View Full Version : BOHL u bohl mentioned on KFAN.. ALOT

01-01-2007, 05:37 PM
12-2pm justin conzemuis is talking up BOHL big time!!

its amazing, how much they want bohl (well, these 2 guys at least)

becuz Bohl outcoached Mason big time.

Bohl is similiar to Tressel at Youngstown State.

and he's a confident outgoing guy, and would recruit locally better.


and.. when they said coach solich from nebraska, someone called and said.. "why not Bohl he was on same neb staff, and with pat perles from Mich state, theres history"

www.kfan.com << listen now, 1280 am aint turning over for some reason

01-01-2007, 06:02 PM
12-2pm justin conzemuis is talking up BOHL big time!!

its amazing, how much they want bohl (well, these 2 guys at least)

becuz Bohl outcoached Mason big time.

Bohl is similiar to Tressel at Youngstown State.

and he's a confident outgoing guy, and would recruit locally better.


and.. when they said coach solich from *nebraska, someone called and said.. "why not Bohl he was on same neb staff, and with pat perles from Mich state, theres history"

www.kfan.com << listen now, 1280 am aint turning over for some reason

I was listening to that, too. *They made a couple of points:
1. *Mason apparently did not have the greatest relations with the local high school coaches. *In contrast, didn't I hear somewhere that Bohl makes it a point to visit all the highschools in ND each year?

2. *The Gopher job may not be as much of a plum job for some big name coach as you might think. *They specifically mentioned that yes, the U of M is building a new stadium, but it is thought to be only 45K or so in size. *Contrast that with Michigan and Ohio State.

The point that they were trying to make was that anyone who gets this job is going to have to work hard to get the good players to come play at a "smaller" stadium like the Gophers stadium is going to be, and that is something that Bohl has had to do every year in Fargo.

They mentioned Jim Tressel at Ohio State as a good example, coming as he did from Youngstown.

Should be an interesting next few weeks, shouldn't it?

01-01-2007, 06:24 PM
P.S. Now they are talking about how the Goofs need a BB coach as well as a FB coach, and are wondering if the AD Maturi is up to the job.

They wouldn't need to look too far to replace him either, would they? Yikes.

01-01-2007, 06:39 PM
The Gophers' new stadium may be only seat 50,000, but a comparison with Michigan and Ohio State is irrelevant. No one is saying that the Minnesota job is comparable with getting the Michigan job or the Ohio State job. Michigan and Ohio State are a couple of the ripest plums in the country. Also, those two schools may have 100K+ stadiums, but that is far from the norm in D-I. I think Penn State is the only other school in the country with a 100K+ stadium.

Now the Minnesota job may not be the sweetest plum in the pie, but it's a Big Ten job, the pay is good, and the Gophers are not a cellar dweller. You may like to think the job is one that no one would like to have, but wishing doesn't make it so. The new stadium will be a positive, it is built for expansion in the future, and the capacity can be expanded with temporary bleachers when there is need for more than 50K for a game.

01-01-2007, 06:40 PM
P.S. *Now they are talking about how the Goofs need a BB coach as well as a FB coach, and are wondering if the AD Maturi is up to the job.

They wouldn't need to look too far to replace him either, would they? *Yikes.

I don't think Miles is going anywhere just yet but in a few years who knows. It took Coach Mac 3 trips to NCAAs to get the job at Iowa St and if Miles is going to land a job like Minnesota he will at least need to get there once.

As for Bohl I could see him saying no to Minnesota because he said money isn't a priority and the situation he is in is the priority.

01-01-2007, 06:46 PM
Bohl $200,000 maybe in fargo

UMinn $700,000-$800,000

thats a pretty easy decision.

don't kid yourself.

01-01-2007, 06:50 PM
“Coaches move because they’re frustrated where they are or they move because they feel like they have to make a move. I’m not in either of those situations,” Bohl said. “And people often look at these things and say, ‘Money has to be a big driving factor because there is so much money out there.’ Honestly, that’s not a real priority for me at this stage.”

http://www.in-forum.com/articles/index.cfm?id=142509&section=Columnists&columnist=M ike%20McFeely

01-01-2007, 07:00 PM
People's interest in a higher salary often changes when they are actually offered that high salary, rather than it just being a hypothetical salary.

01-01-2007, 07:06 PM
People's interest in a higher salary often changes when they are actually offered that high salary, rather than it just being a hypothetical salary.

Yes, like the situation that comes with that higher salary vs the situation he is in now. If the higher salary puts you in a good situation then its a slam dunk but not if its not an easy situation. All I'm saying is that if Bohl gets offered the Gopher job its not a slam dunk either way. I think he would be faced with a very difficult decision.

01-01-2007, 07:06 PM
P.S. *Now they are talking about how the Goofs need a BB coach as well as a FB coach, and are wondering if the AD Maturi is up to the job.

They wouldn't need to look too far to replace him either, would they? *Yikes.

I don't think Miles is going anywhere just yet but in a few years who knows. It took Coach Mac 3 trips to NCAAs to get the job at Iowa St and if Miles is going to land a job like Minnesota he will at least need to get there once.

As for Bohl I could see him saying no to Minnesota because he said money isn't a priority and the situation he is in is the priority.

They weren't talking about Miles, they were making reference to Maturi having to possibly make those decisions, and they did very briefly mention Taylor's name.

01-01-2007, 07:10 PM
P.S. *Now they are talking about how the Goofs need a BB coach as well as a FB coach, and are wondering if the AD Maturi is up to the job.

They wouldn't need to look too far to replace him either, would they? *Yikes.

I don't think Miles is going anywhere just yet but in a few years who knows. It took Coach Mac 3 trips to NCAAs to get the job at Iowa St and if Miles is going to land a job like Minnesota he will at least need to get there once.

As for Bohl I could see him saying no to Minnesota because he said money isn't a priority and the situation he is in is the priority.

They weren't talking about Miles, they were making reference to Maturi having to possibly make those decisions, and they did very briefly mention Taylor's name.

Oh, I thought you were saying they wouldn't have to look very far for a basketball coach but they aren't going to fire Maturi anyway. I don't think you can fire and AD when you need to hire two very important coaching positions within the athletic department, especially when the the AD didn't hire the coachs that he fired. I could see them firing him if he hires a couple of duds but now is not the time to be looking for a new AD as well as a new FB and BB coach.

01-01-2007, 07:11 PM
Is there any dedline to where schools have to hire coaches?

01-01-2007, 07:13 PM
Is there any dedline to where schools have to hire coaches?

Minnesota will have a new football coach in two or three weeks because of recruiting issues.

01-01-2007, 07:23 PM
Bohl $200,000 maybe in fargo

UMinn $700,000-$800,000

thats a pretty easy decision.

don't kid yourself.

One thing to keep in mind though, is that if he has another year or two like he had this year, he could concievably have that same or a slightly higher salary at a better school or a city that he likes better. I agree that the money will be significantly higher at Minnesota, but it isn't like he is scraping to put food on the table, so he can afford to wait if he so chooses.

01-01-2007, 07:27 PM
Bohl $200,000 maybe in fargo

UMinn $700,000-$800,000

thats a pretty easy decision.

don't kid yourself.

One thing to keep in mind though, is that if he has another year or two like he had this year, he could concievably have that same or a slightly higher salary at a better school or a city that he likes better. *I agree that the money will be significantly higher at Minnesota, but it isn't like he is scraping to put food on the table, so he can afford to wait if he so chooses.

I agree with that, in two years Bohl could leave NDSU and take a job where a lower to mid-level BCS coach gets hired up to a big time job in the upper tier of I-A or the pro level. That way Bohl would get big money and be in a situation where the cupboard is stocked with good players due to the program having a successful coach.

01-01-2007, 07:29 PM
The Gophers' new stadium may be only seat 50,000, but a comparison with Michigan and Ohio State is irrelevant. No one is saying that the Minnesota job is comparable with getting the Michigan job or the Ohio State job. Michigan and Ohio State are a couple of the ripest plums in the country. Also, those two schools may have 100K+ stadiums, but that is far from the norm in D-I. I think Penn State is the only other school in the country with a 100K+ stadium.

Now the Minnesota job may not be the sweetest plum in the pie, but it's a Big Ten job, the pay is good, and the Gophers are not a cellar dweller. You may like to think the job is one that no one would like to have, but wishing doesn't make it so. The new stadium will be a positive, it is built for expansion in the future, and the capacity can be expanded with temporary bleachers when there is need for more than 50K for a game.

Tennessee seats 100,000, Nebraska is close upper 80,000's to 90,000, USC plays in the Rose Bowl don't they which I believe seats 100,000 or close, UCLA plays in a large stadium.

01-01-2007, 07:35 PM
If I am Maturi I go hard after Mike Price from UTEP, they guy won at Washington State and thats a job very similar to the one in Minnesota. If I remember right he even took them to a Rose Bowl a place where Minnesota hasn't been for decades.

01-01-2007, 07:45 PM
Minnesota is a program that has suffered from poor coaching under Mason. Teams that suffered from ill-preparedness and lack of focus. Take away those two elements (rather significant though they be) and this team could have won a Big Ten title or two and maybe gone to a better bowl a few times. A top-notch coach could turn this into a second-tier 1-A program: one that is competive in the conference every year, impacts the conference title picture most years and makes a splash on the national scene once in a while. Knowing Maturi I'd expect him to bring in a real dud of a coach though.

01-01-2007, 08:06 PM
The Gophers' new stadium may be only seat 50,000, but a comparison with Michigan and Ohio State is irrelevant. No one is saying that the Minnesota job is comparable with getting the Michigan job or the Ohio State job. Michigan and Ohio State are a couple of the ripest plums in the country. Also, those two schools may have 100K+ stadiums, but that is far from the norm in D-I. I think Penn State is the only other school in the country with a 100K+ stadium.

Now the Minnesota job may not be the sweetest plum in the pie, but it's a Big Ten job, the pay is good, and the Gophers are not a cellar dweller. You may like to think the job is one that no one would like to have, but wishing doesn't make it so. The new stadium will be a positive, it is built for expansion in the future, and the capacity can be expanded with temporary bleachers when there is need for more than 50K for a game.

Tennessee seats 100,000, Nebraska is close upper 80,000's to 90,000, USC plays in the Rose Bowl don't they which I believe seats 100,000 or close, UCLA plays in a large stadium.

UCLA plays in the Rose Bowl (+100,000), and USC plays in the Coliseum (+90,000)

01-01-2007, 08:44 PM
Just the facts folks, MN would have to be crazy not to seriously go after Bohl. He would take them to the next level, no doubt in my mind. It would be a huge blow to the bison however.

Anyone that wants to discount Bohl, you are crazy. With his strong roots at recruiting the state of MN, he would hit the ground running.

01-01-2007, 08:50 PM
I stand corrected, there is 1 additional college stadium that seats more than 100K. (Tennessee). According to Wikipedia, the Rose Bowl seats 92K. I don't think that the capacity of the new Gophers' stadium is going to be any obstacle. It will be on the small side by Big Ten standards, but that's skewed by having three of the largest stadiums in the country in one conference. With the new stadium, Minnesota will keep all the revenue from the new stadium, a far better situation than the current one. It can be expanded to 80K, and will eventually. It might be nice if the initial capacity was larger, but a 50K stadium is what was possible to get. Plus, selling out a 50K stadium gives a much better home field advantage than does 50K in an 80K stadium. If NDSU had a 35K stadium, it would only be half full. The same number of people would be there, but it would feel different. Maybe NDSU will build and fill that hypothetical 35K stadium down the road.

01-01-2007, 08:57 PM
There has been at least 100,000 at the Rose Bowl at least once in its history.

01-01-2007, 08:58 PM
Record Attendance: 101,799, France-Brazil; 1984. Even though it has been a while ago, you could still count the Rose Bowl as a +100,000 capacity.

01-01-2007, 09:09 PM
Well, the Rose Bowl's official capacity is 92,000, but I suppose you could always squeeze some extra seats in, but if you're going to count temporary seating, then that can be done at just aboiut any stadium, so you may as well count the new Gophers' stadium at 60,000.

Here's a link to 2006 attendance figures: &hl=en&gl=us&ct=clnk&cd=1

Minnesota ranks #38 in average attendance at 52,207. Not the greatest in the country, to be sure, but far from the bottom.
18 I-A teams had attendance greater than the official capacity, I expect the Gophers will be one of them when they open in stadium with an official capacity of 50K.

01-01-2007, 09:24 PM
TOP 5 for Minnesota job: (un-scientific of course)

1)Chris Peterson...Mastermind at Boise...knows California Juco circuit and can really coach offense.

2)Tony Dungy...IF KC runs over the Colts next week, I expect Dungy will be fired.

3)Mitch Browning...Would make for a smooth transition...One of the top offensive coaches in nation and hopefully, he can do a better job of playcalling when he's not hamstrung by Mason.

4)Mike Tice/Jack Del Rio....IF Jacksonville lets him go, he might consider coming to his one-time home...

5) Mr. Bevil (viking qb coach, ex Wisconsin asst)

6) Craig Bohl with the Bison, would move on to the Gophers.

01-01-2007, 11:37 PM
Tennessee seats 100,000, Nebraska is close upper 80,000's to 90,000, USC plays in the Rose Bowl don't they which I believe seats 100,000 or close, UCLA plays in a large stadium.

Doesn't Florida have something like a 113,000 seat stadium?

01-01-2007, 11:37 PM
Tennessee seats 100,000, Nebraska is close upper 80,000's to 90,000, USC plays in the Rose Bowl don't they which I believe seats 100,000 or close, UCLA plays in a large stadium.

Doesn't Florida have something like a 113,000 seat stadium?

85-90,000 i think DOWN IN THE SWAMP.

01-02-2007, 01:43 AM

more BOHL mentions. in reference to KFAN-=Conzemius

01-02-2007, 03:17 AM
Justin with being a Fargo South grad. His dad Mike a former player also Coach Bohls State Farm Agent. He will be pushing for Craig.

01-02-2007, 03:29 AM
what bohl needs to do, or even gene taylor, is end the speculation and reassure his team and recruits with a statement. that's unless bohl and staff have told the recruits quietly he's not leaving. otherwise, media reports are nothing but speculation, conjucture, heresay. there's 30 days or so before signing date. bohl, taylor should quiet the masses, or we should be asking taylor what his plan is for a successor ... for bohl and miles for that matter.

01-02-2007, 07:40 AM
I'm not sure Bohl would necessarily take Minnesota's recruiting to the next level, but he could probably do as well as Mason and he would definitely have his team prepared for games and take them to the next level by winning games they should and playing tough, hard-nosed football. He would definitely be an upgrade, but I'm guessing he won't be their #1 choice.

01-02-2007, 04:38 PM
Kfan morning show with Fargo Flash, conzemius, with Mike Morris.

Talked about Craig Bohl being in top 3, and how he is ALREADY recruiting this area and Jim Tressel from Ohio State was at Youngstown State.

Pa/Dubay also briefly mentioned it!!

01-02-2007, 05:23 PM
I don't think Bohl brings the cachet the U is looking for. Mason had a good rep coming in and couldn't push them beyond the peanut bowl. I would think they want a name, that they'll have to pay for, to get to the Rose Bowl, Big Ten champ level.

It seems that alumni would think Bohl would be a step back for their program. No disrespect intended to Craig.

01-02-2007, 07:54 PM
Couple small things:

The new Minnesota on campus stadium will seat around 50k but will be expandable up to 80k.

Penn State also has a 100k+ stadium.

Gordy Shaw is the oline coach at MN.

01-02-2007, 07:54 PM
Well the UM AD just said on Kfan that Mason had some embarassing losses and an embarassing win against ND. Considering the guy can't figure out which school Bohl coaches for and seems to blame Mason for the close embarassing win and not Bohl's great coaching mind I think we are safe. I think its safe to say Maturi wants a big name or a high level BCS Asst.

01-02-2007, 08:19 PM
The North Dakota State game was mentioned twice in the last hour on KFAN.

01-02-2007, 09:40 PM
Well, if nothing else at least we are getting KFAN to talk up our coach to all the recruits in the area. Can't hurt as long as it doesn't acutally result in Bohl getting hired.