View Full Version : Nice Forum Letter

12-09-2006, 01:35 PM
In today's Forum(Sat), there was a nice letter to the editor printed about the football team and the leaders at NDSU.

Laurie Chatham, Fargo, letter: ‘Bison Pride’ was on display on airplane

Published Saturday, December 09, 2006

‘Bison Pride.” I have heard that expression many times before but never until now did I really have an opportunity to feel it so profoundly. My pride in being a North Dakota State University grad hit its zenith when I had an opportunity to speak to a Northwest Airlines flight attendant during a recent flight. LouAnn Baurle told me she had the distinct pleasure on more than one occasion to accompany our NDSU football team on charter flights to various locations for games. These flights often included administrative staff, the president of NDSU and the athletic director, as well as numerous team boosters.

With each flight, she became more and more of a fan because of the overall impressive representation they brought of the team and the school. The athletes were gentlemen and the quality of these representatives of the team, the school and the state was exemplary. Hearing accounts like this from people like Baurle fills me with “Bison Pride.”

12-09-2006, 02:50 PM
That was a very nice letter. I was fortunate enough to win a trip through TEAMMAKERS. I went with the Team to Georgia Southern. Everything is done first class. And our young men are very polite and professional. I know what the lady is talking about. Road can attest to this as he also was on this trip. This makes you want to help raise money for TEAMMAKERS even more. Thanks Hammersmith for putting this thread up.

12-09-2006, 04:52 PM

12-09-2006, 05:33 PM
++++ This is the type of thing that it never gets old to hear.

12-09-2006, 07:07 PM
The same flight attendants are used on all of the charter flights that NDSU booked on NWA. I know that one of them was originally from Minot. I am not sure if it was the one mentioned in the letter.