View Full Version : Help! I told a USD buddy the Dome is as loud as TCF and he LAUGHED at me!!

09-22-2010, 03:16 PM
I've got a friend who is a huge USD fan that is driving all the way from Iowa to watch the game. We were breaking down the game and he didn't think home field meant much because they dealt with the crowd at TCF Bank Stadium. I told him the dome, when sold out, is as loud or louder than the Gopher Stadium. He actually laughed out loud and said "I am on crack if you think 19,000 fans can be louder than a stadium of 50,000 fans!!"

Steve Hallstrom once blogged that Iowa State was quieter than the Dome because we have a roof and our fans can be very loud. I've never been to TCF so I have no idea how loud they are but with a weak team they are probably not too loud. The last game he went to was in the D2 days and it's completely different now!

Help me shut my buddies pie hole so I don’t have to listen to his crap after the game. This will be his first trip to the Dome!!!

09-22-2010, 03:18 PM
HandoEX reporting for duty! Not going to have a voice on Sunday, that's for sure.

09-22-2010, 03:19 PM
I wouldn't worry about it. A TCF Bank lobby would be louder than what TCF Stadium was when USD played there.

09-22-2010, 03:25 PM
I've got a friend who is a huge USD fan that is driving all the way from Iowa to watch the game. We were breaking down the game and he didn't think home field meant much because they dealt with the crowd at TCF Bank Stadium. I told him the dome, when sold out, is as loud or louder than the Gopher Stadium. He actually laughed out loud and said "I am on crack if you think 19,000 fans can be louder than a stadium of 50,000 fans!!"

Steve Hallstrom once blogged that Iowa State was quieter than the Dome because we have a roof and our fans can be very loud. I've never been to TCF so I have no idea how loud they are but with a weak team they are probably not too loud. The last game he went to was in the D2 days and it's completely different now!

Help me shut my buddies pie hole so I don’t have to listen to his crap after the game. This will be his first trip to the Dome!!!

Well, you are right it's indoors... and there wasn't anything near 50k fans at TCF for USD anyway.

09-22-2010, 03:29 PM
Memorial Stadium at KU was no where near as loud as the Fargodome, for example.

09-22-2010, 03:52 PM
It's the Gophers, what do they have to cheer for?

KC Bison
09-22-2010, 04:03 PM
In my life time, the noise level was as loud as anything I have ever heard when the Bison came out for the second Gopher game and we were the visitors. There is no way that the new Gopher stadium will ever as loud as when people get excited in a Metrodome or the Fargo Dome. Of course, I can't speak for the pretend dome in Vermillion.

09-22-2010, 04:03 PM
It's the Gophers, what do they have to cheer for?

The end of the season.:D

09-22-2010, 04:04 PM
It's the Gophers, what do they have to cheer for?

My guess is that it will be deafening when Punky gets the ax.

09-22-2010, 04:05 PM
As an opposing fan that has been at games in both locations (TCF once and the Fargodome a handful of time), I can tell you that the Fargodome was louder on every occasion than when the Rabbits played at TCF.

09-22-2010, 04:07 PM
Memorial Stadium at KU was no where near as loud as the Fargodome, for example.

Yeah that was really weak.

09-22-2010, 04:55 PM
I get all that talk about roofs holding in the noise and all that. I'm an architect and understand all of the associate acoustical mechanics for this being the case. However, in my memory, by far the loudest Bison football game I was ever at was at Dacotah Field vs Pitt State in 1990.

Perhaps the memory is so fond and has been bloated over the years, though...

Another example is Autzen. It is outdoors and doesn't have nearly the capacity of many of the biggest stadiums, I think around 58K. It is also a simple bowl, without an upper deck which can also serve to hold noise inside a stadium. That said, the place will make your ears bleed. Mine rang for quite awhile after the USC v UO game last Halloween.

Conversely, I've been to the Big House in Ann Arbor for quite a few games. That place is absolutely enormous and can get rocking. Often, though, it is shockingly quiet.

09-22-2010, 05:03 PM
The dome will be loud as long as the Bison are playing well. Noticed on Sat. against Morgan State it was pretty quiet early on when the Bison were struggling.:banghead:

09-22-2010, 05:11 PM
The dome will be packed and loud imho. Could be much louder if they were allowed to sell BEER! Do it for the barley farmer.. please!

09-22-2010, 05:11 PM
I get all that talk about roofs holding in the noise and all that. I'm an architect and understand all of the associate acoustical mechanics for this being the case. However, in my memory, by far the loudest Bison football game I was ever at was at Dacotah Field vs Pitt State in 1990.

Perhaps the memory is so fond and has been bloated over the years, though...

Another example is Autzen. It is outdoors and doesn't have nearly the capacity of many of the biggest stadiums, I think around 58K. It is also a simple bowl, without an upper deck which can also serve to hold noise inside a stadium. That said, the place will make your ears bleed. Mine rang for quite awhile after the USC v UO game last Halloween.

Conversely, I've been to the Big House in Ann Arbor for quite a few games. That place is absolutely enormous and can get rocking. Often, though, it is shockingly quiet.

25 years ago most of us were younger, rowdier, and sat in the student section so it probably wasn't as loud as we remember. But if you took that same crowd and moved it indoors with 4 thousand more fair weather fans or even book readers... the Dome would have to be louder.

I was at the Seahawks stadium for a Vikes game and the design of that place is phenomenal. The sound echoes and its insane.

09-22-2010, 05:24 PM
The loudest I remember the Dome being was after the last-second TD to beat Sam Houston State a few years back. That happened even with the large number of people who left early, assuming a Bison loss. My daughter and I went absolutely nuts in the stands.

09-22-2010, 05:39 PM
These USD players are coming into what could be the most Hostile place they will play if people get up and make some noise. If most fans could just realize they can help by cheering it would really help

09-22-2010, 05:43 PM
These USD players are coming into what could be the most Hostile place they will play if people get up and make some noise. If most fans could just realize they can help by cheering it would really help

well im going to be painting a picture so dont count on me to make any noise

09-22-2010, 05:49 PM
I'm envisioning the creation of a crowd-o-meter: a running counter of how many opposition penalties were created by crowd noise. Problem is getting the size big enough seeing how the dome nazis will not allow anything to obstruct the view of the fancy banners lining the dome walls below Row A. It's really too bad we don't have any kind of electronic displays, located say, in the corners of the stadium, that would be flexible enough to display this type of information.... Another good use for said electronic displays might be a live decibel meter for when the crowd gets loud. Worked at Mizzou's Hearnes Center. Would work in the dome. But requires creativity, hence the downfall.

09-22-2010, 05:50 PM
In my life time, I will never the noise level when the Bison came out for the second Gopher game and we were the visitors. There is no way that the new Gopher stadium will ever as loud as when people get excited in a Metrodome or the Fargo Dome. Of course, I can't speak for the pretend dome in Vermillion.

Just watched a YouTube of that final series of Walker taking a knee. It got louder with each play with an abolute eruption after the last play. Probably one of my all time best sports memories and gald I was there to see it.

I highly suggest any Bison fans suffering from negativity go watch that for a pick-me-up; that is the level we all must expect this program to perform.

09-22-2010, 05:55 PM
well im going to be painting a picture so dont count on me to make any noise

This isn't sarcasm is it?

09-22-2010, 05:56 PM
In .

09-22-2010, 05:59 PM
In my life time, I will never the noise level when the Bison came out for the second Gopher game and we were the visitors. There is no way that the new Gopher stadium will ever as loud as when people get excited in a Metrodome or the Fargo Dome. Of course, I can't speak for the pretend dome in Vermillion.

I have been in the Metrodome for both Bison games, the Fargodome for many games, and Vermillion and was at the UNI dome two weeks ago. The Meterodome was un believable when the Bison one, but the other two do not stack up to the Fargodome when the Bison and the Thundering Herd get rolling.

09-22-2010, 06:12 PM
This isn't sarcasm is it?

you serious clark?


09-22-2010, 06:16 PM
I have been in the Metrodome for both Bison games, the Fargodome for many games, and Vermillion and was at the UNI dome two weeks ago. The Meterodome was un believable when the Bison one, but the other two do not stack up to the Fargodome when the Bison and the Thundering Herd get rolling.

Not that anybody cares but the loudest crowds I remember being a part of were in this order:

3. Walker taking a knee at the metrodome to run out the clock against Minnesota.

2. Randy Moss catching a bomb for a TD against the Saints in the playoffs (yes I was there as a neutral party, sucked to see the Vikes win, but it was pretty cool to see Randy dominate)

1. Lakers v T-wolves, game 5 western conf finals. The coolest NBA basketball atmosphere I've ever been to. The crowd was electric, the game was amazing.

09-22-2010, 06:20 PM
I'm envisioning the creation of a crowd-o-meter: a running counter of how many opposition penalties were created by crowd noise. Problem is getting the size big enough seeing how the dome nazis will not allow anything to obstruct the view of the fancy banners lining the dome walls below Row A. It's really too bad we don't have any kind of electronic displays, located say, in the corners of the stadium, that would be flexible enough to display this type of information.... Another good use for said electronic displays might be a live decibel meter for when the crowd gets loud. Worked at Mizzou's Hearnes Center. Would work in the dome. But requires creativity, hence the downfall.

I know Utah's student section (which sounds really loud on TV, never been there) hangs a 5 (kind of like a K count at a baseball game) for every false start penalty.

09-22-2010, 06:23 PM
I know Utah's student section (which sounds really loud on TV, never been there) hangs a 5 (kind of like a K count at a baseball game) for every false start penalty.

EXACTLY. Now students, find some posterboard and some markers and get this done!

09-22-2010, 06:25 PM
EXACTLY. Now students, find some posterboard and some markers and get this done!

Like the Dome Nazis would allow such dangerous weapons like a black permanent marker and posterboard. Imagine the carnage that could be done with those!

09-22-2010, 07:08 PM
Like the Dome Nazis would allow such dangerous weapons like a black permanent marker and posterboard. Imagine the carnage that could be done with those!

Clearly they would have to be washable markers and the edges of the posterboard would have to be rounded off so as not to have any sharp corners.

09-22-2010, 07:32 PM
Like the Dome Nazis would allow such dangerous weapons like a black permanent marker and posterboard. Imagine the carnage that could be done with those!

And the markers would need to be the "low odor" type so that no one starts huffing in the stands for a cheap high.

09-22-2010, 07:40 PM
And the markers would need to be the "low odor" type so that no one starts huffing in the stands for a cheap high.


I jokingly predicted several years ago that they are going to remove permanent markers, super glue and spray paint from shelves to prevent kids from huffing them and getting high. I'd say we're less than 10 years away from needing to provide a drivers license to buy those from a store much like you have to do with benadryl now.

09-22-2010, 08:00 PM
I'd say we're less than 10 years away from needing to provide a drivers license to buy those from a store much like you have to do with benadryl now.

Warning, this thread is now officially 'jacked.

Bisonmike, you must know that the active ingrediant of Benadryl is diphenhydramine. This is an antihistamine that puts you to sleep quite well. No drivers license needed.

On the other hand, Sudafed, for which the active ingredient is pseudoephedrine, is much more fun to play with and it is easy to modify to meth. This is the one you need a driver's license for.

Now, I will let you decide if I am a drug dealer, pharmacist, or both.....

09-22-2010, 08:09 PM
Warning, this thread is now officially 'jacked.

Bisonmike, you must know that the active ingrediant of Benadryl is diphenhydramine. This is an antihistamine that puts you to sleep quite well. No drivers license needed.

On the other hand, Sudafed, for which the active ingredient is pseudoephedrine, is much more fun to play with and it is easy to modify to meth. This is the one you need a driver's license for.

Now, I will let you decide if I am a drug dealer, pharmacist, or both.....

Do you have your own tv show? Breaking Baaaad?

Oh wait, that was Mussman.

09-22-2010, 08:11 PM
Warning, this thread is now officially 'jacked.

Bisonmike, you must know that the active ingrediant of Benadryl is diphenhydramine. This is an antihistamine that puts you to sleep quite well. No drivers license needed.

On the other hand, Sudafed, for which the active ingredient is pseudoephedrine, is much more fun to play with and it is easy to modify to meth. This is the one you need a driver's license for.

Now, I will let you decide if I am a drug dealer, pharmacist, or both.....

Good points. I get my 'we used to be available over the counter but now you have to fill out an application, wait 7 days and have 3 forms of id to purchase because somebody figured out you could get high off this shit" medicines mixed up. Just don't take away my NyQuil or there will be hell to pay!

09-22-2010, 08:17 PM
Just don't take away my NyQuil or there will be hell to pay!

Funny story, you can totally get high off that. :D

09-22-2010, 08:34 PM
Just don't take away my NyQuil or there will be hell to pay!

Once again, Bisonmike, I must point out your lack of knowledge:

They already took away your "real" NyQuil. "Real" Nyquil had pseudoephedrine in it with acetaminophen, an antihistamine (can't remember which one, maybe chlorpheneramine?), guifenisen, and dextromethorphan.

They yanked the pseudoephedrine out a few years ago and put some other decongestant that does not work as well in there. It sucks now.

09-22-2010, 08:36 PM
Loudest stadium I've ever been to was DKR in Austin.

With that said, let's get that b*tch rockin this weekend!! Initiate EndZoneQB mode....

09-22-2010, 08:39 PM
Once again, Bisonmike, I must point out your lack of knowledge:

They already took away your "real" NyQuil. "Real" Nyquil had pseudoephedrine in it with acetaminophen, an antihistamine (can't remember which one, maybe chlorpheneramine?), guifenisen, and dextromethorphan.

They yanked the pseudoephedrine out a few years ago and put some other decongestant that does not work as well in there. It sucks now.

Well there goes my placebo effect! What else would you like to ruin for me?! Santa Clause? The tooth fairy? Is Tupac not really alive and living on an island with Biggie?

09-22-2010, 09:18 PM
[QUOTE=THEsocalledfan;403021] It got louder...with an abolute eruption... Probably one of my all time...memories and gald I was there to see it.


09-22-2010, 09:56 PM
Meh. Nothing compares to the Dacotah Field Bleacher-Kicking THUNDER! Man, the first time I experienced that, all the hairs on my arm stood up and starting screaming, "GO BISON!" (arm hairs really don't make that much noise though.)

For away games, the lateral to Roehl against the Gophers was pretty good too... the cheering went from loud, to louder, to loudest.

09-22-2010, 10:06 PM
I will do my part to help, Unfortunately todays youth just arent what they used to be. Bunch a ninnys that use a football game as an excuse to drink. Hopefully this game more freshman will know chants etc. the endzone half of the student section had no idea why they were even there for the first game.

09-22-2010, 10:25 PM
Loudest Fargodome cheering ever was end of Sam Houston game td. Dacotah field bleacher kicking also was loud when you were on that side.

09-22-2010, 10:31 PM
Loudest Fargodome cheering ever was end of Sam Houston game td. Dacotah field bleacher kicking also was loud when you were on that side.

Stomping on the south side stands in the dome makes some good noise as well... And if you do it right you can get the whole thing to bounce.

09-22-2010, 10:59 PM
The Gopher's old statum (mall of america stadium) was louder than the fargo dome. I haven't been to the new one (TCF) though.

09-22-2010, 11:28 PM
The Gopher's old statum (mall of america stadium) was louder than the fargo dome. I haven't been to the new one (TCF) though.

WHOA! You mean to tell me the Gophers used to play at the Metrodome?? That's news to me. I can't imagine 60k being louder than 19k tho...I mean the math just doesn't add up.

09-22-2010, 11:36 PM
When the Fargodome was designed, they attempted to design it to absorb some of the noise since they knew concerts would be held in there. That was definitely not the case with the Metrodome, the Unidome, and the DakotaDome.

09-22-2010, 11:41 PM
25 years ago most of us were younger, rowdier, and sat in the student section so it probably wasn't as loud as we remember. But if you took that same crowd and moved it indoors with 4 thousand more fair weather fans or even book readers... the Dome would have to be louder.

I was at the Seahawks stadium for a Vikes game and the design of that place is phenomenal. The sound echoes and its insane.

Yeah, I was a loudmouth back then. My point, as you properly state, is that it is more about an active fanbase than just a great building. For your viewing pleasure, I have attached some vids of Autzen. It is a simple bowl. There is nothing to reverb the sound. However, a very active/vocal fanbase will cause repeated false starts on an opposing offense that hasn't properly prepared. I was once on the 45 yard line about 20 rows up when #6 UCLA (Bob Toledo) came to town. In a pivotal part of the 2nd quarter, UCLA had 4 false starts in a row. It was 3rd down and now about 35. Bob elected to punt on 3rd down. For the rest of the game, the chant "Punt, Bob, Punt" was roaring from the crowd on every 3rd down. UCLA lost that game handily.


09-22-2010, 11:51 PM
When the Fargodome was designed, they attempted to design it to absorb some of the noise since they knew concerts would be held in there. That was definitely not the case with the Metrodome, the Unidome, and the DakotaDome.

Absolutely but its still louder than open air. Much louder. The Metrodome during a Vikings game is easily the loudest place ever.

09-23-2010, 12:53 AM
Absolutely but its still louder than open air. Much louder. The Metrodome during a Vikings game is easily the loudest place ever.

Nope. Hearnes Center at Mizzou, Chicago Stadium for a Blackhawks game, or the St. Louis Arena for a Blues game. Much louder.

09-23-2010, 01:19 AM
Hey Gabe,

Here's a little physics of sound information...me being a musician and all that. I'll round off the numbers for convenience.

To double the sound of a crowd of 20 thousand...you have to have 10 times that many people...meaning 200k...with each group of 20k yelling at exactly the same volume. It's a proven law of physics.

Ask him if he thinks the smaller crowd at the USD dome would be about half the volume of the Fargo dome?...:D


09-23-2010, 01:24 AM
Absolutely but its still louder than open air. Much louder. The Metrodome during a Vikings game is easily the loudest place ever.

The 1987 World Series in the baggie goes down in history as the loudest event in history. There was 'no' letup...ever. The decibel meter was a major news story at the time. Players complained that they couldn't concentrate...got headaches...etc. It was opressive. It was given credit as being a major factor in the series.

09-23-2010, 01:28 AM
When the Fargodome was designed, they attempted to design it to absorb some of the noise since they knew concerts would be held in there. That was definitely not the case with the Metrodome, the Unidome, and the DakotaDome.

Exactly...it was designed as a multi-purpose building...not designed as the home of the Bison. The used the Bison to get it built...but made it cozy. Too cozy for a sporting event...IMO. Bison fans have to work hard to maintain a constant level of intimidating sound. Different sections of the dome have trouble hearing each other. It's called acoustical separation...to calm down echoes.

09-23-2010, 01:28 AM
The 1987 World Series in the baggie goes down in history as the loudest event in history. There was 'no' letup...ever. The decibel meter was a major news story at the time. Players complained that they couldn't concentrate...got headaches...etc. It was opressive. It was given credit as being a major factor in the series.

Yes, I remember. As a Cardinals fan I was very anti-baggie baseball.

Answer Guy
09-23-2010, 01:40 AM
The 1987 World Series in the baggie goes down in history as the loudest event in history. There was 'no' letup...ever. The decibel meter was a major news story at the time. Players complained that they couldn't concentrate...got headaches...etc. It was opressive. It was given credit as being a major factor in the series.

I was at the Series in both 87 and 91.

Nosiest place ever:
Game 6, 1987 whole game
Game 6, 1991 Kirby time

Quietest place ever:
End of overtime, 1999 NFC championship
Lambeau Field, 1998 Randy Moss rookie game

09-23-2010, 01:48 AM
I was at the Series in both 87 and 91.

Nosiest place ever:
Game 6, 1987 whole game
Game 6, 1991 Kirby time

Quietest place ever:
End of overtime, 1999 NFC championship
Lambeau Field, 1998 Randy Moss rookie game




09-23-2010, 05:29 PM
Exactly...it was designed as a multi-purpose building...not designed as the home of the Bison. The used the Bison to get it built...but made it cozy. Too cozy for a sporting event...IMO. Bison fans have to work hard to maintain a constant level of intimidating sound. Different sections of the dome have trouble hearing each other. It's called acoustical separation...to calm down echoes.

Originally it was going to be an actual dome, hence the name Fargodome, but they decided with our snow the air pressure would be too much.

Despite the accoustics - it's twenty times louder than an outdoor stadium. I think we like to compare the Fargodome to the Metrodome. No comparison. But it's louder than 99% of out door stadiums, minus the Big House the obvious ones.

I was thinking about this the other day... Dacotah Field wasn't exactly over the top with Bison memoribilia either. Correct me if I'm wrong but the original grandstand was painted gold and that's it. No other school colors anywhere in the stadium. The bigger grand stand was originally from the Patriots.

09-23-2010, 05:32 PM
Originally it was going to be an actual dome, hence the name Fargodome, but they decided with our snow the air pressure would be too much.

Despite the accoustics - it's twenty times louder than an outdoor stadium. I think we like to compare the Fargodome to the Metrodome. No comparison. But it's louder than 99% of out door stadiums, minus the Big House the obvious ones.

I was thinking about this the other day... Dacotah Field wasn't exactly over the top with Bison memoribilia either. Correct me if I'm wrong but the original grandstand was painted gold and that's it. No other school colors anywhere in the stadium. The bigger grand stand was originally from the Patriots.

The chairs in the lower south stands (below the student section) were green and gold and spelled "NDSU".

09-24-2010, 12:21 AM
As an opposing fan that has been at games in both locations (TCF once and the Fargodome a handful of time), I can tell you that the Fargodome was louder on every occasion than when the Rabbits played at TCF.

I can second that.

09-24-2010, 01:21 AM
The loudest I've heard it in the Fargodome on the field was the go ahead TD vs. Sam Houston. The sad thing is that over half the crowd had already left.

09-24-2010, 02:34 PM
I was at the Series in both 87 and 91.

Nosiest place ever:
Game 6, 1987 whole game
Game 6, 1991 Kirby time

Quietest place ever:
End of overtime, 1999 NFC championship
Lambeau Field, 1998 Randy Moss rookie game

Was at Game 1 in 1991. Gagne hit a three-run homer. Me and the guy next to me had to SCREAM just to hear each other as Gagne rounded the bases. Unbelieveable experience.

09-24-2010, 02:39 PM
I was thinking about this the other day... Dacotah Field wasn't exactly over the top with Bison memoribilia either. Correct me if I'm wrong but the original grandstand was painted gold and that's it. No other school colors anywhere in the stadium. The bigger grand stand was originally from the Patriots.

Yeah, but you didn't need it there. When you walked into Dacotah Field, you knew and felt the history there, and when the teams took the field, you knew what was going to happen. We're all still waiting for the first home playoff game at the CozyDome.

09-24-2010, 02:49 PM
Yeah, but you didn't need it there. When you walked into Dacotah Field, you knew and felt the history there, and when the teams took the field, you knew what was going to happen. We're all still waiting for the first home playoff game at the CozyDome.

I just think we happened to peak as a team before the dome opened. The cut in D2 scholarships had a lot to do with it. You gotta remember, UND actually won a National Championship while in a dome... a shitty dome too! And the Coyotes made it to the Championship game in 85 in a Dome. Northern Iowa has had success in a dome. Besides, we went 5 full years in which we were not playoff eligible so that sort of skews the lack of a playoff game. It's harder to make the playoffs in our league but the day will come some day. Hopefully sooner than later.

09-24-2010, 03:55 PM
I've got a friend who is a huge USD fan...

How much does this guy weigh, anyway? Strange that you'd have to put it that way...

09-24-2010, 04:09 PM
How much does this guy weigh, anyway? Strange that you'd have to put it that way...

He's is very huge!

09-26-2010, 05:00 AM
Was it loud enough for him?

09-26-2010, 05:17 AM
Was it loud enough for him?

LOL!!!!! He said "For about 10 minutes it was as loud as the Metrodome during a Vikings game."

09-26-2010, 05:19 AM
The 3rd Qtr was the loudest I've ever heard it since a you know what game. (I wasn't there for the SHSU game as I had a wedding)... but the 3rd Qtr was EPIC!