View Full Version : Story on game from Argus Leader

11-19-2006, 03:52 PM
Here is a link to a story on the game written by Terry V. from the Sioux Falls Argus Leader. Not much respect from SDSU's coach for the Bison following the game.

"We're supposed to make a team earn their outcome and we didn't do that," Jacks coach John Stiegelmeier said of NDSU, which hadn't won a league crown since 1994.

"I am disappointed for us because we didn't play close to our potential," Stiegelmeier said. "The second thing I'm disappointed in is people that are associated with our program saying good job. It wasn't a good job. And I love our football team, but if they felt it was a good job then I'm in the wrong business, and they're in the wrong field. We can play better, we need to play better in Fargo, North Dakota, and we will someday."

If SDSU thinks they played NDSU at their best they are sadly mistaken. That was a horrible performance by the defense until the final 5 minutes. SDSU scored all their points on long passes does that mean if they had won NDSU wouldn't have made them earn their outcome?


Comments like this should get the rivalry stoked. No respect!

11-19-2006, 03:56 PM
I don't detect any disresepct in that statement.

Frustration with his own team, yes, but I don't see any dissing the Bison.

11-19-2006, 03:58 PM
Stieg is a moron anyway!! This is a coach that totally enticed us to turn up the crowd participation to make it an incredible venue! Probably not the smartest thing he could do. Thank you bison fans for stepping it up for the the big game; lets do it every game next year! Go Bison 2007!!!

11-19-2006, 04:02 PM
I don't detect any disresepct in that statement.

Frustration with his own team, yes, but I don't see any dissing the Bison.

What do you mean? He basically said NDSU didn't beat them they gave us the game. SDSU scored all their points on long passes but they were earned? NDSU scored after big plays but they were gifts from SDSU?

11-19-2006, 04:07 PM
"We're supposed to make a team earn their outcome and we didn't do that," Jacks coach John Stiegelmeier said of NDSU, which hadn't won a league crown since 1994.

I had (used to have?) a lot of respect for Stiegelmeier, but that is the quote of an pompous ass.

NDSU beat SDSU, no questions asked. It was a close, competitive game.

NDSU didn't earn the win?

11-19-2006, 04:21 PM
I don't detect any disresepct in that statement.

Frustration with his own team, yes, but I don't see any dissing the Bison.

What do you mean? *He basically said NDSU didn't beat them they gave us the game. *SDSU scored all their points on long passes but they were earned? *NDSU scored after big plays but they were gifts from SDSU?

SDSU rolled up the most yardage (442) and most points (28) that NDSU has given up all season. *NDSU had a total of 382 yards in the game, and 155, or 40% of the total, came on 3 plays. *The two reverses and the fake reverse play action pass for the touchdown. *One other of your touchdowns was the result of a fluke interception on a deflected pass that gave you great field position, and the last was on an 85 yard punt return.

I don't understand how you could call out Stig for saying he was dissapointed in losing this game and that SDSU didn't play a good game, because they didn't. *It was basically 5 blown plays by SDSU that gave you guys the game, Coach Stig has every reason to be dissapointed, as us fans are as well. *This was a game we could have won that would have broken that unbearable losing streak to you guys in Fargo (1962 is our last win up there).

That said, I congratulate the Bison on the Great West Championship and a GREAT season. *Great teams find ways to win close games, and you guys did exactly that. *One day I hope SDSU can return the favor, like maybe next year at Coughlin Stadium!

11-19-2006, 04:24 PM
Why is it that Bison are constantly fishing for "Disrespect" from everything another school. SDSU gave up a punt for a touchdown, the coach doesn't have a right to be pissed about that? The defense gave up the same play 3 times for 124 yards? He doesn't have a right to be frustrated with his team over that? Doesn't have a right to say that they didn't force a team to win because of that? But no, he should have said something about how incredible the bison were, and how they are the best team that SDSU has ever played. Otherwise he's an a$$.

I can't believe the inferiority complex I read on this board. Most teams would be enjoying a win. Not the NDSU faithful though, no... they are fishing for ways that they were "disrespected". And by disrespected, they mean not acknowledging how NDSU was the best football team to ever play the game.

11-19-2006, 04:25 PM
I dont see any disrespect either. Any coach is going to make comments like that when they have more first downs, more yards but less points. (See NDSU vs. Minnesota). IMHO thir offense was the best and most balanced we faced all year. They were at times takin it yo our D. We made some great adjustments, and great calls, the reverses, and the play action to Heck to win the ballgame. Our D finally came up big in the 4th quarter whrn needed. Special teams, Whites return... To win this game a total TEAM effort was needed. Thats what GREAT teams do. but lets not take anything away from the Jacks. They came to win, and if their coaching staff are competitors. I wouldnt expect them to react differntly!

11-19-2006, 04:43 PM
Why is it that Bison are constantly fishing for "Disrespect" from everything another school. *SDSU gave up a punt for a touchdown, the coach doesn't have a right to be pissed about that? *The defense gave up the same play 3 times for 124 yards? *He doesn't have a right to be frustrated with his team over that? *Doesn't have a right to say that they didn't force a team to win because of that? *But no, he should have said something about how incredible the bison were, and how they are the best team that SDSU has ever played. *Otherwise he's an a$$. *

I can't believe the inferiority complex I read on this board. *Most teams would be enjoying a win. *Not the NDSU faithful though, no... they are fishing for ways that they were "disrespected". *And by disrespected, they mean not acknowledging how NDSU was the best football team to ever play the game. *

Please do not 'lump' all Bison fans as disrespectul over a very few peoples opinions....

every team has both!

11-19-2006, 04:58 PM
Why is it that Bison are constantly fishing for "Disrespect" from everything another school. *SDSU gave up a punt for a touchdown, the coach doesn't have a right to be pissed about that? *The defense gave up the same play 3 times for 124 yards? *He doesn't have a right to be frustrated with his team over that? *Doesn't have a right to say that they didn't force a team to win because of that? *But no, he should have said something about how incredible the bison were, and how they are the best team that SDSU has ever played. *Otherwise he's an a$$. *

I can't believe the inferiority complex I read on this board. *Most teams would be enjoying a win. *Not the NDSU faithful though, no... they are fishing for ways that they were "disrespected". *And by disrespected, they mean not acknowledging how NDSU was the best football team to ever play the game. *

Most SDSU fans would be enjoying their terrific year on their own board, rather than doing whatever it is you are doing.

11-19-2006, 05:05 PM
What do you mean? *He basically said NDSU didn't beat them they gave us the game. *SDSU scored all their points on long passes but they were earned? *NDSU scored after big plays but they were gifts from SDSU?

Or....it could mean that when the Bison upped the level of play in the second of half, his team didn't respond. Which is much more in line with the comments about being frustrated with the win.

11-19-2006, 05:43 PM
Why is it that Bison are constantly fishing for "Disrespect" from everything another school. *SDSU gave up a punt for a touchdown, the coach doesn't have a right to be pissed about that? *The defense gave up the same play 3 times for 124 yards? *He doesn't have a right to be frustrated with his team over that? *Doesn't have a right to say that they didn't force a team to win because of that? *But no, he should have said something about how incredible the bison were, and how they are the best team that SDSU has ever played. *Otherwise he's an a$$. *

I can't believe the inferiority complex I read on this board. *Most teams would be enjoying a win. *Not the NDSU faithful though, no... they are fishing for ways that they were "disrespected". *And by disrespected, they mean not acknowledging how NDSU was the best football team to ever play the game. *

Most SDSU fans would be enjoying their terrific year on their own board, rather than doing whatever it is you are doing.

It's called whining.

11-19-2006, 05:50 PM
Why is it that Bison are constantly fishing for "Disrespect" from everything another school. SDSU gave up a punt for a touchdown, the coach doesn't have a right to be pissed about that? The defense gave up the same play 3 times for 124 yards? He doesn't have a right to be frustrated with his team over that? Doesn't have a right to say that they didn't force a team to win because of that? But no, he should have said something about how incredible the bison were, and how they are the best team that SDSU has ever played. Otherwise he's an a$$.

I can't believe the inferiority complex I read on this board. Most teams would be enjoying a win. Not the NDSU faithful though, no... they are fishing for ways that they were "disrespected". And by disrespected, they mean not acknowledging how NDSU was the best football team to ever play the game.

Most SDSU fans would be enjoying their terrific year on their own board, rather than doing whatever it is you are doing.

It's called whining.

You think I'm whining? I congratulated the bison on the other thread. I hope you don't expect me to sit here and read about how "disrespectful" the entire SDSU program was yesterday though. Reading through this stuff you would have thought the Bison just played Miami. You guys had the better team, congrats. That doesn't mean SDSU was disrespectful though, and none of the things that stig said are disrespectful in the least. I fail to see how stating that is whining. If anybody is whining its the few bison fans who are utterly shocked that SDSU's players and staff didn't say that the Bison were the best team in history because of the game yesterday.

11-19-2006, 05:52 PM
Why is it that Bison are constantly fishing for "Disrespect" from everything another school. SDSU gave up a punt for a touchdown, the coach doesn't have a right to be pissed about that? The defense gave up the same play 3 times for 124 yards? He doesn't have a right to be frustrated with his team over that? Doesn't have a right to say that they didn't force a team to win because of that? But no, he should have said something about how incredible the bison were, and how they are the best team that SDSU has ever played. Otherwise he's an a$$.

I can't believe the inferiority complex I read on this board. Most teams would be enjoying a win. Not the NDSU faithful though, no... they are fishing for ways that they were "disrespected". And by disrespected, they mean not acknowledging how NDSU was the best football team to ever play the game.

Most SDSU fans would be enjoying their terrific year on their own board, rather than doing whatever it is you are doing.

Not letting a couple of fans construe the SDSU program as the V. Tech of DI-AA? Like I said, I congratulated the Bison, but no way am I going to let these comments about the SDSU program being classless go unchallenged.

11-19-2006, 06:02 PM
As a Bison fan, I have a great deal of respect for Stig's comments. His team had a great chance to win the game and let it slip away. I would hope he would be frustrated and I certainly can appreciate him fuming over people's satisfaction with just "getting close." I have a suspicion that Craig Bohl can relate, with the overall elation with a loss at Minnesota that never should have gone to the other team.

11-19-2006, 06:03 PM
What people are saying alpha is that while stig may have a point in his comment we can very well say the same about you guys even getting the points you did. This was by far the worst outing that the NDSU defense has had. Your total yardage point or should I say his does not hold water. I don't know the percentage but I am sure that a large chunk of those yards were on just three or four blown pass plays on defensive coverage. That's not to take away from the play of the Jacks they still had to make those plays but our defense basically gave you three td's with bad play. I will take NDSU's team 7 days a week and twice on Saturdays ( ;)) as I can surely say that if both teams played up to their potential you guys will not win 1 game against this team. Hell you couldn't even win when we had our worst defensive outing of the year. So as far as your coaches comments he's an idiot for making them and it only makes him look like a whiner. Guess if the shoe fits maybe he should shove it where the sun don't shine. Oh wait there's no room there he's already got our foot shoved up his backside from the game ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

11-19-2006, 06:07 PM
This post has turned into crap. Please enjoy the win Bison Fans.

11-19-2006, 06:10 PM
Coach Stig and SDSU fans can say what they want and think about what could have been if a few plays would have gone differently. But every team can think about what could have happend, I don't see how you could say NDSU didn't earn this win because its pretty obvious that we did.

11-19-2006, 06:22 PM
This post has turned into crap. Please enjoy the win Bison Fans.

I agree....

11-19-2006, 09:45 PM
I don't see any disrespect in his comment either. *While I felt they (SDSU) played a good game...the coach obviously knows his teams potential. *We have to remember they have had a few comeback games just like we have, and to know that you are capable of overcoming obstacles and then to not do it when it matters most, is frustrating. *My hats are off to them for a game well played. *I for one however, am glad of the outcome.

Thank you Seniors, some of whom have stood on the sidelines, but have presevered all for the love of the game and BISON PRIDE! *And thank you to ALL of the team, because there is no I in TEAM! *Without ALL of these young men; thier talents, contributions & University pride we could not have made it to: "The Game of a Lifetime!" And as it was so elequently said: "Thanks for the Memories."

Thank YOU Coaches! Not only did you bring our team to victory, you shaped them into young men that will be as sucessful off the field as they have been on the field. We are PROUD Bison parents!

11-19-2006, 09:45 PM
Stig's comments were stupid. Every team that loses a game sees ways that they should have played better. On a night where NDSU didn't play their best game defensively(this point should not be argued), all of a sudden Stig talks about his team didn't play their best. He basically said that his team should have won but failed to do so.

I remember a few weeks ago when we played Minnesota. We dominated them throughout the game. We had the edge in EVERY statistical category. After the game what was the reaction from Bohl? He congratulated the Gophers, said that there were no moral victories and did not complain to the media about his team "not performing".

My problem is not that Stig disrespected NDSU but basically shit on his team and threw them under a bus. There was no reason to do that. He can't use it as motivation for next weeks game so what is the f$#@'n point???

It's unecessary and very STUPID.

11-19-2006, 11:35 PM
Here is a link to a story on the game written by Terry V. from the Sioux Falls Argus Leader. *Not much respect from SDSU's coach for the Bison following the game.

"We're supposed to make a team earn their outcome and we didn't do that," Jacks coach John Stiegelmeier said of NDSU, which hadn't won a league crown since 1994.

"I am disappointed for us because we didn't play close to our potential," Stiegelmeier said. "The second thing I'm disappointed in is people that are associated with our program saying good job. It wasn't a good job. And I love our football team, but if they felt it was a good job then I'm in the wrong business, and they're in the wrong field. We can play better, we need to play better in Fargo, North Dakota, and we will someday."

If SDSU thinks they played NDSU at their best they are sadly mistaken. *That was a horrible performance by the defense until the final 5 minutes. *SDSU scored all their points on long passes does that mean if they had won NDSU wouldn't have made them earn their outcome?


Comments like this should get the rivalry stoked. *No respect!

This post (minus the No respect comment, because most definately just a disappointed coach is exactly right).

For those into stats, SDSU also had 150+ yards on 3 plays (35%)... So they "Earned" 7 points...

Yes coaches comments were dumb, but understandably he's disappointed.

Ok, I am going to stop because all of this talk is just rediculous in game with as many big plays as this. It's a little different than your average game of the week.

11-19-2006, 11:46 PM
Here is a link to a story on the game written by Terry V. from the Sioux Falls Argus Leader. *Not much respect from SDSU's coach for the Bison following the game.

"We're supposed to make a team earn their outcome and we didn't do that," Jacks coach John Stiegelmeier said of NDSU, which hadn't won a league crown since 1994.

"I am disappointed for us because we didn't play close to our potential," Stiegelmeier said. "The second thing I'm disappointed in is people that are associated with our program saying good job. It wasn't a good job. And I love our football team, but if they felt it was a good job then I'm in the wrong business, and they're in the wrong field. We can play better, we need to play better in Fargo, North Dakota, and we will someday."

If SDSU thinks they played NDSU at their best they are sadly mistaken. *That was a horrible performance by the defense until the final 5 minutes. *SDSU scored all their points on long passes does that mean if they had won NDSU wouldn't have made them earn their outcome?


Comments like this should get the rivalry stoked. *No respect!

This post (minus the No respect comment, because most definately just a disappointed coach is exactly right).

For those into stats, SDSU also had 150+ yards on 3 plays (35%)... So they "Earned" 7 points...

Yes coaches comments were dumb, but understandably he's disappointed.

Ok, I am going to stop because all of this talk is just rediculous in game with as many big plays as this. It's a little different than your average game of the week.


11-20-2006, 12:17 AM
Bottom line....NDSU played ok and won by 13. SDSU had something to do with that, they're a good team. Enough said.

11-20-2006, 01:43 AM
I don't really find the comments disrespectful from Coach Stig. I do however, find it COMPLETELY moronic how on the touchdown the SDSU player wiped his feet on the Bison logo in the endzone while they were losing! Also earlier in the game, WR #1 for SDSU came over the student section and was gloating and he wasnt even the guy who made the big play!

11-20-2006, 02:46 AM
Those of you that say Stig is "disrespecting" the bison obviously don't know Coach Stig. Stig is probably the nicest, classiest, and most honorable coaches around. I like what he said. It wasn't a knock on the Bison. It was a knock against a few big plays that we allowed. In years past Stig may have talked about how much heart a guy has or how great of a student-athlete someone is. But, I've sensed a change in Coach Stig. He expects more out of his players now. He expects them to be the best on every play, it's nothing against the Bison. Trust me, you're blowing it out of the water if you think Coach Stig is disrespecting you.

BTW, in the post game interview Coach Stig was asked who the best team we played this year was. And guess what, it wasn't NDSU (gasp! :o). It was Montana.

11-20-2006, 02:47 AM
he said we didn't earn our win.....

yeah, no disrespect in that ??????????????

[before i got back to bisonville this evening, i wonder if i had erred in interpreting stig's comments. no second thoughts anymore, it was a bad comment to make.]

11-20-2006, 02:49 AM
This thread is getting disrespectful. It was a hell of game by two good teams.

11-20-2006, 03:00 AM
BTW, in the post game interview Coach Stig was asked who the best team we played this year was. *And guess what, it wasn't NDSU (gasp! :o). *It was Montana.

If SDSU and Montana played next week I bet we would see a much different game then the one that took place a few months ago. It's too bad Montana won't play you guys in Brookings next year because I think it would have been one heck of a football game. I also agree that Coach Stig is a class act, I may not agree with what he said but I can see what he was trying to do by saying what he said.

11-20-2006, 03:27 AM
Maybe the comments were not the best ones to be made by Coach Stig, but I think they were aimed more at SDSU fans because what has been the W-L record since 1962? Not very good for SDSU and there is the losing complex that many SDSU fans have *when the time *rolls around for SDSU to play in Fargo. *In the minds of many long time *SDSU fans like myself,when we come to Fargo there is not much chance of winning and if we play NDSU close its about the best you can expect. What he is saying he does not want pats on the back by SDSU fans and compliements of playing the Bison close when in deed SDSU had chances to win. If Coach Stig does not know the potential of his team, who does? Its no reflection on NDSU or your program. Stig worked for Coach Bohl as a grad assstant at Wisconsin when Don Morton was the head man. They respect each other. I respect many of the great Bison fans. Some are obnoxious, but who doesn't have them.

I know Coach Stig personally. He was very disappointed. NDSU made the plays to win and what SDSU could have done to stop White on the punt return and also on reading reverse plays will be a big things to work on in spring ball. Coach Stig is a real moral gentleman. He is not a moron nor is he an idot.

I have always thought NDSU was a class university and it is and will continue to be. Sometimes Bison fan expectations get out of hand and thats what this thread appears to be. I would be enjoying this win and not worrying about Coach Bohl if the outcome had been just the opposite. I think Coach Bohl would be equally disappointed if he lost the game. I know some of the thoughtless fans would be calling for his head.

*Its not about poor defense by the Bison or luck passes by SDSU offense, its about playing 60 minutes of football and having the most points at the final horn.

Its a shame both NDSU and SDSU are not eligible for the playoffs as both would have represented the Great West in a respectful manner.

BTW *a quote from Jeff Kolpeck's FARGO Forum game story:

"These guys came back against Cal Poly and Cal Davis" Majeski said" We haven't played a team that played as hard as they did this year." Now is this one of your players talking to the Forum. This is how I *feel and I appreciate your good running back's comments. Its how I felt about our team for this entire season. I have shut the radio off on more than one road game this year only to regret it.

Next season will be here before we know it. Good luck to the Bison. ;)

11-20-2006, 03:34 AM
I have a sence of what he was trying to say. Unfortunately he expressed it badly. I myself give him a pass as it has to be extremely difficult to be diplomatic after a tough loss. Hes human. let it rest. PL

11-20-2006, 03:39 AM
I wouldn't worry about what coach Stig said. With the rabbit losing streak in Fargo, conference champ drought, and losing this week after his team put up more yards, I think he's earned the right to be irritated. Take it out on the field next year.

11-20-2006, 03:42 AM
A W is a W, you can say what you want, the final score speaks for itself. YES, I was heartbroken at the U of M, but what can I say, there are a few Griz fans out there that constantly bring up a missed FG also. Final score, is just that, FINAL. The coach from SDSU can say what he wants, they didn't win, until next year.

11-20-2006, 01:47 PM
Read the story yesterday morning. Thought it was very good. I, too, didn't see any disrespect. It's no different than Bohl saying what he said about the loss at MN. This is what a coach is supposed to do. How would you feel about your head coach if he went to the press conference after a hard-fought loss and said team so-and-so is better than us. We knew they were going to beat us but just didn't know by how much. That would be total crap! I think Steig did what he had to do as a coach and if you truly believe you had the better team (which he sure as hell should believe), then these are the comments you would make after the game and the loss.

11-20-2006, 08:26 PM
Read the story yesterday morning. *Thought it was very good. *I, too, didn't see any disrespect. *It's no different than Bohl saying what he said about the loss at MN. *This is what a coach is supposed to do. *How would you feel about your head coach if he went to the press conference after a hard-fought loss and said team so-and-so is better than us. *We knew they were going to beat us but just didn't know by how much. *That would be total crap! *I think Steig did what he had to do as a coach and if you truly believe you had the better team (which he sure as hell should believe), then these are the comments you would make after the game and the loss.
[smiley=smiley_up.gif] [smiley=smiley_up.gif] [smiley=smiley_up.gif] [smiley=smiley_up.gif] [smiley=smiley_up.gif] [smiley=smiley_up.gif] [smiley=smiley_up.gif] [smiley=smiley_up.gif] [smiley=smiley_up.gif]

11-21-2006, 12:41 AM
Plenty of good points have been made...as far at that other coach being decent...or even a legitimate coach...I disagree 100%. Whinning about a PA announcer for a week before the game. Complaining to the officals on three or four different occations and one time I watched as he was told 'I can't control those students coach'. The FPD officer infront of us was humored on two or three occations when he came and complained about us. If you want to talk about how this game should have been different. Talk about how our defense bent, twisted, bubbled, but it didn't break. It has been a long time since we have seen a team that poor push us that far. They had a good QB and that is probably the one thing that kept them in the game.

11-21-2006, 12:45 AM
Plenty of good points have been made...as far at that other coach being decent...or even a legitimate coach...I disagree 100%. Whinning about a PA announcer for a week before the game. Complaining to the officals on three or four different occations and one time I watched as he was told 'I can't control those students coach'. The FPD officer infront of us was humored on two or three occations when he came and complained about us. If you want to talk about how this game should have been different. Talk about how our defense bent, twisted, bubbled, but it didn't break. It has been a long time since we have seen a team that poor push us that far. They had a good QB and that is probably the one thing that kept them in the game.

Sorry SDSU wasn't able to put a team worthy of NDSU's time on the field ::) ::).

11-21-2006, 01:29 AM
I really doubt Stig was trying to disrespect your team at all during the interview. He is not that kind of person. For all anybody knows (besides Stig and Terry V at the Argus) his remarks could have come across in print way differently than how he actually said them after the game. I think it was just his own dissapointment and as somebody mentioned, more a remark to remind many jackrabbit fans that the program is not content with playing the Bison close. This is something that Stig is preaching and really isn't believed by many in Brookings as there was doubt going in and satisfaction after playing a good game against the mighty bison.

As somebody said earlier, this thread should just die. Stig and Bohl are both great coaches and good friends, and I am sure they have both taken cues from the administration above them in only showing the greatest amount of respect for both universities in this new rivalry.

11-21-2006, 02:56 AM
Some of us need to relax! The coach is trying to break a long string of losses in Fargo. Any decent coach would say the same thing including Coach Bohl. When did any of us have that much fun watching a game? When did so many of us stay after to watch the celebration? It was a great game with a great rival. My clan will be in Brookings next year. Anybody want to hunt pheasants the day before?

11-21-2006, 03:18 AM
Well said +++++++++++

11-22-2006, 02:59 AM
I still say when you score most of your points on long pass plays due to blown pass coverage, you have no right to say the other teams big plays (possibly due players not being in their correct gaps) didn't earn the win. Football teams take advantage of the other teams weakness in their game plans. Obviously SDSU felt they could exploit NDSU's pass defense and did with 3 blown coverages. NDSU obviously felt SDSU overpursued on defense and hit them with the end around. After running it for three plays they figured they would over react to stop the end around and did leaving both receivers wide open. The punt return was a great individual effort by a great athlete. SDSU had the chance to tackle him but he wouldn't be denied and gave two very good stiff arms to break free for the TD. There was no fluke that NDSU was able to score 41 points and do it with big plays. NDSU's players earned the victory on the field by making more plays than SDSU's players did NDSU's defense also stepped up and played closer to its potential in the final 6 minutes of the game which stopped SDSU from answering the scores.

NDSU did earn the win on the football field and nobody will tell me anything different.

11-22-2006, 03:08 AM
Hey Matt, good to have you posting on this board. I knew you couldn't stay quiet for much longer. :)