View Full Version : Can We Win Out?

10-26-2009, 08:41 PM
What are everybody's thoughts on the possibility of winning our last 3 games.

10-26-2009, 08:42 PM
I don't think it is likely. We should win against Indiana State and that would be the only one.

10-26-2009, 08:42 PM
I would say 2 out of 3 are safe wins.

10-26-2009, 08:44 PM
We should win the next two, YSU should be tough.

10-26-2009, 08:52 PM
We should win the next two, YSU should be tough.

Agreed. WIU is in as much disarray as any right now, yes, even us. Indiana State will probably just fold now that they've won a game (jk). I really think these two *should* be wins as long as we have enough halthy players left to field a team.

10-26-2009, 08:52 PM
I don't think it is likely. We should win against Indiana State and that would be the only one.

And why not against the team that Indiana State beat?

10-26-2009, 08:52 PM
At this point, no game is a win in my book.

10-26-2009, 08:53 PM
Next two should be wins barring absolute debacle as they are bad teams in bad situations. Youngstown at home depends on the attempt at development (or lack there of) of Mohler in the previous two games.

10-26-2009, 09:08 PM
I couldnt make the Bison game this past weekend for health reasons, but I wanted to. I understand completely how easy it is these days to get down on the program. I feel the Bison Football program is Not only about winning but its about playing with heart...leaving it all on the field..and most of all...teamwork!!
As the father of the student who wore the Thundar suit at football games from 2004 through 2008, I saw it all. When my son first donned the suit in 2004 thing were not the best on the Bison football field. But there was a push to get more students into the games, and then more non-student fans as well. And it worked. Actually the fans showed up in decent numbers long before the first 10-1 season.
Now all of a sudden the integrity of the players, coaches and fans is in question. Maybe too much was expected of this 2009 team..but I will admit I never would have predicted this miserable record!
So..what went wrong?
Well for one, when you get a number of played getting into training violations...minor-age drinking violations..DUI's...and so forth, the problem started there.
It actually happened halfway (roughly) thought last football season with one football player.
Which I personally thought would have stopped this problem.
But after the season, it snowballed!!
Even into spring we heard of more and more violation and possible suspensions!!
Well IMHO I think the number of these issues was too big to simply deal with by various types of suspensions of varying lengths!
If I was a Bison FB player, and had to play with a number of fellow players who had broken rules, I too would be distracted.
Now I am not saying this was the only issue..but it certainly was a distraction!
Maybe enough to cause the obvious loss of "teamwork" which was the backbone of the Bison Program for decades, and included the last several years after Babich left!
To possibly solve this problem, this program needs current players, and any possible future players (and coaches) to stress one thing..teamwork...oh and a few simple tackling drills cant hurt either!

10-26-2009, 09:11 PM
And why not against the team that Indiana State beat?

I would just be very startled to see us win 2 of the next 3. We are just not a good team this year. We would not be a good team if Walker was the QB.

10-26-2009, 09:21 PM
I would just be very startled to see us win 2 of the next 3. We are just not a good team this year. We would not be a good team if Walker was the QB.

You obviously don't understand the state of WI... They're coach retired mid season, they litterly don't have a QB on the roster physically able to play, they lost to Indiana St, and it goes on and on.

10-26-2009, 09:39 PM
You obviously don't understand the state of WI... They're coach retired mid season, they litterly don't have a QB on the roster physically able to play, they lost to Indiana St, and it goes on and on.

I am well aware of that, I just don't think we will beat them especially at thier place. Obviously we have a shot and the odds are better that we could win against them rather than YSU. But....there really are not many bullets left in the Bison revolver.....:hide:

10-26-2009, 09:42 PM
I am well aware of that, I just don't think we will beat them especially at thier place. Obviously we have a shot and the odds are better that we could win against them rather than YSU. But....there really are not many bullets left in the Bison revolver.....:hide:

Seems like we're shooting blanks!

10-26-2009, 09:46 PM
We are just not a good team this year. We would not be a good team if Walker was the QB.



10-26-2009, 10:12 PM
with the latest injuries I'm really only hoping for 1 conference win, drag us out of the cellar (possibly)

10-26-2009, 11:12 PM
can we just get to that 2nd win (hopefully this weekend)

10-26-2009, 11:57 PM
I think we win out.

my rose colored glasses are on and I see shades of green and yellow. No one on the team is giving up,

and just maybe we change the punt formation. please. :banghead:

10-27-2009, 12:01 AM
I think we win out.

and just maybe we change the punt formation. please. :banghead:

Excellent recommendation and a good reason to believe. Changing the punt formation can result in giving up 7 fewer points per game. A seven point swing is big!

10-27-2009, 12:32 AM
Excellent recommendation and a good reason to believe. Changing the punt formation can result in giving up 7 fewer points per game. A seven point swing is big!

you weren't suppose to see that rock he made it in small print :D

I don't see the point of that punt formation its suppose to prevent blocks??? HOW...you let guys come at you full speed compared to try and break through at the line with not much momentum, so stupid.

10-27-2009, 12:45 AM
Who said it was to prevent blocks?? I've only heard it is supposed to help cover kicks, which we basically suck at too.

10-27-2009, 12:51 AM
Who said it was to prevent blocks?? I've only heard it is supposed to help cover kicks, which we basically suck at too.

i've heard both being said, lot of colleges use it now, still not really sure why?

10-27-2009, 01:38 AM
I have a feeling it won't be around very long. Any scheme that allows 5 guys a head full of steam is Bohl crap in my opinion.*

*Did I say Bohl crap? Hmmm, must have slipped. I meant Bohl s****. :D

10-27-2009, 02:24 AM
I have a feeling it won't be around very long. Any scheme that allows 5 guys a head full of steam is Bohl crap in my opinion.*

*Did I say Bohl crap? Hmmm, must have slipped. I meant Bohl s****. :D

you're having a lot of typos lately, you might want to purchase a new computer, keyboard, or something or else..... :D

10-27-2009, 03:43 AM
Wester Illinois is playing just as crappy as we are this year, but I think we will win. We will also win again Indiana State. Not so sure about Youngstown though.

10-27-2009, 03:05 PM
i've heard both being said, lot of colleges use it now, still not really sure why?

Wake Forest started it, I blame them. IIRC we were having trouble with Drago's punts being blocked using the conventional formation in 06-07, which was the reason our special teams coach gave us for the switch. Now that we're having those same problems with the "new" formation, I'm starting to think there might be another issue at work here.

10-27-2009, 05:33 PM
We will win out and build momentum into next year.

P.S. I'm an eternal optimist.

North Side
10-27-2009, 05:42 PM
I don't see it happening
2)playing on the road isn't easy, i dont care if its ISU, or WIU
3)we find a way to lose.... :ranting:

PW Bison
10-27-2009, 06:46 PM
I think there are a few things being overlooked. We are more and more beat up every week. Some of these players will not be back, big names like Fairburn, Henry, and Kittelson to name a few. This is not the team it was at the beginning of the season. Hell, it is not the team it was last week!

That being said, I go to every home game and have yet to see this team quit. I will agree, there is a lack of fire sometimes during the game, but they have been slugging it out til the end. This team just doesn't know how to win. They have a hard time getting a lead and cannot hold a lead. If the worst can happen, it always seems to find this team.

Western Illinois is banged up pretty good also, but don't think for one minute that they are not telling themselves the same about our team. They know we would sell our souls for a win and will do their best to break up that deal with the devil. I say this game will be close and I hope WI is in more turmoil than this Bison team.

I do not want to look ahead, but if we do not beat Western Illinois, we will not beat Indiana State. Indiana State knows they can win now and will be fired up to give a down trodden Bison team a tough game. If we beat WI, I think we get some fire back and easily beat ISU.

There will have to be much improvement to beat Youngstown. Lets see what this week brings.

Sorry, my first post is so long.

10-27-2009, 07:03 PM
Win at Western.
Win at Indiana State.
Finish with win at home vs. Youngstown.
Have great off-season and spring ball. Everyone healthy for fall camp. Start with a win in Kansas and the ball is rolling for the first D1 nat'l championship.
Suddenly bisonville remembers Bohl and staff can recruit and coach and have to complain about the fargodome or the band.

10-27-2009, 07:06 PM
the ball is rolling for the first D1 nat'l championship.
Suddenly bisonville remembers Bohl and staff can recruit and coach and have to complain about the fargodome or the band.

What kool-aid are you drinking i want some of that. We are still a bit off from competing the way we all want the bison to.

10-27-2009, 07:17 PM
Gotta believe.....Considering we have had over 20 significant injuries to this team and we still compete...Besides it could be a lot worse you could be a gopher fan and have brewster to follow

10-27-2009, 07:47 PM
I could care less if we win out. A win here or there does nothing. The season is gone. I want to see is the younger guys that are going to be here in the future get quality reps and build game experience that will help them with next year and beyond. I want to see improvement in execution but maybe most of all I want to see a large improvement with play calling and coaching decisions. If we are going to have this staff for next year and possibly beyond, they need to start showing me that can mix things up. I want to see a custom gameplan that's designed to utilize the strengths of the players playing.

10-28-2009, 12:05 AM
I think there are a few things being overlooked. We are more and more beat up every week. Some of these players will not be back, big names like Fairburn, Henry, and Kittelson to name a few. This is not the team it was at the beginning of the season. Hell, it is not the team it was last week!


Sorry, my first post is so long.

Good first effort!

Count me in the, "Sure, the fellas can win out" camp. It won't be easy since I can't see NDSU being favored in any game until they win again.

10-29-2009, 09:29 PM
Gotta believe.....Considering we have had over 20 significant injuries to this team and we still compete...Besides it could be a lot worse you could be a gopher fan and have brewster to follow
At least he doesnt say whale of a game every week!

10-31-2009, 09:14 PM
And there is one of three to win out!!!

10-31-2009, 09:17 PM
Isn't it better to just lose out and get a better draft pick? We have to think about next year.

10-31-2009, 09:30 PM
That was a whale of a game, the team showed great resolve!!

How about that Bison Defense?!?!


10-31-2009, 09:40 PM
we will lose to indiana state and youngstown state 2-9 at best and at worse 2-9.....yikes

10-31-2009, 09:42 PM
Yes we will win out++++

10-31-2009, 10:51 PM
we will lose to indiana state and youngstown state 2-9 at best and at worse 2-9.....yikes

Whoa Sav.... Whats going on here. Guess I will have to ship a few gallons of Koolaid up to Fargo for you!


10-31-2009, 10:56 PM
Whoa Sav.... Whats going on here. Guess I will have to ship a few gallons of Koolaid up to Fargo for you!


or a baseball bat to knock some sense into my ;)

or lots of spiced of kool-aid

I'll have to hear from Road or whoever else showed up there if that field affected a lot of things we were doing??

could we really go 4-7 just think some of those close games if something would of went right our shitty ass team could of been 5-6 6-5 :D We're such a good team!

10-31-2009, 10:56 PM
Well, no matter what's going on I encourage as many people as possible to go to the games. The Sioux are playing probably the best team (on paper as #18 in FCS going in) to come to the Alerus, and it's pretty empty, especially in the student section. I'm actually pretty pissed :mad: - I never missed a home game back when I was a student. And, to top it off, the Sioux are actually playing well and driving while down 17-14 in the third.

So - if you're in Fargo for the last home game please go support your guys.

10-31-2009, 10:57 PM
or a baseball bat to knock some sense into my ;)

or lots of spiced of kool-aid

I'll have to hear from Road or whoever else showed up there if that field affected a lot of things we were doing??

could we really go 4-7 just think some of those close games if something would of went right our shitty ass team could of been 5-6 6-5 :D We're such a good team!

Oh I thought this was in the smack thread ;)

10-31-2009, 10:58 PM
Well, no matter what's going on I encourage as many people as possible to go to the games. The Sioux are playing probably the best team (on paper as #18 in FCS going in) to come to the Alerus, and it's pretty empty, especially in the student section. I'm actually pretty pissed :mad: - I never missed a home game back when I was a student. And, to top it off, the Sioux are actually playing well and driving while down 17-14 in the third.

So - if you're in Fargo for the last home game please go support your guys.

I'll be there 99.99999% sure...my birthday is the day before soooo who knows what will happen :D

10-31-2009, 11:00 PM
I'll be there 99.99999% sure...my birthday is the day before soooo who knows what will happen :D

Well - if it were my birthday I'd just keep it going all night and all day until the game is over (if possible). :nod:

10-31-2009, 11:01 PM
or a baseball bat to knock some sense into my ;)

or lots of spiced of kool-aid

I'll have to hear from Road or whoever else showed up there if that field affected a lot of things we were doing??

The secret to good Kool-Aid is getting the right amount of everclear into the pitcher. It helps one really focus on the positives!

http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk298/rjehni/2jpggreenkoolaid.jpg http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y166/mazzypaz/everclear.jpg

11-01-2009, 04:24 AM
Yes we will win out++++

Without a doubt.

11-01-2009, 04:39 AM
The secret to good Kool-Aid is getting the right amount of everclear into the pitcher. It helps one really focus on the positives!

http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk298/rjehni/2jpggreenkoolaid.jpg http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y166/mazzypaz/everclear.jpg

All ya gotta do is mix 1 bottle of 99.9% with a 1/2 gallon of Bali Hi and 1/2 gallon of Tyrolia and a bag of ice in a small cooler. Stir and enjoy. Then watch people tip over.:D

11-01-2009, 04:44 AM
I'll be there 99.99999% sure...my birthday is the day before soooo who knows what will happen :D

Two words: Pre-game. (one word?)

11-14-2009, 07:28 PM
If YSU loses to Illinois State today (down 13-15 at home in the 3rd), we could win the ever-important 6th place in the MVFC with a win next weekend. We'd both be 2-5 in the conference if YSU loses today.

But seriously, a 3rd straight win next weekend, even if all three are against the bottom of the league teams, could be a nice building block for these young players going into next season.

I like our chances at home against YSU :nod:


11-14-2009, 07:34 PM
yes, yes we can

11-14-2009, 07:40 PM
yes, yes we WILL

That sounds much better doesn't it??

11-15-2009, 06:12 AM
One more win, and we did.:D

11-16-2009, 12:31 AM
The only problem is that YSU has more tallent on their team than ISU, Missouri State and someone else do combined. Seriously, I'd say ISU and MSU alone but that would be an understatement. ;)

11-16-2009, 12:39 AM
I think we can do it!

11-16-2009, 01:02 AM
Youngstown is 5-5 if I got my info right. They aren't that much better then us. We are playing in the dome, we've made some key changes and we are the Bison. I'd say we have a good chance to win UNLESS Bohl does some really stupid thing like replacing a good player with an inept one(which Bohl does sometimes), I say we win this one in a cat fight.

So, victory here we come (unless)

11-16-2009, 01:13 AM
You just got to believe that the players have some confidence going into this game, this game is winable as the majority of the game's this year were. Setting down the green and gold glasses, pouring the kool-aid down the drain, I expect the Bison to end the year on a winning note. I really want to see a COMPLETE game to end the year. Keep the streak alive.

11-16-2009, 01:19 AM
You just got to believe that the players have some confidence going into this game, this game is winable as the majority of the game's this year were. Setting down the green and gold glasses, pouring the kool-aid down the drain, I expect the Bison to end the year on a winning note. I really want to see a COMPLETE game to end the year. Keep the streak alive.

Im with you.

Every game this year was winnable. Granted we were never in control of the games but we were never out of the games. We just didnt take advantage of the opporunities that were given us to put us in a position to win.
I would love to see us go out on a winning note.

11-16-2009, 03:35 AM
The only problem is that YSU has more tallent on their team than ISU, Missouri State and someone else do combined. Seriously, I'd say ISU and MSU alone but that would be an understatement. ;)

If only talent won games....because if it did, they obviously would have beaten Missouri State (they lost by 10)


Bison Dan
11-16-2009, 12:38 PM
I look for us to not only win but win big.

11-17-2009, 12:25 AM
Bison will win++++++++

11-17-2009, 04:41 AM
If only talent won games....because if it did, they obviously would have beaten Missouri State (they lost by 10)


Great point and I agree. I am simply saying that because we have beat two bad teams in a row that we should not simply assume that momentum alone will propel us to victory. ;)

11-17-2009, 04:18 PM
Because we have won our last two I am looking for a full house to see if we can do just that... win out. It will be a great home field advantage and the players will be pumped to prove to the hometown crowd that they are a better team than the record shows. Can't wait for Saturday!:nod:

11-18-2009, 07:26 AM
Because we have won our last two I am looking for a full house to see if we can do just that... win out. It will be a great home field advantage and the players will be pumped to prove to the hometown crowd that they are a better team than the record shows. Can't wait for Saturday!:nod:

best 3-7 team in the country and soon to be best 4-7....hopefully we can go 4-7 and swap our record with next years and go 7-4 :)