View Full Version : DI-A Coaching Salaries.....

11-16-2006, 12:28 PM
Here is a great database that give a tremendous amount of information on DI-A coaching salaries and incentives. *It really is an eye opener on what we are up against in trying to retain Bohl. *You need Flash to view this one....


11-16-2006, 01:17 PM
That's insane! 2.84 million for Ferentz in Iowa and then you got Carroll in So. Cal banking 2.7 mil. That's just madness. Nice link by the way.

11-16-2006, 02:15 PM
Here is a related article on college football coaching salaries. The DI average is $950,000.


11-17-2006, 11:11 AM
Does anyone recall how much Bohl makes?

11-17-2006, 01:17 PM
Does anyone recall how much Bohl makes?

Best Guess somewhere between $ 135,000 and $ 170,000. I thought it was the lower figure, but heard someone quoting the higher figure at once time.

11-17-2006, 01:24 PM
Equally surprising to me as the high salaries is the fact that there are a number of IA schools that are under $250,000. I always thought one of the big deterrents to going IA was the million $ coaches' salaries. Now I realize the chart doesn't include the perks, but neither does Bohl's 135,000 - $170,000.

Now if we could just afford 20 more scholarships...

11-17-2006, 01:26 PM
Is that number base, or does it include additional compensation, i.e. camps, speaking, and media? IMO, NDSU would be able to keep Bohl around if any small or most mid-sized conference teams came around, but is a BCS team came knocking, bye, bye.

11-17-2006, 02:34 PM
Does anyone recall how much Bohl makes?

In mid-to-late 2005, Coach Bohl signed a 7-year, $124,000 base-salary contract. I haven't been able to find mention of extras or incentives, but I'm sure they're there. I've heard that the contract is worth about $150,000 per year in total, but I can't back that up as yet. The contract does have a I-A escape clause so Bohl can take a I-A job without paying a penalty. That's understandable considering the length of the contract.

edit: Actually, his previous contract, with a $117,000 base salary, was believed to be worth about $150,000 in total. That would put his current contract at about $155,000-$160,000 per year, assuming a similar extras package.

11-17-2006, 02:48 PM
Does anyone recall how much Bohl makes?

In mid-to-late 2005, Coach Bohl signed a 7-year, $124,000 base-salary contract. I haven't been able to find mention of extras or incentives, but I'm sure they're there. I've heard that the contract is worth about $150,000 per year in total, but I can't back that up as yet. The contract does have a I-A escape clause so Bohl can take a I-A job without paying a penalty. That's understandable considering the length of the contract.

edit: Actually, his previous contract, with a $117,000 base salary, was believed to be worth about $150,000 in total. That would put his current contract at about $155,000-$160,000 per year, assuming a similar extras package.

Does it say it has to be a I-A head coaching job or just any I-A job?

11-17-2006, 02:49 PM
Hey guys,

Just a little reality check here. I agree that lucrative offers from a BCS type school would give Coach Bohl cause to think. But money is not everything. With more money comes more pressure to win TODAY... Coach Bohl is a professional. His family is in Lincoln. I truly think that he is going to stay at NDSU until the perfect opportunity comes up, not just a good offer.

But its just speculation until those offers do come and we all realize they will some day.

11-17-2006, 03:15 PM
I agree BisonSig.

As long as Bohl is kept happy I don't see him leaving for anything but a bcs team.

He's not getting rich, but he does well financially and is part of North Dakota's elite. Compare that to Solich at Ohio who makes an extra 100k.

Strong representation in the playoffs, or better yet a national championship, and Bohl would be a candidate for many I-A jobs. Moving to the MAC/WAC/SBC well.............

11-17-2006, 03:23 PM
Does anyone recall how much Bohl makes?

In mid-to-late 2005, Coach Bohl signed a 7-year, $124,000 base-salary contract. I haven't been able to find mention of extras or incentives, but I'm sure they're there. I've heard that the contract is worth about $150,000 per year in total, but I can't back that up as yet. The contract does have a I-A escape clause so Bohl can take a I-A job without paying a penalty. That's understandable considering the length of the contract.

edit: Actually, his previous contract, with a $117,000 base salary, was believed to be worth about $150,000 in total. That would put his current contract at about $155,000-$160,000 per year, assuming a similar extras package.

Does it say it has to be a I-A head coaching job or just any I-A job?

That, I don't know. I did find out that Bohl still isn't making as much as he did when he was the DC for Nebraska. He was making $207,000 back then.

11-17-2006, 04:30 PM
Hey guys,

Just a little reality check here. *I agree that lucrative offers from a BCS type school would give Coach Bohl cause to think. *But money is not everything. *With more money comes more pressure to win TODAY... *Coach Bohl is a professional. *His family is in Lincoln. *I truly think that he is going to stay at NDSU until the perfect opportunity comes up, not just a good offer.

But its just speculation until those offers do come and we all realize they will some day.
If anyone received the NDSU magazine this week, there is a 2 page thing with Bohl in there. basically just random quotes from Bohl on various items. From that, it seems he is pretty happy here with the institution, players, city, etc..

11-17-2006, 05:08 PM
Bohl is not leaving NDSU for a small to mid-sized conference school, or at least he would be dumb to. With the job he is doing he will be on the list of candidates for lower-tier schools in BCS conferences soon if he isn't already. Stay here, win some NC's and go somewhere else when they give you the big bucks.

11-18-2006, 01:15 AM
yeah i think all of us on here should start putting together a "coach bohl fund" so we can offer more for his services....he deserves it