View Full Version : Rewatching the game

01-12-2012, 03:49 AM
I can't believe I did'nt see it when it happened, it was right in front of me. After Brock scored on the QB sneak, he got up and did the Aaron Rodgers "discount double check" move. Anyone else see it? Friggin awesome! However if the zebras saw it, he probably would've been flagged.

01-12-2012, 03:57 AM
I can't believe I did'nt see it when it happened, it was right in front of me. After Brock scored on the QB sneak, he got up and did the Aaron Rodgers "discount double check" move. Anyone else see it? Friggin awesome! However if the zebras saw it, he probably would've been flagged.

Speaking of the zebras, that was a really cleanly officiated game. Why can't we have crews that good in the MVFC?

01-12-2012, 04:08 AM
If you also notice on that play pre snap the Bison pretty much give away what they are doing. Brock looks up and points his fingers toward the sky and the line points to where they are running. Yes the discount double check was awesome!

01-12-2012, 04:10 AM
It was pretty good, their was a lot of block in the backs that were overlooked etc.

Not enough makes for a more entertaining game then too much though...

01-12-2012, 04:10 AM
See here (http://www.bisonville.com/forum/showthread.php?26724-Bison-Championship-You-Tube-video-s-add-them-here), I didn't see it live because it was on the other end of the stadium for me.

01-12-2012, 04:14 AM
their mascot sammy tried doing the discount doublecheck with some cheap ass belt they got from kmart.

i also believe he was doing it when shs was losing 3-0 or 10-6.

01-12-2012, 04:14 AM
I did not notice it either because i was too ....ahem...well let's just say i wasn't on my first beer.

01-12-2012, 04:41 AM
Speaking of the zebras, that was a really cleanly officiated game. Why can't we have crews that good in the MVFC?
Contrary to popular belief most officials don't want to throw flags. When evaluated at the D1 level (FCS and FBS), officials are given a bigger downgrade if they throw a flag that is graded to wrong (IC - incorrect call) than not throwing a flag that graded to be a foul (INC - incorrect no call). Some other "sayings" we share between officials:

MIBT - make it be there
SBC - Super Bowl calls
Don't go shooting skinny rabbits
See leather - this means you should never rule a runner down unless you see the ball in his possession, never assume
Slow on the whistles - the last thing you want is an inadvertent whistle

I'll let you figure out the last one.

01-12-2012, 04:48 AM
Contrary to popular belief most officials don't want to throw flags. When evaluated at the D1 level (FCS and FBS), officials are given a bigger downgrade if they throw a flag that is graded to wrong (IC - incorrect call) than not throwing a flag that graded to be a foul (INC - incorrect no call). Some other "sayings" we share between officials:

MIBT - make it be there
SBC - Super Bowl calls
Don't go shooting skinny rabbits
See leather - this means you should never rule a runner down unless you see the ball in his possession, never assume
Slow on the whistles - the last thing you want is an inadvertent whistle

I'll let you figure out the last one.

DFIU? Let's see....hmmm.....let me think.......wait........could it be......Oh, I get it.

01-12-2012, 04:51 AM
Lol them discount double check commercials are classic...I just seen the latest one on the heat clipers game..."not you too rogee your on my team dude" the discount double check no that's my touchdown dance dude..."sir your not even doing it right...rogee drop it" show me what you got what you got rogee" lol there are some funny commercials out there like that Chevy comercial where the dude looks like Santa and asks the guy "tell me what else you'd like".......in the chair please...haha that one cracked me up or my all time fav " I thought Eric gave u da creeps? I like tacos"

01-12-2012, 05:05 AM
Yes...actually I did. ....from..... http://www.bisonville.com/forum/showthread.php?26733-Championship-replay/page2

I too watched the replay... here are some of my thoughts after watching it with a little less capn in me. Sorry if a few of these have been mentioned.

-Did I see the ref go up and give Brock Knuckles before our first offensive play? Is that normal?

-I think our band was playing the Dallas TV theme song at one point.

-I was impressed how many of our seniors made big plays on such a big stage...Wilson, Veldman, McNorton, Holloway, Voigtlander, Stoczynski, Evans, Boyer, Pike

-We really avoided tragedy in the first half. The fumble and the interception the defense bailed us out. Holloway batted down a tipped ball that could have spelled disaster. Brock managing the snap that hit him in the chest.

-Did they call Brock Lawson a few times?

-Did Brock do Aaron Rodgers Championship belt move after his rushing TD?

-I love how they again mentioned Bohl's preference for the FCS playoffs over the bowl system.

-With 3:30 left in the 4th, you can see the SHSU band packing up. Nice.

-Nice middle finger. Doush.

-Was that our students chanting "get back on the bus" ?

-PHIL HANSEN!!! props for telling the announcers how to pronounce the name right....and let that be a lesson to the rest of you who don't care how its pronounced!!!! If thats How Mr. Hansen wants it pronounced, YOU BETTER SAY IT THAT WAY!!!

01-12-2012, 05:14 AM


01-12-2012, 11:45 AM
Contrary to popular belief most officials don't want to throw flags. When evaluated at the D1 level (FCS and FBS), officials are given a bigger downgrade if they throw a flag that is graded to wrong (IC - incorrect call) than not throwing a flag that graded to be a foul (INC - incorrect no call). Some other "sayings" we share between officials:

MIBT - make it be there
SBC - Super Bowl calls
Don't go shooting skinny rabbits
See leather - this means you should never rule a runner down unless you see the ball in his possession, never assume
Slow on the whistles - the last thing you want is an inadvertent whistle

I'll let you figure out the last one.

Don't Flag It Unlessyouaresure?

01-12-2012, 11:59 AM
Yes...actually I did. ....from..... http://www.bisonville.com/forum/showthread.php?26733-Championship-replay/page2

I too watched the replay... here are some of my thoughts after watching it with a little less capn in me. Sorry if a few of these have been mentioned.

-Did I see the ref go up and give Brock Knuckles before our first offensive play? Is that normal?

-I think our band was playing the Dallas TV theme song at one point.

-I was impressed how many of our seniors made big plays on such a big stage...Wilson, Veldman, McNorton, Holloway, Voigtlander, Stoczynski, Evans, Boyer, Pike

-We really avoided tragedy in the first half. The fumble and the interception the defense bailed us out. Holloway batted down a tipped ball that could have spelled disaster. Brock managing the snap that hit him in the chest.

-Did they call Brock Lawson a few times?

-Did Brock do Aaron Rodgers Championship belt move after his rushing TD?

-I love how they again mentioned Bohl's preference for the FCS playoffs over the bowl system.

-With 3:30 left in the 4th, you can see the SHSU band packing up. Nice.

-Nice middle finger. Doush.

-Was that our students chanting "get back on the bus" ?

-PHIL HANSEN!!! props for telling the announcers how to pronounce the name right....and let that be a lesson to the rest of you who don't care how its pronounced!!!! If thats How Mr. Hansen wants it pronounced, YOU BETTER SAY IT THAT WAY!!!

I saw the knuckles live and on tape, it was right in front of me at the game. I wondered about that as well. Not sure if there is a history between the two or if it was just more of a handshake or tip of the cap type of thing.

I loved when our band sang the "go back to the woods song"

I thought I heard them call him "Larson" but it could have been "Lawson"

Not sure how much Jerry Rice was on TV, but he was a good sport. Playing catch with some NDSU staff, chest bumping Thundar, and doing the "horns" side to the delight of the crowd. Pretty fun to watch all that.

daddy daycare
01-12-2012, 12:31 PM
When Rodgers....errrr....I mean Jensen pointed to the sky pre snap, the Kitty fans around us went bonkers with the Tebow criticism. Then he scored and they STFU again.

01-12-2012, 12:34 PM
I looked like they missed a few holding calls on some of the SHSU plays. I missed the "discount double-check" even though it was right in front of me because we were to busy celebrating and the #52 sign from Beck's fan club was probably up in the air. Here's the pic I took just before that:


01-12-2012, 04:49 PM
When Rodgers....errrr....I mean Jensen pointed to the sky pre snap, the Kitty fans around us went bonkers with the Tebow criticism. Then he scored and they STFU again.

He ran out for the first series pointing to the sky as well. What a great young man.

If the opposing fans want to criticize him for being like Tebow, and then he shoves Aaron Rodgers down their throat, I'm ok with that :) [/lovefest]

01-12-2012, 07:53 PM
Contrary to popular belief most officials don't want to throw flags. When evaluated at the D1 level (FCS and FBS), officials are given a bigger downgrade if they throw a flag that is graded to wrong (IC - incorrect call) than not throwing a flag that graded to be a foul (INC - incorrect no call). Some other "sayings" we share between officials:

MIBT - make it be there
SBC - Super Bowl calls
Don't go shooting skinny rabbits
See leather - this means you should never rule a runner down unless you see the ball in his possession, never assume
Slow on the whistles - the last thing you want is an inadvertent whistle

I'll let you figure out the last one.

Indy, I thought it was a pretty quick whistle on the play where SHSU was trying to get out of their end down at the 1. SHSU had a false start then QB went into the line and Emmanuel stripped him in the pile up. Maybe just my NDSU bias. It's at the 4:25 mark of the 3rd qtr. What's your thought?

01-13-2012, 02:49 AM
Indy, I thought it was a pretty quick whistle on the play where SHSU was trying to get out of their end down at the 1. SHSU had a false start then QB went into the line and Emmanuel stripped him in the pile up. Maybe just my NDSU bias. It's at the 4:25 mark of the 3rd qtr. What's your thought?
Easy call on forward progress on that one when I saw it on film. The play doesn't end when the whistle blows. It ends when his forward progress is stopped. The whistle just announces the official's ruling. That's why you may sometimes see the ball come out before the whistle but the official still awarding forward progress.

01-13-2012, 08:14 AM
i have no idea if anybody else discovered it but marcus williams was calling timeout right before the snap on becks INT

01-13-2012, 10:59 AM
When Rodgers....errrr....I mean Jensen pointed to the sky pre snap, the Kitty fans around us went bonkers with the Tebow criticism. Then he scored and they STFU again.

Not raggin' on Brock...but that's quite a poker "tell".

01-13-2012, 11:29 AM
i have no idea if anybody else discovered it but marcus williams was calling timeout right before the snap on becks INT

I'll have to watch that again....I thought I saw him waving his hands to get the attention of the coaches...it seemed like they were doing that quite often as if looking for a play call. That would be something if he was calling TO.

01-13-2012, 02:06 PM
I'll have to watch that again....I thought I saw him waving his hands to get the attention of the coaches...it seemed like they were doing that quite often as if looking for a play call. That would be something if he was calling TO.

I think he was just relaying the coverage call. The secondary was doing that all the time.

01-13-2012, 08:24 PM
I think he was just relaying the coverage call. The secondary was doing that all the time.

i thought that too but wasnt completely sure. here it is at 3:06


01-13-2012, 09:36 PM
Contrary to popular belief most officials don't want to throw flags. When evaluated at the D1 level (FCS and FBS), officials are given a bigger downgrade if they throw a flag that is graded to wrong (IC - incorrect call) than not throwing a flag that graded to be a foul (INC - incorrect no call). Some other "sayings" we share between officials:

MIBT - make it be there
SBC - Super Bowl calls
Don't go shooting skinny rabbits
See leather - this means you should never rule a runner down unless you see the ball in his possession, never assume
Slow on the whistles - the last thing you want is an inadvertent whistle

I'll let you figure out the last one.


01-13-2012, 09:49 PM
I can't believe I did'nt see it when it happened, it was right in front of me. After Brock scored on the QB sneak, he got up and did the Aaron Rodgers "discount double check" move. Anyone else see it? Friggin awesome! However if the zebras saw it, he probably would've been flagged.

I played it over and over on my DVR.

01-13-2012, 10:06 PM
i thought that too but wasnt completely sure. here it is at 3:06


I went back and watched it on the DVR. MWill is not calling timeout. Heagle and Littlejohn were faking a blitz. Williams was signalling a coverage call (or a dummy call) to Eaves.

01-14-2012, 01:11 AM
I rewatched the game this afternoon. I saw the fingers in the sky by Brock as he was right in front of us. Missed the belt thing though as I was too busy with my fingers in the sky high fivin' everyone around me.

How cool was it that they played the "Bison Anthem" at the end of the game? We gotta hear this more at the dome next fall.


01-14-2012, 02:09 AM
I went back and watched it on the DVR. MWill is not calling timeout. Heagle and Littlejohn were faking a blitz. Williams was signalling a coverage call (or a dummy call) to Eaves.

Looked like a timeout to me.

North Side
01-14-2012, 03:01 AM
That screen play called for DJ has worked all year. I can't remember what other game it was called, but I remember it resulting in a TD.

01-14-2012, 03:27 AM
Here's another question from the NCAA highlights of the game.


About 1:30 into the highlight it's during the Beck INT return. Brian Bell is begging for a call from the official. What do you think he's carrying on about?

01-14-2012, 03:31 AM
That happened right in front of me. I think he wanted a fumble called and a touch back since the ball went into the end zone.

01-14-2012, 03:38 AM
Just re-watched that clip.
1st time that I looked closely at Dudzik's block on the intended receiver after Beck's interception. If you freeze the frame at 3:12 it looks like he dislocates the kid's spine!! Eaves is in the background looking stunned. I'm sure he's thinking that the kid (#10) is likely dead! OK......maybe I'm being a bit dramatic, but I'm having fun, dammit!:biggrin:

01-14-2012, 02:46 PM
That happened right in front of me. I think he wanted a fumble called and a touch back since the ball went into the end zone.

That would only be the case if it had rolled out of bounds, but it didn't. Scott Stoczynski recovered it for a TD if that was the case.

01-14-2012, 02:54 PM
Just re-watched that clip.
1st time that I looked closely at Dudzik's block on the intended receiver after Beck's interception. If you freeze the frame at 3:12 it looks like he dislocates the kid's spine!! Eaves is in the background looking stunned. I'm sure he's thinking that the kid (#10) is likely dead! OK......maybe I'm being a bit dramatic, but I'm having fun, dammit!:biggrin:

Just as big(same play), a block thrown by Levon #69 into a SHSU O lineman (#77 I think), poor guy looked like he got ran over by a herd of Bison!

01-14-2012, 02:55 PM
Hell, I just wish I had access to that stupid ESPN3 to watch the damn thing. ESPN3 is gonna be a real issue next season.......

01-14-2012, 03:14 PM
Just as big(same play), a block thrown by Levon #69 into a SHSU O lineman (#77 I think), poor guy looked like he got ran over by a herd of Bison!

The party crew at our house rewound that play on the DVR and yelled "Boom!" at each of those hits. Even the 72 year old grandma in the room joined in!

01-14-2012, 03:18 PM
Here's another question from the NCAA highlights of the game.


About 1:30 into the highlight it's during the Beck INT return. Brian Bell is begging for a call from the official. What do you think he's carrying on about?
I wondered the same thing when it happened. I thought maybe he was complaining about an illegal block but when I saw the replay nobody touched him and he didn't touch Beck. If you watch the replay right after the interception, someone pushes him down before he gets up and chases Beck. This could not be roughing the passer because he's no longer a passer by rule when the ball was caught. I can't tell who hit him but it appears incidental. He could have also been complaining about the other nasty blocks on the return but they were both legal.

Bison bison
01-14-2012, 03:39 PM
I would say it's because he's another whiney-ass quarterbacks.

01-14-2012, 03:57 PM
Just as big(same play), a block thrown by Levon #69 into a SHSU O lineman (#77 I think), poor guy looked like he got ran over by a herd of Bison!

It was #76 and he was the one that was injured for which SHSU fans got all reda$$ed about us cheering while there was an injured player.

01-14-2012, 05:03 PM
Hell, I just wish I had access to that stupid ESPN3 to watch the damn thing. ESPN3 is gonna be a real issue next season.......

It is really too bad that people can't just pay to get ESPN3. I get it and just love it. I wish more NDSU sports were on it from my stand point.

03-15-2012, 10:00 AM
Researching the game.........wow is Carlton Littlejohn a beat.

1:17 left in the half. The distance he covers and change of direction to make up for a heagle blown tackle is impressive. and to close out against crazy speed!!!

03-15-2012, 01:04 PM
Researching the game.........wow is Carlton Littlejohn a beat.

1:17 left in the half. The distance he covers and change of direction to make up for a heagle blown tackle is impressive. and to close out against crazy speed!!!

And he will only get better and better. High ceiling for #38 imho. :)

03-15-2012, 01:35 PM
And he will only get better and better. High ceiling for #38 imho. :)http://i245.photobucket.com/albums/gg53/scottrosneberger/lil_jon_yeah11.jpg

03-15-2012, 06:43 PM

Athletics should have a recording of lil john saying "whhhaaaattt? ooookkkkaaaayyyyyyyyyy" when ever carltons name is called.

03-16-2012, 02:19 AM
athletics should have a recording of lil john saying "whhhaaaattt? Ooookkkkaaaayyyyyyyyyy" when ever carltons name is called.


03-16-2012, 07:52 PM
I see great things ahead for liljohn but all the same marking this thread for Carlton from Fresh Prince gifs if he underachieves.

03-16-2012, 08:11 PM
I see great things ahead for liljohn but all the same marking this thread for Carlton from Fresh Prince gifs if he underachieves. Fair enough... http://media.bigoo.ws/content/clip/dance/dance_167.gif