set the bar extremely high.

All I know about Rivals is that the Gopherhole site has more NDSU recruiting information than the Minnesotapreps site does.

Yeah Much is not so much interested in where the kid goes, but more giving them some publicity. He will break news about athletes getting an offer and it will never get updated on Rivals. Its weird but we all do things differently. I enjoy both MN Rivals pages but neither hit NDSU on all fronts. I get more help from the Nebraska guys in getting NDSU offers updated and Kyle Goblisch the Gophers guy from 247. Scout has never given me any love accept Allen Trieu in the last 6 months.

I think it will be an uphill struggle for Burns to get a following from NDSU fans with Bisonville and BISONATION being free sites and well established sites. Many NDSU message boards have tried to go against Bisonville and all have faded into the abyss. Without an established NDSU person behind the site I dont see it flourishing like it could under Tony or myself.

I believe there is a need for a private message board but not sure when that time will come or what site it will be on. I wish Rivals would be more proactive with all the poaching Scout has been doing from them. Seems like this would be a great time to go head to head with them and offer me terms. My worry
is they will sit back and watch Burns and if it crashes and burns they will say "See NDSU fans dont care" when really it should be "Dude is a Gopher guy doing some NDSU stuff"

All I know is I am happy Scout is making an effort not to be the worst site for NDSU recruiting news and excited at the possibility Burns will fill in info that I may provide him.

06-02-2015, 10:00 PM
Yeah Much is not so much interested in where the kid goes, but more giving them some publicity. He will break news about athletes getting an offer and it will never get updated on Rivals. Its weird but we all do things differently. I enjoy both MN Rivals pages but neither hit NDSU on all fronts. I get more help from the Nebraska guys in getting NDSU offers updated and Kyle Goblisch the Gophers guy from 247. Scout has never given me any love accept Allen Trieu in the last 6 months.

I think it will be an uphill struggle for Burns to get a following from NDSU fans with Bisonville and BISONATION being free sites and well established sites. Many NDSU message boards have tried to go against Bisonville and all have faded into the abyss. Without an established NDSU person behind the site I dont see it flourishing like it could under Tony or myself.

I believe there is a need for a private message board but not sure when that time will come or what site it will be on. I wish Rivals would be more proactive with all the poaching Scout has been doing from them. Seems like this would be a great time to go head to head with them and offer me terms. My worry
is they will sit back and watch Burns and if it crashes and burns they will say "See NDSU fans dont care" when really it should be "Dude is a Gopher guy doing some NDSU stuff"

All I know is I am happy Scout is making an effort not to be the worst site for NDSU recruiting news and excited at the possibility Burns will fill in info that I may provide him.

People have agendas. He's probably Golden Shower. lol. Either way I'll probably subscribe unless it really blows but I would be shocked if it is even in the same ballpark as your site. Either way you are the man John

06-03-2015, 04:06 PM
People have agendas. He's probably Golden Shower. lol.

The persecution complex some people have around here is amazing. Ryan's agenda is to make a living following college football, and luckily for him he is talented and has already in his early 20's built a nice Rolodex of contacts. This is a natural fit for anyone covering recruiting in the upper midwest. He is already basically covering all of the regional kids with D1 offers anyway, so may as well have an outlet for publishing the content he already has.

Not sure how this is anything but a win for Bison athletics. For Bisonville, I am a hair worried. Typically when scout opens a $ board for a team, that team's "free" boards turn into complete S shows where the biggest low-lifes hang out and the more reasonable discussion coalesces around the $ board. Not always, but often.

06-03-2015, 04:14 PM
Anyway I'll subscribe because Ryan is great, he has a great handle on HS football in a place where we get a boatload of our talent, and I want the NDSU site to be a success. How many FCS scout sites are there? I'll be surprised he isn't also planning on doing sites for the other Dakota schools since the recruit info will be almost the same. If the NDSU one takes hold, it will be almost no cost to add more regional sites.

06-03-2015, 06:23 PM
The persecution complex some people have around here is amazing. Ryan's agenda is to make a living following college football, and luckily for him he is talented and has already in his early 20's built a nice Rolodex of contacts. This is a natural fit for anyone covering recruiting in the upper midwest. He is already basically covering all of the regional kids with D1 offers anyway, so may as well have an outlet for publishing the content he already has.

Not sure how this is anything but a win for Bison athletics. For Bisonville, I am a hair worried. Typically when scout opens a $ board for a team, that team's "free" boards turn into complete S shows where the biggest low-lifes hang out and the more reasonable discussion coalesces around the $ board. Not always, but often.

The goldenshower comment was followed by an lol , kind of sarcastic. I don't know him but if he's as good as you say it should be awesome

06-03-2015, 07:59 PM
The goldenshower comment was followed by an lol , kind of sarcastic. I don't know him but if he's as good as you say it should be awesome

Sorry didn't catch that. Burns is no troll. In his personal life he cheers for his alma mater and that is not NDSU, but that has little to do with covering recruiting in the upper midwest. In that regard he is excellent. I follow the guy on twitter because I follow MN HS football, and I found it odd how much coverage FCS MN prospects were getting lately. Plus, in the internet age and with the way teenage boys are, seeing your commitment to NDSU on scout.com is a neat thing. Another layer of legitimacy. Won't turn any recruits on its own, but 100 small things will and this is yet another thing.

Mr. Burgundy
06-03-2015, 08:46 PM
Burns is already doing some very impressive things to build this relationship with NDSU. I am excited for something additional and new. Bison fans love coverage. He is very accurate and a professional with some awesome contacts. Should be terrific to follow. Would be great if he can build a rapport with the fans and the fans buy his info, and he can make a living off this. Best of luck to him. Always been impressed with his Gopher coverage. But, I like the Gophers and enjoy the regional recruiting info that he provides.

06-03-2015, 09:46 PM
Too lazy to look, generally what is the charge for a subscription site like scout? I'd be hard pressed to pay for the privilege of reading things like the priority point thread, but for real info some kind of nominal fee is probably worth it.

06-04-2015, 01:33 PM
I am excited about this. This will be huge for NDSU.

I have been following Gopher recruiting for decades, and have been a Rivals member since day 1. I have saw many writers come and go over the past ~15 years. Some good, some bad, some famous. The coverage that Ryan Burns has provided over the past ~4 years has raised the bar immensely. He is very accurate, and does it with integrity. What is more impressive is that he was doing this part time while going to school.

I don't really buy into the concern of a Gopher fan running a Bison site. Normally if a person follows a program closely, he will become a big fan...look at Dom Izzo for an example. Plus, I can see some advantages. Sometimes with a Homer or Cheerleader running a site, you wont necessarily get an fair read on things. Everything may be too rosy?

"Being First" to report an offer/commitment is a thing of the past with kids social media these days. Everybody gets that information real time. Ryan provided much more outside of the normal "reported offer" and article "quotes". He had unbelievable connections and was at a majority of practices and related functions. Plus, the premium message board was a faucet of real time information (minus the trolls). It remains to be seen whether he can do that at NDSU? But I wouldn't bet against him.

It appears that I will now have to buy a couple more memberships. I have no idea of the cost, but guessing at ~$5-10 dollars a month....I would think anybody that has popped open the recruiting thread here, would find it well worth it.

Will be fun to see this develop. Great addition to the Bison Nation story!

06-04-2015, 01:43 PM
I will be joining to get more information

Mr. Burgundy
06-04-2015, 03:19 PM
Joining for sure. Sounds like a site will be ready on Monday. I hope that is accurate, because this is a fun time of the year with camps/offers going out, etc.

06-04-2015, 03:28 PM
I have a rivals account, will that cross over?

06-04-2015, 03:47 PM
I have a rivals account, will that cross over?
I highly doubt it.

06-04-2015, 04:13 PM
I highly doubt it.
Yeah me too, might dump rivals

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

06-04-2015, 04:18 PM
I'll probably end up joining just to help support it. What does it usually cost?

Mr. Burgundy
06-04-2015, 04:22 PM
Rivals is 10 a month. SOunds like On the fifty stated earlier in this thread he thinks this will be 5 to 10 a month.

06-04-2015, 04:24 PM
Wow, don't know how I missed that :hide: I throw away $10 a month on more worthless crap, I'll be signing up.

06-04-2015, 04:28 PM
This would be for basketball too I assume?

06-04-2015, 05:18 PM
Count me in for signing up. We can handle both bisonville and the pay site.

06-04-2015, 09:38 PM
I don't really buy into the concern of a Gopher fan running a Bison site. Normally if a person follows a program closely, he will become a big fan...look at Dom Izzo for an example. Plus, I can see some advantages. Sometimes with a Homer or Cheerleader running a site, you wont necessarily get an fair read on things. Everything may be too rosy?

Izzo is horrible example, he is not covering Ithaca and NDSU. But you do follow the national sites more than the rest of us. Are there other examples of someone who covers their alma mater and favorite team and then also covers a team that is below that team for any of the national sites? Example: Do any Ohio State guys also cover BGSU and give them the same coverage? How about any examples of anyone on the top 3 sites covering 2 teams? Or any writer who graduated from a P5 school, covered that P5 schools recruiting and then went on to cover a smaller school?

I am as excited as anyone and who knows, maybe the landscape is already cluttered enough with Gopher news and he realizes he has an untapped market with NDSU and goes balls to the wall Bison coverage. Would be awesome. I kind of miss the days where I could site back and enjoy the info coming in. Just being a rube and watching highlight videos is very relaxing

06-05-2015, 12:30 AM
Yeah me too, might dump rivals

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
I'm a big fan of 247sports

06-05-2015, 12:48 AM
I'm a big fan of 247sports
I'll have to check it out

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

06-05-2015, 03:34 AM
I'll have to check it out

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

247 has the best layout by far. Scout layout gives me a headache and Rivals can be boring

06-05-2015, 04:25 AM
I'm a big fan of 247sports

this. theyre my favorite.

06-05-2015, 04:58 AM
Nobody better than Samsrams... Enough said.

06-05-2015, 11:51 AM
Nobody better than Samsrams... Enough said.
No Ryan is a much more polished writer than I am and much bigger rolodex. That is not even a debate. 2 very different styles right now. I truly do look forward to his content and am willing to help him in any way. My goal from the beginning has always been to bring NDSU recruiting to the people who didnt know they cared about NDSU recruiting. I think I have carried that ball really far into the redzone. On a national site, someone can take it into the endzone. Fun time for NDSU recruiting geeks and the program and the athletes to get on a bigger stage for recruiting info.

06-05-2015, 12:48 PM
Izzo is horrible example, he is not covering Ithaca and NDSU. But you do follow the national sites more than the rest of us. Are there other examples of someone who covers their alma mater and favorite team and then also covers a team that is below that team for any of the national sites? Example: Do any Ohio State guys also cover BGSU and give them the same coverage? How about any examples of anyone on the top 3 sites covering 2 teams? Or any writer who graduated from a P5 school, covered that P5 schools recruiting and then went on to cover a smaller school?

I am as excited as anyone and who knows, maybe the landscape is already cluttered enough with Gopher news and he realizes he has an untapped market with NDSU and goes balls to the wall Bison coverage. Would be awesome. I kind of miss the days where I could site back and enjoy the info coming in. Just being a rube and watching highlight videos is very relaxing

To answer your questions:

I don't know what Ithaca is?

I only follow recruiting on Minnesota (and the Big Ten) and NDSU....so I don't have the answer. I thought people have stated that no FCS school has a site on the national sites, so that would tend me to believe there is no one currently doing that?

Time will tell, but I can't imagine anyone with a business plan that would be....."Get a site up and running and let it go stale...see what happens?"

06-05-2015, 03:46 PM
I don't know what Ithaca is?

Believe that is Izzo's alma mater, so to compare Izzo to the Minnesota guy would be saying Izzo is putting out recruiting info publicly for Ithaca... Along with the reporting he does currently on NDSU.

06-06-2015, 12:03 AM
I only follow recruiting on Minnesota (and the Big Ten) and NDSU....so I don't have the answer. I thought people have stated that no FCS school has a site on the national sites, so that would tend me to believe there is no one currently doing that?

Time will tell, but I can't imagine anyone with a business plan that would be....."Get a site up and running and let it go stale...see what happens?"

nah other FCS teams have sites but they are very dull. SIU and Missouri State and ISU-red all have pages on 247 or Rivals for the fact that they have all MVC teams on their site. Obviously more for basketball then football.
My only point is I dont know of any other sites that have a person running two different teams. I also dont believe he will let it go stale but hard for me to imagine him wanting to put in the same effort for NDSU as Minnesota. I hope he proves me wrong and even if he doesnt any coverage for NDSU is positive

06-08-2015, 08:57 AM


Mr. Burgundy
06-08-2015, 12:25 PM
Scout appears to be 4 months for $4.95! What a deal. Great coverage. Fun to read this morning.

06-08-2015, 01:00 PM
I'm all signed up

06-08-2015, 01:07 PM
Scout appears to be 4 months for $4.95! What a deal. Great coverage. Fun to read this morning.

the article on Jaxon Brown is awesome...

06-08-2015, 02:53 PM
with Sams site and Scout now there is hands down no other FCS team with the coverage NDSU has

put all your MN Gopher hate away cause I like what I see Ryan at Scout doing so far, i know its early but good articles and really nice site, everyone wants more coverage so now is time to support the people who are bringing it

06-08-2015, 03:13 PM
Scout appears to be 4 months for $4.95! What a deal. Great coverage. Fun to read this morning.
Not sure where you saw this. Isn't it $4.95/mo. for a one month pass?

06-08-2015, 03:23 PM
Never mind. Found the deal.

06-08-2015, 03:25 PM
Not sure where you saw this. Isn't it $4.95/mo. for a one month pass?

They've got a 4 for 1 special going on to help launch the Bison page. Only good until Wednesday.


edit: too late, but leaving it here so people know about the deadline

06-08-2015, 03:25 PM
@NDSUonScout: All the details on our 4 months for the price of one promotion can be found here = http://t.co/NirxnbvEwS

It's like $45 for the year. Not expensive. Great information. Easy decision.

06-08-2015, 03:34 PM
Signed up!

06-08-2015, 05:26 PM
Signed up!

Do they take bitcoin? :)

06-08-2015, 05:29 PM
Signed up using travel hacked priority points. I'm so clutch.

Sent from my online-only virtual dorm room.

StL Bison Fan
06-08-2015, 06:34 PM
Signed up using travel hacked priority points. I'm so clutch.

Sent from my online-only virtual dorm room.

Don't imagine they know what a Red Bird card is...

06-08-2015, 06:43 PM
Forum is here http://www.scout.com/college/north-dakota-state/forums/5683-bison-football?s=564

06-08-2015, 06:46 PM
When do we get listed here?


06-08-2015, 06:53 PM
When do we get listed here?


You have to switch to the basketball view like the MVC schools.

Christopher Moen
06-08-2015, 11:35 PM
Signed up for the year plan. Looks like the website is worth the $45.00!

Loud and Proud Bison fan
06-09-2015, 01:40 AM
Got my membership, didn't think I would pay for anything unless Bisonnation became a pay site. Will try this out for the summer months. Hard to go wrong for less than $5

06-09-2015, 06:07 PM
Are we being trolled?

"I probably want to beat all the teams as bad as the other but one game I am really looking forward to is UND because that's a big game that has been off for over 10 years and it's time to bring that nickel trophy back to Fargo! " hehe

Mr. Burgundy
06-10-2015, 12:55 PM
I'm loving all of these recruiting articles that Ryan is posting on the scout site. It's 5 bucks total for 4 months people. Cheap way to see if u like it. The articles are great if u follow recruiting. Great follow on Twitter. Really impressive addition to our already great coverage. Today is the last day of that sale price. Do it while it's basically free.

06-12-2015, 10:15 AM
These articles are awesome.

06-12-2015, 02:10 PM
I had high hopes for this project, and my expectations have been exceeded. Huge win for people who love consuming Bison football info.

06-12-2015, 02:14 PM
I hadn't been the site for a couple of days...articles on articles on articles. Awesome.

You can kind of see how NDSU has elevated itself in the eyes of recruits with their success and "family" style program. Pretty cool.

Mr. Burgundy
06-12-2015, 04:37 PM
I am with you guys. I was excited about this guy and his potential coverage, but he is blowing the doors off it. Bigtime. We are pretty luck as fans to have the many different angles of recruiting so well covered. Thanks to all of the guys that do such great work. No other FCS program has anything like this. Very impressed...yeah, worth the $5. haha.

06-12-2015, 07:11 PM
He's published more words (and quality words at that) than maybe everyone else on earth combined since launch. Which is awesome. But for those who are "play for the name on the front of the jersey not the name on the back/ bring your lunch-pail/coach's son" type of folks who worried about his allegiance to a team we never play and which has a ton of crossover fans with us as well, his current twitter background is a split between the scout logo and a cool Bison photo...

06-19-2015, 05:07 PM
Loving what Ryan is doing

It's awesome...well worth the money if anyone is on the fence, no offense to Sams still cruise there also

06-20-2015, 05:14 AM
So the big question for me is this...... do these interviews and attention help us land recruits? How many other FCS teams have guys like John and Ryan covering them?

06-20-2015, 12:18 PM
So the big question for me is this...... do these interviews and attention help us land recruits? How many other FCS teams have guys like John and Ryan covering them?

It helps show recruits there is a fan base interested like the big dogs so it sure doesn't hurt

Outside of basketball I can't find anything on other teams, this extensive but some are close, all the MVC schools have ball and FB pages

06-20-2015, 02:17 PM
Glad to see SamsRams is there to corral Lakes after his ridiculous posts (see mallick Ruckers thread)

06-20-2015, 05:41 PM
Just signed up for and read all the articles and other recruiting info the Bison scout web site. Cudo's to Ryan for this site. If you are a Bison fan this website is a must ! Go Bison !

06-21-2015, 12:38 AM
NDSU is #3 selling site on entire scout network! !!! Way to go ryan

06-21-2015, 12:39 AM
Bison report was the #3 best selling site on the Scout network

07-09-2015, 07:29 PM
Hey everyone,

Ryan Burns here from the NDSU Scout site. Just wanted to introduce myself to you guys as I know that the Bisonville site is the go-to place for die-hard Bison fans.

I recently just graduated from the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities with a degree in Sports Management. I'm an avid outdoorsman along with a sports fanatic as I love to hunt waterfowl and deer, along with fishing for walleyes and salmon.

I've spent the last four years on Minnesota's Rivals.com site, the last two as it's publisher. I'll also be the publisher of Minnesota's Scout site as well. All that being said, I want everyone to know that I have a tremendous amount of respect for NDSU athletics, especially their football and men's basketball program. It's an absolutely astonishing feat to win four straight national titles in division one football and with the men's basketball program going to the NCAA tournament in back to back years for the first time in school history, I can't think of a better time to start the site.

If you're interested in Bison recruiting, I'd love for you to give us a try. If you're interested, please take advantage of our promotion of less than $5 total through October. Use the promo code: NDSU when selecting the monthly option and you're all set.

Please, if you have any questions, shoot me an email at burns599@umn.edu

Thank you and Go Bison!

07-09-2015, 09:28 PM
Hey everyone,

Ryan Burns here from the NDSU Scout site. Just wanted to introduce myself to you guys as I know that the Bisonville site is the go-to place for die-hard Bison fans.

I recently just graduated from the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities with a degree in Sports Management. I'm an avid outdoorsman along with a sports fanatic as I love to hunt waterfowl and deer, along with fishing for walleyes and salmon.

I've spent the last four years on Minnesota's Rivals.com site, the last two as it's publisher. I'll also be the publisher of Minnesota's Scout site as well. All that being said, I want everyone to know that I have a tremendous amount of respect for NDSU athletics, especially their football and men's basketball program. It's an absolutely astonishing feat to win four straight national titles in division one football and with the men's basketball program going to the NCAA tournament in back to back years for the first time in school history, I can't think of a better time to start the site.

If you're interested in Bison recruiting, I'd love for you to give us a try. If you're interested, please take advantage of our promotion of less than $5 total through October. Use the promo code: NDSU when selecting the monthly option and you're all set.

Please, if you have any questions, shoot me an email at burns599@umn.edu

Thank you and Go Bison! How about a link to the sign up page.

Tony Almeida
07-10-2015, 12:32 AM
Hey everyone,

Ryan Burns here from the NDSU Scout site. Just wanted to introduce myself to you guys as I know that the Bisonville site is the go-to place for die-hard Bison fans.

I recently just graduated from the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities with a degree in Sports Management. I'm an avid outdoorsman along with a sports fanatic as I love to hunt waterfowl and deer, along with fishing for walleyes and salmon.

I've spent the last four years on Minnesota's Rivals.com site, the last two as it's publisher. I'll also be the publisher of Minnesota's Scout site as well. All that being said, I want everyone to know that I have a tremendous amount of respect for NDSU athletics, especially their football and men's basketball program. It's an absolutely astonishing feat to win four straight national titles in division one football and with the men's basketball program going to the NCAA tournament in back to back years for the first time in school history, I can't think of a better time to start the site.

If you're interested in Bison recruiting, I'd love for you to give us a try. If you're interested, please take advantage of our promotion of less than $5 total through October. Use the promo code: NDSU when selecting the monthly option and you're all set.

Please, if you have any questions, shoot me an email at burns599@umn.edu

Thank you and Go Bison!

Keep up the good work Mr. Burns!

07-10-2015, 12:41 AM
How about a link to the sign up page.

Post #37 ITT has a link which takes you to a story Ryan wrote, with a way to sign up from there.

07-10-2015, 02:45 AM
Everyone should be following them on twitter. Ndsuonscout he is crushing it!!

07-10-2015, 03:46 AM
How about a link to the sign up page.

Here you go.


07-10-2015, 11:49 AM
Welcome to the site, Ryan! Great to see you post!

As I told him via e-mail, he seems pretty smart for a MN grad!

Best wishes on the site; I have loved it so far and encourage others to subscribe!

07-10-2015, 01:48 PM
Hey everyone,

Ryan Burns here from the NDSU Scout site. Just wanted to introduce myself to you guys as I know that the Bisonville site is the go-to place for die-hard Bison fans.

I recently just graduated from the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities with a degree in Sports Management. I'm an avid outdoorsman along with a sports fanatic as I love to hunt waterfowl and deer, along with fishing for walleyes and salmon.

I've spent the last four years on Minnesota's Rivals.com site, the last two as it's publisher. I'll also be the publisher of Minnesota's Scout site as well. All that being said, I want everyone to know that I have a tremendous amount of respect for NDSU athletics, especially their football and men's basketball program. It's an absolutely astonishing feat to win four straight national titles in division one football and with the men's basketball program going to the NCAA tournament in back to back years for the first time in school history, I can't think of a better time to start the site.

If you're interested in Bison recruiting, I'd love for you to give us a try. If you're interested, please take advantage of our promotion of less than $5 total through October. Use the promo code: NDSU when selecting the monthly option and you're all set.

Please, if you have any questions, shoot me an email at burns599@umn.edu

Thank you and Go Bison!

I am very impressed so far. Keep up the good work.

07-10-2015, 02:47 PM
Serious question-does any FCS football + mid-major hoops program offer the combined level of exposure and coverage that the Bison programs get?

07-10-2015, 03:28 PM
Serious question-does any FCS football + mid-major hoops program offer the combined level of exposure and coverage that the Bison programs get?

yes most the MVC schools in the BBall conference also have Scout pages also

Mr. Burgundy
07-10-2015, 03:29 PM
absolutely unreal coverage. Enjoy the daily reads. THanks!

07-10-2015, 03:32 PM
Serious question-does any FCS football + mid-major hoops program offer the combined level of exposure and coverage that the Bison programs get?

Villanova gets good coverage.

07-10-2015, 03:50 PM
i just re read the Trenton Mooney interview....love that kid

Mr Meaty
07-10-2015, 06:21 PM
i just re read the Trenton Mooney interview....love that kid

Special kid and with the mind set that it is TEAM first.

07-10-2015, 09:32 PM
Just signed up for Scout and the NDSU page is awesome. Lots of good info! Thanks Ryan.

07-11-2015, 12:55 AM
Ryan you really are doing an awesome job and we appreciate you bringing NDSU recruiting coverage to a larger audience. Keep up the great work

07-16-2015, 07:40 PM
Ryan you really are doing an awesome job and we appreciate you bringing NDSU recruiting coverage to a larger audience. Keep up the great work

Appreciate that sir!

07-17-2015, 01:23 AM
Just saw Ryan Burns is starting a Minnesota/NDSU page on Scout. Not sure it that is a bigger slight to NDSU or the Goophs

*Edit sounds like they will each have their own page, Ryan will be covering both teams. Interesting concept and I had the same thought when Scout approached me except I was going to focus on the Dakota schools or at least the 3 in the MVFC. I am really interested to see how this will work for him. He is Gopher dude first and foremost but any coverage NDSU can get on a national level is good for the school and program. Let's be honest, Scout has been the worst of the 3 for NDSU news the last 8 if not longer years. But looks like they wanna go from worst to first with NDSU, so I am excited to see how he does. It also gives me a little kick in the ass and some competition. One also has to wonder if Rivals or 247 wanna follow suit? Interesting times on the NDSU recruiting front

He provides information and interviews of recruits but SAMSRAMS IS THE BEST!!! It's not close, but if it helps NDSU I'm for it.
I'm not sure I want to become a member though----thoughts??

07-18-2015, 12:11 AM
He provides information and interviews of recruits but SAMSRAMS IS THE BEST!!! It's not close, but if it helps NDSU I'm for it.
I'm not sure I want to become a member though----thoughts??

If you read all the posts that should help your decision. Even SamsRams thinks it's a great site.

07-18-2015, 12:19 AM
He provides information and interviews of recruits but SAMSRAMS IS THE BEST!!! It's not close, but if it helps NDSU I'm for it.
I'm not sure I want to become a member though----thoughts??

read entire thread....lol

07-18-2015, 12:28 AM
I became a member as am Bison Football Recruiting Junkie

07-18-2015, 02:55 AM
He provides information and interviews of recruits but SAMSRAMS IS THE BEST!!! It's not close, but if it helps NDSU I'm for it.
I'm not sure I want to become a member though----thoughts??
I am not the best, just a guy that helped open the door to bring recruiting coverage to more bison fans. Tony deserves more props than I do for starting bisonville.
My goal was always to get ndsu recruiting coverage on a national stage. Sure sometimes I kick myself for turning down scout, but I don't have the time in the week to produce the articles Ryan has been producing.

08-13-2015, 03:27 AM
No articles in scout in over a week and we've had 2 verbals. They said they are getting another writer. I hope this lull is temporary and they didn't pump out 60 articles over 60 days to get people to subscribe only to gradually cut down coverage.
So far I've been impressed though

Mr Meaty
08-13-2015, 03:53 AM
I have enjoyed all reads so far. But I can not get enough info on anything NDSU related.

08-13-2015, 04:23 AM
No articles in scout in over a week and we've had 2 verbals. They said they are getting another writer. I hope this lull is temporary and they didn't pump out 60 articles over 60 days to get people to subscribe only to gradually cut down coverage.
So far I've been impressed though

Relax...it's not a gimmick, people can cancel...

08-13-2015, 09:11 AM
Relax...it's not a gimmick, people can cancel...

Anyone remember when the promotion ends was it August 31st and then it automatically subscribes you to the new rate?

08-13-2015, 01:54 PM
No articles in scout in over a week and we've had 2 verbals. They said they are getting another writer. I hope this lull is temporary and they didn't pump out 60 articles over 60 days to get people to subscribe only to gradually cut down coverage.
So far I've been impressed though

I was thinking the same thing ! Have been checking every day for several days and nothing ! I'm a little disappointed !

08-13-2015, 02:04 PM
I was thinking the same thing ! Have been checking every day for several days and nothing ! I'm a little disappointed ! He is probably covering the BIG important teams now. If it keeps up I just cancel my membership.

08-13-2015, 02:14 PM
No articles in scout in over a week and we've had 2 verbals. They said they are getting another writer. I hope this lull is temporary and they didn't pump out 60 articles over 60 days to get people to subscribe only to gradually cut down coverage.
So far I've been impressed though

Gabe, are you saying Ryan quit already?

08-13-2015, 02:14 PM
He is probably covering the BIG important teams now. If it keeps up I just cancel my membership.

I am agreement with SD. I hope Ryan just went on vacation or something, as he was doing such a great job.

08-13-2015, 02:56 PM
Two new posts on twitter this morning....

08-13-2015, 03:34 PM
He is probably covering the BIG important teams now. If it keeps up I just cancel my membership.

He is a B10 alum and I doubt your vitriol has exactly given him any motivation. Place yourself in his shoes and then go back and read your posts

08-13-2015, 05:51 PM
Gabe, are you saying Ryan quit already?

No scout is hiring a 2nd writer

08-13-2015, 05:59 PM
Gabe, are you saying Ryan quit already?

No I'm saying they said they were going to hire a 2nd writer. Obviously it's a lot of work for 1 guy.

08-13-2015, 11:24 PM
No I'm saying they said they were going to hire a 2nd writer. Obviously it's a lot of work for 1 guy.

Well, he cranked it out today!

08-14-2015, 01:48 AM
He is a B10 alum and I doubt your vitriol has exactly given him any motivation. Place yourself in his shoes and then go back and read your posts GFY........I am a paying customer.....for now.

08-28-2015, 03:41 PM

Their Montana/NDSU preview by some new stud writer.

08-28-2015, 08:28 PM

Their Montana/NDSU preview by some new stud writer.

FYI When I hit the tweet share button the link to the article does not pop up

09-03-2015, 10:04 PM
Went to cancel subscription today and was told the special was good through October 9th.

I like articles from Ross but the market is over saturated with game day coverage and previews. I loved what Ryan was doing but he has turned his focus to the Goophs.

09-03-2015, 10:04 PM
double post

09-04-2015, 05:14 AM
Keep supporting this. Ryan burns actually goes to the recruits games and such and don't just troll twitter 24/7 for info.

09-04-2015, 06:03 AM
Went to cancel subscription today and was told the special was good through October 9th.

I like articles from Ross but the market is over saturated with game day coverage and previews. I loved what Ryan was doing but he has turned his focus to the Goophs.

I'll wait it out but now that football season has started , I'm not that impressed.

NDSU has a monthly charge just like the Gophers do yet we are seriously not even in the same ballpark for coverage. I know it's new but the lack of content is annoying.

The Gophers scout site has been getting 3 to 5 articles per day. We dont get that in a week. If coverage remains at that level it will be like paying a subscription rate for something that has less content than stuff you get for free with Kolpack, Izzo, and all the stuff that's already out there. (And Bisonation)

If they were paying attention, there have been some huge developments like COA that they are obviously not even aware of because there have been no articles.

I'm hopeful with the new writers they will produce some actual content. I like the Ross Uglem guy so far but he's only been with them for less than a week. And by content I don't mean emailing the same 6 questions to all the last years recruits and copy and pasting the answers and then calling it an article and using it as a premise to subscribe.

A ton of people subscribed quickly but I could see that number drop with these low content levels. Let's hope it goes up! I want this to do well.

10-08-2015, 06:34 PM
Ross & Ryan are doing a Bison podcast. Episode 1 is done.

@RossUglem: Episode 1 of the #BisonReport Podcast with @RyanBurnsMN for @NDSUonScout is in the can. Stay tuned and get excited #Bison fans!

10-09-2015, 03:35 PM
Podcast link is here: http://www.scout.com/college/north-dakota-state/story/1597175-bisonreport-radio-10-8-15

Content has had major uptick as well. ~25 posts in the last 4 weeks.

10-09-2015, 05:22 PM
Podcast link is here: http://www.scout.com/college/north-dakota-state/story/1597175-bisonreport-radio-10-8-15

Content has had major uptick as well. ~25 posts in the last 4 weeks.

The new guy Ross U is awesome

10-09-2015, 10:23 PM
Podcast link is here: http://www.scout.com/college/north-dakota-state/story/1597175-bisonreport-radio-10-8-15

Content has had major uptick as well. ~25 posts in the last 4 weeks.

Sweet I was really hoping someone would break down the Montana game 6 weeks after it happened /slightpurple

10-10-2015, 03:36 PM
The new guy Ross U is awesome

Except for being a Packer fan......he is doing a good job, however.

10-10-2015, 03:53 PM
Sweet I was really hoping someone would break down the Montana game 6 weeks after it happened /slightpurple

It's what everybody on Bisonville is still doing too (-4 yards of purple)

Sent using a Speak N Spell and an Etch a Sketch

10-15-2015, 07:29 PM
Podcast episode 2: http://www.scout.com/college/north-dakota-state/story/1599517-bisonreport-radio-10-15-15

11-11-2015, 01:34 PM
I got to tell you, for those who are NOT subscribing, you are making a huge mistake. Ever since Ryan brought on Ross U., the coverage keeps getting better and better. (Yes, I do admit there was a lull before that.) Ryan knows the recruiting so well, and their podcast is an absolutely golden show between the talk about the current games and then Ryan updating recruiting. I sure don't like hearing NDSU is likely to lose two recruits in the near future, but is great that someone is out there actively sharing what is happening in real time. The other thing worth mentioning, I've noticed the Ross has asked some of the best questions at Coach K's pressors, etc.

Keep it up Ross and Ryan, and I'd encourage all on this board to throw a few dollars their way to keep them going.

11-12-2015, 12:32 PM
I got to tell you, for those who are NOT subscribing, you are making a huge mistake. Ever since Ryan brought on Ross U., the coverage keeps getting better and better. (Yes, I do admit there was a lull before that.) Ryan knows the recruiting so well, and their podcast is an absolutely golden show between the talk about the current games and then Ryan updating recruiting. I sure don't like hearing NDSU is likely to lose two recruits in the near future, but is great that someone is out there actively sharing what is happening in real time. The other thing worth mentioning, I've noticed the Ross has asked some of the best questions at Coach K's pressors, etc.

Keep it up Ross and Ryan, and I'd encourage all on this board to throw a few dollars their way to keep them going.

I agree it's really good stuff.

11-12-2015, 09:00 PM
The other thing worth mentioning, I've noticed the Ross has asked some of the best questions at Coach K's pressors, etc.

Old media is so tired, if nothing else it's nice to see the new guys with actual interesting thoughts about things start to take hold.

11-17-2015, 09:22 PM

My latest for BisonReport on Menard and Ambrosious.

11-25-2015, 05:25 PM
My latest for BisonReport: http://www.scout.com/college/north-dakota-state/story/1616243-2015-bison-fresh-for-playoffs

01-14-2016, 08:54 PM
Just signed up for an annual subscription. Great stuff from what I've seen so far. Wish I would have signed up earlier.

08-25-2016, 01:28 PM
NDSU Football Preview: Part 1 (http://www.scout.com/college/north-dakota-state/story/1699413-ndsu-football-season-preview-part-1)

Part 2 will be out later this afternoon and the Charleston Southern Preview will come out on Friday afternoon or Saturday morning.

08-26-2016, 02:20 PM
Good preview, Ross, appreciate the effort!

08-26-2016, 02:38 PM
NDSU Football Preview: Part 1 (http://www.scout.com/college/north-dakota-state/story/1699413-ndsu-football-season-preview-part-1)

Part 2 will be out later this afternoon and the Charleston Southern Preview will come out on Friday afternoon or Saturday morning.

Ross, huge score getting Craig H. on. I loved you getting into how he became an FCS fan. Keep up the good work.

08-26-2016, 04:01 PM
Part 2 right here. (http://www.scout.com/college/north-dakota-state/story/1699814-ndsu-football-season-preview-part-2)

01-21-2017, 04:40 PM
Flash sale for the premium content on BisonReport. 9 months for the price of 1.


01-21-2017, 09:38 PM
Flash sale for the premium content on BisonReport. 9 months for the price of 1.


My goodness, if there are still folks not subscribed, they need to get on board. Ryan's stuff today alone is worth that price.

08-20-2017, 12:08 PM
Just saw my $4.95 go through my account. Well worth it. Ryan Burns does a fantastic job covering recruiting. Good job fellas!

There may not be a lot of comments on each article, but know that they being read and appreciated. Thanks!

08-20-2017, 12:51 PM
Just saw my $4.95 go through my account. Well worth it. Ryan Burns does a fantastic job covering recruiting. Good job fellas!

There may not be a lot of comments on each article, but know that they being read and appreciated. Thanks!

best site ever amazing work