View Full Version : How do you stop the athletic dual threat QB?

09-24-2010, 04:53 PM
What do you guys think? Go nickel to get more speed on the field?

09-24-2010, 05:05 PM
Our OLB are pretty fast, especially Jemison. I think you can't afford to blitz :hide:

09-24-2010, 05:08 PM
What do you guys think? Go nickel to get more speed on the field?

Contain. Our ends need to be disciplined and our DT's need to get pressure up the middle. If we can keep him into the pocket and then collapse it we'll be in great shape. He's too small of a QB to make a lot of plays if he gets stuck behind his o-line. If he can get around the end that's where he can make us look stupid. We could fall back to putting a spy on him but I've never been a huge fan of dedicating 1 guy to spy on another. And tackle on the first attempt. We can't give up extra yards because of missed tackles.

09-24-2010, 05:09 PM
Discipline with containment and players taking care of their area of the field. They can usually change direction on a dime and you need them turning back into someone. Linebacker play has to be outstanding. You need to bring some pressure from different areas and put the players in position to slow him down enough for the cavalry to get their and help finish him off.

Just my uneducated .02 worth.

09-24-2010, 05:13 PM
What do you guys think? Go nickel to get more speed on the field?

We shut down the UNI QB in the 2nd half so we can figure it out.

09-24-2010, 05:24 PM
In my opinion you install a couple different conservative zone coverage defenses that have completely different looks to the QB. Within that zone coverage scheme you assign a linebacker/strong safety as a spy that is very athletic. Ideally, if you have two/three linebackers/strong safety's that are athletic you have them rotate so the offensive/QB doesn't know who is providing this spy coverage.

Anybody know if he has a 3/5/7 step drop typically? If it is 7, I blitz my spy more, if it is 3/5, I have him agressively pursue.

Also, if the QB is really important to the team as the SD QB seems to be. I put a target on him...... A personal foul may mean 15 yards, but a QB that can't be on the field hurts more. That is the risk of having a duel threat QB.

Just my 2 cents.

09-24-2010, 05:37 PM
Spy the QB - Guard him one on one like a basketball player with Evans, making sure that when he has the ball, he is in pursuit.

09-24-2010, 05:40 PM
Cobra Kai.

Sweep the Leg. NO MERCY.

09-24-2010, 05:45 PM
I wouldn't hit the guy late, outside the rule, and get a player suspended (ala MT St). If that's what you are suggesting by taking a 15 yard penalty, I disagree.

I would try to get pressure on the QB with my front 4 or 5, pressing my pass defense to the line of scrimmage, especially early on, also mixing in some controlled blitzes. I'd also try to snuff out the run, and make them more 1 dimensional, that would play into our defenses hands.

When you do get to the QB, or when he runs (he will be running), I'd hit him hard. Within the rules.

09-24-2010, 05:47 PM
What do you guys think? Go nickel to get more speed on the field?

Otter, "Animal House", 1978 - "Now we could do it with conventional weapons that could take years and cost millions of lives. No, I think we have to go all out. I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody's part."

THAT'S how you do it.

09-24-2010, 05:53 PM
probably the nickel, its one of the best defenses to stop the run

09-24-2010, 06:07 PM
Offense has to sustain drives so we can just keep him off the field.

We also have to stay disciplined so when he does break the pocket we don't forget about coverage. That is how he has beat a lot of teams this year. Our ends not keeping contain has absolutely killed us the last few years and has cost us games. Can't happen tomorrow.

09-24-2010, 06:21 PM
I agree, don't do anything outside the rule book. Just play thru the whistle.... really hard.

09-24-2010, 06:39 PM
found this from an old NCC playbook:

09-24-2010, 06:47 PM
Looking at his statistics, he blew up Minnesota. But couldn't do as much against the other two opponents. With that in mind, I wouldn't do anything as special for him.

Answer Guy
09-24-2010, 08:13 PM
Cobra Kai.

Sweep the Leg. NO MERCY.


09-24-2010, 09:10 PM
Spy the QB - Guard him one on one like a basketball player with Evans, making sure that when he has the ball, he is in pursuit.

This. I don't know about it being Evans, but any of the linebackers, or even safeties. Especially if we feel like we can match up in coverage without one. The problem with taking someone out of the Tampa2 coverage scheme is it leaves a BIG hole where they were supposed to be at...especially if it's the MLB as he is supposed to drop and fill the middle of the field.

09-24-2010, 10:28 PM
Hit him hard. Hit him often. Take his f'ing head off but play within the rules. If hard play results in a late hit penalty due to extended pursuit, I'm okay with it as long as it wasn't blatantly intentional. Particularly early in the game when we are trying to establish the game with OUR tempo.

09-24-2010, 10:30 PM
Put me in the "wrap him" up category. NDSU was hitting plenty hard in the UNI game - but that's not the same as tackling.

09-24-2010, 10:30 PM
The moment he breaks contain he's at the mercy of Coulter Boyer and Scott Stozcynski. I'm not a fan of "going after" a player with the intent of injuring him, but making sure he knows the defense is bringing the pressure will be huge. It's going to be up to the D-ends to make sure they keep tabs on him and can get around the bigger linemen USD boasts.

09-24-2010, 10:47 PM
Just play sound defense and pursue to the ball. Play assignment sharp on defense and we will be fine.

But having he offense move the ball will also help.....:nod: :nod:

09-25-2010, 12:05 AM
Just play sound defense and pursue to the ball. Play assignment sharp on defense and we will be fine.

But having he offense move the ball will also help.....:nod: :nod:

Yeah, good point. How do do you stop an athletic dual threat QB? Make sure that he sees very little of the field. Strong and long Bison offensive possessions will go a long way to keeping our defense fresh.

09-25-2010, 12:11 AM
Put me in the "wrap him" up category. NDSU was hitting plenty hard in the UNI game - but that's not the same as tackling.

Ditto! Make sure of the tackle...don't always just go for a big hit without wrapping up and finishing the job.

09-25-2010, 01:19 AM
What do you guys think? Go nickel to get more speed on the field?

Stop him with a pancake sack by our number 70! or a sandwich sack by 92 and 70...

09-25-2010, 01:26 AM
Tackle him during the introductions.

09-25-2010, 01:35 AM
Stop him with a pancake sack by our number 70! or a sandwich sack by 92 and 70...

92 and 70 meeting 12 yaeds behind the line of scrimmage sounds good to me

09-25-2010, 01:51 AM
u don't let him or any other QB that comes to "OUR HOUSE" get in any kind of rhythm by getting the Dome ROCKIN, they should have no less than 10 false starts