View Full Version : Are We the Third Wheel on AGS?

11-15-2006, 02:34 AM
Does anyone else get the sense that talking about NDSU on AGS is taboo? It's strange I would think that there would be more discussion about our situation.

I get the feeling that there is a huge "if I don't see it, it isn't there" syndrome going on.

I was listening to I-AA waves tonight and they had the "Who's Hot, and Who's Not" segment. I sat patiently waiting for the discussion about NDSU being "Hot"...nothing. Instead they talked about how Cal Poly is "Not". Cal Poly was flat, they were in a stretch of 3 away games, they were coming off the tough loss to Montana, they ran out of gas. >:(

I believe in giving credit where credit is due. NDSU BEAT CAL POLY

We are the elephant in the room that nobody want's to talk about. We are the red-headed step-child. :-/

There's no BS in the CS ::)

11-15-2006, 02:37 AM
All the whining by NDSU posters on AGS the last week probably hasn't helped things.

11-15-2006, 02:43 AM
All the whining by NDSU posters on AGS the last week probably hasn't helped things.

Then how do you explain USD getting some love on I-AA Waves?

11-15-2006, 02:51 AM
All the whining by NDSU posters on AGS the last week probably hasn't helped things.

Then how do you explain USD getting some love on I-AA Waves?

The Torrero fans sponsored AGS for the month of November.

11-15-2006, 02:52 AM
All the whining by NDSU posters on AGS the last week probably hasn't helped things.

Then how do you explain USD getting some love on I-AA Waves?

The Torrero fans sponsored AGS for the month of November.

Good point ;D

11-15-2006, 02:54 AM
I'll say it for the 100th time: USD is a joke program that is going to get its collective skull cracked in the first round of the playoffs.
My Sh*t List:
USD, for scheduling every South Central Cupcake Conference school in the land
Florida, for scheduling Western Carolina, a reject from USD's schedule

11-15-2006, 03:09 AM
Plus probably since we arent eligible for the playoffs and our stats dont count is the reason. I dont know why that would be an excuse though.

11-15-2006, 03:19 AM
I'd say we look like the third wheel because we're not eligable for anything yet, we're new and cocky, and a few Bison fans have been known to be obnoxious. 8-)

11-15-2006, 03:41 AM
Does anyone else get the sense that talking about NDSU on AGS is taboo? *It's strange I would think that there would be more discussion about our situation. *

I get the feeling that there is a huge "if I don't see it, it isn't there" syndrome going on.

I was listening to I-AA waves tonight and they had the "Who's Hot, and Who's Not" segment. *I sat patiently waiting for the discussion about NDSU being "Hot"...nothing. *Instead they talked about how Cal Poly is "Not". *Cal Poly was flat, they were in a stretch of 3 away games, they were coming off the tough loss to Montana, they ran out of gas. * >:(

I believe in giving credit where credit is due. *NDSU BEAT CAL POLY

We are the elephant in the room that nobody want's to talk about. *We are the red-headed step-child. *:-/

There's no BS in the CS *::)

We 'got good' before anyone wanted us to. They don't like looking and sounding stupid...but they don't need to work at it.

11-15-2006, 04:04 AM
I think a lot of Bison fans are taking out their frustration that we can't go to the playoffs onto other posters, like the Griz fans, for example. I'm not saying that's OK, but I think that's the case.

11-15-2006, 05:32 AM
Just imagine the frustration that will be taken out during the SDSU game ;)

11-15-2006, 05:57 AM
I'll say it for the 100th time: USD is a joke program that is going to get its collective skull cracked in the first round of the playoffs.
My Sh*t List:
USD, for scheduling every South Central Cupcake Conference school in the land
Florida, for scheduling Western Carolina, a reject from USD's schedule

I say let USD get a playoff spot this year, watch them get ripped up and then the discussion will be over and we wont have to see them or a similar school voted into the playoffs down the road. Therefore in two years or whatever when NDSU is maybe looking for an at large bid it we won't have to worry about it being awarded to a school like USD after they ran their cupcake schedule.

11-15-2006, 11:48 AM
I think a lot of Bison fans are taking out their frustration that we can't go to the playoffs onto other posters, like the Griz fans, for example. I'm not saying that's OK, but I think that's the case.

I've seen and heard some of that going on and it is embarrassing. We did beat up on Poly pretty bad. It was their third consecutive road game against quality opponents. Going on AGS and talking smack about how bad we would beat Montana or any other top ranked team is just plain stupid. We won't be playing anybody in the playoffs this year so it is time to get over it.

I would implore Bison fans to stop going to AGS begging for respect. Believe me, the knowledgeable fans respect us even if they don't say it 24/7. Go to AGS and participate in the discussions but try to be respectful of the other fans and their teams and give credit where it is due. We have yet to play a single postseason game in I-AA. Let's keep a little perspective. It's OK to believe in yourself and your team but it's uncool to talk smack about something you know you can't prove.

11-15-2006, 11:54 AM
*I was listening to I-AA waves tonight and they had the "Who's Hot, and Who's Not" segment. *I sat patiently waiting for the discussion about NDSU being "Hot"...nothing. *

I too was listening. *Disapointing.

I've been ID'd as a "pessimistic optimist", finding all the negative in a glass that I really view as being full. *I'm working hard at this,

Sooooooooooooooooooo, I believe this team will walk away with being the greatest legend of, not only NDSU's history, but of the history of the National 1AA program. *I believe "The Powers That Be" will be forced to look at what happened and will have to find away of this never happening again. *The national title would be simply great and I believe these boys and their coaches would achieve it and deserve it. *But NDSU will always be instantly remembered in 1AA history as the school, that in the process of changing it's own program, also changed 1AA, forever. *No one will ever have to look us up.

And the wheels keep turning and turning, wide open road out there, the trip has just begun. *

11-15-2006, 11:58 AM
I hate to say this but reading some of our Bison post on AGS has made me shake my head!! We are getting national recognition and respect, we are #4 in the country and we are 9-1. As fans we dont need to be begging for respect like San Diego has. Right now we are second to them in the begging and wineing department. Lets get our respect on the field and as fans be humble and give respect to our opponents. Respect will only be earned ON THE FIELD!

11-15-2006, 01:52 PM
Bison fans have been posting some silly stuff on AGS, Egriz and the Bobcat Board. I think other fans respect us, but they get annoyed with some of the silly stuff.......

11-15-2006, 02:48 PM
Yes, let's watch it over on AGS, otherwise the state of North Dakota will be known as a bunch of whiners. NDSU for the playoff situation and UND for the name thing.

11-15-2006, 02:53 PM
Bison fans have been posting some silly stuff on AGS, Egriz and the Bobcat Board. *I think other fans respect us, but they get annoyed with some of the silly stuff.......

Good grief, I see smoe of those names on AGS and it's like a guarantee that what follows will be total crap. There are some folks who are completely disrespectful to everybody on the AGS board and, sadly, a lot of them are Bison fans.

How To Be Annoying In Five Easy Steps

1. Bash every other team you can think of. If somebody disagrees with you, say their team sucks. If they're proud of their stadium, say it sucks and that the FargoDome rules. Example: If you say that "Ad hominem" is a noun and a Griz fans disgrees, then say that Washington-Griz is a pit and that NDSU would beat them by 90 points.
2. Whine a lot. People love that.
3. Be angry ALL the time.
4. Try to turn every thread into smack.
5. Repeat 1-4 ten times a day.

It's like their goal is to make NDSU the most hated program in DI-AA... obviously they're worried that San Diego is running away with the title, so they have stepped up production by about 100%. DANG IT! I wish I could ban MplsBison again :)

11-15-2006, 07:57 PM
Bison fans have been posting some silly stuff on AGS, Egriz and the Bobcat Board. *I think other fans respect us, but they get annoyed with some of the silly stuff.......

And Gopherhole.

11-15-2006, 08:31 PM
Many of you sound like a bunch of whiners complaining about the whiners. ;D
BTW, I don't see anything wrong with NDSU fans talking about "what if" as long as it is kept within reason and discussed intelligently. If NDSU fans didn't bring it up on AGS there would have been close to zero commentary about the situation. Most of the other teams fans want NDSU to disappear or not be counted. The sad part is due to changes in personal, schedules, injuries, etc., NDSU may not have the chance to have a one loss season again for many years. NOTE: I have not read or posted on AGS during the past week so I don't know how bad the posts are over there.

11-15-2006, 11:26 PM
I don't understand why there's so much commentary when we knew we'd be waiting 5 years for a chance at an NC in the first place.

11-15-2006, 11:42 PM
We knew we'd have to wait 5 years, but that doesn't make it any less frustrating to fans. Oh well, doesn't hurt to dream.

11-15-2006, 11:57 PM
Awhile back some UCA (Central Ark) fans were whining about the 5 year transition period and acting like they belonged with the 1AA elite, when they had accomplished nothing at that level. *At that time I was proud of the fact that I had not heard any whining from NDSU fans. *

Maybe NDSU belongs with the 1AA elite, but shut-up and prove it on the field bison fans! *Our coach and team are setting a great example of this, follow thier example. *The transition period is what it is. *When NDSU is past the transition period, we will probably be in support the 5 year period and hope that other have to endure the same. *

I have always viewed NDSU fans as do'ers, not talkers and braggers. *Some of the stuff on AGS is disappointing.

11-16-2006, 12:12 AM
I agree... On Bison, you are the voice of reason. The GPI index for NDSU is something to be proud of. There's no need to point this out to the nation because NDSU is in one of the top spots shining like a beacon for all to see. They may say that they discount it, but the whole I-AA community knows the truth. This is one good team. And, they have acted like men throughout the entire season. Let's not diminish what they have worked so hard to build.

11-16-2006, 01:22 AM
What is the AGS board???? PL

11-16-2006, 01:26 AM
The only board I GO ON IS bisonville.com. +++++++++++++

11-16-2006, 01:37 AM
What is the AGS board???? PL


It's the largest I-AA (soon to be championship subdivision) message board.

11-16-2006, 01:53 AM
Thanks. PL

11-16-2006, 01:55 AM
my oh my+++

11-16-2006, 03:32 AM
I'll say it for the 100th time: USD is a joke program that is going to get its collective skull cracked in the first round of the playoffs.
My Sh*t List:
USD, for scheduling every South Central Cupcake Conference school in the land
Florida, for scheduling Western Carolina, a reject from USD's schedule

I say let USD get a playoff spot this year, watch them get ripped up and then the discussion will be over and we wont have to see them or a similar school voted into the playoffs down the road. *Therefore in two years or whatever when NDSU is maybe looking for an at large bid it we won't have to worry about it being awarded to a school like USD after they ran their cupcake schedule.

That is exactly what was supposed to happen a few years back in D2 when Winona went to Grand Forks and the Sioux won a close one. It totally legitimized a low scholarship school into the playoffs. When NDSU made the move to DI-AA, I thought a scenario like this could never happen. Well, it's close and I hope USan Diego gets no invite. I believe only schools who play tough schedules (scholarships or no scholarships) deserve to go to the party.