View Full Version : Sid Haynes, we hardly knew thee..

06-09-2009, 07:25 PM
word from someone NOT on this board:

Sid is off the team. ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

06-09-2009, 08:40 PM
word from someone NOT on this board:

Sid is off the team. ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Whoa, wait, what?

This is the craziest off season of my life, that's for sure.

06-09-2009, 08:41 PM
So I'm confused as to how the Lakes curse works when applied to people being off the team? I guess I'll find out soon.

06-09-2009, 08:45 PM
sorry to be bearer of bad news.

I was so excited to see him and jordan this year.

I am going into hiding I think. *sniff*

Time for Holloway and Williams to become stars!!

06-09-2009, 08:48 PM
So I'm confused as to how the Lakes curse works when applied to people being off the team? I guess I'll find out soon.

I've been hinting at this for a few days but wanted to verify it as true before I posted anything. I didn't know since no one else posted about it but I know lakes would know.

06-09-2009, 08:54 PM
word from someone NOT on this board:

Sid is off the team. ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lakes lakes lakes, You don't post for awhile and then you come bearing bad news.:smh: :smh: ;) Can you tell us what you have heard as the reason why?

Nice to see you back with some good info.

06-09-2009, 08:57 PM
Does Nodak make 10% beer specifically for tailgating?

06-09-2009, 09:00 PM
Does Nodak make 10% beer specifically for tailgating?

We're switching to nothing but shots this year to numb up :eeek:

06-09-2009, 09:04 PM
He's still on the roster on gobison for what that's worth. (probably not much :()

06-09-2009, 09:09 PM


06-09-2009, 09:11 PM
He's still on the roster on gobison for what that's worth. (probably not much :()

Yeah but he isn't in Fargo anymore.

06-09-2009, 09:12 PM
Yeah but he isn't in Fargo anymore.

what went down?

06-09-2009, 09:14 PM
what went down?

Not my place to say. Sorry. Last time anyone posted anything before it was officially released everyone on this board blew up. I'm not going there.

06-09-2009, 09:18 PM
maybe he's visiting home for a few weeks??? :D

06-09-2009, 09:27 PM
can we just auto-sim to next year?

06-09-2009, 10:03 PM
by this you mean sim to the basketball season???

06-09-2009, 10:33 PM
I won't believe this thread until an official source announces that he is no longer with the team. Too many people are out to play games on this board...

06-09-2009, 11:21 PM
If chunks of your heart come up when you vomit....is that bad?:smh:

06-09-2009, 11:22 PM
I won't believe this thread until an official source announces that he is no longer with the team. Too many people are out to play games on this board...

To each his own

06-09-2009, 11:23 PM
I've been sitting on this for three or four days, waiting to see if it was true, and my source who is very solid knew early last week. I won't say why he is off the team because it isn't my place and I'll let the media report something like that so I know it is accurate.

06-09-2009, 11:30 PM
My only question is does it top the previous ones?? Not that it matters but come on guys grow up already.

06-09-2009, 11:39 PM
nothing police associated with this.

KTF. Im always solid on my sources.

06-09-2009, 11:43 PM
My only question is does it top the previous ones?? Not that it matters but come on guys grow up already.

From what I understand it doesn't involve drugs or alcohol so it is kind of hard to compare and I don't really know enough specifics to try. But you are right, it doesn't matter, just another stupid decision made by one of our football players.

06-10-2009, 12:01 AM
I call bullwinkle on those who knew but didn't post. This is a stinkin message board which thrives on rumors. You aint CNN or ESPN reporters who might get sued for saying the wrong thing. I understand on not guessing what happened. But to say you had heard a few days ago and didn't want to post is a bit silly. Just my opinion!!

06-10-2009, 12:17 AM
Maybe it's too cold for him.

06-10-2009, 12:29 AM
I call bullwinkle on those who knew but didn't post. This is a stinkin message board which thrives on rumors. You aint CNN or ESPN reporters who might get sued for saying the wrong thing. I understand on not guessing what happened. But to say you had heard a few days ago and didn't want to post is a bit silly. Just my opinion!!


Since when does bisonville care about journalistic integrity? Since everyone else if mum, I'll offer my own rumor, 100% false but a voice in my head told me so I'm going with it.

Haynes is gone because he was having a gay affair with Schultenover. Not that there's anything wrong with that. So why did he quit the team? Sid was hangin' around waiting to see if Jordan was going to plead out or plead not guilty. Looks like Jordan's going to plead not guilty which means alot of this personal stuff will come out in testimony. Sid's leaving now to escape the embarrassment. His view is that ND is not a very hospitable place towards gay people, so he's leaving now to try to avoid all the hoopla. There, so now you know....pretty much nothing, but I'm also not pretending to know anything. So what's the point of this post? Not sure, but I'm sorry for wasting your time.

06-10-2009, 12:31 AM
I call bullwinkle on those who knew but didn't post. This is a stinkin message board which thrives on rumors. You aint CNN or ESPN reporters who might get sued for saying the wrong thing. I understand on not guessing what happened. But to say you had heard a few days ago and didn't want to post is a bit silly. Just my opinion!!

No, whats silly is when you post something whether it be your opinion or a rumor and people second guess you or tear your post apart. There is discussion and then there is discussion. Go back and read the Schultenover thread and see what people said about posting what someone heard before it was released.

06-10-2009, 12:36 AM
No, whats silly is when you post something whether it be your opinion or a rumor and people second guess you or tear your post apart. There is discussion and then there is discussion. Go back and read the Schultenover thread and see what people said about posting what someone heard before it was released.

I didn't think any of the post in the Schultenover thread where that far off. All of them center around him dealing drugs, which is what he was charged with. Then we discussed how stupid he was for it, which is also correct.

06-10-2009, 12:37 AM
I call bullwinkle on those who knew but didn't post. This is a stinkin message board which thrives on rumors. You aint CNN or ESPN reporters who might get sued for saying the wrong thing. I understand on not guessing what happened. But to say you had heard a few days ago and didn't want to post is a bit silly. Just my opinion!!

I probably should have put more trust in my source because he is never wrong but when I hear he has known for four days and I see nothing anywhere about it I kind of get skeptical. If it was about the QB or WR who is in town I probably would have ran with it but since it was regarding somebody being kicked off the team I wanted to try to get some more info before going with it.

06-10-2009, 12:41 AM
I probably should have put more trust in my source because he is never wrong but when I hear he has known for four days and I see nothing anywhere about it I kind of get skeptical. If it was about the QB or WR who is in town I probably would have ran with it but since it was regarding somebody being kicked off the team I wanted to try to get some more info before going with it.

So I was wrong when I mentioned Sid quit the team? Bohl is kicking him off, hmm So Bohl has a policy against gays on the team? Interesting.:D

06-10-2009, 01:57 AM
Well since we are rumor mongering.

The rumor that I heard is that there will be a total of 7 players dismissed from the team, including those already dismissed.

No who's, why's, or details.

From someone who probably knows.

So I believe Lakes is right on this one.

Bison bison
06-10-2009, 02:06 AM
For what it's worth*, I've no problem with sports gossip on this site.


06-10-2009, 02:45 AM
If a person did a study of DI football programs and the number of players that came and went from season to season...I think it would put things into perspective. Most of it wouldn't be worth putting in a newspaper.

Blogs/forums are rumor boards, and a place to voice opinions. There is a line that probably shouldn't be crossed...but this thread hasn't crossed any line.

06-10-2009, 03:04 AM
#1 I had 2 former players tell me in seperate convo's.

#2 Coaches wouldn't comment, that's why the media wont run with it.

#3 bringing in delane woods and another wr is WHY.

I was a big Sid Haynes pimp, and this really sucks for me to have Jordan S and Sid not play after I know they are good guys, just stupid decisions!!

06-10-2009, 03:22 AM
Nice to see you back with some good info.

Good info? Don't ever call me negative again. This is not good. Holloway and Williams don't have it, as in 3 receptions between them in 08.

06-10-2009, 03:23 AM
No, whats silly is when you post something whether it be your opinion or a rumor and people second guess you or tear your post apart. There is discussion and then there is discussion. Go back and read the Schultenover thread and see what people said about posting what someone heard before it was released.

Rumors and gossip and hating whatever someone else said on mere principle is message board 101.

NDSUstudent I get what you are saying and understand that you don't wanna ruin any cred you have by posting something that you are not positive about. But the best way to get an answer is to throw the question out there. Next time you hear a rumor like this, feel free to message me and I'll post it. I have no pride :P

06-10-2009, 03:24 AM
people who say they already knew..... must be mostly professional sports bloggers..... not just semi professional as i am

06-10-2009, 03:42 AM
Rumors and gossip and hating whatever someone else said on mere principle is message board 101.

NDSUstudent I get what you are saying and understand that you don't wanna ruin any cred you have by posting something that you are not positive about. But the best way to get an answer is to throw the question out there. Next time you hear a rumor like this, feel free to message me and I'll post it. I have no pride :P

I disagree. Rumors and gossip can be fun, and they are a big part of what can make message boards like Bisonville fun. On the other hand, we have to remember that the subjects of these rumors can be young people and their lives can be made miserable by rumors. My first reason for being here is that I'm a Bison fan. I want to support the programs, athletes, and coaches--not make their lives miserable.

Those who knew of the rumors about Haynes, but decided not to post because they lacked confirmation made wise and mature choices. Kudos.

06-10-2009, 04:40 AM
rumors... that stuff happens on the internet?

06-10-2009, 11:35 AM
Uh, just to clarify: If you post negative stuff about players here, you better have a darn good source and be willing to have your real name associated with what you post. Gossip and rumors, especially the negative stuff, is poison. Does that seem unreasonble?

BTW, Grizzled mentioned some uproar from the Schultenover thread - well, if he was talking about my reaction, that was more about the stuff people were posting about Pete Blincoe in that same thread.

06-10-2009, 12:51 PM
I was only referring to the posts in that thread where people said we should wait on rumors until something is official. I agree 100% with that. I'm not going to be the first to post things I hear on this board unless I know they are 100% true or someone else posted it first. I would feel like an a$$ if I was the first to post something that wasn't true and a person should catch a little heat if that happened. These kids are here to go to school and play football, not have their every move posted on this board like they are walking around Hollywood. If they make mistakes I have no problem discussing how that affects THE TEAM but not until there is a discussion already going on.

I did throw out a feeler to in the Belmont thread just to see but no one really went with it. I know it didn't belong but figured it would be better than starting a new thread. Didn't mean to upset anyone.

06-10-2009, 12:54 PM
So, anybody know why he is gone? I have heard all the things it is not due to, but no explanations about what it is due to. Thoughts? Concerns? Reactions? Peanuts?

06-10-2009, 01:49 PM
Good info? Don't ever call me negative again. This is not good. Holloway and Williams don't have it, as in 3 receptions between them in 08.

Oh you miss understood "good info" I should have said bad information that was solid information. I was just as pumped as everyone else to see him play for 3 years.

06-10-2009, 02:02 PM
I hope the silver lining is that the complete lack of receivers might take away some of the focus from the qb debacle.

06-10-2009, 02:40 PM
So, anybody know why he is gone? I have heard all the things it is not due to, but no explanations about what it is due to. Thoughts? Concerns? Reactions? Peanuts?

I, too, am going to tow the company line on this one... I have a what I consider to be a decent source, since he is on the team. That said, until it hits the news, I'm just going to verify that it was stupid. If someone who has heard things on the subject wants to PM me, we could coroborate stories and see if we're hearing the same thing. Maybe if we have enough people hearing the same thing someone will feel comfortable breaking the news to all of the other fine people of Bisonville.

06-10-2009, 03:01 PM
I heard that as soon as word got out that he was released by us that UNI called him. Can anyone corroborate that?

06-10-2009, 03:42 PM
Someone needs to say something here. I got a phone call from a friend who is a UND fan saying that a NDSU receiver was pulled over and had a loaded gun. The rumors are flying out there. It needs to stop. Is there any true information?

06-10-2009, 04:32 PM
Someone needs to say something here. I got a phone call from a friend who is a UND fan saying that a NDSU receiver was pulled over and had a loaded gun. The rumors are flying out there. It needs to stop. Is there any true information?

I have not heard that one. But, I can say that the rumor I've heard about Sidney has nothing to do with a gun.

06-10-2009, 04:47 PM
I have not heard that one. But, I can say that the rumor I've heard about Sidney has nothing to do with a gun.

It was one of those calls where he said I just heard from a guy that knows someone. I told him that I knew something was up but I wasn't sure what. I told him if it was something like that I am sure everyone would know already. However, I couldn't confirm or deny what had happened so I asked him not to spread it because I doubted it was true. Someone with some information should say something before this gets out of hand.

06-10-2009, 04:58 PM
It was one of those calls where he said I just heard from a guy that knows someone. I told him that I knew something was up but I wasn't sure what. I told him if it was something like that I am sure everyone would know already. However, I couldn't confirm or deny what had happened so I asked him not to spread it because I doubted it was true. Someone with some information should say something before this gets out of hand.

That's why I want to believe my source, but with how public things have been for NDSU off the field this spring, I'm finding it hard to believe that it hasn't made the news yet. He's on the team, and he says it just hasn't hit the news yet because it's summer and he did it back in Florida, but I've to go assume there would be some sort of announcement about it. Maybe, and I'm just spitballing here and have no basis for fact yet, he is awaiting some sort of trial date before the school makes any sort of official decision.

06-10-2009, 05:00 PM
Heard he may be the next QB for the Vikes too...

06-10-2009, 05:14 PM

Since when does bisonville care about journalistic integrity? Since everyone else if mum, I'll offer my own rumor, 100% false but a voice in my head told me so I'm going with it.

Haynes is gone because he was having a gay affair with Schultenover. Not that there's anything wrong with that. So why did he quit the team? Sid was hangin' around waiting to see if Jordan was going to plead out or plead not guilty. Looks like Jordan's going to plead not guilty which means alot of this personal stuff will come out in testimony. Sid's leaving now to escape the embarrassment. His view is that ND is not a very hospitable place towards gay people, so he's leaving now to try to avoid all the hoopla. There, so now you know....pretty much nothing, but I'm also not pretending to know anything. So what's the point of this post? Not sure, but I'm sorry for wasting your time.

now that's a bit too personal...

06-10-2009, 05:24 PM
Wow! Talk about letting your (new) team mates down!

If he is able to get back from this (whatever it is), he will need to earn respect from his team mates again. Definately off on the wrong foot...to put it lightly.


I'm going to speculate (just for fun). We don't think it is drugs, alcohol or assault rifles, and if it was done in Florida so...he wasn't cheating in school. All other actions are eliminated; the only thing left is this...

He was at an all night bakery having a glazed raised donut, when a guy comes up to him and calls him a "chicken head" (perhaps the worst insult anyone can give to another non-poultry individual), he takes exception to it and throws a small Polish automobile at him. The trouble maker dodges the flying car but unfortunately it lands on an elderly lady named Agnus who was out walking her pet Wambat. He is now in trouble because it is not legal for pastry stained chickens to toss automobiles at wambat's in Florida. Sigh...it doesn't look good for him.

All kidding aside. I hope it is a more minor offense and he can get some good disciplines in place and come back and play...but more importantly get through school.

Does anyone know what kind of guy or new WR coach is. I'm not pointing the finger...please understand....just wondering if he's the kind of guy who will make better men out of his guys when he gets the chance.

06-10-2009, 05:25 PM
now that's a bit too personal...

I stand 100% behind my 100% false statement.

Fightin' Bison
06-10-2009, 06:10 PM
That's why I want to believe my source, but with how public things have been for NDSU off the field this spring, I'm finding it hard to believe that it hasn't made the news yet. He's on the team, and he says it just hasn't hit the news yet because it's summer and he did it back in Florida, but I've to go assume there would be some sort of announcement about it. Maybe, and I'm just spitballing here and have no basis for fact yet, he is awaiting some sort of trial date before the school makes any sort of official decision.

The County Court in Orange County Florida, which is where UCF is located has only 1 criminal record for a Sidney Haynes, DOB 4/2/90, and it was for a traffic ticket which was paid. I don't even know if that is him.


None of the surrounding Florida counties (Brevard, Lake, Osceola, Polk, Seminole or Volusia), had any criminal cases for a Sidney Haynes that I could find.

He went to Peachtree High School in Georgia, which is in Gwinnett County. There is a pending shoplifting case against a Sidney Haynes there, but it is DOB 1988.


In short, a lot of work for no real info.

06-10-2009, 06:37 PM
Sorry, forgot to say I already did some legal checking haha.

06-10-2009, 07:22 PM
Wow! Talk about letting your (new) team mates down!

If he is able to get back from this (whatever it is), he will need to earn respect from his team mates again. Definately off on the wrong foot...to put it lightly.


I'm going to speculate (just for fun). We don't think it is drugs, alcohol or assault rifles, and if it was done in Florida so...he wasn't cheating in school. All other actions are eliminated; the only thing left is this...

He was at an all night bakery having a glazed raised donut, when a guy comes up to him and calls him a "chicken head" (perhaps the worst insult anyone can give to another non-poultry individual), he takes exception to it and throws a small Polish automobile at him. The trouble maker dodges the flying car but unfortunately it lands on an elderly lady named Agnus who was out walking her pet Wambat. He is now in trouble because it is not legal for pastry stained chickens to toss automobiles at wambat's in Florida. Sigh...it doesn't look good for him.

All kidding aside. I hope it is a more minor offense and he can get some good disciplines in place and come back and play...but more importantly get through school.

Does anyone know what kind of guy or new WR coach is. I'm not pointing the finger...please understand....just wondering if he's the kind of guy who will make better men out of his guys when he gets the chance.

06-10-2009, 07:52 PM
The County Court in Orange County Florida, which is where UCF is located has only 1 criminal record for a Sidney Haynes, DOB 4/2/90, and it was for a traffic ticket which was paid. I don't even know if that is him.


None of the surrounding Florida counties (Brevard, Lake, Osceola, Polk, Seminole or Volusia), had any criminal cases for a Sidney Haynes that I could find.

He went to Peachtree High School in Georgia, which is in Gwinnett County. There is a pending shoplifting case against a Sidney Haynes there, but it is DOB 1988.


In short, a lot of work for no real info.

It was a solid effort, though.

Bison bison
06-10-2009, 08:54 PM
I was only referring to the posts in that thread where people said we should wait on rumors until something is official.

Well then, you'd never cut it as a reporter at the Old Gray Lady.

06-10-2009, 10:12 PM
Rumors and gossip and hating whatever someone else said on mere principle is message board 101.

NDSUstudent I get what you are saying and understand that you don't wanna ruin any cred you have by posting something that you are not positive about. But the best way to get an answer is to throw the question out there. Next time you hear a rumor like this, feel free to message me and I'll post it. I have no pride :P

Tourguide, it wasn't really about cred, I just wanted to be certain before posting something really negative about one of our players. I think some would be surprised at just who reads this board and some people do take what is said here pretty seriously. The last thing I want is to be wrong and have a student athlete get in trouble over nothing.

06-10-2009, 10:14 PM
Steve Hallstrom did reference the fact that Sidney Hayes has left the team among other items at wday.com. It is a great read...

For those of you in the "know", thanks for the pre-official update. Care to share the reason why??

06-10-2009, 10:45 PM
it really sucks to see Sidney leave, he had so much potential. looked like the most athletic player on the team

06-11-2009, 03:36 AM
Tourguide, it wasn't really about cred, I just wanted to be certain before posting something really negative about one of our players. I think some would be surprised at just who reads this board and some people do take what is said here pretty seriously. The last thing I want is to be wrong and have a student athlete get in trouble over nothing.

As much as I hate to agree with NDSUstudent... he's right. I have heard news reports in the past that start out referencing something they saw on the message boards (that would be us). I would hope that those checking us out would check their facts, but you never know. News people will stir the pot with whatever they can get sometimes- just look at what the St. Paul Pioneer Press has done to make sure the Brett Favre story doesn't go away...

06-11-2009, 04:08 AM
Tourguide, it wasn't really about cred, I just wanted to be certain before posting something really negative about one of our players. I think some would be surprised at just who reads this board and some people do take what is said here pretty seriously. The last thing I want is to be wrong and have a student athlete get in trouble over nothing.

Just because someone is off the team, it doesn't make it negative. Again, the easiest way would have been to say you had heard he was not on the team anymore and ask if anyone else had some info.
I just think it is janky to follow someone's post by saying you knew the info first but didn't want to post something negative. If that really is the case, then don't talk about negative stuff ever.

06-11-2009, 04:30 AM
Just because someone is off the team, it doesn't make it negative. Again, the easiest way would have been to say you had heard he was not on the team anymore and ask if anyone else had some info.
I just think it is janky to follow someone's post by saying you knew the info first but didn't want to post something negative. If that really is the case, then don't talk about negative stuff ever.

The problem isn't that it is negative, it is the fact that I am posting about something I am not completely sure about, the fact that I got the information from somebody that didn't have first hand knowledge, and that it is very negative towards one person. If it was about a new QB on campus or a rumor about a future game I would have gone with it, but I am not going to post unsubstantiated negative rumors about a player. I won't even hint about it until I can verfiy it's accuracy.

I did try to verify it, I didn't just sit on it, but there was nothing out there. And if I post have you heard Sidney is off the team, it is just going to turn into rumor mongering. Something I don't want and I know Tony doesn't like it one bit.

06-11-2009, 04:41 AM
As much as I hate to agree with NDSUstudent... he's right. I have heard news reports in the past that start out referencing something they saw on the message boards (that would be us). I would hope that those checking us out would check their facts, but you never know. News people will stir the pot with whatever they can get sometimes- just look at what the St. Paul Pioneer Press has done to make sure the Brett Favre story doesn't go away...

Yeah, I turn on Hammer's show at noon today, and he said...word from Bisonville is that Sidney Haynes is off the team. Besides media, parents do read this forum as well. The last thing I want is somebody's dad getting all worked up over nothing.

06-11-2009, 04:48 AM
I dont understand what the big deal is. If someone doesnt want to post something they heard. So what. If someone isnt comfortable posting hearsay---more power to him. My god are people so starved for information---news that they JUST have to hear some noise????

The kid is gone. More will leave in the future. We dont need to know every detail for the departure.

06-11-2009, 07:57 AM
Yeah, I turn on Hammer's show at noon today, and he said...word from Bisonville is that Sidney Haynes is off the team. Besides media, parents do read this forum as well. The last thing I want is somebody's dad getting all worked up over nothing.

heard him say the same thing....kind of laughed how he stated bisonville

06-11-2009, 03:41 PM
I dont understand what the big deal is. If someone doesnt want to post something they heard. So what. If someone isnt comfortable posting hearsay---more power to him. My god are people so starved for information---news that they JUST have to hear some noise????

The kid is gone. More will leave in the future. We dont need to know every detail for the departure.
Yeah, I know what you mean. Bisonmike really gave us more information than we needed to know*

*What I want to know is how did Bisonmike know what he knew. Know what I mean?**
**Scratch that, I don't want to know.:D

06-11-2009, 03:42 PM
Yeah, I know what you mean. Bisonmike really gave us more information than we needed to know*

*What I want to know is how did Bisonmike know what he knew. Know what I mean?**
**Scratch that, I don't want to know.:D

Yeah we all pretty much knew all of that anyway.:D

06-11-2009, 04:16 PM
Yeah, I know what you mean. Bisonmike really gave us more information than we needed to know*

*What I want to know is how did Bisonmike know what he knew. Know what I mean?**
**Scratch that, I don't want to know.:D

I've seen some crazy stuff man. You don't want to know.

06-11-2009, 04:44 PM
i wouldnt mind seeing somebody say "I heard Haynes was kicked off the team. Can anybody confirm this?" If they go into further detail as long as it's not too personal or drastic I dont care, but after it comes up and somebody out of nowhere says "YEAH I KNEW THAT, BUT I DIDNT WANT TO SAY ANYTHING." is stupid.... anybody could say that, hindsight it always 20/20...

06-11-2009, 06:22 PM
Yeah, I turn on Hammer's show at noon today, and he said...word from Bisonville is that Sidney Haynes is off the team. Besides media, parents do read this forum as well. The last thing I want is somebody's dad getting all worked up over nothing.

Yeah! So neener neener. ;)

06-11-2009, 07:05 PM
Hammer from Bohl said he was just asked not to return. Said it was mostly based on behavior, which I *think* meant Bohl was thinking he was higher rish for future problems.

06-11-2009, 08:59 PM
Yeah, I turn on Hammer's show at noon today, and he said...word from Bisonville is that Sidney Haynes is off the team. Besides media, parents do read this forum as well. The last thing I want is somebody's dad getting all worked up over nothing.

I agree with what you're saying, but at the same time, the fact that he said "Bisonville" doesn't necessarily mean he got it from reading this message board either.

06-11-2009, 10:40 PM
i wouldnt mind seeing somebody say "I heard Haynes was kicked off the team. Can anybody confirm this?" If they go into further detail as long as it's not too personal or drastic I dont care, but after it comes up and somebody out of nowhere says "YEAH I KNEW THAT, BUT I DIDNT WANT TO SAY ANYTHING." is stupid.... anybody could say that, hindsight it always 20/20...

I knew you were gonna say that 3 days ago but didn't want to say anything for the fact that it might get Jon Gruden fired from MNF because if an actual journalist were to read a message board, they could win a Pulitzer for stating that he read something on a message board and then talked about it.

06-11-2009, 11:11 PM
Well....I am in San Francisco this week.....and getting on the BART to go to the Oakland Airport I herd a guy talking that knows a woman in LA who has a cousin in St. Paul that is a friend of someone that works at the Sunmart south of campus on University who said it was because...........ooops.....I gotta find a better source......;)

06-12-2009, 03:25 AM
I heard he transferred here because he read on the Michigan messageboard and on Bisonville that Steve Threet was transferring to NDSU. When that did not happen he became a real headache for the coaches with his complaining about Threet going to ASU.

06-12-2009, 03:28 AM
alright i think its time to close this thread...sid haynes MIGHT have been a good player lalalalala but he is still another player that cant follow rules or a system....new thread topic should be about our incoming receivers :)

06-12-2009, 06:30 AM
i heard he stole something... ah ohh, oh shit i really did it now... :hide:

06-12-2009, 01:00 PM
i heard he stole something... ah ohh, oh shit i really did it now... :hide:

You guys are funny. Sorry I didn't post something I didn't know was true or not. I hope I didn't hurt your feelings to bad.:) I have to learn that you can throw everything out the window and post whatever you want because a person has this fun screen name to hide behind. Doesn't matter if its true or not.

Bison Dan
06-12-2009, 01:10 PM
alright i think its time to close this thread...sid haynes MIGHT have been a good player lalalalala but he is still another player that cant follow rules or a system....new thread topic should be about our incoming receivers :)

Agreed - The children need a new thread.

06-12-2009, 01:14 PM
Summer must be here. Nothing else to chat about folks?

You know it is slow when the great debate on Bisonville is when several people, who have never met, argue with one another about what the other person should have posted.

I am pretty sure it is up to the individual to decide what and when they want to post "breaking news" like the dismissal of a kid who has never seen the field.

Personally, I think that should come from the coach and not from the rumor mill. That will only feed the ridiculous beast that is Sports Fandom. Enough crap gets posted on here as it is.

And what if it is wrong? What if the rumor is just that, a rumor? What if there is no dismissal? Then irreparable harm has been done to the athletes reputation.

Then, unless the kid becomes a superstar and we all forget in a flurry of touchdowns (we are simple, flawed creatures, aren't we?), the name will always be linked with the rumor.

IMHO, better to leave it in the box and analyze it after Coach has announced it.

Just my two cents.