View Full Version : Latest on Gateway membership

02-07-2007, 11:29 AM
CSN WAVES last night: http://www.collegesportingnews.com/article.asp?articleid=82353

Patty sez it will be announced 2/19 or by June if 2008 GFC is in the cards for the NDSU/SDSU.

02-07-2007, 01:55 PM
Thanks for the linkage!

I've been listening while I work and I gotta say that the folks who are still holding a grudge about Coach Babich should listen to Coach Van Gorder talk... I was almost thinking I was overreacting but I pretty much didn't like the guy before he finished three sentences. He sounded like, "My credentials speak for themselves... some folks are just ignorant about what is going on... Georgia Southern was in shambles when I came in, half the team was failing, and I turned it around... I only regret that the media did such a poor job getting the word out and that somebody else is going to swoop in and capitalize on the tremendous work I've done... Anybody who knows anything about football would come in and be amazed at what I managed to accomplish... Now excuse me, I have to go pray for the souls of the folks who criticized me..." Note: I'm paraphrasing here. Anyway, I thought I was over-reacting but then Coulson (College Sporting News) and Ralph from AGS came on and just ripped him to shreds. Now, say what you will about Coach Babich but I think but he did come into a tough situation and he is obviously a darn good defensive coach (a position that involves a different skill set than being a head coach), but Coach Babich would never say some of the stuff this Van Gorder guy did.

Anyway, to the Gateway stuff... it actually sounded pretty good for something happening.

02-07-2007, 04:11 PM
CSN WAVES last night: http://www.collegesportingnews.com/article.asp?articleid=82353

Patty sez it will be announced 2/19 or by June if 2008 GFC is in the cards for the NDSU/SDSU.
A Feb 19 decision would help Gene move forward on scheduling. Why wait til June? Is there something that is going to change in the meantime (other than more schools getting concerned about NDSU and SDSU regularly beating them). Patty, please help NDSU out and get a decison soon. Thanks!

02-07-2007, 05:41 PM
Word is that she will only bring it up for a vote if she has the 5 votes to let us in. I guess she got UNI on her side when she told them that in the playoffs first round you can't play a team from your conference. If NDSU made the playoffs from the Great West, they'd probably have to play us because of location and it probably would be in our house. They got the message.

02-07-2007, 05:44 PM
Word is that she will only bring it up for a vote if she has the 5 votes to let us in. *I guess she got UNI on her side when she told them that in the playoffs first round you can't play a team from your conference. *If NDSU made the playoffs from the Great West, they'd probably have to play us because of location and it probably would be in our house. *They got the message.
Good Info Dormie.......hopefullly the rest of the conference is coming around.

02-07-2007, 06:14 PM
Here is a good article. The UNI guy makes a good point by saying if they lose a couple more members they would have to look for a football conference.


"Even with the Western Kentucky defection our league is stable. But, the ground is shaking a little bit," he said. "The reason for that is we're not sure about Indiana State's long-term football future, and with Western Illinois being a member of a league (the Mid-Continent) that has a couple of other football-playing I-AA members (Southern Utah and Valparaiso), they could even leave the Gateway at some point in the future, although I know they are committed to the Gateway right now.

"If those two things were to happen, we'd be at five schools and we would not be an NCAA automatic qualifier."

And should the Gateway fall apart, UNI would be one team with few options for conference membership, Hartzell pointed out.

"If we don't get North Dakota State and South Dakota State into our league on our terms, there's a chance that a few years from now we might be begging to get into their league on their terms," he noted.

02-07-2007, 06:24 PM
My guess would be if the votes are there, they vote in February to take us in. If the votes aren't there, the Commish will do some tail twisting and get the votes by June. Hopefully this is all over this month.

02-07-2007, 07:09 PM
Here is a good article. The UNI guy makes a good point by saying if they lose a couple more members they would have to look for a football conference.


"Even with the Western Kentucky defection our league is stable. But, the ground is shaking a little bit," he said. "The reason for that is we're not sure about Indiana State's long-term football future, and with Western Illinois being a member of a league (the Mid-Continent) that has a couple of other football-playing I-AA members (Southern Utah and Valparaiso), they could even leave the Gateway at some point in the future, although I know they are committed to the Gateway right now.

"If those two things were to happen, we'd be at five schools and we would not be an NCAA automatic qualifier."

And should the Gateway fall apart, UNI would be one team with few options for conference membership, Hartzell pointed out.

"If we don't get North Dakota State and South Dakota State into our league on our terms, there's a chance that a few years from now we might be begging to get into their league on their terms," he noted.

I really hope that every President and AD in the Gateway looks at it this way. Seems like a no brainer to all of us, hopefully in the next two weeks it seems that way to them too.

02-07-2007, 11:59 PM
I've been hearing on AGS that we have 4 sure votes for us, but Missouri State will vote no (pussies), and one of the ISU's (I think Illinois State??) will vote no (good luck with your plan to move to FBS with that kind of attitude, Redbirds.). The other ISU (Indiana State??) is iffy.

02-08-2007, 12:14 AM
I've been hearing on AGS that we have 4 sure votes for us, but Missouri State will vote no (pussies), and one of the ISU's (I think Illinois State??) will vote no (good luck with your plan to move to FBS with that kind of attitude, Redbirds.). The other ISU (Indiana State??) is iffy.

Actually Illinois St is on the fence(coach is against it but the AD sounded like he was for it) and I don't have a clue about Indiana St. Missouri State is the only school that seems set against it, at least thats what the AD and coach have said. Of course none of the Presidents have said anything negative and they are the guys that matter.

My Prediction is that....I think we are in, all the Presidents are going to be there which is rare and they aren't going to invite the XDSU's Presidents and ADs just tell them no or do nothing.

02-08-2007, 12:35 AM
Why do we really give a shit what a coach who can't win wants? *He doesn't even have a vote. *If I were him I would tone down the "I can't compete with these guys" because a president who has any balls will get his school a new coach.

How would you like to be at the signing day press conference for this guys team. *"Well, guys...we signed some guys that the others didn't want. *Basically because I know that if I actually sign some talent someone might expect me to actually start coaching..."

02-08-2007, 12:06 PM
If we get in I hope we find out which schools voted against us and beat them like a drum every year! ;D ;D

02-08-2007, 01:47 PM
If we get in I hope we find out which schools voted against us and beat them like a drum every year! ;D ;D

I've often wondered, do the votes ever get made public? Take the Big Sky thing a few years ago, did we ever find out how the votes really fell?

02-08-2007, 02:21 PM
I heard PSU, & Sac State for sure.

02-08-2007, 02:27 PM
If we get in I hope we find out which schools voted against us and beat them like a drum every year! * ;D ;D

Well, if we don't get into the Gateway then there is no way to play these teams. The teams that would vote against NDSU are not the teams that the Bison could play in the playoffs either because these teams haven't made the playoffs in years.

On the other side if NDSU does get into the Gateway, these are the teams that would get pounded by NDSU.

02-08-2007, 03:06 PM
Another thing to consider is that Taylor and Chapman will be at the Gateway meeting (right?).

It's one thing to tell a reporter, or a computer screen, or a piece of paper "no, we're not going to let you in".

Telling that to a man's face is a completely different story.

Taylor and Chapman are both experienced businessmen who have a track record of getting it done when others have said it couldn't be done.

I put it in their hands to get this pushed through.

02-08-2007, 03:25 PM
I would assume that President Chapman has contacted all seven presidents and made some sort of introduction prior to the meeting.

02-09-2007, 12:27 AM
Actually Illinois St is on the fence(coach is against it but the AD sounded like he was for it) and I don't have a clue about Indiana St. Missouri State is the only school that seems set against it, at least thats what the AD and coach have said. Of course none of the Presidents have said anything negative and they are the guys that matter.

My Prediction is that....I think we are in, all the Presidents are going to be there which is rare and they aren't going to invite the XDSU's Presidents and ADs just tell them no or do nothing.

That's true, Illinois State's AD is in favor of it (the old rising tides lift all boats theory). *Denver Johnson definitely has some qualms about it. *As a coach, his employment is directly tied to wins and losses, so losses (especially to teams just moving up from D2) are a concern to him. *The other factor is Illinois State has never funded their football program anywhere near the level it should be, Denver realizes this and is leery of bringing in universities that take their programs much more seriously.

02-11-2007, 07:33 AM
... to the Gateway stuff... it actually sounded pretty good for something happening.Yes it did sound like it. Though one of the presidents not being there (a rep would take the place) made me wonder though that could be a school against it. That may be a harbinger that this is more face to face and a decision would come later.

02-11-2007, 02:40 PM
I would not read anything into the fact that one of the presidents cant make the meeting. Its probably very difficult to coordinate the busy schedules of all of the presidents to attend in person.

02-11-2007, 03:51 PM
Probably a president who knows he could never stand face to face with Chapman, look him in the eye and tell him that NDSU isn't good enough.

Oh whoops, I scheduled a meeting the same day that every president in the Gateway is going to meet and have known about it for months.

02-12-2007, 02:33 AM

Some news could be eight days away!!

02-12-2007, 04:45 AM
The final discussion of ndsu and possible voting will not happen with Chapman and Taylor present. It's not like their will be any face to face pressure during a vote, let's get real.

Chapman said (during halftime interview at NJIT) that they will get an opportunity to discuss NDSU, then they will be excused from the meeting to allow the Gateway people to conduct their business. He does not know if that means a vote will come that day.

02-12-2007, 05:22 AM
I hope you guys get in. And this is coming from a Missouri State fan. The reason the AD and coach seem against is our program needs wins and you guys are coming basically from independent status, I know you are in the Great West, but you still have to schedule a ton of games so you have to have the no fear factor. A proven program in the toughest conference that has been struggling and have some people who want to can it, not the best time to publically want 2 of the better programs coming into your league. Thats the thoughts from the AD and coach, personally I like the way of the AD of Illinois State thinking which will probally means you guys will get in.

02-12-2007, 04:39 PM
The final discussion of ndsu and possible voting will not happen with Chapman and Taylor present. *It's not like their will be any face to face pressure during a vote, let's get real.

Chapman said (during halftime interview at NJIT) that they will get an opportunity to discuss NDSU, then they will be excused from the meeting to allow the Gateway people to conduct their business. *He does not know if that means a vote will come that day.

I think there's a >90% chance that all the Gateway presidents, ADs, coaches already know the answer of whether to accept/decline NDSU and SDSU. Big decisions like this aren't decided at a meeting, they're done before the meeting. This face-to-face meeting is similar to a site visit (see Mid-Con visit). If you get a visit, there's a good chance for a favorable outcome.

02-12-2007, 04:58 PM
I simply can't imagine that were not in. :D

02-12-2007, 06:37 PM
I simply can't imagine that were not in. :D

I agree. I think the stars are all in the right alignment for NDSU. I can't imagine any conference wanting to go with just 7 members and they aren't looking at anyone else. I suppose they COULD take just one XDSU to replace Western Kentucky,but I'd call that chance remote. I actually feel even more confident about the Gateway then I did about getting into the Mid-con.

02-13-2007, 12:47 PM
I thought I read somewhere that Chapman and the SDSU president have a verbal agreement, take both or you get neither? I am quite certain of this, which means that we are either both in or we walk.

02-13-2007, 12:51 PM
I thought I read somewhere that Chapman and the SDSU president have a verbal agreement, take both or you get neither? I am quite certain of this, which means that we are either both in or we walk.

Gene also has stated this. ;)

02-13-2007, 01:06 PM
I thought I read somewhere that Chapman and the SDSU president have a verbal agreement, take both or you get neither? I am quite certain of this, which means that we are either both in or we walk.

Yep, I remember hearing that now. My bad. Sorry

02-13-2007, 03:19 PM
Steve Hallstrom of WDAY TV sports reported last night that 3 schools have publicly declared their approval for expansion. A majority or 4 votes will be needed and that an old Bison foe coud be the swing vote. The Northern Iowa AD was quoted as saying that expansion may be the best option for the long-term and that their school will vote as to what is best for them. However, they will not make a final decision until after hearing the discussion on Monday.

Hallstrom also reported that he will be in St. Louis on Sunday & Monday to provide coverage of the Gateway meeting.

02-13-2007, 03:32 PM
Steve Hallstrom of WDAY TV sports reported last night that 3 schools have publicly declared their approval for expansion. *A majority or 4 votes will be needed and that an old Bison foe coud be the swing vote. *The Northern Iowa AD was quoted as saying that expansion may be the best option for the long-term and that their school will vote as to what is best for them. *However, they will not make a final decision until after hearing the discussion on Monday.

Hallstrom also reported that he will be in St. Louis on Sunday & Monday to provide coverage of the Gateway meeting.

Thanks for the update. *That is great to hear. *The 7 schools that get a vote are:

Youngstown St.
Illinois St.
Northern Iowa
Southern Ill.
Western Ill.
Missouri St.
Indiana St.

Did Hallstrom report which are known to be voting yes?

Missouri St. has already stated they would vote against expansion with the XDSU's correct?

Northern Iowa is unknown.

02-13-2007, 03:52 PM
Based on last night's report
Yes - Western Illinois, Youngstown State, Illinois State
Probably Yes - Northern Iowa
Unknown - Southern Illinois, Missouri State, Indiana State

- No President has been on the record saying "NO"
- Some reports have said 5 votes are needed, last night said 4...which is it?

02-13-2007, 04:50 PM
I hope you guys get in. And this is coming from a Missouri State fan. The reason the AD and coach seem against is our program needs wins and you guys are coming basically from independent status, I know you are in the Great West, but you still have to schedule a ton of games so you have to have the no fear factor. A proven program in the toughest conference that has been struggling and have some people who want to can it, not the best time to publically want 2 of the better programs coming into your league. Thats the thoughts from the AD and coach, personally I like the way of the AD of Illinois State thinking which will probally means you guys will get in.

Have you considered that the addition of NDSU & SDSU may actually improve your own fb program? Competition makes us all better. If your program initially struggles due to the influx and your coach gets fired, or your AD gets fired, then you just have to go out there and get better ones. Why be satisfied with the status-quo? Would you prefer your program as it is now or would you like to see it stronger and in the national presence in 5-10 yrs? Personally, I want to see my program stronger in 5 yrs. Joining the Gateway is a monumental leap in the right direction for NDSU. We all want to get better and sometimes to do that you have to put your feet to the fire. It's best for everybody. NDSU offers the Gateway a great opportunity and vice-versa. Let's get this done.

02-13-2007, 05:39 PM
I thought we needed 5 of 7 votes?

Seems like YSU, IL State, WIU, UNI will vote for us.

Also seems MSU will vote against.

Our lives are in the hands of SIU and IN St. We played SIU pretty good in 2005. IN St, I don't think we've ever played them.

It's also possible that IN St could be dropping football in the future.

02-13-2007, 05:43 PM
I hope you guys get in. And this is coming from a Missouri State fan. The reason the AD and coach seem against is our program needs wins and you guys are coming basically from independent status, I know you are in the Great West, but you still have to schedule a ton of games so you have to have the no fear factor. A proven program in the toughest conference that has been struggling and have some people who want to can it, not the best time to publically want 2 of the better programs coming into your league. Thats the thoughts from the AD and coach, personally I like the way of the AD of Illinois State thinking which will probally means you guys will get in.

Have you considered that the addition of NDSU & SDSU may actually improve your own fb program? *Competition makes us all better. *If your program initially struggles due to the influx and your coach gets fired, or your AD gets fired, then you just have to go out there and get better ones. *Why be satisfied with the status-quo? * Would you prefer your program as it is now or would you like to see it stronger and in the national presence in 5-10 yrs? *Personally, I want to see my program stronger in 5 yrs. *Joining the Gateway is a monumental leap in the right direction for NDSU. *We all want to get better and sometimes to do that you have to put your feet to the fire. *It's best for everybody. *NDSU offers the Gateway a great opportunity and vice-versa. *Let's get this done. *

ndsubison, reread his post. He clearly states that he agrees with you, and not with his AD and coach.

02-13-2007, 05:55 PM
I thought we needed 5 of 7 votes?

Seems like YSU, IL State, WIU, UNI will vote for us.

Also seems MSU will vote against.

Our lives are in the hands of SIU and IN St. We played SIU pretty good in 2005. IN St, *I don't think we've ever played them.

It's also possible that IN St could be dropping football in the future.

I also recall that five votes were necessary, and that it was the female commissioner who said it. Simple majority didn't cut it. I hope what Hallstrom reported is correct, obviously much easier to get one more vote instead of two.

02-13-2007, 05:55 PM
Kolpack wrote that a 2/3 vote was necessary(5 votes). Here's the quote:

NDSU invited to Gateway event
By Jeff Kolpack jkolpack@forumcomm.com
Sports - 01/05/2007

It’s the first time the Gateway has requested presidents attend the winter meeting, Viverito said. She said there is no directive that a vote be taken, but she said there is nothing preventing one either, provided the presidents have enough information. A two-thirds majority, or five votes, is required for acceptance.

02-13-2007, 06:01 PM
BisonKent is also reporting 5 of 7 in his article at CSN(formally I-AA.org)

CSN West: Gateway to Decide Soon if Dakotas are the Right Expansion Schools (http://www.collegesportingnews.com/article.asp?articleid=83724)

02-13-2007, 06:05 PM
Based on last night's report
Yes - Western Illinois, Youngstown State, Illinois State
Probably Yes - Northern Iowa
Unknown - Southern Illinois, Missouri State, Indiana State

- No President has been on the record saying "NO"
- Some reports have said 5 votes are needed, last night said 4...which is it?

Good question, 4 would be a "simple" majority, 5 would be a "super" majority, which I think is 2/3ths. I can't believe Patty V. hasn't been asked this question in all her interviews. ::)

02-13-2007, 06:30 PM
Based on last night's report
Yes - Western Illinois, Youngstown State, Illinois State
Probably Yes - Northern Iowa
Unknown - Southern Illinois, Missouri State, Indiana State

- No President has been on the record saying "NO"
- Some reports have said 5 votes are needed, last night said 4...which is it?

Good question, 4 would be a "simple" majority, 5 would be a "super" majority, which I think is 2/3ths. *I can't believe Patty V. hasn't been asked this question in all her interviews. ::)

In her interview on AGSWaves last week, she said that 5 votes were needed. I believe that UNI and SIU will vote for us, so Im hopeful that we will get invited.

02-13-2007, 06:32 PM
So Missouri and Indiana vote no.

What do you know, the 2 worst teams in the conference.

02-13-2007, 08:08 PM
So Missouri and Indiana vote no.

What do you know, the 2 worst teams in the conference.

No one has said they will vote No. But their votes won't be needed if Southern Illinois and Northern Iowa vote Yes to make 5. If they can get to 5, I think the other 2 will follow suit.

02-13-2007, 08:24 PM
I don't really care if they vote no. 5 and we're in.

I wouldn't even want to play them.

Lets just schedule the cream, SIU, WIU, ISU, YSU and UNI.

02-13-2007, 09:34 PM
SIU will vote for it.

02-13-2007, 11:02 PM

02-13-2007, 11:05 PM
Just make sure the caps lock key is on!

02-14-2007, 03:03 AM
Well you guys are getting some love from ValleyTalk as well for future MVC expansion.

02-14-2007, 01:33 PM
Well you guys are getting some love from ValleyTalk as well for future MVC expansion.

Enlighten me, what is Valley Talk? Can you provide a link?

02-14-2007, 02:05 PM
Well you guys are getting some love from ValleyTalk as well for future MVC expansion.

Enlighten me, what is Valley Talk? Can you provide a link?

Message board for the MVC and also talks a little about Gateway footbal.


02-14-2007, 04:12 PM
As mentioned on this site by others already, the Gateway affilitation would be huge for Bison Football in the present and the forseeable future...only a move to a FBS conference would necessitate leaving the Gateway.

It would also be very beneficial for developing a positive and respectful relationship with the Missouri Valley Conference since 5 of its members are in the Gateway. *If the Valley would ever expand for any number of reasons, they would have many schools interested in joining their league. *One would think that non-Valley Gateway members (Youngstown St, Western Illinois, NDSU and SDSU if they get in) would have an inside track for new membership. *It is a long shot, but you never know what will happen next in the ever-changing landscape of college athletics.

02-14-2007, 04:23 PM
Actually, it's not as long as you might think.

And it might not have to be an expansion.

Apparently, Evansville is considering leaving.

02-14-2007, 06:45 PM
Well for one thing it would be a cold day in hell before Youngstown or Western Illinois join the MVC.

02-14-2007, 09:12 PM
Well for one thing it would be a cold day in hell before Youngstown or Western Illinois join the MVC.

I am not real familiar with the politics or those schools...why do you say that about YSU and WIU?

02-14-2007, 09:18 PM
Poor basketball and academics.

02-14-2007, 11:54 PM
As reported on WDAY TV sports tonight, but I was listening over other talk so may not caught all of the report.

- Gateway Asst Commish Patti ---- said that 5 of 7 votes are required.
- Indiana St. and Missouri St. have concerns over travel. However, they both are waiting to hear the presentations at the Monday meeting before they decide.
- The gut feeling of the Indiana St. AD is that .....


02-15-2007, 12:14 AM
Sounds good, can't wait for Monday!

02-15-2007, 12:19 AM
WOW, that would be awesome. It just keeps getting better. I really can't imagine how this whole DI move could have turned out much better.

As reported on WDAY TV sports tonight, but I was listening over other talk so may not caught all of the report.

- Gateway Asst Commish Patti ---- said that 5 of 7 votes are required.
- Indiana St. and Missouri St. have concerns over travel. *However, they both are waiting to hear the presentations at the Monday meeting before they decide.
- The gut feeling of the Indiana St. AD is that .....


02-15-2007, 02:51 AM

02-15-2007, 03:11 AM
I'm suprised we were concerned about travel, MSU charters planes for alot of road games already, I know bb flys to about every game.

02-15-2007, 03:17 AM
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

02-15-2007, 03:21 AM
I'm suprised we were concerned about travel, MSU charters planes for alot of road games already, I know bb flys to about every game.

Well, it won't get any easier than flying to Fargo. *Especially if you charter a plane. *When you leave Fargo Hector Airport the first thing you see is a great big sign that says North Dakota State University. *If our airport were any closer to NDSU it would actually be on campus. *So, there would be no get off the plane, ride a bus for an hour, crap.

02-15-2007, 04:54 AM
Both the Dakotas are closer than Youngstown State at least to Missouri State.

02-15-2007, 11:33 AM
Not sure this is new: http://www.pjstar.com/stories/021507/COL_BCCMQBLG.075.php

02-15-2007, 01:19 PM
Not sure this is new: http://www.pjstar.com/stories/021507/COL_BCCMQBLG.075.php

I would rather not have seen the quote about Illinois and Indiana leaning against expanding. Missouri we all figured would be against. The one bright spot was that Senger said he favored expansion, but wanted to make sure we were the right school. Since the Gateway isn't looking at anyone else, and there aren't any other obvious choices to look at, I hope that bodes well for us. Also, the article said summer meeting is in July, not June. That would be an eternity to wait.

02-15-2007, 02:14 PM
Actually, it wouldn't surprise if Missouri State voted for expansion - I don't read too much into what their coach and AD said.

As for Illinois State, it sure sounds like their AD, Mr. Zenger, is open to expansion - actually he says he leans towards favoring expansion so that's good.

02-15-2007, 02:31 PM
Looks like Illinois State is the swing vote. I think it could go either way and I am not getting my hopes up just yet.

02-15-2007, 04:01 PM
Looks like Illinois State is the swing vote. I think it could go either way and I am not getting my hopes up just yet.

According to Hallstrom on Tuesday night: Illinois State, Youngstown State, and Western Illinois are YES votes

02-15-2007, 04:11 PM
I can't see why SIU would say no.

I can see why MSU and IN St would. They suck.

02-15-2007, 07:55 PM
It absolutely baffles me, that people in as big of a title as the directors and coaches at a Division 1 football institution, would rather see a likely downfall to their own conference and autobid hopes, then expand with a couple teams that would only better the conference, and create tougher competition.

IMHO, people like that don't belong anywhere near a position related to athletics at this level.

02-15-2007, 08:26 PM
We will get Missouri State's real opinion on either Saturday or Sunday, News-Leader is suppose to do a report on the Gateway expansion.

02-15-2007, 08:54 PM
Thanks for the update BearsCountry. Keep us posted...

02-15-2007, 10:22 PM
As reported on WDAY TV sports tonight, but I was listening over other talk so may not caught all of the report.

- Gateway Asst Commish Patti ---- said that 5 of 7 votes are required.
- Indiana St. and Missouri St. have concerns over travel. *However, they both are waiting to hear the presentations at the Monday meeting before they decide.
- The gut feeling of the Indiana St. AD is that .....


Joe and Gene are going to have to swing the 3 or so that are undecided to the yes column at the Monday meeting.

02-16-2007, 04:40 AM
Are we gonna have a game thread of the meeting on here?? ;D I sure hope so because I need to find out what is happening from Phoenix!

02-16-2007, 04:44 AM
Freak are you playing in the BisoN ALUMNI GOLF events in Phoenix?

02-16-2007, 04:53 AM
Freak are you playing in the BisoN ALUMNI GOLF events in Phoenix?

Man, I was going to but my game SUCKS. I just play to play and I didnt want to embarass myself out there! :-[ ;D

02-17-2007, 06:53 AM
I know how Missouri State will vote for you guys - you let us have your basketball coach and we will let you in the Gateway. ;)

02-17-2007, 02:34 PM
I thought Missouri State like Barry Hinson as their basketball coach. Isn't the season going as well as last season?

02-17-2007, 02:39 PM
BearsCountry, thanks for bringing up a good point. I was thinking, no, you can't have Miles, and I was trying to think of some other coach you could have. Couldn't think of any. About the only coach on the hot seat is Amy Ruley and she has a lot of "store credit".

NDSU has been lucky, blessed, savvy to have good coaches all around throughout the transition. The fun has just begun. :)

02-17-2007, 04:54 PM
Saturday morning sports show on WDAY radio is currently discussing the Gateway Conference vote. Kolpack has contacted all of the Gateway AD's and is now somewhat changed his gut feeling on how the vote will go. He feels it isn't is strong now as before and it is so close. His predicition is that it will be 5-2 for expansion, but it is very shaky. SI and MS are against and Indiana St is a very shaky for.

02-17-2007, 05:03 PM
Saturday morning sports show on WDAY radio is currently discussing the Gateway Conference vote. *Kolpack has contacted all of the Gateway AD's and is now somewhat changed his gut feeling on how the vote will go. *He feels it isn't is strong now as before and it is so close. *His predicition is that it will be 5-2 for expansion, but it is very shaky. *SI and MS are against and Indiana St is a very shaky for.
So why is Southern Illinois so against the idea? Don't they have a strong program?

02-17-2007, 05:03 PM
My feeling is that even if the vote is close going into Monday we're ok. Having Chapman is certainly not going to hurt our chances, it will only help.

02-17-2007, 05:28 PM
Never would've expected that from SIU.

After the way we almost went down to Carbondale and ruined everything for them in 2005, this is nothing more than sour grapes.

Frickin (word that rhymes with "wussies" meaning cats).

02-17-2007, 05:48 PM
Never would've expected that from SIU.

After the way we almost went down to Carbondale and ruined everything for them in 2005, this is nothing more than sour grapes.

Frickin (word that rhymes with "wussies" meaning cats).
You mean pussies!

02-17-2007, 05:49 PM

02-17-2007, 06:31 PM
I'm pulling like crazy for this Gateway vote. *To see NDSU basketball in Kanas City and Tulsa, and then to see football in Springfield and at N. Iowa would be GREAT...

02-17-2007, 06:34 PM
I'm pulling like crazy for this Gateway vote. *To see NDSU basketball in Kanas City and Tulsa, and then to see football in Springfield and at N. Iowa would be GREAT...

call your AD and let him know your support! ;)

02-17-2007, 06:37 PM
I'm pulling like crazy for this Gateway vote. *To see NDSU basketball in Kanas City and Tulsa, and then to see football in Springfield and at N. Iowa would be GREAT...

call your AD and let him know your support! *;)

I think Gene already knows that the Bison fans are supportive of getting into the Gateway. ;) ;D Or did you think he was a MSU fan?

02-17-2007, 06:42 PM
I thought Missouri State like Barry Hinson as their basketball coach. *Isn't the season going as well as last season?

Nobody likes Hinson, its NCAA or bust for him and if you saw on national tv he has lost a team that should have won the MVC.

02-18-2007, 09:04 PM
Just so there's no doubt, I am an NDSU grad 79, 82 and have gotten to see very little Bison sports over the past 15 years. *I was really excited to see NDSU play UMKC last year in basketball. *I have seen a couple of football playoff games in Missouri and did get up to the Mpls dome last year. *That was probably one of the most exciting football games I have ever seen (now if only that field goal hadn't been blocked). *That's why I pulling for Gateway membership.

02-19-2007, 03:29 PM
Never would've expected that from SIU.

After the way we almost went down to Carbondale and ruined everything for them in 2005, this is nothing more than sour grapes.

Frickin (word that rhymes with "wussies" meaning cats).

The SIU AD had some less than positive expansion comments in The Forum articles today.

02-19-2007, 03:53 PM
Interesting comments by the SIU AD.

Doug Fullerton, a while back, talked about the Big Sky helping Northern Colorado, assumably money-wise, with their transition into their conference.

Now, we are the newbie, and we may potentially have to help the existing members travel to us. Good grief. Why are some of these teams FCS, when they can't afford anything more than a bus. :-/ Strange.

Apparently, there are have's and have not's in every conference.

02-19-2007, 03:56 PM
The SIU coach didn't say anything negative, he said positive things-ie the FargoDome is a nice facilitity.


02-19-2007, 04:09 PM
I walked through the lobby this morning at 9:45 and there was a pretty good throng of people. A couple I recognized but not many. Spoke to Gene for a few minutes, they're meeting the South Dakota State people at 11:45 and then they'll join the room for lunch and their presentation early this afternoon. The meeting room is reserved from 10 to 5, but nothing is scheduled after that so they could stay longer if needed. Gene said he may fly back with Dr. Joe on the school plane instead of his commercial flight. I asked him if that meant they could hang around and possibly re-join the meeting later and he said maybe, but they don't expect that. Still I think it's mildly interesting that they are leaving things flexible for a possible offer-acceptance doubleheader here at the ole Renaissance. Getting some vibe that whatever is decided today will be kept under the hat until the Gateway wants to press release it, possibly a day or two from now. We'll see.

Posted by: Steve Hallstrom on 2/19/2007 10:51 AM


02-19-2007, 04:12 PM
Okay, it's not the first time I have been accused of that. ;D

Well, explain the very last paragraph of today's in-forum article to me than, Einstein. ::)

02-19-2007, 04:17 PM
Getting some vibe that whatever is decided today will be kept under the hat until the Gateway wants to press release it, possibly a day or two from now. We'll see.

^^^^^^^^^^^^ That would suck.

02-19-2007, 04:28 PM
The SIU coach didn't say anything negative, he said positive things-ie the FargoDome is a nice facilitity.


Maybe not to NDSU, but certainly negative in relation to his program at SIU and the expansion talks.

02-19-2007, 04:30 PM
Okay, it's not the first time I have been accused of that. ;D

Well, explain the very last paragraph of today's in-forum article to me than, Einstein. ::)

“I think it will be interesting to see how the schools address the potential increased costs of travel,” he said. “I don’t know if the schools will offer a stipend to help other league schools get there, which I doubt.”

Costs of travel are a concern.

Yep. You're right. Why did we ever respond to overtures from the Gateway? Coach M made it clear as day, XDSU has no chance............................


02-19-2007, 04:53 PM
Getting some vibe that whatever is decided today will be kept under the hat until the Gateway wants to press release it, possibly a day or two from now. We'll see.

^^^^^^^^^^^^ That would suck.

But it wouldn't suck anywhere near as bad as waiting until the summer.

02-19-2007, 04:54 PM
I'm pretty sure they would like to get this thing done and will vote today. I am almost positive at that.

02-19-2007, 05:07 PM
Good luck to the Bison and Jackrabbit faithful.

02-19-2007, 05:27 PM
OK it's 12:30, have they voted yet?

02-19-2007, 05:28 PM

02-19-2007, 05:47 PM

Nothing much in the way of interesting comments, Joe said the Gateway people have told them not to expect coming back once they leave the meeting. He also said the only info they were asked to bring was a brief document --institutional profile stuff. Asked if they wanted to see video of facilities, etc, and they said no. Joe says they know all of that stufff already but I still thought it was strange they wouldn't get to make more of a presentation. So that tells me they're going to get right to business with the Q and A. Craig Bohl is not here. Gene and Joe said they will give us a short comment after the meeting, so we'll have some of that tonight at 6:00.

Joe thinks that they will say nothing today when the meeting is done. Won't that be fun. Only one way to find out.

-Steve Hallstrom

02-19-2007, 05:48 PM
Looks to me like we aren't going to have an answer today.

The question is will the answer come this week or this summer?

02-19-2007, 06:21 PM
what a waste of our time, *sniff sniff*

02-19-2007, 06:42 PM
Is the meeting open to the public?

02-19-2007, 06:59 PM
Best of luck with the vote today. I hope you get what you want!

02-19-2007, 07:00 PM
Best of luck with the vote today. *I hope you get what you want!

Thanks......it is some nerve racking waiting for sure......

02-19-2007, 07:01 PM
Best of luck with the vote today. *I hope you get what you want!

Thanks - The Great West has been a great home for us but the Gateway would be hard to turn down if we are asked.

02-19-2007, 07:06 PM
The latest from Jeff Kolpack..............

NDSU President Joe Chapman and athletic director Gene Taylor left the Gateway meeting a few minutes ago. Both said their presentations went fine and they didn't get any questions that surprised them.

Also, both got no indication when they would hear the results.

This is from his blog...........


02-19-2007, 07:28 PM
Check out Kolpack in the media blog:


Sworn to Secrecy

Two words, folks: be patient.

Gateway media relations director Mike Kern, talking during a break in the Gateway meeting or presidents, athletic directors, coaches and institutional representatives this afternoon, said there will be no announcement today even if an expansion vote takes place. He put the time table as later this week.

ahh how much longer must we wait??

02-19-2007, 07:52 PM

02-19-2007, 08:04 PM

Patience? Patience???? PATIENCE???????????????????????

I don't have time for patience! This is killing me......

I say we send Lakes down there to scare them into immediately letting us in as I am through with patience!

02-19-2007, 08:08 PM
He put the time table as later this week.

Doesnt this sound like they might have SOMETHING to announce ??

02-19-2007, 08:10 PM
I believe both Chapman and SDSU have stated they would like to inform the GWFC before any announcement is made. That will make the process a little bit longer yet.

02-19-2007, 08:11 PM
So if no official announcement is given until later this week, is that good or bad news for the SU's??

02-19-2007, 08:13 PM
So if no official announcement is given until later this week, is that good or bad news for the SU's?? *

I would say an announcement later this week would be good news and having to wait until the summer would be the worst news.

02-19-2007, 08:17 PM
we need a yes or no asap in order to address our future schedule.

i don't see what difference a few months makes.

the gateway needs to seriously consider expansion, it has only two serious contenders.

what does waiting until the summer do?

02-19-2007, 08:37 PM
we need a yes or no asap in order to address our future schedule.

i don't see what difference a few months makes.

the gateway needs to seriously consider expansion, it has only two serious contenders.

what does waiting until the summer do?

Other than make the XSDU's sweat and potentially mess up our attempts for scheduling in 2007 & 2008 (home & home games).

02-19-2007, 08:44 PM
Waiting until the summer would mess up the existing Gateway schools work on their 2008 and beyond schedules also.

02-19-2007, 09:08 PM
So if no official announcement is given until later this week, is that good or bad news for the SU's?? *

I think that it's GOOD news. If we don't get in there will be no announcement. They won't have a press conference to say that we're NOT in, they will only have one if we are in. They won't make an announcement to say that nothing has changed. That wouldn't be announcing anything, they'll have to have SOMETHING to announce.

02-19-2007, 09:10 PM
I agree....they are getting the press conferences ready and we will be in by the end of the week. I think this is a very positive development!!

02-19-2007, 09:11 PM
So if no official announcement is given until later this week, is that good or bad news for the SU's?? *

I think that it's GOOD news. *If we don't get in there will be no announcement. *They won't have a press conference to say that we're NOT in, they will only have one if we are in. *They won't make an announcement to say that nothing has changed. *That wouldn't be announcing anything, they'll have to have SOMETHING to announce. *

huh? either way they will make some sort of announcement

02-19-2007, 09:13 PM
So if no official announcement is given until later this week, is that good or bad news for the SU's??

I think that it's GOOD news. If we don't get in there will be no announcement. They won't have a press conference to say that we're NOT in, they will only have one if we are in. They won't make an announcement to say that nothing has changed. That wouldn't be announcing anything, they'll have to have SOMETHING to announce.

Too bad UND isn't in the Gateway, then we'd get a 'we aren't going to add NDSU to the Gateway Press Conference.'

02-19-2007, 09:45 PM
WOW, I read some scary stuff. The way I took it at first like, 'total waste of our time" was pretty scary to see. I thought that we didn't get the vote!! DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THIS!!!! I have no idea what is going on!

02-19-2007, 10:05 PM
A vote was not taken today as just reported on the Bison media blog. There may be a conference call in a couple of weeks.

02-19-2007, 10:05 PM
A vote was not taken today as just reported on the Bison media blog. There may be a conference call in a couple of weeks.

No vote today

From Hallstrom in St. Louis: no vote on expansion was taken today. It appears the Gateway presidents need more information and the talk now is of a conference call in perhaps two weeks.

Not sure what that means for NDSU and SDSU.

Posted by: Jeff Kolpack on 2/19/2007 at 4:57 PM

yup...... :-/

02-19-2007, 11:18 PM
I wonder what the hell they're waiting for and what additional info they need......

02-19-2007, 11:53 PM
Some interesting comments from Steve Hallstrom on PTS.

- Meeting was basically over by 3:00 PM because President's decided earlier that there would be no vote today,
- There may be negotiations going on behind the scenes for financial assistance for the travel to the Dakotas,
- Some Presidents need more time to consider the information (or to allow for further negotiations),
- There were quite a few questions related to the long-term plans of NDSU & SDSU,
- Participants were under strict orders from the Conference to make no comments.

Gene Taylor is on PTS right now.

02-20-2007, 12:06 AM
Like I said on AGS, it seems like the Gateway presidents wanted to meet face to face with the XDSU schools, here what they want to say and then go back to their schools talk it over and make the best decision for their schools. Sounds like a typical business meeting actually.

Sorry cant get information for you guys but everybody down here is in full basketball mode.

02-20-2007, 12:06 AM
A vote was not taken today as just reported on the Bison media blog. *There may be a conference call in a couple of weeks.

No vote today

From Hallstrom in St. Louis: no vote on expansion was taken today. It appears the Gateway presidents need more information and the talk now is of a conference call in perhaps two weeks.

Not sure what that means for NDSU and SDSU.

Posted by: Jeff Kolpack on 2/19/2007 at 4:57 PM

yup...... :-/

Now I don't like the sounds of that.............geez.......... :P

02-20-2007, 12:16 AM
Some interesting comments from Steve Hallstrom on PTS.

- *Meeting was basically over by 3:00 PM because President's decided earlier that there would be no vote today,
- *There may be negotiations going on behind the scenes for financial assistance for the travel to the Dakotas,
- *Some Presidents need more time to consider the information (or to allow for further negotiations),
- *There were quite a few questions related to the long-term plans of NDSU & SDSU,
- *Participants were under strict orders from the Conference to make no comments.

Gene Taylor is on PTS right now.
Don't let them play hard ball with you, they need you more than you need them. *You have a great conference to fall back on. *Just curious, are they going to offer financial assistance to NDSU and SDSU for travel to the Gateway member schools?

02-20-2007, 12:27 AM
Here are some rational thoughts.

If the presidents are going for strictly business decision for the football conference it bodes well for the xdsu's.
1. Business decisions are rarely made immediately after one face to face with the parties involved, no matter how much information was known before hand. Not to mention without the ability to talk over with your own staff first after meeting face to face.
2. The conference is vulnerable right now. Losing another school or two would really hurt at this point.
3. Scheduling with 9 is much better than 7 and the pain is being felt by the conference now.
4. If the Presidents would make a rash decision immediately it most surably would be a status quo (no vote).
5. Satisfying concerns and make it an unamamous vote (if possible) is valuable for the future of the conference.
6. Travel costs will be ironed out, looking at them realistically they are not bad at all.
7. Timing is key to many things and timing for this is pretty good right now.
8. Adding NDSU provides very strong football prowes and SDSU is actually a good companion in that they aren't overly strong, but are quality.
9. Realistically either xDSU leaving this FB conference is not very likely anytime soon.

Taking in all the business options and making the business analysis decision here implies that the xDSU's will be offer admission.

PS. One can't fault those with control of the situation to try and wring some dollars out the new comers. (ie. travel costs)

02-20-2007, 12:39 AM
Some interesting comments from Steve Hallstrom on PTS.

- *Meeting was basically over by 3:00 PM because President's decided earlier that there would be no vote today,
- *There may be negotiations going on behind the scenes for financial assistance for the travel to the Dakotas,
- *Some Presidents need more time to consider the information (or to allow for further negotiations),
- *There were quite a few questions related to the long-term plans of NDSU & SDSU,
- *Participants were under strict orders from the Conference to make no comments.

Gene Taylor is on PTS right now.

Gene stated on PTS that only one school inquired about possible financial assistance. He believes the rest of the AD's understand that they are essentially getting an additional home/away conference series every year.

02-20-2007, 12:47 AM
Some interesting comments from Steve Hallstrom on PTS.

- *Meeting was basically over by 3:00 PM because President's decided earlier that there would be no vote today,
- *There may be negotiations going on behind the scenes for financial assistance for the travel to the Dakotas,
- *Some Presidents need more time to consider the information (or to allow for further negotiations),
- *There were quite a few questions related to the long-term plans of NDSU & SDSU,
- *Participants were under strict orders from the Conference to make no comments.

Gene Taylor is on PTS right now.

Gene stated on PTS that only one school inquired about possible financial assistance. He believes the rest of the AD's understand that *they are essentially getting an additional home/away conference series every year.

I bet it was Indiana State. I know they are having a hard time with budget issues right now. I know our AD talked about it before but our school can get charter jets really easy.

02-20-2007, 12:49 AM
im thinkin the gateway has a few school that are just being a bunch of little girls about the situation....the whole its to far to travel thing is a big load of BS, we traveled a hell of alot further than those schools did this year and we are still transitioning, u cant tell me we are that much mroe financially stable than they school thats have been in the gateway and in I-AA for so long

02-20-2007, 12:51 AM
And that's what I don't get.

The Gateway has schools on the cusp of ending scholarship football, others who have considered making the moving to FBS.

You lose 1 you're in trouble, you lose 2 you're done.

Schools with budget problems who voted against expansion weren't thinking about the Conference they were thinking about themselves. Nothing wrong with that except for when you fall short and take your neighbors with you.

02-20-2007, 12:54 AM
they need us. we have a fine alternative in the great west and while no one wants to do this if we stay in the great west and admit the suzies and yotes we have a pretty nice little conference of our own. certainly i do not want to und any favors after the way they behaved when we went D1 but if some of the gateway authorities continue to trip on their skirts we will need to create a position of strength.

02-20-2007, 12:57 AM
Your right, isn't it better for the President's to strengthen the Gateway both by numbers and quality, rather than staying as is and risk losing an autobid in the future?

02-20-2007, 01:22 AM
I remember the travel issue being raised when Northern Colorado wanted to join the North Central Conference. While some of the schools brought up the distance to Greeley for games, UNC pointed out that they would have to travel relatively long distances for every conference game.

Northern Colorado was, of course, invited to join the league and I'm sure they provided no travel assistance for the teams to get to Colorado.

02-20-2007, 02:37 AM
The Gateway is not looking very impressive. They know they are in trouble memberwise. They know they have a some week sisters that don't want to upgrade their programs. They knew all of this before the meeting. What is it about the painfully obvious of adding two premier institutions that is not understandable? That two transition schools should have to throw them some travel crumbs only adds to their pathetic obfuscation.

Lets take the coyotes & susies with the CA schools & Southern Utah and make a real conference. We would have 7 schools. There are 6 of them that could probably lay a royal pasting on anyone of the getaway conference schools. No autobid? Well we probably could earn at least two at large bids.

In fact, I bet that's what Gene & Joe are thinking too.

02-20-2007, 02:51 AM
The Gateway is not looking very impressive. They know they are in trouble memberwise. They know they have a some week sisters that don't want to upgrade their programs. They knew all of this before the meeting. What is it about the painfully obvious of adding two premier institutions that is not understandable? That two transition schools should have to throw them some travel crumbs only adds to their pathetic *obfuscation.

Lets take the coyotes & susies with the CA schools & Southern Utah and make a real conference. *We would have 7 schools. There are 6 of them that could probably *lay a royal pasting on anyone of the getaway conference schools. No autobid? Well we probably could earn at least two at large bids.

In fact, I bet that's what Gene & Joe are thinking too. They might be thinking WAC.

02-20-2007, 02:54 AM
The Gateway is not looking very impressive. They know they are in trouble memberwise. They know they have a some week sisters that don't want to upgrade their programs. They knew all of this before the meeting. What is it about the painfully obvious of adding two premier institutions that is not understandable? That two transition schools should have to throw them some travel crumbs only adds to their pathetic *obfuscation.

Lets take the coyotes & susies with the CA schools & Southern Utah and make a real conference. *We would have 7 schools. There are 6 of them that could probably *lay a royal pasting on anyone of the getaway conference schools. No autobid? Well we probably could earn at least two at large bids.

In fact, I bet that's what Gene & Joe are thinking too. They might be thinking WAC.

I'm doubting that.

02-20-2007, 03:02 AM
if the gateway invites, we accept. we all rejoice and have playoff eligibility in 08. if they (gateway girls) misstep we mend fences and renew old rivalries. i am simply saying we are not in a position of weakness. 8-)

02-20-2007, 03:07 AM
I would also like to be within reasonable driving distance so I can travel to away games as well. I will probably never make it to utah or california. If we were to be accepted into the Gateway conference then I could drive to SDSU, UNI, (Minnesota for OOC), and maybe SIU. Travel for the fans is key as well.

02-20-2007, 03:18 AM
The GATEWAY is a lot better for fan travel. Western ILLINOIS ETC..

02-20-2007, 03:26 AM
I'm with you Freak, unless I win the lotto I am not going to be able to afford trips to Utah or Cali for at least the next 5 to 10 years. The Gateway would at least make a road trip a year possible.

Also, the Gateway is by the far best fit for NDSU long term and I don't see any reason yet to hop onto the negative train. Just give them some time because nobody said an invite was coming today.

02-20-2007, 03:36 AM
I would also like to be within reasonable driving distance so I can travel to away games as well. I will probably never make it to utah or california. If we were to be accepted into the Gateway conference then I could drive to SDSU, UNI, (Minnesota for OOC), and maybe SIU. Travel for the fans is key as well.
If you stay in the GWFC you can still drive to SDSU an Minnesota and in 2009 USD and UND and an occational Gateway team for an OOC game. *As far as California and Utah, get 10 or 12 of your buddies rent an RV fill it with beer and munchies and road trip once a year.

02-20-2007, 03:39 AM
maybe my posts are being construed as negative, but what iam saying is we are in a no lose situation. if we do remain in the great west we add the suzies and the yotes, i'm guessing those are road trips most fans can make if they are able to currently travel to brookings. it was also reported that Dr. Chapman indicated we would give financial support to help with travel expenses but no specifics were given.

02-20-2007, 03:49 AM
Whether it's Gateway or Great West, either has the potential to be the strongest conference in FCS in a few years with the XSDU's included. 4 Dakota schools and 2 Cali schools will be better then the Gateway without us. Arrogent yes, but very likely. I agree skolbro, we're not in a bad position.

02-20-2007, 03:56 AM
I don't understand how some of these gateway schools can even be in the FCS division? If you can't afford a trip to fargo every two years, you are obviously struggling. Plus your getting an extra home game each year making scheduling a hell of a lot easier...I don't understand what there is to debate or discuss?

02-20-2007, 12:32 PM
I would be willing to bet the financial assistance for travel will be rather small and only for a few years. There's no way we're going to be paying very long or it would be a great reason to jump to a new conference when we can. We'll find out who the schools are that are resisting and beat them like a dirty dog everytime we play them. ;)

02-20-2007, 01:37 PM
I'm with you Freak, unless I win the lotto I am not going to be able to afford trips to Utah or Cali for at least the next 5 to 10 years. The Gateway would at least make a road trip a year possible.

Also, the Gateway is by the far best fit for NDSU long term and I don't see any reason yet to hop onto the negative train. Just give them some time because nobody said an invite was coming today.

Like you say the Gateway is by far the best for NDSU. History, tradition, strength, auto-bid, geographic locations, population base and recruiting area are just a few of the differences between the Gateway and Great West. Why the negative talk about the Gateway Conference, when they haven't even made a decision yet? Travel issues are always brought up when discussing the Dakotas and nobody has send it is a deal breaker yet. Also, fees are part of the conference membership process and if you consider them long-term over the length of a membership period they are not unreasonable.

02-20-2007, 02:27 PM
As an outsider I can say that the Gateway is a great conference and a great fit for both NDSU and SDSU. *Both schools would make a great conference even better. *That said, I am hoping the weak sister in it vote against adding the Dakotas and you stay in the GWFC.

I think that the Gateway is the better conference for both schools in the short term because of scheduling and the auto bid. *In the long term I am not so sure. *There are schools that have an eye on the FBS (YSU, Il. State, So. Il., Missouri State) and Indiana State may drop football. *I think all three remaining schools in the GWFC are committed to the FCS (UC Davis may looking at the FBS but it is at least 10 or more years away) and the conference will continue to grow with the UXD's coming in and the possible addition of two other schools. You do not need to go to a conference with great history, you are in a conference that is making it's own history that is very impressive in it's short three years. Now that all the schools have at least 57 scholarships, it is only going to get better.

I think that if the Gateway offers, the Dakotas have to except, just don't let them hold you hostage. *You are in the drivers seat because you have a great conference to fall back on. *Don't forget they would not need to expand if they thought the conference was stable. *In short, they need you more than you need them. *

02-20-2007, 03:15 PM
This was an Associated Press story:


02-20-2007, 04:16 PM

Gateway presidents requested more time to study the issue and tentatively will hold a teleconference to take a vote in early March.

Lot of you guys are getting your panties in a wad, just calm down.

02-20-2007, 04:19 PM
The "we didn't have enough information" bid is comical at best.

It's a slap in our faces.

Right, I'm sure you travelled all the way to Saint Louis knowing full well that every president was going to be there to talk about this and WHOOPS I forgot all my info! NDSU, where is that located again?

Don't give me that crock.

SIU is trying to round up the Mob into asking for bribes from NDSU and SDSU. That's what the wait is for. They're lobbying.

02-20-2007, 04:20 PM
The Gateway may not need to add the XDSUs to survive, but if they choose to not add them out of fears of competition, then the Gateway is likely doomed. It's a question of whether the Gateway wants to make a committment to excellence or not. If enough members fear competition sufficiently to block expansion, that might spell out the beginning of the end for the Gateway as a strong conference.

If this happened, the stronger Gateway teams may seek to move to the FBS or to move to a stronger FCS conference. Again, it's not so much that the Gateway needs to add the XDSUs as it needs to maintain a committment to excellence, or it is in danger of fading. They could keep themselves strong by adding some other good FCS teams if they were available.

If the XDSUs were turned down, I wonder if some Gateway teams might move to the Great West. :)

02-20-2007, 04:26 PM
Its like dating a girl, you first notice how attractive she is from a far (that is seeing how well the schools are doing), then you ask for her number (getting the information packet), then you have the first date (president's meeting) and then you want to see if she is right one (the period right now) and then maybe marriage (the vote in early March).

02-20-2007, 04:28 PM
Its like dating a girl, you first notice how attractive she is from a far (that is seeing how well the schools are doing), then you ask for her number (getting the information packet), then you have the first date (president's meeting) and then you want to see if she is right one (the period right now) and then maybe marriage (the vote in early March).

BearsCountry, thanks for all your info and insight.

02-20-2007, 04:29 PM
Bison football will be in good shape with either the Gateway or soon-to-be-expanded Great West

The Gateway will risk being taken over in quality and quantity if they don't take NDSU/SDSU

I can't see how the Gateway will say NO

They have this one opportunity to say Yes or forever hold their peace

02-20-2007, 06:26 PM
if the gateway invites, we accept. we all rejoice and have playoff eligibility in 08. if they (gateway girls) misstep we mend fences and renew old rivalries. i am simply saying we are not in a position of weakness. *8-)
The GWFC is a position of weakness due to the long wait for autobid and long travel distances.

02-21-2007, 02:04 AM

Anyone look at http://www.bisonzone.com/
or www.gatewayfootball.org/ ???

Coincidence? :-?

02-21-2007, 02:07 AM
The Gateway site has been down all week. I couldn't get on it before the meeting was scheduled. The Forum is down just tonight and it probably has something to do with the vulgar childish attacks on Lakes and JBB on the media blog.

02-21-2007, 02:09 AM
The Gateway site has been down all week. *I couldn't get on it before the meeting was scheduled. *The Forum is down just tonight and it probably has something to do with the vulgar childish attacks on Lakes and JBB on the media blog.

Way to shoot down my conspiracy theory!! >:( >:( ;) :P

02-21-2007, 03:08 AM
Hey Bisonguy the In-Forum, Bison Zone and Media Blogs are back up and running.

McFeely says that him, Kolpack and Hallstrom are tired of the vulgar 7th grade posts laced with profanity. Hopefully they reign the blogs in because I enjoy their insight and would hate to lose them due to some trolls.

02-21-2007, 03:12 AM
This thread has over 10,000 views.

My, oh my.

02-21-2007, 03:12 AM
Yeah, I saw they were back up

Oh noes!!! Censorship!!!! I'll never go there again!!!

02-21-2007, 03:31 AM
Anything worth watching on WDAY's 10:00 news tonight regarding the Gateway?

02-21-2007, 03:34 AM
Anything worth watching on WDAY's 10:00 news tonight regarding the Gateway?

Hallstrom said....All that stands in the way of Dakota expansion is money, looks like the conference and the Dakota SU's are going to be having some talks over the next few weeks as to just how much is fair.

I bet NDSU ends up giving the Gateway a similar deal as it gave the Mid-Con, $100-250k enterance fee and 8 year committment with a 500k exit fee.

02-21-2007, 03:43 AM
Apples and oranges.

The Mid-Con is our home for a dozen sports. The Gateway would be for one.

No Mid-Con, life in conference no-man's land. No Gateway, life in the Great West.

The number referenced by Steve was $500,000. My baloney has a first name, it's G-A-T-E-W-A-Y. My baloney has a second name, it's.........

02-21-2007, 03:48 AM
$500,000 for what leaving? *Or for joining?

I would say a joining fee of about $100,000 would be fair. *I would say an early exit penalty of $250,000 for 8 years if the conference maintains membership of 9 eligible teams during those 8 years. *If teams leave and the conference dips below the 6 teams required to maintain an autobid the early exit penalty should be waived.

02-21-2007, 04:13 AM
According to Steve NDSU offered the Gateway a similar early exit package as to the one it gave the Mid-Con. Yes, some schools are asking for up to 500k(to join) but I suppose the Gateway will start high and NDSU will start low and they'll work to some common ground in the middle eventually.

02-21-2007, 04:19 AM
From WDAY TV sports at 10:00
http://www.in-forum.com/av/index.cfm?id=12781&CFID=21226575&CFTOKEN=10515506& jsessionid=8830334e69771c33583f

Some key points:

Hallstrom reported that all that stands in the way (of Gateway membership) is money. NDSU has offered to make an 8-year commitment with a $500,000 buyout. Chapman also offered that NDSU would be willing to help with travel expenses. Last night, after the meeting, Taylor received reports that some schools want NDSU and SDSU to pay up to $500K to join. He thinks that is too steep.

02-21-2007, 05:23 AM

"NDSU’s reluctance to help pay travel costs, however, wouldn’t stop the Gateway from divvying part of an initiation fee toward travel, Taylor said. The amount of the fee hasn’t been specified but Taylor said he wouldn’t be surprised if it was in the neighborhood of the $250,000 NDSU is obligated to pay the Mid-Continent Conference."

02-21-2007, 07:42 AM
Yikes! Even more drama from the Gateway decision.

Emergency landing (http://www.in-forum.com/Sports/articles/157297)

A private plane carrying North Dakota State President Joe Chapman and athletic director Gene Taylor made an emergency landing Monday in Kirksville, Mo.

02-21-2007, 12:21 PM
$500,000 for what leaving? *Or for joining?

I would say a joining fee of about $100,000 would be fair. *I would say an early exit penalty of $250,000 for 8 years if the conference maintains membership of 9 eligible teams during those 8 years. *If teams leave and the conference dips below the 6 teams required to maintain an autobid the early exit penalty should be waived.

As per the 10:00 WDAY news last night, the $500,000 mark is for JOINING, not leaving. Taylor & Chapman said they'd have no problem with an 8 yr commitment with a half mil exit fee, but not an entry fee. Can't say I disagree with their stance. $500,000 to join seems like a lot and also seems (to me, anyway) that the Gateway is taking advantage of our situation. We'd basically be paying their traveling expenses as well as our own. I don't like that idea. I agree with your terms, KChats. It wouldn't be the worst thing to go back to the GWFC but their is a list of 'cons' with that scenario, as well. I would prefer to join the Gateway for the simple fact of the autobid and to further distance ourselves from the Flickertails but not if we're going to get jerked around and treated like suckers. At least we're appreciated in the Great West. Should be an interesting next couple of weeks [smiley=vrolijk_26.gif]


02-21-2007, 12:28 PM
i think you're off the mark, ndsubison.

NDSU promised to pay a 500k penalty if they left the Gateway within 8 years.
NDSU is apparently willing to pay an admission fee in the ballpark of what it paid the Mid-Con (max of 250k).

Members of the GFC put forth the figure of 500k for covering transportation in addition to a admission fee.

02-21-2007, 02:10 PM
Seems to be a lot of confusion on the amount of the enterance fee, but there is no amount yet that I am aware of, we only have Taylor's guesstimate. He thinks they will ask for 250K, and a similar exit fee of 500K, that NDSU paid to get into the Mid-Con. Reasonable? I don't know...not for me to decide. Many have stated it is not because Mid-Con is multi-sport and Gateway is only football. However, football is the economic driver at this point and for some time to come, which would appear to justify the enterance fee similarities.

Interestingly, Taylor has taken the travel stipend off the table. (As a sidebar, it always interests me how two different people can hear the same thing and come to two different reports. One beat reporter says Chapman "offered" a travel stipend, the other reported that Chapman said NDSU would "consider" it when he was asked about a travel stipend after his presentation. Who is right?) I don't know if taking that off the table is wise or not. If the amount Taylor threw out as a guesstimate is the amount the Gateway would want, 30K per season for 4 years, is that too much? That is $7500/ conference home game. Right now we have four games a year and Taylor has to go out and find the other 7. I am sure that our two non-conference home games this year cost us more than 40K PER GAME! With the Gateway he would have 8 games a year, four home slots filed without having to break a sweat. Is that worth $7500/game or not?

It might be worth it to get rid of the scheduling hassle.

02-21-2007, 02:15 PM
What would the reaction be if NDSU decides the price is too high and rejects the Gateway then to watch in a couple years as UND accepts those terms and joins?

By walking away now NDSU will open the door for that to happen.

02-21-2007, 02:21 PM
Maybe I missed it somewhere, but just out of curiosity, where does this money come from?

02-21-2007, 02:28 PM
Seems to be a lot of confusion on the amount of the enterance fee, but there is no amount yet that I am aware of, we only have Taylor's guesstimate. He thinks they will ask for 250K, and a similar exit fee of 500K, that NDSU paid to get into the Mid-Con. Reasonable? I don't know...not for me to decide. Many have stated it is not because Mid-Con is multi-sport and Gateway is only football. *However, football is the economic driver at this point and for some time to come, which would appear to justify the enterance fee similarities.

Interestingly, Taylor has taken the travel stipend off the table. (As a sidebar, it always interests me how two different people can hear the same thing and come to two different reports. One beat reporter says Chapman "offered" a travel stipend, the other reported that Chapman said NDSU would "consider" it when he was asked about a travel stipend after his presentation. Who is right?) *I don't know if taking that off the table is wise or not. If the amount Taylor threw out as a guesstimate is the amount the Gateway would want, 30K per season for 4 years, is that too much? That is $7500/ conference home game. *Right now we have four games a year and Taylor has to go out and find the other 7. I am sure that our two non-conference home games this year cost us more than 40K PER GAME! *With the Gateway he would have 8 games a year, four home slots filed without having to break a sweat. *Is that worth $7500/game or not?

It might be worth it to get rid of the scheduling hassle.

Yes, it just might be worth it. We are already paying some travel costs. It was reported that the Bison will be paying for the charter costs for Sam Houston to come up to the FD this fall.

02-21-2007, 02:28 PM
Maybe I missed it somewhere, but just out of curiosity, where does this money come from?

Discretionary funds, all from non-appropriated sources. Student fees perhaps, ticket receipts maybe, overhead/in direct costs from extramural research grants is another possibility, a loan from the alumni association may also be in order. All that we know for sure, is that it would have to come from non-tax (ND appropriated) dollars.

If you are a wealthy farmer living near Minot and got your education at the ag school, I am sure Papa Joe would love to have you pick up the tab ;)

02-21-2007, 02:31 PM
I think your math is faulty, neil.

We already have 2 conference home games. We would be adding 2 more. The cost wouldn't just be the 30k/year, you have to factor in the 250k as well.

Given that UND and USD are moving up, in 2009, that would mean the gateway provides one extra home game (in addition to higher travel costs relative to GF and Vermillion).

Basically, NDSU would be paying $370 for 2 home games in 2008, and 1 home game in perpetuity.

I know the thought of playing UND gives some people the shakes, but a schedule with


4 worth it for the casual fan to pay to see vs.

Mo State

4 worth paying to see-the GWFC is a very good second alternative.

02-21-2007, 02:43 PM
Its a matter of personal preference. I want new blood and opponents that the Gateway Conference provides. I thought we left the DII landscape?

02-21-2007, 02:45 PM
Its a matter of personal preference. *I want new blood and opponents that the Gateway Conference provides. *I thought we left the DII landscape?

Yes, and so is UND and USD. Get over it.

02-21-2007, 02:52 PM
I think recruiting-wise, the Gateway is a much better fit for us. If we can get kids from Chicago, St Louis, etc. to at least come and look at NDSU, the coaches, facilities and tradition do the rest. I think the Gateway exposure will do wonders for us.

02-21-2007, 03:03 PM
The bigger concern I have with this thing (more than the money) is the seemingly lack of commitment to quality football from the bottom half of the Gateway Conference. Cripes, some of the schools are questioning if they should provide scholorships! It would be disasterous for us to join a conference and then have it fizzle in a few years. At least with the Great West we know what we have.

02-21-2007, 03:07 PM
Its a matter of personal preference. *I want new blood and opponents that the Gateway Conference provides. *I thought we left the DII landscape?

Yes, and so is UND and USD. *Get over it.

Get over what? I see nothing wrong with that quote and in fact I agree. The Gateway Conference would provide an exciting mix of new opponents.

02-21-2007, 03:14 PM
Its a matter of personal preference. *I want new blood and opponents that the Gateway Conference provides. *I thought we left the DII landscape?

Yes, and so is UND and USD. *Get over it.

Get over what? *I see nothing wrong with that quote and in fact I agree. *The Gateway Conference would provide an exciting mix of new opponents. *

++ Exactly ;)

02-21-2007, 04:03 PM
I4 worth it for the casual fan to pay to see vs.

Mo State

I would add FCS Playoff Team, Illinois State as a worth while game for the casual fan to pay to seem making 5 in the Gateway.

02-21-2007, 04:06 PM
As much negative stuff about Missouri St and SIU I have seen you would think they would be the hated teams of the Gateway.

02-21-2007, 04:29 PM
I think your math is faulty, neil.

We already have 2 conference home games. *We would be adding 2 more. *The cost wouldn't just be the 30k/year, you have to factor in the 250k as well.

Given that UND and USD are moving up, in 2009, that would mean the gateway provides one extra home game (in addition to higher travel costs relative to GF and Vermillion).

Basically, NDSU would be paying $370 for 2 home games in 2008, and 1 home game in perpetuity.

I know the thought of playing UND gives some people the shakes, but a schedule with


4 worth it for the casual fan to pay to see vs.

Mo State

4 worth paying to see-the GWFC is a very good second alternative.

Nothing wrong with my math, maybe something wrong with your logic.

If we want to get into the conference, the up front fee is part of the deal, not negotiable (perhaps other than the amount). My comment dealt only with the travel stipend portion of the Gateway deal. Besides, you can't add the entry fee to the conference onto the first year, what's the deal with that?

Right now we have four home games, that have probably cost us at least 90K (non conference games cost us, the conference games didn't cost us, figure based on an average of what has been written in the press for last years visitors), for an average of $22500/game amoratized over all four. For four home games with the Gateway, those same four games would cost us 30K, or $7500 apiece.

02-21-2007, 04:51 PM
so the 250k doesn't count? ::) (ie, yes your logic is flawed)

it's only a sunk cost once it's paid and that certainly hasn't happened yet.

(you also cannot ignore that NDSU has 2 conference home games in the GWFC today)

with numbers 'thrown out' by taylor, the cost of joining the GFC is 370,000 bucks.

for that NDSU would see an additional 2 home games in 2008 and 1 home game in 2009 and beyond (assuming UND and USD join the GWFC, where NDSU will stay).

not very close in my book.

02-21-2007, 06:16 PM
so the 250k doesn't count? * ::) (ie, yes your logic is flawed)

it's only a sunk cost once it's paid and that certainly hasn't happened yet.

(you also cannot ignore that NDSU has 2 conference home games in the GWFC today)

with numbers 'thrown out' by taylor, the cost of joining the GFC is 370,000 bucks.

for that NDSU would see an additional 2 home games in 2008 and 1 home game in 2009 and beyond (assuming UND and USD join the GWFC, where NDSU will stay). not very close in my book.

No, it doesn't count. You have to amoratorize the the entrance fee over the LIFE of our stay in the conference. If it's 10 years, then 25K per year, or whatever. *

Are you adding the enterance fee into the Mid-Con on the first year? Probably not because that'd different, right, since no conference existed before? Well, we had a conference before we left DII behind, along with UND and USD that you obviously think are the holy grail.

It's still not a bad deal for solving most of our scheduling woes. *You are assuming GWF will offer the UXD schools, probably yes, but not done yet, so you are making assumptions not yet in evidence. If we assume they do join we are still talking about the difference between getting 4 non-conference games versus 3 with the Gateway. You make this sound like a trivial matter, but obviously from our current and past scheduling problems it is not.

I personally am not holding my breath for the opportunity to play UND and USD. *Hold me back, please, the excitement... *I liked the DI move from the get go so that we could play a large number of teams from around the country. *Having a re-hash of the NCC is not so exciting to me, and worth the extra cost per game, nuff said.

02-21-2007, 06:50 PM
didn't say you it shouldn't be amortized, you discount it completely-(you also don't recognize the value of the return that money could have elsewhere)

The Mid-Con is different (and I'm pretty sure you know it). The decision to move to division I was made long before the Mid-Con offered membership. Our option at the time was Mid-Con + $250,000 or no-conference for most of our sports. That's a no-brainer.

I never said the difference between the GFC and the GWFC with USD and UND was trivial (you used the word correctly, so I'll assume you know what the word really means). I think the difference in my opinion only, is negligible.

02-21-2007, 09:00 PM
Its a matter of personal preference. *I want new blood and opponents that the Gateway Conference provides. *I thought we left the DII landscape?

Yes, and so is UND and USD. *Get over it.

Get over what? *I see nothing wrong with that quote and in fact I agree. *The Gateway Conference would provide an exciting mix of new opponents. *

Get over the fact that UND and USD will also be D1. Calling them part of the DII landscape is really quite silly when NDSU was also part of the same DII landscape.

02-21-2007, 11:33 PM
I think recruiting-wise, the Gateway is a much better fit for us. *If we can get *kids from Chicago, St Louis, etc. to at least come and look at NDSU, the coaches, facilities and tradition do the rest. *I think the Gateway exposure will do wonders for us. *

NDSU already does get recruits from the gateway footprint. I like the fact that NDSU does not limit the search for recruits by going to TX, FL,IL,WI, Ect...

02-21-2007, 11:43 PM
If you have to schedule a lot of non-conference games, that gives potential non-conference opponents a lot of leverage: it means you need the game more than they need it. If the xDSUs remain in the GFWC and the GWFC adds the UxDs, that leaves you with 5 non-conference games to schedule, and that's still a lot.

02-22-2007, 01:00 AM
Its a matter of personal preference. *I want new blood and opponents that the Gateway Conference provides. *I thought we left the DII landscape?

Yes, and so is UND and USD. *Get over it.

Get over what? *I see nothing wrong with that quote and in fact I agree. *The Gateway Conference would provide an exciting mix of new opponents. *

Get over the fact that UND and USD will also be D1. *Calling them part of the DII landscape is really quite silly when NDSU was also part of the same DII landscape.

What do you keep talking in circles socalledfan? Why do you keep mentioning the UxD's. I never once mentioned them. I just said I would enjoy the opportunity for the Bison to schedule new teams from the Gateway. What the heck is wrong with that. By the way, the Gateway sure hasn't been part of the DII landscape now have they? I thing they've been one of the premier DIAA football conferences in the land for many, many years.

02-22-2007, 02:54 AM
didn't say you it shouldn't be amortized, you discount it completely-(you also don't recognize the value of the return that money could have elsewhere)

The Mid-Con is different (and I'm pretty sure you know it). *The decision to move to division I was made long before the Mid-Con offered membership. *Our option at the time was Mid-Con + $250,000 or no-conference for most of our sports. *That's a no-brainer.

I never said the difference between the GFC and the GWFC with USD and UND was trivial (you used the word correctly, so I'll assume you know what the word really means). *I think the difference in my opinion only, is negligible.

You are nearly un-intelligible. Read your response, my god, what did you mean to say in the midst of your hits of whatever it is you are on? As for the return, it is recognized implicitly, after all, what is the driver in economic return for Bison athletics? It ain't most of the Mid-Con sports, its football. If you consider the return on investment, which we should, the enterance fee and the travel stipend are cheap for the Gateway compared to the Mid-Con. You just aren't smart enough to recognize it and to damn stubborn to acknowledge it. Unbelievable...

02-22-2007, 02:59 AM
*Please keep the conversation civil!*

02-22-2007, 03:15 AM
Bisonguy could you please go on the Bison Media Blog and clean that mess up. It is unreadable over there with UND fans destroying a good thing with vulgar and repetitive posts. I have emailed their support people asking them to read the posts before posting them. Most of the stuff on there shouldn't be on there. >:(

02-22-2007, 03:26 AM
Bisonguy could you please go on the Bison Media Blog and clean that mess up. *It is unreadable over there with UND fans destroying a good thing with vulgar and repetitive posts. *I have emailed their support people asking them to read the posts before posting them. *Most of the stuff on there shouldn't be on there. >:(

If I could, I would. :)

02-22-2007, 03:29 AM
didn't say you it shouldn't be amortized, you discount it completely-(you also don't recognize the value of the return that money could have elsewhere)

The Mid-Con is different (and I'm pretty sure you know it). *The decision to move to division I was made long before the Mid-Con offered membership. *Our option at the time was Mid-Con + $250,000 or no-conference for most of our sports. *That's a no-brainer.

I never said the difference between the GFC and the GWFC with USD and UND was trivial (you used the word correctly, so I'll assume you know what the word really means). *I think the difference in my opinion only, is negligible.

You are nearly un-intelligible. Read your response, my god, what did you mean to say in the midst of your hits of whatever it is you are on? As for the return, it is recognized implicitly, after all, what is the driver in economic return for Bison athletics? It ain't most of the Mid-Con sports, its football. If you consider the return on investment, which we should, the enterance fee and the travel stipend are cheap for the Gateway compared to the Mid-Con. You just aren't smart enough to recognize it and to damn stubborn to acknowledge it. Unbelievable...

BisonNeil- Welcome to Bisonville! *;D *Your going to give yourself a coronary if you let some of these people get under your skin. *I use the motto on here "Pick your battles!". *If they are not smart enough to respond with an educated opinion, IGNORE their post and move on. *Chances are they are only trying to drive you nuts. *:D *I had to learn the hard way too! *;D

02-22-2007, 03:36 AM
Bisonguy could you please go on the Bison Media Blog and clean that mess up. *It is unreadable over there with UND fans destroying a good thing with vulgar and repetitive posts. *I have emailed their support people asking them to read the posts before posting them. *Most of the stuff on there shouldn't be on there. >:(

If I could, I would. *:)

Hey Bisonguy, when you're done there, I got some messes around my house I'd like you to swing by and clean up too. ;)

02-22-2007, 03:40 AM
Bisonguy could you please go on the Bison Media Blog and clean that mess up. *It is unreadable over there with UND fans destroying a good thing with vulgar and repetitive posts. *I have emailed their support people asking them to read the posts before posting them. *Most of the stuff on there shouldn't be on there. >:(

If I could, I would. *:)

Hey Bisonguy, when you're done there, I got some messes around my house I'd like you to swing by and clean up too. *;)

Yeah, hey, no problem. Especially if you finish up the what will more then likely be a 6 month bathroom remodel in my house. ;)

02-22-2007, 03:50 AM
You are nearly un-intelligible. Read your response, my god, what did you mean to say in the midst of your hits of whatever it is you are on? As for the return, it is recognized implicitly, after all, what is the driver in economic return for Bison athletics? It ain't most of the Mid-Con sports, its football. If you consider the return on investment, which we should, the enterance fee and the travel stipend are cheap for the Gateway compared to the Mid-Con. You just aren't smart enough to recognize it and to damn stubborn to acknowledge it. Unbelievable...

Excuse me for accidently including the word 'you' in my first phrase and omitting a comma in the last one, the rest is logical, grammatically correct (at least for a post) and I stand by it. feel free to point out speelling errors in the future.

Your 'divide the number of GFC home games by the travel subsidy' methodology is erroneous.

Thanks for the personal attack though. That usually lets me know that either I'm right or the argument is above the person's head.

02-22-2007, 04:25 AM
So many "you" phrases! Let's keep this an "I" forum shall we? ::)

02-22-2007, 04:41 AM
IMO, 6 or 7 of the 8 Gateway games each year would create strong fan interest, with the only real expection as Indiana State. This possiblity would move our football program and school to the next level. Every week would be a huge game, and throw in an annual FBS game and you have a great and consistent schedule every year.

I hope to heck that this thing does not fall through. While I enjoy the Cali schools in the GW, the Gateway is the place to be for NDSU for the next 10 years.

02-22-2007, 05:10 PM
i am starting to think the same thing

02-22-2007, 05:30 PM
Looks like the Gateway Football Conference website is back up:


It is pretty sweet that they have a game every week on tv. Here was the 2006 schedule:

http://www.mvc-sports.com/ViewArticle.dbml?SPSID=39013&SPID=2899&DB_OEM_ID=7 600&ATCLID=530360

That is something the Great West can't do.

02-22-2007, 05:34 PM
Looks like the Gateway Football Conference website is back up:


It is pretty sweet that they have a game every week on tv. Here was the 2006 schedule:

http://www.mvc-sports.com/ViewArticle.dbml?SPSID=39013&SPID=2899&DB_OEM_ID=7 600&ATCLID=530360

That is something the Great West can't do.

I'm glad they mentioned our partipication in the meeting. I expect an invitation is forthcoming, IMHO.

02-22-2007, 10:02 PM
What do you keep talking in circles socalledfan? *Why do you keep mentioning the UxD's. *I never once mentioned them. *I just said I would enjoy the opportunity for the Bison to schedule new teams from the Gateway. *What the heck is wrong with that. *By the way, the Gateway sure hasn't been part of the DII landscape now have they? *I thing they've been one of the premier DIAA football conferences in the land for many, many years. *

Sorry, but no circles were intended. My point was that when the comment was made how folks want NDSU to "leave the DII lanscape" it implies to me that NDSU was never part of landscape. Further, the bigger point I was making is the UXD's also want to leave that landscape as they intend to move up. So, in my mind, saying the reason to play Gateway is to "leave the DII lanscape" does not make sense to me as every team in GreatWest is D1 and when the UXD's are added, so will they. I admit this is reading into comments, which is terribly unfair, but it seems that there is an irrational hatred of UND because of how they treated us. It seems some want us to join Gateway partly to avoid ever playing again, and I don't want to stoop to UND's level. I want to smash their face in on the field. 2009 is fine with me if that is the way it will be.

Yes, I know that was unfair and perhaps not called for. Some want to see "new teams" and that is a good reason to join, although I think the biggest is scheduling, not the auto-bid. I also realize things will be just fine in the long run with GreatWest if it does not work out as the UXD's will bring stability.

02-22-2007, 10:39 PM
Looks like lakes has lied again. It's thursday.......no decision made yet........

"well you cant see if my posts are same on Bisonville TIMEWISE.... since they went HITLER on me and banned me.

But Im HERE, and I say... Dont worry Folks.

its gonna be 7-0 and announced on thursday!!!

peace out bro's.


Posted by: THE Lakesbison (for real) on 2/19/2007 10:35 PM

BISON media blog (http://www.areavoices.com/bisonmedia/?page=comments&blog=6426)

02-25-2007, 06:30 PM
I thought this might be intresting for those who wonder how much travel is. I was looking at http://ope.ed.gov/athletics/ for budget information on Missouri St and saw where our trip to play Sam Houston St was going to cost $69,941 for planes to Texas.

02-25-2007, 07:30 PM
I thought this might be intresting for those who wonder how much travel is. I was looking at http://ope.ed.gov/athletics/ for budget information on Missouri St and saw where our trip to play Sam Houston St was going to cost $69,941 for planes to Texas.
Where, exactly, did you find that information on that website? I didn't know they had that level of detail.

02-25-2007, 08:22 PM
I'm not a huge fan of OPE's numbers(I've found mistakes in them before), but I threw together this budget comparson. From a money standpoint, it looks like the GFC is a perfect fit.

UndergradFB ExpenseTotal Expense
10,496$2,313,860$ *8,769,420
7,730$1,160,956$ *7,478,218

14,958$2,691,854$ *9,703,501
9,974$1,663,212$ *7,727,087
7,288$1,809,916$ *8,392,081
8,511$2,349,950$ *9,305,768

11,357$2,228,515$ *8,916,080

02-25-2007, 08:55 PM
I thought this might be intresting for those who wonder how much travel is. I was looking at http://ope.ed.gov/athletics/ for budget information on Missouri St and saw where our trip to play Sam Houston St was going to cost $69,941 for planes to Texas.
Where, exactly, did you find that information on that website? I didn't know they had that level of detail.

Click on the Coaching Salaries, its listed in the Supplemental Information.

02-25-2007, 09:08 PM
I thought this might be intresting for those who wonder how much travel is. I was looking at http://ope.ed.gov/athletics/ for budget information on Missouri St and saw where our trip to play Sam Houston St was going to cost $69,941 for planes to Texas.
Where, exactly, did you find that information on that website? I didn't know they had that level of detail.

Click on the Coaching Salaries, its listed in the Supplemental Information.
Thanks. I've never noticed that section before(I don't think NDSU has ever used it).

02-25-2007, 09:42 PM
I know in visiting with Rick Hartzell (Went to watch Coach Jake) on a couple of occassions that his reservations are cost and competition. Which if you think about it make sense, you have already one of the better 1AA conferences in football in the Gateway, you do not want to make it any harder on yourselfs then you have too.
The cost factor is also a tough call for smaller communities like Cedar Falls (35,000), they have to pull from Waterloo for support, but in Iowa, there is the Big 2 (Iowa, Iowa State) and then uni.

Also as of late because of the success of the Men's Bball Program (Greg Mac) the athletic budget has receivced some addiontional revenues from the Big Dance Pot.

02-25-2007, 09:43 PM
IMO, 6 or 7 of the 8 Gateway games each year would create strong fan interest, with the only real expection as Indiana State. This possiblity would move our football program and school to the next level. Every week would be a huge game, and throw in an annual FBS game and you have a great and consistent schedule every year.

I hope to heck that this thing does not fall through. While I enjoy the Cali schools in the GW, the Gateway is the place to be for NDSU for the next 10 years.

This is exactly right!

02-26-2007, 03:20 AM
I know in visiting with Rick Hartzell (Went to watch Coach Jake) on a couple of occassions that his reservations are cost and competition. Which if you think about it make sense, you have already one of the better 1AA conferences in football in the Gateway, you do not want to make it any harder on yourselfs then you have too.
The cost factor is also a tough call for smaller communities like Cedar Falls (35,000), they have to pull from Waterloo for support, but in Iowa, there is the Big 2 (Iowa, Iowa State) and then uni.

Also as of late because of the success of the Men's Bball Program (Greg Mac) the athletic budget has receivced some addiontional revenues from the Big Dance Pot.

Cost is the only relevant issue here... the whole idea of not wanting to bring in good teams is rediculous. If the members of the Gateway would just realize that they are on the verge of collapse they might want to reconsider. The gateway is just 1 or 2 good members from having serious problems. Heck, if xDSU donesn't get invited we might as well seal W.Illinois and make the Great West all that greater!

02-26-2007, 02:55 PM
I know in visiting with Rick Hartzell (Went to watch Coach Jake) on a couple of occassions that his reservations are cost and competition. Which if you think about it make sense, you have already one of the better 1AA conferences in football in the Gateway, you do not want to make it any harder on yourselfs then you have too.
The cost factor is also a tough call for smaller communities like Cedar Falls (35,000), they have to pull from Waterloo for support, but in Iowa, there is the Big 2 (Iowa, Iowa State) and then uni.

Also as of late because of the success of the Men's Bball Program (Greg Mac) the athletic budget has receivced some addiontional revenues from the Big Dance Pot.

That is hard to believe, if you believe the dollar numbers from a previous post, UNI is spending more money on FB and in total than NDSU. In fact, the ones crying poverty the loudest, SIll and Missouri State have budgets equal to or greater than NDSUs for FB. Only whiner Indiana State is lower, but SDSU will be the lowest. In other words, I don't by the competition argument or the cost argument. I think it is all posturing.

02-26-2007, 10:48 PM
I can't remember which local media personality said this but...

Expect something to be released around/after the Missouri Valley men's basketball tourney ----> most of the schools' presidents will be in attendance. The tourney is March 1-4. FYI: The Mid-Con tourney is March 3-6, and they will also be having conference meetings (NDSU will be represented there).

02-26-2007, 11:34 PM
I can't remember which local media personality said this but...

Expect something to be released around/after the Missouri Valley men's basketball tourney *----> most of the schools' presidents will be in attendance. *The tourney is March 1-4. *FYI: The Mid-Con tourney is March 3-6, and they will also be having conference meetings (NDSU will be represented there). *

Thanks for the info Greenie. :) I'll be watching the Mid-Con tourney closer than the ACC tourney this year. ;)

02-27-2007, 01:41 AM
I can't remember which local media personality said this but...

Expect something to be released around/after the Missouri Valley men's basketball tourney *----> most of the schools' presidents will be in attendance. *The tourney is March 1-4. *FYI: The Mid-Con tourney is March 3-6, and they will also be having conference meetings (NDSU will be represented there). *
Thanks Greenie for the update.++++

02-27-2007, 01:47 AM
Looks like the Gateway Football Conference website is back up:


It is pretty sweet that they have a game every week on tv. Here was the 2006 schedule:

http://www.mvc-sports.com/ViewArticle.dbml?SPSID=39013&SPID=2899&DB_OEM_ID=7 600&ATCLID=530360

That is something the Great West can't do.

Regional TV time is HUGE! Not only for your fan base, but for recruiting. Every Gateway team got at least 2 TV games and others got 3 or 4. If we can get 2-3 games per year on FSN Midwest and get WDAY to pull out their regular 2-3 games, we could luck out and end up seeing 6 games on TV! Keep in mind you will have to get DirectTv and sign up for the sports package for $12 to get FSN Midwest. Regional TV coverage is HUGE!!

ILSU - 2 games
SIU - 3 games
WIU - 2 games
INSU - 2 games
UNI - 3 games
MSU - 1 game
YSU - 4 games

02-27-2007, 02:05 AM
Looks like the Gateway Football Conference website is back up:


It is pretty sweet that they have a game every week on tv. Here was the 2006 schedule:

http://www.mvc-sports.com/ViewArticle.dbml?SPSID=39013&SPID=2899&DB_OEM_ID=7 600&ATCLID=530360

That is something the Great West can't do.

Regional TV time is HUGE! Not only for your fan base, but for recruiting. Every Gateway team got at least 2 TV games and others got 3 or 4. If we can get 2-3 games per year on FSN Midwest and get WDAY to pull out their regular 2-3 games, we could luck out and end up seeing 6 games on TV! Keep in mind you will have to get DirectTv and sign up for the sports package for $12 to get FSN Midwest. Regional TV coverage is HUGE!!

ILSU - 2 games
SIU - 3 games
WIU - 2 games
INSU - 2 games
UNI - 3 games
MSU - 1 game
YSU - 4 games

Many of the Gateway games on FSN Midwest are also picked up by FOX College Sports (can't remember if it was Central or East).

02-27-2007, 02:20 AM
I brought this up a while ago, but I am curious if FOX North would pick up the SDSU and NDSU Gateway games since that is our footprint.

02-27-2007, 04:44 AM
Looks like the Gateway Football Conference website is back up:


It is pretty sweet that they have a game every week on tv. Here was the 2006 schedule:

http://www.mvc-sports.com/ViewArticle.dbml?SPSID=39013&SPID=2899&DB_OEM_ID=7 600&ATCLID=530360

That is something the Great West can't do.

Regional TV time is HUGE! Not only for your fan base, but for recruiting. Every Gateway team got at least 2 TV games and others got 3 or 4. If we can get 2-3 games per year on FSN Midwest and get WDAY to pull out their regular 2-3 games, we could luck out and end up seeing 6 games on TV! Keep in mind you will have to get DirectTv and sign up for the sports package for $12 to get FSN Midwest. Regional TV coverage is HUGE!!

ILSU - 2 games
SIU - 3 games
WIU - 2 games
INSU - 2 games
UNI - 3 games
MSU - 1 game
YSU - 4 games

Wasn't this the station that blacked out the basketball game against K-State?

02-27-2007, 05:59 AM
I brought this up a while ago, but I am curious if FOX North would pick up the SDSU and NDSU Gateway games since that is our footprint.

I say it probally would, the Gateway games are available in Chicago on the different regional sports station they have.

02-27-2007, 06:02 AM
Looks like the Gateway Football Conference website is back up:


It is pretty sweet that they have a game every week on tv. Here was the 2006 schedule:

http://www.mvc-sports.com/ViewArticle.dbml?SPSID=39013&SPID=2899&DB_OEM_ID=7 600&ATCLID=530360

That is something the Great West can't do.

Regional TV time is HUGE! Not only for your fan base, but for recruiting. Every Gateway team got at least 2 TV games and others got 3 or 4. If we can get 2-3 games per year on FSN Midwest and get WDAY to pull out their regular 2-3 games, we could luck out and end up seeing 6 games on TV! Keep in mind you will have to get DirectTv and sign up for the sports package for $12 to get FSN Midwest. Regional TV coverage is HUGE!!

ILSU - 2 games
SIU - 3 games
WIU - 2 games
INSU - 2 games
UNI - 3 games
MSU - 1 game
YSU - 4 games

Wasn't this the station that blacked out the basketball game against K-State?

Yeah for K-State games you have to be in Kansas only.

02-27-2007, 11:46 AM
Hey Bears Country...you hearing/reading anything new about the Gateway membership?

02-27-2007, 03:31 PM
No everybody around our area is in full basketball mode with the MVC tournament coming up this weekend.

02-27-2007, 03:50 PM
No everybody around our area is in full basketball mode with the MVC tournament coming up this weekend.

Good Luck. :D

02-27-2007, 03:52 PM
Thanks :)

Hey if we make the NCAA Tournament, you guys can have a team to root for.

02-27-2007, 03:53 PM
Thanks *:)

Hey if we make the NCAA Tournament, you guys can have a team to root for.

We will cheer really hard if you let NDSU in the Gateway! Good luck!

02-27-2007, 04:01 PM
ain't that the truth.