View Full Version : TAB's Fat Tire Take On The Game

09-12-2010, 04:26 AM
Okay...I just finished the game on DVR...give me a break...I have twins that will not allow a game to be watched live...I have done severe damage to my stock of Fat Tire...and Bud Light...and possibly Jag...and maybe a little Jack...but I digress...here are my observations under the guidance of Fat Tire and its minions...okay I'm lit up...give me a break...okay...here we go...

1. Offensive line...reminds me of 2005, may be a bit early for you DjKyRo...just experiencing puberty and all. My point...they did not block worth sh## for Walker and then we produced two 10-1 seasons.
2. Mohler is not Walker.
3. Mohler did well...we could not have expected a lot better...except he is small and got leveled by an incidental hit in the 4th quarter. Yeah, that was embarrassing. DjKyRo...you know embarrassing...this was it.
4. Holloway...you were supposed to be the go to guy...I was wondering where you were most the game...as well as last week. You stepped up in the 4th...but you better become a major factor if we have a chance...a chance...for the post season. Major disappointment.
5. McNorton...you have heart. I will give you that. The o-line gave you no chance. You did not do something to surprise me and break free even though the o-line did nothing for you...but you always hit the non-hole hard. I don't know how to grade you...but I see this as totally not your fault.
6. Titus Mack...you did not do bad...for two catches. Seriously...how are the routes you run? I ask this cause I don't know. The UNI TV crew are so busy jizzing all over UNI I can't tell what the he## is going on. You think I am kidding? Freeze it at the 2:24 mark*...you will see jizz.
7. Kickoff return crew...seriously...learn to return a ball.
8. Kickoff crew...seriously...grow a pair. Actually, special teams coach, grow a pair...the team does what it is told. I am ashamed. You are so afraid because you can't coach special teams worth sh##. Yes, worth sh##.
9. Defense. Red zone was good all night, where were you guys in between the 20's? The had a spreadish offense that has always given Bohl defenses fits so I am not that surprised. UNI's qb was good...very good. VERY GOOD. You kept them to very low points...hats off to you. There were issues but overall you did your part by far...look at the score.
10. Offensive line. C'mon guys. This is the game to make you angry. You are the heart and soul of this offense. You will be together for a long time. Take this loss personal. Get pissed off. Now go talk to CA and learn how to be a champion....I'm going to go sleep this one off before I start recruiting western ND.

*Almost for got about this. Actually it is the 2:44 mark**
**Really, did you check both of these?***
***If so you are a homo****
****Cap'n Cat, I am looking at you.*****
*****Not that way...go find a goat.

09-12-2010, 04:29 AM
+1 on our kickoff return game being horseshit....talk about pussy footing around, doesn't get much worse than that.
Hit a hole and hit it hard.

09-12-2010, 04:31 AM
+1 on our kickoff return game being horseshit....talk about pussy footing around, doesn't get much worse than that.
Hit a hole and hit it hard.


09-12-2010, 04:50 AM
Well, this is TAB signing off. Rough night...will be a rougher morning. I should ask 4mcrue what he prescribes! Sometimes a loss can be better than a win..when it lights a fire. The offense needs a fire...maybe this will light the spark. Better now early in the season. Okay...that is all. Goodnight.

09-12-2010, 05:01 AM
You're killing me TAB.

09-12-2010, 05:23 AM
Well, this is TAB signing off. Rough night...will be a rougher morning. I should ask 4mcrue what he prescribes! Sometimes a loss can be better than a win..when it lights a fire. The offense needs a fire...maybe this will light the spark. Better now early in the season. Okay...that is all. Goodnight.

Tomorrow will be a better day. Well it will be for me. Im cooking up a bunch of Walleye. :D :hungry: