View Full Version : Smoking ban March 1

North Side
02-08-2010, 04:18 PM

Great news finally getting rid of smoking! :nod:

...and yes there will always be ppl out there saying i don't smoke but people have the right to smoke where they want... to that I say I have just as much right to breath clean hair as you do to smoke. That being said NDSU is a place of learning not a place to drinking/doing drugs/smoking you want to do that go off campus! I just like to know how they are going to enforce this maybe 10 dollar fine that could go to the wellness center or maybe BSA?

02-08-2010, 05:05 PM
not even touching this one :rolleyes:


02-08-2010, 05:39 PM
not even touching this one :rolleyes:

C'mon, touch it...you know you want to...touch it. Touch it! TOUCH IT!!!!!!!!!!*

*Wait a second...did that come out wrong?**
**What were we talking about?***
***Oh yeah, Superfan's mom.****
****Touch it!

02-08-2010, 09:03 PM

Great news finally getting rid of smoking! :nod:

...and yes there will always be ppl out there saying i don't smoke but people have the right to smoke where they want... to that I say I have just as much right to breath clean hair as you do to smoke. That being said NDSU is a place of learning not a place to drinking/doing drugs/smoking you want to do that go off campus! I just like to know how they are going to enforce this maybe 10 dollar fine that could go to the wellness center or maybe BSA?

This campus will not be truly "smoke free". There will be unintended consequences from this. This is just a "feel good" rule. I'm sick of the people (NDSU Student Gov't) who want to have control of other peoples lives. One other thing, nobody has a right to go to NDSU. If somebody doesnt want to see smoking here than you can go elsewhere. Nothing like the busybodies telling us what is good and not good for us...

02-08-2010, 09:03 PM

Great news finally getting rid of smoking! :nod:

...and yes there will always be ppl out there saying i don't smoke but people have the right to smoke where they want... to that I say I have just as much right to breath clean hair as you do to smoke. That being said NDSU is a place of learning not a place to drinking/doing drugs/smoking you want to do that go off campus! I just like to know how they are going to enforce this maybe 10 dollar fine that could go to the wellness center or maybe BSA?
Well fancy that.......more government control........whats next control freaks? Ban perfumes.......some are offensive. How about those who don't use deodorant, keep them out? Time to start the controls on food. No more Big Macs or Blizzards, too much fat!
Got an idea for you that think a little 2nd hand smoke outdoors will kill you.....invest in a protective bubble with perfect filtered air and UV block built in. Maybe you will live .0000231 years longer on average.

North Side
02-08-2010, 09:46 PM
This campus will not be truly "smoke free". There will be unintended consequences from this. This is just a "feel good" rule. I'm sick of the people (NDSU Student Gov't) who want to have control of other peoples lives. One other thing, nobody has a right to go to NDSU. If somebody doesnt want to see smoking here than you can go elsewhere. Nothing like the busybodies telling us what is good and not good for us...

I will agree this is somewhat of a "feel good" rule, but NDSU student government isn't controlling you. NDSU student gov. doesn't tell you what you can or cannot do at your own home. When you go on PUBLIC property there are things you cannot do and smoking should, and will be one of them. Once again if you don't like NDSU student gov. "controlling" you have every RIGHT to go to a private school that allows smoking on campus. Government doesn't just take rights it gives them too, I am getting the right to no longer put up with cigarette smoke. The Fargo Public Schools got smoking ban ages ago finally good to seen NDSU catching up with the times. Also what unintended consequences will come from this?

02-08-2010, 09:53 PM
Smoking is not illegal for those over age 16 and therefore I have no problem with people doing it on public property. Alcohol should be allowed on campus as well, for those who are of legal drinking age. JMHO

02-08-2010, 09:57 PM
I will agree this is somewhat of a "feel good" rule, but NDSU student government isn't controlling you. NDSU student gov. doesn't tell you what you can or cannot do at your own home. When you go on PUBLIC property there are things you cannot do and smoking should, and will be one of them. Once again if you don't like NDSU student gov. "controlling" you have every RIGHT to go to a private school that allows smoking on campus. Government doesn't just take rights it gives them too, I am getting the right to no longer put up with cigarette smoke. The Fargo Public Schools got smoking ban ages ago finally good to seen NDSU catching up with the times. Also what unintended consequences will come from this?

But what about the people who are of age and who live on campus, I agree with ming on this one. I can't ever recall when walking past some smoke (which is rare in my book) that I have ever thought...god that smoke is terrible.

Also, how does NDSU intend to enforce this rule when the can't even enforce the 50 foot rule as it is. Personally, don't fix what ain't broke. With the 50 foot rule both sides were happy (sort of).

I am not a smoker but I think Student Government and NDSU Admin is way out of line on this one.

(rant over)

02-08-2010, 10:03 PM
I will agree this is somewhat of a "feel good" rule, but NDSU student government isn't controlling you. NDSU student gov. doesn't tell you what you can or cannot do at your own home. When you go on PUBLIC property there are things you cannot do and smoking should, and will be one of them. Once again if you don't like NDSU student gov. "controlling" you have every RIGHT to go to a private school that allows smoking on campus. Government doesn't just take rights it gives them too, I am getting the right to no longer put up with cigarette smoke. The Fargo Public Schools got smoking ban ages ago finally good to seen NDSU catching up with the times. Also what unintended consequences will come from this?

You're winning the argument for me by saying you cant smoke on public property. That doesnt make any sense. Wouldnt it make more sense to say you can do it on public but not private?

How is this not controlling people? Telling people what they can and cannot do with their own bodies. The only way government can give rights is to take away rights from others too. If you dont like cigarette smoke there is another public institution across the river. Also, what's so wrong with walking 5 feet out of your way of a smoker? Cant the smokers have at least some space to smoke?

Unintended consequences are this will not be enforceable because it is a POLICY and not a LAW. There will still be cigarette buts around. There will still be smoking on campus. Just ask UND.

02-08-2010, 10:32 PM
This is just one of those things that is completely retarded. Mind you, I am lifetime non-smoker that grew up with parents/sisters that smoked. I absolutely HATE cigarette smoke, but would never tell someone where they can't smoke, unless of course it is a certain car of mine, etc. I don't see what was so wrong with designated areas, especially in restaurants that were already on their OWN way to creating completely separated smoking areas. If the people really wanted it, businesses make those adjustments... after all that is how you survive...give the people what they want, not what the government says you have to do.

North Side
02-08-2010, 11:08 PM
You're winning the argument for me by saying you cant smoke on public property. That doesnt make any sense. Wouldnt it make more sense to say you can do it on public but not private?

Unintended consequences are this will not be enforceable because it is a POLICY and not a LAW. There will still be cigarette buts around. There will still be smoking on campus. Just ask UND.

I am not sure what your getting at, It makes more since to me that gov. has control over you when your on public (its own) property. For example, driving on a public road the government can tell you want you can and cannot do like the speed limit ect.... now if you have your own private road you can drive as fast as you want. I have no problem with people smoking as long as its not around me. They can take 5 mins out of their day go off campus and light up.

Great point,a law, policy or whatever you want to call it is only good if its enforced and I don't see it being enforced. It will be just like UND.

02-08-2010, 11:49 PM
Yeah this is dumb.

02-09-2010, 12:12 AM
Yep, this is a dumb rule. I think I'll start a fart to smoke campaign. I'll show you what a nuisance odor really is. :ranting: Join me a 1,000 fraters strong! Fart till we get back smoking to cover the fart smell!!!!!!
:bow: :D

*This is to be sponsered by taco shop and the Lex and Terry radio morning show's Assmaster bit

02-10-2010, 12:55 AM
I can still recall leaving buildings on campus nearly 20 years ago when the cold January wind blew in through the open doors carrying all of the disgusting cigarette smoke with it.

There was also a smoking room in the library with a door that was supposed to be kept closed but hardly ever was.

But what about the people who are of age and who live on campus, I agree with ming on this one. I can't ever recall when walking past some smoke (which is rare in my book) that I have ever thought...god that smoke is terrible.

Also, how does NDSU intend to enforce this rule when the can't even enforce the 50 foot rule as it is. Personally, don't fix what ain't broke. With the 50 foot rule both sides were happy (sort of).

I am not a smoker but I think Student Government and NDSU Admin is way out of line on this one.

(rant over)

02-10-2010, 01:34 AM
I can still recall leaving buildings on campus nearly 20 years ago when the cold January wind blew in through the open doors carrying all of the disgusting cigarette smoke with it.

Give me a break! You really think this has any effect on people?

02-10-2010, 10:31 PM
Give me a break! You really think this has any effect on people?
Alfa1-antitrypsin deficiency. Give a read.

02-11-2010, 12:07 AM
Well fancy that.......more government control........whats next control freaks? Ban perfumes.......some are offensive. How about those who don't use deodorant, keep them out? Time to start the controls on food. No more Big Macs or Blizzards, too much fat!
Got an idea for you that think a little 2nd hand smoke outdoors will kill you.....invest in a protective bubble with perfect filtered air and UV block built in. Maybe you will live .0000231 years longer on average.

yes yes yes

I do not smoke, dont have family that smokes, have freinds that smoke, and do not give a flipping shirt about people that smoke. This is still America, and this is a legal product. I will buy into no smoking anywhere in public when it becomes illegal. I think I heard once that cows were destroying the Ozone.

I also completly understand that it is a overwhelmingly destructive habit, but as SD said, I will probably be worse from my Whopper. And my Bud Light (trying to keep my girlish figure. )

02-11-2010, 01:54 AM
Here's my two cents:

While you (people in general) do have the right to smoke, I ask that you be considerate of others.

With that said, I can't stand smoke. If you blow it right in my face (you have the right), I have the right to "accidentally" punch you right in yours.

02-11-2010, 02:01 AM
I dont think there's anybody blowing it in peoples faces

02-11-2010, 02:22 AM
I dont think there's anybody blowing it in peoples faces

Just up our asses.

I'm looking at you, Dick Hanson!

02-11-2010, 02:30 AM
I dont think there's anybody blowing it in peoples faces

True, most of the incidents I've encountered people do it on accident. But working the drive thru window at a fast food place sucks when I open the window only to have a huge puff greet me. Or having people grab their food with the cigarette still in their hand.

Like I said, if you smoke please be considerate of others.

02-11-2010, 02:38 AM
I never understood what was wrong with the original rule. I guess even our student government decides that what we need is more government when all that needed to happen was to enforce what was already in place.

If somebody is truly 50 feet away from a building, I and whoever doesn't want to be near their smoke can avoid them.

02-11-2010, 02:44 AM
I never understood what was wrong with the original rule. I guess even our student government decides that what we need is more government when all that needed to happen was to enforce what was already in place.

If somebody is truly 50 feet away from a building, I and whoever doesn't want to be near their smoke can avoid them.

Just curious, what is the position on smoking on the majority of the students? I'm a member of the SGA at UNT and most students HATE smoking. I think the current policy is you have to be 20 feet from a doorway. I guess that most people I've talking to want to see it banned altogether. But those are non-smokers of course.

02-11-2010, 02:52 AM
Just curious, what is the position on smoking on the majority of the students? I'm a member of the SGA at UNT and most students HATE smoking. I think the current policy is you have to be 20 feet from a doorway. I guess that most people I've talking to want to see it banned altogether. But those are non-smokers of course.

I don't think many had a huge problem with it, especially after the original rule was put into place. It doesn't bother me either way, I do hate smoking but those that did it pretty much stayed away from the doors at least from what I have seen.

02-11-2010, 02:59 AM
Just curious, what is the position on smoking on the majority of the students? I'm a member of the SGA at UNT and most students HATE smoking. I think the current policy is you have to be 20 feet from a doorway. I guess that most people I've talking to want to see it banned altogether. But those are non-smokers of course.

They did an opinion survey on it last year and 60% of the students were for a complete ban. Only about 2,000 took the survey though. That said, they're claiming this was an actual vote by the students when in fact it was the student gov't that said it was just a survey just to get another idea from the students. I would say that most students probably dont care anyways. But the people that actually do care I would say there are more who are for the ban than against it. I myself am not a smoker but I really would prefer if there wasnt a total ban. Actually I think the 50 foot rule now is stupid too.

02-11-2010, 03:17 AM
They did an opinion survey on it last year and 60% of the students were for a complete ban. Only about 2,000 took the survey though. That said, they're claiming this was an actual vote by the students when in fact it was the student gov't that said it was just a survey just to get another idea from the students. I would say that most students probably dont care anyways. But the people that actually do care I would say there are more who are for the ban than against it. I myself am not a smoker but I really would prefer if there wasnt a total ban. Actually I think the 50 foot rule now is stupid too.

Agree. I'd also have to say most students (myself included) are pretty indifferent and just might have been swayed by a very vocal minority.

It probably won't hurt them too much, but it would seem like bad business for Residence Life if you can't smoke while living in the dorms... any clarification on this end?

02-11-2010, 01:23 PM
They did an opinion survey on it last year and 60% of the students were for a complete ban. Only about 2,000 took the survey though. That said, they're claiming this was an actual vote by the students when in fact it was the student gov't that said it was just a survey just to get another idea from the students. I would say that most students probably dont care anyways. But the people that actually do care I would say there are more who are for the ban than against it. I myself am not a smoker but I really would prefer if there wasnt a total ban. Actually I think the 50 foot rule now is stupid too.
Nobody follows the current rule anyway. What makes anybody think people are going to follow this. Are they going to put people in smoking jail? I'm all for this ban, but theres no way to enforce it.

02-11-2010, 01:33 PM
This is an effort to follow the mainstream of what universities and other public institutions are doing...nothing more

What I found very interesting was that the first policy excluded the Tech Park from the policy...what? Even more interesting, the NCI was exempted...and it is even more legally connected to the University by virtue of the fact that it's budget is a part of the NDSU Ag budget bill. The policy was further changed to exempt all other state and federal buildings.

Now both of these entities (it could be argued) are at an arms length distance from NDSU itself, but c'mon...really?

These are just example of why, in my opinion, policies like these are intended to make a statement and not much else. Sort of silly when all is said and done.