View Full Version : Hehe

04-01-2011, 02:14 PM
Hey guys, I am not here to troll or anything. Just a big Bison fan and that means I sort've feel like I should keep tabs on the School up North while I am at it. Anyway, just wondering what you guys think about your team these next few years?

As we have all noticed the Sioux have never really been a football school, of course they've had some good years here and there(2001 or whenever they won their title?) but all in all, you guys typically are not a great team. NDSU just got done with a small rough patch and are definitely trending back up to where their recruiting and tradition suggests we ough to be. Good running game, good defense, typical Bison football.

I noticed that UND has had a few really rough years and I'll be honest I don't know any of the reasons why they have been bad or why you guys are optomistic/pessimistic about their chances the next few years which hopefully leads up to a Home and Home series with the Herd. As for the move to the Big Sky, I think it is good and bad for you guys. For style of play, Big Sky is pretty finesse which looking at your team, probably is a better matchup for you than the Missouri Valley(Physical Physical Physical), bad news is that you guys are not even remotely close to any of the teams and don't currently look to have many chances to compete(Montana, Montana St.), and from top to bottom they dont have a whole lot of depth, after the top couple schools it gets pretty weak. And I don't want to hear any comments about the Eastern Washington game haha, bad luck and a rough first quarter and an embarassing last couple minutes will do that to you I guess.

Just curious what you guys think about your guys chances to be a decent team again. As much as I'd like to say good luck you all know I wouldn't mean it haha

04-01-2011, 08:22 PM
Did you mean to post this at Siouxsports.com?

I've always had you pegged as a UND fan pretending to be a Bison fan. If you are a UND fan and actually do start posting on siouxsports.com using your fake Bison persona, then you'd certainly be taking things to a new level.

04-01-2011, 08:26 PM
Hey guys, I am not here to troll or anything. Just a big Bison fan and that means I sort've feel like I should keep tabs on the School up North while I am at it. Anyway, just wondering what you guys think about your team these next few years?

As we have all noticed the Sioux have never really been a football school, of course they've had some good years here and there(2001 or whenever they won their title?) but all in all, you guys typically are not a great team. NDSU just got done with a small rough patch and are definitely trending back up to where their recruiting and tradition suggests we ough to be. Good running game, good defense, typical Bison football.

I noticed that UND has had a few really rough years and I'll be honest I don't know any of the reasons why they have been bad or why you guys are optomistic/pessimistic about their chances the next few years which hopefully leads up to a Home and Home series with the Herd. As for the move to the Big Sky, I think it is good and bad for you guys. For style of play, Big Sky is pretty finesse which looking at your team, probably is a better matchup for you than the Missouri Valley(Physical Physical Physical), bad news is that you guys are not even remotely close to any of the teams and don't currently look to have many chances to compete(Montana, Montana St.), and from top to bottom they dont have a whole lot of depth, after the top couple schools it gets pretty weak. And I don't want to hear any comments about the Eastern Washington game haha, bad luck and a rough first quarter and an embarassing last couple minutes will do that to you I guess.

Just curious what you guys think about your guys chances to be a decent team again. As much as I'd like to say good luck you all know I wouldn't mean it haha

Let me summarize this post: Vailed skiing, while required in Mongolia, can be fun with drugs and the internet.

04-01-2011, 08:27 PM
Did you mean to post this at Siouxsports.com?

I've always had you pegged as a UND fan pretending to be a Bison fan. If you are a UND fan and actually do start posting on siouxsports.com using your fake Bison persona, then you'd certainly be taking things to a new level.

someone posted that over on ss.com earlier.......so i'm guessing it was him that did it

04-01-2011, 08:37 PM
Let me summarize this post: Vailed skiing, while required in Mongolia, can be fun with drugs and the internet.

But it can cause confusion to them about what the antecedents of "you" are and who the "they" is context-wise.

Tips for UND Fans Who Want to Post as Bison Fans On Sioux Boards In An Effort to Make Bison Fans Look Bad.

1. Post on a Sioux board not a Bison board (i.e. know your audience)
2. Badmouth states that NDSU recruits heavily.
3. Badmouth North Dakota.
4. Edit your posts carefully. If you read it and don't think you sound drunk, then delete that bit and replace it with LOUD NOISES!
5. ... wait a minute, I'm seeing a pattern...

Revised checklist:

1. Post on a Sioux board not a Bison board.
2. Ask yourself WWLD (but smarten it up a bit so it's not so obvious that you are a troll.)

04-01-2011, 08:44 PM
someone posted that over on ss.com earlier.......so i'm guessing it was him that did it

Hmm. So he's just a plain old troll rather than a UND-affiliated one, do you think?

04-01-2011, 08:54 PM
I'm going to give This a general fail rating for creativity and effort poorly spent.

04-01-2011, 08:58 PM
I'm going to give This a general fail rating for creativity and effort poorly spent.

I was going to say he's a master baiter, but I think that's insulting to TAB.

04-01-2011, 09:00 PM
I was going to say he's a master baiter, but I think that's insulting to TAB.

As well as insulting TABs intelligence. And that's very rare

04-01-2011, 09:03 PM
Oh, so THIS is the guy who was throwing the rocks at the gorilla cage at the SS board last night. I saw your post on there late last night. Got ripped apart pretty fast, although one funny thing I saw was a couple of the no-name fans claiming they had more football conference titles than NDSU, which is, um... False.

Otherwise, it was really not something you should've posted over there if you already knew what you were getting yourself into.

04-01-2011, 09:05 PM
But it can cause confusion to them about what the antecedents of "you" are and who the "they" is context-wise.

Tips for UND Fans Who Want to Post as Bison Fans On Sioux Boards In An Effort to Make Bison Fans Look Bad.

1. Post on a Sioux board not a Bison board (i.e. know your audience)
2. Badmouth states that NDSU recruits heavily.
3. Badmouth North Dakota.
4. Edit your posts carefully. If you read it and don't think you sound drunk, then delete that bit and replace it with LOUD NOISES!
5. ... wait a minute, I'm seeing a pattern...

Revised checklist:

1. Post on a Sioux board not a Bison board.
2. Ask yourself WWLD (but smarten it up a bit so it's not so obvious that you are a troll.)

You just described a certain "Bison fan" who hails from Minneapolis. What was his name on AGS?? Something-Bison?? MplsBison???

04-01-2011, 09:14 PM
You just described a certain "Bison fan" who hails from Minneapolis. What was his name on AGS?? Something-Bison?? MplsBison???

WWLD=What Would L_ke_bi_on Do.

04-01-2011, 09:25 PM
WWLD=What Would L_ke_bi_on Do.

whens the bisonville store open? Cause your all over these bracelet ideas.

04-01-2011, 09:33 PM
The Who are a mystery. They have the potential to do well but looking at the transition, I think they have something like 2 D1 wins. But the sad part is due to the name, they wont be able to host a playoff game. Its pretty much a big FU from the hockey program. I personally think they are going to be on the same level as Northern Colorado. Big Sky is just too strong from top to bottom. Not sure how the east /west thing will work out. I do notice the last recruiting class was improved. Their best opportunity may be in womens basketball, volleyball, and track.

04-01-2011, 10:45 PM
Im a drunk!

Bison football sioux but hockey boys

04-01-2011, 10:47 PM
I was just showing you guys what was posted over there. No need for the hate and h neg reps as i already have a bad rep around here for some unknown reason but oh well. the sun will shine tomorrow and the RR will raise a few more feat.

04-02-2011, 12:12 AM
Two words. Vendettas

04-02-2011, 12:13 AM

ten char

04-02-2011, 08:00 AM
Hey guys, I am not here to troll or anything. Just a big Bison fan and that means I sort've feel like I should keep tabs on the School up North while I am at it. Anyway, just wondering what you guys think about your team these next few years?

As we have all noticed the Sioux have never really been a football school, of course they've had some good years here and there(2001 or whenever they won their title?) but all in all, you guys typically are not a great team. NDSU just got done with a small rough patch and are definitely trending back up to where their recruiting and tradition suggests we ough to be. Good running game, good defense, typical Bison football.

I noticed that UND has had a few really rough years and I'll be honest I don't know any of the reasons why they have been bad or why you guys are optomistic/pessimistic about their chances the next few years which hopefully leads up to a Home and Home series with the Herd. As for the move to the Big Sky, I think it is good and bad for you guys. For style of play, Big Sky is pretty finesse which looking at your team, probably is a better matchup for you than the Missouri Valley(Physical Physical Physical), bad news is that you guys are not even remotely close to any of the teams and don't currently look to have many chances to compete(Montana, Montana St.), and from top to bottom they dont have a whole lot of depth, after the top couple schools it gets pretty weak. And I don't want to hear any comments about the Eastern Washington game haha, bad luck and a rough first quarter and an embarassing last couple minutes will do that to you I guess.

Just curious what you guys think about your guys chances to be a decent team again. As much as I'd like to say good luck you all know I wouldn't mean it haha

noob fuck you

04-02-2011, 07:55 PM
How does this guy not have red chiclets yet?

edit: There you go, I fixed it, enjoy the red chiclet(s)

04-02-2011, 08:09 PM
I don't get this thread at all.

04-02-2011, 08:31 PM
I was just showing you guys what was posted over there. No need for the hate and h neg reps as i already have a bad rep around here for some unknown reason but oh well. the sun will shine tomorrow and the RR will raise a few more feat.


04-02-2011, 10:04 PM
I was just showing you guys what was posted over there. No need for the hate and h neg reps as i already have a bad rep around here for some unknown reason but oh well. the sun will shine tomorrow and the RR will raise a few more feat.
