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View Full Version : Summit League to visit USD campus

01-06-2009, 07:35 PM
"Summit League officials announced Tuesday that they will make a site visit to the University of South Dakota on Jan. 20-21, setting the stage for the Coyotes to possibly join the same Division I league as South Dakota State."

Argus Leader: http://www.argusleader.com/article/20090106/UPDATES/90106068

01-06-2009, 07:37 PM
Summit League to visit USD campus (http://www.argusleader.com/article/20090106/UPDATES/90106068)

No word yet if UND is getting one as well. I wonder if they decided they might as well as long as they were in the area to check on the tourney preparations in Sioux Falls. It looks like Bisonville will be getting some heavy traffic for yet another Summit presidents meeting.

edit: News travels fast on the internet. One of the threads can be deleted/merged.

01-06-2009, 07:43 PM
Summit League to visit USD campus (http://www.argusleader.com/article/20090106/UPDATES/90106068)

No word yet if UND is getting one as well. I wonder if they decided they might as well as long as they were in the area to check on the tourney preparations in Sioux Falls. It looks like Bisonville will be getting some heavy traffic for yet another Summit presidents meeting.

edit: News travels fast on the internet. One of the threads can be deleted/merged.

You would think if USD is getting a site visit UND would get one as well. Cue Lakes meltdown over the remote possibility that UND and NDSU could be in the same conference in 3.......2........1

01-06-2009, 07:49 PM
But But I thought the new great west all sports conference was the cream of the crop.

01-06-2009, 07:55 PM
But But I thought the new great west all sports conference was the cream of the crop.

I say we let UND and USD in but we charge a huge entrance fee and take that money to provide reparations to NDSU's and SDSU's respective fan base for having to put up with the drivel those 2 schools spouted about how we were destined to fail by moving up to D1. It's only fair.

01-06-2009, 08:02 PM
FYI- Two threads merged.

01-06-2009, 08:03 PM
No site visit for UND? Oh wait, I forgot they are still waiting on a Big Sky invite.

01-06-2009, 08:20 PM
they don't need a site visit....they will determine where they want to go and let the rest of us know.

01-06-2009, 08:36 PM
Summit League press release..


01-06-2009, 08:51 PM
I'm finding it a little odd that only one site visit has been announced. I thought my "might as well do it while we're in the area" had merit, but 177 meetings in two days seems like more than just a quick stop. Expanding to eleven makes no sense, so either we're in danger of losing a member(Cent or SUU), there are more site visits to be scheduled(UND and/or UVU), the Summit isn't really serious about USD and is just doing this to be polite or for political reasons, or the other candidate is Chicago State and the Summit doesn't feel a site visit is necessary since they were a Summit member not so long ago.

The more I think about it, the more the last option makes sense with the current info. Unless we hear about more site visits in the next week, I'll bet that we'll either stay at ten teams or expand to twelve with USD and CSU being the new additions.

01-06-2009, 09:27 PM




what the HELL!!!

01-06-2009, 09:39 PM
This is very interesting. Let's look to the future a bit...USD is allowed league membership into the Summit. UND gets the cold shoulder and is not allowed admission. Oh how screwed UND would be at that point. BIg Sky wouldn't consider them...Summit says no... Can you say independent for a long long time... It would more then likely break the athletic department. Can't see it happening but wow think of the possibilities...

01-06-2009, 10:29 PM
The Herald is reporting that UND is not getting a visit due to its nickname drama.

01-06-2009, 10:30 PM
Anyone that visited UND would grab them in a minute over USD on all factors, other than location. But unfortunately for UND, location is a critical factor.

01-06-2009, 10:35 PM
Herald story:


01-06-2009, 10:38 PM
14 months ago they were given 36 months to retire the logo, or get an agreement with the tribes. Has ANYTHING happened during this time period other than them digging themselves into a deeper hole?


01-06-2009, 10:51 PM
Seriously, I would love to have USD in the Summit and have another place I can drive to for games. I have no negative feelings toward USD. (USD = no anti-NDSU press conferences ever)

USD to the Summti, combined with a UND Snub Big Sky offer, would be too good to be true.

01-06-2009, 10:57 PM


01-06-2009, 11:01 PM


Wow, for Douple to actually come out say that means he must really mean what he says. Kind of a cold statement in my opinion, and something that I would have left unsaid were I Douple.

This doesn't bode well for UND's Summit hopes (if they even want the Summit). But, a lot can change during their transition years.

01-06-2009, 11:10 PM
Wow, for Douple to actually come out say that means he must really mean what he says. Kind of a cold statement in my opinion, and something that I would have left unsaid were I Douple.

This doesn't bode well for UND's Summit hopes (if they even want the Summit). But, a lot can change during their transition years.

Just goes to show that Douple's statement when the Summit League accepted SDSU and NDSU of "some schools slinging arrows at the state universities during their move to DI" was a little deeper than face value . :nod:

Oh well, I warned them that this was a possibility (http://www.bisonville.com/forum/showpost.php?p=51715&postcount=98) well before they made the decision to move to DI ;) :

Yeah, any feasibiity study by UND is exponentially more complex than NDSU's, as there is now a DI school in the state, and the whole nickname issue isn't exactly appealling in the eyes of a prospective conference or the NCAA.

01-06-2009, 11:16 PM
[QUOTE=Bisonguy;242671]Just goes to show that Douple's statement when the Summit League accepted SDSU and NDSU of "some schools slinging arrows at the state universities during their move to DI" was a little deeper than face value . :nod:

My thoughts exactly. It feels like there is some history there.

01-06-2009, 11:27 PM

UND's chickens are coming home...... to roost

01-07-2009, 01:07 AM
Wow, for Douple to actually come out say that means he must really mean what he says. Kind of a cold statement in my opinion, and something that I would have left unsaid were I Douple.

This doesn't bode well for UND's Summit hopes (if they even want the Summit). But, a lot can change during their transition years.

EVERYBODY (I think even the US Government) is intimidated by the NCAA and tippy toes around every one of their positions!
I'm as much anti-UND as the next guy but isn't it kinda petty for NDSU fans to say na na na-na na you can't play with us because you have a politically incorrect nickname. Convieniently latching onto God damn tochy feely crap philosophies for that purpose is stupid. As for the Summit League officials, they have to choice but to do the NCAA goosestep march.

01-07-2009, 01:40 AM
14 months ago they were given 36 months to retire the logo, or get an agreement with the tribes. Has ANYTHING happened during this time period other than them digging themselves into a deeper hole?


Yes, they put up tribal flags up at the Ralph: http://www.kxmb.com/t/spirit-lake-nd/279879.asp

Although, the University says it's not involved: http://www.bismarcktribune.com/articles/2008/10/05/news/state/166096.txt

Yote 53
01-07-2009, 02:34 AM
USD would be happy to be in the Summit, and we never held any anymosity toward NDSU. The whole USD only went D1 because UND did is crap too. USD started prepping for D1 prior to the SU's moving, when the SU's did move, USD wasn't in position to move with you. Remember, we did vote with NDSU to take the NCC en masse to D1.

It's been a few years since many of you Bison fans have been down to USD, a lot has changed. Many new buildings have been built, we'll be breaking ground on a Student HYPER center here pretty soon, after that the plan calls for some additional dorms to be constructed, then a new basketball arena.

Things are looking up here in Vermtown.

01-07-2009, 03:33 AM
I currently like the 10 team Summit as you can play a full home/home in conf play with 18 games. But would be in favor of adding USD (probably UND too) in the near future either to fill a vacancy or to a 12 team league. As long as UND has to sweat and beg a little to get accepted.

01-07-2009, 04:03 AM
USD would be happy to be in the Summit, and we never held any anymosity toward NDSU. The whole USD only went D1 because UND did is crap too. USD started prepping for D1 prior to the SU's moving, when the SU's did move, USD wasn't in position to move with you. Remember, we did vote with NDSU to take the NCC en masse to D1.

It's been a few years since many of you Bison fans have been down to USD, a lot has changed. Many new buildings have been built, we'll be breaking ground on a Student HYPER center here pretty soon, after that the plan calls for some additional dorms to be constructed, then a new basketball arena.

Things are looking up here in Vermtown.

I have seen video of their tailgating.:rofl:

I spend some quality time on SDSUFans once in a while, and they have some stories. I believe those stories and have a good idea what this UxD is capable of.

01-07-2009, 05:06 AM
They gotta be feeling awfully lonely up in GF right now... I wonder how long it will take before somebody blames Chapman for them not getting a visit.

01-07-2009, 12:36 PM
The league has issued a statement that UND will NOT be admitted or even thought about until the Sioux Nickname is GONE so looks like its bye bye Sioux!

01-07-2009, 12:53 PM
The league has issued a statement that UND will NOT be admitted or even thought about until the Sioux Nickname is GONE so looks like its bye bye Sioux!

They don't have to specifically get rid of the nickname. Here's Douple's actual quote:

“I’m not presenting any information to the (league’s) presidents council on the University of North Dakota until the logo issue is resolved one way or the other,”

UND's nickname issue should be resolved before their transition is complete, as long as the current NCAA mandated timeline is followed.

I believe USD is bascially 'on deck' for membership into the Summit. There are a few different Summit League scenarios that may work in favor of UND once the nickname issue is resolved, and a few others that will not.

01-07-2009, 02:42 PM
It is funny reading Sioux Sports.....those guys are in total denial about the problems with the nick name. They are the most myopic fans I have ever seem. Oh well.......I am very happy not playing them or having them in any of our leagues.

01-07-2009, 03:00 PM
It is funny reading Sioux Sports.....those guys are in total denial about the problems with the nick name. They are the most myopic fans I have ever seem. Oh well.......I am very happy not playing them or having them in any of our leagues.

I read some of the comments on the Bison Media blog and the couple of Sue fans over there are pretty confident that they'll still get into the Summit. There sort of like, "Great news, we'll just change our nickname within a couple of years and we'll be in, no problem".

Yeah, ok. You guys have managed to f-up every possible way with the handling of the nickname and now you suddenly feel confident that your years of floundering on the situation is going to disappear like that? And if my some minor miracle they do successfully solve their nickname headache within the next couple of years they're still not guaranteed membership. I could see them holding some sort of press conference announcing their membership into the Summit league or the Big Sky without actually being accepted into either. Sort of like that kid who had a press conference to announce which team he was going to play football for, UCLA or Oregon, only later did everyone else find out that he wasn't being recruited by either and the whole thing was a scam. Would anybody be surprised by that?

01-07-2009, 03:11 PM
I read some of the comments...

... Would anybody be surprised by that?

Delightfully surprised. I'm in serious need of good, new entertainment and this just might fit the bill...

01-07-2009, 03:16 PM
It is funny reading Sioux Sports.....those guys are in total denial about the problems with the nick name. They are the most myopic fans I have ever seem. Oh well.......I am very happy not playing them or having them in any of our leagues.

I love reading Sioux Sports. It provides me with much comic relief during the day. My favorite today is...

Maybe we don't need the Summit, they obviously have ties to Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Iowa and are scared to let us in well so be it there are other conferences out there. Big Sky, C-USA, hell maybe the MAC will let us in. Who knows maybe this is a blessing in itself. After 2010 (IMO the name will be gone) the Summit will be kicking themselves as we join a better conference.

01-07-2009, 03:18 PM
I love reading Sioux Sports. It provides me with much comic relief during the day. My favorite today is...

Maybe we don't need the Summit, they obviously have ties to Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Iowa and are scared to let us in well so be it there are other conferences out there. Big Sky, C-USA, hell maybe the MAC will let us in. Who knows maybe this is a blessing in itself. After 2010 (IMO the name will be gone) the Summit will be kicking themselves as we join a better conference.

a better conference and a chance to redeem yourself for the first loss to USF :)

01-07-2009, 03:54 PM
Full article.


01-07-2009, 04:19 PM
I'm finding it a little odd that only one site visit has been announced. I thought my "might as well do it while we're in the area" had merit, but 177 meetings in two days seems like more than just a quick stop. Expanding to eleven makes no sense, so either we're in danger of losing a member(Cent or SUU), there are more site visits to be scheduled(UND and/or UVU), the Summit isn't really serious about USD and is just doing this to be polite or for political reasons, or the other candidate is Chicago State and the Summit doesn't feel a site visit is necessary since they were a Summit member not so long ago.

The more I think about it, the more the last option makes sense with the current info. Unless we hear about more site visits in the next week, I'll bet that we'll either stay at ten teams or expand to twelve with USD and CSU being the new additions.

I agree Hammer...something is up. I don't know what yet, but something is happening on a bigger scale. Going to 11 doesn't make sense. Either one or more of the current Summit schools are being courted by another conference(s), or the Summit has decided to go to 12 schools (USD + ?). ? school would most likely be UND if their name issue is resolved. They are better as a whole than Chicago State, and are closer in proximity than Utah Valley. I remember hearing that the Presidents didn't want to add another school so far away (i.e. Utah Valley).

01-07-2009, 04:27 PM
NDSU athletic director Gene Taylor said because the Bison belong to the Summit, they would have to follow the league’s stance when it comes to playing against UND.

“If we start playing them, we would be going against the wishes of our league at this point,” Taylor said.

I agree with most of what our admin says and does but this was a poor statement by Taylor, we gain nothing by getting into this nickname mess. IMO this is a pretty sorry excuse not to play UND.

01-07-2009, 04:28 PM
I would think if the Summit is expanding, we would want Chicago State to settle the "core" issue and USD.

There certainly isn't going to be any groundswell from the other Summit members to take und and no way do we want an odd number of teams.

01-07-2009, 04:31 PM
I agree with most of what our admin says and does but this was a poor statement by Taylor, we gain nothing by getting into this nickname mess. IMO this is a pretty sorry excuse not to play UND.

I agree, let's use the real reason I don't want to play und. ROGER THOMAS "GOOD BYE AND GOOD LUCK".

01-07-2009, 04:43 PM
Does this just seem odd to everyone else? Usually site visits lead to conference membership, and there is no good reason to go to 11 members so who is #12?

I know some say Chicago State but they were kicked out and it seems like most people don't want anything to do with them. UND would seem logical, but if the Summit wanted to visit the school why even bring up the nickname? USD isn't getting into the conference right away, chances are they could have waited a year for UND to resolve their mess. Then there is Denver a school that is apparently getting booted from the Sun Belt, and since they are in a great market and easy to travel to maybe they are #12.

01-07-2009, 04:46 PM
Commish Douple was on a local sports radio show this a.m. in Brookings. He said the UND did submit a letter of interest to him but he did not present it to the president's council and won't until the nickname issue is resolved one way or the other. A questioned was asked about other schools expressing interest. He said he couldn't give out that info but I got the feeling that other schools have expressed interest in joining the Summit League.

01-07-2009, 04:55 PM
Here's something I shared with a couple buddies via an email conversation. Am I off-base or not?

"After reading the Herald article, I would think that UND administrators would "fast-track" dropping the logo and nickname. We now have absolute black and white proof that the whole nickname thing is standing in the way of at least one possible conference affiliation. Since conference affiliation is the number one deciding factor in the success of the transition, anything that might derail getting a conference invite is unacceptable. Contrary to what some in El Forko Grande believe, they don't really have a couple years to decide the logo thing. They never know when an opportunity might come up. Just like we never anticipated the Mid-Con opportunity so early in our transition."

01-07-2009, 04:56 PM
Does this just seem odd to everyone else? Usually site visits lead to conference membership, and there is no good reason to go to 11 members so who is #12?

I know some say Chicago State but they were kicked out and it seems like most people don't want anything to do with them. UND would seem logical, but if the Summit wanted to visit the school why even bring up the nickname? USD isn't getting into the conference right away, chances are they could have waited a year for UND to resolve their mess. Then there is Denver a school that is apparently getting booted from the Sun Belt, and since they are in a great market and easy to travel to maybe they are #12.

The Commish also touched on the # of schools in a conference. He said they can make whatever number (10, 11, 12, 13) work scheduling wise. Basically, there is no magic number.

Bison Dan
01-07-2009, 05:02 PM
The Commish also touched on the # of schools in a conference. He said they can make whatever number (10, 11, 12, 13) work scheduling wise. Basically, there is no magic number.

I'm sure glad that Gene and Douple are great friends!!

01-07-2009, 05:03 PM
The Commish also touched on the # of schools in a conference. He said they can make whatever number (10, 11, 12, 13) work scheduling wise. Basically, there is no magic number.

I just remember the talk of having divisions, and you can't split 11 into divisions. With rising travel expenses I always thought the league's next move would be to make travel more friendly, adding USD alone doesn't really do that.

01-07-2009, 05:13 PM
I? school would most likely be UND if their name issue is resolved. They are better as a whole than Chicago State, and are closer in proximity than Utah Valley. I remember hearing that the Presidents didn't want to add another school so far away (i.e. Utah Valley).

UMKC is currently partnered with SUU... a definite plane trip

If USD is added they could partner with UMKC ~300 miles

SUU could then partner with Utah Valley (220 miles)

it would get rid of the worst road trip in the conference

01-07-2009, 05:30 PM
Hammer was just.beggin douple what a douchebag

01-07-2009, 05:37 PM
Douple mentioned on Hammer's show that USD is only just in their first year of transition. Seems to me like this visit is for a potential membership down the road a few years. I don't think any membership changes are "in the works". Of course this would change if any current members left the conference.

01-07-2009, 05:38 PM
Hammer was just.beggin douple what a douchebag

Yeah I can totally see how asking him to clarify the leagues policy on scheduling with regards to GT's comments could be seen as beggin. Maybe if Douple would have answered it the first time instead of dancing around it the whole interview...

01-07-2009, 05:47 PM
Lakes takes a shot at Hammer right away and Tank gives lakes a parting shot. :rofl:

01-07-2009, 05:55 PM
Douple mentioned the "pending lawsuit" between UND and the NCAA. Is he not aware that the lawsuit was settled well over a year ago?

01-07-2009, 05:57 PM
Douple mentioned the "pending lawsuit" between UND and the NCAA. Is he not aware that the lawsuit was settled well over a year ago?

I am unaware of any final settlement. The tribes haven't given in, and the name is still used. Can't believe und would let this thing drag on.

Bison Dan
01-07-2009, 05:57 PM
Douple mentioned the "pending lawsuit" between UND and the NCAA. Is he not aware that the lawsuit was settled well over a year ago?

Yea I found that interesting too. Seems he has other reasons.

01-07-2009, 06:03 PM
Douple mentioned the "pending lawsuit" between UND and the NCAA. Is he not aware that the lawsuit was settled well over a year ago?

Yes it was, with a stipulation. That stipulation has not been taken care of yet.

01-07-2009, 06:03 PM
the reason is.... ANY LEVEL HEADED, INTELLIGENT PERSON would see what UND did to NDSU when the transition started and the BS talk & press conference up there.... and is SERVING THE CROW ,,,, choke on it!

01-07-2009, 06:06 PM
Does anyone think that any other Division I conference would have an opinion different than the Summit League?

01-07-2009, 06:15 PM
Another thing, is und willing to pony up about $750,000 to join the Summit League? Yes, I know, we got in for less, but I've always believed in charging what the market will bear.

01-07-2009, 06:18 PM
I sat down with Douple for 15 minutes back in December when he visited the SDSU-ORU basketball games. We had a nice question and answer session and he said this:

Q: Are there any current plans for expansion within the Summit League?
Douple: Expansion has always been an agenda item since I’ve been in the league for eight years. We’re looking at schools and we have a lot of schools interested in our league. It’s something that we always talk about and we always try to plan for the future. Right now, we are pretty solid with 10 teams. Is that the magic number? Who knows, I think it would be prudent on our part to look to see what’s out there, to see if there is any movement among our members.
The history of our league with only one charter member in the past 26 years remains. If you don’t learn from history, it will come back to get you. I think the key is to be steadily looking and analyzing where we’re at and that falls on our conference office to do that.

01-07-2009, 06:34 PM
I agree, let's use the real reason I don't want to play und. ROGER THOMAS "GOOD BYE AND GOOD LUCK".

That AND the still-alleged fact that they'll soon be starting their transition to DII.

01-07-2009, 11:36 PM
Anyone that visited UND would grab them in a minute over USD on all factors, other than location. But unfortunately for UND, location is a critical factor.

Um, I think the nickname is a bit of a "factor".

01-08-2009, 12:51 AM
Good luck to the Yotes+++

01-08-2009, 11:43 AM
SUU i think all they need to get into the big sky..... is for montana to approve... rumor heard from a man in the know from nau

01-08-2009, 11:51 AM
SUU i think all they need to get into the big sky..... is for montana to approve... rumor heard from a man in the know from nau

But I heard a rumor a couple years back that Montana's pres said SUU would get in over his dead body. Has anything happened that might change that?

01-08-2009, 12:27 PM
But I heard a rumor a couple years back that Montana's pres said SUU would get in over his dead body. Has anything happened that might change that?

I've heard that Montana is not the strongest opponent to inviting SUU to the Big Sky. :hide:

Well, at least not behind closed doors.

01-08-2009, 10:21 PM
SUU has a fairly new President (Nov 2006) and have added volleyball and women's golf (Big Sky core sports). Maybe things have changed enough there to make them more attractive to the Big Sky. It sure would make sense for both sides to be interested in each other.

And if this happens, this is precisely the reason why the Summit doesn't want to get "stuck" with Utah Valley after-the-fact

01-23-2009, 12:51 PM
The Summit Site visit to USD wrapped up yesterday. Wayne Nelson blogged about it on the Herald website. Some people in Grand Forks are getting quite nervous about how well the visit went and the fact that they are on the outside looking in.

Douple was apparently asked about UND again and he repeated his comments about the nickname situation. Of note in the blog was Wayne saying that somebody from the Summit (maybe Douple, I don't remember) said that a decision on expansion would come "no later than June". That's something new.

They also said that 6 or 7 schools have expressed interest. Douple said that they don't need to add 2.

Kolpack also blogged about it. He dismisses Chicago State. I don't go that far. They are a core member right now.

01-23-2009, 07:14 PM
The Summit Site visit to USD wrapped up yesterday. Wayne Nelson blogged about it on the Herald website. Some people in Grand Forks are getting quite nervous about how well the visit went and the fact that they are on the outside looking in.

Douple was apparently asked about UND again and he repeated his comments about the nickname situation. Of note in the blog was Wayne saying that somebody from the Summit (maybe Douple, I don't remember) said that a decision on expansion would come "no later than June". That's something new.

They also said that 6 or 7 schools have expressed interest. Douple said that they don't need to add 2.

Kolpack also blogged about it. He dismisses Chicago State. I don't go that far. They are a core member right now.

The thing with Chicago State is that they were kicked out of the league, and I think it might be safe to say the Summit only wants to go down that road if they absolutely have to.

01-23-2009, 07:35 PM
The thing with Chicago State is that they were kicked out of the league, and I think it might be safe to say the Summit only wants to go down that road if they absolutely have to.

I tend to agree. But, if core membership becomes an issue, they move immediately to the top of the list. That's why they shouldn't be dismissed so quickly.

We have 8 core members right now. NDSU and SDSU don't become core until we have completed 8 years as full D1 members. The conference needs to have 7 to retain the basketball autobid. Lose 2 and we have a problem.

01-23-2009, 07:51 PM
I tend to agree. But, if core membership becomes an issue, they move immediately to the top of the list. That's why they shouldn't be dismissed so quickly.

We have 8 core members right now. NDSU and SDSU don't become core until we have completed 8 years as full D1 members. The conference needs to have 7 to retain the basketball autobid. Lose 2 and we have a problem.

Yeah, if SUU goes, the conference needs a core member fast and Chicago State fits the bill. I don't necessarily think that's bad for UND though because I could see the Summit going to two divisions which would eliminate the problem with travel - and the conference could wring some pretty hefty concessions from USD and UND in regard to splitting NCAA BB money.

01-23-2009, 10:41 PM
Yeah, if SUU goes, the conference needs a core member fast and Chicago State fits the bill. I don't necessarily think that's bad for UND though because I could see the Summit going to two divisions which would eliminate the problem with travel - and the conference could wring some pretty hefty concessions from USD and UND in regard to splitting NCAA BB money.

WAAAY bigger entry fee than we paid.