View Full Version : ESPN Page 2's TMQ - Bison mention

10-11-2011, 03:34 PM

10-11-2011, 05:41 PM
Wow........finding the following snippit at the end of a very long article was challenging: The mention is not a compliment to NDSU..........hopefully Vigen takes note:
Obscure College Score of the Week: North Dakota State 9, Southern Illinois 3 in a game that featured more punts (15) than points (12).

10-11-2011, 05:45 PM
Wow........finding the following snippit at the end of a very long article was challenging: The mention is not a compliment to NDSU..........hopefully Vigen takes note:
Obscure College Score of the Week: North Dakota State 9, Southern Illinois 3 in a game that featured more punts (15) than points (12).

1) All publicity is good publicity?
2) You're correct, as a regular reader of TMQ I'm aware of the presence and placement of the regular "Obscure College Score of the Week" but I should have anticipated that others wouldn't be. It's at the bottom guys, but there are several nice photos of scantily clad cheerbabes to keep your attention as you scroll (also a regular weekly feature).

10-11-2011, 06:55 PM
1) All publicity is good publicity?
2) You're correct, as a regular reader of TMQ I'm aware of the presence and placement of the regular "Obscure College Score of the Week" but I should have anticipated that others wouldn't be. It's at the bottom guys, but there are several nice photos of scantily clad cheerbabes to keep your attention as you scroll (also a regular weekly feature).
Crap, I was going to make mention of the pics of the cheerleaders on the journey to the bottom of that article. Actually I don't think the article does anything for or against the Bison, but it should rub Vigen the wrong way.
Hey Vigen, if you are reading this....... grow a man sack, study how to take advantage of the other team, get aggressive, run some unexpected stuff and tweek the gameplan throughout the game.

10-11-2011, 07:17 PM
Man, the guy who writes TMQ must be on cocaine. Reading that was like reading a Stephen King novel.