View Full Version : New custom tile and flooring business in Bis/Man

Thundering Herd
10-13-2012, 05:01 AM
This may seem desperate to some, but I don't think so. I just started PR Custom Tile and Flooring, LLC in mid sept. and am looking for marketing ideas without breaking the bank (I know, sometimes you need to spend money to make money...but with all the building going on, I shouldn't have to!). I have experience and am good at what I do, but I need a few more jobs lined up in the very near future until 'word-of-mouth' gets going. To get jobs, I need help with exposure. Any ideas will be appreciated and if anyone in Bismarck/Mandan/Lincoln know of someone that needs a shower, backsplash, fireplace or floor done, passing them my name and number would really be appreciated too!!! Thanks!

Pat Rodgers

ps- who needs a bison tile inlay in their entryway? :)

10-13-2012, 06:06 AM
This may seem desperate to some, but I don't think so. I just started PR Custom Tile and Flooring, LLC in mid sept. and am looking for marketing ideas without breaking the bank (I know, sometimes you need to spend money to make money...but with all the building going on, I shouldn't have to!). I have experience and am good at what I do, but I need a few more jobs lined up in the very near future until 'word-of-mouth' gets going. To get jobs, I need help with exposure. Any ideas will be appreciated and if anyone in Bismarck/Mandan/Lincoln know of someone that needs a shower, backsplash, fireplace or floor done, passing them my name and number would really be appreciated too!!! Thanks!

Pat Rodgers

ps- who needs a bison tile inlay in their entryway? :)

Damn, If you were in the MedCity... Just finishing a bathroom remodel.

10-13-2012, 06:07 AM
I want to congratulate you on your new business and I'm sure you'll do very well and good luck to you. Especially since your interests don't conflict with mine.

10-13-2012, 01:57 PM
This may seem desperate to some, but I don't think so. I just started PR Custom Tile and Flooring, LLC in mid sept. and am looking for marketing ideas without breaking the bank (I know, sometimes you need to spend money to make money...but with all the building going on, I shouldn't have to!). I have experience and am good at what I do, but I need a few more jobs lined up in the very near future until 'word-of-mouth' gets going. To get jobs, I need help with exposure. Any ideas will be appreciated and if anyone in Bismarck/Mandan/Lincoln know of someone that needs a shower, backsplash, fireplace or floor done, passing them my name and number would really be appreciated too!!! Thanks!

Pat Rodgers

ps- who needs a bison tile inlay in their entryway? :)

Congrats on your venture. I've had the best results from using a flyer inserted into the newspaper. A single sheet on colored paper has given me decent response.
Not all papers will do this but it runs me from .05 to .08 per insert plus the cost of the flyer (usually .02 to .05 each). It's a lot cheaper than postage on direct mail or an ad inside the paper. I also like the fact that the flyer will fall out of the paper onto their table and people will have to pick it up and read it even if they throw it away. Some papers will even sort by zip code so you can target the neighborhoods with money.
The only drawback is the younger demographic doesn't subscribe to the hardcopy of the paper....they use the online version. You'll have to target them a little differently.
Good luck!

10-13-2012, 03:40 PM
Congrats on your venture. I've had the best results from using a flyer inserted into the newspaper. A single sheet on colored paper has given me decent response.
Not all papers will do this but it runs me from .05 to .08 per insert plus the cost of the flyer (usually .02 to .05 each). It's a lot cheaper than postage on direct mail or an ad inside the paper. I also like the fact that the flyer will fall out of the paper onto their table and people will have to pick it up and read it even if they throw it away. Some papers will even sort by zip code so you can target the neighborhoods with money.
The only drawback is the younger demographic doesn't subscribe to the hardcopy of the paper....they use the online version. You'll have to target them a little differently.
Good luck!

Yeah, I'd say those around 40 and under don't really subscribe to the newspapers like previous generations. In my neighborhood it's pretty much the retired or near retirement people that actually have a subscription to the paper and they probably aren't looking for new flooring.

If you haven't already, get on the book of face so you can have some sort of web presence and people could have easy access to see photos of your projects along with your contact info. Then get some flyers made up (even if they're just black print on colored paper), a roll of masking tape, and put them up on the doors of houses. This way you're not wasting the flyers with people in apartments, nursing homes, etc.

Obviously, trying to find a general contractor that's pissed off at his flooring/tile sub wouldn't exactly be a bad idea either.

10-13-2012, 04:10 PM
Try advertising on Bis-Man? A lot of people in the area and even outlying areas use it. I think you can buy ads on there relatively cheap, you can post on there for free but could always advertise, and definitely use Facebook and post pictures of all the projects you've done. I'm sure there are general contractors (even ones that aren't pissed off at their current tiler) that are looking for people to fill spots. Visit a few of them in person... worst thing they can say is no a few times and then you've only wasted your time!

10-13-2012, 08:03 PM
Just a tip from someone who is remodeling two bathrooms and had to get quotes from about 6 contractors. Return phone calls and emails promptly. 3 guys were eliminated because they simply didn't' bother to contact me back.

10-14-2012, 08:01 PM
Just a tip from someone who is remodeling two bathrooms and had to get quotes from about 6 contractors. Return phone calls and emails promptly. 3 guys were eliminated because they simply didn't' bother to contact me back.

Very good advice. Take care of the customer and word of mouth will take you a long ways in your business.

10-15-2012, 03:44 AM
My own two cents from times I've hired contractors, for tiling, or other jobs:

1) Get on the web. Facebook, and a regular website would be good, too. It can be simple, but list your contact info, the services you offer, and some pictures of your work when possible. I don't even think to look in the phonebook anymore. See what you can do to make a google search for "tiling Bismarck" bring up your business in the first page.

2) Try talking to your local tile and flooring sellers, and get on their list of installers (for those that don't have their own crews). I think at one of the Menards I used to go to, they had a list of local people they could hook you up with to install what you bought from them as well?

3) Ditto what was said before about responding to email/phone messages. I absolutely will not call a contractor twice. There are enough of them out there that I shouldn't have to beg for you to let me hire you.

10-15-2012, 01:56 PM
Another thing I do:

Send a follow-up note to your clients and ask for referrals.....offer them a gift card to their favorite restaruant for every referral they send you that turns into a client.

10-15-2012, 02:28 PM
Another thing I do:

Send a follow-up note to your clients and ask for referrals.....offer them a gift card to their favorite restaruant for every referral they send you that turns into a client.

Just to add to that. Ask your clients to review your work on Angie's list. I've used that for 2 projects now and I don't think I'll get any services without first checking to see how they rate on Angie's List. Great website.

Thundering Herd
10-19-2012, 03:30 PM
Thanks for all of your advice...some things I've done already and some I haven't thought of. If anyone sends me a referral (in Bismarck/Mandan and surrounding area) and it leads to a job, I will pay you a referral fee (based on amount- around 3-5% of project cost). Think of me like a squirrel right now, jobs are 'nuts' and I'd like to get as many before the snow flies and travel gets more difficult. ha ha.
Thanks again!
Pat Rodgers (701) 471-4973
PR Custom Tile and Flooring, LLC

10-26-2012, 01:43 AM
just a tip from someone who is remodeling two bathrooms and had to get quotes from about 6 contractors. Return phone calls and emails promptly. 3 guys were eliminated because they simply didn't' bother to contact me back.

^^^^^^^ this

Thundering Herd
09-12-2013, 03:31 PM
Hey all. If anyone is or knows someone who is remodeling/building is the bismarck-mandan area, I'd appreciate it if you passed them my number and let them know I have one video on youtube with more on the way. If you refer me to someone, text me their name so I can keep an eye out for them. If it leads to a job, I will send you around 3% project amount. Thank you! 701-471-4973. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-FHyvNCIayE