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03-05-2010, 08:51 PM
Anyone want to speculate why O-Lineman seem to be more prone to back injuries than other positions? Seems we have had a rash of them.

03-05-2010, 11:19 PM
I think there has been alot of shoulder injuries over the years. Understandably so being they have to stand up and let the defender come barging at them. But yeah you're right, there have been alot of backs also.

03-06-2010, 03:10 AM
I was thinking maybe more on the lower back injury maybe from heavy hip sled work? Speaking from personal experience the hip sled bothered my lower back. Not sure if it was bad lifting form on my part or not.

03-06-2010, 03:12 AM
Anyone want to speculate why O-Lineman seem to be more prone to back injuries than other positions? Seems we have had a rash of them.

1. They have more weight that they are carrying around on the back joints and discs. A disc is basically a disc no matter if it is in a 300lb lineman or in a 150 return specialist.

2. The weight they are putting up with the training especially the leg and squat lifts puts a lot of pressure on the back.

3. You look at what they do for reps in practice and through out a game. Play in and play out and they abuse there backs.

That would be my best "speculation" on why a lineman has more problems with their back.

03-06-2010, 01:02 PM
For sure its the low backs that are most affected. NDSU's trademark has always been that we "out physical" our opponents to make up for potential lack of speed, etc. I think that the physical style of practice, off season training and game play that is required to be that kind of team just wears players out over time. I may not be 100% correct but I believe the most recent players who have had to end there careers because of back injuries were Mark Sanders, Justin Buckwalter, and Chris Wellinstein. I know that the first two missed senior seasons and Wellinstein may have been a jr. I think its just the price that is paid for playing a physical style of football.

03-06-2010, 08:45 PM
1. They have more weight that they are carrying around on the back joints and discs. A disc is basically a disc no matter if it is in a 300lb lineman or in a 150 return specialist.

2. The weight they are putting up with the training especially the leg and squat lifts puts a lot of pressure on the back.

3. You look at what they do for reps in practice and through out a game. Play in and play out and they abuse there backs.

That would be my best "speculation" on why a lineman has more problems with their back.

I think one factor is what exercises do they do to strengthen the lower back? A great deal of attention is given to upper and lower body strength.
In the middle is the lower back. For many players they also have a pretty big gut. That is a total embalance for the lower back also.
If you are moving an opponent using terrific upper and lower body strength the lower back is the weak link in the chain. Now throw in years of impact. Over time something is going to give.

03-07-2010, 04:02 AM
I think one factor is what exercises do they do to strengthen the lower back? A great deal of attention is given to upper and lower body strength.
In the middle is the lower back. For many players they also have a pretty big gut. That is a total embalance for the lower back also.
If you are moving an opponent using terrific upper and lower body strength the lower back is the weak link in the chain. Now throw in years of impact. Over time something is going to give.

Yes exercising and strength in the low back has a big impact on injury to that area. The funny thing is that it just isn't getting the muscles to be strong. You can have subject 1 with a very strong muscle A, Muscle B and Muscle C and then you can take subject 2 with medium strength in Muscle A, Muscle B and Muscle C but subject 2 has his muscles trained very well in the firing patterns so Muscle A, B and C work very well together and he will more than likely have less injury than Subject 1 who has stronger muscles. Keeps the athletic trainers on their toes coming up with new and improved exercises that are working the muscles together and not just separately.

03-07-2010, 07:22 PM
For sure its the low backs that are most affected. NDSU's trademark has always been that we "out physical" our opponents to make up for potential lack of speed, etc. I think that the physical style of practice, off season training and game play that is required to be that kind of team just wears players out over time. I may not be 100% correct but I believe the most recent players who have had to end there careers because of back injuries were Mark Sanders, Justin Buckwalter, and Chris Wellinstein. I know that the first two missed senior seasons and Wellinstein may have been a jr. I think its just the price that is paid for playing a physical style of football.

Paul Backowski also.

03-07-2010, 07:39 PM
Paul Backowski also.

Seems like Nate Safe's back problems kept him from trying to get into the NFL too.

Hopefully cutting weight is enough to get everybody healthy again. That said, I think this question was prompted by Josh Campion's reported back problems - and he was a Gopher.

Anyway, I think just the fact the offensive linemen are the heaviest guys out there means they are naturally going to have the most back problems. FBS teams will often recruit athletic 6'5 guys who weigh well under 300 and have them put on 50-60 pounds - rapid weight gain has to be another major factor. If NDSU has more back injuries than other teams, then that would be something to look into (weight training, I mean.)