View Full Version : Fair Weather fan of NDSU

ol' ball coach
06-01-2009, 01:37 AM
As I look back 3YRS ago, and think. Everything has changed in Bisonville. There is a dark cloud over the NDSU football program; and every fair weather fan, has thrown the Kids & coaches under the bus. Most of you have already wrote the bisons off as losers. For all the kids & coaches that do the right things; their are still some true die heart bison fans standing with you. I guest last yr was to much for some you, so you jumped off the bandwagon.

06-01-2009, 01:41 AM
Blame it on the internet age, twitter, black berry's and whatever else. Back in the 90's I said we sucked too back then, we had some down years. BUT, I wasn't able to voice it on the net. This is nothing new, and it will pass. All is well in Bison Nation....

06-01-2009, 02:09 AM
There are plenty of loyal fans and they are just venting. This year's team will do just fine.

06-01-2009, 02:14 AM
As I look back 3YRS ago, and think. Everything has changed in Bisonville. There is a dark cloud over the NDSU football program; and every fair weather fan, has thrown the Kids & coaches under the bus. Most of you have already wrote the bisons off as losers. For all the kids & coaches that do the right things; their are still some true die heart bison fans standing with you. I guest last yr was to much for some you, so you jumped off the bandwagon.

Bullcrap...Just because people voice their opinions online does constitute fairweather fans...It is just a new way to express both positive and negative opinions. I guarantee fans were just as critical of poor play in the lean years, just via other forms of communication. Not everything is great right now and people have the right to discuss what they think needs to be fixed. Fairweather fans wouldn't bother visiting this site because they could care less. People who share their opinions (positive and negatives) are posting here because they DO care.

06-01-2009, 02:20 AM
As I look back 3YRS ago, and think. Everything has changed in Bisonville. There is a dark cloud over the NDSU football program; and every fair weather fan, has thrown the Kids & coaches under the bus. Most of you have already wrote the bisons off as losers. For all the kids & coaches that do the right things; their are still some true die heart bison fans standing with you. I guest last yr was to much for some you, so you jumped off the bandwagon.

Thats the biggest pile of horse hooey I ve seen in awhile. Do you think what are obvious issues arent being talked about in bars, offices and between other team makers-fans etc???? So people having opinions and voiceing them means they have jumped off the bandwagon and no longer fans and dont support the Bison.?????

06-01-2009, 02:52 AM
Oh you got that one wrong ol ball coach. People are just talking and posting without the green and gold glasses on. Our fan base is not a all love or all hate type. The Bison are discussed at corporate meetings, bars, nonprofit organization meetings, with neighbors over a beer, with clients as we work and tons of other times when 2 or more people get together (Heck sometimes one if they have multiple personalities). If knowing shortcomings when you see them and talking about them is jumping off the bandwagon then ya the whole bison following has jumped off the wagon. There are some great strengths to the Bison this year but there are shortcomings that need a lot of work for us to be successful this year.

06-01-2009, 03:00 AM
Disappointed that you feel it is that way, OBC. I do not need to restate everything that has been said already.

"This too shall pass"

06-01-2009, 03:09 AM
And it is definitely not all NDSU fans throwing the guys under the bus.

06-01-2009, 03:09 AM
Just to refresh myself, Ol Ball coach, is this the McNorton bandwagon?

06-01-2009, 03:23 AM
All this off season bullcrap makes me angry at times, but come this fall I will be in that dome sreaming my head off for my Bison. I think that this is the way every good fan is. This is our team good, bad, and the ugly I will support my team.

06-01-2009, 03:27 AM
Well I am in the center of throwing the team under the bus. The more fans post good or bad - its just means we live and die with the team. I just hate the posters that complain about the same item time after time---say something different. Like we didn't hear them the first 10 posts.

06-01-2009, 03:28 AM
I didn't see McNorton play in the spring game, is he injury prone?????

06-01-2009, 03:50 AM
As I look back 3YRS ago, and think. Everything has changed in Bisonville. There is a dark cloud over the NDSU football program; and every fair weather fan, has thrown the Kids & coaches under the bus. Most of you have already wrote the bisons off as losers. For all the kids & coaches that do the right things; their are still some true die heart bison fans standing with you. I guest last yr was to much for some you, so you jumped off the bandwagon.

Most of the people here are die-hard fans, or they wouldn't be here.

06-01-2009, 04:19 AM
I didn't see McNorton play in the spring game, is he injury prone?????

Mcnortons fine....just had a small issue to keep him off the field for the day not to risk anything.

06-01-2009, 04:24 AM
I've been a season ticket holder for a decade and a half, been through a 2-8 season among others, so I think I have earned a right to speak my mind. I will generally sell hope and drink the Green & Gold koolaid, but I also like to tell it like it is, especially to other hardcore fans. To most outsiders, I drink the koolaid regardless.

06-01-2009, 05:04 AM
As I look back 3YRS ago, and think. Everything has changed in Bisonville. There is a dark cloud over the NDSU football program; and every fair weather fan, has thrown the Kids & coaches under the bus. Most of you have already wrote the bisons off as losers. For all the kids & coaches that do the right things; their are still some true die heart bison fans standing with you. I guest last yr was to much for some you, so you jumped off the bandwagon.

I think you got us mixed up with another program because this team has a larger fan base than 3 years ago. I don't see a lot of fair weather fans at all!

3 years ago, we only averaged 16,375 per game with only 5 home games. Only 1 home game as on TV. You could get a ticket on gameday.Traffic on this website was lower.

Last year we ranked #6 in FCS attendance at over 18,032 with 6 home games. 3 home games were on TV. 2 road games were on TV. We even drew 16,500 against winless Indiana State on the crappy Harvest bowl week with a .500 team that was unranked with no shot at the playoffs. Traffic to this website is up dramatically.

Next year looks to be just as good for fan excitement!

This team has had a huge fan base for over 40 years. Heck in 1989 we averaged over 15,000 outdoors! We haven't averaged less than 10K in over 25 years. Scratch that, in 1990, our last national championship year, we only averaged 9,962. (I bet a home blizzard game dropped those numbers)

Point is... this is not a franchise of bandwagon fans. The numbers speak for themselves. Is there negativity? Absolutely. But you have to be passionate to get pissed off.

06-01-2009, 05:09 AM
The guy who joined in May 2007 questioning loyalty and fairweathersm(word?)

06-01-2009, 01:47 PM
I dont think we are fair weather fans. We are definitely quick to scold players that under perform and/or break team rules.

06-01-2009, 02:32 PM
The guy who joined in May 2007 questioning loyalty and fairweathersm(word?)

I don't think you can hold that against him. I've been a die-hard Bison fan since 1983 and I didn't join Bisonville until 2007 either. That being said, "the OBC" has a connection to DJ. He has basically said he is the best running back the Bison have ever had or will have - paraphrasing, but that is essentially it. Anyway, my guess is any Bison history pre-DJ is nothing but stats/scores on a web page for him, and so doesn't have a good feel for what true Bison fans are all about. I wouldn't put a whole lot of stock into what he has to say. Plus anyone who uses the phrase "Bisons" :mad: should be immediately dismissed. This isn't the U of Manitoba.

06-01-2009, 02:39 PM
If you hate hardcore football (or other sports) discussion, simply stay away.
Or, in the case of most of my contrbutions......if you hate stupid, pointless, and campy humor, simply stay away.
Here's the obligatory example.

06-01-2009, 03:00 PM
He earned a lil neg rep from me.

People can have a positive look for the upcoming season. Heck, they can even drink the koolaid, but when they knock others for only being on the bandwagon if they see issues with the team...well, that rubs me the wrong way.

I understand the point being raised by others about the constant complaining about the same points. We all know the issues. I have done my best to stay away from the subjects. Funny thing is I still have keep coming up with this unrational optimism. Was talking with the wife and she told me she might be trading weekends at work and get a Saturday in early December. I advised against it, that would be prime playoff time...you know, if the Bison are in it. I got "the look" and her reply about how likely the Bison were to be a playoff contender. I still can't help myself, I guess I must be drinking a little koolaid myself.

06-01-2009, 05:27 PM
Beats being someplace where "Nobody gives a shit"

06-01-2009, 06:17 PM
Beats being someplace where "Nobody gives a shit"

You can say that again. Just go and look around on some fan blogs. Some of them don't have anything new for months this time of year.

06-01-2009, 10:42 PM
Ive been a die-hard Bison fan since 1983 and I didn't join Bisonville until 2007 either. Plus anyone who uses the phrase "Bisons" :mad: should be immediately dismissed.

I agree. I had no idea that this world existed, and it is now part of my life.

^^Of course, sometimes we dont have much more new to talk about, but at least we try to bring new angles into the coverstions. Keeps everything interesting, and keeps Bison on the front mind.

06-01-2009, 11:21 PM
I advised against it, that would be prime playoff time...you know, if the Bison are in it. I got "the look" and her reply about how likely the Bison were to be a playoff contender. I still can't help myself, I guess I must be drinking a little koolaid myself.

Hey don't feel bad, I've been planning for a home playoff game since I've had season ticks(or we got the dome, either way). I'll still plan ahead like usual, "just incase".

06-01-2009, 11:23 PM
Today I was bragging about the Bison Football team in how good they will be this year and why. Many questions came up about offseason activity but that is just what they are, questions. The fan loyalty is still there to its max.

06-02-2009, 10:33 PM
I've said it before and, in fact, I was talking about it today..... NDSU is a weird place. Not bad weird, good weird. 6-5 is very acceptable and, in some cases applauded at some schools. Not here. 6-5 was hard to swallow. Part of that was the previous two years and high expectations with so many returning starters. The other part is NDSU and its fans are used to winning. Maybe I'm different, but I don't like putting my anger about the team on the internet. I for a fact those young men read it. I also know they need to have a thick skin but I don't feel a need to add my opinions. As for those who do, I completely understand. I also think it is healthy to have these discussions. I would NEVER question someone's loyalty to NDSU because they may be down about the next season or are bitching about this or that. It's not a bad thing. This got long. Ma bad. PROFESSIONAL BLOGGERS UNITE!!!! :D


ol' ball coach
06-03-2009, 06:15 AM
I've said it before and, in fact, I was talking about it today..... NDSU is a weird place. Not bad weird, good weird. 6-5 is very acceptable and, in some cases applauded at some schools. Not here. 6-5 was hard to swallow. Part of that was the previous two years and high expectations with so many returning starters. The other part is NDSU and its fans are used to winning. Maybe I'm different, but I don't like putting my anger about the team on the internet. I for a fact those young men read it. I also know they need to have a thick skin but I don't feel a need to add my opinions. As for those who do, I completely understand. I also think it is healthy to have these discussions. I would NEVER question someone's loyalty to NDSU because they may be down about the next season or are bitching about this or that. It's not a bad thing. This got long. Ma bad. PROFESSIONAL BLOGGERS UNITE!!!! :D

GO BISON!!!Bisonbill you have made some great points here. You have to be the smartest man in Bisonville right now. And I Really Mean That in a Good way :bow: It' s some crazy SH T going on in Bisonville. FAN LOYALTY: THIS IS JUST WHY I WROTE THIS POST. I just can't see a loyal fan saying things, so bad about a team that he is suppose to love, Bleeding green & gold; on the internet for the world to see. Or, some of you guys just don't have anything to do in Bisonville.
Down here in Texas, there is no fence stradling going on. It's either, you love them, or you hate them. Most of you are supposing season ticket holder, and have been watching NDSU in all their glory days; you have earned the right to let the world know on the internet just how you feel. In Texas, we don't call people like that TRUE LOYAL FANS.We call them fair weather fans.

With all that being said " Sept. 12 a Texas size tailgate party Huntsville, TX.
Everybody Welcome As for Bisonbill; you get to hang out with the OLD BALL COACH in the AC in the RV; because I know for sure, that you are what we call in Texas-----A TRUE LOYAL NDSU FAN.

06-03-2009, 01:26 PM
Bisonbill you have made some great points here. You have to be the smartest man in Bisonville right now. And I Really Mean That in a Good way :bow: It' s some crazy SH T going on in Bisonville. FAN LOYALTY: THIS IS JUST WHY I WROTE THIS POST. I just can't see a loyal fan saying things, so bad about a team that he is suppose to love, Bleeding green & gold; on the internet for the world to see. Or, some of you guys just don't have anything to do in Bisonville.
Down here in Texas, there is no fence stradling going on. It's either, you love them, or you hate them. Most of you are supposing season ticket holder, and have been watching NDSU in all their glory days; you have earned the right to let the world know on the internet just how you feel. In Texas, we don't call people like that TRUE LOYAL FANS.We call them fair weather fans.

With all that being said " Sept. 12 a Texas size tailgate party Huntsville, TX.
Everybody Welcome As for Bisonbill; you get to hang out with the OLD BALL COACH in the AC in the RV; because I know for sure, that you are what we call in Texas-----A TRUE LOYAL NDSU FAN.

I bet at the University of Texas or Texas Tech there is never any fan that gets upset after a 6-5 season and a offseason of arrests and losing guys. I bet that the play of anyone of thier players never gets discussed on a forum or on the street. How about if there is 3 players kicked off the team in a two month span and an additional three whose punishment is up in the air, that gets a free pass in Texas? Oh and I bet if Mack Brown went into a season with a senior qb and a true freshman as a backup he would get a free pass by those true loyal fans. Give me a break.

06-03-2009, 02:16 PM
I think it should be ok for fans to be upset about a 6-5 season, poor QB play, recruiting, and coaching. If those expectations of success is too much go play intramaurals. My only problem is with the few fans that have only put down players and coaches and add nothing of substance. It is June, we don't need to bash anybody for 6 straight months, at some point you have to move on and accept that last year sucked and this year is a new year.

06-03-2009, 02:23 PM
I think it should be ok for fans to be upset about a 6-5 season, poor QB play, recruiting, and coaching. If those expectations of success is too much go play intramaurals. My only problem is with the few fans that have only put down players and coaches and add nothing of substance. It is June, we don't need to bash anybody for 6 straight months, at some point you have to move on and accept that last year sucked and this year is a new year.

Agreed about needing to move on but thats what excitement brings. The program keeps getting bigger and the expectations rise with it. When expectations don't get met fans are going to question things. Its disappointment. The good thing is is that there can't be disappointment without expectations. At NDSU the expectations are high and the program is held to a high standard. Is it always fair to the players and coaches, absolutely not but that standard and excitement is part of the reason they sign on to play here.

06-03-2009, 04:23 PM
The issue isn't fair weather fans. Every program has them.

The issue is this: there are too many folks who take offense when someone offers an optimistic outlook on the upcoming season.

Those of us who think that the offense can be effectively run through Mertens are "Kool-Aid" drinkers; those of us who prefer to keep things positive and think that the team can position themselves for the playoff's are wearing "rose-colored glasses".

Having the audacity to suggest that Merten's isn't a complete failure at QB draws the ire of the "doom-and-gloom" crowd. Keeping an upbeat attitude means we aren't being "realistic".

But here is the realistic side of Mertens: He is our QB. Some white knight from an FBS program isn't going to come riding in here and save the day. So save it.

It is what it is. We will win or lose with Nick at the helm. Now, I prefer to keep an upbeat attitude. I think that he can run the offense. What he can't do is run the same offense that Walker ran. Nobody can. Go back to 06 and 07 and watch. There wasn't much offense there either. Just a lot of great playmaking by Walker improvising when the 10 yard out wasn't available.

So the issue isn't about fair weather. The posters who are worried about the upcoming season are just as passionate as those of us who think that 9 wins and a couple of playoff games is just as realistic as 5 wins and an empty dome against YSU.

Just my two cents.

ol' ball coach
06-03-2009, 04:55 PM
I think it should be ok for fans to be upset about a 6-5 season, poor QB play, recruiting, and coaching. If those expectations of success is too much go play intramaurals. My only problem is with the few fans that have only put down players and coaches and add nothing of substance. It is June, we don't need to bash anybody for 6 straight months, at some point you have to move on and accept that last year sucked and this year is a new year.NDSUstudent has to be the second smartest man in Bisonville, to BisonBill. Being upset is apart of being a true loyal fan. Sure everyone of us had high expectation for last year's team, and have every right to be upset; but the bashing of the kids and coach, the team. These are the kids of Bisonville you're puttig down. This is my only problem in Bisonville. 6 months of bashing Merten, Dj and the team every chance some of you get. When will it stop? Some of you guys really need to get a life. Bashing the herd, cheering for the herd; true, loyal fans don't do both. You love them, or you Hate them.
Stand-up and let your b? lls hang.

ol' ball coach
06-03-2009, 05:57 PM
The issue isn't fair weather fans. Every program has them.

The issue is this: there are too many folks who take offense when someone offers an optimistic outlook on the upcoming season.

Those of us who think that the offense can be effectively run through Mertens are "Kool-Aid" drinkers; those of us who prefer to keep things positive and think that the team can position themselves for the playoff's are wearing "rose-colored glasses".

Having the audacity to suggest that Merten's isn't a complete failure at QB draws the ire of the "doom-and-gloom" crowd. Keeping an upbeat attitude means we aren't being "realistic".

But here is the realistic side of Mertens: He is our QB. Some white knight from an FBS program isn't going to come riding in here and save the day. So save it.

It is what it is. We will win or lose with Nick at the helm. Now, I prefer to keep an upbeat attitude. I think that he can run the offense. What he can't do is run the same offense that Walker ran. Nobody can. Go back to 06 and 07 and watch. There wasn't much offense there either. Just a lot of great playmaking by Walker improvising when the 10 yard out wasn't available.

So the issue isn't about fair weather. The posters who are worried about the upcoming season are just as passionate as those of us who think that 9 wins and a couple of playoff games is just as realistic as 5 wins and an empty dome against YSU.

Just my two cents. I always thought, that if i was loyal and true to something; I should take offense, if someone is bashing them.There is a big difference in bashing and having an optimistic out look.

Everything you said about Merten is right to the tee; but i can't see someone being as passionate about a realistic 5 wins and an empty dome againt YSU.as a true & loyal bison fan. I just can't see things working like this in bisonville. All the Passion in bisonville is about the 5 wins and the empty dome againt YSU. More people are posting about that,than the 9 wins and a couple of playoff games/

You tell me ,who has the passion.

06-03-2009, 06:06 PM
Well last year we were posting about the 9-2 and a couple of playoff wins and then we got slapped in the face with a 6-5 season. I think people are just being realists. We could have a great team this year or another 6-5. If you want to be the rah rah everything is great all the time about the team that is your choice. I choose to be a realist and admit that we have some shortcomings on the team, we also have some great potential and some good depth at positions. I can't waite to see how it all plays out. My heart wants9-2 but my mind tells me less than that. I hope the boys prove my mind wrong.

06-03-2009, 06:10 PM
The issue isn't fair weather fans. Every program has them.

The issue is this: there are too many folks who take offense when someone offers an optimistic outlook on the upcoming season.

Those of us who think that the offense can be effectively run through Mertens are "Kool-Aid" drinkers; those of us who prefer to keep things positive and think that the team can position themselves for the playoff's are wearing "rose-colored glasses".

... Stuff deleted ...

And just to add perspective, those that don't think the team will do well are not all "fair weather fans" either.

Can't we just have discussions about issues and stop all of the personal attacks???

06-03-2009, 08:28 PM
And just to add perspective, those that don't think the team will do well are not all "fair weather fans" either.

Can't we just have discussions about issues and stop all of the personal attacks???

I don't know about everyone else but I thought interceptions were an issue

06-03-2009, 09:07 PM
And just to add perspective, those that don't think the team will do well are not all "fair weather fans" either.

Can't we just have discussions about issues and stop all of the personal attacks???

THIS is the smartest post on this thread. Discussions are important. Off the field issues, INTs, how is the defense going to be, QB issues, recruiting issues..... all very relevant and important, but honestly I cringe every time I read "Mertens sucks!!" but it is also someone's opinion. But I know through talking with certain people, players do read this stuff. It's my personal choice to keep it to myself if, in fact I want to pull what's left of my hair out.

And I would love to take you up on that AC RV!! I'm not exactly the slimmest dude in the world and anything above 60 degrees tends to produce sweat. As far as the smartest guy on Bisonville.... have you seen TAB's scammer threads? That guy is wicked smart!

06-03-2009, 10:09 PM
NDSUstudent has to be the second smartest man in Bisonville, to BisonBill. Being upset is apart of being a true loyal fan. Sure everyone of us had high expectation for last year's team, and have every right to be upset; but the bashing of the kids and coach, the team. These are the kids of Bisonville you're puttig down. This is my only problem in Bisonville. 6 months of bashing Merten, Dj and the team every chance some of you get. When will it stop? Some of you guys really need to get a life. Bashing the herd, cheering for the herd; true, loyal fans don't do both. You love them, or you Hate them.
Stand-up and let your b? lls hang.

Last few posts I have read a lot of people excited about DJ and the group of rb's we have, you can just take that out of your post. The team has also given enough reasons to have a few negative thoughts going 6-5 and than the off the field stuff. Losing 3 or 4 very talented players to stupid things. I love my kids but I still let them know when I am disappointed in them. I'm not the kind to coddle them and tell them they did ok when they didn't. Sorry, you don't have to love them or hate them. You can still show tough love.