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02-04-2011, 09:11 PM
Brock Jensen got minored.


02-04-2011, 09:12 PM
Dammmiiittttttt:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:


Breaking news at the Forum....go figure

Had he been a Who, it would be on page 52 in small print

Ooops I meant Jensen

02-04-2011, 09:13 PM
At least they ended the story in a good way, but, WTF Brock.

3-2-1--look for post from Lakes.

02-04-2011, 09:14 PM
Brock Jensen got minored.


Just saw the article... Absolutely dumb on his part... What is the standard punishment Bohl will hand out?

02-04-2011, 09:15 PM
Ridiculous...almost speechless!

02-04-2011, 09:17 PM
Ridiculous...almost speechless!

Well, if that's all it takes!!!!!

02-04-2011, 09:17 PM
it's here too. little more in depth... http://bisonmedia.areavoices.com/

02-04-2011, 09:18 PM
Dumb on Mr. Jensen's part. Craig Bohl taking appropriate action.

02-04-2011, 09:24 PM
Sweet breaking news alert. I would have thought that 6 people being injured today at the Cowboys stadium would have been more breaking news-worthy or the revolution in Egypt, but yeah, I guess the MIP of a Bison athlete a freaking month ago deserves that treatment. F*ck you Forum Comm.

02-04-2011, 09:25 PM
But...I need to know... he didn't lose his shoes taking a snowy short cut, did he? :hide:

bisonmike2, unfortunately, if the starting QB of a playoff team gets an under aged drinking charge...it is news. Don't shoot the messanger, blame the dumb ass that got the MIP.

It's real easy. Don't drink until you are 21 or choose to pay the consequences...he chose the latter.

All of this could have been avoided if that alcohol bill would have been passed. :hide: :hide: :hide: :hide:

02-04-2011, 09:25 PM
It's a minor... its not the end of the world.

02-04-2011, 09:25 PM
Sorry for the double thread, I sent admin an email to delete mine.

02-04-2011, 09:26 PM
Sweet breaking news alert. I would have thought that 6 people being injured today at the Cowboys stadium would have been more breaking news-worthy or the revolution in Egypt, but yeah, I guess the MIP of a Bison athlete a freaking month ago deserves that treatment. F*ck you Forum Comm.


02-04-2011, 09:32 PM
bisonmike2, unfortunately, if the starting QB of a playoff team gets an under aged drinking charge...it is news. Don't shoot the messanger, blame the dumb ass that got the MIP.

This. It would sure be nice if the standard was applied equally, that's all.

02-04-2011, 09:33 PM
minor isnt that big of a deal, he obviously should be disciplined in some form. lets hope he learns his lesson

02-04-2011, 09:39 PM
it's here too. little more in depth... http://bisonmedia.areavoices.com/

Junior Quarterback Jose Mohler was charged with minor in possession back in August of 2008, he didn’t miss any time, he wasn’t until his DUI that he was suspended two games for the 2009 season.

Hey Dom just curious why you included this little tidbit under the title Jensen cited?

02-04-2011, 09:50 PM
We all know under age college students never possess or drink alcohol........might be true for about 5% of the student population. Time for society to take a reality check. Even as a conservative politically, I disagree that the drinking age is 21. If you can vote and die for your country at 18 years of age you should be able to drink alcohol.
Sorry Brock, you broke the dumbass rules and will have to pay.

02-04-2011, 09:53 PM
It's a minor... its not the end of the world.

Don't recall anyone saying it was the end of the world.

Do recall people saying he made a bad choice.

How f'in hard is it to keep a bottle of beer from your lips? He's 6'3 and 230...don't imagine anyone held him down....

Yes, I did drink before I was 21...cause it was legal in MN at 19. But I didn't drink in Fargo which was 21 until I was 21. It wasn't that hard not to drink until 19 and it wasn't that hard to stay out of ND with booze until I was 21 either. Take some frickin responsibility for your actions or pay the price.

And, I really don't care if people think the law is dumb. It's a drink of booze, Jesus, grow a pair stop being sheep. Are people really that incapable of going through life without some form of medication?

02-04-2011, 09:54 PM
Or go to school in Grand Forks and avoid this level of scrutiny.

02-04-2011, 09:57 PM
Hey Dom just curious why you included this little tidbit under the title Jensen cited?

I believe Dom was comparing them to show that an MIP didn't get a suspension in the past, but a DUI did. Therefore, no game suspension for Brock.

02-04-2011, 09:58 PM
It's hard for me to condemn his actions as i certainly was no saint, but i wasn't the starting quarterback for the Bison either. If he wants to lead this team in the future he's going to have to grow up a little and understand that this is not acceptable. And this damn sure better be the last time this happens.

Castor Troy
02-04-2011, 09:58 PM
Dammmiiittttttt:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:


Breaking news at the Forum....go figure

Had he been a Who, it would be on page 52 in small print

Ooops I meant Jensen

So does this mean that our QB recruits are so good that they led poor Brock to drink?

02-04-2011, 09:58 PM
We all know under age college students never possess or drink alcohol........might be true for about 5% of the student population. Time for society to take a reality check. Even as a conservative politically, I disagree that the drinking age is 21. If you can vote and die for your country at 18 years of age you should be able to drink alcohol.
Sorry Brock, you broke the dumbass rules and will have to pay.

Cant agree more!!!!!

02-04-2011, 10:01 PM
I guess i should clarify that I don't expect underage football players to abstain from drinking, i'm a realist, it's going to happen. They just have to be smart about what situations they put themselves in and understand the risks they are taking. get caught...pay the price.

02-04-2011, 10:01 PM
:banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

02-04-2011, 10:01 PM
It's hard for me to condemn his actions as i certainly was no saint, but i wasn't the starting quarterback for the Bison either. If he wants to lead this team in the future he's going to have to grow up a little and understand that this is not acceptable. And this damn sure better be the last time this happens.

This makes sense to me. Especially when there are 5 other guys that would love to take his playing time. This was one intangible he had over Mohler is that he's always kept his nose clean. (or hadn't gotten caught) Note to Esley/Carson/Stanford for their personal situations....watch yourself and take advantage!!

02-04-2011, 10:04 PM
We all know under age college students never possess or drink alcohol........might be true for about 5% of the student population. Time for society to take a reality check. Even as a conservative politically, I disagree that the drinking age is 21. If you can vote and die for your country at 18 years of age you should be able to drink alcohol.
Sorry Brock, you broke the dumbass rules and will have to pay.

While I don't necessarily disagree with you, I look at the fact that an 18 year old in the military rarely has to make a decision for themselves. They follow orders. 18 year olds outside of the military make stupid decisions without alcohol.

02-04-2011, 10:04 PM
Cant agree more!!!!!

Well, I think everyone should be taxed at the same rate. Life isn't fair.

02-04-2011, 10:05 PM
I think that since he's the starting qb for the Bison he should be expected to stay inside on the weekends an study as to avoid anything that could possible get him into the news.:) Seriously who the hell care's that he got a minor? F%@# the foolem.

02-04-2011, 10:06 PM
big fricken deal. Almost every kid on the team drinks. He got a minor - who cares. This shouldn't even make the paper. If he gets another minor, then i might get concerned. There is a big difference between getting a minor and getting a dui. As long as our players aren't getting dui's, I could care less if they get a minor.

02-04-2011, 10:18 PM
I guess i should clarify that I don't expect underage football players to abstain from drinking, i'm a realist, it's going to happen. They just have to be smart about what situations they put themselves in and understand the risks they are taking. get caught...pay the price.
I agree the stupid laws are what they are, but getting caught is just stupid.

02-04-2011, 10:21 PM
big fricken deal. Almost every kid on the team drinks. He got a minor - who cares. This shouldn't even make the paper. If he gets another minor, then i might get concerned. There is a big difference between getting a minor and getting a dui. As long as our players aren't getting dui's, I could care less if they get a minor.
Isn't getting a minor nowadays kinda like a rite of passage into adulthood? Just kidding folks!

02-04-2011, 10:27 PM
Don't recall anyone saying it was the end of the world.

Do recall people saying he made a bad choice.

How f'in hard is it to keep a bottle of beer from your lips? He's 6'3 and 230...don't imagine anyone held him down....

Yes, I did drink before I was 21...cause it was legal in MN at 19. But I didn't drink in Fargo which was 21 until I was 21. It wasn't that hard not to drink until 19 and it wasn't that hard to stay out of ND with booze until I was 21 either. Take some frickin responsibility for your actions or pay the price.

And, I really don't care if people think the law is dumb. It's a drink of booze, Jesus, grow a pair stop being sheep. Are people really that incapable of going through life without some form of medication?

Oh boy... lets give you a medal cause you drank legally when you were a kid. You must be a perfect little angel.

02-04-2011, 10:29 PM
big fricken deal. Almost every kid on the team drinks. He got a minor - who cares. This shouldn't even make the paper. If he gets another minor, then i might get concerned. There is a big difference between getting a minor and getting a dui. As long as our players aren't getting dui's, I could care less if they get a minor.
I hear players on all the great teams that won national championships at NDSU just hung out together, always studying. They only drank prune juice, and were so close they frequently had group hugs and sang religious songs. No alcohol for those fine young men.

02-04-2011, 10:31 PM
So does this mean that our QB recruits are so good that they led poor Brock to drink?
No, Brock was just following Jose by example.

02-04-2011, 10:32 PM
minor isnt that big of a deal, he obviously should be disciplined in some form. lets hope he learns his lesson

Once again, we will have to disagree.

Is this a tip of the proverbial iceberg? Mohler, Johnson, et al. all started with MIP and then worked their way up to DUI. Let's hope Jensen is smart enough to ensure this is "no big deal".

02-04-2011, 10:38 PM
Tons of kids get minors, if they all got DUIs the streets of Fargo would be empty and the courts would be full.

That said it is an issue, lesson one will certainly be seeing your name in print saying you screwed up. Lesson two will be whatever Bohl and the coaches dish out as punishment. Lesson three will be dealing with the courts and the school. It's not like this will be some little slap on the wrist, so I don't expect Jensen to get a DUI just because he got an MIP.

02-04-2011, 10:51 PM
While I don't necessarily disagree with you, I look at the fact that an 18 year old in the military rarely has to make a decision for themselves. They follow orders. 18 year olds outside of the military make stupid decisions without alcohol.

An 18 year old in boot camp rarely has to make a decision. However, once assigned and put into a training scenario or a live fire combat situation, plenty of decisions are made and made quickly. Most reactions have been practiced, but there are always other decisions that are made on the fly.

Outside of combat and in the comfort of their assigned barracks, many other decisions are made by the 18 / 19 / 20 year old person in the military. Some of these include alcohol and can lead to negative consequences.

I get your original point, but don't accept the inference that military men and women do not make decisions on a comperable level as their peers.

Back to the original point, I find it to be very presumptious that the same kids who are 'asked' to put their lives on the line are also told that they do not have the maturity to handle alcohol. But, as they say, I digress....

02-04-2011, 10:58 PM
damn it brock!!!!! why didnt you invite me?

02-04-2011, 11:00 PM
I think most of us have the proper perspective here. 99% of Bison Football players drink underage, the offense IMO isn't that he drank it's that he was caught. Other than that this is a huge yawn as far as news goes.

I may be ridiculed for saying this, but I actual like that he drinks and has a little edge to him. I remember another recent, popular Bison QB when he came in, he was wound so tight when he got to Fargo, never drank, never went out. Then he loosened up a little and came out and had a good time and IMO his football improved because he was enjoying himself in Fargo.

Did drinking make him better, of course not. But if 99% of your teammates are drinking and you aren't, it's pretty hard to feel like he is a man you can trust.

02-04-2011, 11:00 PM
Here is a comparison...

When Kristo got his MIP(the "shoeless" UND hockey player), it was buried in something called Friday's College Clipboard in the GF Heraldo. When a NDSU player gets an MIP it is front and center on the Forum website and I can tell you right now it won't be buried in some article with a nondescript headline in tomorrow's paper.

It is mentioned on the Heraldo's site....When Kristo got his MIP, the Forum didn't even run a story on it. Nothing, zip zero, nada....it wasn't even buried in some hockey notes article with a nondescript headline.

02-04-2011, 11:05 PM
Not a good thing obviously, but not the end of the world either. Hopefully this will scare him into not making a bigger mistake (or at least not getting caught).:D

02-04-2011, 11:14 PM
Oh boy... lets give you a medal cause you drank legally when you were a kid. You must be a perfect little angel.

If it will make you feel better, sheep, go ahead.

I had more than my share of fun in college. I just didn't find it that hard to keep a bottle from my mouth, and I remembered the fun I had the next day.

You can be a shepherd or a sheep. There are a lot of sheep.

It's OK to be a sheep, gobisontd. I really wouldn't expect anything more from you.;)

Charactor is defined as what you do when no one is watching. No one said it was easy. If it was easy, even the sheep would do it.

02-04-2011, 11:26 PM
:banghead: :banghead:

Damnit Mr. Jenson.

Way to start out trying to go for Championship in '11.

I thought we've learned Don't Get Caught.

02-04-2011, 11:43 PM
I think most of us have the proper perspective here. 99% of Bison Football players drink underage, the offense IMO isn't that he drank it's that he was caught. Other than that this is a huge yawn as far as news goes.

I may be ridiculed for saying this, but I actual like that he drinks and has a little edge to him. I remember another recent, popular Bison QB when he came in, he was wound so tight when he got to Fargo, never drank, never went out. Then he loosened up a little and came out and had a good time and IMO his football improved because he was enjoying himself in Fargo.

Did drinking make him better, of course not. But if 99% of your teammates are drinking and you aren't, it's pretty hard to feel like he is a man you can trust.

Sorry but I will have to disagree. We had numerous players on our team that didnt drink and that fact was never given a second thought. We trusted them. They were team mates.

02-04-2011, 11:44 PM
If it will make you feel better, sheep, go ahead.

I had more than my share of fun in college. I just didn't find it that hard to keep a bottle from my mouth, and I remembered the fun I had the next day.

You can be a shepherd or a sheep. There are a lot of sheep.

It's OK to be a sheep, gobisontd. I really wouldn't expect anything more from you.;)

Charactor is defined as what you do when no one is watching. No one said it was easy. If it was easy, even the sheep would do it.

You probably had something else up to your lips instead of a bottle.

02-04-2011, 11:44 PM
So did Lakes get busted for contributing to a minor in part of his master plan to get Jose back on the field?:hide:

I'm kidding Lakes, well sort of, no I'm pretty sure I'm just kidding.:D I'm not too worried about Brock, he's just being a normal college student, we've all....... well most of us have been there. Nothing to see here folks, let's move on and chalk it up as the one f-up for the offseason.

02-04-2011, 11:45 PM
You probably had something else up to your lips instead of a bottle.

probably your girl friend's nipples or V-jay-jay while you were passed out. :)

02-04-2011, 11:46 PM
probably your girl friends nipples while you were passed out. :)

Really, that's it? You didn't go downstairs? ;)

02-04-2011, 11:51 PM
I think most of us have the proper perspective here. 99% of Bison Football players drink underage, the offense IMO isn't that he drank it's that he was caught. Other than that this is a huge yawn as far as news goes.

I may be ridiculed for saying this, but I actual like that he drinks and has a little edge to him. I remember another recent, popular Bison QB when he came in, he was wound so tight when he got to Fargo, never drank, never went out. Then he loosened up a little and came out and had a good time and IMO his football improved because he was enjoying himself in Fargo.

Did drinking make him better, of course not. But if 99% of your teammates are drinking and you aren't, it's pretty hard to feel like he is a man you can trust.

Who knew you had to be drunk to be trusted?? My goodness, that is a ridiculous statement.

02-04-2011, 11:58 PM
Really, that's it? You didn't go downstairs? ;)

Of course!! You don't think that I would trust that some drunk hadn't picked up a dude at the I-Beem earlier in the night. You can never be to careful.

02-05-2011, 12:13 AM
Is it wrong yes, do I want him tarred and feathered no, I got 2 minors in College, if ANYONE thinks it isn't happening elsewhere they are wrong.

BTW anyone hear Heitkamp today defend Bison FB and say the Hockey coach up north should come clean on what happened with the infamous frozen foot deal??

02-05-2011, 12:17 AM
Is it wrong yes, do I want him tarred and feathered no, I got 2 minors in College, if ANYONE thinks it isn't happening elsewhere they are wrong.

BTW anyone hear Heitkamp today defend Bison FB and say the Hockey coach up north should come clean on what happened with the infamous frozen foot deal??

Really, good for him! Puffy, do you have a link for this?

02-05-2011, 12:18 AM
Well, I would think the standard punishment would be a two game suspension, followed by Jensen standing on the sidelines watching Jose show him how the game is played for the rest of the season.

Fightin' Bison
02-05-2011, 12:24 AM

^^^^Not this.^^^^

02-05-2011, 12:30 AM
Really, good for him! Puffy, do you have a link for this?

Yeah I loved it, not sure if his shows are podcast or not

02-05-2011, 12:34 AM
Well, I would think the standard punishment would be a two game suspension, followed by Jensen standing on the sidelines watching Jose show him how the game is played for the rest of the season.

Figured you would come around with something like this.

Brock made a mistake and should be punished. No way Jose starts the whole season.

02-05-2011, 12:36 AM
Figured you would come around with something like this.

Brock made a mistake and should be punished. No way Jose starts the whole season.

Plus Jose has a MIP and a DUI

but you would thine Brock would have used his head as there are 3 QB's more than willing to come here and play

02-05-2011, 12:44 AM
Plus Jose has a MIP and a DUI

but you would thine Brock would have used his head as there are 3 QB's more than willing to come here and play


Piss-poor judgement. He has 3 other guys right on his ass to take his spot and 2 good recruits coming in. People make mistakes but hopefully he learns his lesson.

At least we have more than 1 QB....right Neil...:D

02-05-2011, 01:02 AM
Figured you would come around with something like this.

Brock made a mistake and should be punished. No way Jose starts the whole season.

Some of you were ready to mail Jose back to CA for his convictions, but now I hear getting a minor is OK. Interesting.............

02-05-2011, 01:14 AM
So Dom can update twitter about the MIC every 5 minutes but he can't cover the Bison signings live? WTF?

02-05-2011, 01:21 AM
Well, I would think the standard punishment would be a two game suspension, followed by Jensen standing on the sidelines watching Jose show him how the game is played for the rest of the season.

:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

02-05-2011, 01:24 AM
So Dom can update twitter about the MIC every 5 minutes but he can't cover the Bison signings live? WTF?

Sounds like something you should tweet to Dandy Dom. :nod:

02-05-2011, 01:30 AM
It's a minor...who the hell cares...kids are in college and are going to drink from time to time. Think of the positives, he didn't get behind the wheel and drive, he kept his shoes on, and he was not slipping stolen electronics out the front door of the local Best Buy. If a couple minors is the worst we will deal with, I will be happy.

02-05-2011, 01:35 AM
It's not that I am mad at you Brock, I'm just dissappointed :smh:

That's what my parents said when I did this kind of suff when I was Brock's age.

Did he get an MIP or an MIC? I know someone who got a MIP because a friend put a box of empty beer cans in his car. Not saying Brock did nothing, but I'm not going to pass judgement right now.

02-05-2011, 02:09 AM
Vondal got a game or two suspension for a minor in the past. To keep this in perspective, it is a minor. It's too bad and he made a mistake but it isn't bad to the degree that some players have done in the past. Things like DUI, shoplifting, resisting arrest or assault. Hopefully it doesn't happen again.

Bison bison
02-05-2011, 02:12 AM
how f#cking tough is this?

the legal drinking age in this country is 21.

i don't give to teammakers to pay for dumbass jocks to get drunk.

i sure as hell don't expect this from a player who plays in the natural leadership position on the team.

i hope brock learns his lesson.

02-05-2011, 02:36 AM
Vondal got a game or two suspension for a minor in the past. To keep this in perspective, it is a minor. It's too bad and he made a mistake but it isn't bad to the degree that some players have done in the past. Things like DUI, shoplifting, resisting arrest or assault. Hopefully it doesn't happen again.

Vandal got a suspension because he had three minors.

Mr. Burgundy
02-05-2011, 02:36 AM
I don't listen to "Dom's" Saturday morning show, but I hope everyone calls in and asks him why he got a stiffy over this MINOR infraction but didn't want to TOUCH the other school's issues. I mean, isn't WDAY supposed to be covering UND athletics?

02-05-2011, 02:40 AM
I love how so many of you are rationalizing this. Oh it's ok all kids drink. Ummm NO THEY DON"T. Just because you did and most do, doesn't mean they should. There's a legal age and it should be followed. But you know who cares it's just a beer, then next time it could be a DUI, then who knows?? Slippery slope could have just started again, or hopefully it's been taken care of.

02-05-2011, 03:23 AM
I love how so many of you are rationalizing this. Oh it's ok all kids drink. Ummm NO THEY DON"T. Just because you did and most do, doesn't mean they should. There's a legal age and it should be followed. But you know who cares it's just a beer, then next time it could be a DUI, then who knows?? Slippery slope could have just started again, or hopefully it's been taken care of.

You're right, he should be kicked out of school and have his nuts cut off. Come on man, put if in perspective. Is it right..no. Is it the end of the world...also no.

02-05-2011, 03:31 AM
I hope he was out with Michelle Turnberg, good for him. MIP is a nothing.

02-05-2011, 03:33 AM
I hope he was out with Michelle Turnberg, good for him. MIP is a nothing.
is it august already?

02-05-2011, 03:34 AM
Holy Carp!!! I can't believe Hammer didn't even mention it on the 10pm newscast. I had to rewind to see if I missed it...

02-05-2011, 03:47 AM
Maybe NDSU could set up an exchange program with the UND hockey team. Any time a football player has the urge for an adult beverage they could go up north and be buddied up with a member of the hockey team. This way the football program could avoid these sticky situations with the FPD and know their players will be able to have a good time without any issues of legal or media problems. If anything were to happen they've got their puckhead so it will be taken care of faster than you can say butthockey. Because of recent and unfortunate events all player must check out a GPS system before they leave Fargo and Judy's will also be stocked with navigational tools as a backup.

02-05-2011, 03:53 AM
I look at it this way, sure a kid in college having a beer probably isn't the end of the world, and yes many of us back in the day may have had one or two or many before we were legal. However, this isn't the good old days either where the cops would bust up a party and just send everyone home. Fair or not, this whole underage, binge drinking thing is a big deal now. You don't get free passes and the athletic teams (because they are in the spotlight) need to be aware of that.

That being said, if this is all the worse that it gets this year, I think we can weather the storm.

02-05-2011, 04:13 AM
You know, regardless of whether or not the legal drinking age is too high, the law is the law. How hard is it to just not drink? Seriously, I don't care if you're a college athlete from buthockey, NDSU, or just a regular student. Is it really that hard to follow the law? Kids will be kids blah blah blah... shouldn't we have higher standards than that?

I realize everybody makes mistakes, I just hope for once, the players can take some serious responsibility for their actions and realize the great opportunity they have... NC opportunity.

02-05-2011, 04:21 AM
is it august already?

Re-read it, September

02-05-2011, 04:42 AM
Some of you were ready to mail Jose back to CA for his convictions, but now I hear getting a minor is OK. Interesting.............

Where did I say it is OK to get a minor?

02-05-2011, 05:40 AM
It isn't o.k. But people make mistakes. It's over and done with.

The real issue is what happens in the future. Does it happen again? Does the university take appropriate action?

Hopefully Brock will learn from this and there will be no further incidents. Bison football has shown that it will address these issues and usually there are no further incidents.

This is much different than another athletic program.

02-05-2011, 07:50 AM
If it will make you feel better, sheep, go ahead.

I had more than my share of fun in college. I just didn't find it that hard to keep a bottle from my mouth, and I remembered the fun I had the next day.

You can be a shepherd or a sheep. There are a lot of sheep.

It's OK to be a sheep, gobisontd. I really wouldn't expect anything more from you.;)

Charactor is defined as what you do when no one is watching. No one said it was easy. If it was easy, even the sheep would do it.

Get this guy a pedestal... he needs to stand on it. Preach to us all almighty one. Apparently if you enjoy a beverage or two, you can't be a leader. I'd like to meet you. Then laugh at you.

02-05-2011, 10:00 AM
Once again, we will have to disagree.

Is this a tip of the proverbial iceberg? Mohler, Johnson, et al. all started with MIP and then worked their way up to DUI. Let's hope Jensen is smart enough to ensure this is "no big deal".

once again you disagree with me? im sorry to hear youre wrong the majority of the time :)

02-05-2011, 10:05 AM
I can guarantee this will continue to happen to athletes and other students at colleges all over the US. Again, it's not a good thing. But I also guarantee the sun will continue to come up each morning. I'm pretty sure that things will be ok.

02-05-2011, 10:14 AM
I can guarantee this will continue to happen to athletes and other students at colleges all over the US. Again, it's not a good thing. But I also guarantee the sun will continue to come up each morning. I'm pretty sure that things will be ok.


02-05-2011, 10:39 AM
If anybody thinks that 99% of the football players don't drink alcohol, they are gonna be shocked. I will say that I don't think it matters that the kid got a minor, big fricken deal. Hopefully, he stays out of trouble now that he's gotten one.

I will say a minor is no big deal. He was unlucky and got caught. The law is the law and he will pay his fine and move on.

Its stupid the newspapers even reports this crap. Note to future NDSU players, if you're gonna get a minor, don't get it in fargo. Get it in another county in minnesota or anywhere but the fm metro. Also, have a couple beers and enjoy your first couple years of college.

02-05-2011, 10:50 AM
If anybody thinks that 99% of the football players don't drink alcohol, they are gonna be shocked. I will say that I don't think it matters that the kid got a minor, big fricken deal. Hopefully, he stays out of trouble now that he's gotten one.

I will say a minor is no big deal. He was unlucky and got caught. The law is the law and he will pay his fine and move on.

Its stupid the newspapers even reports this crap. Note to future NDSU players, if you're gonna get a minor, don't get it in fargo. Get it in another county in minnesota or anywhere but the fm metro. Also, have a couple beers and enjoy your first couple years of college.

If anybody thinks the majority of football players dont smoke pot there gonna be shocked.... only the unlucky ones get caught.

02-05-2011, 11:30 AM
If anybody thinks that 99% of the football players don't drink alcohol, they are gonna be shocked. I will say that I don't think it matters that the kid got a minor, big fricken deal. Hopefully, he stays out of trouble now that he's gotten one.

I will say a minor is no big deal. He was unlucky and got caught. The law is the law and he will pay his fine and move on.

Its stupid the newspapers even reports this crap. Note to future NDSU players, if you're gonna get a minor, don't get it in fargo. Get it in another county in minnesota or anywhere but the fm metro. Also, have a couple beers and enjoy your first couple years of college.

Get a clue.

It matters. Coach Bohl thinks it does too because there will be discipline. That discipline will be commensurate with the seriousness of the offense. In this case, he is not expected to miss any time. I have zero problem with that.

Don't think for a second that our young QB didn't use up some of his "brownie points" with the coaching staff because his actions used up a little of their good will with the University. Too much of this or bigger problems and their jobs eventually go on the line regardless of how many games are won.

If you are a person that most people will recognize (Michelle Turnberg sp.?) or a star athlete, CEO, elected official, etc and your name ends up in a police blotter, it will be in the paper. Count on it.

Everybody gets to make decisions. Drink or don't drink. I'm not about to play the role of judge here. Message to the athletes is simple though: get caught and end up in trouble with the law and you will pay the consequences. I would not want to be the next person on the football roster to get into trouble.

02-05-2011, 12:21 PM
There are two types of people in the world, those that love liberty and those that want to control others.

Mr. Burgundy
02-05-2011, 01:27 PM
I am going to listen to Dom's show today and see if he has Schloshman on today. See what his take is on the situation up North and why they are protecting the facts so closely. Again, if Brock was in a burn clinic due to severe frostbite, the Forum and local media outlets would have boners over the situation and get to the FACTS. This MIP got everyone all excited and it is nothing and they know it. Kolpack wrote at the end of a meaningless article that Burich from the women's team got a minor recently and that happened in September. Great reporting!

02-05-2011, 02:11 PM
I am going to listen to Dom's show today and see if he has Schloshman on today. See what his take is on the situation up North and why they are protecting the facts so closely. Again, if Brock was in a burn clinic due to severe frostbite, the Forum and local media outlets would have boners over the situation and get to the FACTS. This MIP got everyone all excited and it is nothing and they know it. Kolpack wrote at the end of a meaningless article that Burich from the women's team got a minor recently and that happened in September. Great reporting!

Your boy steve hallstrom aka gods gift to sports broadcasting is co-hosting with izzo today I think its safe to say he hasn't gotten an offer to replace kirk herbstreet yet? Lol

Bison bison
02-05-2011, 02:13 PM
There are two types of people in the world, those that love liberty and those that want to control others.

so you're an anarchist?

02-05-2011, 02:20 PM
There are two types of people in the world, those that love liberty and those that want to control others.

Maybe to someone who sees the world in either black or white, left or right...but to others there are infinite kinds of people.

02-05-2011, 02:22 PM
Your boy steve hallstrom aka gods gift to sports broadcasting is co-hosting with izzo today I think its safe to say he hasn't gotten an offer to replace kirk herbstreet yet? Lol

how do you listen to this online....for real they have mon-fri online but not sat, wtf is this?

02-05-2011, 02:29 PM
how do you listen to this online....for real they have mon-fri online but not sat, wtf is this?

"UND and USD's recruiting class is every bit as good as NDSUs."

"Wish there were more metro kids on the team."

02-05-2011, 02:33 PM
"UND and USD's recruiting class is every bit as good as NDSUs."

"Wish there were more metro kids on the team."

hahaha what???

02-05-2011, 02:34 PM
I'm not saying he shouldn't be disiplined, but its not like he did anything terrible.

We are online talking about a mip. If the worst thing that happens to our program is a couple kids getting minors, I;m not too concerned.

02-05-2011, 02:37 PM
hahaha what???

Steve hallstrom said that

02-05-2011, 02:39 PM
Steve hallstrom said that

He should go back to BCBS and let the pro's discuss the Bison...Oh wait...

02-05-2011, 03:01 PM
I love how so many of you are rationalizing this.

Making excuses for this is assinine. I'm a huge "Jensen" backer, but this is a big dissapointment.

02-05-2011, 03:02 PM
We all know under age college students never possess or drink alcohol........might be true for about 5% of the student population. Time for society to take a reality check. Even as a conservative politically, I disagree that the drinking age is 21. If you can vote and die for your country at 18 years of age you should be able to drink alcohol.
Sorry Brock, you broke the dumbass rules and will have to pay.

LOL.....and from the Left.......I have to agree 100% with my Right winged tailgate mate! It is just a MIP, but, damn kid......you are held to a high standard and are a representative of NDSU. Don't do it again.

KC Bison
02-05-2011, 03:03 PM
This is the perfect day for the Forum. A nice story about the suzie women's basketball team's winning streak, a nice story about the youthful suzie men's basketball team with comparisons with Kentucky and Memphis's teams, and last but not least, a story about the suzie women's great victory over Ohio State (almost as good as a victory over their football team). And of course for the perfect ending today, a story about Brock and his minor possession. Meanwhile, NO stories about Bison basketball with their game tonight with Oral Roberts, nothing about the Bison women's basketball playing Oral Roberts tonight, nothing about next weeks Bison wrestling match with the Jacks, and of course nothing about the Bison Open for track this weekend. I suggested in Area voices that they change their name to the Grand Forks Forum.

Oh, the funny thing was that Brock would have never been caught except that his shoe fell off.

02-05-2011, 03:04 PM
I am going to listen to Dom's show today and see if he has Schloshman on today. See what his take is on the situation up North and why they are protecting the facts so closely. Again, if Brock was in a burn clinic due to severe frostbite, the Forum and local media outlets would have boners over the situation and get to the FACTS. This MIP got everyone all excited and it is nothing and they know it. Kolpack wrote at the end of a meaningless article that Burich from the women's team got a minor recently and that happened in September. Great reporting!

God Burgundy.........nasty imagery there...........:hide:

02-05-2011, 03:04 PM
Get this guy a pedestal... he needs to stand on it. Preach to us all almighty one. Apparently if you enjoy a beverage or two, you can't be a leader. I'd like to meet you. Then laugh at you.

Great response, sheep.

First, when talking about preaching and bestowing knowledge you refer to someones omniscience, almighty generally refers to strength and power.

Second, never said Jensen couldn't be a leader, just expressed frustration that people have such a hard time following the simplest of rules. No one is calling for the kid's head.

Third, Thank you for putting me on a pedestal, things that are revered are put on a pedestal, I think you meant pulpit since you wanted me to preach.

Finally, do you really think that I am not laughing at you? Hell, you can't even slam someone without f'in it up.

02-05-2011, 03:08 PM
The team needs to realize this ain't 1986. They need to be damn careful and smart about what they are doing, where they are doing it and who they hang out with.

02-05-2011, 03:10 PM
Quit blaming the fu*king forum...it's "news". Those of you who want a different type of coverage could start your own medio outlet, however. I would suggest a newsletter on 8x10, maybe once a month,...a weekly, or daily, newspaper would be a ton of work, and a radio station would not be ecnomically viable.

02-05-2011, 03:19 PM
If anybody thinks that 99% of the football players don't drink alcohol, they are gonna be shocked. I will say that I don't think it matters that the kid got a minor, big fricken deal. Hopefully, he stays out of trouble now that he's gotten one.

I will say a minor is no big deal. He was unlucky and got caught. The law is the law and he will pay his fine and move on.

Its stupid the newspapers even reports this crap. Note to future NDSU players, if you're gonna get a minor, don't get it in fargo. Get it in another county in minnesota or anywhere but the fm metro. Also, have a couple beers and enjoy your first couple years of college.

because the only way you can possibly "enjoy" "college" is to illegally drink.

02-05-2011, 03:22 PM

Piss-poor judgement. He has 3 other guys right on his ass to take his spot and 2 good recruits coming in. People make mistakes but hopefully he learns his lesson.

At least we have more than 1 QB....right Neil...:D

Heh, heh, yep!!!

You know, six QBs in camp this fall may make my head explode :D

I wonder if any will be moved?

02-05-2011, 03:24 PM
Vondal got a game or two suspension for a minor in the past. To keep this in perspective, it is a minor. It's too bad and he made a mistake but it isn't bad to the degree that some players have done in the past. Things like DUI, shoplifting, resisting arrest or assault. Hopefully it doesn't happen again.

While you are technically correct, he got the two game suspension after either his second or third MIP. I know he had a total of three during his career.

Bison bison
02-05-2011, 03:34 PM
"UND and USD's recruiting class is every bit as good as NDSUs."

I'll be looking for Steve's mug in the paper.

He clearly has a substance-abuse problem.

It's only a matter of time before he's booked for DUI, selling ecstasy, or soliciting johns on broadway.

02-05-2011, 04:20 PM
Quit blaming the fu*king forum...it's "news". Those of you who want a different type of coverage could start your own medio outlet, however. I would suggest a newsletter on 8x10, maybe once a month,...a weekly, or daily, newspaper would be a ton of work, and a radio station would not be ecnomically viable.

Jensen getting the minor, totally his fault. No excuse. Not surprised to see it in the Forum. But a breaking news headline and on the front page? Really? He didn't plow a car into a crowd of people while drunk, He was busted drinking a month ago. But where the forum really needs to be blamed is it's blatant biased against NDSU. None more glaring than how they handled the hockey kid getting frostbite. Not one "journalist" questioned the circumstances of how he ended up in a snow bank with frostbite. Not one. Yet, had it been a NDSU athlete they would have questioned it from the beginning, no doubt with a "BREAKING NEWS!!" headline as well.

02-05-2011, 04:25 PM
because the only way you can possibly "enjoy" "college" is to illegally drink.

Actually I htought you could get a minor for being at a party with alcohol whether you drink or not. It's one thing not to drink. It's another thing to stay away from one of the only social activities in Fargo-Moorhead at which there are women in the age bracket of 18-20.

I could be way off base here, of course, so I will hide under my chair :hide:

02-05-2011, 04:30 PM
Actually I htought you could get a minor for being at a party with alcohol whether you drink or not. It's one thing not to drink. It's another thing to stay away from one of the only social activities in Fargo-Moorhead at which there are women in the age bracket of 18-20.

I could be way off base here, of course, so I will hide under my chair :hide:

if you're a high school student, they have the "guilty by association" rule at the Fargo high schools. I don't think NDSU would be handing out suspensions for kids at a party but not drinking.

02-05-2011, 04:32 PM
Actually I htought you could get a minor for being at a party with alcohol whether you drink or not. It's one thing not to drink. It's another thing to stay away from one of the only social activities in Fargo-Moorhead at which there are women in the age bracket of 18-20.

I could be way off base here, of course, so I will hide under my chair :hide:

Exactly. I don't know how it works in college I guess, but in HS, if we were at a party, we were "guilty by association" and got the standard 2 game/2 week suspension, even if we weren't drinking*.

*IMO, that sends the wrong message. might as well just drink then, no?

02-05-2011, 04:36 PM
The obvious solution is that these kids need to start telling the police when they are arrested that they are UND students. Might get out of a ticket, definitely won't see your name in the paper.

02-05-2011, 04:41 PM
if you're a high school student, they have the "guilty by association" rule at the Fargo high schools. I don't think NDSU would be handing out suspensions for kids at a party but not drinking.

No, I'm not talking about school policy. I'm talking about Fargo PD policy on handing out MIPs. I know they cited as many as 70 at a time. Maybe when they bust a party they smell for alcohol or maybe they just check IDs and bust everybody under 21.

02-05-2011, 04:42 PM
because the only way you can possibly "enjoy" "college" is to illegally drink.

Well......when I was in college it was legal to drink (in MN)......and yes......it was a significant part of my enjoyment of my college years. I have many fond memories of the Trader and Trapper, Eastgate, Zodiac, Lamplighter, Ralphs, Red Mill, hell......even the Wolverton Mountain Inn.....

When Mrs. WYO saw me out on that lighted disco dance floor at the Eastgate (with the fog going)......It was such a momentous occasion....she just had to have me.......and the rest is history......;)

02-05-2011, 04:49 PM
Jensen getting the minor, totally his fault. No excuse. Not surprised to see it in the Forum. But a breaking news headline and on the front page? Really? He didn't plow a car into a crowd of people while drunk, He was busted drinking a month ago. But where the forum really needs to be blamed is it's blatant biased against NDSU. None more glaring than how they handled the hockey kid getting frostbite. Not one "journalist" questioned the circumstances of how he ended up in a snow bank with frostbite. Not one. Yet, had it been a NDSU athlete they would have questioned it from the beginning, no doubt with a "BREAKING NEWS!!" headline as well.

I agree with you somewhat, but isn't it more the herald's job to dig in to the Monte Kristo incident?...

The forum is both pro and anti-Bison...unbiased, if you will :)

Also, Jensen's arrest happened in January...my guess is it settled just now, and become a more accessible public record for the Forum to "catch"....

02-05-2011, 04:53 PM
Last minor I got the Fargo PD made everyone Blow, if it was green you got to go Red was move to left and sign your name

Bison bison
02-05-2011, 04:58 PM
Last minor I got the Fargo PD made everyone Blow, if it was green you got to go Red was move to left and sign your name

jesus christ! how many cops were there?

i mean if i was really drunk, and i mean really drunk maybe i'd think about it, but a line of dudes - ain't gonna happen.

02-05-2011, 06:03 PM
Actually I htought you could get a minor for being at a party with alcohol whether you drink or not. It's one thing not to drink. It's another thing to stay away from one of the only social activities in Fargo-Moorhead at which there are women in the age bracket of 18-20.

I could be way off base here, of course, so I will hide under my chair :hide:

I was told that NDSU assumes guilt by association regarding alcohol/student on campus violations. If your name surfaces during their investigations, you are assumed guilty, wether or not you were drinking or even physically present during the violation. If your name surfaces, you are guilty.

02-05-2011, 08:25 PM
once again you disagree with me? im sorry to hear youre wrong the majority of the time :)

Good one :D

Fightin' Bison
02-05-2011, 09:29 PM
Last minor I got the Fargo PD made everyone Blow, if it was green you got to go Red was move to left and sign your name

I believe that unless you are driving, they can't make you blow, or take your blood, without a search warrant.

02-05-2011, 09:36 PM
I believe that unless you are driving, they can't make you blow, or take your blood, without a search warrant.

Lets just say they were legal:hide: I wasn't driving, but the cops came to break up the party and some dumbshit slammed the door, hence the search warrant:banghead: :banghead:

and they had probable cause to test as they carded everyone and could smell/see the booze all over the house

02-05-2011, 09:52 PM
Lets just say they were legal:hide: I wasn't driving, but the cops came to break up the party and some dumbshit slammed the door, hence the search warrant:banghead: :banghead:

and they had probable cause to test as they carded everyone and could smell/see the booze all over the house

They seriously got a search warrant for a party? You never shut the door in the face of them, you just send a 21 yr old out to talk to them...close and lock the door behind you and boom, generally problem solved. But, I know they will usually say "If everyone leaves now, we won't cite anyone"....especially if they know its a large number of people. They don't want to take the time to write out tickets 99% of the time...making smaller parties the more likely place to get a minor. I love how they make you leave...which means they are flooding the streets with drunk underage drivers lol

02-05-2011, 10:06 PM
I agree with you somewhat, but isn't it more the herald's job to dig in to the Monte Kristo incident?...

The forum is both pro and anti-Bison...unbiased, if you will :)

Also, Jensen's arrest happened in January...my guess is it settled just now, and become a more accessible public record for the Forum to "catch"....

Either the Herald or the Forum could take the initiative to dig deeper into the "Kristo Incident". I don't think anybody outside of the two newsrooms knows for sure how deep they dug. (cue the eyerolling)

From what was printed, it certainly appears that questions were asked regarding alcohol. (Hence, the "Alcohol was not an issue" comment.) Without reliable sources of information, it would not be wise for any newspaper to make something up or print speculation. Especially if you don't know what "cards" the other side is holding. What if there was a blood test that showed a BAC of 0.0? Then the reporter would likely be looking for work and the Publisher would be looking to settle.

An "Editorial" would be safer. Especially if they were careful about how the issue was discussed. But, don't expect the Herald to do anything like that. I'd bet against the Forum doing an editorial too based on the media contract.

02-05-2011, 10:22 PM
They seriously got a search warrant for a party? You never shut the door in the face of them, you just send a 21 yr old out to talk to them...close and lock the door behind you and boom, generally problem solved. But, I know they will usually say "If everyone leaves now, we won't cite anyone"....especially if they know its a large number of people. They don't want to take the time to write out tickets 99% of the time...making smaller parties the more likely place to get a minor. I love how they make you leave...which means they are flooding the streets with drunk underage drivers lol

yep, they wrote 100 give or take minors that night let all the 21yr olds go as long as they left the booze. I think the problem with the door slam was nobody stopped and tried to leave because 98% there didn't even know the cops showed up so they got pissed and parked some squad cars outside and waited now that I look back it was kinda fun but at that time I thought a MIP/MIC was the end of the world. I would do it again in a heartbeat;)

02-05-2011, 11:05 PM
I am way to lazy to read this whole thread (just realized Jensen got minored). But knowing some of the dumb stuff that was probably said, I will respond assuming it is in here:

1. I am sure someone made some comment that he broke the law, yada, yada, yada and he should not have done that. News flash; I bet most people on this board regularly broke the same law. Well, eveyone but TAB....

2. I do not think this rises to suspension level due to #1. Wrong, yes, but fairly minor on the grand scale of things you can do wrong provided he was respectful with police, etc. I am betting a fair number on this board were cited for the same thing....

3. If he gets caught again, I would fully support a suspension as the anti-alcohol nazi's would demand it and even I admit it is breaking the law.

Okay, Bison02 (do you still post), have at me!

02-05-2011, 11:07 PM
Jensen broke the law, he got busted. Thinking the drinking age is stupid doesn't change the law, and that's on Brock. Hopefully he'll learn his lesson and not fall into the unfortunate trend we've seen in the last few years.

I'll still be there cheering for him to succeed.

02-06-2011, 12:29 AM
Well......when I was in college it was legal to drink (in MN)......and yes......it was a significant part of my enjoyment of my college years. I have many fond memories of the Trader and Trapper, Eastgate, Zodiac, Lamplighter, Ralphs, Red Mill, hell......even the Wolverton Mountain Inn.....

When Mrs. WYO saw me out on that lighted disco dance floor at the Eastgate (with the fog going)......It was such a momentous occasion....she just had to have me.......and the rest is history......;)

How much had she been drinking?

02-06-2011, 12:31 AM
How much had she been drinking?

The short answer is "beer goggles." :p

02-06-2011, 12:47 AM
I think the Eastgate used to have 3-fer-1s back in those days. :nod: Or so I heard..

02-06-2011, 12:52 AM
I think the Eastgate used to have 3-fer-1s back in those days. :nod: Or so I heard..

They did+++

02-06-2011, 05:36 AM
I'm not saying he shouldn't be disiplined, but its not like he did anything terrible.

We are online talking about a mip. If the worst thing that happens to our program is a couple kids getting minors, I;m not too concerned.

This is the off season. We can't talk about the next or the last weeks game. You end up discussing what's available.:D

02-06-2011, 05:44 AM
Vandal got a suspension because he had three minors.

On one of those he wasn't drinking but was present at the party. Apparantly, when the fargo PD get a shot at a Bison player, it's like a great thing for them and they go for it. It's all water under the bridge and he got through it and I think Jensen will too. Met his Pa and they seem like fine people.

02-06-2011, 07:51 AM
On one of those he wasn't drinking but was present at the party. Apparantly, when the fargo PD get a shot at a Bison player, it's like a great thing for them and they go for it. It's all water under the bridge and he got through it and I think Jensen will too. Met his Pa and they seem like fine people.

Nailing an NDSU player seems to be a feather in the hat of Fargo PD. Heck, they love alcohol violations in general, but FB player seem to be a target.

02-06-2011, 01:44 PM
With the information that is available with this story, are there seriously people on this board that would be in favor of suspension at this point?

02-06-2011, 03:06 PM
I think the Eastgate used to have 3-fer-1s back in those days. :nod: Or so I heard..

It was always a badge of honor to NOT let the staff take away your empty glasses during 3-fers.
It was critical that the chickipoos saw that your group was so efin' cool when you had about 40 empty cocktail glasses on your table.

02-06-2011, 05:57 PM
Let Coach handle it he will do what is right for Brock. imo

02-06-2011, 06:06 PM
It was always a badge of honor to NOT let the staff take away your empty glasses during 3-fers.
It was critical that the chickipoos saw that your group was so efin' cool when you had about 40 empty cocktail glasses on your table.

40 glasses is that when the cutest fat girls knew it was time?

02-06-2011, 06:08 PM
I believe that unless you are driving, they can't make you blow, or take your blood, without a search warrant.

I don't think you are correct. I believe Brock was a passenger in a vehicle that was stopped. I don't know why. The officer asked if anyone had been drinking. When he honestly answered "I had a beer with some pizza," he was asked to blow and blew a .00+ something. Gotcha!

If he had belched, would they have charged him with open container? :confused: :banghead: :banghead:

Certainly not "breaking news." Hardly even faintly interesting, IMNSHO.

Overkill on all parts!!! just sayin........

02-06-2011, 07:05 PM
Let Coach handle it he will do what is right for Brock. imo


02-06-2011, 08:36 PM
a measly one beer? seriously?

02-06-2011, 10:08 PM
Brock! Brock! Brock! Brock! Brock! Brock!

02-07-2011, 03:56 AM
Brock Jensen got minored.


Sort of a boneheaded move but a MIC is a hell of a lot better than a DUI. Shouldn't matter but Brock needs to know he's 1 alcohol related offense away from being suspended for 3 games. That would be a big deal.

Don't forget while the team is held to a high standard, they reflect society as a whole and mistakes are made.

02-07-2011, 05:49 PM
I just got to love the posts here saying to wait until 21 to drink. Scooter, you're a good guy, but you really want me to believe you only drank legally? You drank in MN at 19, but you wouldn't touch a drop in ND until you were 21? Maybe that is so, but then I would say that sounds quite "different". Did you go out to parties with the "sheep"? If not, too bad for you.

These are 18-22 year olds. They drink. They party. They have fun. It is a stupid thing to get caught. Be smarter. Don't get caught. As for drinking, only fools would expect college guys to not drink. Some don't...more power to them, but it sure isn't my expectation.

Did I need alcohol to have a good time in college? No, but it sure helped things along.

02-07-2011, 05:57 PM
I just got to love the posts here saying to wait until 21 to drink. Scooter, you're a good guy, but you really want me to believe you only drank legally? You drank in MN at 19, but you wouldn't touch a drop in ND until you were 21? Maybe that is so, but then I would say that sounds quite "different". Did you go out to parties with the "sheep"? If not, too bad for you.

These are 18-22 year olds. They drink. They party. They have fun. It is a stupid thing to get caught. Be smarter. Don't get caught. As for drinking, only fools would expect college guys to not drink. Some don't...more power to them, but it sure isn't my expectation.

Did I need alcohol to have a good time in college? No, but it sure helped things along.

Ya, I can tell that is correct--your wife must have drank you pretty at some point too!!!:D :nod:

02-07-2011, 06:03 PM
Ya, I can tell that is correct--your wife must have drank you pretty at some point too!!!:D :nod:
I could have relied on my dazzling with and charm or I could have just given her another Bud Light. I chose the latter wisely, but she was under 21 at the time so some might take offense.

02-07-2011, 06:04 PM
I could have relied on my dazzling with and charm or I could have just given her another Bud Light. I chose the latter wisely, but she was under 21 at the time so some might take offense.

Did you supply her other junior high friends, as well ?

02-07-2011, 06:06 PM
Did you supply her other junior high friends, as well ?
Only the ones who had developed.

02-07-2011, 06:07 PM
I could have relied on my dazzling with and charm or I could have just given her another Bud Light. I chose the latter wisely, but she was under 21 at the time so some might take offense.

It's a good thing you went the BL route, because your "with and charm" obviously would have failed miserably.

02-07-2011, 06:09 PM
I just got to love the posts here saying to wait until 21 to drink. Scooter, you're a good guy, but you really want me to believe you only drank legally? You drank in MN at 19, but you wouldn't touch a drop in ND until you were 21? Maybe that is so, but then I would say that sounds quite "different". Did you go out to parties with the "sheep"? If not, too bad for you.

These are 18-22 year olds. They drink. They party. They have fun. It is a stupid thing to get caught. Be smarter. Don't get caught. As for drinking, only fools would expect college guys to not drink. Some don't...more power to them, but it sure isn't my expectation.

Did I need alcohol to have a good time in college? No, but it sure helped things along.

Don't get caught is simple enough to say, but if the story presented here is correct, that Jensen was riding in a car that happened to be pulled over and got caught, it would suggest he was careful (and drinking in a very mature, controlled manner if he had one with his pizza). He still got caught. Once he drinks the opportunity is there for an unfortunate run-in with the police. It is a chance that the these guys take when they drink.

Like I said before, to me personally, this isn't a big deal. However, I get the feeling that the environment around Fargo isn't what it used to be, when partiers were let go with a "don't do this again." Additionally, there are people out there who see this as part of a bigger problem. These are the same people who for instance propose legislation to ban alcohol from tailgating.

02-07-2011, 06:09 PM
It's a good thing you went the BL route, because your "with and charm" obviously would have failed miserably.
So I type with a speech impediment. Are you making fun of my disability?

02-07-2011, 06:16 PM
So I type with a speech impediment. Are you making fun of my disability?

No, but your wife complains about it too mine!!!:D :nod: