View Full Version : Looks like some trouble

09-09-2013, 06:15 PM
Apparently, I'm not the only one who can start a new thread but can't reply to an existing thread. I'll look into it today.

09-09-2013, 06:18 PM
The "Reply" button works (next to Reply with Quote).

09-09-2013, 06:21 PM
Now it does, LM, but wasn't just 10-20 mins ago--O, forgot, you were at lunch!!

On another note there, Elf, my emoticons aren't working. I can click away, but nothin'--nodda!!

09-09-2013, 06:23 PM
Hah! Nice work, LikeMothers.

09-09-2013, 06:24 PM
Looks like I can't edit a post either.

09-09-2013, 06:38 PM
Me either!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free (http://tapatalk.com/m/)

09-09-2013, 06:41 PM
Reply is working for me. Reply w/ Quote is not and Reply to Thread is not. I also can't attach an image.

09-09-2013, 08:19 PM
Reply is working for me. Reply w/ Quote is not and Reply to Thread is not. I also can't attach an image.

Reply with quotes does work, but it brings up a screen like its starting a new thread

09-09-2013, 08:26 PM
Reply with quotes does work, but it brings up a screen like its starting a new thread

Edit post not working and also have to hit reply with quotes twice to bring up the screen

09-09-2013, 08:45 PM
Reply works. Reply with quote does if you hit it a second time. Reply to thread and edit not working for me.

09-10-2013, 07:03 AM
Bisonville has been hacked.

I thought political posts were against board rules.

09-10-2013, 11:25 AM
Looks like the website in a browser redirects to http://www.cadiroig.cat/downalert.html. (don't click that if its a link) and says "website is temporarily disabled"

Otherwise works in Tapatalk in regards to posting and editing.

Sent from my RM-820_nam_att_100 using Tapatalk

09-10-2013, 12:48 PM
Upon further research, sounds like a Syrian sympathizer group has hacked numerous vbulletin sites.

sent from your mom's phone

B. b. bison
09-10-2013, 12:50 PM
I always figured it would be the Nigerians who would bring down Bisonville.

09-10-2013, 01:25 PM
Had to install an upgrade this morning to overwrite any modified files (so that's a bonus.)
After that I had to delete a user who had given himself admin rights.
After that I had to remove an announcement which was what was doing the redirect.
Also backed up the mysql database.

Apparently the existence of the install folder caused this so I had to remove that folder too.

All this before I had a single Dr. Pepper. I syria-ously want to kick somebody in the nuts right now.

09-10-2013, 01:26 PM
Had to install an upgrade this morning to overwrite any modified files (so that's a bonus.)
After that I had to delete a user who had given himself admin rights.
After that I had to remove an announcement which was what was doing the redirect.
Also backed up the mysql database.

Apparently the existence of the install folder caused this so I had to remove that folder too.

All this before I had a single Dr. Pepper. I syria-ously want to kick somebody in the nuts right now.

Thanks Tony!

09-10-2013, 01:28 PM
Thanks Tony!

Hey, it looks like this might have solved some other problems (since I can reply to posts with quotes now.)

09-10-2013, 01:45 PM
So how many Syrians are there out there that gave away Bob Johnsons money. Probably went out and bought chemical weapons with the money they made off of acting on the advertising their tattoo was doing. See I new this whole middle east quagmire was Transams fault. He really might want to get a hold of Kerry and Obama and set this all straight. They can gas each other all they want but taking down Bisonville is terms for not a tiny itsy bitsy military strike it is grounds for the rainuth of hellfire missiles and tomahawks and every other type of missle down upon them.

09-10-2013, 01:47 PM
Hey, it looks like this might have solved some other problems (since I can reply to posts with quotes now.)

In hindsight, that was probably the canary in the coalmine and the hacking was in process.

09-10-2013, 02:08 PM
Hey, it looks like this might have solved some other problems (since I can reply to posts with quotes now.)

Have you talked to filbert lately? Looks like SDSUFans is down right now. Do you know if he's aware how to fix the problem?

09-10-2013, 02:11 PM
I understand that the SBOHE has ordered that bombing of Syria will start immediately in retaliation to this strike against NDSU......

09-10-2013, 02:23 PM
On a side note you can now see your rep power...muahhahahahaha...ok so mine is probably negligable compared to other repwhores around this joint.

09-10-2013, 02:37 PM
I understand that the SBOHE has ordered that bombing of Syria will start immediately in retaliation to this strike against NDSU......

I heard Skarphol objects on the grounds that there would have been no attack if there was no bisonville and there would be no bisonville if NDSU didn't exist. Therefore, the problem is NDSU. He wants to impose a student fee on NDSU students to pay to have NDSU destroyed by UAV drones stationed in UND-Tioga.

09-10-2013, 02:46 PM
Have you talked to filbert lately? Looks like SDSUFans is down right now. Do you know if he's aware how to fix the problem?

Aw, crap, no I haven't. Checked my emails too. Do you have his? Anyway, here are the instructions for what I did (pretty slapped together so I didn't go into detail - ideally, I like instructions that show screen prints with stuff circled and all that.) He might be going through the upgrade right now.

1. Go to members area of vbulletin (https://members.vbulletin.com/ and get the latest version of the forum software (leave this page open because at the top it'll have "Welcome to the vBulletin Members' Area. Your customer number is BLAHBLAHBLAH." and you'll need that customer number later.)
2. Extract the zip file and upload it to your website, overwrite everything.
3. When it's done uploading, you have to execute a script which is going to ask your for your customer number in step 1. The name is probably www.sdsufans.com/board (http://www.sdsufans.com/board)/install/upgrade.php <- the stuff in bold is the root folder of your vbulletin install.
4. When it's done running the script, you need to delete the install folder before you can continue to the control panel (it'll give you some message about a file you need to delete - screw that, delete the folder because that's the vulnerability.)
5. Once you're in the control panel, search for users in the administrator group. Delete any that aren't you.
6. While still in the control panel, go to the Notices manager and remove the notice that is the root cause of the redirect.

That's all I did - compare that to the vbulletin instructions:

First you should upgrade to 4.2.1 as the supported version.

When done upgrading delete your install directory.

Next read this: http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/blogs...vbulletin-site (http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/blogs/zachery/3993849-best-practices-for-securing-your-vbulletin-site)

^ That does not fix the problem and neither does anything on the linked page. Not impressed.

09-10-2013, 02:50 PM
Everyone calm down! I'm sure there are other really good message boards for NDSU fans out there that are sensical with no thread drift. We probably all need to take a break from Bisonville anyway. Besides, I heard that taking a break from Bisonville helps a poster improve the quality of their posts and causes other posters to beg you to come back.....all the while not really taking a break from Bisonville at all.

In summary, I tried to prevent this whole catastrophe by emailing Bresciani but he must have deleted it along with the other 100,000+ emails I sent him.

09-10-2013, 03:15 PM
I believe I saw some guys trying to collect signatures for a petition to prevent KSBisonFan from contacting Bresciani. Didn't sign it but was assured they'd get the required number to meet their goals.

In related news, Hot Carl just drafted legislative action requiring NDSU to forfeit 16% of their on campus students to even out the ratio, as it was starting to look like there was a need yo divert building funds away from grand forks.

Sent from somewhere using my Win8 phone or something.

09-10-2013, 04:10 PM
The NCAA has opened an investigation into the disappearance of the Gold Rush #16. The initial document says that Brock Jensen was paid to wear #18 for the Ferris State game.

09-10-2013, 05:03 PM
Aw, crap, no I haven't. Checked my emails too. Do you have his? Anyway, here are the instructions for what I did (pretty slapped together so I didn't go into detail - ideally, I like instructions that show screen prints with stuff circled and all that.) He might be going through the upgrade right now.

1. Go to members area of vbulletin (https://members.vbulletin.com/ and get the latest version of the forum software (leave this page open because at the top it'll have "Welcome to the vBulletin Members' Area. Your customer number is BLAHBLAHBLAH." and you'll need that customer number later.)
2. Extract the zip file and upload it to your website, overwrite everything.
3. When it's done uploading, you have to execute a script which is going to ask your for your customer number in step 1. The name is probably www.sdsufans.com/board (http://www.sdsufans.com/board)/install/upgrade.php <- the stuff in bold is the root folder of your vbulletin install.
4. When it's done running the script, you need to delete the install folder before you can continue to the control panel (it'll give you some message about a file you need to delete - screw that, delete the folder because that's the vulnerability.)
5. Once you're in the control panel, search for users in the administrator group. Delete any that aren't you.
6. While still in the control panel, go to the Notices manager and remove the notice that is the root cause of the redirect.

That's all I did - compare that to the vbulletin instructions:

^ That does not fix the problem and neither does anything on the linked page. Not impressed.

Sorry, don't have his address. I did see that things are changing over there, though the site isn't back up yet. Hopefully that means he's making progress.

Speaking of updates, you might want to consider this change:


In one of the most recent updates, the "What's New" tab was linked to the "Activity Stream" page rather than the "New Posts" page. Personally, I find the activity stream page pretty useless for sites like this, and apparently others agree as some admins figured out away to change it back quite quickly. Maybe give the new setting a week and then ask people which they like better?

09-10-2013, 06:03 PM
SDSUfans was back up for awhile, maybe an hour, but Filbert must've found something else screwy because it is back down again, with a message from him.

In the meantime, enjoy the influx of 'rabbit fans!

09-10-2013, 06:07 PM
SDSUfans was back up for awhile, maybe an hour, but Filbert must've found something else screwy because it is back down again, with a message from him.

In the meantime, enjoy the influx of 'rabbit fans!

Early hunting season Yippie.

09-10-2013, 06:29 PM
Early hunting season Yippie.

You really want to go there with an SDSU fan? Everyone it their right mind knows I'll school you in hunting.

09-10-2013, 11:32 PM
You really want to go there with an SDSU fan? Everyone it their right mind knows I'll school you in hunting.

and fishing?

Sent from somewhere using my Win8 phone or something.

09-11-2013, 12:51 AM
and fishing?

Sent from somewhere using my Win8 phone or something.

I dunno T-man. You do a good job of fishing yourself.

09-11-2013, 01:50 AM
Our chicklets got smaller...............twss

09-11-2013, 07:51 PM
Our chicklets got smaller...............twss

If Only they could make little chicklets Bison and if you're red then it could be the suck with a red circle and X

09-11-2013, 08:21 PM
Our chicklets got smaller...............twss

No thats just cuz I gave you a half a rep....Cuz your post kinda made me laugh. Not a full laugh. Maybe a chuckle.

09-12-2013, 04:30 PM
People replying to a thread to talk about how they can't reply to a thread. Blew my mind.

09-12-2013, 04:31 PM
People replying to a thread to talk about how they can't reply to a thread. Blew my mind.

Doesn't take much apparently...

09-12-2013, 05:09 PM
Doesn't take much apparently...


Sorry I havent said that in a while.

09-14-2013, 05:01 PM
People replying to a thread to talk about how they can't reply to a thread. Blew my mind.

Someone has to be first.

09-15-2013, 02:16 AM
Fire Rev B0b, save syria