View Full Version : Mission: Beat SDSU

10-11-2009, 01:24 PM
This season sucks but a win over SDSU would be huge. They are having a great year so far and they are going to be in the mix for a playoff spot. I want to ruin it for them. Let's embarrass them by taking our worst team in nearly 35 years into their house and bring home the rock. I could care less about the rest of the season. This game is it.

10-11-2009, 01:31 PM
This season sucks but a win over SDSU would be huge. They are having a great year so far and they are going to be in the mix for a playoff spot. I want to ruin it for them. Let's embarrass them by taking our worst team in nearly 35 years into their house and bring home the rock. I could care less about the rest of the season. This game is it.

I like your spirit, but it will be an A-- kicking at Brookings. The only differance between the Bison and the Titanic is that the Titanic had a band, wait a minute, we have a darn good band, so there is hope. :D

10-11-2009, 01:45 PM
I like your spirit, but it will be an A-- kicking at Brookings. The only differance between the Bison and the Titanic is that the Titanic had a band, wait a minute, we have a darn good band, so there is hope. :D

Just trying to keep some hope alive. Maybe we could use some of the volleyball coaches as guest coaches this week. They just beat SDSU. That's something our current set of coaches don't know how to do.

10-11-2009, 01:52 PM
Just trying to keep some hope alive. Maybe we could use some of the volleyball coaches as guest coaches this week. They just beat SDSU. That's something our current set of coaches don't know how to do.

About the only thing I can hope for right now is that we see some of our FUTURE playing at Brookings, This simply just has to happen or we will continue this trend next year. the season is lost, thank you seniors and starters, but it is time for some to take a break, and get some of our projected starters for next year some game experience.

10-11-2009, 02:03 PM
Get it done Bison++++++

10-11-2009, 02:22 PM
Hey....By no means were we dominated by UNI yesterday as many on this board predicted. There is not a game left on the schedule that we cant win. The big question is...Can we quit screwing things up? By looking at the stats yesterday you would have thought the Bison had won by 2 scores! A team that puts 500 yards of offense against the best D in the league should be able to win some games. Can we beat the Jacks? Absolutely! Will it happen? I wouldnt bet big money either way!

10-11-2009, 02:24 PM
yea we played way better than the scoreboard said, we put 500 yards on one of the top defenses...watch out SDSU this young and injury plagued team is starting to come together

10-11-2009, 02:41 PM
yea we played way better than the scoreboard said, we put 500 yards on one of the top defenses...watch out SDSU this young and injury plagued team is starting to come together

but Coughlin-Alumni has been a house of horrors for us for quite some time. Has Bohl ever won there? I don't think he has.

10-11-2009, 02:54 PM
This will be a big win. However, let's face reality.

10-11-2009, 03:01 PM
Reality is were 1-5. Cant look back, gotta move foreward!

10-11-2009, 03:09 PM
but Coughlin-Alumni has been a house of horrors for us for quite some time. Has Bohl ever won there? I don't think he has.

You are right on here. We haven't won there since (I think) 1999. That is pretty bad juju, considering the teams that we have sent down there in the past.

But I agree with you completly. We must become spoilers now, play our hearts out and knock some teams out of contention.

10-11-2009, 03:27 PM
We played right with SIU and UNI and had plenty of chances to win both games. I don't see a single reason that we can't beat SDSU. Let's do this!

10-11-2009, 03:47 PM
No offence Mike, but this thread makes me sick.

We are now reduced to the mindset that SDSU usually had about us.

The role of spoiler is disgusting. http://www.gifmix.net/smileys/puking-smilies/17.gif (http://www.gifmix.net/smileys/)

10-11-2009, 03:49 PM
No offence Mike, but this thread makes me sick.

We are now reduced to the mindset that SDSU usually had about us.

The role of spoiler is disgusting. http://www.gifmix.net/smileys/puking-smilies/17.gif (http://www.gifmix.net/smileys/)

Well, we gotta start somewhere. But honestly I could careless about spoiling SDSU's season, I want to finish strong and get some momentum going into next year. Beating SDSU would be a nice step in that direction.

10-11-2009, 04:23 PM
No offence Mike, but this thread makes me sick.

We are now reduced to the mindset that SDSU usually had about us.

The role of spoiler is disgusting. http://www.gifmix.net/smileys/puking-smilies/17.gif (http://www.gifmix.net/smileys/)

I agree, it sucks, but what else do we have right now.

We win the stupid rock, win out the season, and things do not look so bad. I know if we win out, a SHSU win and a ISU red win puts us in play off contention, but we lost those games, and three others like it. We have to win out, and kicks a rabbit in the groin.

10-11-2009, 04:29 PM
No offence Mike, but this thread makes me sick.

We are now reduced to the mindset that SDSU usually had about us.

The role of spoiler is disgusting. http://www.gifmix.net/smileys/puking-smilies/17.gif (http://www.gifmix.net/smileys/)

Yep, this is the state of Bison football. I'm not proud of it either but we need to beat SDSU. If we don't I really hope we lose the rest of the games this season because I think a 1-10 season might be enough to get some serious changes done around here. I'm actually more worried about us winning out. A 5-6 season, what does that do? Provides some people hope that Bohl can turn it around. Then we'll be right back in the same boat next year. Struggling to hit .500 and a million miles from any playoff hopes.

10-11-2009, 05:09 PM
I know the SDSU fans won't be taking the Bison lightly so I hope the players won't either. In no way will this game be a blow out and it will be a hard fought game by both sides.
NDSU will be as hungry as ever for a win and getting the Dakota Marker could be the one highlight for the Bison this season.
I'm not going to predict a score for this game in fear of jinxing the Jacks.

10-11-2009, 07:14 PM
No offence Mike, but this thread makes me sick.

We are now reduced to the mindset that WE CLAIMED (DENIED AND IGNORED BY SDSU) SDSU usually had about us.

The role of spoiler is disgusting. http://www.gifmix.net/smileys/puking-smilies/17.gif (http://www.gifmix.net/smileys/)

I corrected that for you.

10-11-2009, 07:44 PM
win or loose...beat the hell out of them.


10-12-2009, 04:08 AM
Yep, this one's going to be a dogfight.

As we all know, records mean squat come saturday of NDSU vs. SDSU.

I hope the 'rabbit D can contain Paschall.

After 3 weeks of away games, I'm ready to be back in CAS. I NEED to be back in CAS!

10-12-2009, 04:47 AM
This season sucks but a win over SDSU would be huge. They are having a great year so far and they are going to be in the mix for a playoff spot. I want to ruin it for them. Let's embarrass them by taking our worst team in nearly 35 years into their house and bring home the rock. I could care less about the rest of the season. This game is it.

Good plan Mike. We've never been physically out of a game. The stars have to line up, like theirs have the last two seasons against us. Interesting how the table has been turned.

I agree with your plan totally. We have one game left...and the rest are scrimmages to give the young guys experience for next year. It's the only game where the outcome really matters.

Underdog at SDSU. Now there is an oxymoron.

Thumper 76
10-12-2009, 04:47 AM
Yep, this one's going to be a dogfight.

As we all know, records mean squat come saturday of NDSU vs. SDSU.

I hope the 'rabbit D can contain Paschall.

After 3 weeks of away games, I'm ready to be back in CAS. I NEED to be back in CAS!

Amen to that. We could be undefeated and have beaten Cal Poly by 50 pts, and the Bison not scored a touchdown yet this season and it still would be a tight game. Both teams are going to be UP for this game and ready to rumble. Its going to be a GREAT DAY at CAS. :nod:

10-12-2009, 05:40 AM
I agree, it sucks, but what else do we have right now.

We win the stupid rock, win out the season, and things do not look so bad. I know if we win out, a SHSU win and a ISU red win puts us in play off contention, but we lost those games, and three others like it. We have to win out, and kicks a rabbit in the groin.

No offence Mike, but this thread makes me sick.

We are now reduced to the mindset that SDSU usually had about us.

The role of spoiler is disgusting. http://www.gifmix.net/smileys/puking-smilies/17.gif (http://www.gifmix.net/smileys/)

SHEESH 1 and 5 and all the talk is Division II. Glory Days by Springsteen has nothing on NDSU. SDSU thinks you have a good football team. Saturday will be a great day for football. It would be great if your fans would back your players for a change.

10-12-2009, 05:55 AM
throw the records out... this game is going to be a battle like always

10-12-2009, 05:56 AM
This season sucks but a win over SDSU would be huge. They are having a great year so far and they are going to be in the mix for a playoff spot. I want to ruin it for them. Let's embarrass them by taking our worst team in nearly 35 years into their house and bring home the rock. I could care less about the rest of the season. This game is it.

It would salvage the season. Who knows? If we can beat the Bunnies, we could go on a run and finish 5-5 or even 6-5. The toughest game on the schedule after that is Western Illinois. I'd like to think we can take care of Missouri State and Youngstown at home. That would make us all feel a lot better. Improvement is what we need to be looking for to gain momentum for next year. Then we could end they year like this...

4-3 in conference play
A win over a ranked team on the road
Played UNI/SIU competitively.
Lost a close game to a FBS team.
Momentum gained for next year

10-12-2009, 05:59 AM
It would salvage the season. Who knows? If we can beat the Bunnies, we could go on a run and finish 5-5 or even 6-5. The toughest game on the schedule after that is Western Illinois. I'd like to think we can take care of Missouri State and Youngstown at home. That would make us all feel a lot better. Improvement is what we need to be looking for to gain momentum for next year. Then we could end they year like this...

4-3 in conference play
A win over a ranked team on the road
Played UNI/SIU competitively.
Lost a close game to a FBS team.
Momentum gained for next year

That would be a hell of way to salvage the season.

10-12-2009, 06:47 AM
A win this week would be great! I also think it would gain the team a great amount of confidence heading into the late season.

10-12-2009, 01:00 PM
It would salvage the season. Who knows? If we can beat the Bunnies, we could go on a run and finish 5-5 or even 6-5. The toughest game on the schedule after that is Western Illinois. I'd like to think we can take care of Missouri State and Youngstown at home. That would make us all feel a lot better. Improvement is what we need to be looking for to gain momentum for next year. Then we could end they year like this...

4-3 in conference play
A win over a ranked team on the road
Played UNI/SIU competitively.
Lost a close game to a FBS team.
Momentum gained for next year

As long as this type of record gives everybody a warm and fuzzy feeling ?? , I personally find this totally unacceptable. This is NDSU Bison Football we are talking about here, maybe some teams would consider this as a succesful season, Bison supporters should never consider this acceptable. I know where you are coming from Gabe, and I would like to see these guys go out as winners. The drums are beating, and if this type of season repeats next year, somebody needs to be shown the door.

10-12-2009, 04:10 PM
As long as this type of record gives everybody a warm and fuzzy feeling ?? , I personally find this totally unacceptable. This is NDSU Bison Football we are talking about here, maybe some teams would consider this as a succesful season, Bison supporters should never consider this acceptable. I know where you are coming from Gabe, and I would like to see these guys go out as winners. The drums are beating, and if this type of season repeats next year, somebody needs to be shown the door.

For this year, that would be considered a success given the fact that we're 1-5. But overall, I agree, it would be a failure. Standards are high here and nobody will ever be content unless we go and make the playoffs and contend. Since the playoffs are not a possibility, we need to set other goals and that should be to finish .500 or higher, beat SDSU, and gain momentum for next year. And yes, if we see this type of garbage net year, we need to explore our options because 3 years in a row in not an abberation- it's a trend.

10-12-2009, 05:00 PM
Its Bunny Week Get Those Pesky Rabbits

10-12-2009, 05:22 PM
As long as this type of record gives everybody a warm and fuzzy feeling ?? , I personally find this totally unacceptable. This is NDSU Bison Football we are talking about here, maybe some teams would consider this as a succesful season, Bison supporters should never consider this acceptable. I know where you are coming from Gabe, and I would like to see these guys go out as winners. The drums are beating, and if this type of season repeats next year, somebody needs to be shown the door.

I dont think its acceptable when judging it against out past but considering the alternative of losing out and taking that in to the opening of next seaon I think a strong finish would be a positive.

10-12-2009, 05:26 PM
CC to bunnies:

We're COMING! Hide your beer and put your women on ice!!!*


* might be the other way around...

10-12-2009, 05:28 PM
SHEESH 1 and 5 and all the talk is Division II. Glory Days by Springsteen has nothing on NDSU. SDSU thinks you have a good football team. Saturday will be a great day for football. It would be great if your fans would back your players for a change.

Interesting that you brought up Springsteen. Just the other day I was trying to think of an official song for this season.
Early candidates are:

"Highway to Hell" by ACDC, just feels right considering where the program appears to be heading.

"Bad" - Michael Jackson. "Tell me once again, who's bad?" Why the NDSU football team is.

"Bad Day" - Daniel Powter (no I didn't know that of the top of my head, I googled it. Quit laughing!) You know how it goes. "So you had a bad day, camera's don't lie, something something then you go for a ride. You had a bad day, You had a bad daaaay" Sorry now you can't get that out of your head. The song probably works best when played right after a NDSU game.

"Downward Spiral" - Nine Inch Nails, pretty self explanatory. You get the jist from the title. "Closer" would have worked too but only from the other teams perspective. You know the part, "I want to f**k you like an animal." Because that what most teams have been doing to our secondary.

"The Gambler" - Kenny Rogers. It works in an ironic sense, you know since we haven't gambled on anything like a new QB or even kicker. Or going for it on a 4th and goal on the one. And I don't count a fake fg on 4th and 18 down by 2 scores as gambling, I call that stupid.

"It's Easier to Run" Linkin Park. Self explanatory.
Any other suggestions?

10-12-2009, 06:00 PM
We will give da bunnies all they can handle. I heard some of the post game interviews. The Bison could completely implode, or get mad and play with fire and determination. Perfect time to play SDSU. SDSU better come out firing or I say we take it to them.

The Bison will win. Frustrations will be taken out. Stupid penalties will be avoided. The Bison will win.

10-12-2009, 06:26 PM
I'm actually more concerned about a mental implosion, especially if we would get down early. We could statistically beat another team into the ground, but have 32 personal foul penalties & end up losing, because some of them just don't care anymore.... hope that's not the case. :hide: Time will tell.

10-12-2009, 06:53 PM
NDSU-SDSU reminds me of the Vikes-Tampa Bay series when they were in the NFC Norsk. It was small and friendly rivalry and the quality of the teams never seemed to matter, it was always going to be a good game.


Thumper 76
10-12-2009, 10:03 PM
Interesting that you brought up Springsteen. Just the other day I was trying to think of an official song for this season.
Early candidates are:

"Highway to Hell" by ACDC, just feels right considering where the program appears to be heading.

"Bad" - Michael Jackson. "Tell me once again, who's bad?" Why the NDSU football team is.

"Bad Day" - Daniel Powter (no I didn't know that of the top of my head, I googled it. Quit laughing!) You know how it goes. "So you had a bad day, camera's don't lie, something something then you go for a ride. You had a bad day, You had a bad daaaay" Sorry now you can't get that out of your head. The song probably works best when played right after a NDSU game.

"Downward Spiral" - Nine Inch Nails, pretty self explanatory. You get the jist from the title. "Closer" would have worked too but only from the other teams perspective. You know the part, "I want to f**k you like an animal." Because that what most teams have been doing to our secondary.

"The Gambler" - Kenny Rogers. It works in an ironic sense, you know since we haven't gambled on anything like a new QB or even kicker. Or going for it on a 4th and goal on the one. And I don't count a fake fg on 4th and 18 down by 2 scores as gambling, I call that stupid.

"It's Easier to Run" Linkin Park. Self explanatory.
Any other suggestions?

This has just put you into my terrible person catagory, cause now it IS stuck in my head :banghead: :rofl:

10-13-2009, 01:48 AM
I like your spirit, but it will be an A-- kicking at Brookings. The only differance between the Bison and the Titanic is that the Titanic had a band, wait a minute, we have a darn good band, so there is hope. :D
I'm as frustrated with every loss as everyone else but the blowout talk week after week is hard to take as "reality". NDSU has been blown out once (at Cal Poly) that I can remember since the awful 2002 season. UNI last year is as close to a blowout as there's been and that was 10 pts. That game it just never felt like we had a legitimate chance to win. We've been in every other game. We're getting beat and it's not fun but to to say we don't have a chance every week is just not right.

10-13-2009, 02:05 AM
This season sucks but a win over SDSU would be huge. They are having a great year so far and they are going to be in the mix for a playoff spot. I want to ruin it for them. Let's embarrass them by taking our worst team in nearly 35 years into their house and bring home the rock. I could care less about the rest of the season. This game is it.

Bring a normal Bison football team to Coughlin and we win by 2 or 3 touchdowns. I didn't say a great Bison team...I'm talking about a middle-of-the-road Bison team. Find the swagger back...and take care of a normal day of work in Brookings.

Whatever coach decides to put that back will elevate the program by 100 percent 3 weeks ago. Instead, we pee down our legs like any other team when something doesn't go right. It's a simple matter of deciding to beat up on people...and putting the best players on the field. We have plenty of talent to beat on the Wabbits. In that sense...it shouldn't even be a game. We should be 5-1 right now...or 6-0. Takin' care of business. That's how you beat SDSU. Yawn

10-13-2009, 02:13 AM
I'm as frustrated with every loss as everyone else but the blowout talk week after week is hard to take as "reality". NDSU has been blown out once (at Cal Poly) that I can remember since the awful 2002 season. UNI last year is as close to a blowout as there's been and that was 10 pts. That game it just never felt like we had a legitimate chance to win. We've been in every other game. We're getting beat and it's not fun but to to say we don't have a chance every week is just not right.

Correcto...it's in the attitude. There's no way that we should be 1-5 right now. 4-2 or 5-1 at the very minimum. There is a leadership gap somewhere in the ranks. The attitude isn't being taught. Someone...somewhere...forgot about the Bison attitude. This should be a fun trip on Saturday, with a nice 'W' afterwards. I'm putting out an APB for Bison Swagger.

Losing to the Wabbits anytime, any year, anywhere will always be an upset.

10-13-2009, 02:59 AM
"Bad Day" - Daniel Powter (no I didn't know that of the top of my head, I googled it. Quit laughing!) You know how it goes. "So you had a bad day, camera's don't lie, something something then you go for a ride. You had a bad day, You had a bad daaaay" Sorry now you can't get that out of your head.

I have to give you rep points on that one. Yep, you stuck it in my head and it won't quit playing. Thanks a lot! LOL!

10-13-2009, 03:06 AM
I didn't start reading this thread just to have Bisonmike2 mess with my head with the "Had a bad day...." song. With that music playing ad nauseum in the background noise of my head, I wanted to report to the Bison faithful that your spokesman (just ask him) had this to say in a comment to Terry Vandrovec's blog on the Argus Leader:

lakesbison wrote:
SDSU is probably the 4th best team NDSU has played this year.
IOWA STATE, UNI, SIU were far superior than the lil bunnies, so this should be a cake walk for NDSU compared to the 3 teams I already mentioned.
(ill say this slow for you sdsu grads, I AM SAYING A CAKE WALK IN COMPARISON TO THE 3 BEFORE MENTIONED TEAMS_)
I think TV will understand what im saying.10/12/2009 7:38 PM CDT on argusleader.com

Well, I guess that ends the debate! See you Saturday.

10-13-2009, 03:09 AM
Marker comes home to Fargo: 31-28.

10-13-2009, 03:09 AM
Bring a normal Bison football team to Coughlin and we win by 2 or 3 touchdowns. I didn't say a great Bison team...I'm talking about a middle-of-the-road Bison team. Find the swagger back...and take care of a normal day of work in Brookings.

Whatever coach decides to put that back will elevate the program by 100 percent 3 weeks ago. Instead, we pee down our legs like any other team when something doesn't go right. It's a simple matter of deciding to beat up on people...and putting the best players on the field. We have plenty of talent to beat on the Wabbits. In that sense...it shouldn't even be a game. We should be 5-1 right now...or 6-0. Takin' care of business. That's how you beat SDSU. Yawn

You mean like the great Bison team in 2007 :hide:

10-13-2009, 03:12 AM
Bison cut down on mistakes, the defense continues to improve... Bison win 26-24!

10-13-2009, 03:19 AM
2-0 NDSU Evans gets a Safety on Whoever the QB for SDSU will be. 550 yards in penalties between both teams and Lakes falls in the Blue dye in the porta john and calls himself PAPASMURF the rest of the day:hide:

10-13-2009, 03:45 AM
You mean like the great Bison team in 2007 :hide:

Hmmm... would you rather go 10-1 and have wins against Central Michigan and Minnesota or go 7-4 and win the marker and make a dvd about it? That's a tough one... :D

10-13-2009, 03:55 AM
Hmmm... would you rather go 10-1 and have wins against Central Michigan and Minnesota or go 7-4 and win the marker and make a dvd about it? That's a tough one... :D

That's not what I was referring to, I was referring to the post my CaBison. In the post he said that a normal Bison team would go into Brookings and win by 2-3 touchdowns.

Obviously I would want to go 10-1, to answer the question.

10-13-2009, 03:59 AM
That's not what I was referring to, I was referring to the post my CaBison. In the post he said that a normal Bison team would go into Brookings and win by 2-3 touchdowns.

Obviously I would want to go 10-1, to answer the question.

During 2007, winning in brookings by 2-3 touchdowns would have been "normal"

10-13-2009, 04:06 AM
Interesting that you brought up Springsteen. Just the other day I was trying to think of an official song for this season.
Early candidates are:

"Highway to Hell" by ACDC, just feels right considering where the program appears to be heading.

"Bad" - Michael Jackson. "Tell me once again, who's bad?" Why the NDSU football team is.

"Bad Day" - Daniel Powter (no I didn't know that of the top of my head, I googled it. Quit laughing!) You know how it goes. "So you had a bad day, camera's don't lie, something something then you go for a ride. You had a bad day, You had a bad daaaay" Sorry now you can't get that out of your head. The song probably works best when played right after a NDSU game.

"Downward Spiral" - Nine Inch Nails, pretty self explanatory. You get the jist from the title. "Closer" would have worked too but only from the other teams perspective. You know the part, "I want to f**k you like an animal." Because that what most teams have been doing to our secondary.

"The Gambler" - Kenny Rogers. It works in an ironic sense, you know since we haven't gambled on anything like a new QB or even kicker. Or going for it on a 4th and goal on the one. And I don't count a fake fg on 4th and 18 down by 2 scores as gambling, I call that stupid.

"It's Easier to Run" Linkin Park. Self explanatory.
Any other suggestions?

I also mentioned this in the tailgating music thread but I will say it again in reply to your post.
"Don't Stop Believin" by Journey

10-13-2009, 04:19 AM
I expect this outcome.


10-13-2009, 05:27 AM
I am bringing my own porta-potties. a 5 gallon bucket. and Im setting it in right in the front row of Section T.


a nickel to drain your pickle.

Thumper 76
10-13-2009, 07:04 AM
I expect this outcome.


Or something similar to this ;)


everytime I watch these I smile :D:D:D

10-13-2009, 12:30 PM
Or something similar to this ;)


everytime I watch these I smile :D:D:D

easy smack no doubt about it. I hate those vids. well played

10-13-2009, 01:30 PM
Or something similar to this ;)


everytime I watch these I smile :D:D:D

That part of the dvd you guys made?

Thumper 76
10-13-2009, 03:13 PM
That part of the dvd you guys made?

I didn't get one cause I figured I'd get a chance at seeing it the next year ;)

10-13-2009, 04:01 PM
That part of the dvd you guys made?

Nope. The athletic department sold a DVD of the Daktronics feed of the prior game in Brookings. It was just the game with the WNAX radio voices. They sold about 800 of them at $10 each.

Bison Alumni
10-13-2009, 04:14 PM
The NDSU Alumni Association will be in Brookings this Saturday!

Join us under the tent! Get your Bison tattoos and beads. Come see the Gold Star Marching Band and the NDSU Cheer Team!

Visit our website for more information http://www.ndsualumni.com/NetCommunity/Page.aspx?pid=439&srcid=193.