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View Full Version : BI volleyball photo

09-13-2012, 05:24 PM
I move that Bison Illustrated include beach volleyball photos IN EVERY ISSUE, similar to the new issue. Can I get a second for that motion???

09-13-2012, 05:29 PM
I move that Bison Illustrated include beach volleyball photos IN EVERY ISSUE, similar to the new issue. Can I get a second for that motion???

In 1 hour and 40 minutes, the sound of a tony-shaped vacuum collapsing* should reach Fargo.

* yeah, when motivated, I can move pretty fast.

Edit: Dang, no BI in the mailbox yet. Also, I should be careful joking about this because one time when deplaning at Hector, my bride thought that my gaze lingered a bit too long on the VB team who happened to be waiting to get on the plane we just got off. In my defense, I was not ogling - I was just trying to decide a) whether it was the VB or soccer team and b) whether to call out a "Go Bison!" Decided against bugging them at all because it looked like they were studying.

09-13-2012, 05:59 PM
I move that Bison Illustrated include beach volleyball photos IN EVERY ISSUE, similar to the new issue. Can I get a second for that motion???

Got mine in mail last night but didn't peruse it!! :(