View Full Version : Look back at attendance predictions

11-14-2006, 11:25 PM
I was looking for the thread that we were predicting NDSU's record in (I think I was guessing 7-4) and found the attendance predictions:

14,300 JBB (after C-SP, he said 16,000 was possible)
15,000 MplsBison
15,001 Me
15,284 Swaghook (predicted 8% increase)
15,300 Scooter
15,473 TheBisonator*
15,500+ kchats (predicted upper 15000's)
15,681 BisBison*
15,700 X-factor
15,755 sambini
16,100 Gil Dobie

* TheBisonator and BisBison both predicted that NDSU would finish #10 in average attendance.

11-14-2006, 11:57 PM
CSP game saved us. They actually drew more than Cal Poly! Talk about a money maker for NDSU!

At seasons start I was expecting around 12,500 for that game and estimating a few less for the Cal Poly game. I guess opening season enthusiasm is a strong force?

2 big things about this season:

1) Great opening crowd
2) Strong attendance for hunting/students long weekend game. Historically a smaller crowd

The Bison Nation is growing.

11-15-2006, 01:22 AM
Lets keep the BISON NATION growing. Fill that dome up on saturday night.

11-15-2006, 04:10 AM
I underpredicted the C-SP, Northeastern and Cal-Poly games. I thought we wouldn't see more than 12,000 last week. I was very surprised that we had over 14,700. The game I thought would be more was Homecoming. I thought we would do better than 16,384.

I predicted a sellout for SDSU, and I stick by that.

11-15-2006, 04:22 AM
Don't forget the 20k ish we put in the humpty dome pseudo home game... ::)

11-15-2006, 04:32 AM
Let's get the average over 16000, it shouldn't be hard. *If we get less than 17000 for this game we all should be ashamed.

Right now we are at an increase of 11 percent over last year. 16,000 ave will increase this to 13 percent. When the year started, we all thought that 6 percent was going to be a good goal. This is pretty good when looking at the big picture.

11-15-2006, 04:58 AM
Let's get the average over 16000, it shouldn't be hard. *If we get less than 17000 for this game we all should be ashamed.

Right now we are at an increase of 11 percent over last year. *16,000 ave will increase this to 13 percent. *When the year started, *we all thought that 6 percent was going to be a good goal. *This is pretty good when looking at the big picture.

If we average 16,000 this year, and have a 12 percent increase next year, our average for 2007 will be 17,920.

Another decent increase for 2008 will mean sellouts across the board.

11-15-2006, 06:32 PM
here is something that might be of interest, it was sent out through the ndsu campus for everyone....

Listen up Bison fans -

* If 17,167 people show up to Saturday's game against SDSU at 6 p.m., NDSU
will average 16,000 fans this year, moving them into the TOP TEN for

* An average of 16,000 will also break NDSU's ALL-TIME average attendance
record of 15,629 set back in 1989.

* Saturday's game is the BATTLE for the DAKOTA MARKER. The winner will
host the Dakota Marker for another year. Don't let it leave NDSU!

* Saturday's game will decide the CONFERENCE CHAMPION for the Great West
Football Conference

It's time to pack the FargoDome! So get out your yellow NDSU gear and get
to the FargoDome Saturday for another great night of BISON FOOTBALL!

Help put NDSU in the record books!

its sure is nice to see that there making an effort 8-) ;D :)

11-15-2006, 06:50 PM
here is something that might be of interest, it was sent out through the ndsu campus for everyone....

Listen up Bison fans -

* If 17,167 people show up to Saturday's game against SDSU at 6 p.m., NDSU
will average 16,000 fans this year, moving them into the TOP TEN for

* An average of 16,000 will also break NDSU's ALL-TIME average attendance
record of 15,629 set back in 1989.

* Saturday's game is the BATTLE for the DAKOTA MARKER. *The winner will
host the Dakota Marker for another year. *Don't let it leave NDSU!

* Saturday's game will decide the CONFERENCE CHAMPION for the Great West
Football Conference

It's time to pack the FargoDome! *So get out your yellow NDSU gear and get
to the FargoDome Saturday for another great night of BISON FOOTBALL!

Help put NDSU in the record books!

its sure is nice to see that there making an effort * 8-) ;D :)

I was very happy NDSU Finally decided to promote the game up a bit more to the students, no reason why they shouldn't send out an email like this every week instead of the usual sentence or two saying come to the game it's at such and such time.

11-19-2006, 02:10 AM
And Gil Dobie was closest without going over (actually nobody was so optimistic as to guess too high).


11-19-2006, 02:26 AM
We got the record. 19,053!!

11-19-2006, 02:29 AM
Operation Sellout a success. Hopefully this great season attracts more fans to Bison games next season. If the Bison get into the Gateway the average season attendence record will fall. Conference games, especially Gateway conference games, will draw more fans.

11-19-2006, 02:30 AM
Hopefully this season attracts not only more fans, but more recruits from whom to select our future Bison.

11-19-2006, 02:33 AM
Operation Sellout a success. *Hopefully this great season attracts more fans to Bison games next season. *If the Bison get into the Gateway the average season attendence record will fall. *Conference games, especially Gateway conference games, will draw more fans.

The season avg. attendance record has already fallen. This year is the highest ever.


11-19-2006, 02:35 AM
This year's record will fall if the Bison keep winning and get into a great conference with more teams.

11-19-2006, 02:35 AM
This year's record will fall if the Bison keep winning and get into a great conference with more teams.

Exactly. If we start in the Gateway in 2008, expect most crowds to be between 18,000-19,000.

11-19-2006, 03:54 AM

11-19-2006, 03:55 AM

11-19-2006, 06:30 AM

I think you can thank alot of Bunny fans for that record too. There were several thousand in attendance, at times I think our crowd was louder than yours. Fun game, and I had a great time in my first trip to the dome. You guys have a hell of a team, were able to make the big plays to win the game. Congrats on the GWFC Championship, we'll be gunning for you again next year!

11-19-2006, 02:57 PM

11-19-2006, 09:53 PM
Operation Sellout a success. *Hopefully this great season attracts more fans to Bison games next season. *If the Bison get into the Gateway the average season attendence record will fall. *Conference games, especially Gateway conference games, will draw more fans.

The season avg. attendance record has already fallen. This year is the highest ever.


That number has got to look good to prospective conference. 8-)

11-19-2006, 10:05 PM

I think you can thank alot of Bunny fans for that record too. *There were several thousand in attendance, at times I think our crowd was louder than yours. *Fun game, and I had a great time in my first trip to the dome. *You guys have a hell of a team, were able to make the big plays to win the game. *Congrats on the GWFC Championship, we'll be gunning for you again next year!

OK I'll thank the rabbit fans. It's good to see fans traveling with their team. It was fun tailgating with you and you brought a great crowd that got to see a fantastic college football game. Neither team knows the word quit. You guys did make a lot of noise which contributed a lot to the atmosphere of the game. I didn't sit down the whole game, I'm still hoarse. Can't wait for next year's rematch in Brookings.

11-19-2006, 11:10 PM

I think you can thank alot of Bunny fans for that record too. *There were several thousand in attendance, at times I think our crowd was louder than yours. *Fun game, and I had a great time in my first trip to the dome. *You guys have a hell of a team, were able to make the big plays to win the game. *Congrats on the GWFC Championship, we'll be gunning for you again next year!

OK I'll thank the rabbit fans. It's good to see fans traveling with their team. It was fun tailgating with you and you brought a great crowd that got to see a fantastic college football game. Neither team knows the word quit. You guys did make a lot of noise which contributed a lot to the atmosphere of the game. I didn't sit down the whole game, I'm still hoarse. Can't wait for next year's rematch in Brookings.
++ on all accounts.

11-20-2006, 12:14 PM
A 15% increase next season will bring us to about 18,800. Essentially a sold-out situation. That will bring talk of a new stadium. I talked to several people about this and nobody wanted the game to move back outside! What a switch from the early days when the student body president was trying to move football back to the Old Dacotah Field!

11-20-2006, 12:34 PM
I highly doubt they will build a new stadium, the only reason we didnt have a seat left is becuase of the several thousand SDSU fans, so i say thank you to sdsu for the attendance and one heck of a game

11-20-2006, 04:13 PM
I highly doubt they will build a new stadium, the only reason we didnt have a seat left is becuase of the several thousand SDSU fans, so i say thank you to sdsu for the attendance and one heck of a game

We just need those darn Dome Nazi to back off, and quit lying, being idiots.

It was a blatant lie that they were telling the students they would be maced if they came over the rail and onto the field. Dome Staff does not carry mace, and the FPD officer said he did not know 1 officer that would do it, because of all the paper work involved in spraying it.

Everyone needs to write Rob Sobolick at the Fargodome and request them to make the field available in the case of championships for high school, and college events. They could very easily roll up a set of stairs at the end of the game. Make the Fargodome a facilty of the people much like the other event centers in the state.

Heck the FPD even asked if tailgators would ever start a pre basketball tradition, I said that would be great but doubted that the Dome nazi's would ever approve it. He looked puzzled, I said the parking lot belongs to the Fargodome. It seems that they had issues trying to do tailgating for Newman Field in the parking lot, because of the Dome Nazi's, or there was issues.

Just my 2 cents.

11-20-2006, 04:20 PM
I was in the west lot on Saturday with my wife and a few friends. I pointed to Dacotah Field (or what's left) to say that was where NDSU used to play. My wife asked why they quit playing outside. I told her that after they start selling out the Fargodome on a regular basis, they would build a new outdoor 30,000 seat stadium that sells beer.

Yeah, it's a dream, but I like beer and football.

11-20-2006, 04:33 PM
I am not sure we will get those big crowds in an outdoor venue.....and I love outdoor football, but I think the realitiy is if we want big numbers it has to be inside............

11-20-2006, 05:13 PM
The FFD is going to have to have complete sellouts for years before anybody even thinks seriously about building a new facility. *If a new BB arena would cost in the $30MM range, imagine how much a new INDOOR FB facility would cost that would hold 30,000 people (I have to agree with WYO on this). *By the time you're looking to build it, I'd say between that $100-150MM range. *That's a chunk if you're looking for the University to fund that by itself. *It's a bridge to cross when we get there so for now, let's concentrate on selling out the Dome for the season after we've gotten into an established conference.

11-20-2006, 05:36 PM
If the powers that be behind the Fargodome would not have been so shortsighted to not agree with the 2nd deck we wouldn't ever have this problem. As it is, this will become a problem in 2 or 3 years.

11-20-2006, 05:39 PM
Thank Jon Lindgren for that. the second deck had to go because he was pushing for only 10,000 seats. It was a huge battle and loss of the second deck was the result.

11-20-2006, 05:55 PM
I disagree that they were short sighted. All knew that Bourdon's figures from Dacotah Field were horribly inflated. At the time the Fargodome was built no one was talking about a move to DI. If there was a second deck it would make some of the games that seem empty a hell of a lot more empty. It was built to accomodate a lot more people that had been actually attending Bison games...........

If I were to look back at the stock market 10 years ago.....I bet I could tell you exactly what you should have bought.......

11-20-2006, 06:12 PM
Agreed, it certainly wasn't short-sighted, NDSU has just grown at an incredible pace. Let's not get too ahead of ourselves here, either. One sellout does not need for a new stadium make. The Fargo Dome is a great 1-AA facility and it is really too bad that it probably wouldn't be practical/possible to expand it.

11-20-2006, 06:17 PM
I highly doubt they will build a new stadium, the only reason we didnt have a seat left is becuase of the several thousand SDSU fans, so i say thank you to sdsu for the attendance and one heck of a game

We just need those darn Dome Nazi to back off, and quit lying, being idiots. *

It was a blatant lie that they were telling the students they would be maced if they came over the rail and onto the field. *Dome Staff does not carry mace, and the FPD officer said he did not know 1 officer that would do it, because of all the paper work involved in spraying it.

Everyone needs to write Rob Sobolick at the Fargodome and request them to make the field available in the case of championships for high school, and college events. *They could very easily roll up a set of stairs at the end of the game. *Make the Fargodome a facilty of the people much like the other event centers in the state. *

Heck the FPD even asked if tailgators would ever start a pre basketball tradition, I said that would be great but doubted that the Dome nazi's would ever approve it. *He looked puzzled, I said the parking lot belongs to the Fargodome. *It seems that they had issues trying to do tailgating for Newman Field in the parking lot, because of the Dome Nazi's, or there was issues.

Just my 2 cents.
The Dome Nazis (sorry PC folks but that is exactly who they act like) were on the prowl again this past Saturday. Came down to my row and accused me of calling players on the field names. Yes, someone a couple rows down and a few seats over was doing this, but I was not. When I told the Nazi I never said anything and was only cheering (not swearing or anything like that) he got irritated and told me one more time and he was going to have me removed. Well, I thought about it for a few minutes and at halftime went to talk with the Nazi boys. I WAS THE ONE WHO WAS HARASSED AND WRONGLY ACCUSED! HELL IF I WAS GOING TO BE THE TARGET OF THEIR CRAP I demanded an apology and never got one even though the guy who did it came over and admitted he was the one calling out to the player only because he was making gestures to the crowd. BTW, the player was being called a pussy, and there were no racial remarks or swear words. These guys running dome security should all be fired because they do a lousy job and over-react. Coming down on the wrong people is B.S.