View Full Version : Don't get to listen to/watch the games...

10-21-2009, 03:02 AM
I posted my first post a while back that I had adopted the Bison as my "other team" to pull for in football. Not to state the obvious, but i am an Alabama Crimson Tide fan. (Being born in Alabama and having some intelligence i naturally go for the Tide and therefore hate Auburn U and U of Tennessee.)

I was intrigued by the winning tradition of your team. Apparently that winning tradition has hit a snag. I am completely in the dark on this one. All i have seen are the scores after the games and haven't had time to read the message boards to get a "picture" of whats going on. Please be patient and someone explain what exactly is preventing their success?

10-21-2009, 04:06 PM
Good question, no short answer. IMOa combination of things have happened. When the offense has played well enough to win (SHSU, possibly UNI) the defense hasn't played well. When the defense has played well (SDSU, SIU) the offense hasn't played well enough to win. When we have had opportunities to win games (SHSU, ISU, UNI, possibly Iowa State) the officials have made horrible calls- I know officials don't win or lose games but they can have an effect on the outcome.

Now if you have enough time read thru the other posts on the season and you will find many other reasons. Offense, defense, special teams, coaches can't recruit, coaches can't coach or judge talent, players have no heart or discipline. We have had the worst qb ever (see thread), terrible recruiting classes, play calling to the point were one posters girlfriend was able to call the plays. I can't recall a post yet about the band but that must be coming up sometime soon. (For those who can't tell this paragraph is full of sarcasm)

The Bear or Nick Saban??? Roll tide roll.

10-21-2009, 04:54 PM
I heard the Tide violated NCAA rules last Saturday against South Carolina any truth to the tape marking incident??? SEC is looking into it

10-22-2009, 01:08 AM
The tape thing is a non-issue. Plenty in the SEC have done it. So much that the refs don't even notice anymore. Spurrier is just becoming whiny in his old age. Losing often and having your reputation as a football genius do down the toilet does that to you.

The crimson tide forums aren't even talking about it anymore.

Tide has moved on to Tennessee and their jack*** coach Lane Kiffin.

We are 7-0, favored to will all our games, only have to beat Florida in the SEC championship game to go to the National Championship game, we have a running back (Mark Ingram) who is the frontrunner for the heisman trophy (something bama has never had a player win)...too many positives to dwell on Spurriers sour grapes.

10-22-2009, 01:12 AM
I posted my first post a while back that I had adopted the Bison as my "other team" to pull for in football. Not to state the obvious, but i am an Alabama Crimson Tide fan. (Being born in Alabama and having some intelligence i naturally go for the Tide and therefore hate Auburn U and U of Tennessee.)

I was intrigued by the winning tradition of your team. Apparently that winning tradition has hit a snag. I am completely in the dark on this one. All i have seen are the scores after the games and haven't had time to read the message boards to get a "picture" of whats going on. Please be patient and someone explain what exactly is preventing their success?

As most of us know...college football teams depend heavily on the experience and savy of their quarterback. We have a coach who forgot to recruit quarterbacks aggressively. That's where we've been at since last year. The problem actually started 3-4 years ago...or more. We were spoiled by an amazing quarterback by the name of Steve Walker. I call him Houdini Walker. Those shoes have been tough to fill. It was left on the shoulders of one player...and it just didn't work out.

Bison bison
10-22-2009, 01:14 AM
We are in flux...

....like a turd is in flux after a toilet has been flushed.

Enjoy the ride my friends!!!

10-22-2009, 01:25 AM
We are in flux...much as the Tide have been off and on over the past 30 years or so. We're in a down cycle...and you're in an up cycle. We're not used to the depth of this one. We'll be back within 2-3 years. It's complicated, as others have written. In SEC country...Alabama has been my team since I was a kid. Used to love watching the Bear teams. You've had some periods where the program had an identity crisis...as in...should we hire a coach who has roots at Alabama...or should we get a hot outsider to change the whole thing. Similar debates have gone on here over the past decade or more. Only time will tell...but the foundation of support is here...so it will be back.

Hope to one day travel up there and actually see a game. Hopefully by then the Bison will be at the top or on its way up. Seems like i adopted the Bison at a very low point.
And yeah, alabama did some seriously idiotic things with its choice of personel and how long to give them a chance, and ridiculous ideas of how they were somehow better because of a connection to the Bear. It took a long time for us to get rid of our backward mentality and accept that our destiny was mediocrity if we didn't man up, fork out the money and get someone to head the program totally, give him absolute power and tell the troublesome alumni to get on board or get out!
A lot of people got there feelings hurt. But here we are. Most referring us as the closest thing to a pro team that there is in college and the future as bright as it has ever been. If Saban ever leaves....the thought makes bama fans curl up in fetal position and suck there thumbs with a blank expression on there face.

10-22-2009, 01:31 AM
....like a turd is in flux after a toilet has been flushed.

Enjoy the ride my friends!!!

You mean that you're not coming along when things are down? Will you be back when Mohler, Thorton, Jensen, DJ, Ojuri, Boyer, Evans, Horner, Juckem, Jemison, and a bunch of other very talented players develop? Left out a lot of very gifted players that are a year or two away from being strong and experienced.

I could see a complete turnaround next year if this team pulls together...and if the coaching staff comes out of their coma.

10-22-2009, 01:54 AM
The tape thing is a non-issue. Plenty in the SEC have done it. So much that the refs don't even notice anymore. Spurrier is just becoming whiny in his old age. Losing often and having your reputation as a football genius do down the toilet does that to you.

The crimson tide forums aren't even talking about it anymore.

Tide has moved on to Tennessee and their jack*** coach Lane Kiffin.

We are 7-0, favored to will all our games, only have to beat Florida in the SEC championship game to go to the National Championship game, we have a running back (Mark Ingram) who is the frontrunner for the heisman trophy (something bama has never had a player win)...too many positives to dwell on Spurriers sour grapes.
Can you please do that for the children? No but seriously please beat them. Here's an example of Walker's greatness http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oTx__3AIusw. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3XO4QBO4iY&feature=related (Here's an example of Scott Miller's kermit the frog voice)

10-22-2009, 04:24 AM
....like a turd is in flux after a toilet has been flushed.

Enjoy the ride my friends!!!

Stay thirsty my friends.

10-22-2009, 04:31 AM
I'll put it this way: I'm a Texas fan, and you guys better lose to Florida, I do not want to see you in Pasadena!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That will not bode well for the Horns, I do like our chances against Florida a lot more...seems to be the same theme among other Horns fans. That defense scares me!!!

10-22-2009, 04:34 AM
crimson tider is the one on the news that got his life threatned cause he called ole miss students white trash.
