View Full Version : Twas the Night Before Playoffs

12-11-2010, 02:21 AM
Twas the night before Playoff football, and all through North Dakota
Everyone was stirring, even some in Minnesota
The helmets were hung in the locker with care,
In hopes that the game soon would be here.

Bison fans were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of touchdowns danced in their heads.
The coaches were done game planing, and fans preparing for flight
All the bags were packed and ready to call it a night.

When out on the TV there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
Away from the bedroom I flew like a flash,
On the TV I see McNorton making a touchdown dash.

It was a replay of one last run at Montana State
What a long run all this seems like fate.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But Coach Bohl and the Bison team showing no fear.

A full stable of running backs, so lively and quick,
A rabid defense looking to make another stick.
Suddenly hunderds of Bison fans from where did they appear,
Then Coach Bohl whistled, and shouted, Show no fear!

"Now McNorton! now, Sigers! now, Vandal and Jensen!
On, Evans! On, Wilson! on Anderson lets Blitz'em!
Follow your lineman they will pave the way
Now run! Now tackle! Score touchdowns all day!

He looked at his team and knew he didn't need to say more
They were prepared for a fight and ready to run up the score
He put on a head set and his mouthed formed a grin
Because he knew today the Bison were going to win.

He sprang to his team and gave them a whistle,
And together they all ran to the huddle
He had one more thing to say, as he yelled confident and brawn,
"Hail the Bison, the March is On!!!"

12-11-2010, 02:29 AM
Twas the night before Playoff football, and all through North Dakota
Everyone was stirring, even some in Minnesota
The helmets were hung in the locker with care,
In hopes that the whale of a game soon would be here.

Awesome! I'm definitely sharing this.

P.S. Fixed it for you. ;)

12-11-2010, 02:32 AM
Go Bison!:hungry:

12-11-2010, 02:37 AM
Twas the night before playoffs and all through the house,
Mike Sigers took a kick off back like a mouse.
Jensen was healthy and threw like a man,
DJ McNorton was running as fast as he can.
Taiwan Jones was controlled for most of the game,
The Bison are here and there's nobody you can blame.
Colton Heagle was tearing heads off and killing Eagles,
Matt Gratzek was bull rushing and had hits very legal.
On Perry, On Mohler, On Arndt and On Grothman.
Craig Bohl was pinning for another whale of a game,
ESPN here we come and now we have all the fame.
Twas the night before playoffs and all though the land,
We beat them Eagles and even their band.
The Bison conquered what most didnt expect,
Who cares if it's Appy or Nova, we're the Bison. Who's next?

12-11-2010, 04:00 AM
I am amazed at the artistic and literary nature of the bisonvillers. :nod:

12-11-2010, 06:13 AM
lol ++++++

12-11-2010, 07:48 AM
At 3 in the morning, I LOVE IT!

12-11-2010, 01:22 PM
Twas the day of round three
And all through the 'Ville
The poster's were acting responsible
Like a whore on the pill

No squabbling between our brethren PL and Gabe
Their behavior thus far much like the Christmas Babe
They are likely more concerned about the ridiculous red turf
While knowing their eyes would feel better if NDSU was playing the Boise State Smurf.