View Full Version : Sen. Andrist and Rep. Skarphol anti-NDSU....Both UND Grads

10-15-2009, 12:27 PM
Here are some quotes from these two clowns. Being from Williston I am familir with both and I can say with out a doubt that they are biased towards UND and harbor a great anti-NDSU sentiment. These two fools are the real enemy in the growth of NDSU.

Get a load of the garbage they are spewing....

John Andrist sees Joseph Chapman’s resignation as president of North Dakota State University as the expected end to an overly enabled ego.

“The guy thought he was the second coming. I can understand why,” said Andrist, a Republican state senator from Crosby who sits on the Senate Higher Education Committee.

Andrist and Rep. Bob Skarphol, chairman of the Higher Education Committee, said they recognize that Chapman has been an effective leader. But both said he had to go.

“It’s so obvious that he got carried away with his own ego and thought he could do just about anything that he felt like doing,” Andrist said. “In a way, I feel sorry for him. So many people enabled him.”

Skarphol said he was planning to ask for Chapman’s resignation because of the cost overruns on the house being built for him.

10-15-2009, 12:29 PM
Hey, they should come to a Q&A at NDSU to explain their vision for NDSU.

10-15-2009, 01:01 PM
Send these fools some email and let them know what you think. They are in an all out attack on NDSU.

Sen. John Andrist

Rep. Bob Skarphol

10-15-2009, 01:05 PM
ND legislators should have UND or NDSU behind their name rather and "D" and "R". It would be more informative

10-15-2009, 02:58 PM
President Richie Smith said they accepted it "with regret" and emphasized that Chapman made the decision without pressure from the board or chancellor. No pressure my ass.

G-city Bison Fan
10-15-2009, 03:30 PM
From: Lance Presser [lance.presser@my.rfums.org]
Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2009 9:37 AM
To: Andrist, John M.
Subject: Joseph Chapman

“The guy thought he was the second coming. I can understand why,” said Andrist, a Republican state senator from Crosby who sits on the Senate Higher Education Committee.

Republican state senator from Crosby ND. I guarantee that Joseph Chapman has done more to directly effect and improve the state in the last 10 years than you have in your lifetime sir. If you care to refute that I would love to see your list of "accomplishements".

For your sake I hope the above quote was taken out of context. It is embarrassing, and I hope the good people that elected you, will no longer consider doing so the next time that option is made available.

Andrist, John M. to me
show details 9:55 AM (33 minutes ago)

Because you are good doesn't (or shouldn't) give you an unlimited sense of entitlement. Obviously you too think he was the second coming.

Interesting that you judge me and what I do or have done, knowing absolutely nothing about me, other than that I am not a fan of Joe Chapman.

It isn't me that brought him down. It is he himself.

John Andrist

G-city Bison Fan
10-15-2009, 03:31 PM
Send these fools some email and let them know what you think. They are in an all out attack on NDSU.

Sen. John Andrist

Rep. Bob Skarphol

Has anyone emailed Skarphol and asked if he is asking for Kellys resignation due to the housing overruns?

Bison bison
10-15-2009, 03:38 PM
You should watch out gf. Andrist was the editor of a small county newspaper!?!

G-city Bison Fan
10-15-2009, 03:50 PM
Lance Presser to bskarphol
show details 10:49 AM (0 minutes ago)

Mr. Skarphol,

As per below, I fully expect to see a news article in the near future about you asking President Kelly for his letter of resignation.

Andrist and Rep. Bob Skarphol, chairman of the Higher Education Committee, said they recognize that Chapman has been an effective leader. But both said he had to go.

Skarphol said he was planning to ask for Chapman’s resignation because of the cost overruns on the house being built for him.

http://www.inforum.com/event/article/id/253237/ (In case you forgot)

- Lance Presser

10-15-2009, 04:01 PM
North Dakota Rep. Bob Skarphol, R-Tioga, said he’d like to see a new NDSU president “more grounded in North Dakota tradition.”

We're in trouble if that happens. Skarphol evidently doesn't like to see leadership, growth and national exposure.

In the words of Skarphol think small, do nothing, and be a follower.

10-15-2009, 04:10 PM
Hehe, I did rip off an email to Skarphol. I didn't bother with Andrist because if his bio is correct, he was born in 1931.

Skarphol replied that he is an "equal opportunity critic" of institutions in the system and all he wants is transparency. I replied that from his position, bragging about being an equal opportunity critic of higher ed is exactly like being a tourism director who brags about criticizing all the state parks instead of just the one in Fargo. I was tempted to call BS too since I have never heard any complaint against UND from any of those guys.

I also suggested that if he wants transparency, he should start with his and Holmberg's committee. I mean, it was Holmberg who was the point man on the last "get rid of Chapman" attempt and he used a number of unnamed sources - the main one who later directly contradicted what she said to the Fargo Forum but was never called on it. Make public every communication that higher ed committee members have relating to higher ed public - now that's transparency. Demanding that NDSU combine accounts that have to be separate because they track money from different grants - now that's incompetence.

I am extremely frustrated that NDSU seemingly has little or no voice either in the two higher ed committees (chaired by pink-bleeders) or the North Dakota media.

10-15-2009, 06:15 PM
From: Lance Presser [lance.presser@my.rfums.org]
Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2009 9:37 AM
To: Andrist, John M.
Subject: Joseph Chapman

“The guy thought he was the second coming. I can understand why,” said Andrist, a Republican state senator from Crosby who sits on the Senate Higher Education Committee.

Republican state senator from Crosby ND. I guarantee that Joseph Chapman has done more to directly effect and improve the state in the last 10 years than you have in your lifetime sir. If you care to refute that I would love to see your list of "accomplishements".

For your sake I hope the above quote was taken out of context. It is embarrassing, and I hope the good people that elected you, will no longer consider doing so the next time that option is made available.

Andrist, John M. to me
show details 9:55 AM (33 minutes ago)

Because you are good doesn't (or shouldn't) give you an unlimited sense of entitlement. Obviously you too think he was the second coming.

Interesting that you judge me and what I do or have done, knowing absolutely nothing about me, other than that I am not a fan of Joe Chapman.

It isn't me that brought him down. It is he himself.

John Andrist

He's not a fan of Chapman :confused: I couldn't tell...

10-15-2009, 06:18 PM
John Andrist is very arrogant. His reply does not surprise me at all.

10-15-2009, 06:51 PM
Is it just me, or is it coincidence that the two are both from District 2?

G-city Bison Fan
10-15-2009, 07:04 PM
Part two of emails to Sen Andrist.

I do think very highly of the man and his vision of NDSU and the state of ND.

The problem I see with the current events are numerous, but it boils down to not understanding at what point any wrong doing occurred.

Pointing at the two major issues that people have been citing, the house and the $22k trip. Those are foundation supported projects, privately donated monies that in no way come from the state or students. The house is not his house, nor is it his responsibility as he has removed himself from any decision making and it is fully upon the Foundation. I am not going to say that gross underestimates weren't made, that is apparent, however, none of that had anything to do with President Chapman. Secondly, the trip. Could he have used that money for something "better"? Probably, however that is the nature of a discretionary fund, private donors can earmark money to special projects if they so desire, but the foundation has a yearly budget just like any other organization, of which there is a discretionary fund. Was the trip cost questionable? Sure. Would some donors be upset? Probably. But it was completely within his discretion to spend that money as he pleased with the oversight by the Foundation. Looking at the big picture, this man has brought in millions of dollars (100+ new research dollars to NDSU) and is one of the most forward thinking, progressive leaders this state has had in recent memory.

And I will judge what you have done, as should your constituents. That is part of your job sir and you should be elected or not based on the merits of what you have achieved. That being said, I looked for your "merits" on your state web page, not finding any, maybe you should consider making those available.

And trust me, I know you didn't "bring him down". But your quote in the forum is that of a sarcastic/jealous teenager not someone of your standing. Don't be part of the problem and unnecessarily fan the flames of a good man that has done amazing things for the state of ND. In the end we are all on the same team.

-Lance Presser
- Show quoted text -

Andrist, John M.Loading...12:22 PM (1 hour ago)

Reply |Andrist, John M. to me
show details 12:22 PM (1 hour ago)

1. Any money spent on state property for the state must be appropriated. If there is a problem with an appropriation, not enough money, unforeseen circumstances, whatever, an administrator can propose a fix to the budget section. They meet quarterly, and normally consent to 10 or 12 revisions. In five sessions as a member of the appropriations committee I never heard the suggestion that "we spent the money because we didn't understand the law". So we are suppose to believe that NDSU financial administrators didn't understand what they were doing was illegal?
2. They spent about half a million in state money (in addition to the half million overrun paid by the foundation). You don't have to be an administrator to know that is a crime. Window dress it if you please.
3. Nobody, but nobody with a decent set of values would justify spending $22,000 to take his family to Washington, no matter where the money came from. The UND president flew coach for $500. The inauguration is a time of celebration. Nobody gets work done in that city at that time.
4. He and his wife, who sat on the committee directing construction, had to be complicit in the excess. They knew at the very beginning before they issued contracts that the house plan could not be built for $900,000. That's deceit of the highest order. Unless you have the mindset that you are above the law you wouldn't try defend it.

So he did great things for the university. But what he, the university and the foundation have done is a crime, pure and simple. Now you can say, if you want, it's okay to commit crimes in the name of doing good work. That's your value (and obviously Joe's value), not mine. You say you are not understanding at what point any wrong doing occurred?

I spend a lot of time in Fargo. I made 51 trips there when my wife was dying of cancer. Tha'ts 40,000 miles, because I have three children living there and because you have a great cancer center. I know a lot of Fargo people, work closely with some great Fargo legislators. And I know I've been guilty of rationalizing a wrong from time to time. But that doesn't make it right.

I'm a journalist and a business man by profession and a philanthropist (in my own small way) by avocation. I still serve on three foundation boards. I would never ever spend money the way the NDSU foundation has spent it to placate Joe Chapman's ego, and try to justify it. People are giving a piece of their lives when they give significant sums of money. They deserve better.

John Andrist

10-15-2009, 07:07 PM

DR CHAPMAN did more for NDSU and NORTH DAKOTA than you 2 old hayseed farts!!



John Andrist sees Joseph Chapman’s resignation as president of North Dakota State University as the expected end to an overly enabled ego.

“The guy thought he was the second coming. I can understand why,” said Andrist, a Republican state senator from Crosby who sits on the Senate Higher Education Committee.

Andrist and Rep. Bob Skarphol, chairman of the Higher Education Committee, said they recognize that Chapman has been an effective leader. But both said he had to go.

“It’s so obvious that he got carried away with his own ego and thought he could do just about anything that he felt like doing,” Andrist said. “In a way, I feel sorry for him. So many people enabled him.”

Skarphol said he was planning to ask for Chapman’s resignation because of the cost overruns on the house being built for him.



Bison bison
10-15-2009, 07:24 PM

You just got owned by a 80-year-old.

(Also, someone should ask John to serve on the Foundation committee...)

10-15-2009, 07:26 PM
It's people like Andrist that are the reason the state population has remained stagnant for decades and per capita income growth has been negligible. We should have term limits on Senators and Representatives and there should be age limits. The man is 78 yrs old and I would wager is "out of touch" with today's North Dakotan.

10-15-2009, 07:31 PM
The man is 78 yrs old and I would wager is "out of touch" with today's North Dakotan.

Sadly, I thought 78 year olds were today's North Dakotan...

10-15-2009, 07:43 PM
Then what am I and the next generation of North Dakotans? (I'm 30). :)

G-city Bison Fan
10-15-2009, 07:52 PM

You just got owned by a 80-year-old.

(Also, someone should ask John to serve on the Foundation committee...)

Yeah, I am going to write him back, I thought that was a pretty good answer and he seems like a genuine guy.

This exchange is what happens when you get two decent people really pissed off I think. That being said I wanna double check a few things before I write him back, but I do really appreciate the responses he has given.

10-15-2009, 08:33 PM
Yeah, I am going to write him back, I thought that was a pretty good answer and he seems like a genuine guy.

This exchange is what happens when you get two decent people really pissed off I think. That being said I wanna double check a few things before I write him back, but I do really appreciate the responses he has given.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I saw that he addressed that NDSU knew they couldn't build the house for 900K but they went ahead anyway. Did he address how UND is also over budget by 900K. I really want to read his answer for that and what he plans to do to keep them accountable.

10-15-2009, 09:19 PM
Sadly, I thought 78 year olds were today's North Dakotan...

They will be if the Joel Heitkamps of the world continue to drive out the only progressive aspects of the state that would give the educated youth a reason to stick around.

10-15-2009, 10:37 PM
John Andrist is a complete and total dipSh!t. He has put ND in the National scene in a negative way nearly EVERY Session with his ass backwards can't get out of 1945 attitude and the people of Divide County have only one thing worse coming for them as their rep. and its his son Steve WOW

just speculating on Steve being the next rep, but its like 90% hel will follow daddy

Skarpohl I don't know much about but probably the same attitude

10-15-2009, 10:52 PM
I'm guessing these 2 voted to keep that ridiculous law that said it was illegal for a unmarried man and woman to live together.

10-15-2009, 10:54 PM
I'm guessing these 2 voted to keep that ridiculous law that said it was illegal for a unmarried man and woman to live together.

YOU ARE CORRECT and USA today and the NY Times were all over it and Sen. Assclown was in the spotlight!!

10-15-2009, 10:55 PM
YOU ARE CORRECT and USA today and the NY Times were all over it and Sen. Assclown was in the spotlight!!

I'm proud to say that when I lived in ND I broke the shiate out of that law. Come and get me suckers!

10-15-2009, 11:07 PM
YOU ARE CORRECT and USA today and the NY Times were all over it and Sen. Assclown was in the spotlight!!

Ah, how public discourse has deteriorated - it should be the Honorable Senator Assclown, good sir.

Seriously, I don't think name calling adds much and realize there's going to be some venting going on. I much prefer guys like Andrist to the smarmy, passive-aggressive backstabbers out there.

10-16-2009, 04:39 AM
Andrist, John M.Loading...12:22 PM (1 hour ago)

Reply |Andrist, John M. to me
show details 12:22 PM (1 hour ago)

2. They spent about half a million in state money (in addition to the half million overrun paid by the foundation). You don't have to be an administrator to know that is a crime. Window dress it if you please.

John Andrist

From the Herald....

All in all, UND spent $263,800 in public funds, 42 percent of which came from state appropriations and tuition. The rest came from locally-generated revenue, such as leases and royalty income. NDSU spent $574,000 in public funds, none of which came from appropriations or tuition. Nearly all came from local revenue.

Isn't this inaccurate since NDSU can spend local revenue how it wants? Did UND commit a crime here?

G-city Bison Fan
10-16-2009, 04:41 AM
From the Herald....

Isn't this inaccurate since NDSU can spend local revenue how it wants? Did UND commit a crime here?

I haven't replied to this last post, doing a little fact checking. To Andrist's credit I am impressed that he has taken the time to reply and at least assert his views, however correct/incorrect they may be.

10-16-2009, 04:47 AM
I haven't replied to this last post, doing a little fact checking. To Andrist's credit I am impressed that he has taken the time to reply and at least assert his views, however correct/incorrect they may be.

I do have to give him credit for taking the time and giving you a well thought out response, very impressive. Just wondering if he is right by calling that a crime.

10-16-2009, 05:09 AM
I do have to give him credit for taking the time and giving you a well thought out response, very impressive. Just wondering if he is right by calling that a crime.

His reference to this as a crime shows him accusing, trying, and judging. At this point, that action becomes simple retoric.

Before any accusation can or should be made, the details of the action need to be identified and compared to the documented governance policies and procedures. Perhaps we will find out that a crime was committed when this work is done.

However, we can state that mistakes in judgement appear to have been made... But even this statement does come back to having the data and understanding the governing procedures.

In a way, this reminds me of General Haig's reaction when President Reagan was shot. Asserting does not equate to fact.

10-16-2009, 05:16 AM
Call in to News and Views and voice your opinion, email him, he will answer.

10-16-2009, 09:07 AM
The only thing Sen. Andrist is trying to do is fuel the fight between East and West. He is trying to make political fodder that he can play up in his District. He has done that continually during his carreer. It really is a shame that a guy like him is on the Higher Ed. Committee. I know that he is strutting like a banty rooster around Crosby and telling folks how he has really put the squeeze on Cass County. Andrist surely does not bring North Dakota together, but drive the old east/west wedge hard to split ND apart. Very unfortunate actions and statements by Andrist......

10-16-2009, 12:46 PM
I do have to give him credit for taking the time and giving you a well thought out response, very impressive. Just wondering if he is right by calling that a crime.

A legislator calling something a crime affects me very little. The AG will certainly be asked to render an opinion and, if he determines that it is prosecutable, there will be no choice but to pursue that. I guess we'll have to leave that up to the UND Grad in Bismarck. (His decision would likely apply to both projects so we have that going our way)

Bison bison
10-16-2009, 01:05 PM
Isn't this inaccurate since NDSU can spend local revenue how it wants?

Not however it wants, but there are certainly less strings than with other funds.

Did UND commit a crime here?

Possible. It looks a hell of a lot more likely that they did than NDSU...

10-19-2009, 06:53 PM
He's not a fan of Chapman :confused: I couldn't tell...

penis envy