View Full Version : So My Daughter Comes Home...

11-11-2014, 01:43 AM
...to watch a little Bison football and to put up the Christmas tree. Early...I know...but her weekends are busy during the holiday season. She's an interior decorator. She's talking with her mother while she's putting up the tree, and I'm having a little trouble hearing the game announcers. Somehow, I didn't really care.

As the game progressed it seemed different than most games. We were playing a tough team, and we weren't playing our A game. UNI forced us into our B or C game...to give them credit.

It felt like the end of the streak pretty early in the game. Sure, we could come back and make it a game, but it just didn't feel that way.

And as the game continued, I somehow managed to stay pretty relaxed (or resigned). This would be a Bison loss with the Bison not playing Bison football. It was almost as if the streak needed to end.

My daughter had to leave soon after the game. I had a choice to make. I could sulk about it, or live with it. I decided to channel surf and watch some other games. The tree was lit and my wife was watching a movie. I watched several upper-crust teams struggling...with some getting blown out. I watched their fans' reactions of doom. Michigan State would be one good example of an elite team that got blown up. Utah's a good team. Notre Dame's a good team. They got destroyed. They all have good coaches.

Me? I enjoyed the rest of the day and looked at the tree...thankful that my daughter had come to visit.

The Bison? They'll either improve dramatically, or they'll show us that they are not an elite team this year. They'll be in the playoffs...but in what position...and where?

And finally...maybe the players will discover new joy in playing the game. If they do, I'll thank UNI for bringing their A game last Saturday.

PS - Thought I heard the 'Let's Go Bison' cheer near the end of the game. That had class...and sent a strong message to the team.

11-11-2014, 02:43 AM
Very nice post....I dont think most of us are worried about this team losing a game. 33 games is a lot. These kids need a break. They are humans not machines.

Go Bison \m/

11-11-2014, 03:37 AM
The loss is not that a bid of a deal in my mind. I mean CMOn who goes 33 in a row. the odds of 2 perfect seasons has to be astronomical. For me the streak has not been broken...3 in a row working on 4. I guess that is the streak I am/have been thinking about.

11-11-2014, 11:20 AM
Well put CA.

11-11-2014, 12:36 PM
If BBR ever goes off the grid and becomes some sorta Monk............CA is well suited to step right in to be BV's primary "voice of reason".

11-11-2014, 01:55 PM
Wait a second... You put up your Christmas tree before Thanksgiving!!!??? ;)

I felt exactly the same way. I was angry for a little bit, but quickly got over it as I accepted it would be a loss. I felt 100x worse during the ISU-B game even though we stood a fighting chance. Sometimes I have to just think that football is just a game, even though as fans we treat it much more than it really is.

StL Bison Fan
11-11-2014, 02:02 PM
I felt worse as it was happening and fine as I walked back to the bus. I think that streak was on everyone's mind more than they'll ever say. It's easier to play to gain something, than to play to not lose something.

Bison 4 Life
11-11-2014, 02:10 PM
I felt worse as it was happening and fine as I walked back to the bus. I think that streak was on everyone's mind more than they'll ever say. It's easier to play to gain something, than to play to not lose something.

I slept like a baby despite my Motel 6 pillow, got up and headed home. Stopped to get my beard cut off on the way. It was quite freeing. Good consolation, that thing was getting gnarly.

11-11-2014, 02:12 PM
You had me at Christmas tree...

11-11-2014, 08:01 PM
You had me at Christmas tree...

He had Izzy at "So my daughter comes home...".

11-12-2014, 03:44 AM
My 2 favorite things to do during Thanksgiving weekend are watch football and put up the Christmas Lights.

11-12-2014, 04:17 AM
He had Izzy at "So my daughter comes home...".

Wow. Yer really a sick bastard.

"So My Daughter Comes Home" .................................................. .................................................. ...............pencil eraser nips?

11-12-2014, 04:07 PM
A great perspective CA, as always.