View Full Version : UC Davis Perspective

11-06-2006, 03:58 PM
While I'm ecstatic about the Bison comeback victory Saturday, I do empathize with UC Davis players and fans. We all know they have a GREAT football team, and we know how hard this loss would have been for Bison fans had the shoe been on the other foot.

So, it's interesting to see how sportswriters on the west coast size up the loss.

"I'm a little delirious right now, it hasn't really set in yet..." defensive back Nevan Bergan said. "Right after that second (North Dakota) touchdown, you could see in on the sideline, like, 'Dang, what are we gonna do?' "

Full story: http://www.dailydemocrat.com/sports/ci_4607939

In praise of Jon Grant & mention of NDSU's Blake Anderson as hometown boy:


Somber faces exited Toomey Field on Saturday as UC Davis players appeared confused and in disbelief following a last-second, 28-24 loss to North Dakota State.

Full story: http://www.sacbee.com/100/story/71881.html

And from the Aggie, UC-Davis' student newspaper:

The reality of UC Davis unraveling on its way to losing to yet another Dakota team reverberated throughout Toomey Field on Saturday afternoon, but few could grasp it.

In the second half, the Bison (8-1, 2-0) had more touchdowns than the Aggies (4-5, 1-3) had first downs.

Full story: http://www.californiaaggie.com/media/storage/paper981/news/2006/11/06/Sports/Heartbreak.At.Toomey.Field-2441203.shtml?norewrite200611061139&sourcedomain=w ww.californiaaggie.com

11-06-2006, 11:34 PM
Gotta be tough for UCD. I hope they make some noise in the playoffs next season while they're eligible without us. Their San Diego game should be interesting. Hopefully we'll see if San Diego is worthy of their rank with the soft schedule they've played.