View Full Version : NDSU:  The Stepping Stone

12-01-2006, 11:35 PM
All this news: Bohl is leaving, WMG is leaving. Miles is leaving. I for one am proud of NDSU's success thus far in DI but it would be nice to keep some of these coaches around. You know, the one's that made it happen. I know I know that IA money talks and these folks would be fools to turn that kind of cash down but come on. Will the DI success of NDSU be the downfall? Is this university and its programs, no matter how proud they might collectively be, just a stepping stone for future coaches? Maybe I am naive. Maybe I am old-fashioned. I would just like to see some continuity in the athletic programs so that we can keep this thing going. NDSU has become the ultimate poaching school. The more headlines we get, the more the poaching will continue. I never thought I would say this but, I envy und for Dale Lennon. He is an alum, he is loyal (and well paid for his efforts) and they will do well to keep him. I don't see that at NDSU. We all know Bohl is going to bolt for the next IA job. He is ambitious. I don't blame Craig for that. That is why I am casting my official first vote for Casey Bradley for the next HC for the Bison. With his Bison Pride, he might even stick around for awhile. My 2 cents..............

12-01-2006, 11:39 PM
All this news: *Bohl is leaving, *WMG is leaving. *Miles is leaving. *I for one am proud of NDSU's success thus far in DI but it would be nice to keep some of these coaches around. *You know, the one's that made it happen. *I know I know that *IA money talks and these folks would be fools to turn that kind of cash down but come on. *Will the DI success of NDSU be the downfall? *Is this university and its programs, no matter how proud they might collectively be, just a stepping stone for future coaches? *Maybe I am naive. *Maybe I am old-fashioned. *I would just like to see some continuity in the athletic programs so that we can keep this thing going. *NDSU has become the ultimate poaching school. *The more headlines we get, the more the poaching will continue. *I never thought I would say this but, I envy und for Dale Lennon. *He is an alum, he is loyal (and well paid for his efforts) and they will do well to keep him. *I don't see that at NDSU. *We all know Bohl is going to bolt for the next IA job. *He is ambitious. *I don't blame Craig for that. * That is why I am casting my official first vote for Casey Bradley for the next HC for the Bison. *With his Bison Pride, he might even stick around for awhile. *My 2 cents..............
Bohl has been here for a few years...hasn't even hinted at leaving...I guess he has earned my respect as far as being a Bison. The winning hasn't hurt either. Sure, he won't be here forever, but such is life. Casey left for a better opportunity once already, doesn't mean he wouldn't do it again. I don't know why he wouldn't.

12-01-2006, 11:48 PM
News? WMG, Miles, and Bohls leaving isn't news: It's speculation and rumor (not that I'm not knocking on wood right now). :)

You don't turn down a $1 million per year raise for that reason because you have a lot of school pride.

12-02-2006, 12:22 AM
When I saw the students shout "We Want Bohl!" and then see him run the field to high five them and show them his respect and hear the noise that they made when he started to run towards them I thought, "This guy won't be leaving anytime soon." Coach Bohl is a good guy, but I know that money talks and I wouldnt blame him if he chose 1A. But if a man is going to turn that down it is Coach Bohl.

12-02-2006, 02:10 AM
News? WMG, Miles, and Bohls leaving isn't news: It's speculation and rumor (not that I'm not knocking on wood right now). :)

You don't turn down a $1 million per year raise for that reason because you have a lot of school pride.

Well said Tony++++

12-02-2006, 02:39 AM
gotta love our coaches...if we keep bringing the support i dont see why they would leave, i understand there is money involved but ya cant put a price on fan support and the enviroment in which you play and coach

12-02-2006, 04:09 AM
I don't think the next jobs any of our coaches have a shot at will have 6 0's. I also think both head coaches will at least see us to eligibility. Members of staffs will get decent head job offers, like WMG may get in TX. But, I think we'll get to keep Tim and Craig for a couple years. Until we're playoff eligible, we haven't really achieved anything.

12-02-2006, 07:16 AM
If Miles gets offered the Minnesota job he's gone. I just don't see that happening yet, he needs a few more good years here. I know both coach Miles and Bohl a little. I've had a chance to sit down and talk to both of them. I think that they are both happy where they are. Especially with the support that has come recently. We should be proud that their names are being mentioned for big time jobs. I'd love for them both to be here forever, but that probably wont happen. Lets just be happy that as long as our coaches are being mentioned for better jobs we must be having great seasons.

12-02-2006, 07:26 AM
I think both Bohl and Miles wants to see us pass the
probition period. Bohl wants a national title and why
would Miles want to get thrown into the mess of U of M.
I think Miles can still prove his self at NDSU. If we are
going to be in the mix, NIT or sneak into the 64 then pay
Miles the DI salary that everybody else is getting (Minnesota ,Tex Tech, Etc.)
Maybe not the salary Knight gets, but get my drift.

12-02-2006, 08:09 AM
All this news: Bohl is leaving, WMG is leaving. Miles is leaving. I for one am proud of NDSU's success thus far in DI but it would be nice to keep some of these coaches around. You know, the one's that made it happen. I know I know that IA money talks and these folks would be fools to turn that kind of cash down but come on. Will the DI success of NDSU be the downfall? Is this university and its programs, no matter how proud they might collectively be, just a stepping stone for future coaches? Maybe I am naive. Maybe I am old-fashioned. I would just like to see some continuity in the athletic programs so that we can keep this thing going. NDSU has become the ultimate poaching school. The more headlines we get, the more the poaching will continue. I never thought I would say this but, I envy und for Dale Lennon. He is an alum, he is loyal (and well paid for his efforts) and they will do well to keep him. I don't see that at NDSU. We all know Bohl is going to bolt for the next IA job. He is ambitious. I don't blame Craig for that. That is why I am casting my official first vote for Casey Bradley for the next HC for the Bison. With his Bison Pride, he might even stick around for awhile. My 2 cents..............
woah woah woah, before reading the rest of this thread I thought there was some announcement that Bohl was leaving, don't scare out of stater like that. DAMN! I was freaking out for a minute there.

That said, a coach like Bohl who has taken an expansion team to the heights of its division in the matter of 3 years will turn a lot of heads... even if that program is the vaunted NDSU football program. However, he has a few more years and a couple of championships to go before he would get the nod for a BCS team, where the big un-ignorable $$$$ is.

12-02-2006, 03:13 PM
News? WMG, Miles, and Bohls leaving isn't news: It's speculation and rumor (not that I'm not knocking on wood right now). :)

You don't turn down a $1 million per year raise for that reason because you have a lot of school pride.


12-02-2006, 04:00 PM
The kind of coach that builds a great program is unfortunately the same coach that gets offered bigger and better opportunites.

Yeah, someone offer to pay me 5 to 10 times what I make now... GONE!

I guess we better have a bake sale so we can give Bohl and Miles raises. :)

12-02-2006, 05:17 PM
I think both Bohl and Miles wants to see us pass the
probition period. Bohl wants a national title and why
would Miles want to get thrown into the mess of U of M.
I think Miles can still prove his self at NDSU. If we are
going to be in the mix, NIT or sneak into the 64 then pay
Miles the DI salary that everybody else is getting (Minnesota ,Tex Tech, Etc.)
Maybe not the salary Knight gets, but get my drift.

NDSU doesn't have the budget to pay their coaches a higher level salary of other D1 coaches. *That is one of the reasons why NDSU always will be a stepping stone. *Not thee reason, but surely one of them.

12-02-2006, 05:53 PM
I think Bohl and Miles will stick around for a while. They see so much potential in their teams and the programs here at NDSU. To bring teams through this tough transition to D1, and still attract more fans to games and gain national attention, only builds their resume up and makes them look even better.

Some proof of this came last spring when Chapman had an offer to leave SU. He had done so much work here and wants to continue to watch SU grow under him. Sure makes him look even better if he would consider another job 5 years from now. Plus the student support on this campus is remarkable.

Administration and coaches have so much potential here at NDSU that many other universities aren’t currently experiencing. We need them and they need us.

12-02-2006, 07:05 PM
I think Bohl and Miles will stick around for a while. They see so much potential in their teams and the programs here at NDSU. To bring teams through this tough transition to D1, and still attract more fans to games and gain national attention, only builds their resume up and makes them look even better.

Some proof of this came last spring when Chapman had an offer to leave SU. He had done so much work here and wants to continue to watch SU grow under him. Sure makes him look even better if he would consider another job 5 years from now. Plus the student support on this campus is remarkable.

Administration and coaches have so much potential here at NDSU that many other universities aren’t currently experiencing. We need them and they need us.

Not to open a bag of worms here, but I thought I had read that Chapman stayed because he was able to get rid of Potts as the chancellor of the NDUS. If that hadn't happened, he would have been gone? That scenario seems to make sense seeing what happened. If Chapman never had any interest in leaving NDSU, than why was he allowing himself to be offered a job at wyoming? Why didn't he simply pull his name from consideration?

12-02-2006, 11:04 PM
I think Bohl and Miles will stick around for a while. They see so much potential in their teams and the programs here at NDSU. To bring teams through this tough transition to D1, and still attract more fans to games and gain national attention, only builds their resume up and makes them look even better.

Some proof of this came last spring when Chapman had an offer to leave SU. He had done so much work here and wants to continue to watch SU grow under him. Sure makes him look even better if he would consider another job 5 years from now. Plus the student support on this campus is remarkable.

Administration and coaches have so much potential here at NDSU that many other universities aren’t currently experiencing. We need them and they need us.
Not to open a bag of worms here, but I thought I had read that Chapman stayed because he was able to get rid of Potts as the chancellor of the NDUS. *If that hadn't happened, he would have been gone? *That scenario seems to make sense seeing what happened. *If Chapman never had any interest in leaving NDSU, than why was he allowing himself to be offered a job at wyoming? *Why didn't he simply pull his name from consideration?
While I grant that the anti-Potts thing may have happened(I doubt it, but neither side has conclusive proof IMO), I think the more logical explaination was the total mishandling of the Wyoming selection process. If you ever want to learn how not to hire a public employee, check out the news reports of that fiasco. Any president hired during that initial selection would have been working under a cloud during their first year or so.

If you want more detail, you could try asking WYOBISONMAN really nicely. Living in Wyoming, he was close to the situation and kept us updated on the Keystone Kops routine they had going.

12-03-2006, 03:50 PM
If they are lookin to move on, its time to get the check book out and give them both a raise, NOWa!!!
We need to have them here until we get a shot at a D1AA football title and the NCAA Sweet 16.

12-03-2006, 06:45 PM
If they are lookin to move on, its time to get the check book out and give them both a raise, NOWa!!!
We need to have them here until we get a shot at a D1AA football title and the NCAA Sweet 16.

Get your check book out. Hey Spurrier at SC just got a raise from 1.25 Mill to 1.75 Mill thru 2012, and if he gets fired the buyout went from $ 200,000 to $ 500,000. I will do my share when I win the lottery.

NDSU will just have to do what it can.