View Full Version : Faster Starts Key to Future Success

12-13-2008, 08:46 PM
I see a problem that if not corrected will lead to more losses and problems in league play, especially on the road.

Slow Starts

I think opposing coaches realize that with a player that can control a game like Ben Woodside, it is imperative to get a lead on the Bison. Woody's ablity to draw fouls when his team has a lead is a very difficult thing to overcome for most teams. Opposing teams are coming out with unbelievable intensity and stifling our offense early. It seems like we need to get punched in the mouth first before we react and get going. Very bad habit to get into.

I'm sure the coaching staff is scratching their heads now trying to figure out a way jump start their team.

How can our guys force tempo early defensively to force the opposition into early missed shots or turnovers like they are doing to us.

Any suggestions out there in Bisonland?

12-14-2008, 02:29 AM
Uhhh.... just win, baby?

No, I think you have a couple good points there...