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View Full Version : Sid Hartman postgame comments

10-21-2006, 10:51 PM
First off, great game by NDSU. It's a proud day to be a Bison fan.

Second of all, and I know this topic has been hashed over and over, but I want to know what Sid says about this game.

I have alot of respect for Mason with the way he treated us before, and even seeing him talk to Walker after. I thought the Gopher players played mediocre, but they kept their cool and they didn't show any disrespect to the players on the field, that i saw.

However, I absolutely have 0 respect for Sid Hartman. He's a biased garbage reporter if I've ever read one, and he uses his radio show to control his opinions over the air instead of letting the people call in and speak their minds.

I would love for this thread to be a comment section from Sid about the Bison after the game was played, and his prediction of 40-0 came up just a little short.

10-22-2006, 12:06 AM
What kind of comments was Sid making? Maybe I'm biased, but I thought the Bison were really outplaying the Gophers for most of the game. Even with two turnovers, we still had the lead into the 4th quarter.

10-22-2006, 12:48 AM
*Maybe I'm biased, but I thought the Bison were really outplaying the Gophers for most of the game. Even with two turnovers, we still had the lead into the 4th quarter. *

I haven't seen the final stats but being at the game I would have to agree. The Gopher put together one drive and that is all they had. If we could have score a TD the game would have been over. The atmosphere was awesome with a ton of Bison fans. I am proud of the Bison!

10-22-2006, 12:53 AM
Who cares what Sid said before or after the game? The Bison showed everyone that he obviously knows nothing about football. Even though the Bison lost a game they should have won he should be eating crow tomorrow.

10-22-2006, 03:48 AM
Who cares what Sid said before or after the game?

I do. That's why I created this thread. And looking at the others, apparently I'm not the only one.

I want to hear how Sid "smooths" his way out of this one, considering his predictions of the game were 40-0, and every Bison caller that called into his show in the last week, he hung up on them before they were even allowed to finish their initial statement about the game.

I'll be posting quotes and writeups when I find them.

10-22-2006, 03:51 AM
Make sure you listen to Sid and Mason tomorrow morning at 9:30. I absolutely guarantee it will be one of the most entertaining half hours in the history of radio.

10-22-2006, 03:52 AM
I'd like to hear Sid too. ;D ;D ;D

10-22-2006, 04:00 AM
Make sure you listen to Sid and Mason tomorrow morning at 9:30. *I absolutely guarantee it will be one of the most entertaining half hours in the history of radio.

Since I live outside the MSP area, I'm not familiar with this show and don't know whether or not it takes calls. If it does, will you be calling in? ;D

10-22-2006, 04:06 AM
You said "Sid" and "Smooth" in the same sentence. I don't know if that has ever been done before. Sid just doesn't keep up. I wonder if he knows that the forward pass has been legalized or that the flying wedge was banned. Sid is OK when he just reports what people tell him, but his analysis of information is quite lacking.

10-22-2006, 04:12 AM
Make sure you listen to Sid and Mason tomorrow morning at 9:30. I absolutely guarantee it will be one of the most entertaining half hours in the history of radio.

Since I live outside the MSP area, I'm not familiar with this show and don't know whether or not it takes calls. If it does, will you be calling in? ;D

They talk about the game for about the first ten minutes and then they take calls the rest of the half hour. Every week, irate Gopher fans call in (win or lose) and criticize Mason. Mason gets made. Sid defends Mason, etc. etc....tomorrow will be the best show ever. No, I won't be calling in. Can you pick up KFGO in Minot? They carry it.

10-22-2006, 06:26 AM
I disagree. It was a football game for the ages. No mediocre. I take offense at that comment for all BISON fans. The Gophers were on the field with everything The BISON brought. No Mediocre. That comment should be struck from the record. Its an insult to BISON Lore.

10-22-2006, 09:22 AM
I was thinking after the game that there were no losers. *Well, I was wrong. *There was ONE loser in Minneapolis on Saturday....Sidiot Hatman ;D

Later....gosh, after reading Sid's Sunday column, I almost feel bad for calling him a loser. Give him a couple of calls on the show this morning and he'll prove me right. Great game Herd!!

10-22-2006, 11:39 AM
Here's Sid's Star Tribune column:

"Let's face facts: Gophers weren't the better team" (http://www.startribune.com/507/story/758229.html)

10-22-2006, 12:34 PM
Yes, I was wrong when I predicted that the Gophers would beat North Dakota State 40-0.

To lead off his article with this statement and have it made into a sub-head is commendable and took courage on the part of Sid Hartman.

I guess his ego's pretty big, but maybe Sid feels just a tad bit sorry for cutting off all those Bison callers last week.

10-22-2006, 02:34 PM
Sid Hartman show on the radio right now. North Dakota State was better than the Gophers much of the game. Sid's excuse: 125 scholarships reduced to 85, otherwise those Bison kids would have been gophers. ;D ;D ;D

10-22-2006, 02:46 PM
I'm listening to Sid and Mason... *This is one of those situations in which the Bison have to hold their tongues a bit: Sid is having to choke down some crow and he's doing it as graciously as he can. *Sid is Sid and now he knows the Bison are the Bison (and they'll be back in the Dome next year).

10-22-2006, 02:48 PM
Mona bitching about the roughing the punter call. Sickening.

10-22-2006, 02:53 PM
About a 12 minute segment with Mason if you take out the commercials. A new all-time low. ;D Every week the time dwindles. ;D ;D

10-22-2006, 02:55 PM
Now Sid's saying we could play with many of the Big Ten teams. I think we just need that one burner to stretch the field and we'd really be excellent on offense.

10-22-2006, 02:57 PM
"(Minnesota's) just lucky they didn't get beat 20-0... Wisconsin game took a lot out of them."

"(North Dakota State) was the better football team..."

10-22-2006, 03:09 PM
Coach Perles on with Sid right now!

10-22-2006, 03:09 PM
Coach Bohl on KFAN right now.

10-22-2006, 03:10 PM
I need to buy another radio, I guess. One in each ear.

10-22-2006, 03:14 PM
Theres no reason at all to be on Sid. He called it like he saw it and now he is seeing things a bit differently. The BISON lost the game and won respect. What Sid is saying today means a whole lot more than what he said last week. He is unflinchingly generous in his praise of the BISON.

10-22-2006, 03:32 PM
I agree, since the game he has said the NDSU was the better team, both in the paper and on his radio show. Can't stop talking about how the QB Walker has impressed him. (at least he gets another chance to see him next year. ;)) He didn't take any call while Mason was on, probably a smart idea. So I got to give him credit, at least he's willing to admit he was wrong in this situation, I didn't think that I would live long enough to ever see that.

10-22-2006, 03:35 PM
I agree, since the game he has said the NDSU was the better team, both in the paper and on his radio show. *Can't stop talking about how the QB Walker has impressed him. *(at least he gets another chance to see him next year. *;)) *He didn't take any call while Mason was on, probably a smart idea. *So I got to give him credit, at least he's willing to admit he was wrong in this situation, I didn't think that I would live long enough to ever see that.

Mason refuses to take calls as a condition of doing the show. Why do you think everyone here hates him so bad?

10-22-2006, 06:06 PM
Theres no reason at all to be on Sid. *He called it like he saw it and now he is seeing things a *bit differently. *The BISON lost the game and won respect. *What Sid is saying today means a whole lot more than what he said last week. *He is unflinchingly generous in his praise of the BISON. *

Sid also said in the call ins today that NDSU was a D2 program that was on the upswing, and the Gophers still have no buisness even playing them in years to come.

For every 2 steps that Sid climbs, he ends up falling back 3.

10-22-2006, 06:39 PM
Sid Hartman show on the radio right now. North Dakota State was better than the Gophers much of the game. *Sid's excuse: *125 scholarships reduced to 85, otherwise those Bison kids would have been gophers. *;D ;D ;D

Yep, and we're a college team, not a pro team, otherwise all of those gophers would have been OURS!!! ;D

10-22-2006, 06:47 PM
The media in the Twin Cities has much to learn about the Dakota schools, but they will figure it out in the next few years.

The great thing about DI is the opportunity to be involved in games like this every year. I would think that the excitement of this game will even increase the intensity of the Gopher/Bison basketball game. PLEASE let us win that game, ohh.... and the womens game too!

10-23-2006, 03:07 AM
Sid Hartman show on the radio right now. North Dakota State was better than the Gophers much of the game. Sid's excuse: 125 scholarships reduced to 85, otherwise those Bison kids would have been gophers. ;D ;D ;D

That quote is actually attributable to George Perles

10-23-2006, 04:13 AM
On my way back from the game today we stopped to get gas. I have on my NDSU green Steffes jersey and some guy says to me while I'm filling on gas "did you hear Sid today"? I told him only part of it and he say's Sid admitted he was wrong. I asked him if he had it on tape as you won't hear that again. He then say's to my father on the way in to pay for gas something about Sid and my father say's something about Sid and the guy says no Sid's a Dick! I had to laugh. Sid Hartman is a first class moron. What I did hear of him today just had me shaking my head. Even Dave disagreed with him on pretty much everything. Oh well I don't expect anything from Sidiot Hartman and don't normally listen to him anyway. Only reason I did today was I wanted to see how he was going to talk with all that crow shoved in his mouth.

10-23-2006, 04:17 AM
I thought Sid was pretty much Sid today. No big surprises. But he did, on many occasions, give high praise to NDSU.

10-23-2006, 04:18 AM
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

10-23-2006, 02:08 PM
Star Tribune, Oct 22nd, Sid Hartman article. http://www.startribune.com/507/story/758229.html

10-23-2006, 02:11 PM
What would you expect? He had to eat some crow and I'm sure that it pained him terribly to have to eat his words. All in all he's a loser and should have retired 20 years ago when he still had a shred of credibility.

10-23-2006, 02:16 PM
Oh yeah? Well what do you do for a living Sir? ;) ;D

10-23-2006, 02:18 PM
I should probably be a columnist for the Star Trib, Hell I could do what Sidiot does, make ridiculous statements and then come back on Monday and make more ridiculous comments trying to cover my tracks. ;)

10-23-2006, 02:19 PM
It's a sweet gig, no doubt about it.

10-23-2006, 02:22 PM
honestly Sid has done his job as a report. look at all the interest that he gathers and talk about what he says. he might be whatever you say he is but he still gets people to read and listen to him.

10-23-2006, 03:12 PM
Star Tribune, Oct 22nd, Sid Hartman article. *http://www.startribune.com/507/story/758229.html

We should thank Sid for all of the media coverage and PR be brought NDSU.

The media exposure of this game in the upper midwest will have a lasting affect on NDSU athletics.

10-23-2006, 04:04 PM
At the end of the show, Sid said NDSU could play with half the programs in the Big Ten and would give Wisconsin a good game. He did change his tune as the program went on.

10-23-2006, 11:58 PM
I saw Sid after the game. I think he was walking towards the Star Tribune building. Our group asked what he thought of the Bison now. He said, "you've got a pretty good football team. We almost gave it away to you at the end"...or something like that.

I think that was the other way around Sid. Also had the fortune of saying hi to Tim Miles and Mr. Chapman during the day. I'm already planning for next year.