View Full Version : Watch Out Bison!!!!!

10-18-2006, 02:35 AM
The man, the legend, "coach" Glen Mason is pulling out all the motivational stops for Sat's big game > http://www.startribune.com/512/story/749275.html! *If this doesn't have the fans on their feet cheering wildy the whole game, I don't know what will! lol

10-18-2006, 02:37 AM
Could a mod ban some of these new non-bison posters?
I mean, this board is getting ouf of control. IMHO

10-18-2006, 02:39 AM
Could a mod ban some of these new non-bison posters?
I mean, this board is getting ouf of control. *IMHO

"Out of control?" lol Thought you wanted to go I-A?

10-18-2006, 02:41 AM
Just trying to enjoy our little forum here, I invite other school's fans to join in, no offense, but let it go.

10-18-2006, 02:49 AM
Could a mod ban some of these new non-bison posters?
I mean, this board is getting ouf of control. *IMHO

"Out of control?" lol *Thought you wanted to go I-A? *

Glad to see you here Pantherhawk. You have to understand some people here have a PC attitude so you will have to excuse them. I found the Mason article amusing. Seems he is a little uncomfortable with the crappy record and doing anything he can do direct attention elsewhere.

10-18-2006, 02:51 AM
I don't think that was a "Pump you up Gopher players-We're going to win on Saturday" speech- I 'think' he was trying to tell the Gopher fans to get a clue! *Why would you "BOO" your own team and coach. *That right there tells you what kind of 'so-called' fans - they have to deal with. Support your team- ALL of your team- Win or Lose!

10-18-2006, 03:12 AM
Hardly a PC attitude, just getting sick of the loser posts/threads of the last week.

10-18-2006, 03:18 AM
Hardly a PC attitude, just getting sick of the loser posts/threads of the last week.

Loosen up 4m........I think its great others who dislike the Gophers come to a Bison board to wish us well and point out some difficulties the Gophers are having.

10-18-2006, 03:20 AM
Hardly a PC attitude, just getting sick of the loser posts/threads of the last week.

Loosen up 4m........I think its great others who dislike the Gophers come to a Bison board to wish us well and point out some difficulties the Gophers are having. *


10-18-2006, 03:26 AM
good point
Just don't want this board to turn into some of the others I frequent, sorry, I'll relax, lol.

10-18-2006, 03:37 AM
good point
Just don't want this board to turn into some of the others I frequent, sorry, I'll relax, lol.
If we need to we can request the board deputies put the obnoxious posters in their place (i.e ban them). I don't think Pantherhawk came close to that in any way.

10-18-2006, 04:44 AM
Could a mod ban some of these new non-bison posters?
I mean, this board is getting ouf of control. *IMHO
With a 140 posts you might want to be careful what you ask for you might be included in that "new posters" group. ;D ;D

10-18-2006, 12:24 PM
Hardly a PC attitude, just getting sick of the loser posts/threads of the last week.

"Loser posts?" Dude/Dudette, the only losers in the entire equation are the gooofer rabble who think they are going to roll you guys by 40 just by stepping onto the same field, ie Sidiot Hartman! Iowa listens to the same garbage every year even though we have won 5 straight and 10 of 13 from the mighty DomeHeads! Sidiot is already insisting the gooobers will finish 4-1. I will be gone after Sat!! Don't bring too many Bison to the Dome on Sat or the next time you play there, you too may be forced to into a 2 for 1 sale! ;D