View Full Version : Has there ever been a more pompous fanbase than UNI?

09-11-2010, 08:19 PM
simple question...

They spend all week belittling our win against Kansas, and just now Kansas has defeated #17GT. So much for their theory.

They continually bring up their "near victory" over a top 10 Iowa team last year yet they didn't even sniff the playoffs. Hahahahahahahah, do the BISON believe in moral victories? Heck no!, we actually get the job done unlike some purple kitty team in Iowa that continually makes excuses why they lose by 1 point. We have our own near misses against the big boys like 9-10 vs. Minnesota in 06 but you don't hear us talking that up.

UNI is generally very good at home so we may or may not win today, but at least we give our opponents some due respect.

09-11-2010, 08:20 PM
All I'll say is 8 > 0. Not sure where they get the whole superiority bit when we contended for the same title for so many years.

09-11-2010, 08:44 PM
I'd say there is plenty of pumpous on both sides of the UNI/NDSU equation. Time to shut up and play. If we were the veteran FCS team, I'm sure we'd view it a little differently.

09-11-2010, 08:46 PM
I'd say there is plenty of pumpous on both sides of the UNI/NDSU equation. Time to shut up and play. If we were the veteran FCS team, I'm sure we'd view it a little differently.

finally, some reason.

09-11-2010, 09:17 PM
I would say additionally, that UNI has a pretty short memory if they don't view NDSU as their equal on the gridiron. This whole thing makes for some fun Saturdays.

09-11-2010, 10:35 PM
Heck no!, we actually get the job done

Except for when you play us.

Hey, I thought your win against Kansas was great. I don't see a lot of belittling of that win on the Panther boards, what would the point of that be? As far as the Iowa win goes, I see your point, but you have to understand the stature of that program in Iowa. Even a one-point loss seemed like an achievement. But UNI does not have to point to near-misses, we have beaten FBS teams plenty of times, advanced far to the play-offs, and have a trophy case full of conference championships.

09-11-2010, 10:39 PM
Heck no!, we actually get the job done

Except for when you play us.

Hey, I thought your win against Kansas was great. I don't see a lot of belittling of that win on the Panther boards, what would the point of that be? As far as the Iowa win goes, I see your point, but you have to understand the stature of that program in Iowa. Even a one-point loss seemed like an achievement. But UNI does not have to point to near-misses, we have beaten FBS teams plenty of times, advanced far to the play-offs, and have a trophy case full of conference championships.

Getting the job done with all those National Championships...Oh Wait...Nevermind...

09-11-2010, 10:40 PM
I humbly submit for consideration an old abandoned outhouse, far across the plains.

09-11-2010, 10:41 PM
I'd say there is plenty of pumpous on both sides of the UNI/NDSU equation. Time to shut up and play. If we were the veteran FCS team, I'm sure we'd view it a little differently.


09-11-2010, 10:47 PM
Heck no!, we actually get the job done

Except for when you play us.

Hey, I thought your win against Kansas was great. I don't see a lot of belittling of that win on the Panther boards, what would the point of that be? As far as the Iowa win goes, I see your point, but you have to understand the stature of that program in Iowa. Even a one-point loss seemed like an achievement. But UNI does not have to point to near-misses, we have beaten FBS teams plenty of times, advanced far to the play-offs, and have a trophy case full of conference championships.

I was cheering my A** off for UNI last year at Iowa, but damn then got let down just like a Vikings fan:D

09-11-2010, 10:48 PM
The only time I have ever cheered for NI was when Farokhmanesh hit that 3 against Kansas. I admit it was pretty awesome.

09-11-2010, 10:49 PM
simple question...

They spend all week belittling our win against Kansas, and just now Kansas has defeated #17GT. So much for their theory.

They continually bring up their "near victory" over a top 10 Iowa team last year yet they didn't even sniff the playoffs. Hahahahahahahah, do the BISON believe in moral victories? Heck no!, we actually get the job done unlike some purple kitty team in Iowa that continually makes excuses why they lose by 1 point. We have our own near misses against the big boys like 9-10 vs. Minnesota in 06 but you don't hear us talking that up.

UNI is generally very good at home so we may or may not win today, but at least we give our opponents some due respect.

by the way they talk smack on panther nation they should win 50-6 :rolleyes:

09-12-2010, 02:57 AM
Well until we beat them they can do whatever they want.

09-12-2010, 02:58 AM
This thread should have never been started

09-12-2010, 03:13 AM
This thread should have never been started

You're right, TJ. Unfortunately, Bison folks have a very bad reputation across FCS as crybabies and bullies because of some of the clowns here.

09-12-2010, 03:17 AM
die thread.

09-12-2010, 03:18 AM
You're right, TJ. Unfortunately, Bison folks have a very bad reputation across FCS as crybabies and bullies because of some of the clowns here.

I don't mind some smack, but I HATE when people base their opinions of a team on message board fans. It really pisses me off

09-12-2010, 03:21 AM
I don't mind some smack, but I HATE when people base their opinions of a team on message board fans. It really pisses me off

I concur....because I'm sure every other fan base, UNI included, doesn't have jacka**** who post on message boards....sarcasm

09-12-2010, 03:33 AM
I humbly submit for consideration an old abandoned outhouse, far across the plains.


09-12-2010, 03:59 AM

I can think of two fanbases that nobody can hold a candle too. You ever talked to a UND Hockey fan or a Minnesota Gophers anything fan? You will want to eat a bullet immediately.

09-12-2010, 04:03 AM
I can think of two fanbases that nobody can hold a candle too. You ever talked to a UND Hockey fan or a Minnesota Gophers anything fan? You will want to eat a bullet immediately.

I nominate Montana and Delaware, too.

09-12-2010, 07:14 AM
You're right, TJ. Unfortunately, Bison folks have a very bad reputation across FCS as crybabies and bullies because of some of the clowns here.

we honestly dont care about other fan bases opinions

09-12-2010, 02:52 PM
we honestly dont care about other fan bases opinions

Haha, see take that, we can be pompus too! :D

09-12-2010, 03:07 PM
I concur....because I'm sure every other fan base, UNI included, doesn't have jacka**** who post on message boards....sarcasm

It's a free country and fans can post just as stupid as they want to. Bison fans just stand out because they abuse the privilege.:D

09-12-2010, 03:46 PM
It's a free country and fans can post just as stupid as they want to. Bison fans just stand out because they abuse the privilege.:D

Run across any green stuff for me and Hippy Stick when we come down to Carbonville in October?

:D :D :D :D :D :D

09-12-2010, 03:48 PM
I don't mind some smack, but I HATE when people base their opinions of a team on message board fans. It really pisses me off

Yep and until we beat them I'm fine with them talking as much as they want.

09-12-2010, 04:03 PM
What we all need to remember is when we go to other teams fan sites we are representing our team. If you want everyone to think your fan base is nothing but a bunch of winers then go to their fan page and do so.

I enjoy visiting with fans from many other FCS teams and do not judge the whole fan base by the action/words of just one.

So maybe think twice before hitting submit. It just might prevent you from looking like a dumbarse.

09-12-2010, 04:08 PM
I had a great time tailgating and at the game last night besides losing the game, of course. I was in the heart of the purple and met some really good people. We gave each other crap all night but at the end, we shook hands and walked away graciously. Their fans were classy. Period. Now let's kick their ass on the field. That would make me happy!

09-12-2010, 04:51 PM
I had a great time tailgating and at the game last night besides losing the game, of course. I was in the heart of the purple and met some really good people. We gave each other crap all night but at the end, we shook hands and walked away graciously. Their fans were classy. Period. Now let's kick their ass on the field. That would make me happy!

This is why I hate when fans judge a whole from some message boards, no doubt UNI has great fans I met several that I drank beer with last year in Fargo, and likewise 9 out 10 people in the bison tailgate lot are good fans.

09-12-2010, 05:48 PM
The only fans that judge other fans based on message boards are us dorks that spend so much time on them. The majority of fans don't even post on fan sites and don't care who is dissing who.

People give too much credit (or blame) to Capn, Lakes, MPLSBison, Gotta Earn it, DaveK, etc. Nut up people, its only the internet. Don't read their posts if they're in your head that bad. It's not like people are getting their car tires slashed at away games or beer thrown at their kids is it? I have yet to hear of any Philly-esque incidents at any games, so the other fanbases must be halfway normal.

09-13-2010, 03:40 AM
I can think of two fanbases that nobody can hold a candle too. You ever talked to a UND Hockey fan or a Minnesota Gophers anything fan? You will want to eat a bullet immediately.

the "abandoned outhouse" refers to UND, thus the ++++