View Full Version : Good job Bison

09-09-2012, 02:45 AM
Well, tonight I saw the Bison team that I more or less expected. Honestly, I figured you'd be real good, but I still underestimated you. I keep puking in my mouth when I look at CSU's effort, but it was still apparent that at our best we would have lost. I have tons of respect for your team, I thank you for coming to Ft. Collins and bringing half of North Dakota with you to donate to our tax base. I'd love to see you guys get the jump to D1A, but you might even be better off without it. If you do make that jump, give the MWC a call, OK.

You killed us. I have a lot of excuses, but none will change the scoreboard. As our coach said, "they just whupped us".

Great team, great fans (minus Lakes and his posse of course), and a great board. I will definitely be cheering for you guys to win another national championship.

Good luck and thanks for the game.

09-09-2012, 02:53 AM
Well, tonight I saw the Bison team that I more or less expected. Honestly, I figured you'd be real good, but I still underestimated you. I keep puking in my mouth when I look at CSU's effort, but it was still apparent that at our best we would have lost. I have tons of respect for your team, I thank you for coming to Ft. Collins and bringing half of North Dakota with you to donate to our tax base. I'd love to see you guys get the jump to D1A, but you might even be better off without it. If you do make that jump, give the MWC a call, OK.

You killed us. I have a lot of excuses, but none will change the scoreboard. As our coach said, "they just whupped us".

Great team, great fans (minus Lakes and his posse of course), and a great board. I will definitely be cheering for you guys to win another national championship.

Good luck and thanks for the game.

Thanks for the props headbutt. You have been fair and humble from the start.

To be honest, this is one of the best run defenses we will we see all year. I know you guys are down right now, but I do see a quite a few more wins for you this year. I said it on your board and I will say it here, you win 5-6 this year if you can find an O line. Your run defense will give the rest of the Mtn W. fits this year. Your O, well you need work. When you get an offensive line together, you will have a team.

I hope you guys run the table this year. It will make look all that much better.

I sincerely mean it when I say, GOOD LUCK THE REST OF THE SEASON. :)

Don't be a stranger to our board.

09-09-2012, 03:09 AM
Well, tonight I saw the Bison team that I more or less expected. Honestly, I figured you'd be real good, but I still underestimated you. I keep puking in my mouth when I look at CSU's effort, but it was still apparent that at our best we would have lost. I have tons of respect for your team, I thank you for coming to Ft. Collins and bringing half of North Dakota with you to donate to our tax base. I'd love to see you guys get the jump to D1A, but you might even be better off without it. If you do make that jump, give the MWC a call, OK.

You killed us. I have a lot of excuses, but none will change the scoreboard. As our coach said, "they just whupped us".

Great team, great fans (minus Lakes and his posse of course), and a great board. I will definitely be cheering for you guys to win another national championship.

Good luck and thanks for the game.

You are a class act. I caught your posts earlier this week and was impressed. We would love join you in the Mountain West! That would be a dream come true. However, I doubt that the Mountain West would want us.

09-09-2012, 03:09 AM
My opinion is you defense is good enough to keep that team in the conference hunt if you offense can improve. Make no mistake, NDSU would compete if in the Mountain West.

09-09-2012, 03:15 AM
Well, tonight I saw the Bison team that I more or less expected. Honestly, I figured you'd be real good, but I still underestimated you. I keep puking in my mouth when I look at CSU's effort, but it was still apparent that at our best we would have lost. I have tons of respect for your team, I thank you for coming to Ft. Collins and bringing half of North Dakota with you to donate to our tax base. I'd love to see you guys get the jump to D1A, but you might even be better off without it. If you do make that jump, give the MWC a call, OK.

You killed us. I have a lot of excuses, but none will change the scoreboard. As our coach said, "they just whupped us".

Great team, great fans (minus Lakes and his posse of course), and a great board. I will definitely be cheering for you guys to win another national championship.

Good luck and thanks for the game.
I wish every fan of every team was like you!

You kept it as unbiased as could be while still rooting for your home team and when the game ended, you gave credit where credit was due.

I love your coach and I thought very highly of him and the comments he made.

I wish nothing but the best to your team for the rest of the season!

09-09-2012, 04:00 AM
Thank you and good luck to the Rams the rest of the season. You're a class act.

09-10-2012, 02:00 PM
Fort Collins is one of the friendliest and nicest towns I've visited. It looks like a good place to live.

09-10-2012, 02:09 PM
'ppreciate it.

Ft Collins was an awesome host. Coming from the northern plains, the location, setting, and even weather at your stadium (despite the complaints of CSU fans) were all absolutely A+ in my book.

The night is darkest before the dawn Ram Nation. We need only look back a decade or so (or even briefly to 08) to know what fear and loathing from a fanbase looks and feels like. Also-losing to NDSU is not like losing to any old FCS team. Right now we are like playing vs a service academy team in one of their good years. Unheralded players who are allegedly "not as athletic", but a damn disciplined team who waits for you to beat yourself cause we sure won't be beating ourselves. I've been maybe the last Bison fan to admit this, but I truly think the Bison this year could compete in any non New Years Day bowl and represent well. We surely will show up in the stands.

09-10-2012, 02:15 PM
Thanks, Headbutt.

Fort Collins and the people there were great! In talking to some of the CSU fans, they are in a push to get a new stadium built on campus. I told them they are nuts! Loved the stadium and setting. Just need to win and the fans will come. Good luck to the Rams the rest of the season.

09-10-2012, 02:17 PM
if ndsu played a handful of lower ranked teams in fargo, they would beat a few of them. doing it on the road is different but hey..i can play the hyperbole card.

i liked foco a lot. got pretty much 0 trash talk all day saturday, and post game on college st. post bar times there were a few fights that almost broke out due to lack of weed, so that was entertaining to watch.

your town needs more cabs...and to be about 6 hrs closer to fargo.

09-10-2012, 02:22 PM
fort Collins and csu people were outstanding... What a nice town! Impressed by the student section too. Their run defense was punishing as well - don't really think of the mountain west as a physical league but both teams ndsu have played certainly hit hard and tackled well.
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