View Full Version : Bigger, Faster, Stronger, Smarter...

11-18-2011, 12:31 AM
So a couple weeks back, I was watching a Bison game (SIU) with my neighbor. I will let the UND graduates to guess his name.

Anyway, we got to talking about Bison trivia and he told me a story about Jason Miiller from Mahnomen. He said that the team was up at Fargo North doing 40s and Jason Miiller (yes, I believe I am spelling his name right) was hand-timed UNDER 4.3 at something like 4.28. The story was that the coaches wouldn't "officially" give it to him...so that got me thinking about a post like this.

We have the Rhodes Scholar...we have guys in the NFL...but I want to hear stories about the Bison Football program that you've heard through the years about guys who were just a little bigger, faster, stronger, smarter...is Jason Miiller the fastest Bison ever? I don't know. He was damn, damn fast...just want to hear some stories!

Joe Toth squating 700 or was it 800?

11-18-2011, 02:51 AM
I assume you're talking about thee Jason Miller who's at UND...the one that I wish was wearing a Bison uniform?

Hmmm...this thread could be an interesting one. Clarify please.

11-18-2011, 02:57 AM
I assume you're talking about thee Jason Miller who's at UND...the one that I wish was wearing a Bison uniform?

Hmmm...this thread could be an interesting one. Clarify please.

That would be Jake Miller at UND.

I saw Joe Toth benching 405+ for reps downstairs at All American Athletic Club. That's all I got.

11-18-2011, 03:48 AM
That would be Jake Miller at UND.

I saw Joe Toth benching 405+ for reps downstairs at All American Athletic Club. That's all I got.

Ok...that was dumb.

11-18-2011, 04:07 AM
I was wondering around the internet and came across this pdf about Bison tradition. It has a lot of interesting stuff in there as well as a list of anything a person would want to know about who was who. It was a very interesting read...I think it is from 2007 however, but is still interesting...


11-18-2011, 04:09 AM
I was wondering around the internet and came across this pdf about Bison tradition. It has a lot of interesting stuff in there as well as a list of anything a person would want to know about who was who. It was a very interesting read...I think it is from 2007 however, but is still interesting...


Thanks for this...it's very cool. Good find !!

11-18-2011, 04:10 AM
Thanks for this...it's very cool. Good find !!

Yeah CA I knew you would like it!

11-18-2011, 04:17 AM
Plus I learned a lot while reading it...I didn't know that the football team has a number that is retired for example...

11-18-2011, 04:23 AM
I think that same info, and now more, is in the gameday programs. Notice the page #s and I am pretty sure I saw it when looking through a program earlier this season.

11-18-2011, 04:49 AM
We don't need to live in the past...but I think that Bison fans should know about it. This is really important stuff.

IMO...this thread could turn into something really good if people are willing to contribute information and stories.

We all know that one of our biggest games in recent history is this Saturday. Most of us can chew gum and walk at the same time.

11-18-2011, 01:49 PM
The big board I remember seeing back in the mid-90's in the old BSA weightroom had the "records" for squat, bench, and power clean/clean. I don't know how far back in history it went, probably just back to the time that Steve Bliss started as the Strength Coach. Joe Toth was the leader on squat & bench, I believe 805 lb squat and mid-400's bench. I don't remember the clean leader.

Maybe my memory is getting foggy, but I also think I remember seeing Sean Fredericks doing sets of 10 reps of upright rows with 135 lbs. That's a lot of weight for an upright row.

I shot-gunned 3 beers in under 10 seconds in college.

11-18-2011, 01:52 PM
The big board I remember seeing back in the mid-90's in the old BSA weightroom had the "records" for squat, bench, and power clean/clean. I don't know how far back in history it went, probably just back to the time that Steve Bliss started as the Strength Coach. Joe Toth was the leader on squat & bench, I believe 805 lb squat and mid-400's bench. I don't remember the clean leader.

Maybe my memory is getting foggy, but I also think I remember seeing Sean Fredericks doing sets of 10 reps of upright rows with 135 lbs. That's a lot of weight for an upright row.

I shot-gunned 3 beers in under 10 seconds in college.I thought you only drank Zima in college?

11-18-2011, 01:57 PM
We went thru 4 kegs one night at our house 1617 university drive.

11-18-2011, 01:59 PM
I thought you only drank Zima in college?

Zima = produced by Coors Brewing Company = close enough to beer for me. I was secure enough to walk around drinking Zima while wearing brightly colored boa's...

11-18-2011, 02:03 PM
I did 12 shots and drank two 32 ounce beers in my power hour at both Chubs and the Turf!

Went to class the next day at 12:30 with an approximate BAC of .20.

I also gained about 50 pounds while in college.

11-18-2011, 02:07 PM
Former Bison Mike Stratton was a teacher/coach of mine. We had one of those multi-purpose weight racks in the old WF Middle School. He used to put the pin on the bottom plate (300ish lbs for bench press) and then also have someone in the class stand on top of the bar. He'd rattle them off like nothing and we'd all get jacked up and hoot and holler. I'll never forget that.

Also, later when I was a High Schooler, one of the coaches brought in a tape of a Bison doing a squat. Something huge like 700 or 800 lbs. I thought it was Charlie Stock, not sure though. Maybe CAS can clarify.

11-18-2011, 02:29 PM
IMHO, we will never see any weight room records being broken at NDSU any time soon. In fact, after Coach Grogan left in 2002-2003 we didn't even have any weight room records posted to look at. Once Coach Kramer came in our focus turned away from pushing big weight and bulking up to training for power and agility. I'm not saying you can't do a little of both, but IIRC Coach Kramer wasn't even a fan of ever doing a 1 rep max. The training that is done in the NDSU weight room now is state of the art and the performance gains we are seeing with incoming players over the course of their NDSU careers is directly reflecting that.

Not sure if past Coaches did similar things, but when you are finished playing for Coach Bohl he does an exit interview with each outgoing senior. We talk about the state of the program, coaches, players, schemes, what you would change to improve the program, it was a really thorough interview and if I wasn't impressed with Coach Bohl before that(and I was) I would have been afterwards.

Anyway, we had some great success while I played and he wanted my opinion on what were the main contributing factors to our success as a team.

I told him if he ever let Coach Kramer leave NDSU he was making a huge mistake. He is doing everything right and he has been a big reason for the success we have enjoyed the last 8 years at NDSU.

Long story short I guess, I think the days of being blown away by the super heavy weight being thrown around in our weight room are over due to the style of training Coach Kramer advocates. Which IMO is a good thing.

11-18-2011, 03:00 PM
Former Bison Mike Stratton was a teacher/coach of mine. We had one of those multi-purpose weight racks in the old WF Middle School. He used to put the pin on the bottom plate (300ish lbs for bench press) and then also have someone in the class stand on top of the bar. He'd rattle them off like nothing and we'd all get jacked up and hoot and holler. I'll never forget that.

Also, later when I was a High Schooler, one of the coaches brought in a tape of a Bison doing a squat. Something huge like 700 or 800 lbs. I thought it was Charlie Stock, not sure though. Maybe CAS can clarify.

Mike was and is still a beast--incredible, raw strength. He's a good friend of mine, and some of the things I saw him do when playing about a decade of softball with him were unbelievable. Example: We were playing a tournament, and our team was pounding the crap out of the ball, to the point it would go nowhere, and we were trying to get the ump to swap it for a new one. I am on deck, and Mike is up after me. I tell him, Mike, I am gonna foul this ball off over to you--get rid of it. I get up, foul it over to him, and the ump asks for it back. Mike is standing just behind the 3rd base dugout. He has the ball in his right hand when the ump ask for it back. Make pulls his arm back and throws the thing over the right field fence--some 300 plus feet, and says, whoops, it slipped. The ump just turned around and threw a new ball in.

Otherwise, as far as lifting big weights go, I really can't remember what my squat was, but I believe it was in the 780 range, which was the most in Bison hx at the time--that was the winter of 87. My best bench was 460 that same year, with then offensive guard Matt Tracy (Hoss), beating me by 5 pounds. That was the heaviest bench press in Bison hx at the time. After that year, most of us went into a program similar to what 06 describes. Personally, I think there is room for both types of programs when it comes to lifting/training for FB. The heavier weights give that immense, explosive power, and strain your joints and muscles to the extremes, which is good in the event those same body areas are taxed on the field at any given momement. The other program is a muscular endurance and longevity thing to an extent--so both are good, and that is what I went to after 87. Basically a rep to exhaustion thing, with a close-to-max workout about every two weeks.

As for 40 times, the fastest I ever saw with my own eyes was Tryrone Braxton during his pro workouts at NDSU. He ran the 40 3 times I believe, and one hovered right at about the 4.3 area. Jason Miller had world class speed (he was from my home town of Mahnomen, btw) so it would not surprise me if he had some blistering 40 times over the years. His problem was staying healthy. Even in HS he had lotsa hamstring issues, and, the reason he got hurt early on at NDSU, IMO, is that he was more of a track guy than a FB guy--he should have just run track at NDSU. I wanna say he has the fastest 60 yard time in the BSA for a HS kid--I think it was when he was in 11th grade.

11-18-2011, 03:14 PM
Stratton was hardly ever seen without a strip of a torn t-shirt tied around the top of his head ala Rambo/Conan.
I seriously doubt that anyone ever tried to tell him it looked silly. If there ever was such a person, he only said it ONCE!

11-18-2011, 06:17 PM
These stories are nothing. I once saw TAB run a 4.3 40 chasing some UND guys who jumped him at Memorial Stadium and stole his Bison flag. I have never seen him move faster even though I am sure he was not sober.....

11-18-2011, 06:37 PM
I used to play a lot of hoops at the BSA back in the 80's! Got into a pick up game with Flint Fleming. You really dont think of D lineman being great BB players, but Flint could really play! He threw down some of the biggest dunks I have ever seen in that building, playing noon ball!

11-18-2011, 07:05 PM
I used to play a lot of hoops at the BSA back in the 80's! Got into a pick up game with Flint Fleming. You really dont think of D lineman being great BB players, but Flint could really play! He threw down some of the biggest dunks I have ever seen in that building, playing noon ball!

The best I've seen personally was Pete Erickson out of Kenmare. That guy was a freak athlete. His dunking ability was legendary.

360's ...windmills....you name it he could do it..

11-18-2011, 07:52 PM
The best I've seen personally was Pete Erickson out of Kenmare. That guy was a freak athlete. His dunking ability was legendary.

360's ...windmills....you name it he could do it..

In that same line of thinking, you reminded me that Rodney Thompson, a D-lineman for us was really a damn good basketball player. You wouldn't think it by looking at him, but that dude was light on his feet and could really jump.

11-18-2011, 07:59 PM
The FB intramural teams dominated in my days. We used to dunk during warmups to intimidate the other teams--included in the dunking were an offensive linemn or two, D-linemen, some D-backs, and a few LB's--I even got up there on a good day. Couldn't really slam it down hard, but I could get it over the rim and into the net, and then grab the rim with my right hand for effect.

Of the FB dunkers I witnessed--Tyrone was the best, with Flint Fleming second!! Casey Bradley was lights out from the 3 point line!!

11-18-2011, 08:12 PM
The FB intramural teams dominated in my days. We used to dunk during warmups to intimidate the other teams--included in the dunking were an offensive linemn or two, D-linemen, some D-backs, and a few LB's--I even got up there on a good day. Couldn't really slam it down hard, but I could get it over the rim and into the net, and then grab the rim with my right hand for effect.

Of the FB dunkers I witnessed--Tyrone was the best, with Flint Fleming second!! Casey Bradley was lights out from the 3 point line!!

Played with Gus in the Prairie Rose games one year! Once he crossed midcourt he was in shooting range!

11-18-2011, 08:14 PM
The FB intramural teams dominated in my days. We used to dunk during warmups to intimidate the other teams--included in the dunking were an offensive linemn or two, D-linemen, some D-backs, and a few LB's--I even got up there on a good day. Couldn't really slam it down hard, but I could get it over the rim and into the net, and then grab the rim with my right hand for effect.

Of the FB dunkers I witnessed--Tyrone was the best, with Flint Fleming second!! Casey Bradley was lights out from the 3 point line!!I'm sure you kept teh bench nice and warm. :D

11-18-2011, 08:16 PM
I'm sure you kept teh bench nice and warm. :D

Well, to say I was one of the better BB players on the FB team would be just a bit of a stretch, but I got my PT baby!!!

And I was lockdown on D--got that?! LOCKDOWN!!!

11-18-2011, 08:19 PM
Bigger, faster, stronger have all been covered.

Nick Mertens received a lot of academic accolades. There, smarter has been covered! lol


11-18-2011, 08:23 PM
Bigger, faster, stronger have all been covered.

Nick Mertens received a lot of academic accolades. There, smarter has been covered! lol


God, I can not imagine if I would have been a BV'er in the Merten days. I did not know any of you then, but I swear I was livid after almost everygame. You guys probably think I bitch now!!! I can't begin to imagine how much I would have been here bitching when he was playing. Sounds like Lakes and I would have likely gone to fisticuffs!!

BTW, was it not fitting that his last pass as a Bison was an interception??!!

11-18-2011, 08:26 PM
God, I can not imagine if I would have been a BV'er in the Merten days. I did not know any of you then, but I swear I was livid after almost everygame. You guys probably think I bitch now!!! I can't begin to imagine how much I would have been here bitching when he was playing. Sounds like Lakes and I would have likely gone to fisticuffs!!

BTW, was it not fitting that his last pass as a Bison was an interception??!!I don't think livid begins to describe how I was during that time. I remember coming back to the tailgate and absolutely losing it...after a win. I think it was the first game of the season and you could just see how awful our offense was going to be. It wasn't pretty.

11-18-2011, 08:27 PM
God, I can not imagine if I would have been a BV'er in the Merten days. I did not know any of you then, but I swear I was livid after almost everygame. You guys probably think I bitch now!!! I can't begin to imagine how much I would have been here bitching when he was playing. Sounds like Lakes and I would have likely gone to fisticuffs!!

BTW, [b]was it not fitting that his last pass as a Bison was an interception??!![/b\

So was Steve Walker's. :hide:

11-18-2011, 08:27 PM
BTW, was it not fitting that his last pass as a Bison was an interception??!!

Well, so was Steve Walker's......:hide:

11-18-2011, 08:28 PM
I don't think livid begins to describe how I was during that time. I remember coming back to the tailgate and absolutely losing it...after a win. I think it was the first game of the season and you could just see how awful our offense was going to be. It wasn't pretty.

Remember the great Bisonville crash of '08 during the Wyoming game?

11-18-2011, 08:34 PM
Well, so was Steve Walker's......:hide:

Is there an echo in here . . . . . . in here . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .in here??!!

11-18-2011, 08:35 PM
Is there an echo in here . . . . . . in here . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .in here??!!You whispering into AG's ear again?

11-18-2011, 08:36 PM
Remember the great Bisonville crash of '08 during the Wyoming game?

I waz in Larimee for THAT game!!! Just think, Wyo and I could have had some beers together. Larimee was a fun town to party in after the game tho!!

11-18-2011, 08:37 PM
I waz in Larimee for THAT game!!! Just think, Wyo and I could have had some beers together. Larimee was a fun town to party in after the game tho!!

That was the beginning of the two-year funk that was Bison football in '08 - '09.

11-18-2011, 08:40 PM
I'll admit...I am all four. (what do you mean by bigger?...just for clarification).

11-18-2011, 08:40 PM
Maybe the first rule of BV is not talk about '08-'09? The second rule is banning CAS.

11-18-2011, 08:44 PM
Maybe the first rule of BV is not talk about '08-'09? The second rule is banning CAS.

Can we amend that to include the '02 season?

11-18-2011, 08:58 PM
Can we amend that to include the '02 season?

Having played on the '02 team I always feel it is necessary to remind everyone of how many true freshman played that year. I would be willing to bet there has never been a Division II team that played as many true freshman as that '02 Bison team. Some because they were just good enough, others because due to injuries we just didn't have bodies.

It was going to be a rebuilding year most likely anyway, but on top of that during the first two games we had 4-5 starters and a few key backups go down with season ending injuries. It was brutal.

11-18-2011, 09:06 PM
Having played on the '02 team I always feel it is necessary to remind everyone of how many true freshman played that year. I would be willing to bet there has never been a Division II team that played as many true freshman as that '02 Bison team. Some because they were just good enough, others because due to injuries we just didn't have bodies.

It was going to be a rebuilding year most likely anyway, but on top of that during the first two games we had 4-5 starters and a few key backups go down with season ending injuries. It was brutal.

Since you know, straight up question:

Who was the better coach, Bohl or Babich?

11-18-2011, 09:17 PM
Since you know, straight up question:

Who was the better coach, Bohl or Babich?

I only had Coach Babich for one fall campaign and he left January or February of spring semester. Of course we didn't have the best season my freshman year, so I don't know if I would be the best person to ask having such a limited exposure to Coach Babich.

I will say that I preferred Coach Bohl's style of coaching. Whether that makes him a better coach or not I don't know. My experience with Coach Bradley and my extremely limited time with Coach Garza were my favorite and most memorable part of my NDSU experience. Coach Bradley is a master motivator IMO and Coach Garza knows how to teach DB technique better than anyone I have ever been around.

11-18-2011, 09:27 PM
I only had Coach Babich for one fall campaign and he left January or February of spring semester. Of course we didn't have the best season my freshman year, so I don't know if I would be the best person to ask having such a limited exposure to Coach Babich.

I will say that I preferred Coach Bohl's style of coaching. Whether that makes him a better coach or not I don't know. My experience with Coach Bradley and my extremely limited time with Coach Garza were my favorite and most memorable part of my NDSU experience. Coach Bradley is a master motivator IMO and Coach Garza knows how to teach DB technique better than anyone I have ever been around.

Thanks for the opinion. As an FYI, I saw you guys, in person, win that Great West title in 2006. What was that like going into the champions room?

11-18-2011, 09:51 PM
Thanks for the opinion. As an FYI, I saw you guys, in person, win that Great West title in 2006. What was that like going into the champions room?

Ugh, haha. Like a knife to my chest dude.

I was one of those freshman that played in '02, so unfortunately I missed out on playing the Gophers and a lifetime of being in the Championship room. I was right there in the stands with you wishing I had one more year to play. Not redshirting is an interesting experience because you come in with guys that naturally you will become friends with and you finish your career before them. So you're almost a lost soul that year while everyone you came in with is still playing and you are in the stands watching. During the Gopher game I honestly had to go to the concourse for a while in the first quarter because I couldn't breath very well, I was so worked up about not being out there. Weird experience to say the least.

11-18-2011, 09:54 PM
Ugh, haha. Like a knife to my chest dude.

I was one of those freshman that played in '02, so unfortunately I missed out on playing the Gophers and a lifetime of being in the Championship room. I was right there in the stands with you wishing I had one more year to play. Not redshirting is an interesting experience because you come in with guys that naturally you will become friends with and you finish your career before them. So you're almost a lost soul that year while everyone you came in with is still playing and you are in the stands watching. During the Gopher game I honestly had to go to the concourse for a while in the first quarter because I couldn't breath very well, I was so worked up about not being out there. Weird experience to say the least.

No offense was intended. I miscounted as you probably figured out.

11-18-2011, 10:00 PM
No offense was intended. I miscounted as you probably figured out.

Absolutely no offense was taken, I have to catch myself sometimes too when people say the '06 team and remember I was done in '05.

11-18-2011, 10:59 PM
That was the beginning of the two-year funk that was Bison football in '08 - '09.

ah yes, the dark years

11-19-2011, 01:05 PM
I assume you're talking about thee Jason Miller who's at UND...the one that I wish was wearing a Bison uniform?

Hmmm...this thread could be an interesting one. Clarify please.

No, I mean the RB from Mahnomen...I think a few have posted neat stories...Flint Fleming, Pete Erickson stories. Neat to hear the philosophy around the weightroom from those that would know.

11-19-2011, 02:53 PM
Also, watching Reggie Scott do cleans in a full "squat catch" was something else. Everyone else was doing power cleans, and I think he was the only guy doing full Olympic style cleans. He was the 1st guy I ever saw in person doing them in that style. I think he was hitting the 315-330 range. It's been said here many times, but what a wasted talent he was. RIP Reggie.

Here's a great example of modern Strength & Conditioning programming for football players, and pretty much what Bison06 was referring to: http://www.crossfitfootball.com/ I would bet almost every college FB team and most rugby clubs out there are using something similiar to this type of programming. That's a big change from the "bench, squat, and clean as much as you possible can, then throw in some curls for the girls."

11-19-2011, 03:09 PM
Also, watching Reggie Scott do cleans in a full "squat catch" was something else. Everyone else was doing power cleans, and I think he was the only guy doing full Olympic style cleans. He was the 1st guy I ever saw in person doing them in that style. I think he was hitting the 315-330 range. It's been said here many times, but what a wasted talent he was. RIP Reggie.

Here's a great example of modern Strength & Conditioning programming for football players, and pretty much what Bison06 was referring to: http://www.crossfitfootball.com/ I would bet almost every college FB team and most rugby clubs out there are using something similiar to this type of programming. That's a big change from the "bench, squat, and clean as much as you possible can, then throw in some curls for the girls."

Pfffft.....Rugby....glorified soccer players. :biggrin:

2011 Champions
11-19-2011, 03:49 PM
It was a chilly November 12th in 2011. Unranked Youngstown State was coming into the shed to play the #1 ranked bissssson. The mighty unranked Youngstown State Peguins left the shed with an easy win, embarrassing the #1 ranked bissssson on a National level and probably knocked them out of a seed in the 2011 playoffs. The bisssssson had been hanging their hat on a win against the mighty Gophers of Minnesota. Couple that with a loss to the UNRANKED Youngstown State Penguins and it doesn't paint a very promising picture for the playoff future for the bissssson. Especailly when the MIGHTY Iowa State Cyclones beat #2 FBS Oklahoma State. How does this figure into this historical scenario? The MIGHTY Panthers of Northern Iowa were beaten by Iowa State on a last second touchdown by 1 point. As it turns out the committee is getting ready to meet and the Iowa State upset is all of the news planting the thought "Hey, this UNI team is much better than the bissssssson, who lost to an UNRANKED Youngstown State team at their place." This historical event ends with UNI being seeded above the bisssssson in the 2011. The deciding vote was cast by the represenattive of YSU that is on the committee.

11-19-2011, 03:51 PM
It was a chilly November 12th in 2011. Unranked Youngstown State was coming into the shed to play the #1 ranked bissssson. The mighty unranked Youngstown State Peguins left the shed with an easy win, embarrassing the #1 ranked bissssson on a National level and probably knocked them out of a seed in the 2011 playoffs. The bisssssson had been hanging their hat on a win against the mighty Gophers of Minnesota. Couple that with a loss to the UNRANKED Youngstown State Penguins and it doesn't paint a very promising picture for the playoff future for the bissssson. Especailly when the MIGHTY Iowa State Cyclones beat #2 FBS Oklahoma State. How does this figure into this historical scenario? The MIGHTY Panthers of Northern Iowa were beaten by Iowa State on a last second touchdown by 1 point. As it turns out the committee is getting ready to meet and the Iowa State upset is all of the news planting the thought "Hey, this UNI team is much better than the bissssssson, who lost to an UNRANKED Youngstown State team at their place." This historical event ends with UNI being seeded above the bisssssson in the 2011. The deciding vote was cast by the represenattive of YSU that is on the committee.

Except that NDSU beat UNI head to head.

11-19-2011, 03:57 PM
It was a chilly November 12th in 2011. Unranked Youngstown State was coming into the shed to play the #1 ranked bissssson. The mighty unranked Youngstown State Peguins left the shed with an easy win, embarrassing the #1 ranked bissssson on a National level and probably knocked them out of a seed in the 2011 playoffs. The bisssssson had been hanging their hat on a win against the mighty Gophers of Minnesota. Couple that with a loss to the UNRANKED Youngstown State Penguins and it doesn't paint a very promising picture for the playoff future for the bissssson. Especailly when the MIGHTY Iowa State Cyclones beat #2 FBS Oklahoma State. How does this figure into this historical scenario? The MIGHTY Panthers of Northern Iowa were beaten by Iowa State on a last second touchdown by 1 point. As it turns out the committee is getting ready to meet and the Iowa State upset is all of the news planting the thought "Hey, this UNI team is much better than the bissssssson, who lost to an UNRANKED Youngstown State team at their place." This historical event ends with UNI being seeded above the bisssssson in the 2011. The deciding vote was cast by the represenattive of YSU that is on the committee.

You are making the assumption that anyone here really cares about your thoughts anymore. I would guess that this is a pattern in your life.

11-19-2011, 04:40 PM
Gobbledygook deleted.


11-19-2011, 09:24 PM
It was a chilly November 12th in 2011. Unranked Youngstown State was coming into the shed to play the #1 ranked bissssson. The mighty unranked Youngstown State Peguins left the shed with an easy win, embarrassing the #1 ranked bissssson on a National level and probably knocked them out of a seed in the 2011 playoffs. The bisssssson had been hanging their hat on a win against the mighty Gophers of Minnesota. Couple that with a loss to the UNRANKED Youngstown State Penguins and it doesn't paint a very promising picture for the playoff future for the bissssson. Especailly when the MIGHTY Iowa State Cyclones beat #2 FBS Oklahoma State. How does this figure into this historical scenario? The MIGHTY Panthers of Northern Iowa were beaten by Iowa State on a last second touchdown by 1 point. As it turns out the committee is getting ready to meet and the Iowa State upset is all of the news planting the thought "Hey, this UNI team is much better than the bissssssson, who lost to an UNRANKED Youngstown State team at their place." This historical event ends with UNI being seeded above the bisssssson in the 2011. The deciding vote was cast by the represenattive of YSU that is on the committee.

10-1 > 9-2. Plus the 10-1 beat the 9-2.

11-20-2011, 08:59 AM
I remember my buddy bitching because a whole bunch of guys were watching something good in the Stockbridge Hall lounge and Jim Dick came strolling in and turned the channel to something else. Most of them just got up and left. Nobody said anything. I guess you could attribute that to him being bigger and stronger. Probably faster too.

Anybody else remember that video that one of the TV stations made of all the bone jarring hits Jim Dick made during his career? Someone should dig that up. It was pretty insane.

11-20-2011, 02:16 PM
I remember my buddy bitching because a whole bunch of guys were watching something good in the Stockbridge Hall lounge and Jim Dick came strolling in and turned the channel to something else. Most of them just got up and left. Nobody said anything. I guess you could attribute that to him being bigger and stronger. Probably faster too.

Anybody else remember that video that one of the TV stations made of all the bone jarring hits Jim Dick made during his career? Someone should dig that up. It was pretty insane.

Intensity x 1,000 in every aspect...sometimes to a bit of a fault, but a great, great football player.

11-20-2011, 04:49 PM
It was a chilly November 12th in 2011. Unranked Youngstown State was coming into the shed to play the #1 ranked bissssson. The mighty unranked Youngstown State Peguins left the shed with an easy win, embarrassing the #1 ranked bissssson on a National level and probably knocked them out of a seed in the 2011 playoffs. The bisssssson had been hanging their hat on a win against the mighty Gophers of Minnesota. Couple that with a loss to the UNRANKED Youngstown State Penguins and it doesn't paint a very promising picture for the playoff future for the bissssson. Especailly when the MIGHTY Iowa State Cyclones beat #2 FBS Oklahoma State. How does this figure into this historical scenario? The MIGHTY Panthers of Northern Iowa were beaten by Iowa State on a last second touchdown by 1 point. As it turns out the committee is getting ready to meet and the Iowa State upset is all of the news planting the thought "Hey, this UNI team is much better than the bissssssson, who lost to an UNRANKED Youngstown State team at their place." This historical event ends with UNI being seeded above the bisssssson in the 2011. The deciding vote was cast by the represenattive of YSU that is on the committee.

Ha! So much for your piss ant thoughts.

Enjoy your #5 seed. You may have the SportNetwork morons on your side, but the selection committee obviously thought the head to head win over the pansies from GoonTown, Iowa was more important.

11-20-2011, 05:48 PM
I was wondering around the internet and came across this pdf about Bison tradition. It has a lot of interesting stuff in there as well as a list of anything a person would want to know about who was who. It was a very interesting read...I think it is from 2007 however, but is still interesting...


Wow, there is some awesome information in there. The Bison have had a Medal of Honor receipient is amazing. Very rare to get one of these.