View Full Version : Possible Bunny Beating Strategy?

11-12-2006, 10:23 AM
Game #1. NDSU fumbles on opening kickoff. Other team scores. NDSU scores next 66 points.
Game #2. NDSU fumbles of first offensive play. Other team scores. NDSU comes back with four straight scores.
Game #3. NDSU fumbles on first offensive play. Other team scores. NDSU gets their first win against a DI-A opponent.
Game #4. NDSU doesn't fumble until 2nd half... close game with SFA.
Game #5. NDSU doesn't turn it over until their fifth play. Game tied at half.
Game #6. Fluke. NDSU doesn't turn the ball over but wins anyway.
Game #7. NDSU doesn't turn it over until their second drive. Minnesota wins.
Game #8. NDSU fumbles on first offensive play... but gets it back. Still manage to win.
Game #9. NDSU doesn't fumble until 2nd drive... immediately falls behind by 24.
Game #10. NDSU fumbles on second offensive play. Other team scores. NDSU scores next 51 points.


11-12-2006, 12:18 PM
I knew it!

It only SEEMED like NDSU fumbled it away and the other team scored on the first offensive drive of EVERY game.

It wasn't every game! ;)