View Full Version : Parsons as WR?

09-01-2006, 04:41 PM
I know backup QB's are important, but this guy is athletic, has good size and good speed.

I just wanted to know if anyone else was thinking that he would make an outstanding receiver for the Bison.

09-01-2006, 04:46 PM

09-01-2006, 04:47 PM
but, you're right about him being a very good athlete.

09-01-2006, 04:49 PM

He's a sophomore #2 quarterback and the heir apparent. Why move him?

Except for the armchair variety, aren't most quarterbacks athletic enough to play another position?

09-01-2006, 04:53 PM
I just don't see too much destinction between him and Mertens while our receiving corp (White excluded) is nothing special. Average, but not great--I think Parsons might be worth a look.

09-01-2006, 05:10 PM
We have done this conversion before. I think Gidley (sp) was moved from QB to reciever.

09-01-2006, 05:29 PM
We have done this conversion before. *I think Gidley (sp) was moved from QB to reciever. *

Gidley was moved to WR and he played the position quite well.

09-01-2006, 06:06 PM
Looks like Parsons is in to much of a hurry to get out of the pocket. Last night was a perfect example, but it was also quit obvious in the Spring game and the scrimmages this fall that he is not comfortable in the pocket. Looked great last night, but will be a different story against the IA and IAA teams on the schedule this year and years to come. He is a great athlete and could make a great reciever or maybe even a safety. Mertens is the future QB of this team and that will become obvious in the next couple of years. It would be a shame to waste and athelete like Parsons.

09-01-2006, 06:15 PM
Looks like Parsons is in to much of a hurry to get out of the pocket. *Last night was a perfect example, but it was also quit obvious in the Spring game and the scrimmages this fall that he is not comfortable in the pocket. Looked great last night, but will be a different story against the IA and IAA teams on the schedule this year and years to come. He is a great athlete and could make a great reciever or maybe even a safety. *Mertens is the future QB of this team and that will become obvious in the next couple of years. It would be a shame to waste and athelete like Parsons.

Bohl commented that they had put a reign on Parson's throwing last night because they didn't want to run it up. You can't fault a guy for following directions.

09-01-2006, 06:50 PM
Mertens is the future QB of this team and that will become obvious in the next couple of years.

You sound pretty sure about that. Can't say that I agree with your level of certainty.

09-01-2006, 06:52 PM
I thought Parsons showed a lot more composure in the pocket, especially compared to the Spring Game.

Yeah, he took off a couple times, but when you're not supposed to throw it as much, have 40 yards of open field in front of you, and you can actually run, why not tuck the ball and go with it??

09-01-2006, 07:02 PM
that's what i thought too, bisonguy, including on his 48 yd run.

09-01-2006, 07:30 PM
Looks like Parsons is in to much of a hurry to get out of the pocket. Last night was a perfect example, but it was also quit obvious in the Spring game and the scrimmages this fall that he is not comfortable in the pocket. Looked great last night, but will be a different story against the IA and IAA teams on the schedule this year and years to come. He is a great athlete and could make a great reciever or maybe even a safety. Mertens is the future QB of this team and that will become obvious in the next couple of years. It would be a shame to waste and athelete like Parsons.

Bohl commented that they had put a reign on Parson's throwing last night because they didn't want to run it up. You can't fault a guy for following directions.

hopefully Parsons gets a chance to open up the offense in the Northeastern game. He needs the experience, and I'm not yet sold he is capable of leading us through the FCS Playoffs. Would also be nice to see him break a 40+ yard run against a DI defense.

09-01-2006, 07:41 PM
So lets say Parsons stays at QB, plays backup for the next two years and then maybe starts as a senior. Seems like a waste of an athelete. If he could contribute at another position, wouldnt it make more sense to get him on the field for two seasons instead of one. It would also seem logical to groom Mertens as the backup and then start him for two years. Whether its Mertens or a Redshirt Freshman from the 2007 recruiting class it would be nice to see life after Walker start with a QB that will be around more than one season. Nothing against Parsons, but I hate having a QB for only a year.

09-01-2006, 11:41 PM
I agree that as of NOW, Parsons is not capable of leading this team to the playoffs. Just compare to when Walker took over in the Colorado game. Walker was a STUD as a freshman, and ended up taking over the starting job later in the year. Parsons, a few years into the program, still looks like he doesnt have a great sense of where he needs to throw the ball, so he just tucks and runs. Another problem he could have is that he looks at the defenders comming at him. Thats a no no for a QB. You must ALWAYS be looking downfield while trusting your protection.....especially against CSP

09-02-2006, 12:15 AM
I just don't see too much destinction between him and Mertens while our receiving corp (White excluded) is nothing special. Average, but not great--I think Parsons might be worth a look.

Uh hmmmmmm....Heckendorf is no slouch at receiver! And to quote Bob Holiday from his "Reaction to the Action" over on Bison Insider, "[The Bison] no longer have a 1 person receiving corp, it now includes Heckendorf (What a catch!), White, Majeski, and Wurzbacher"

09-02-2006, 03:07 AM
Parsons will be fine as the backup QB this season and possibly the starter next season. Coach Bohl opened the QB job up during both the spring and fall practices for competition and the way it shook out was Walker as starter, Parsons as backup and a wash between Mertens and Brecke as the third QB. I don't know about the other fans but I don't want the coach moving the second best QB on the roster to wide receiver because one or two fans of Mertens feels bad that he didn't beat Parsons or Brecke out in the competition. Football positions are won by competition and all recruits were studs at their high schools so let the best player win the job and the coaches decide who won the job.

09-02-2006, 01:19 PM
Parsons is fine as the backup this year. If by next spring the staff believes he wont be the guy to lead us to the playoffs a move can be made then. I agree with a lot of you, a good athlete, yes a great quarterback, not yet anyway.

09-02-2006, 03:08 PM
If Parsons doesn't win the starting job next season, that is a big if, he will more than likely still be the second best QB on the team and backup QB is an important position on a football team. Remember Brian Owen winning games for the Bison when Jeff Bentrim was injured. Obviously Parsons is a good QB and if I remember correctly he was Coach Bohl's first QB recruit. I believe Parsons will be the starter next season.

09-02-2006, 03:14 PM
If Parsons doesn't win the starting job next season, that is a big if, he will more than likely still be the second best QB on the team and backup QB is an important position on a football team. Remember Brian Owen winning games for the Bison when Jeff Bentrim was injured. Obviously Parsons is a good QB and if I remember correctly he was Coach Bohl's first QB recruit. I believe Parsons will be the starter next season.

Parson looked excellent. Very good running the ball when necesary, and throwing.

Does anyone know what happened to Mertens? It looked like he was in for just a couple plays and then was replaced. Did he get injured?

09-02-2006, 03:17 PM
The radio guys, Scott Miller and Phil Hansen, said it was a dead heat between Mertens and Brecke for the #3 QB spot so they both played about one series. I don't think you can make too much out of it since Coach didn't let them run the offense in the second half anyway. Just dive plays to try and end the game without scoring 100.

09-02-2006, 03:45 PM
If Parsons doesn't win the starting job next season, that is a big if, he will more than likely still be the second best QB on the team and backup QB is an important position on a football team. Remember Brian Owen winning games for the Bison when Jeff Bentrim was injured. Obviously Parsons is a good QB and if I remember correctly he was Coach Bohl's first QB recruit. I believe Parsons will be the starter next season.

I'm confused here ???......Parsons chance of winning the starting job next year is slim, none, ZERO, and nonexistant, unless something major happens to Walker again to put him out for the season. Walker is only a Junior........

09-02-2006, 03:47 PM
My bad, I thought they kept referring to Steve Walker as a senior on Thursday night and in the paper. I'm sorry. No chance Steve Walker will be the starter again next season. He is a very good QB.

09-02-2006, 04:05 PM
Next year's WRs

Nick Jackson JR
Shamen Washington JR
Jamar Champ SO
Kole Heckendorf So
Justin Schultenover RFR
John Majeski JR
Alex Belquist So
Gary Williams FR
Laminu Sonie RFr

We were deep enough at WR this year that coach Bohl had Champ redshirt this year. *I was impressed with his play in the spring game, *And, this move was made AFTER the injury to Shamen Washington. *Logic would lead me to believe that we are pretty damn deep at WR right now.

1. We aren't removing the redshirt off of Williams,
2. Champ is going to get an extra year of play,
3. Heckendorf...well... I don't think theres a IAA team out there that wouldn't want to have this guy
4. White just flat out made those DBs look stupid on Thursday (won't be here next year but he's so much fun to talk about)
5. Majeski looked pretty good on Thursday.
6. And, we haven't even talked about how scary it will be for the defenses who have to tackle Shamen Washington one on one in the open field next year.

Why put Parsons at WR when he is your best backup QB at this time? *I don't get it. :-?

09-02-2006, 10:16 PM
The Bison always need a capable backup quarterback, and right now that is Parsons.

09-02-2006, 10:20 PM
My bad, I thought they kept referring to Steve Walker as a senior on Thursday night and in the paper. I'm sorry. No chance Steve Walker will be the starter again next season. He is a very good QB.

yeh, your right. I did see somewhere in the paper where they claimed Walker was a Senior. He however, did start as a freshman in 2004 so we have another year after this season to develope our young QB's. :)

09-02-2006, 10:22 PM
Next year's WRs

Nick Jackson JR
Shamen Washington JR
Jamar Champ SO
Kole Heckendorf So
Justin Schultenover RFR
John Majeski JR
Alex Belquist So
Gary Williams FR
Laminu Sonie RFr

We were deep enough at WR this year that coach Bohl had Champ redshirt this year. I was impressed with his play in the spring game, And, this move was made AFTER the injury to Shamen Washington. Logic would lead me to believe that we are pretty damn deep at WR right now.

1. We aren't removing the redshirt off of Williams,
2. Champ is going to get an extra year of play,
3. Heckendorf...well... I don't think theres a IAA team out there that wouldn't want to have this guy
4. White just flat out made those DBs look stupid on Thursday (won't be here next year but he's so much fun to talk about)
5. Majeski looked pretty good on Thursday.
6. And, we haven't even talked about how scary it will be for the defenses who have to tackle Shamen Washington one on one in the open field next year.

Why put Parsons at WR when he is your best backup QB at this time? I don't get it. :-?

I am getting more and more excited to see these guys match up against Minnesota. If the OL can give Walker any time in the pocket I think we will have a great showing.

09-03-2006, 12:28 AM
"...he was Coach Bohl's first QB recruit. I believe Parsons will be the starter next season. "

Other than this comment meaning in two season from now it's what I am afraid of. Parson has not shown the ability to be a QB in the many opportunities he has had. Yet he keeps getting the nod, I hope it's not because of the first part of that sentence. However, I believe right now that's one reason why he's #2 instead of one of the #3's. One main reason I believe this is because Bohl waited way to many games to get Walker back in there his freshman year (because Walker wasn't his original plan, etc).

09-03-2006, 12:32 AM
Staus wasn't his recruit either. I think he had problems with the offense early on and Staus knew it better.

09-03-2006, 03:34 AM
Staus wasn't his recruit either. *I think he had problems with the offense early on and Staus knew it better.

Not saying Walker should have started the first game, but after the 1st game... UNC it would have been an good but half gutsy call. Then after each game went by it was more obvious. To bad it took until the end of the season to finally have the guts to do it (finally it was a no brainer and criticism couldn't come from it).

The main point wasn't that Stauss was his recruit, rather that he didn't believe in Walker (until half way through last year). Similarly, right now he believes in Parsons as the best #2, Why? IMO, one part he was one of his first prized recruits, two he likes him, three he runs through practice drills as good or better than Walker, so all those equalize Parsons as being generally poor in real game situations (complete opposite of Walker yet Walker had a tougher time that Parsons earning the coaches trust).

Now maybe I am all wet and there will really be a chance for the current #3 guys to prove themselves and become #1 when Parson's is a senior, but as much as I would like to see it I am not holding my breath.

However a lot can change between now and then, and as this thread started out mentioning why bother with a QB that has been a perennial backup that will have one year of running the show?

09-03-2006, 04:02 AM
While I haven't at all been impressed with Parsons to date, I don't believe you will know how he responds to an equal situation as Walker was thrown into 3 years ago until it actually happens. Remember, every time he plays, the starters are not all in the game. However, I will say that to date, if he continues to not see receivers and pulls out of the called plays to run the ball himself, his time will be limited. For one thing, the receivers will mutiny, as this is the most frustrating thing for them to deal with. They will not be happy to see him scrambling time after time when they were open, even if he is successful from time to time. Yes, he had 2 good runs Thurs night, but were they necessary? I think if you looked at a replay, he had receivers wide open at least 1 of the 2 times. He is opening himself up to injury and dissention of his teammates. There is a reason why the option is basically history in college football!! There aren't enough QBs to go around!! The receivers are already thinking BLOCK vs. CATCH when Parsons is in. This is not good. I believe 99 Bison is right on in his comments.